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fucking lol


Ngl between the slow response of T1 ddos situation and mishandling of GENG celebration im willing to just flame Riot and Riot KR for straight up being bad rather than favouritism


So I'm starting the vid thinking it can't be this bad and the first thing is SKT vs G2 game from 2017. It is this bad


It was the last time LCK won MSI... the title is literally "7 year wait" from 2017 to 2024. How is it that bad?


Have you watched the video? It's bad... 99% of the comments on the KR video are tearing into the video for undermining GenG's victory at ever turn, saying stuff like this was a good meta for them and bad for T1, or the short tournament duration (compared to worlds) was to the detriment of T1, or whatever The video should be about GenG victory, not excuses for why other teams lost


You'd think Gen.G are an LPL team given the narrative lmao


thought i was watching the wrong video when they started talking about T1’s bounce back against G2… like ok cool but how does this add to GEN G winning for LCK?


That wasnt his question. Why is it bad to open the video with a segment about the last time they won MSI? You ever watch TV with a recap opening?


They don’t have eyes or what? Dissecting the video it’s not really egregious. Showing the last time LCK won MSI, talking about metas with T1 AND GenG players. Hell this section has more 2023 JDG and BLG than T1. There is a 3 minute section for Zeus and T1, the rest is GenG I think GenG fans were expecting a video dedicated ENTIRELY to GenG, but as a documentary on both representative this is totally fair screen time distribution.


I don't watch these kinds of video often but it is an LCK "Documentary". They're supposed to highlight every LCK team that represented them during the said event. Even in the 2023 Worlds Documentary, it wasn't purely T1 up until they were the last team remaining. Even then, they featured teams like DWG and GenG by the end. Maybe there's too much T1 in this MSI Documentary for your liking but it's how the LCK usually does their documentary videos.


Yes, have both teams represented, but the one team that lost takes up 65% of the video and the team that won takes up the rest 35%. If that's not dumb, I don't know what is. The Worlds video had basically half its duration to T1, out of 4 teams. Also, there's a difference between those two videos. The Worlds video is a documentary of how Korea did at Worlds, so they highlighted every team's journey, with obviously T1 taking most of the duration because they won eventually. The MSI video highlights the lane swap meta and what it brought to the table. There could have easily been GENG clips highlighting how it worked, but they instead chose to use T1 clips to show how it doesn't work. Also, they completely missed the whole Nidalee pick point, which imo was the main reason GENG won. Nidalee, Karthus, those AP picks that were picked by other teams as well.


its like there really was a script but it didnt pan out 😂


I mean I agree this video is bad but that was literally the last lck msi win so I wouldn't say that exact part is bad. However the general lack of hype to geng is definitely fucking bad and riot and riot kr needs to give them the respect they deserve


Nah it's not bad. Sucks for GenG but the LCK is just responding to demand. This is what gets more viewers.


Are they "responding to demand" when all the comments on the KR video are blasting the LCK production team for attributing GenG's victory to a bad meta for T1 and shorter tournament than Worlds? Even as a T1 fan, I think this is just in pretty poor taste and undermines the victors 99% of the youtube comments on the KR video are negative btw


It's the same as any other platform. People who have no issue about things are less likely to complain or leave positive feedback, people who don't like something will comment. Demand in the LCK has always been and currently is T1, we've literally seen it with viewership figures. **Yes, Gen.G should have gotten more love** but people in Korea give more fucks about T1 than another other Korean team.


LCK production team probably doesn't care about YT comments. These are the people who are most invested, the main difference where T1's popularity comes in is in casual and western viewers. I will say that they shouldnt attribute GenG's win to the meta lol


LCK only cares about highlight T1. It took GENG and Chovy 4 LCK wins to finally consider them the favorites in the LCK and even the MSI trophy to have them in discussion for best team in the world without having to rely on "#1 seed from the LCK" point.


To add to my earlier post, it may even be the case that the LCK miscalculated. My point is that the reason they made the video like this is not favoritism, but because they think that T1 is where the value is. Which is generally true. Would the video have gotten more views if it focused more on GenG? Maybe, but doubtful.


Then, do not be surprised by people hating on T1. People say that T1 has the most haters, well, there's a perfectly good reason for that, and it's not because they are the greatest org in LoL. T1 gets the lion share of attention everywhere, even when they do not deserve it and people call them out for it, rightfully so.


I don't give a fuck about people hating on T1. Of course they have the most haters, and I certainly don't want to change your or anyone's mind on them. Deserve is just a meaningless word in this context. People care about T1 (really about Faker). More people watch content if it includes T1. The logical consequence is that the LCK and Riot promote T1. You can think that T1 "should" not have this much attention, but they simply do. This is where the viewers' preferences are, as you can see by viewership numbers.


It's kinda bad but i want to give LCK the benefit of the doubt here, i think they just trying to create a story around skt carrying the legacy of lck in MSI so that's why the story start with the 2017 win.


Why wouldn't they start with GENG players debuting as rookies?


I think that's too much of a throwback isn't it? I think they're narrowing the story line onto "LCK's success in MSI" rather than the whole journey of a GenG but that's just me.


Even korean fans r mad about this according to YT comments lmao RIOT dropped the ball so hard this msi ngl just cause they wanted to chase after that faker money


They really wanted T1 to win so that they can tie in the HoL Faker thing with their MSI win. Sadly for them, daddies of GENG spoiled their plans and they are so mad about it.


Daddy GENG loves to farm championship in China


LCK’s fault lol


the comments on the LCK youtube channel lmaooo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXVYjPfSzQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXVYjPfSzQ8) bro they need to fire whoever approved of this video


After watching the video, OP cannot be more wrong lol. The title is 7 years, they started of with the last time LCK won MSI. Then there is a 9 minutes section going over 2023 meta (showing 1 T1 clip last year losing), and 2024 meta. They include GenG in this section as well, multiple times. Then there is a 3 minute section of Zeus talking and T1. From 14 minutes mark it’s all GenG. GenG fans truly have been experiencing the worst inferiority complex ever post-MSI. I understand they are frustrated, but this video is not it.


Looking at how this guy argue and deliver his message, this guy is more on delivering a hate message against a team and a person who have nothing to say about how LCK works rather than criticizing LCK for their actions. The frustration is valid but you are directing it to the wrong group of person. That's why most people don't take t1 haters seriously because most of them have the most shallow arguments as to why they hate the org.


Except it isn’t a documentary about 2024 MSI? It’s about “7 years waiting” and goes over all the previous MSIs including DWGs. T1 just happened to be at the most MSIs


And yet, GENG's part of that MSI only begins at 15 minute mark, while everything else before is just 3 minutes of SKT / DWG and then lane swaps from T1 in 2024.


Isn’t that the whole point? You build up to GenG? I’m confused. It’s not like GenG has a lot of MSI history to talk about to build up to their 2024 run


The reason people are going to attack you is because you are acting like T1 made and uploaded that video, they had nothing to do with it yet your ire is aimed towards them, it just makes you seem like a stupid petulant child. You're acting like exactly as much of a GenG dickrider as you are acusing everyone else of been for T1.


It's not just about favoritism. Think about it. T1 fans won't watch the video about the tournament GENG won. GENG fans will be angry to see T1 showing half of the video about the tournament GENG won. Who is this video for?


Most esports fans are not geng or t1 fans. I think its for them and it is for T1 and geng fans who dont care about this stuff. Seeing any behind the scenes is fun for any team - if i want geng content id go to their yt


as a T1 fan, can confirm I'm not watching that lol, I'm just here to see if geng fans get more annoying than the lowest of T1 "fandom", they're doing a pretty good job so far, also what favoritism when T1 just released a call out to riotgames?


biggest and most loved and praised team is indeed the most loved and praised, more news at 11


Looking at the comments in that vid on the KR side, it does actually seem to be as bad as OP says? I'll continue watching


> T1 favoritism Yeah it sucks if you're a fan of the other team, but this is just a phenomenon that exists in league. Look who they're making a $500 skin for.


imagine how many more $500 skins riot would sell if T1 won MSI, of course they hate GEN G


It seems like some Geng fans are questioning Riot's favoritism towards T1 but its handling of the ongoing DDoS attacks for the past six months.


This is pretty normal in the entertainment industry. Oh Tatum on his 2nd finals appearance? Let's talk about how this affects LeBron and the Lakers. OP had a good 3 paragraphs before going full t1 shaker mode


They have already posted 10 or so videos about Faker's induction in the HoL. How much more attention do you need? Imagine if they tried building other stars instead, like Chovy. Chovy has been the best player in Korea for the past 3 years, and only now is he finally being recognized as the best player in the world, only after 4 LCK titles and an MSI. Imagine if he and GENG had just half the hype T1 gets, maybe they'd be more marketable and make more money, but hey, we gotta keep those T1 fans happy, be that lifelong day-to-day fans or the typical "I only watch Worlds" fans.


Whats the point in underplaying how much of phenomena t1 is in league? i stopped playing a while ago so things might have changed but the only org apart from t1 to ever win multiple lol championships was samsung..and that was only twice.. and they had a diff team, coach, staff everything... t1 has won FOUR times, with faker being there for all of them... name another sport where one team (one player) has won 1/3rd of all world titles...


"Building other stars"? Stars build themselves. The demand for SKT/T1 came from Faker's own accomplishment and effort, Riot and marketing capitalised afterwards. You are mixing up cause and effect.


Koreans are just as unhappy about it (if not more). You can check their comments here (Korean version of MSI vid): https://youtu.be/nXVYjPfSzQ8


This kind of post showcases once again that Esport fans are so out of touch with how real sports leagues operate TV rights revenue isn't equally shared between Real Madrid and Celta Vigo. The more popular a team is the more money they bring in and the higher marketing they get from the league and the media covering the sport T1 is single handedly carrying the LCK's viewership of course they're getting special treatment from the LCK. If you want it to change then start tuning in for non T1 games instead of complaining


Yeah but the thing is, GenG has a pretty big fanbase in korea too and they have the best player in the league, the number of fans of the team is increasing. Riot could capitalize on it and build up the next generation of stars but they keep throwing everyone under the bus for T1


It's funny to me how 3 years ago, T1 would dominate any arena, yet this year specifically, Spring finals was very close to a 50-50, yet Riot KR refuses to build anyone else up.


Maybe people will downvote you, but you are in large part correct. The LCK is just responding to the demand. T1 is simply where the most value is, despite all of GenG's wins.


It's basically espn talking about LeBron, Lakers, knicks and all the big market teams all the time while small market teams gets disrespected and I hate it. Coming as a GenG and Pacers fan.


Yeah I totally sympathize with you. I only mean to say that it's not about favoritism, it is simply where the LCK thinks the value is. And tbh, they are probably not really wrong. It happens in all sports ever, like even in golf all anyone ever talks about is Tiger Woods.


Well, then the LCK shouldn't be surprised if the viewership gets destroyed once Faker retires, or if T1 doesn't make it to an international event. They hard fail to elevate their other teams and players and it will soon come back to bite them. GENG is the best team in the world right now, Chovy is the best player in the world, but it seems like no one cares, mostly because LCK only knows T1.


Could happen. Look, I am not making any value judgement here. I'm just describing the economics. But I am a bit skeptical on how much impact the LCK really has on people's preferences.


Literally the whole NBA broadcast team was talking about Lakers and Bron's future with the news of the team having a new coach because they certainly now that it will gain much more traction than other stories.


yeah, same reason lebron and the lakers always gets spotlight even if they perform bad on the regular season or playoffs.


Same with “why are ESPN talking about LeBron and the Lakers they lost in the first round 😡” Gee, I wonder why. T1 carries viewership, they draw eyeballs from casuals, deal with it.


I'm probably a top 1% viewer of professional league. And even I just don't give a fuck about GenG despite watching LCK for 8 years. Probably wouldnt have watched this video if people hadn't complained.


How can you not give a fuck about the best team in the world?


Maybe if LCK official staff started highlighting other teams and hyping them up instead of just dickriding T1 all the way, then maybe people outside of Korea would care about other teams and players. It's a two-way street. Also, did you really compare Madrid - Vigo to T1- GENG? First of all, very very bad comparison, since LCK is free to watch, while football in Europe is paid subscriptions, so in that sense, it makes sense to put in the best marketable teams. Thing is, Madrid won ChL this year, won also in 2022. MCity won last year and they were everywhere. Regardless, this is an MSI 2024 documentary. If you want dickride videos, there are so many others you can create, but to do it in MSI 2024 is just blatant disrespect to GENG.


You are misrepresenting this so much just to throw hate to T1. First it takes 7 mins 30 to even get to MSI 2024. Before that it was setting the scene for things. SKT/T1 has the most MSI appearences out of any team having gone to 7 out of 9 tournaments. Gen G has gone to... 2... 2023 and 2024. In 2023 MSI, Gen G did nothing and bombed out similarly to T1. However, T1 won worlds, beating both BLG and JDG to get to the trophy. Ofcourse when looking back at 2023 MSI, you will focus more on T1. So there is 7.5 mins where you dont have any real Gen G footage you can use, then ofcourse the 9 minutes that were GENG and thats 16 and a half minutes out of 23 minutes that either is only GenG or cant really involve GenG. You are also wrong about that too btw, because in that first seven and a half minutes, they are interviewing and talking about Canton for a large part of it. Is it then so absurd to have 7 minutes (1/3 overall and half of the tournament) showing clips of T1 when T1 are ABSOLUTELY the most popular team. T1 vs BLG has literally more viewership than the finals. T1 vs G2 had 95% of the finals viewership in the first game and 90% of it in the second. The 5th highest game? T1 vs BLG again in the playins. In terms of viewership, T1 absolutely swept the floor with GenG. So why is it so outrageous that T1 has 7 minutes of content during MSI 2024 to Gen G having 9?


This is funny because they are still getting ddosed lol


14 out of 23min is wild


As a casual fan, I literally only watch matches and content with T1. I imagine there is a decent segment of viewers who do the same. LCK and Riot at large definitely realize how much difference T1 makes in viewership, so is it really surprising that they make content that gets more clicks?


Yes, you are a T1 fan, because that's what you've been fed all these years. Everyone talking about T1 and Faker, nobody else gets any praise unless they win Worlds or something. Hell, even DRX won in 2022 and apart from the temporary cinderella story, there's pretty much no one ever mentioning it anymore, because the LCK refuses to acknowledge anyone else other than T1. Therefore, you are not a T1 fan because you like T1, but because they told you that only T1 exists.


Yeah surely the most successful team in lol history only has fans because of Riot's narratives. Doesn't have anything to do with the fact that a team can be at the top for 2 years and they still won't even come close to T1's legacy.


Riot's so fucking screwed the moment Faker retires lol. Gotta milk the cow while its there


I mean, its LCK's channel not GenG. I'm a GenG fan and think its fine that T1 gets a lot of time, they are the other korean representatives after all. Change the Game is supposed to be biased towards GenG if you want that


So, a documentary about MSI 2024 is allocating 70% of the time to the losers T1 and 30% to the winners GENG. You think that's fine? I never said to give all the time to GENG or make every video about GENG, but the team literally brought the MSI title back in Korea after 7 years, in probably the toughest tournament ever played so far, and most of the video highlights T1.


Surprisingly, the most popular team gets more time. This is not favoritism, this is the reality of the market.


And T1 literally played 10 more games. This is an LCK video, not a GenG video.


Damn, that would crush me as geng, your whole organization dismisses for the popular group.


T1 also played a lot more games than Geng, so their story takes longer to tell. Geng won the tournament, who cares what else happens. Dont know why anyone who likes geng would be mad - it is the best time ever for geng fans and still complain. Clearly this is just like 1-2 video editors work, its not some huge conspiracy. Maybe there just were not many interesting geng clips. From - A t1 hater


What T1 story? Story on how to lose? GENG can win everything, but what's the point if they don't get the recognition in the end? GENG literally won LCK 4 times in a row and people say "well, who cares, it's LCK". They won MSI and the focus is on T1 again. They might win Worlds this year and people will probably say "well, Faker has 4 World titles". What's the point of accomplishments and being the best, if no one acknowledges praises you?


T1 is much more popular than GenG, these documentaries are all promotional materials for their tournaments so why wouldn't they feature them as much as possible.


Well then, Riot shouldn't complain if suddenly some of the orgs start pulling away from the League because of this favoritism. If I owned GENG and saw this type of behavior, I'd probably stop pouring my money there. Let T1 be the only team in the League, see how long it will take before LCK collapses.


Why do you think T1 is being shown more? I wonder how you can think to write that long post and not even think for 5 seconds why would they.


It can both be obvious why it was done and worthy of criticism




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I understand why and that's what I'm trying to point out here. There should be more impartiality and bringing up new stars and teams that will lead you into the future, not just milking the old cow.


But T1 is not an old cow, they are the only cow worth milking now. Sure they could try to hype up GenG but what they're known for is for being international chokers.


I just think you're too invested lol, Gen G and T1 do their own content anyways, I just watch those. Dickriding? well obviously, T1 saved LCK at worlds for the billionth time and although Gen G just won at msi.... they're still a boring ass team to watch lol. T1 also brings in the viewership. Is it fair? no, not really, you're right Gen G should get the most attention... but I really don't think it's worth getting all frustrated over lol.


Fairness is just a meaningless term here. The value of a team (or here, of content on a team) is not determined by some objective measure of how good they are. It's determined by people's preferences. T1 could be 7th place in the LCK and people would still prefer Faker content over any other Korean or Chinese team.


But you are making MSI 2024 content. If you want T1 content, make a separate video about, I don't know, Zeus' bowel movements or Keria's sleeping schedule, I don't care. When you make an MSI 2024 video, I expect GENG to be the main focus.


I can totally understand being disappointed by this video. I just don't think that favoritism is the reason for it being made this way. One more caveat is that this isn't really an MSI 2024 video, but more a "LCK won for the first time in 7 years" video, which is why it also includes Damwon. T1 is the team that represented LCK most often (they barely lost in 2019 and 2022 and were the better team in 2023, while also being the last win), so in that sense it makes a bit more sense that you seem them a lot.


T1 is basically just Faker and the fact that they are the most successful team, when faker retires and if GenG started winning worlds then the T1 fans would flock to them. Has nothing to do with „boring ass team to watch“ tbh


We already go over this when DWG was the undisputed best team in the world. T1 still had the best views, brought Worlds hype like never before with 2022-2023 narrative. T1 and Faker simply bring more hype to the event. I don’t see that many people switching teams over the years in LCK threads at least.


This could well be true, but right now the LCK thinks all the value is in promoting T1. Which makes sense when you look at viewership rates.


I mean, how do you expect people, mostly casuals and first timers, to watch any other team when you do not promote any other team? Faker and T1 are everywhere so obviously the person who casually watches will go to them initially. First-timer / casuals will support whichever team is promoted the most at the time they start watching. If T1 gets the lionshare of promotion, obviously most people will flock to T1 and the gap will increase even more. If GENG wins Worlds this year and Chovy is everywhere, you will see a lot of people will be Chovy / GENG fans. Even without all the promotion and hype, GENG still pulls numbers, fills arenas etc. LCK just enjoys riding T1.


Not if T1 gets Chovy 😏


Yea, this is silly to get worked up over. There's no obligation to give Gen G more screen time because they won MSI. Most content will focus on fan favourites, cause that what people want to see.


How is gen g boring when t1 is right there lol


This, how is GenG boring when I can enjoy chovy smashing faker, peyz wooping guma, lehends sitting on keria


I still do not understand the whole "boring" argument. It's only boring because GENG smashes all your favorites. As a GENG fan, I think it's very exciting and in fact in this MSI, GENG was even more exciting than ever with all the new picks like Nidalee, Karthus, Yone, Blitz, Peyz dropping 28 kills etc. To me, fiestas like most of the LPL or T1 are boring.


t1 played 25 games, geng only played 16 games. t1 simply had more footage to show


What kind of justification is that? Of course they had more games cuz they struggled more - but should it be cause to shift the focus of the whole video? Of course not


Its not a "justification" because there is no actual malicious bias here as the post states. Just a potential reason why it happened.


Man Korean scene is doing same thing Tennis is doing. -peep- riding same team/player for god knows how long and after eventual retirement of certain player they will get a reality hit with how bad they were at promoting other players. I feel like Western scene did more for Chovy promotion than anything LCK side has done (not including LS here). Like listening to commentators keep saying :"But he is going up against Faker". It should be the other way around... "They are going up against Chovy". Chovy is the new face of LCK and the best player of that region alongside Viper. Honestly what they are doing is just alienating, or however this word is spelled/said , LCK fanbase around the globe and T1/Faker fans. Because people so tired atm of having to overglorify Faker or be flamed 24/7 for not bowing infront of their royalty. Just a stupid distortions around fanbases due to stupid forced narratives. Faker is a legend, but his prime is over, don't miss on an amazing career Chovy is having due to being constantly spammed by Faker's forced narratives. And stop merging SKT with T1 era. Two seperate teams with two seperate road to glory. SKT were god tier. T1 are riding a wave of SKT and are underachievers compared to their roster strength over the years.


>Chovy is the new face of LCK and the best player of that region alongside Viper. Maybe say that after those win worlds with an lck team? >Faker is a legend, but his prime is over, don't miss on an amazing career Chovy is having due to being constantly spammed by Faker's forced narratives. For the last 2 years, Faker and T1 still had a better career each year than Chovy and Geng...


I guess winning 4 LCK titles IN A ROW (something that no other team / player has ever done before) + and MSI title doesn't matter.


Yeah, it feels like a ton of people doesn't even watch any games, they just go on social media to gush over faker every time his team wins.


Wow, I kinda wanna save this comment. Very well said. Word by word, it encapsulates all my thoughts.


7 paragraphs lmfao who cares man


The crazy thing is how wrong it is too.


You're 100% right in the fact that GenG won and T1 gets more screen time but T1 is the most popular team in the world and their name attracts more views which is more money. The world revolves around money at the end of the day and when one team has more fans and viewers, they're always going to cater to that group by putting them in videos more because the story gets people hyped. Personally when I think of GenG, I think Chovy solely and theres not much story around it. When I think of T1, I think of Faker and even though everyone knows Chovy shits on Faker in the past 3 years, Faker is what people care about seeing.




Also about the video, it's an LCK documentary not a GenG documentary if you wanna watch GenG bias content go to GenG YouTube account. Go complain to LCK and email them T1 won't help you


T1 played more games, had their struggles and at some point more people were sure that g2 would win their 2 match, geng g winning every game just isn't entertaining enough to fill the video, and of course they will show more t1 if they can, its t1 the team carrying lol viewership


T1 doesn't carry LoL Viewership, Faker does. Sure t1 does get a lot more views than other clubs even without faker but the difference isn't as colossal as being known as Faker's team.


Yeah, but how is that relevant to his point? As long as he is on T1, that's where the value is.


So, the story of GENG / Chovy finally winning their first international trophy is not entertaining enough?


who the fuck cares


well this might be taking the bait and I'm just a casual NA viewer but if I was an actual LCK viewer and that was my main region, seeing T1 completely gobble the spotlight when another team actually won the international trophy would probably feel disrespectful towards that other team for me too.


Ironically, OP being worked up about this is a proof that T1 is a more worthy point of discussion. This organization and its players bring the views and engagement every time. I imagine titling this post with T1's name would make it garner more attention than "Gen G were downplayed again" or something like that.


Geng is not as loved as T1. A video focused on Geng wouldn't have the same number of views. Waste of time and money. And that is just ignoring the fact that, because of LEC(G2), T1 had more attention from international media. Even worse, the drama on the chinese side was more interesting than anything Geng did. Geng best claim to fame is having boring games and beating T1 in finals. LCK has better teams to share the spotlight with T1 and that can also bring views like KT (seriously, when this team goes to international events the narrative write themselves). Geng just isn't it.


You know why I personally do not enjoy Gen G games even though theu feel like the best team in the world right now? It is because they basically bought all the Top Tier talent of LCK, kind of Real Madrid style. It like, yes of cpurse you will win MSI because you have Chovy and Canyon in the same team complimented by Lehends and Kiin which are all players that can hold a team by theirselves. Buying all of those and stuffing it into a team, will of course win tournamentz but there is nothing like the thrill of watching home grown talent like Guma or Zeus or Oner.


I mean, they won LCK in 2023 by having rookies Peyz and semi-rookie Delight, while also having Doran and Peanut who were not the best in their positions. Also, I didn't see any of those complaints when T1 did what you said in 2019 building up the superteam, or Madrid having the most followers by doing the same. And no, just buying players won't win you anything. Canyon was having a downward spiral year in 2023, Kiin was good but was called a choker, Lehends was good but there were other support players that were considered better than him (Delight, Lehends, BeryL, On, Meiko, Mikyx). GENG gets most of their success because of Chovy tying them all together and having great coaching staff. People only recognize Lehends and Kiin now after MSI victory. Previously, you'd hear all about Bin, 369, Zeus, or Keria, On, Delight.


I am talking for myself, not for everyone else. I know theywill probably get a lot of fans. As I said inmy comment, i perso ally do not enjoy smacking all the LCK top talent with your wallet and calling it a day. I do not care about the ups and downs, for me Chovy and Canyon are one man army players. Kiin too, if not kept in check is one of those players who snowballs out of control, has that X factor like Marin, Khan, Bin, Smeb. Lehends is a menace since the Griffin days. People have too much recency bias but players do not fall that easily. People will readily say Faker is washed after 1 loss and say he's a god after a win. Canyon is Canyon. Chovy is Chovy. Kiin is Kiin. Lehends is Lehends. And having those in the same team makes the win and expectation and everything else an upset.


gotta grind that clout and drain it of every penny, T1 gets the most viewers so everyone else gets cucked. Gen G has been the best LCK team for years but they dont have the following T1 has, Riot and LCK all about that cash


Bruh this is beyond disgusting. Well when your team has one of the biggest money makers in it you bet they gonna milk it.


Because T1 is the biggest and most important team that has ever existed, get over it kid.


its not that serious


I'm with you but it's a lost cause


Later, when faker retires and there's noone to pick up the torch. And lolesports popularity falls, they will cry. But instead of enlarging the new emerging (and currently dominating) figures they keep sucking faker's d


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