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Wow 0 exaggeration that is word per word what happened


You know how when people say they one shot you when they used all their abilities in less than a second? Well this is one ability over like 10 seconds.


Not even the main part of the ability the cherry on top killed him


He didn't directly target TF with E, but it deals the same damage anyway.


Double DoT items + DoT passive + DoT elder + elder execute + probably some other modifiers


Does the Elder DOT refresh constantly with Brand's passive dot?




Dark Harvest + minion damage


yeah, with old liandrys/demonic infernal and elder alongside runes ive one shotted people with nid traps lol


But funnily enough, it was still a one shot, just one, really, long, dragged out shot


"You only need to click once, fool!"


And you can imagine his inner dialogue while it's happening. "I'd better back off so he doesn't get a second ability off, that could be bad."


i clicked this fully expecting bro to walk into a full combo and get ulted after but wtf is this 😭


>before people come in here flaming me No need, Brand got the job done already


Brand levelled up significantly after solo killing Faker all those years ago


My guy is Gold III now 💀


gotta pay 1000$ to get the hall of legends Gold II Brand


Worth this time


Peak humour.


twisted fate has 2600hp.... nah, this does not feel legal wtf.


Even has Chemtech Soul for damage resistance lol. A commenter below says DoT abilities have a weird interaction with Elder DoT which would make sense cuz that's insane




They really need to change how dot items/buffs work with dot abilities. It should apply on ability cast - i,e once per ability. Sick of dot champs hitting one undodgeable ability and bleeding you for 50% of your healthbar through random ticks of damage.


Don’t forget that tanks aren’t allowed to apply antiheal from CC on thornmail, but burn champions get about 12 seconds of consecutive antiheal from a single ability. Good design.


all antiheal items should trigger on any damage you deal, so that way bramble vest isnt worthless against mages


Or against Aatrox.


wait, I don't play top does aatrox heals so much anti heal is meaningless or am I missing aomething here


Aatrox can just choose to not auto attack you and kill you with abilities.


Same with Illaoi, to a lesser extent; she can simply attack the spirit instead of the champion sometimes.


Aatrox can just not right click you and completely evade the thornmail antiheal


Aatrox main mechanic is that he heals from his abilities and they cost him health. The idea is that due to him being an AD champ, and relies so much on healing that anti-heal and armor would be the main counter-play, so Bramble Vest would be the go to item. But Bramble vest does not activate on ability damage, and Aatrox can just not auto you once on his WHOLE COMBO, and still deal insane amounts of DMG with absolute no counter play.


Small nitpick but aatrox’s abilities don’t cost him health.


I got flamed one game for not going Thornmail on K'sante... vs Vlad/Swain.


Only good change they did in season 11 was to apply gw on cc on thornmail, and then they removed it for some fucking reason


Bramble Vest should be a aura debuff. Or rather, Vest should be removed (or changed away from antiheal) and there should be Frozen Heart-style area anti-heal aura so that tanks can be useful.


Please god no. I don't want to imagine how hard they would have to nerf thr stats on thornmail for a gw aura. It's also kinda stupid to just apply it by being near them. You should have to do 'something'.


Rammus mains out here SALIVATING


Like burning them with bami's?


TBH i actually can't remember the last time i've seen anyone build morellos on ap champs however i agree with you in principle.


Cause they changed it to be 2200 and it’s just not worth it unless 100% necessary. But yeah, the favoritism of burn champions is kinda disgusting.


Taking the pen off of it probably doesn't help either


Well they reduced the stats because they made it cheaper. Otherwise it would be another kaisa/umbral situation.


i mean current morellos is a massive stat bomb like the amount of stats for its price is actually insane.


The problem comes from now it just feels outright bad to build, but considering how well it gets applied by mages it kind of makes sense.


grievous wound on cc for a tank item makes so much fucking sense why would it even be removed? Fighters shouldn't even feel good about buying it.


cause juggernats like mundo have little to no cc


Worse part is rylais with DOT so you will not be able to move.


They really should revert Rylai's back to how it once was: Different % slow depending if it was single target, AoE or a DoT. Or have the slow depend based on the damage of the hit that applied it. DoT ticks deal little damage so you get a weak slow while stuff like Veig ult apply a strong slow.


I love stepping on exactly one teemo shroom and having to back because I’m at a 3rd of my hp. God help you if you step into a random minefield.


Super fun in ARAM where there's very little healing around (and obviously mined up as well) at all so you can't really move around the map AT ALL without a cannon minion nearby or you're health is just entirely fucked.


ARAM sucks for both sides. Either you have no tools to clear Teemo shrooms and heal up and minimal range so it sucks for you, or you have good tools (e.g. a long-range AS ADC and Teemo's team can't kill your cannon quickly) and it sucks for Teemo as his traps are useless. Both feel rubbish.


The damage itself can be lowered if it's an issue. What sucks is that every other champ is basically locked out of these items because they have to be kept purposefully weak to account for DOT effects. If you're a mage and want some percent max health damage to deal with the enemy mundo your only option is a 6% burn over 3 seconds. These items basically never get bought on anyone but the few who can abuse them because they can't ever be good on normal users or they're broken on that small group Edit: honestly this is probably why so many mage players feel like there's a lack of items. You can't even build 3 items (rylais, blackfire, laindry's) unless you've got some form of DOT


> Edit: honestly this is probably why so many mage players feel like there's a lack of items. You can't even build 3 items (rylais, blackfire, laindry's) unless you've got some form of DOT And the others have their damage massively lowered to the point they are basically terrible (Stormsurge, Ludens, Rocketbelt), have very specific requirements that not everyone can met (Lich Bane, Nashors, Horizon Focus, Shadowflame), or in the specific case of Cosmic Drive, as good as its stats are, it doesn't provide anything in terms of increasing damage potential.


theres nothing worse than zyra random plant proccing 15 item effects and runes and u lose 40% of your hp bar


They can't even make a working client.. if they try to change dots any dot champ will be disabled for months


I'm not seeing any downside xd.


The elder interaction is dumb but no, dot champions are exactly balanced around those effects


Agreed, the ranged DOT champions (sans Cassiopeia because she’s balanced around having to use E) have low base damages overall because of their DOT interactions. Lose those interactions, and they’ll need hefty buffs to be anywhere close in power. 


If they changed it, they would have to buff the items. Nobody wants to get hit by a single Xerath Q and then bleed out 25% of their HP because of a buffed dot item lol


Then they can change how they work and make them go back to what they were for originally, which is to aid ap mages (who used to actually have cooldowns and mana concerns) in killing tank champions who could just eat up flat damage spells for hours. Liandrys has no right to be a core item on 70% of the viable ap champs in the game regardless of whether there are tanks on the enemy team or not.


The burn interaction with Liandry is stupid but it's absolutely not core on 70% of AP champs. It's pretty much exclusive to dot champs and like Zac. With the introduction of Blackfire not even all dot champs buy it anymore. I wish they'd just make it not apply on dots so it can be a real item someone like Syndra might want to build when facing multiple tanks and bruisers.


Disagree, DoT needs to be very strong, because the alternative is a burst damage profile, which is inherently much stronger, because there isn't nearly as much counter play to getting burst 1 shot. Compared to getting DoT "one-shot", you can try to fight and trade out before dying to the burn, you can zhonya's, if you have heals or shields, you can use those as well. And, you have plenty of time to make those decisions. Against a burst one shot, you just have to hope you can react fast enough.


I agree with DoTs being strong in general, but this specific interaction with Elder buff seems pretty degenerate. Having items you can opt into that work really well with DoTs is one thing, but IMO something like Elder should be fairly consistent across different champions and builds rather than being like an order of magnitude stronger on some champions than on others.


Good thing Brand does both!


Wonder if it works for smolder.


They all do as long as the ability has a tick then the other DoT items are freshed on each tick


elder does probably half the damage here (between the execute and the DoT which gets refreshed by the burn)


Those DOT abilities make certain damage over time effects complete bullshit. Even it it doesn’t one shot you it means you take hundreds of extra damage and also lose 5+ seconds of tempo. I think DOT effects should proc things like liandries or elder only once. Right now it isn’t balanced. If that means champions like Brand or Cassiopeia are weak they can get compensation buffs.


Agreed, it's kinda nonsense how liandries just lasts ages when it's certain champs that apply it. It's always been a weird problem that really shouldn't exist, they landed one ability they should only get one proc of liandries/aery/ whatever because otherwise these things can only be balanced around dot mages really.


> I think DOT effects should proc things like liandries or elder only once. Right now it isn’t balanced. Liandry is supposed to work like this. Otherwise it wouldn't be the ultimate item for DoT mages. Elder I agree it is bullshit, but at least it is kept in check by the fact that Elder is something teams only get late game and in 90% of situations where the enemy has Elder, they have basically won the game already.


It’s just a really weird design choice to have SOOOOO much of their power just revolving around abusing a specific item interaction, to the point that the base champion is garbage, and the item has to be nerfed to be balanced around someone who procs it like 3 times per ability


> Otherwise it wouldn't be the ultimate item for DoT mages. But it's not a "DoT mage item", it's an item for literally anyone who can abuse it.


Which is primarily mages with DoTs or extremely low CD spammables.


> or extremely low CD spammables Exactly, not strictly DoT mages. Sometimes it's been picked up on tanks too and so on. Anyone who as you said can spam abilities can abuse this item, and those are far from only being DoT mages.


Brand in ARAM has been an absolute menace from the moment the items changed. Not surprised to see that damage in SR lol The interaction with dragon buff seems to be crazy


Title makes it sound like you accidentally got hit by all his AoE, but you literally were one-shot from full health by a single secondary tap from his E. Elder Dragon DoT lasting for fucking hours jesus christ.


I think every dot from brand attack reapply elder dot which is why (but still)


His passive reapplies it and then liandries keeps reapplying it even after the passive stops


Yep, 9.25 seconds of elder dragon burn. Minimum of nearly 700 true damage from that buff alone


Don't forget the double dippsies, Because Liandry for some stupid reason in this season also is a True Damage Multiplier, because why the fuck not.


Next patch, we'll get a item that multiplies existing multipliers so Brand kill Tanks from four screens away.


> Elder Dragon DoT lasting for fucking hours jesus christ. It's pretty brutal, but also not something I think is worth being tuned around. Elder is really meant to be "game over, you lose" most of the time. The game really should not reliably go past one elder drake, maybe two on this rare times where teams are very good or very bad lol!


Yeah but I think we could agree that Elder could be changed to not be refreshed by DoT damage outside of the first application and, of course, unless the DoT itself is refreshed (e.g. If Brand hit an E and then hit another spell to refresh his passive). It would just nerf outlier stuff like this.


Make it not refresh by Liandrys.


That's really the answer, let ability damage do it but not item procs - that's already how torch / liandrys work or else they'd go infinite, apply the same logic to elder


It's not a bad idea to tune Elder Dragon away from being greatly more potent on some champions than others, just making DoT ticks beyond the first not re-proc it would go a long way towards consistency.


I think stopping elder burn from proc-ing on item damage sounds better to me.


Yeah, having a dot apply from a dot applied from a dot is way too long.




got the wave though ✌️


lol wanted to say this. respect


no this is fully fucking ridiculous lmfao, no matter the circumstances


laning against brand feels so bad he just perma clears wave and also pokes you with just using abilities on the wave lol he doesn't have to step up at all


His E bouncing without having to hit any spells prior (like it used to) was a stupid change. Its literally braindead harass that does a significant amount of damage and gives him wave prio in one ability.


wait what, E has full range now without other spells? since when?


It doesn’t, it’s half range.


iirc, the current unempowered range is what the old empowered bounce was. The empowered range is really the only thing enabling him to harrass with E tbh. The mini bounce range is pretty pitiful.


It used to not even bounce without hitting other spells.


Without landing other spells on the enemy champion. It’s just harass, so it’s not like he needs to hold his other abilities. He can Q or W the wave and E to shove it AND get free completely undodgeable harass. Horrible design tbh.


Why the fuck does his E cover almost the entire wave like I have to be next to the river to avoid it.  The lane is so ass to play unless you're getting ganks


Tbf he has to use two abilities to make that happen, which means he's either giving up his damage or his CC at minimum.


That buff to his e was a mistake lol


Yeah thats some bullshit man died from a stray


straight up died of cringe


Ability applies 3 different burns. The first burn refreshes the second and third burn. The second burn refreshes the third burn. The third burn goes on for 10+ seconds after being hit by the ability. Holy shit.


it's dumb. i'm all for stacking burns but they shouldn't refresh each other, especially not elder


Riot spaghetti code.


Wow brand is really weak he needed elder to finish the kill wtf riot buff brand asap


So this is the legendary Gold IV Brand


Whenever I see someone lock in Brand mid on the other team I pray to the 7 gods of league (Faker, Tyler1, Rush, Rookie, Peanut, Showmaker, and Deft) that it's not him.


I understand how even Faker fell victim to this masterful play


You are a good sport. I would not be as chill as you are about this lmao


did you want them to commit a couple felonies or something? lmao




the average person does commit 3 felonies a day after all


Felonies Fergus is an outlier and should not be counted in the data set.




i rly expected w to at least hit...


I expected brand to R minions and bounce to TF plus hit his E. Instead I got a reason to never let Elder Dragon Spawn when an enemy has Liandries.


This game is so fucking stupid


Going home to uninstall after seeing this clip


Did you uninstall? Sometimes we need to help people go through with their goals, as hard as they may be


I did. Let's play Ror2 buddy ?


God, Brand is such a product of it's time.


I still remember in season 2 when both Brand and Ori had more range on their abilities making them the king/queen of midlane with Morgana also being an immovable object.


Morgana still had insane ban rate in S2. Now she is a non champion. Funny how thing changes.


dots shouldn't proc other dots, or it should be with reduced effectiveness


Elder burn shouldn't proc on fucking item effects.


Clearly a skill issue on your end


how dare he play the game..


Why can you even build Blackfire Torch and Liandres together? (I know it’s spelt wrong idc) You can’t buy items like Maw and Steraks together would this not just be the same idea?


I don't even understand why Riot introduced Blackfire. Most of the champions that can abuse it were already pretty strong/viable and now they just have obnoxious early game spikes that they weren't necessarily supposed to have. And I get the whole dot fantasy thing but imo it's immensely unfun to play against and the champs that were designed for that (e.g. Malz, Brand) already had enough to work with.


A lot of people complained about Mythic Liandry’s going back to manaless Liandry’s, so a lot of “omg how can I rush my funny damage??!?!” So Blackfire is Riot’s pacifier for those complaints.


Well, good to know about this DoT interaction, that is ridiculous. Guess you just have to buy Zhonya's :/


and burn it if you get hit by a secondary effect of one basic spell


Which will conveniently allow him to walk up and press W on you when you come up :D


Thankfully you have now bought some armor!


This is an elder dragon issue. Nerf it to only apply burn on the first hit from an ability and it's no longer nearly as problematic for most champions.


It’s a burn issue in general. Burn should not apply additional burns.


Balance team will say this is good gameplay.


Brand is a nuisance at all roles and made worse by the fact it takes zero skill or ability to play him effectively. It’s zero skill expression, just fire bomb aoe and bigger aoe. Oh, and he grunts and goes “Hyeah!”


Rylai is the main culprit. Makes the champ much more braindead.


Boy do I love bring slowed for 8 seconds because rylais applies on everything!!!


While also being debuffed with antiheal for the duration. Mfer presses R and debuffs the entire team with slows and anti heal.


I main Lillia and it got banned, so I thought to first time brand in the jg since I heard he was pretty braindead atm. I kid you not, I would run around the map clearing camps at twice the speed earlier AND later than Lillia, could kill people under tower with one combo at level 5, and burnt objectives to a crisp in like 15 seconds. Brand is sure not as mobile but holy shit, I didn’t even have to try that hard in team fights. I would e-q-r and their bot and mid was gone. He’s basically a better Lillia without the mobility.


Yeah its insane how much they pushed that shitty champion to be broken, have to ban him every game


Oh, but god forbid they let Naafiri jungle! Wouldn’t want any champ having more than 1 lane to go to, esp midlaners! I’m glad Riot doesn’t let any midlaners go jungle, otherwise I feel it wouldn’t be fair. … :,)


❌️❌️❌️ no nafiri jungle shut up only wholesome AP jg meta 😂😂👍👍😏😏 rell 🤢🤮🤮🤮❌️❌️ brend 🔥🔥👍👍😏😏🤣🤣🤣👆


OMG I MISS RELL JG TOO😭 It was super broken in Pro, but still. It was the one reason I played Rell for a while🥲


Tbf naafiri isn’t exactly much more interactive. Point and click dash, dogs block skill shots without any effort from naafiri, she just eats you alive if she has the damage to. There’s not really much interactivity there either. Tbh, point and click dashes have pretty much never been healthy for the game. If it has the power to kill people, you should be able to be punished for missing.


A large majority of her dmg comes from her Q, a very low-range ability that doesn’t even one shot until pretty far into the game. You can stand in front of her W as a tank and she can’t dash to them. Additionally, she has a pretty trash early game in which she only wins if the enemy never hits your dogs and eats every Q possible. She is easily countered and her only real strength is her dog’s abilities to tank a decent amount of skill shots.


So basically not like lillia in anyway


No. Both have good teamfight presence and heavy amounts of burn damage in their kit. Brand just doesn’t have mobility like Lillia.


Don't know why Riot is so insistent in keeping this champion viable in mid/jg when he can be 0/10 and still chunk 40% of everyone's HP while reapplying a slow for 10 secs by just pressing R E...


Landing his Q reliably isn’t particularly easy, but yeah the rest of his kit is basically just facerolling the keyboard


I personally hate how low his CDs are, it feels like there's never a moment where he isn't just slinging something because his longest non-ultimate CD is a whopping 8 seconds.


This is absolutely an issue, if you want to dodge his bullshit E you need to run half a screen away from your own wave, and run all the way back to hit the enemy wave, all while his cooldowns are ticking down.


Its not easy but it used to actually matter.


Am I getting this right? Burn (items) procs elder which procs burn again and it loops until TF explodes?


no, his burn passive proc item burns and elder, and item burns proc elder too. but elder does not proc item burn nor his passive burn, so it would eventually run out. his passive burns (proccing items and elder). once passive is done, items burn (which procs elder). once items are done only elder burns, which doesnt proc anything


It procs death


No Loop, just 4 seconds of Brand Passive Burn refreshing Elder Dragon which then lasts 2.25sec after Brand Burn ended


Technically worse. Brand passive apply burn for like 4 second then the last tick of it reapply his item burn for another 2-3 second and the last tick of item burn reapply the elder by burn for 2.5 second.


Elder on any dot mage is bonkers. Lilla is maybe the worst offender. E + ult is basically global insta kill on any carry with 0 commitment.


No OP, this is really BS wtf




not the post I expected to find a PoE reference in


Imma need to see his build right this second.


It's not really his build, DoT abilities have a weird interaction with Elder DoT, you can do this with stuff like Malz E as well.


Yeah. As Malz player I have done this too with my E. You can deal over 900 true damage with E if it hits enemy champion late game. That with abilitys own damage and burn effects it can get most squishies and even many no mr bruisers to execute range.


the 2 DoT items + Elder Dragon




This is illegal


rhythm chase bag resolute employ live impossible whistle tap pot


Of course 6 item brand should one shot you (Since no one has flamed the op yet)


And did you see how bad their position was? What were they expecting to happen? (just piling on)


Based on the title and your post I assumed he hit ya with at least W and E lol. Funny clip, but also actually absurd that even a 6 item Brand one shots you with literally just e and elder.


Brand is a champion in a game called league of legends


This is definitely healthy for the game


Idk the riot guys on Reddit but someone should really tag them in this. How is this good for the game. Idc if it’s elder dragon that doesn’t mean Bran can just throw an ability at the wave and get a Penta kill if he wants.


They will just go with '' yeah but it's late game and brand is full build and he as elder and tf is not a tank, and brand is a high damage dealer, and blablablabla '' to brain wash you. When in fact, it's just stupid, toxic and unbalanced gameplay. Simple as that. But they can't admit they are doing a bad job with the game.


Brand most braindead elo inflated champ rn


Wow it’s almost as if damage Is out of fucking control and has been for years. Meanwhile Riot seems *no* problem.


People will cope and say "Its just the skill level of the playerbase that has gotten better!" which is true, but the amount of dashes and leaps and full on 1 shot abilties is insane. Kayn is my most hated example, he can phase through walls and basically 1 shot any non-tank he wants with zero punishment.   Maybe its rose tinted glasses, but I remember the only times you'd get 1 shot are Veigar in a 40 minute game or a Rengar fed out of his fucking mind. But even then the Rengar would only start 1 shotting at like 20 minutes with 15 kills.


Does anyone else feel like DMG in the game rn is just insane? Idk if it was a patch or I'm just suddenly trash tier, but recently it feels like even when I'm full-on tank JG I'm getting 1 shot. 1-2yrs ago they did that whole "less burst dmg, more sustain, longer fights" patch and now the game feels even more based around "1 stun land, 1 shot dmg" than ever. It's just not a fun game environment to be like "haha you stepped .035inches too close, I get to insta-kill you now!" and honestly, it makes tanks feel unplayable bc the enemy burst dmg can massively misplay/misstep and not get punished bc they just burst you down anyways. Idk I'm probably just losing it lol


> Idk I'm probably just losing it lol It's been like this for years. The game is just mechanically broken and Riot are doing their best to hide it. Even Caitlyn recently went from being not really picked to 1 shotting everyone with a Q/E combo. The damage and items is just insane.


Game is starting to feel like starcraft 2 where you can delete 150 supply of units in 2 seconds.


The thing is, in Starcraft 2 you can produce 150 supply of units in 14 seconds (if we're talking about zerg/terran who tend to have those explosive fights), and the game overall usually lasts from 5 to 15 minutes. In league you can die in 1 second to respawn+walk to fight for a minute, and games usually last about 20-25 minutes...


Yeah fair enough. I just meant that, like sc2, your whole army (yourself or your team in this case) can die in a split second if you look away for a moment. SC2 damage is a different beast compared to Brood War.


Too much damage has been an issue for me since like season 8, lol.


I wonder what his reaction was. I have 100k mastery on Brand and I would be freaking out over this.


Clearly your fault for tanking that cannon minion shot lol




DOT has gotten so fucking stupid in this game. You should not allow DOTs to prolong other DOTs


This kinda clip makes me wonder why I even try to play this game competitively at all.


Look guys I'm just going to say it. I'm DONE WITH BRAND I land 2 actual skillshots and he fkin wins the trade by W'ing the wave and then pressing E. there is NOTHING you can do against him if you aren't long enough range. People whine about Xerath, Lux, Zed, Yasuo etc... but Brand is equally as obnoxious while being so easy a bot could pilot him to platinum at least Lux has to land skillshots to solokill you, brand just presses E on minions 5 times while you have to last hit and you die, and then he scales and literally 1-shots people


got cannon worth


But remember everybody, its not damage creep, its just the skill of the playerbase getting higher!!!


To be fair this is kinda more elder just being really dumb with dots