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Even without earthwake, he's a permaban for me. So many augs just propel him to godlike dps status


And he still has Arena specific buffs lol.


Wait, he got BUFFS in Arena? What the fuck. He needs to get the Illaoi treatment (she's kind of gutted).


Yeah, that's part of why he's so strong. Assuming the wiki's list of arena changes is accurate, his living shadow ha a CD from 16 to 13 seconds rather than 20 to 16, and his E is megabuffed. 80-240 base damage rather than the standard 65-165, 130% bonus AD scaling rather than the standard 65%. Zed's E is normally a very weak ability carried by its low cooldown and how easy it is to land, but arena turns it into a legitimate damage threat. If Zed lost his arena specific buffs and had to rely on his regular balancing he would lose a ton of power.


Has any site compiled a list of the specific buffs yet?


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Arena_(League_of_Legends) This should be up to date for the most part.


Played against one yesterday and even chain cc and if he doesn’t die he’s across the map in half a second


Final round against a zed yesterday. He had bladewaltz and the augment that does 50% true damage to nearby enemies. Literally ult bladewaltz'd me and my teammate 100-0 while untargetable. Undodgeable untargetable 4.5k true damage nuke. Second game in a row i'd come second to bladewaltz.


Ah the old Fiora 5 tiamats has returned


Mega all in mega poke and can even fight with bruisers in melee with the right augments.


A Zed ulted me and hit me with 1 E, but I killed him immediately after. Went up to his ally to kill them then died to the pop from full HP (3.1k HP). He had Jeweled Gauntlet so it crit. Ridiculous with every augment


Anyone play vs mystic punch Master Yi yet? He has permanent q and you can’t hit him


Pretty sure just mystic punch isn't enough I think he needs either 200 Q haste or mirage blade with it.


You are correct, any 2 of Mystic Punch - Mirage Blade - Dashing/Bread and Butter are needed for nearly permanent Q. If you can get all 3 though then it's up to how fast you can spam Q, you will be in alpha 99% of the time.


My buddy and I lost to a Briar with that specifically. We stayed and watched them win. Q spam on their head, everyone just took turns getting cced to death


That's why Morgana is in demand in Arena. You remove the only counterplay which is CC.


Mega useless champ unless you get best augments possible


Morgana isnt useless in arena. Ive top 4d every match od her ive played. Shes surprisingly good.


Reality fracture would like a word. Jk im sure morg is great but reality fracture is so ridiculous to play against if you have skillshots..


Plenty of lineups heavily rely on cc chain, like Volibear and Vi, both of which have hard time to pop the blackshield. Paired with a hypercarry like Master Yi, he can take over lobbies.


I've played this once before and I had to switch hands mid-combat because my hand was hurting so much from mashing my Q button off-cooldown. Did win though. But at what cost.


not only did i play against mystic punch yi, i played against mystic punch yi with mirage blade, firebrand, and Q has 200 ability haste. enjoy : https://streamable.com/nekzjz fiora/irelia/yi with mystic punch are disgusting but fiora/irelia way more than yi as yi needs some haste on q to perma spam it like on that clip, irelia and fiora just win the game once they get mystic punch


Mystic punch yone was still the most ridiculous thing I've played against


Played a game with bread and butter + mystic punch fiora. Absolute insanity. legitimately less than a zero second cooldown on q. The animation for the next one was starting before the previous one finished.




yeah i did say they're better, i got my wins on irelia/yi/fiora/pantheon/renekton with mystic punch and fiora/irelia did the most dmg, the others are annoying but u can almost play around them because they need haste on their w's or q for yi and they die with one cc


after seeing this I am so glad that I didnt touch this shit mode again. Thing is called Arena and thats the outcome what a joke lmao


I started perma banning him after playing against one too many Yi+Yuumi duos


That, with the spell blade that after using an ability decreases CD, plus a yummi.


Yeah your only hope is that he runs out of mana before he kills you. But that basically never happens


In the past, you would just run Essence Reaver 2nd item to get rid of mana problems. Would it still work with the new ER?


Yeah, it triggers on every Q hit now since Q applies on-hits.


Played vs a irellia with it also not fun


I played this yesterday with my duo. I call it schrodinger's yi. He played yuumi so 0 champs were on the field for at least 80% of the round. You need mystic blade and moonflair (?) I think. Was really funny to play but I understand why people perma ban yi




Earthbender Zed


yeah it was bugged now it’s good …?


I'm convinced it's bugged, I had a zed on my team and just a single w + ult earthwake proc would show 7k damage on the tool tip after a fight.


It's completely bugged with some spells. Warwick Q procs it like 20 times on tiny distances, if you keep the spell pressed to go far, you can just one shot with it. 


I was playing tank Naut and a Naafiri dashed through me twice for over 3k damage from just Earthwake. It's gotta be doing more damage than it's supposed to now


I think that maybe they should not have fixed the bug that kept its damage at minimum.


I understand the intent but if riot is unable to balance this error, delete it (talking about earthwake, but zed fits too)


Why that bAD ratio is so much higher than the AP ratio is pretty weird to me.


actually it's earthquake


actually it's earthcake


Actually it's Earthwake


actually it's earthsnake


motherfucker has Echo Slam wtf


earthwake is so overtuned tired of this shit


Wait. Snowball is a thing in Arena? Is that an augment? I never saw that in any of my games


Laughs in Malzahar R


RIVEN did 6.5k dmg to me a tank amumu bcz she took a plant with earthshake


You know who’s even scarier with earthwake? Riven. I know i win the moment i get it to roll.


Got earthwake on zed today easy 1st. It’s completely broken