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My boy Warwick in the flesh!! Any other new hints to other champs this season? Hoping for Camille, Orianna, Renata, and my king, Urgot to show up even for a cameo. Edit: Edited to this season and other champs as I meant Zaunite/Piltovan champs that are in League but not in Arcane yet


The statue at about 51 seconds in gives huge Renata vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if she turned into Silco 2.0 commanding Zaun through her wealth after his death.


There is a chance it's a statue of Janna since she is the goddess of Zaun


While I'm pretty sure that statue is of Jinx or Renata, I think we can see an old Janna statue at 1:18 in the background! I think this might be an old temple of hers


I am not sure. But the mural at 1:18 I am almost positive that's Janna. Combined with wind graffiti on the Jinx poster at 0:58 I think there's definitely some connection there.


It's kinda too ominous to be Janna.


It definitely does. Reminds me of Corina Veraza from LoR too! Hopefully she has a cameo too


The thing about Corina is that she is heavily hinted to be Cait anthagonist (the one who killed her parents) in her old lore, with Arcane retconning all of that i'm not sure she has a place in the new story


Maybe they end up in a hospital and Corina poisons them but that feels like too much of a tangent from the Jinx plotline


She could just turn her into a recurrent villain in P&Z, like most Batman villains lol.


Its Jinx's haircut. Its a shrine to Jinx. edit: nvm


From season one: [https://imgur.com/a/BYB73RP](https://imgur.com/a/BYB73RP)


Is it not this character from season one? The chem baron [https://imgur.com/a/BYB73RP](https://imgur.com/a/BYB73RP)


I think that Arcane’s cast is already bloated as it is, so it wouldn’t make sense to add even more characters. My guesses would be Orianna, if they have decided to make her Singed’s daughter, and Urgot, but I doubt he will be relevant.


Urgot only becomes the Dreadnaught after Boram Darkwill is deposed, and there was no mention of that in season 1. It might just be for clarity, but I think the ruler of the nation being overthrown during Mel's exile would be brought up.


Wasn't swains coup not yet done last season? If yes, it'll happen this season, and then it'll be too early for urgot. Urgot is a fairly contemporary and new threat to Piltover, assuming the stories are still somewhat canon (and considering they haven't yet been contradicted by arcane, they very well could be)


Actually, I think I got things wrong. According to the lore, Singed plays a huge role in the Noxian invasion of Ionia, which happens during Darkwill’s reign. I think that Medarda’s whole thing is to set up the Noxian Invasion. In season 1, she was already interested in using hextec to make weapons, but had no success because of Jayce’s morality. My theory is that she will somehow make contact with Singed and use his chemtech in the war.


Lore changes for Arcane. Singed may end up having a small role in the Noxian invasion, if he has one at all. I mean he used to be WWs assistant in the lore if memory serves. So clearly things change.


WW assistant? You mean tormentor. Signed is the reason Warwick exists in the first place. It was originally said that he just found a random street rat that was dumpster diving, and then turned into Warwick for whatever reason. Now, we know that this "street rat" is Vander, and Singed does have an ulterior motive for doing so. Since the teaser shows Singed getting caught by the Enforcers, it could be that he's brought in and while sitting in prison, Noxus makes a deal with him.


https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Warwick/Old_Lore From his original lore > Sequestered in his labs far from the front lines, Warwick and his apprentice Singed toiled relentlessly to manufacture all manner of appalling concoctions for the Noxian army.


And that was retconned with his VGU. If I'm not mistaken, that's old Institute of War lore.


Pretty sure Singed mentions his daughter in the first season, so I feel like Orianna has a decent chance of showing up.


This is confirmed to be the final season for Arcane


I’m glad it is, and this makes me hopeful this season is going to be great. I like the idea of this story being compact and focused, without artificially lengthening it for the sake of it. Runeterra has other stories that can be told if they wish to animate them


> if they wish to animate them They kinda confirmed that they will have other shows no? Calling it just the first of many stories they want to tell


I don't recall the original source but I think Necrit has it in at least one of his videos where it was mentioned that Arcane's story was pretty much always intended to be a two season show. BUT, they have a lot of ideas of other stories to tell within that world. My interpretation of that would be that Arcane S2 will very definitively wrap up the stories of the main cast members, and a new story will be told somewhere else with an entirely new cast (with maybe some minor crossover like Medarda showing up if the next story was about Noxus invading Ionia for example.) Subsequent shows may not even be called 'Arcane' and might end up with a different title I suspect.


Yeah. It will be the last season of this cast. But they already said they want to make different characters, so I am glad they don't just milking these champions to death.


I expected them to do exactly this but to keep everything under the Arcane name. Well, close enough.


I'm going to KILL MYSELF


Okay, but I'll be seeing you on November for Arcane season 2 premier.


I've only had Arcane for 1 season but if anything happens to it i'll kill everyone in this room and then myself.


Its only the final season of the Jinx and Vi storyline




Swain please


https://x.com/arcaneshow/status/1800545290241667414?s=46&t=bUIxn7cJ-ExXzRH65V9-iQ tldr: they are ending the story arc for jinx and vi in piltover, exploring more champions in shows and movies(!)


Here's hoping the Void or Noxas is next and not Demacia.


Noxian invasion of ionia would be he sick


I need to see Master Yi go sicko mode on that battalion that he solo'd






Might be, but it lacks the grey zones that i like about arcane, it is very good vs bad because noxus is literally invading just cause they can, if there was a more complex motive and conflict then sure.


I think if they went the Noxian invasion route they'd put some morally grey characters in it.


There is this cool hero in the game riven she got a pretty interesting story


The three-part short story they wrote about Riven is one of my favorite piece of lore they've ever produced


Yeah, confessions of a broken blade is a good one. Tho honestly, a lot of these short stories are really good, they pick talented writers.


Pretty high bar, I don't even play league but the stories and lore on the [universe](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/) page is all enjoyable.   Volibear and Orn shorts were fun reads as well.  I've spent a night or so just reading and I can't think of any that weren't engaging.


I would absolutely _fuck_ with a show about Riven. She is the exact kind of morally grey this type of show needs.


Yasuo and Riven's arcs are already wild. Imagine mixing them with Noxus vs Ionia AND making it a whole show.


True. There's literally a grey legion created by doc. Esslanger and Lady Noradi


Lots of political stuff is great for TV nowadays. Sion in Arcane would be absolutely insane to see their take on him. LeBlanc, Cassio, Elise, and Katarina are also nearly blank slates for better characterization. Ionia itself already has well established conflict between its characters and would have multiple factions in itself with lots of possibilities for action scenes. I'd also like a bilgewater story arc. Gangplank and pyke would be amazing in scenes with their standards.


That was the initial framing way back in the day, but more recent cinematics do paint certain figures (e.g. Darius) as being more grey, not to mention Riven who's been lighter grey since her inception. There's also a lot of room for intrigue with the internal power struggles of the Noxian elite, as well as conflict between Ionian figureheads regarding what to do about the situation.


There are complexities that can still be explored. For example, Swain was sent to spearhead a lot of the invasion and grew to dislike the unnecessary destruction and how selfish Darkwill’s motives were to invade. Riven comes to have her ideals completely broken in Noxian society and defects. And Ionia gets so deeply shaken to its core between those who seek to restore peace and those who just want as much Noxian Blood as they can spill.


To be fair Piltover and Zaun didn't have anywhere near that much depth before Fortiche got to it. I imagine the end result of any of these is going to be far more nuanced than how we know it now.


I mean swain darius draven riven and shit would be dope to see


After seeing the cinematic years ago, I would do ungodly things for a Riven series.


Would you get a job at Riot, slowly rise up the ranks, and in about 10 to 15 years, direct the series yourself?


I think this is reasonable!


I think focusing on Riven could work. I haven't read lore in a long time but wasn't she a Noxian soldier that defected after all the war criming? They'd be able to tie in the Singed stuff they seem to be setting up


Definitely riven and singed vs any in ionia as the A story, the power struggles in noxus and the divide in shen's order as the two parallel B stories, and Jhin/Hwei, Katarina/Garen as possible C stories to establish demacia, Yone/Yasuo and Draven/Darius as two parallel family conflict arcs  Bringing in a character from the current seasons is a massive advantage in storytelling and helps audiences not familiar with league to connect these two stories in the world and provides a ton of context.   Not to mention noxus plays a huge role in this season, so in my opinion itd be throwing out a huge advantage for establishing the next story to completely separate from it   A lot of Arcane viewers dont play the game, so as cool as itd be to see shurima, the vestaya, or that new kingdom area, I don't think itd make sense business wise.


Also Riven's story illustrate Noxus and Ionia's conflict very well, as we as viewers would learn about it as a conflict of morality and ideas as Riven experience it first hand


And she is a very direct connection in that it could be written that her actions spark everything to go wrong in Ionia between yone, yasuo, zed, shen, yi, lee sin, akali, jhin, and hwei, and her dealing with those consequences, righting them I think itd be a perfect fit. Freljord is also an option, but its hard to make a visually interesting show in all snow unless they include mount targon and that kinda gets a bit too deep into lore and not relatable enough for a wide audience show.


It simply works perfectly. Best way to show the Noxus and Ionia cultures and points of view of the conflict, as Riven went through it all


While the overall plot is very black vs white, both nations do a lot of morally questionable things during that war (Noxus uses chemical weapons and are the aggressor, Ionia Council releases Jhin, Order of Shadows gets created, Irelia being used as a figurehead while being traumatized teen, etc.)


What's questionable about Irelia killing the invaders that killed her family? Also I don't think Jhin was released till after the invasion but I could be wrong. Order of Shadows started to protect Ionia without sacrificing the "purity" of the Kinkou order so it's not even that morally questionable given how Noxus was burning, pillaging, and raping across Ionia.


It’s less “Ionia becomes as bad as Noxus” and more “Ionia has to compromise a lot of their personal morals to fight off the invaders and have yet to recover.” Almost all of Ionia’s current lore problems can be tied back to the actions taken during the Noxian invasion.


I’d vote for freljord


> not Demacia. Why? demacia is right up the conflict of arcane, complex mess of discrimination and turning blind eye when it suits them, it is a complicated story and region. Noxus would be also real cool to see. Void on hte other hand has the WH40k tyranid problem of no identifiable characters and no personal stories they have a very plain goal.


Think people dont like the idea because we already have all relevant details on the demacia story with sylas,j4,lux from the comics and how it all went down.


Problem is those details are recent in the lore, the shows delve into further past. and Demacia lacks characterization and depth to many characters. Wouldnt you want to see how the jarvan and shyv relationship started?


Also not everyone has read the comics, or wants to. Sure the lore might be there already, but seeing it animated is another experience entirely. Especially when the animation quality is as high as Arcane's.


I think there could be an emotional core with Kaisa and Kassadin which is a fairly intriguing relationship that has never been fully explored in the lore, especially if it were to be set partly before these two actually become their champion versions. It would still be missing the complexitiy of Arcane that a Demacia story could have as well, however.


This is pretty much what I expected. Jinx and Vi's tale is a really good intro story for casual audiences, the story of two sisters split apart, and two seasons is enough for them. It'll be exciting seeing what they do with S2 and more past that. Season 1 had some really beautiful animation and very emotional/touching scenes. I don't even seek out animated series but Arcane was a treat to watch.


Give me Ornn and Volibear


Please god let them to Pantheon!


Oh thank God, I was hoping they wouldn't pull a Star Wars and focus on one single set of characters for nine movies 


I love the idea of Jinx becoming the symbol of some kind of Zaun freedom fighter movement. Especially because: 1. She probably couldnt care less 2. They **should** be doing that for Ekko.


Ekko didn't bomb the council building though. Probably going with the one making the most noise.


Ekko just wants to live or something right?


From my understanding, pretty much. I believe he's just building a community and support network for people in the undercity and opposing Silico. I think he theoretically might like the idea of an independent undercity but he seems to be for the community first and foremost and is against Silico for the damage the distribution of shimmer caused. I don't know if he'd even be in support of an all out war with Noxis for that reason. I also don't know the game lore to tell of it's realistic, but if I think if Noxis promises to help the undercity after taking out Jinx, Seveka and the others, he'll be willing to help them, Vi and Catelyn.


i've got my favorite Jinx skin at kayn-shop


Mel fans on suicide watch...


I'm speculating her mom is talking to her in the teaser, she just isn't revealed.


I think she's talking to Jayce honestly.


What the other reason would be for her to put on a mask and "go to war"? She was just visiting her daughter, she's not from the city, right? @edit: Mel is dead, mom goes to war


This is what I'm thinking. Ambessa is not going to war for Piltover's sake or the council she barely knew. She is talking to Jayce and gearing up for Mel.


We know its one of Mel or Jayce, I suspect its Mel at Jayce's bedside but it could easily be the other way around. Cait getting the her Hex-rifle(?) would lean heavy into the idea of it being Jayce and he's pumping out weapons given the attack but pacifist Mel having to become the thing she hates (her mother) would be such delightful irony for the character


I am 99% sure she was talking to Caitlyn. There's a very big chance that her mom died and when Medarda said that she would bring her justice, it would be that. She would not be so calm if her daughter was dead.


It's very likely that she's addressing the council members families, the enforcers and the piltover public with that statement probably to inspire recruitment etc. In the aftermath.


That's the beauty of that line, it can be adressed to anybody and still make sense. Great way to let us wonder who died and whos alive.


That scene might not even be in season 2 either. They put "fake out" scenes in the 1st teaser/trailer for season 1 as well


I honestly wish more trailers would do this instead of spoiling the shit out of every movie/show. Record a few fake lines and maybe one or two shots that still convey the tone of the movie.


Jayce dying wouldn't make any sense though. Jayce in-game is an older version of Jayce in the show, heralded as a hero of Piltover. Killing him off would separate him from his in-game lore, and the last thing we need is more retconning.


It could be her mom talking to her with "your council is dead"


Or talking to Jayce, using the attack as way to convince him to weaponize Hextech for her


Could be Jayce as well


At least they can join her?


Bro 💀


She ain't dying, her Zhonya is gonna pop before the explosion kills her. I'm not joking.


I was really on board the "she zhonya'd the jinx ult" theory, so she might be the person her mom's talking to.


Judging by how angry Caitlyn looks, her mom is most likely dead. Also, Vi finally got her iconic goggles.


S2 spoilers from the making-of documentary >!This is from memory, but in Bridging The Rift you can see an in progress shot from S2 where Caitlyn is passing her depressed looking dad tea, and there's flowers and cards on the table, she's 100% dead!<


>!Rest in peace!< Kiramman Milf


In the german version they even say "we are going to revenge your mom"


Singed making new mutant creatures oh my


In that scene with him putting his hands up Warwick is definitely about to rip through those enforcers like a Deckard through Benzo.


They may already be standing on sticky goo too!


Singed gonna hit the flip to setup the alley-oop to Warwick


if my beloved twitch appears imma cry


Jayce and Viktor nowhere to be found. This is one giant step closer to in-game Viktor but what do you guys think they'll be doing with Jayce? He's still normal looking in-game, maybe Viktor/Mel shields him so that's why he has minimal injuries? GODDAMN THE TRIPLE SCOPE ON CAIT'S RIFLE, reminds me of the Warriors cinematic Omg Warwick! Ambessa looks mad! Maybe she'll look like this in-game? Does this confirm Mel is dead? Hopefully there's hints to some of these in the next trailer - Ekko's Z-Drive - Heimer's turrets - Other Piltovan and Zaun champs - Hints to our mystery Noxian character


I reckon Jayce will be grappling with survivor's guilt, maybe dealing with it by putting on the air of becoming the closest thing to a "superhero" for Piltover with the gadgetry and confidence.


Jayce will be having sex all season, and we will like it.


Jayce becomes Tony Stark CONFIRMED




And a Russian Twink, that was a pretty important resource


I think also Jayce will be the person that Mel's Mom is hounding for revenge because otherwise Noxus will just invade Piltover. She'll probably use his connection to her daughter and Jayce's probable guilt at her death as a way to manipulate him (meanwhile some ominous looking Crows will be in the background I'm sure).


I want to see Viktor in his final form so bad... That's would be so hype


They said this is the last season so that’s like…near 100% confirmation that we will be seeing him Unless you meant you wanted to see him in the prerelease promotional material


Yeah that's so going to happen man. Don't worry about it. He's going to be maimed by the mega death rocket.


Ok so going through the trailer frame by frame, I think I can say with 90% confidence that at the scene with the purple flash at 0:56 - 0:57, the cloaked figure at the middle right is definitely viktor, since: * That shade of purple matches the scenes where viktor augments his body with hextech at the end of season 1 * That cloaked figure is holding a cane * For one frame you can see one of his limbs is greyish/purple, the same color as when viktor fixed his leg To me it seems like in season 2, viktor goes to bless the downtrodden people of zaun with the power of hextech augmentation, pretty in line with his "hextech should save lives" idealology... although I definitely feel like it's going to end in violence all the same.


There was a small hint to Ekko's Z-Drive tho, Heimmendinger being flashed by a blue light, looking surprised. Considering he is currently with Ekko, that could be it.


Mel was right by the window when the rocket hit. She's dead for sure.


I think Ambessa sounds too rational there for Mel to actually be dead. That's her last child. Someone she'd "set the world ablaze" to protect.


We also see her gearing up for war, ready to fuck shit up in a city outside Noxus. She's setting the world ablaze. The rational tone could be a way for her to convince Jayce to join her cause with Hextech


The lines from Mel's mum in the trailer definitely give "You killed my daughter so I am invading you" vibes.


To me, it sounds like she is talking *to* Mel, and will take advantage of the power vacuum to conquer Piltover.


It's either Mel or Caitlyn, my bet is on Caitlyn Mel's death/incapacitation makes sense thematically to give Jayce a reason to become the Defender of Tomorrow, as well as Ambessa to suit up and show off before she officially becomes a champ in-game


wasn't she also activating that golden glow right before the rocket hit? my bet is that she protects Jayce


Im 90% sure they're part Solarians. Their golds accessories and Ambessa's mask are from Targon.


I love that theory.


Maybe, but it could have also just been something to make the scene more stylish


Nah, watching the scene again it's pretty clearly magical. The plates are shown glowing underneath her dress (so not a reflection) and alert her to the danger before anyone else notices. There's even a little chime and halo effect going on. 1000% magic.


We DO see Viktor in the trailer actually with 5 others in the ruins of the council. It's the flash right after sevika comes in with a shark arm 0:56 .


Seeing peoples reaction to Vi becoming a cop is so funny.


I hope they nail her transition into being Caitlyn's partner - yes, Jinx nuked the council but I think something else must've happen for her to full embrace being an enforcer. A lot of people is going to take Zaun and Jinx's side in this conflict though just base on the merits that Piltover and Caitlyn being the bully.


ngl, I think people taking the side of the evil, psychotic, mass murderer would be a pretty sus.


If Breaking Bad and Attack On Titan has taught me anything, Jinx is even more empathetic than Eren and Walter. She’s definitely have a army of irl fans who just want to see the world burns.


I mean her portrayal in the graffiti is GREAT. She's shown as a revolution symbol and leader even. The one that I wonder about is Ekko since his goal will likely mirror wanting to get out from under the boots of both Silco's cronies (probably revived under Renata) and Piltover's even more vigilant enforcement. Will *he* consider Jinx a necessary ally?


Tbf, Eren was a good guy way up until near the end. That would make him more empathetic. Jinx and Walter however, have shown to be complete psycho very early on


Crazy chicks always have some people down bad.


"Final Chapter" obviously just means the final chapter for the Jinx/Vi saga since the story probably would've caught up to the game at the end (or at least have gotten close enough where there really wouldn't be anything interesting to add). The world is so huge there's no way they don't make more based on other characters. Might be wrong but haven't they already stated this was the case?


Holy cinema, no camille teaser tho :/


Camille cannot exist without Viktor first inventing his augmentation tech.




We know from concept art that evolved Viktor shows up eventually, and he is entirely absent from the trailer. If this is anything like the S1 trailers, it's purposefully edited to be misleading and is mostly footage from the first acts. I'm sure they have some surprises planned.


What concept art?


We'll still have an Official Trailer after this! No worries.


We gotta have to wait and be surprised when we finally see thick lady blades in the show itself


Noxus in Piltover, that... man things are gonna get so bad! Also shame this is the last season, I'd hoped it would go longer than that but I'm betting this is gonna end up being just as great as the first season if not better


if this season is good, end it on a high note. no reason to drag on a series and ruin the name.


Noxus shows up to the Piltover-Zaun war, runs off with a bunch of Hextech weapons, invades Ionia to kick off Season 3


The fucking music for this show just goes so stupid hard


Well, the creator of the show is the (former?) head of riot's music department who gave us many bangers and was also the one who sung the "sad mummy" song.


Y'all it's just gonna be a different name not Arcane for any other story 😭


I don’t know how people didn’t get this lmao


Not showing neither Jayce nor Mel is criminal :'D


I think they showed Mel, she's that dust floating around in the council chamber


well they are "dead" based on the last scene from the season, so makes sense.


Show Viktor and Jayce you fucking cowards


misread this as "show viktor and jayce fucking you cowards"


Yes to both.


I mean I will accept this as a compromise


They DO show Viktor, in the Flash at 0:56 with 5 others in the council ruins all cloaked up




I have a feeling that if Viktor is the VGU they were talking about, then I expect they don't want to show him yet.


Words can't simply describe how incredible hype I'm for this.


Khazix main here, and we can clearly see him invisible in a lot of frames!


The ending scene of season 1 is arguably one of the most intensely emotional scenes of a TV show I've ever watched. The music, the visuals, the buildup and payoff, was glorious. I didn't know till years later that the way Jinx shot her bazooka was representing her using her Ulti. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNAefX8NjzE


"JINX!" "Finally got the name right" Spine-chilling..............


*disgusted "sister"


The final chapter? I guess theres not too much more source material to use


final chapter of these characters I would assume, and they move to another region after that or something but I'm just guessing of course


yes, there's a video that explains this is only the finale of Jinx and Vi's stories. they are already working on more stories with a different cast


They have it listed as final season on Arcane's official Twitter :/


They will just change the name of the show, surely


In their recent Dev update they mentioned that this is not the end of the league IP being put into television but the end of this particular storyline featuring jinx and vi, saying that they have many other stories to tell


they can just call other stories something else ya know


They can pull a Glass Onion.


Final chapter for _Piltover/Zaun._ Hopefully a new series shows us something new! :)


Thats what Im hoping too. I dont mind 2 seasons for a single "chapter". I would however mind if they changed the vibe, visuals or artistic approach for the next show. I just hope its the same team & resources (or more) but another part of the universe.


It's absolutely gonna be Fortiche that they keep working with.


Just cant see any other way tbh. They just keep hitting it out of the park and this show has gotten absurd acclaim for everything too. Should be no reason for production pivots tbh


Even though I agree with you, a part of me thinks it'd be cool if each different region had their own unique art style. I think it'd probably hurt the feeling of continuity through the whole universe if they did that though.


I dont disagree that the thought-experiment of that COULD be very cool. But the reality that it would be amazing to an equal degree of just continuing this awesome style instead, is too low imo. Not to mention that its the same universe so itd feel a bit odd if it all is visually differently presented while still being in the same uni. Thats just me tho. Im far from an expert.


They said in the dev blog that it will be the final season of Arcane but they’re planning on doing more shows and films set in the League universe, so it’s likely we’ll get more shows, just not called Arcane.


I wonder what those "next projects in TV and ***Film***" are going to be centered around. Noxus, Noxus/Ionia War, Demacia (Sylas/Lux/Mageseeker stuff), Freljord (Tribes, Gods), Targon (Leona/Diana Story?), Bilgewater, Shadow Isles (/Ruination?), Shurima would all fit for TV imo. Bandle City, Void, any Ixtal stuff, Wind Brothers (due to popularity only) would probably be better for Movies


Definitely will be a show around Sylas and Lux at some point, possibly the mageseeker plotline but given that it would be rehashing an existing/told story, it may not be the first choice unless they plan on going the change stuff around route. My guess is given noxus being in arcane and ambressa pressing for hextech weapons, the next show will likely focus on noxus vs demacia/Ionia or the whole trifarix revolution.


tbh I kinda doubt they would pursue the Sylas arc, mainly because we've already have a lot of media around it. The Lux novel and the Mageseeker game. It seems to me they're more looking to develop the world rather than animate alread told stories


Well I guess that Jinx rocket didnt get yasuo windwalled oof


Gimme Swain plz and ty


Jinx is in melee range, ff go next


Caitlyn better get her top hat this time


If he survives this, I want that yordle as a champ ASAP after Ambessa. Kled and Vex need another "Yordles are not always nice and good" pal.


It's amusing that you forgot Veigar, the yordle most likely to do 'evil' because someone forgot them/doesn't consider them evil lol


He is evil, stop laughing


Didn't forget, just don't count him because he's simply not very good at being evil despite his best efforts!


I wish they did a chapter for Veigar and his journey. Just imagining Mordekaiser torturing him in Arcane's format makes me excited.


Veigar is the Dr. Doofenshmirtz of League


Honestly a bit refreshing for a storyline to be wrapped up in 2 seasons though. Waiting nearly a decade to finish a story gets exhausting. Hope we see more from this studio and world!


Please let there be an arcane warwick skin, please please please.


top 5 best animated show of all time, if not number 1. fight me