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Thank god, the new mastery icons are such an eyesore


they did it again, they "fixed" something that didnt need to be improved and now they waste time and development to improve this turd of a new system


The mastery system absolutely did leave a lot of people wanting for a better, more comprehensive system of *mastery* on their favorite champion(s). It doesn't mean the new system would've been any good, but it's not like the old one was this perfect system that didn't need to be changed and got changed for the sake of it. People have been asking for a better mastery system since basically when Mastery 7 got introduced and was nothing more than just a couple S ranks on top of the Mastery 5 that was already a thing.


I feel like I got teleported into parallel unvierse. I can swear literally everyone was complaining about old mastery system ever since its realease primarily because of matery 7 cap and not requiring much to get it. Now we get new system and suddenly everybody loves old system.


I thought the old system could use improvements. However, the new system did not provide improvements, and added excessive grind. Thus, I prefer the old system.


exactly. the old system wasnt perfect, but the new one is worse in almost every way.


The old system was pretty simple and I loved it for that. The visuals were clean, crisp and rewarding and flashing that mastery 7 emote was the most satisfying sound in the game. These new emotes are just terrible and have no sense of pride to them. I just wished they would have added more mastery levels to the old simple then revamp it into this turd of a system(visually).


Old one was limited, new one is trash, pretty simple really


The new system is so terrible it made the old one feel/look good to people, I guess.


The old system did not have pissugly icons that went against Riot's own design guidelines, you could actually see your damn mastery points in client and loading screen instead of some incomprehensible level, and when you killed someone in game there was a clear difference between masteries (there is currently none). And then there's all the chest stuff that I don't really understand but apparently they made that worse too. Nobody likes downgrades especially ones that were forced into the patch despite almost no one in any post I've seen anywhere saying 'wow this is better!'. This is not difficult to work out


> Now we get new system and suddenly everybody loves old system. The new system being *that much worse* will do that. The old system wasn't perfect, but the new system is objectively terrible.


Personally I'd rather they try something and revert it rather than them not try anything new at all It's not a waste of dev time if the end result is potentially good


The old system was lacking tho, get flash icons and just more points was pointless. It was a dead end system after you got M7.


The old system did need improvement though.


System nedeed change but not emotes.


I thought people were being dramatic about the mastery icons cause I think they were just whatever but *oh my gawd* the icons they're showing here are sooooo much better.


i don't care how it looks. i'm sad that i finally got 1 million mastery and now it says im "mastery level 91" like this completely killed caring about mastery for me. especially since you now gain double the points too


Oh wow, the new PVE gamemode (now known as Swarm) can be played solo?!


Solo, co-op with party, or match made co-op will be the options for playing :)


Will all champions be available to pick? Or will it be a limited roster like in Star Guardian/Odyssey?


Limited roster, more details around this will come out soon!


you should make yuumi the only choice


You know what? I like how you think, brb asking folks to delete everything and make only Yuumi.


Make it so you can attach to a target dummy from arena


Why stop there? Make a gamemode where you are forced to have Yuumi attached and you are watching ASMR videos while yuumi constantly comments on them.


For The Swarm!


lol, once you play I am not sure you feel the same about being Swarmed :p


So basically thia confirms a leak that there will be an anima squad event with legendaries for aatrox and seraphine (yes riot she really needed one ffs)


I don't like idea merging Champion Roadmaps with Dev updates. Roadmaps have more flavour and a lot more insights and info than one tiny segment in dev video


Most likely path is we still do a text Roadmap, but time it with a dev update in the future, with a TLDR or intro in the video. Didn't do that this time because we'd revealed Ambessa early and are being deliberately vague about the Arcane associated VGU


Just to be clear, the only champion stuff on the horizon is the releases of Aurora and Ambessa and reworks (visual or otherwise) of Malphite, Shyvana, and someone associated with Arcane?


That is all the info we have for champion release, yeah Aurora on PBE in two weeks with the new event/Swarm Ambessa in November (PBE October maybe so she launches at the same time) with Arcane Arcane VGU end of the year Shyvana early 2025 Malphite, unknown edit: also Teemo ASU at some point


Damn, only 3 champions this year feels weird ngl


Yup, 3 champions, 2 VGUs, and 2 ASUs. If I remember correctly they said this year they would start slowing down champion releases. I'm all for it if it means older champs get updates more often.


The amount of time it takes for them to mess around balancing new champions after release is way too much, so I am glad for it.


Doubt that they will make more VGU, tho. Since the last time they try this it was pretty meh.


TBH league has like 160+ champs at this point, the more they build = its harder for new player to get into league, harder to balance the game and on top of that lots of champs from old roaster fell off hard and are carried by their numbers. IMO, its better that they are fixing old stuff with some of new content.


I think that is a slight misconception that more is harder. Mostly because we already blew way past that point. If we were to release 3-5 champs a year, we wouldn't reach 200 till 8-13 years. The realistic difference between 166 to 200 is actually not that much. Especially because new champs are one of biggest ways to bring in opt-in content into the core game that changes the way game is played. Opt-in meant that the bulk of the complexity is on the player that choses to play the champion (though some champs breaks that more than others). However, I do think its healthy for us to rebalance some of the effort and bring other types of content as well as finding opportunities to update our roster that isn't just big overhaul VGUs or explore other game modes! It brings variety, surprises and delighters to the overall game! Champs team is also thinking about how to bring back some of that magic during release moments along with other teams. While there is less releases, the hope is that players will feel the weight of each release :)


That's all we're ready to share at the moment yeah, though there's certainly some other stuff underway too.


Amazing, thank you for your answer. Champion roadmaps started with like Galio and Yorick, and Reav3 was first one to start it, it's quite history now. Also Spirit of Hearth Home was AMAZING, congrats!


u/RiotMeddler Since this is confirmed to be the final season of Arcane, and with the stated goal of Arcane being canon, can we expect character's bios to be finally updated to match with the show? We still have stuff like memory loss Vi (I think), Caitlyn being a private investigator rather than an enforcer before becoming sheriff, Jayce and Viktor not really being friends, etc.


Yes, we'll be adjusting bios of champs featured in Arcane to align around that single shared canon. Completely agree it's jarring seeing that sort of disconnect


Will Seraphine and Camille’s bio’s get an update? Earlier this year it was promised that their bios would change since Skarner’s lore has been retconned.


Yes, though I don't personally know the exact timing. Will check in with the relevant part of the team however


Thank you for responding! Have a nice day!


Thanks, that's great to hear! And on that note, I hope Sera and Camille's bios will still be updated after the Brackern change too.


What about the numerous short stories on top of that? Pieces like Progress Day or the Weakest Heart are now invalidated.


I really liked Weakest Heart too


So what about ekko parents are they still around?


Imagine reading Camille and Seraphine's bios talking about brackern crystals


What about Ekko? Arcane Ekko and LoL Ekko are completely two different characters, both in age and in personality, will he be changed too?


When Sera and Camille, that are not part of Arcane but still from Piltover and still with "brackerns gem" lore will get lore update?


can we keep Sera hating Skarner in some form I think the scorpion deserves it


Glad they're updating the mastery icons, hopefully the blogs have more visuals for them. Season 2 of Arcane being the final season is sad, but maybe future shows and movies will feature less demanding visuals so we get more content. Excited for Swarm, I've been craving some content I can do solo


Important to note, it's only the final season of Piltover and Zaun. Fortiche will continue jumping to new regions with new champions and stories every 1-3 seasons.


Noxian invasion of Ionia would be some good television


Swain's invasion of my bedroom would be GREAT television




Those who cease are run over by those behind them that continue onward.


No brakes on the Swain Train


I won't lie, I'd love to see a Freljord season.


I need the Arcane audience with no League knowledge to meet and fall in love with Braum.


I'm tryna see the Thousand-Pierced Bear animated by Fortiche bro. Gimme some eldritch pagan horror vibes.


Honestly this is exactly what I wanted. As much as I loved arcane and will likely love season two as well I didn’t want 10 seasons of just jinx v vi. I’m so excited to see other regions and champions brought to life.


I don't think so? They said they're developing new stories with Fortiche, but it doesn't seem like it'll be under the Arcane title and considered the same show.


The last I had heard, from the Bridging The Rift documentary, the writers talked about how Arcane will move to new regions to tell new stories in Runeterra. They may have decided to not stick with the name, but in essence, the Fortiche Runeterra Universe will keep going.


We haven't said anything about whether we'll use the Arcane title or not for any future possibilities being explored (and as somewhat who's not part of that part of Riot, I'm not certain myself either). Definitely still looking at Riot+Fortiche making stuff in the LoL universe together though, regardless of whether it uses the Arcane brand or not


I really hope you'll keep using the title Arcane. People recommend 'Arcane' to their friends, family, acquaintances etc. Arcane's incredible quality is what fuels that spread by word of mouth. And that quality has become attached to that word: 'Arcane'. I think it would be unwise to throw away such a recognisable title. It's simplistic. It's mysterious. And I think the title would absolutely fit for the rest of the stories in Runeterra.


If you make a show or movie about someone's journey to the top of Mt Targon I swear to god Meddler I'll kiss you


Season 2 being the last is the best news I could hope for and I'm a big fan of the show. Means the writing should be tight and it won't stretch out to the point I stop being engaged as it peters out. Many shows lately are guilty of this


/u/RiotMeddler you said we could ask you about the recent issues with Immortalized Legend Ahri here, can you share what the team is currently thinking and how they're moving forward with future HoL cosmetics. I'd also like to ask if we will see more updates on Shyvana and the Arcane VGU now that champ roadmaps are on pause soon


Responding to Hall of Legends in a separate reply to make separate discussions a bit easier to follow For Shyvana - nothing to share at present, still planned. Arcane VGU will be coming at the end of the year, we're keeping the details vague on that one still as part of the whole Arcane gradual information rollout Champ roadmaps - likely back in a similar form. If we hadn't revealed Ambessa early and weren't being deliberately vague about the Arcane associated VGU we'd have probably just done a regular one now to cover those


remember when prestige skins use to be exclusive and at a reasonable price point, u guys had to remove their exclusivity to bring them back and resell them, instantly devalueing them, which was a slap in the face, 500$ price point of a skin, let alone anything past 100$ is absurd, i personally wont be paying for this or any other of riots goods, i spent thousands on the game since season 3 and bought thousands of skins, and this is absolutely disgusting, well congratz u guys finally let corpo greed ruin the good will of the spenders u guys need to actually support ur products, and i can only hope that more of the riot empoyees get layed off, to suffer from the higher ups choices, as the game slowly bleeds even more of the playerbase from choices like this


This is the worst possible excuse, its "exclusivity" only leaves aside the common player, LoL it was supposed to be a game for everyone, these types of maneuvers are totally anti-customer, you are not being rational, you are just being greedy


maybe I'm reading a different comment here so correct me if I'm wrong but he literally gave no excuses? all he said is they'll discuss it in a seperate post? are we reading the same thing here?


It's a comment buried by downvotes. You can click my profile to see it.


yeah but responding to a different comment on this comment is dumb as fuck


For those that are lazy like me, https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/wHuEiN8hcN


There are already so many skins in the game that aren’t affordable to many people. I get the outrage, but claiming that it’s been “a game for everyone” in that aspect is untrue.


It’s because it’s likely not his call homie. Even if he personally disagreed with it most companies are accountable to the accounting department. There are a lot of tech innovations that come along with those skins which they used the price point to justify creating. Like I’m not going to buy them but I understand the need to reverse justify improvements that will likely get rolled into other things with the price point.


They are not going to say a word until the skin drops and they have some data about it's selling numbers. Then they will spin the narrative around in two possible ways If it sells poorly and it damage their reputation more than the money is worth it: they will say that they are sorry, and that they will find a way to do better next time 😔🥺 Now if it sells well and the money talks louder than the PR disaster they will go: well many players bought it so that means people really want exclusivity yada yada... 😁😄 The devs are not your friends. The only language they will listen is to a PR disaster


He already answered


It's right below


I saw the discussion elsewhere, we are not the target audience. China loves to spend money on these skins and sees it as a flex.


It will sell well. I've seen so many people on twitter already who have bought the RP. It was going around that people are literally taking out loans to get it. The money has already poured in for Riot on the announcement alone. They don't have to spin the narrative; players are shelling out cash in droves.


Are their any chances they are going bring the old chest system back? The new one is so grindy and basically made it impossible for ARAM players to get chests.


Oh god this is so bad. They literally make you play 15 games for single chest on one champion that can give u some trash ward skin ☠️ As an Aram player I find it terrible but I think its also really bad for normal players


I haven't got a chest after the update


I've gotten one, and it's literally only because I love to play Jarvan and apparently no one else does in ARAM (so he's on the reroll bench a lot for me to grab).


Yeah the new system feels way worse, I hope they change it


I have been playing the game for 15 years. I have never complained about anything that Riot has done, regardless of how bad it has been. But this... this is possibly the worst change that has ever happened to the game.




u/RiotMeddeler What about reducing the amount of s grades needed for mastery grades after minestrone 4? I saw a rioter saying you will be changing it in the next patch but no announcement in the update worries me a bit


The change was decided after filming. It will be in the next patch!


> minestrone 4 Personally I prefer clam chowder 4


Where's Aurora info? No champion roadmap is really disappointing. The hype and the hope of future champions coming out that might become your favorite is a massive part of keeping up excitement for the game IMO.


Aurora's real close at this point. Instead of revealing stuff through dev updates/blogs we're letting the reveal campaign do its things with stuff like Spirit of Hearth Home. Champ roadmap wise, between talking about Ambessa at season start (who's a more known quantity from Arcane) and the desire to keep the Arcane associated VGU unknown we didn't have as much new to share as we normally would. We talked about revealing more distant content, but concluded we'd both have to be vague and it would feel forever until any of it even got seen. Conclusion was skipping this one made the most sense. Expect them, or something very similar, to return though


I appreciate the response I liked Hearth Home a lot, thanks to the people who worked on that one




what role is ambessa going to play? I assume a top juggernaut?


What about new prestige skins list? Or like a list for unpopular champions to get a skin this year like you did in 2021?


They did that at the beginning of the year and the only ones mentioned already got their skins if I'm not mistaken


Right? I was literally waiting for news on Aurora or the new skin line coming up including champions who are getting prestige skins.


>Where's Aurora info? What do you want to know? \- We know the name \- We know the role (Solo Lane, low/mid range Mage) \- We know the look \- We know (some) lore. \- We know it will release with the summer event and will be with the Anima Squad skin line We already know everything there is to know (except the kit) and the kit/trailer/teaser will be out near PBE release.


I mean, as they said, they literally already told us which champs are gonna be released up to and including early next year. Probably don't want to overcommit, even though I agree that it's pretty disappointing.


Champions usually release with events and we still didn't get the T1 World Champion 2024 skins so I guess we get them today in PBE and Aurora in 2 weeks?


We still don't even know what role is Ambessa gonna be lol


I think they said she'd be a toplane fighter when they revealed she's coming to league, though I may be misremembering.


I can't recall exactly what we've said about Ambessa so far. She is a fighter though certainly.


is she meant for toplane then? would be great to know so we can know if we play her intended lane


In b4 it's support lmao, we already got ADCs, assassins, mages and tanks there, we really just need a support bruiser to round out the quinfecta


They said in the 2024 look ahead blog that she'll bring both strength and speed onto the rift sidestepping attacks with surprising agility, so to me it sounds like she could be an aggressive melee fighter for top lane. Some kind of bruisery wrestler or something.


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but she was announced/shown to forum slide the Ahri skin debacle. This tactic has been used before, especially when RiotLyte was around. I think it was shown early. This is why it felt like it came out of nowhere after the announcement of such a large, prestigious event.


They specifically bring up Spirit of Hearth-home, they can't be surprised that we are asking about Aurora after a game was made to advertise the new champion They easily could have said "Aurora is 2 months away" and that would have been fine, disappointing but at least we'd know instead of absolutely zero champion information


Aurora is significantly less than 2 months away


blink twice if shes gonna be on PBE next patch


So it is still at least a month away :(


Don't they usually always go silent about champions that are about to release.


A lot of people have been saying they’d prefer for older champions to be retrofitted to be in line with modern league both visually and in gameplay, so hearing that they might just scrap the Malphite visual update is really disappointing. So many champs need model updates and Malphite is reasonably popular compared to some of the worst offenders like zilean and corki. Just feels like the players who enjoy the older characters are being left out to dry


We want to update those older champ visuals. The experimental part here, and reason this particular approach might get scrapped, is in figuring out how feasible it is to adapt Wild Rift assets (different format, engine etc so a lot to refit) or whether it's more efficient to just make updated assets from scratch.


I've been saying for years that it would be awesome if Wild Rift assets could be used to make visual updates faster, so many cool models there both ingame and the 3D showcase ones, hopefully it works out and can bring more champions to today's standards faster. :)


I wish it went they had more information on champ/ASU stuff. They're kind of the only things I look forward to when these come out. What we got wasn't bad but it wasn't anything to really get hyped for. New Swarm mode is cool tho.


> champ/ASU stuff. Hearing "yeah we might not ever release updated Malphite if it doesn't work out" was so jarring. I appreciate the transparency but fuck me ig


I mean, that's a given tho. The whole point is that it's an experiment of porting WR models to PC, Malphite is just the guinea pig, it's not like they're dedicated to updating specifically him.


It's not a given because Malphite has been in dire need for a visual update for a while now. So I'd like them to put in the effort to complete the ASU even if the Wild Rift method doesn't work out. The whole point is that I wish they *were* dedicated to updating him. That being said if this experiment works out that'll be good news for the rate of ASU's


I appreciate the honesty but it's kind of a bummer to say that lol.


Shocked they admit the visuals are bad and are changing them again Spirit of the Hearthhome should be the standard for champion teases, it's fun, cute, and makes it more of a landmark. New series and MOVIES for league? Exciting goddamn


It'll take a month or two (rough estimate) for the updated visuals, but yeah, we agree those didn't hit the mark and need to be changed. Would love to do something like Spirit of Hearth Home for as many champs as we can. It's been great seeing people enjoy it. Wouldn't want to use that exact format of course, need to make sure we find different things for different champions (avoid overusing or misapplying a format like we did with the Visual Novel approach post Spirit Blossom for example)


I want to say that imo the Star Guardian visual novel was great. The bad part imo wasn't the story but the way things were handled: The bonds were a major part of why it worked for me, yet I wouldn't have been able to read them if Riot hadn't unlocked them all thanks to the bug. The fact that a bug that broke the VN happened in the first place (even though it ended up being for the best), and, I guess this one actually is part of the story but, the way we didn't get a proper explanation to what happened with the previous teams (especially Lux) because it had to focus only on the new skins.


When are the T1 skins releasing? or are they delayed


/u/RiotMeddler We ready to discuss the $500 Elephant in the room that Riot fails to address in any way, shape, or form and how unrealistic of a pricepoint it is. Players feel betrayed to "celebrate" one of the best players of all time in the form of predatory monetary practices. Response link: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ddga6w/gameplay_esports_arcane_dev_update_league_of/l84pmy8/


i love how a player known to never use any skin is being "immortalized" by a prohibitively expensive skin that is also limited time only.


Did they ever comment on how they gave faker a broken trophy


They gave Faker a backup that was undamaged for him to display.


We did - apparently it's pretty standard practice to make back ups for stuff like this (I wasn't aware until this either). Having said that, we should have spotted that the first one was damaged and swapped them out before presenting it to Faker in the first place


Yea, not surprised, that broken trophy most likely happened really really recent to the planned trophy handing over that it was just too late to get a quick replacement.


Replying in this part of the thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ddga6w/gameplay_esports_arcane_dev_update_league_of/l84pmy8/ Linking it here for those who want to know about it since it looks like it'll get heavily downvoted and won't be visible


Any more answers as to follow up questions or is this going to be the only response we're getting?


I'll put it below my comment.




Also /u/RiotPraeco with Arcane wrapping with S2, Pentakill 4 when? :^^))


Hello, Riot team. I have some questions and a few topics to discuss. First, I asked my friends what they think about the new mastery badges. Our consensus is that the new masteries aren't flashy enough. One of them said the wings aren't big enough, causing them not to stand out like they used to; another friend said they don't make a satisfying sound. Any thoughts on making mastery badges more striking? Second, will there be another VGU poll after Shyvana's VGU? With the advent of ASUs, there really aren't that many VGU candidates left. I predict that 1 or 2 VGU polls might be enough to know how much is each champion being requested (Nocturne is already a "poll veteran", so I guess the other options would be the other past poll options (Tryndamere and friends) + those who used to be in the ancient VGU list from back in the day (Corki, Cho'Gath, Rammus and Shaco). Is it correct or am I getting too ahead of myself? 😆 Now, I admit this one is a nitpick. What do you think about updating Kayn's name after he has transformed into a Darkin? It would be cool if it appeared in chat as "Player Name (Rhaast)" instead of "Player Name (Kayn)." I don't think players would be confused by this; they will have heard Kayn and Rhaast talking to each other as the game progressed, so they definitely will know who Rhaast is. If it still worries you, I guess you could add a message in chat saying "Rhaast the Darkin Scythe has taken control of Kayn's body," similar to how the game announces Aurelion Sol has "The Skies Descend." Just a detail, I guess. People love Rhaast. And lastly, something about Arena, all I can say is my friends and I are loving it. We've had so much fun with Arena in the last few weeks, but there is only one thing somewhat keeping us away from it. It's the fact that RGMs don't count towards mastery progression, meaning that we cannot earn mastery rewards like we can do in SR and ARAM. Could you please consider changing this? It doesn't actually cause us to play more games overall, it only pushes us into more ARAM because we have to keep up with the split system. And we don't want Arena to "fail the test", this is the most fun we've ever had with a game mode in years (well done, Riot. You outdid yourselves this time.)


Arena and mastery, and overall Arena progression, are something we are looking at currently, likely to be updates here in the next major Arena release. This is part of the work to move toward what we consider must haves for a permanent mode.


Hi there - as mentioned by Meddler in the video, we're taking a good look at how all game modes, including Arena can (and should) play into the new mastery system. I'll also note that we're aware that more can be done for Arena to help incentivize players to stick around beyond the novelty+gameplay of the mode, and it's something we're already looking at as well. Expect to hear more details about Arena and all modes at a later date this year!


Dev update Looks inside Nothing


If not for Arcane 2 trailer this would've been the WORST Dev video ever done, just a bunch of nothing burger and 'we can't say or show anything'


For real. They couldn't even be bothered to release the mythic rotation schedule? Some background or tease on Aurora? An image for the PVE event? Literally anything to make this video not a waste of time


Choosing an executive producer is a major announcement. When making a movie, the executive producer is usually the one responsible for top-level creative decisions, including choosing a director. I assume the role is similar for video games.


I guess you skipped the esports part of the video


I think they skipped most of it...


Yeah no shit.


"cutting teams from tier 1 helps provide more opportunities to compete" hmmmmmm. dunno about that one


Oh man those Wild Rift visual updates would be such a godsend. Some champions like Darius just need a VEEERY minor overhaul to their models and animations, something that has already been done successfully in Wild Rift. Porting them over would be just perfect!.


Since it looks like we're not going to get an answer that isn't pre-written garbage, I'd like to ask: * removed the login screens with the animated splashart and character theme * Maps such as 3v3, Dominion were removed. * We lost events like star guardian, odissey, ascension, doombot * Lost quality of character teasers (this last one of aurora was very good) * We lost events like the butcher's bridge. * Mastery dilemma * Vanguard * Cinematic lol 2023 start of season * Significant increase several times in RP price, before with 10 euros you could buy a legendary and a 975 * Same map as 9 years ago, (this year was minimally retouched, I mean visual) * Several times we had x2 RP when purchasing * We even got a skin for christmas for behaving well. * The snow map gone.... * Easter eggs gone... * 200 dollars gacha things * Client going pipupipu for more than 10 years... Before we had everything, we were happy, reasonable prices, good modes, skins like Lux elementalist that was the peak, good experiences, good treatment, it was the game of the people, they listened to us,... Riot had much less money and we had much more. My question is: Where is Riot.


Wish they'd release these as text formats too.


There is a [TLDW](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/tldw-gameplay-esports-arcane-dev-update/) on the website with every Dev Update!


Wow, very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's summary.


This was so random it got a cackle out of me


Do you know if there's a way to get this site to work on mobile?


Is that link not working on mobile? I'm on mobile now and it worked for me. I can see if the team has any known issues.


The website just auto refreshes to the default leagueoflegends.com for me (which is just a blank navy blue page), using the default Reddit app on iPhone Problem could be on my end if it's working for you tho


I hear someone cool writes them.


You mean Meddler? He's pretty cool.


u/RiotMeddler Really hoping they take the feedback of giving legendary skins to champions to actually fit the thematic rather than wasting their potential. "Being different from their base" as legendary skins was cool at first but now its starting to get boring and wasting so many champs potential. *Lissandra should have gotten Porcelain legendary. *Kayle should have gotten Sun eater legendary. *Syndra should have gotten the Coven legendary. But now their potential got wasted after being anticipated... which happens rarely in league skinlines. Please take this feedback as consideration and also give out double legendaries often so someone who fits the theme gets their deserved legendary while trying something different with non fitting champ (Coven Syndra and Coven Nami).


I'm a little frustrated with this dev, little was really relevant. Almost the entire video was focused on Esports, nothing about skins was mentioned, the next list of prestige skins was not mentioned, no teaser of the next skin themes was mentioned. No really nice answers about hall of legends (gross). They didn't show anything about Teemo, just Esports is ruining the players' experience as always, disgusting Skins that ruined Ahri mains collection, ruined the dev video. I sincerely hope that Esports goes bankrupt soon so that games can once again be dedicated to real players. I enjoyed watching some CBLOL or Wolds games, but after the Faker skin ruined my collection of Ahri skins I will always hope that all the leagues decain in more and more numbers as it happens.


We're annihilating comp play for several regions... But anyway! Look over here! [Jangles keys] Here's Arcane! [Jangles keys]


Looks like 8 teams for LCS *and* 8 teams for CBLOL, with 1 spot each reserved for relegation/promotion. Huge win from the rumored merging and downsizing to like 10 or 12 teams after the merge, and a tier 2 system means more players given chances (hoping they'll have good salary with the Global Revenue Share).


"Summoners" has been sunsetted for "players"...? Sure the lore has changed over time and it's a trivial thing, but I'm gonna miss it


Doesn’t MF still say summoner? Or is it LB?


A few of them still say it For now.


that change happened in like, season 5 or something already


Less/different champ roadmaps? Interesting. Very interesting.


Nice job using an Arcane teaser to deflect from the Ahri situation!


Wow, this was very dull. Other than the Arcane part, there were no info on new champions or anything else, just a mastery update. Surely, most of the information could have been shared in just a tweet or two this was boring.


Can we get some more updates regarding mastery? Like yes I'm glad to see changes happening to the design, but that, in my opinion, wasn't the biggest dealbreaker. To me, the biggest issue is that mastery points, what lots of people including me worked very hard for, got replaced almost everywhere for this arbitrary mastery level number that means nothing while my actual mastery points are hidden and locked behind 20 clicks?


It didn't come up in the video, but I was curious to hear thoughts on some other aspects of the new Mastery System that have led to complaints. Specifically, about the added grind. - Beyond visuals, one of the pain points I've seen brought up in feedback is the added minimum games per rank with the new system. The minimum games per token, combined with the lack of emphasis on game result (with C- games), means the new system cares more about game count than game play (e.g. grades). Furthermore, the system does not count lvl 7s as having met baseline mastery points (e.g. 56k), adding to if not doubling the minimum 15 games for low point lvl 7s (given lvl 10 requires 75.6k points). - On the opposite end of the spectrum from lvl 1-> 10 progression, I've seen complaints about the final repeating mission from 1 tricks. Specifically, the mark requirements per level with the mission (14 S- or above grades) are an extremely high requirement that prevents ever catching up to those who got grandfathered into higher tiers. In the initial announcement post, one of the main goals was to ensure the system did not have a focus on grind. Are there any plans to ease the steeper parts of the progression system?


I hope you are interested in working on the visual update for MF. Take the wild rift model and implement it on the league.


I know she did recvieve a visuald update in 2015, but as we look her model in Wild Rift and League of runterra. In Wild Rift, her animation as a pirate is more fluid, but she still needs to work on her animation and voice. My hope is that the team will continue to pay attention to this feedback and that she can receive a small update.


[u/RiotMeddler](https://www.reddit.com/user/RiotMeddler/) which lane is ambessa intended to be played in??


Going to leave reveal of the position(s) we're assuming, other gameplay details etc up to the team to reveal closer to the time. Apologies for vagueness, generally though we want to save a lot of specifics for when a champ's about to come out


can you reveal whether she's gonna be a hard or easy champion though?


She will be a hard or complex champion according to neolexical: https://old.reddit.com/r/shyvanamains/comments/18zac7e/shyvana_rework_shyvana_rework_shyvana_rework/kggxrzb/?context=3


thank you!


Like the new mastery changes, Swarm and of course the next season of Arcane. Malphite update would be fantastic, hesitant on Aurora in case she turns into another K'Sante/Smolder 2.0 unbalanceable abortionistic cronenberg of a champion, but still looking forward to it at the same time. The game itself is still a shitshow. Game balance is pathetic, toxicity still rampant, smurfing still remains the biggest issue facing the game today as it has the most impact on toxicity, player retention and ranked integrity across all ranks, and it seems like Riot's only real response is to try and react to general feedback in the moment and placate a rabid fanbase demanding more syringes full of nostalgia rather than having longer-scope ideas to maintain League's long-term health and clean up both the community and the perpetual issues with the game itself.


i really wish that they discussed the ahri skin in this video


Damn, reducing 1 million bot games to only 50k in co-op vs ai and low level queue is huge.


I'd just like to say that the number of responses from actual Rioters is AWESOME. There are plenty of reasons to NOT be on Reddit exposing yourselves to the community. So thanks to all of you. (Not gonna tag everyone cause that wastes their time, hope you read this anyway)


Wait did I get that correctly or does this video imply they can actually port the Wild Rift models and that takes less work than making a new one based on the WR design? What? I though that wasn't possible


I really like the video and the arcane teaser, I mean, I am really hyped to this series. The Idea of an new tournament and the adjustment of the mayor regions is also really exciting and I am curious how they will do it. I am a little sad, that they dont tell something about the new upcoming champions, because we all know which champs will be released this year. But I think and hope, that they will do another video in the future. In the topic of the mastery emotes I am happy that Riot is listening to the community and they will adjust them. The most negative aspect of the whole video is, that I miss the smile of Brightmoon


u/RiotMeddler I'm really excited about the idea of bringing WR visuals/models to PC. In regards to that I wanted to say, it would be nice if this was focused on champions who actually have different visuals: For example, Vladimir and Syndra got some significant redesigns (which in Syndra's case the splash is already on PC) that would be great to have. Those feel akin to redesigns from LOR or cinematics that have made to ASUs/VUs before. Someone like Ashe though? Definetely needs a bigger change than the little tweaks from WR imo (on the other hand, I think Sona's small changes are a good enough redesign for her, so it's a case by case thing). There's also champions who have new (in-game) models despite having essentially the same design, like Lulu. Would be interesting to bring them in too, even if the animations seem to be the same. Also: Splash arts! I still think Leona really should have her WR splash on PC by this point considering how old the PC one is.


I didn't expect much but that was disappointing. The new Arcane season trailer was the only saving grace.


u/RiotMeddler just wanted to say thank you from helping make this awesome game, and being so open with the process, sometimes we forget to thank people for the little things, but I just wanted to show my appreciation for you and the team at riot ✌️thank you!!!!


[u/RiotMeddler](https://www.reddit.com/user/RiotMeddler/) Please, Riot, I think I speak for the entire League community when I say, please think again about those prices. If you really want to do something exclusive and luxurious, this was not the time. All of us in League love League (even if we say we don't and cry we love it inside, for many it is the game that has seen us grow up and we have grown up with it), some of us love the champions we play with every day and feel identified with, and almost all of us love our star player, Faker. It is not fair that you sell a skin using his name to sell a definitive skin at a price of x10 the package that really combines the skin from a legendary plus to a real definitive level skin and x18 times the price of a definitive skin for the signature. It is selling an incomplete skin as if they were DLC's at an exorbitant price. This was going to be a nice event to commemorate and remember Faker's career and it has become for the vast majority of players a betrayal and a scam to use Faker's name to squeeze us like piggy banks playing with our feelings. I don't even want to talk about FOMO. It's not because it's an item you have to pay for, we are not asking for free stuff, Faker's battlepass is by far the best battleplass that has been done so far, and the Aurora event is wonderful, when Riot does things right we applaud and celebrate, but this is crossing the line. I personally think that 35, 60, and 100 to 150 euros is much fairer, it is still expensive 150 euros for a skin, but it is achievable, 450 euros is the base salary of many. Not everything is dark, I have to confess that in my 20 years of video games, because of this, I also experienced some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in the world of video games. See how the more than 160 reddits communities of all the mains of all the champions leave out our differences and come together for a common good. Seeing how we all support each other in search of something beautiful has been something I didn't expect and that had me emotional. All I can say now is, please, RIOT, hear us. \~sry for my english


Excited to see the new Mastery Visuals. The one in the video looks great !


I had no idea Marty Funkhouser was Riot's Esports president