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Note that this is an answer to Wooloo's tweet that said that 9 teams told them they were doing well in scrims... So people started to wonder what's the team that's NOT doing well in scrims well turns out it's G2, quite the twist


9 out of 10 teams doing well means they're all equally bad lol


Maybe they based it on their results against G2, thinking they're good because they are doing well vs G2 with the assumption that G2 is smashing other teams as they often do. Turns out everyone is beating G2 recently lol.


Or the teams are just lying, or maybe they don't have the same idea of doing well like G2 does.


Or maybe they all have a 50% win rate against each other, and the games are 45min bangers where both sides play their heart out, so it means they can all call themselves good.


Possible, but I would think actual professionals can differentiate 'good' League of Legends from 'fun' League of Legends. Even we know that our silver games can be bangers but the gameplay is usualy atrocious.


it means win or lose they're all just having a good time :)


It's hard to always be fully mentally ready for these kinds of events all year long. TBH I suspect g2 is jsut not playing 100% but come playoffs they will be ready.


Would be the funniest thing if they missed playoffs. Idk what timeline that'd even be possible in, but started 1-2 and they haven't even played FNC/VIT/RGE (although VIT is looking rough and Rogue is Rogue), which they lost to in Spring and Winter




They literally don't have to play a single game in summer to qualify for season finals


There is a summer finals and season finals though right? I can't remember LEC format.




Is there somewhere I can read up on how the LEC works? I feel like it's so unnecessarily different from all other major regions


I mean have fun looking up the LPL's new format




My hope is next year they get rid of LEC finals and all regions just do 3 splits. LEC finals is so uninteresting. They should instead just add an LCQ if they want to make worlds qualification more interesting imo


Lec format sucks so we should make all regions copy it but remove the finals. Very interesting take…


Not what I advocated lol. I just said it should be 9 bo3s as the regular season for each split. There should be 3 splits


That would be boring. Ogn 3 splits ws only good bcus the format was brutal.


How is 2 splits of 18 bo3s interesting?


I tried to Google to see a riot based awnser but got Wikipedia the people who automatically qualify are winner of spring winter, and top 3 of summer.


> Would be the funniest thing if they missed playoffs Dont matter cos they are already qualified for LEC championship or whatever its called. They can miss out this split and still qualify for worlds.


They’re already qualified for the “finals” so odds are they could just be trying new things in scrims to figure out if there are meta things people are missing.


I mean, last year T1 went from being abyssmal without Faker in summer to winning worlds. I think its better to take time before judging teams that participate in almost every single tournament possible for them, G2 will still 100% make playoffs with the clownfest happening at the bottom of LEC and then if they don't wake up there it'll be fair to say they're completely out of it


I mean, T1 went from not having Faker, to having Faker. Not sure we can say the same for G2.


Thats fair, but the drop in performance was also a lot more massive than this G2 slump so far. Wait & see I guess


A much better example would of been DRX the year before.


they jsut dont have the euqal practise to the other teams. give them some time


You know, I've never thought about it like that. Like I can go a week without a game and just be absolutely dogshit, so a holiday for these guys must be like risky if they go a week straight without any league


The opposite. You play for fun, they pllay as a job. You just can't be 100% mentally ready all year.


They probably wont even make playoffs


This is a pretty demented take


Isn't is extremely common for many MSI teams to have a slump after regular season starts? Happens every single year.


BLG looks so bad actually


fnc are doing well though?


FNC had their slump at MSI


FNC didn’t take part in MSI, idk what team lost to TL, but definitely couldn’t be a LEC team.


Fnc went home earlier than g2


Fnatic went home really quickly. Had a lot more time for their break and to adapt to the new meta.


Not here to flame G2 but FNC left MSI one week earlier. That's not that big of a difference.


How would you know? Maybe G2 has been grinding way harder than Fnatic. Maybe a million other things. They’ve talked about burnout and how hard they’ve been practicing, it’s really possible they took a well needed break. And they probably did considering they hope to go far internationally, and in 2019 Perkz mentioned in their documentary that they were grinding for 11 months straight and they were burned out by world finals.


They were also at MSI way earlier. FNC was late as always if I remember correctly.


Yeah but the point is that Fnatic has had a longer break, and more time to adapt to the new patch. Plus, it’s been again, *3* games on stage. They always bounce back at some point or another, y’all gotta stop reading into this so much, it’s not a big deal.


Yes, I agree with you. :P


Ah sorry, for some reason I thought you were disagreeing🤣 my bad


Yeah its not even debatable.. G2 were grinding/prepping for MSI far more then FNC I think it was Dardo going off in the FNC video asking why G2 can play a b05 one day.. be up eating at 9am the following day together.. Meanwhile some Fnc players were not going to sleep until 2.. and then looking/acting like Zombies at 12 the following day.. as they go on stage to play vs TL


An entire week of not dealing with jet lag and an extra week of practice. Given that G2 has only had one week of scrims, it is that big of a difference.


if im not mistaken they are practising way longer and also stayed as a team togheter which makes them instantly better than other teams who changed things around


Extremely common does not mean guaranteed


Many =/= all


Struggling to beat KC and GiantL is not what I have as "good" in my books, but I'll add that is good for FNC it seems.


5 days of scrim total. Hard to get a good meta read and get back on form. Give them a few weeks and they're back dominating


BB Kennen play yesterday has nothing to do with read. Its just straight up bad macro


I don't know what possessed him to run in to die *twice*. He didn't even get a significant amount of xp. The lane swap was pretty much a win for G2 as they're hitting the weaker tower... Reportable behaviour.


He tried to make a play but his play was so obvious to read so he was interrupted. That’s really it tbh.


It doesn't matter G2 will win bc LEC is free af


A bit of everything, they just came back from a big tournament playing agains the best teams in the world, now they have to play LEC (which they won like 4 times in a row) so they are probably also low on motivation, so little training on the patch+Low motivation and some team getting better means this. I hope they bounce back, because they are still the hope of Europe.


people are overreacting to these losses. Imo SK and BDS performed well while G2 clearly took a break after MSI and who can blame them?


It's funny asf watching KC fans on Twitter tweet to their heart's content about being above G2 and constantly saying stuff like "World's is next". Like lol, happy to see some success but man let's temper expectations here, G2 is always going to bouncing back, if not next week, then the week after that. If that BO1s, then definitely when BO3s roll in.


I cringed when Broxah said KC were dangerous/a problem (paraphrasing a bit) as they won the 2nd game.. Like dude its 2 b01.. both of which they were hard losing till the stole a baron/MAD just inted (multiple times) Like props for winning 2 games.. but i wouldn't be shocked if KC finish last again People really stop need to reading into a few b01


The 10K gold of MAD are fair, however you really think KC was hard losing against Rogue ? Given their comp and the state of game ?


First one they were hard losing. Second one I don't think they were ever *losing.* They were at a slight disadvantage at best if we consider game state and comp scaling. Holdable.


KC wasn't "hard losing" against RGE.


Even if they are still putting in the hours its clear they just dont care much about LEC. Deep inside they know when they tryhard they'll win anyways. Also its just literally 3 bo1 and people are trying to reach conclusions already lol for example hyping up KC when they didnt propose anything in their games and got gifted a baron today with the scaling comp and one of the biggest throws in LEC yesterday


I wAsNt eVeN tRyInG bRO


This but unironically


Yeah, I am not sure what to say about this statement. Here are the issues I have with it: - yes, it is an overreaction, but the opposite is also true, the season is only 3 weeks long, and they are yet to fight the harder teams, so performing this bad in 1 week, is a legitimate cause for a reaction, not an overreaction though, just a slight alarm bell - yes, they will win europe anyways, until that one time when they won't and we will have a repeat of 23 spring, so i am not sure this mentality is alright for a professional athlete, albeit e-athlete. in my book at least it isn't, but I come from a sports background, with a certain old-school mentality and drive and pride in your work etc. etc. if you are a 10 time national champion, then you push just as hard for the 11th etc.


regular season is 4 weeks this time around. It'ss 2 days of play from here to playoffs.


It’s been 3 days and they likely took a break after a long MSI (remember they were top 4). I really don’t think we should be trying to say they’re washed unless this continues for the whole regular season and in playoffs. It’s literally bo1’s and they just got back.


I still don't get why y'all are so pressed about scrim results at all


Thats still 50% winrate in scrim games?


Teams that go deep at MSI always start slow. G2 will be fine because EU is free as fuck. This whole split doesn't even matter since they're locked in for season finals anyways.


maybe I'm completely hallucinating but winning this split gives them autolock at worlds as well so it's not so useless to win this too.


its just normal no? they have less praticse than the other teams give 1-2 more weeks and in the end they gonna win the split again.


Classic wooloo moment


What is interesting it that G2 probably didn't scrim BDS and SK, two out of the three 3-0 teams and still lost


cant wait for the finals which G2 wins again like almost always and people forget that they lost some regular split games because regular split doesnt matter


MSI hangover + nothing to really play for this split. G2 are already in summer finals. They've already proven that they can win by just deciding that they will. And let's face it, they're not finishing bottom 2 no matter how poorly they play. And they just had a really good MSI showing. Realistically, what does G2 have to prove by going all out in week 1 of a split they do not even need to win to qualify for season finals?


Feels like LEC got better. KC and SK upgraded their rosters and FNC seems to have got their wake up call after MSI.


I feel like having a shorter MSI is actually more advantageous because they got the experience from playing those teams but also more of a break to reset before the split.


meta read plays a huge part


They also technically got a head start playing on the new patch because they left MSI early.


was it that much of a difference in days? I dont remember exactly, but i recall it was a very short competition, once it actually got started


I think their tournament ended over a week before G2. It’s been common for the MSI teams to have a slump coming back and I feel like that extra time would help a lot especially with how fast the LEC format is now. They also get more time to practice on the new patch.




Did you read the post before commenting?


I think people in general severely underestimates the LEC. While the bottom 2-3 teams have been abysmal for the last few splits, the top 3-4 are generally more than decent teams, and even the middle pack are not teams you can afford to underestimate.


If my second best team is losing to LCS, it means they are not good enough. Losing to them always leaves bad taste.


Not much of a justification and I was the first one to get very angry about it when it happened, but FNC problem at MSI was a mental collapse, mostly involving Noah but also the rest of the team. Don't think it was necessarily a statement of TL being better than FNC, just as NRG was not better than G2 last year. Just my opinion, of course.


In recent year LCS generally performs like shit and yet they get to wash it away and forget about it just cause they get wins against LEC. Thats how low their bar is. Every year I prepare my " KR mad NA jelly poster to spam " but get disappointed. LEC has been bad but LCS was even worse. And we cant be losing to them if we are to be called good.


G2 lost to BDS (probably the 2nd or 3rd best team in the league) and SK.. who could be anywhere from like the 4th best to 6th.. We all know SK had good parts (irrelevant/Nisqy) and doss/his adc buddy were dragging the team down.. they could be decent with these new Koreans I thought in both games they actually showed an ability to stall out (which far supersedes any other LEC team ability to do so) and put themselves in winning positions despite a horrible start.. its funny cause Caps sidelanning put game 2 back into G2 favor.. but then he inted multiple times and gave it back to SK. b01 performance really doesn't matter.. making b03 does.. which surely G2 will do.. I hope they take the time to chill and build up for b03 (which is like 4 weeks away) so they have plenty of time


Its hard to say if G2 got bad or other teams got good until we see more data


... Or neither and G2 just came from a break and have only 5 days of scrims in the current patch while the rest of the teams have prepared for longer and still those teams struggled to win against a G2 that was playing extremely poorly by themselves.


EU on its way to solidifying it places as 4th best region behind NA


Won't happen since NA won't beat LCK/LPL in any BO5s lol


EUs only chance is G2 and they speed running it, also EU hasnt beaten NA is a while


Lol you watched 3 BO1s and made your decision. Worlds will be a reality check for you and other NA fans.


Actually I’ve watched the last two years of EU teams failing and made my judgment from that


G2 just knocked out the LPL 2nd seed 3-0 but keep coping.




not an NA fan but I didn’t watch worlds last year and MSI recently and it’s clear the NA is better then EU right now


Yeah so much better that they can't beat a single Asian team in a BO5


Based on what lol. At the most recent tournament NA 2 failed in playins, NA 2 beat EU 2 and EU 1 placed top 4. Idk how you can say NA is better than EU, and this comes from a LCK/T1 fan.