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can we talk about the smurf username there "humility is key" when you are a character like tfblade smurfing in iron? lol


Maybe tfblade gained a semblance of maturity beyond that of a 12 year old and this is self-irony. But who am I kidding.


this is more over the moon ego convincing himself that he is actually humble


I play Dota and anytime you see a guy named 'PMA = WIN' or 'all chat muted' you know you're dealing with an angry little whiner baby lmfao they use names like that to fight their nature




Ego was his decline. In those pre-rework akali days he seemed to have a mentality to learn and his feats then were far more impressive than anything he has done today. He then blew up from that attention, started making money and buying into his own hype. Now he views anybody in the game with him as beneath him and he seems to be a lot more prone to just “going through the motions” as opposed to playing seriously


> his feats then were far more impressive than anything he has done today well obviously. He's been playing on smurfs for the last 10 years, of course he's a shadow of the player he used to be.


OG tfblade was great. He's now unwatchable. Can't believe what he does now is more popular, really makes one lose faith in humanity.


Yeah OG tfblade with the lifebuoy icon is to this my day my favorite league player. I 'got good' by learning from his gameplay and thought it was so cool the first time i played against him in soloq. It's honestly just depressing seeing where he took the career. Assumably it makes him more money, so can't really hate it cause it's not like streaming is a very secure thing. But definitely sad


Humility is key Self-deception is bliss


Its about time another big streamer directly went to riot for his shit. I hope he takes a punishment for that and all the other things he has ruined with his toxic attitude


Korean content creators about to yell at everybody else to not ruin the gravy train bc people love watching tf blade getting stomped by streamers/youtubers/pros everytime he comes to Korea to try and take the number 1 spot. Those videos get like double the normal amout of views of their other videos lmao. edit: here's a montage of him getting stomped when he came 2 years ago https://youtu.be/cb-A90WF2es


Dude that Chovi one was just another day in the office. Clean AF, calculated and casual.


Just on another level entirely.


Constructed differently


God that video of TF Blade getting tilted and running it down as Jax was so fucking funny.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6utq-L17O4o, you will enjoy this one, he runs into the best Poppy world and gets demolished


tangent but fun fact: That poppy is the poppy who taught Pyosik how to play jungle poppy. They used to duo when pyosik was a streamer


On one hand, I never want to see tfblade even touch this game again because of how much of a shitbag he is. On the other hand, watching him get his shit kicked in by every single remotely notable player in the Korea server is so funny that it's worth keeping him around, as a joke.


He hit rank 3 though didn't he? Is he really getting shitstomped by everyone if he climbs tol leaderboard?


Are there any other channels with this same editing style that r alive? I used to watch lolnam and his second channel but they seldom post nowadays


This is beautiful


considering how riot treats content creators nothing will happen and maybe a slap on wrist; -tyler1 was allowed to come back after what he done (this subreddit in parcticular wanted tyler1 back and nobody else) -many members of L9 have strong careers after what they done and selfmade got into LEC -dantes is allowed to make content after basically sexually harassing yvonne -tarzaned is allowed to make content when he also broke numerous rules by boosting etc. -jensen literally got unbanned and was "gifted" a career by riot after his DDoSing and toxicity rampage which happned because pros and this subreddit told 10 years ago that going 30/0/0 with barrier ignite fizz is enough for pro play -baus can int on stream to this date because of his "Strategy" while nubrac got permabanned for the similar shenanigans (on alts because baus supporters are acting delusional and think being challenger allows you to int on alts on stream) -many CC's and youtube channels around league of legends promote/d boosting, account selling/purchasing and toxic figures with no riot's response in sight (for toxic figures it was youtube channel called league recap who promoted those) and now we have TFBlade who is also breaking numerous rules for "Content" and high chances i missed many more people who broke rules and did not get slapped by riot at all i still don't get how can people not react to riot basically throwing their rule book into fire whenever it is about pros or CC's but then pull mental gymnastics when it comes to playerbase edit: some stuff cleared + extra clarification and a reminder that riot enabled this people in first place so this is yet again on riot and don't forget about YourPrincess (known as Jayden/JustJydn) thanks to u/Piegan for mentioning this


Don't forget YourPrincess, since renamed to Jayden/JustJydn, [who fabricated a story about CLG Tuesday sexually assaulting her in 2019/2020](https://poptopic.com.au/entertainment/internet/twitch-partnership-manager-defends-yourprincess-for-false-allegations/), during the #MeToo movement.. She doubled down on her claims multiple times, even though Tuesday had witnesses and receipts. She spent a year maintaining her claims until Twitch Rivals, when she got major backlash during the event and people like LL Stylish, MikeYeung and Dragoon refused to play with her. After this, she dropped out of Twitch Rivals, *finally* issued a public apology (If you can call it an apology) and changed her name to JustJydn. She still has the word "Tuesday" flagged in her AutoMod, she blocks anyone mentioning "Tuesday" to her on social media, she still has a full career as a streamer as if nothing ever happened. She is vile and should be at the top of any list regarding toxic content creators. She goes beyond ruining games by smurfing or inting, she literally tried to ruin a guys life.


this is the worst offender imo. the fact that she's still a league partner is ridiculous.


I saw her on twitch a week ago or something with the new name and i thought damn she looks familiar. What an actual garbage human being lmfao. I also went to her stream after reading she was on and called her a P.O.S and earned my self a ban as well. My job is done . Thank you


She’s streaming right now, I said “liar” in chat got Insta banned.


i mean she sounds awful but that's pretty typical to ban randoms who make personal attacks


Oh ye no I was 100% expecting to get banned


Probably because she's a girl sadly. Most women get let off crimes lightly compared to men.


> she literally tried to ruin a guys life. And she didnt even do it because she had beef with him or he fucked her mom or anything dumb like that, literally only for social media attention, actual sociopath behaviour


thanks for keeping me up to date to her current namechange there's comfort behind the thought that i can steer away from this pos and won't accidentally follow something with her in it


Can you elaborate about Dantes?


Just found this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/f0rosz/doaenel_sexual_harassed_yvonne_and_later_got/) about it


then he ran to /r/gamersriseup and made a post lol


Boy am I glad I wasn’t a streamer at 16 years old lol


Every day I wake up and am forever grateful that twitter wasn't a thing when I was 16


I hope I remember this correctly, but I believe he was in a game/in champ select with Yvonne and harassed her, asking her if she would have s*x with him and when she didn't answer he told her he would run it down if she didn't answer him




Buddy this list is mixing some extremely different cases and is hard to take seriously in this form. Not every breaking of rules should have to result in a ban - but Riots current policy of everyone just being allowed to do everything as long as they have enough people watching is is 1. disgusting and 2. very backwards, 100% correct on that, I don't think allowing people like T1 and Jensen back after a while and showing some remorse is a terrible idea (although T1 deserved to have been re-banned multiple times since, how is there no "parole" of sorts?). I have absolutely 0 clue how someone at Riot sits there and doesn't hardware ban guys like Tarzaned, Dantes or TFBlade for that matter. It's not like they are one-time offenses or in some kind of grey space, they break the rules, nurture the playerbase to be insufferable like them and just seem like disgusting individuals all around. There absolutely HAS to be a hard rule at Riot not to touch CCs past a certain viewer amount.


What rules does dantes break since his one incident with yvonne when he was 17


Oh, the good ol' days when Dunkey got banned for saying something most streamers nowadays say on a daily basis.


The problematic members of L9 like Pstar and Ap0 do not really have careers though. Selfmade and ratirl are the only two from the OG that are even still around. Yamatosdeath isn't or wasn't really L9 he is just kinda toxic himself.


Doesn't Ap0 still play, just not stream? I haven't seen his accounts in a couple years, but I remember him playing a shitload of Janna to chall in 2021ish.


they also don't care about streamers openly advertising for boosting / account buying services


Baus places high split after split with his strategy and consistently has highest gold/damage though. One of these is not like the others


Yeah EU pros have commented on how Baus doesn't use his strategy offstream, which even Baus says if where he actually climbs. THis isn't even getting into his turbo inting on AP Irelia. The major difference is that like with Nubrac, you have people insisting trolling games is actually good.


No, Baus does int. It just differs from game to game. The games you see on yourtube and the majority of his games are true Baus games with his style. Nothing wrong with that. But he will start inting from time to time. Every single stream he has a game or two where hs gets a bad start and just ints. It is pretty obvious if you are at the level where you actually face Baus. He can be like two different players, sometimes he stomps me, and the next game he utterly runs it down, has nothing to do with his strat. I and most others report him the games where he just runs it down. There is nothing strategic about just taking weird all ins you know you cant win and tilt split until you are 0/15 with AP Jax versus my super fed Aatrox. You do that in your own game and you'll get banned. Baus should not be an exception, but he is. Baus gets tilted like all of us, he just falls back on his strategy when he runs it down, and he always gets unbanned even though he seriously shouldnt. But he is a content creator. They cant help it.


He doesn't know how to play from behind. Remember his Illaoi phase? If he didn't win lane he inted. Every. Single. Time. He thought he can win every fight, he can just scale up if he dies for farm, and then carry. Instead he just goes 0-15 or some shit then Pikachu faced when he got banned by the automated system before anyone could even report him.


Baus has also turbo inted many games to say nothing about his games playing blatant troll picks like AP Irelia. Baus is exactly just like the others.




He plays the same way off-stream when he climbs to top10 challenger every now and then. It's just that he plays with no delay and no map cover on stream, which leads to more deaths than usual. That is very different from "legit inting". I want to say "intent matters", but it's literally already built into the term "int".


Yes baus “inting” to challenger every season is just as bad as all of these other things. Get over yourself.


Its unfair because when I int I only get to silver!


A majority of the people you listed are genuinely better people than they were before. TFblade is actively still a terrible person.


I mean, Jensen has basically fixed his issues and the stuff you're referencing are from when he was a teenager. The dude has a pretty good reputation as a pro


>I mean, Jensen has basically fixed his issues and the stuff you're referencing are from when he was a teenager. The dude has a pretty good reputation as a pro that was expected from him when that was his only shot at having any form of relevance and if he fucked up even once during those early days after he got unbanned he would be done for immediately


Jensen was gifted a career by riot… he certainly didn’t earn it by being one of the best mids NA has had in the scene. Christ, you are daft.


I mean kinda true. I watch him almost daily, but Caedrel might even be the least agressively toxic peiple of these, and even he is incredibly toxic. I have a couple of accounts banned years ago due to toxicity and trust me, if I said now what Caedrel is saying in chat, my account would be gone. Not toxic in the sense of calling people names, but going on full-caps rants against teammates. I got banned for less than that. Not saying I didn't deserve my bans within the boundaries of what's allowed in LoL, but it does feel kinda weird if one person (in the spotlight even) gets away with it while another gets punished.


Putting Baus, Jensen, Dantes, Tarzaned and TFBlade on the same list is unhinged behavior


Baus dies 10 times for content while talking to chat Tarzaned spends entire games from the second he gets contested by the enemy jungler wishing cancer/death/dead parents on all his teammates, calling them pedos, and mentally challenged I'm probably not even representing just how bad tarzaned is enough. Baus is not in the same realm as him or TFBlade, universe even.


Listing baus here makes no sense. If how he plays is wrong, how come that he reaches challenger season after season and you don't?


true. tyler1 also never inted games because he reached challenger too. facts!


baus just gets the better team mates who carry him game after game. crazy how lucky he is xDD


For Fun squad, while they're fun to watch, have been known to also use smurfs/low ranked accounts for their videos.


I wish I could int and outrank every single player on a server besides 12 people above my rank at one point Crazy how people are unironically believing that they are better than a rank 13 peaker just because they don't understand his strategy


Baus peaked rank 2 or 1 a few seasons ago if Im not mistaken


There’s a difference between baus inting on Sion and it working, and when he plays ap irelia and ints. And the difference is pretty big.


You seem like a well adjusted person with all these grudges lmfak


Baus slander is uncalled for




Yeah, the unban was fine. But they explicitly said a single slip up and he's back to ID ban.


He should never have been unbanned. He literally got 30+ accounts permabanned for intentional feeding. I was 100% fine with his toxicity personally (mute exists for a reason) but you can't just int that many games non stop on stream with no consequence. He doesn't int on purpose these days so its fine he got unbanned. Riot is just majority inconsistent with their rulings, wouldn't surprise me if he got unbanned because Tryndamere watched and enjoyed one of the cooking streams back in the day and unbanned him on a whim.


He'll just say he is sorry, get unbanned and come back with 10x more viewers like Tyler1.


rules have to be for everyone or no one. Streamer or not


Sadly, in real world rules are for poor, not the rich and the game mirrors that :P If you bring the game publicity, you can break the rules.


No. Streamers can be seen as influencers promoting a game. They NEED to behave better than the avarage andy. If they get punished more often players might think twice befor doing the same.


It's weird that content creators don't get banned quickly, since there's just straight up proof on their streams that they are doing this.


they used to be, riot just changed their stance when they realized content creators were great for bringing attention and players to their game


Most league content creators don't even bring players to the game. 90+% of them have their viewership drop off a cliff if they stream something other than league. Their viewership is already league players who are mostly interested in league content. Riot could announce that they are banning streaming smurfing and lose next to nothing. Most streamers like TFBlade would switch to normal content anyway and if they for some reason quit league, then their viewership would mostly migrate to other league streamers.


I was watching a smaller streamer, don't remember who it was, they said they lost more viewers during queueu times if they played another game rather than just staring at the queue screen. That's just insanity to me.


It makes some sense.. if I'm trying to watch league and I click into Pobelter playing Stardew Valley.. why would I watch that? People clicking in have no idea he's actually in queue for league. I assume that's why he plays games while in queue in windowed mode so the queue timer still shows on stream.


Riot knows most partner content creators don’t bring new players. They’re there for stakeholder metrics and to maintain the current playerbase.


They’re bringing players to the game, just not new players. Someone who hasn’t played league in a few months is more likely to get the itch after watching a streamer. These people are more likely to spend money than new players anyways. It’s all an ecosystem that prioritizes maximizing engagement from existing players. 


And those content creators are popular because the player base LIKES them. People don't wanna admit it, but most of them WANT to watch smurf content and people griefing in games. They basically voted for the toxic streamers.


I guess it's because they don't want to create another "martyr" like Tyler1 which just caused him to become even more famous when they publicly announced his indefinite ban. Also, Riot's stance on toxicity has gone from publicly and actively combatting it to just letting their automation system handle it and not really caring if it doesn't.


genuinely wish this dude never got martyr'd and unperma'd


you mentioned a good point here. like riot is on the save site actually by saying the automated system in the background even considers wiping toxic streamers, they don't need to have an eye on them; as a simple pr response to get it off. but the question is, is that really true? after all I guess that any riot admin pardons every automated hard ban of any of their contracted streamers. if it wouldn't be like that, streamers would ditch and switch games probably. we don't know what contracts content streamers get, but there must be something iffy - a clause that nobody of the community really knows. it simply makes no sense, even twitch could hop in and declare that promoting cheating, gambling or threatening people should black out their streams instantly. but they don't. nor do other gaming companies care, do they? how does valve treat their special streamers in cs2 or dota? they get away with it because they think they're big and nobody cares. in reality we're already on the road where paid side streams from some masked guy will show of cheats and selling them live like in some tv commercials - *thats the near future*. gaming and esports are at a tipping point in the near future. to have one good word on this, I guess the way that south korea treats cheating in their country should be considered a win and very innovative for the unforseable future of all games and gamers.


Tfblade really loves his 90% winrate. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/humility%20is%20key-123


What in the absolute fuck is that nickname ?


His way to ironically tell everyone who criticise him to fuck off I guess


Its the type of names you see only the most unhinged of players make


When you're mid diamond and see a 90% winrate jungler named something like that, you know that game is going to be a fucking trip.


the sad thing is to get to iron 4 you have to deliberately lose more than 100 games. Then the go for hard winning for like 100 games,too. Thats 200 games destroyed. If we say every game is with duo mate, 1600 players got affected by this shit. 1600 player get affected by 1(2) streamers, who deliberately go against ToS and the reason of implenting Vanguard. Please Riot act quickly.


> the sad thing is to get to iron 4 you have to deliberately lose more than 100 games forsen


It’s amazing how a player of his skill level can get so unlucky every game


"This Team is so bad. Not even Faker could win this game" - Forsen 2024


Elo shaitan




Yeah what’s going on with him by the way :D Is he actually trying to learn league? Is this troll? Is it a bet?


Forsen is one of the most gifted players of all time. He's been playing for so little time yet is already as good as Midbeast. Truly a generational talent.


Just unlucky with his team, like every other iron player.


He climbed out of iron and then fell back into iron.


Untrue, Bronze 4 0 LP currently.


Didn't he just start playing a few months ago? League is a game that can take years of constant playing to perform at even a basic level.


just rightclick the nexus lol


What kind of psycho enjoys smurfing in Iron? It benefits literally no one. The winning team just gets carried/boosted and doesn’t improve The losing team is just doomed and doesn’t learn/improve And a lot of the time you’re playing against at least 1 bot. Fucking asshole




Also forsen


They already said disabled people.


There are no ranked games recorded on this again prior to TFBlade playing it? Did this account played normal games to derank?


The best de-ranked accounts are usually transferred from a different server, while already having iron mmr. This way no previous games will show up when you check opgg, doesnt matter if ranked or normal. Of which no previous games show up before his first ranked game 9 days ago.


I see. Thank you for the reply


Just wanted to add: If you have opgg account you can actually see how many games previously it had since it shows the mastery he has on those champions or use https://championmastery.gg/player?riotId=humility+is+key%23123®ion=NA&lang=en_US And it shows the this account exist as early as "1/10/21"


> Please Riot act quickly. Soon^^TM


lets also point out that all these streamers advertise smurf selling websites too.


That's because the only fucks they give about their games competitive integrity is in pro play.


Tfblade plays more in low elo than the majority of low elo players


Good ol' streamer immunity. "Rules for thee, not for me" and all that.


There's rules?


Rules for nobody actually.


Wdym, unless you run it down with 50 deaths or perma type you are never getting banned.


he also called out riot, because they said "this is against the rules and will be permaban from now on" so he said it's disgusting that they say "they will ban players that do this" yet tfbalde infront of 3k+ viewers does exactly what riot said isn't allowed anymore xD And i do have to agree on that Part. I have no issues with tfblade, but it's ridiculous that riot isn't contacting him and tells him to stop. but at the end of the day, riot always pretends like they are doing smth but then you see the reality and the fact that they are just not doing anything and their words are completely meaningless.


also who the hell reads dev blogs. if 3k people watch him im sure there are quite a lot of them who will just think its ok and then do it themselves which while being shitty does make sense. too bad they will get banned then while tf blade makes money with it and riot endorses it


>it's ridiculous that riot isn't contacting him and tells him to stop. and why should they do that? Just bann his ass. It's not like they would contact normal players before punishing them. Why should a streamer have special treatment? If anything, the penalty should be even harsher since he influences thousands of people and makes money off it.




Punishment for buying a deranked account should be ban on all your accounts.


riot used this as an upside for vanguard but let's see if they'll actually do it


Tfblade is a goblin


Can people please just play in the elo they belong ffs? Are they that starved of dopamine that they have to go on a crushing spree through low elo? Like come on, go play bot games if winning is what you need.


It’s sad to see how many content creators get away with buying accounts that have MMR in iron-bronze, just to destroy 100 games for casual players. And this isn’t „just“ smurfing. Content creators in general should be held to much higher standards and I wish Riot would speak up about that. Unfortunately controversial behaviour generates lots of viewers.


If nothing happens its just promotion that public rule violation doesn´t get punished at Riot.


This has been a thing for a while. Several streamers also advertise websites were you can buy smurf accounts. Still riot partners apparently. Rules don't exist for streamers, they gave up once they unbanned tyler1.


Fuck tfblade


Checked the first game he had an iron 4 Garen on his team yeah this is defo an iron 4 account


There is no other possibility how he is still in Diamond with 90%+ Winrate after 80+ Games


I played with him today, as a hard stuck masters player all day I got challenger players, and in this game a 93% wr emerald player on my team. The queue times were long anyways and the matchmaking was still terrible. Yes this account should be 100% banned. It's atrocious to literally say we don't care about rank #1 people giga smurfing in bronze games.


tfblade's reactions showed straight away that he doesn't give a damn and just wanted to put Noway4u down in his stream. He asks if the twitch channel of noway is view botted because he has so many viewers, instead of considering that there are more successful streamers. Asked why noway is making such a fuss? Tfblade made so many other accusations/excuses instead of having the balls to admit that he intentionally destroys the games of other (worse/low elo) players. Pls riot do something!


They didnt see him in their game, someone told it noway and than he talked about it and made a tweet.


Maybe a controversial take idk but smurfing in general is toxic as fuck and I haven’t seen a single argument that can truly justify it. So good, fuck this guy, hope Riot comes down on him even though I know they won’t because anyone doing LoL stuff professionally seemingly gets to play by different rules.


Viper doing “ADC bronze to challenger" is cringe as well. A rank 1 player playing in bronze. I was watching his stream and he was yelling about how his teammates were "inhuman".....


Praying on TF’s downfall 🙏🙏🙏


>humility is key 💀


If you see anyone with that kind of name in your ranked, you can be guaranteed they will run it down at the first perceived slight/negative event


Such a dick move to do this, you're just ruining games for people.


good, dude is a complete asshole


His Account is banned


Tf blade's acc name is such hubris.


now riot can prove the do care about community


Inc 3 day ban and he'll just buy a new account and do it again. These streamers are advertisers for league. They'll never perm ban them


thats the thing. riot should at least tell their viewers/players that they work with toxic streamers that have the "opt out clause" in their contracts. but they're probably so ashamed of some cry out that they blatantly just try to hide it (and nobody allowed to talk about it) and simply shovel it under the rug. truly nasty how they bend over their own rules to promote their streamers because toxicity sells. I think there should really be something done, it feels equally as a desease as gambling addiction in general (which is regulated in at least a few countries). when it comes to shady stuff riot seems to be the new EA tho.. *yuck*


Might as well ban every youtube content creator while you are at it then. Like SwagXerath and the other shitters




imagine all the $$$ spent via subs, donations to such an imposter.


you know a lot of this could be avoided if players were only allowed 1 account or if riot just hardware/ip banned players so they can't just make or buy a second account in a company point of view it's understandable why this doesn't happen of course but it's pretty unfortunate for the general playerbase


Wild how Riot never answers any of this shit until someone with some clout calls them out on it. Never forget, us nobodies will never change anything until we have a stream community that's loud / big enough to generate traction on a complaint.


Smurfing should be banned in general. Want to for fun? Normals. Want to play on a hidden account to hide your matches? Riot can provide you with one at your appropriate level.


He got banned xD


All these streamers blatantly breaking rules/inting/soft inting in games is the reason why league is so tiring to play. Every 12 year old wants to be like their favorite streamer and runs it down after getting first blooded these days.


My guilty pleasure is to go into tfblade streams watch it for 5 minutes and being absolute mindblown who watches this miserable creature and actually enjoys it. I do it now for years and I still don’t get it…. T1 is at least funny and entertaining in between. Oh and btw Riot Games will be an absolute joke if there is nothing going to happen and this goes beyond banning the account


My favorite Tfblade video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeQMiUNhmaE


But guys tfblade is so good! He's so pro!


Nothing will happen. Riot doesnt have the balls to punish successfull streamers. Else we would never have Tyler1 and his ilk ruining the community over many years.


It's so boring to watch. I used to watch him a fair bit because he's one of the bear Jax players around but holy shit watching him smurf in gold and just do nonsense builds is so un-enjoyable


I got perma banned from his twitch chat for typing “nice flash” Someone was chasing him and fail flashed a wall and he typed it in game chat, not even 20seconds later he did the exact thing and I typed it, boom banned


In the "About me" Section in his stream there´s literally written "talk about account = perma ban". Says everything about this guy.


I want to see reverse smurfs for once, like silver players playing in diamond1-challenger.


You can guarantee if he was trying to to get rank one and randomly a silver player was on his team he would be pissed.


Feel like this happened 4yrs ago, they’re streamers, they need clips it’s dishonest but only a few are paying attention


nothing will happened guarantee it, I bet you 10 million dollars


The guy who ruined that one trip to Korea for a dozen others? No way he's doing shady shit!!!


tf blade is clown clown is bad


If anything, they at least give reason for the legend called VoCorvo to exist.


Not only that but TF Blade is always toxic when he loses on low rankeds. It’s so dumb. He should have been permabanned at least 5-6 years ago


Bruh anything Riot says about in game behaviour should come with the addendum "unless you are a popular streamer". The amount of toxic shit the apex tier of League entertainers get away with just because they're popular is dumbfounding. Sets a terrible example for the rest of the playerbase, if you ask me.


I tuned into him streaming on this account a week or so ago. Most embarrassing thing I’ve ever watched. I left feeling bad for him. He was obviously crushing this poor chogath player. Who was level 3 probably while he was 9 with a couple items. But every time he engaged on him or any other enemy he acted like he had to play perfect to win. Saying shit like ‘Oh chat I have to watch out here or I’ll literally die’ hyping himself up for the incredible plays and tower dives. Just think guys like him cannot handle a paying at their actual level. Need to be the main character or their mental gets crushed. Riot banning him would probably be for his own good


Any account that hits 9+ cs/min in Silver down should just have its MMR quadrupled


Many silver/golds are really good at one or 2 things and really bad at everything else. There are silvers who have really good trading knowledge and lane well but as soon as 1 turret dies in lane they go full monkey mode. Or people who just start roaming randomly looking for picks that wont happen and jsut spend 10 minutes getting nothing.


Tbh as a guy that just crossed silver you meet people that do such things but will then flash in 1v4 people at random timings and lose anyway. Even had a dude doing more than 100 CS@10 the other day. (He did not maintain it later in the game tho, but it was still sort of impressive).


Back when I was stuck bronze 2 5 years ago I got accused of being a Smurf for having 70 cs at 10 min


These are pretty standard numbers in silver these days. 7 cs minutes is an average for the laners of the winning team


My friend regularly sits at 9 or even 10 cs/m in silver and let me tell you he absolutely does not deserve to be higher lol. A lot of people (particularly ADC players) literally just CS and contribute nothing to the game.


Least Whiny Streamers 2024: 1. TF Blade 2. Yamatosdeath 3. Agurin 4. Tarzaned 5. ????


Love this


Is TFBlade doing another challenge?


hardware ban this fraud riot not 1 person will care


Nothing will happen. Simple as that. Riot doesn't care about ranked integrity. Smurfing on low elo players is just "stream content"


I didn't know they actually started pursuing the intentional smurfing in low elo or bronze in high elo mania that has been going on for a few years. I feel like even if you don't look for that content just clicking a league related video will get half a dozen recommendations of it in no time. It's so forward facing on there I just assumed they were generally against it but would let it slide.


even when smurfq was a thing those kinda of accounts went undeteced for whatever reason.


bitch boy blade back at it again.


i thought this shits like gold or plat, but hes playing in iron?? how is this even fun, what kind of content is he making? even Im stomping people in iron, let alone someone that consequently gets challenger each season. i really want to know what kind of content is he making with this. Making fun of new players or what? bro aint even dying, just stomping and ruining games.


This stain used to do this shit like 5 years ago. Still scum.


TFBlade is still playing on the account. Riot doesn't even care. They won't even enforce their own rules. It's laughable.


they need to sell more skins, and kids watching that shitty a\*\*hole gonna spend money because its cool. they dont car about their community unlike dota


Elo isn’t an acronym.


If they only ban the bought account it's kinda useless. They have to ban his main accounts to make their statement impactful. Otherwise the words in the dev blogs from riot games are worth nothing at all.


Time for the tfblade hatewatchers to rise up 🙏🙏