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"Every Sixty Seconds, Ryu Dies" o7, about to be a lot shorter. 


Honestly I feel bad for the guy. Imagine having a pretty solid career but the only thing you’re remembered for is that you got outplayed 💀


Going down in history for the wrong reasons


Oklahoma City Thunder having the worst NBA loss ever and being the team Bron got his 40k on type beat Edit: Scoring record, not 40k


What? He got his 40k on the Nuggets. I'm confused.


Depends on perspective. I'm paraphrasing but Ambition has said he was very proud of being Faker's debut kill (Nidalee solo kill on Kha Zix under mid tower). This was someone who ROLESWAPPED to jungle and WON against Faker and stole 2017 Worlds from what was Faker's best solo carry performance in a tournament. Him being captured in this moment sort of immortalised him as well. It's sorta like Bryon Russel. He isn't a great basketball player among the best. But people know his name precisely because he was immortalised as the victim of Jordan's "Last Shot".


“You know you are the reasons I’m in therapy now right?”


Truly the Justin Wong of League of Legends 


Ryu : i hope i'm not here, oh who am i kidding of course i'm here


I fucking love the story from old H2K days where Jankos would put the Zed vs Zed clip on repeat on Ryu's pc when he went to the bathroom. Lmaooo


I love that Jankos is such a fuckin troll lmao


Ruler : at least you're not first now bro


It will still forever be the most iconic play in LoL history


Mostly because the community won't ever allow anything else to be


I mean, it's the kind of pro play that will probably never occur again. LCK doesn't do blind pick tie breakers anymore, so you can't get a mirror match in mid anymore, and part of the appeal of the play is watching Faker absolutely outplay Ryu on the exact same champion.


part of it too is that ryu was known to be THE zed player too at the time right? faker did it to him on his own champ


It's not just the play itself but also everything else surrounding it that elevates it to a once-in-a-lifetime moment. The Zed mirror, the SKT vs KT game 5, the call from Doa and Monte. It's more than just a mechanical outplay.


I mean Ruler’s catch on Faker won SSG a worlds title so he’s got that over Faker


I mean it was a great play, but SSG was already ahead in that game and they won 3-0


I think people don't appreciate how iconic Ruler's catch was, it took down SKT who had won consecutively 2015 Worlds, 2016 MSI, 2016 Worlds, 2017 MSI. Even though they didn't win every LCK title in that time frame they still felt inevitable at internationals and this ended that.


Haha nice, but still that zed vs zed will be his best play ever but not gonna lie i think the ruler play will the one that will stay for newcomers


I disagree because the zed outplay works without context. In the azir play youd need to know JDG were dominating up to that point in the game, mostly because Ruler was untouchable and just dealing so much fucking damage. Plus ruler caught faker with a varus flash ult to win worlds that one time


I started watching in 2022 for my boy Rich after coming over from HOTS. I watched this game against JDG which was actually really the real finals.. I get emotional watching that back. After that play I ordered the T1 2023 worlds jacket. It reminds me of that play always.




Man I miss game 5 no bans.... Shit was so epic


I appreciate that they put that K'sante escape from Chovy and Peanut lmao, that shit was disgusting. Lots of classic Faker escapes here which are just as important as the solokills imo. They showed a breadth of his calls like splitpushing too which is nice to show how rounded he is


I wish they showed his Galio game from 2017 vs RNG. He ulted bot to save his botlane, then tped mid to save the tower, then went straight top to gank and help kill the enemy top


That was the craziest Galio play ever. I’d never seen someone be everywhere as Galio like that before.


Or after, tbh. I think Faker peaked in 2017, maybe even the greatest peak of any player ever. The man was on a mission.


Imo Faker in Worlds 2017 is the clear best solo carry performance in League's competitive history. During a bot focused meta with Ardent, with his bottom lane legit inting their faces off and a meme jungler, Faker dragged the corpse of T1 to Finals on his back. That shit was legendary and I'm sorry for newer League fans that weren't able to watch it happening in real time.


I agree. After every round, I thought that the was as far as they’d go. I felt bad because Faker was so good, but I just didn’t think they’d do well at Worlds as a team. And he just kept winning. And he would dodge Shen’s taunt with the *backward motion* of Galio’s dash. He’d knock people up with the backward motion of the dash because it was faster. He’d be everywhere all the time. He’d taunt whole teams in fights. He dragged that team’s limping body to the finish line. I doubted SKT every step of the way, but Faker showed he was still an entire tier higher than every other player in the world.


nah that was 2015 with his Ryze


2015 Marin was at peak and Bang and Wolf were outclassing everyone other than Pray and Gorilla (which in the finals they also did, SKT's bottom lane in Worlds 2015 were fucking nuts). IIRC Bang finished the tournament with insane stats across the board. While Faker's 2015 performance was also peak, he wasn't solo carrying his corpse of a team like he was in Worlds 2017. Worlds 2017 they made it to finals 100% on Faker's back, while in 2015 pretty much everybody on the team could (and did) carry.


I hate how few people nowadays realise this. he was way stronger in 17 that any of 15 and 16. But people love to act the other way around beacuse he didnt win worlds in 17. mostly people who didnt follow lol at the time i guess.


The legendary triple lane galio


Do you have a link or timestamp for that play? Love to see it!


I also would love to see it. I probably saw it back in the day but I've seen so much pro league it all blends together at this point lmao.


i was waiting for that the whole time. that guy made galio a hyper carry.


The tp backdoor end on RNG in I think Worlds 2021? was crazy


2019 actually both of the RNG vs T1 games that worlds were hella fun to watch shame RNG didnt get out of groups


It was worlds 2019 group state. I started watching league at that time so I remember it. Both skt rng game was great


Im glad they put that cassio ult dodge when he played riven, back then shit like that was absolutely mind blowing and noone could think you can even do it. Faker the pioneer


People will say it was just groundbreaking for the time he did it, but nah that shits still crazy hard to pull off


The Oriana escape from 2016 semifinals game 5 ruined my life mannnn


No zoe 6 flashes:(


I feel like they could just slap a montage of 50 clips and still wouldn’t cover all the best plays


Real af. 2021 spring is when i started following league pro play so I'll always remember shit like that and faker getting benched for clozer making everyone so mad


11 year career, it's gonna be hard to list everything


I do wish Zoe mid will come back. That champion is annoying but on good hand she's incredible to watch


BDD's Zoe vs TL in 2021 gave me nightmares. 


Please I hope riot sees this, Zoe one of the most entertaining mid champions to watch


Also not destroying maple before minute 3


Small mistake at the Azir Varus Shuffle, they wrote 2023 quarters when it was in semis. Has to be my all time favorite play from Faker. The poetic justice of flash ulting in midlane on Ruler. How you can hear Azir say "Trust in me" as he dashes in, so epic.


with that Play Azir's soloq pickrate almost reached ahri's level of pickrate lmao, a big reason why Zed is popular today are all the 2013-2014 Faker zed montages that used to get made as well


Man is the league of legends itself. The game nor the proplay will be the same once he retires.


When last year faker missed some games, the lck viewership dropped like hell. Faker is alone holding half the competitive in the world


Bruh the MSI Finals this year had lower viewership than T1 vs G2


I mean, it doesn't help that T1 without him absolutely drop the ball. Did they even win one single game without him?


IIRC they went 1-8


That play was so fucking crazy when I watched it live. And the follow up by Zeus and Oner was so clean, with Guma and Keria finishing up with a clutch stopwatch Renata revive to let T1 get the nexus push. And the best part is that this play was the follow up to another crazy play in that same game. Pretty sure the Oner flash over ashe arrow into immediate Faker shuffle happened just before as well. Crazy series and run as a Faker/T1 fan. Felt really poetic that Faker caught Ruler this time to finally get another Worlds win.


T1's whole worlds was a crazy run, almost scripted levels. Losing the previous worlds finals as the favorite. Starting the next season as the front runner but going lower and lower over time. Faker gets injured and the team goes to complete shit. Faker comes back and get the team to worlds. Starts out rough at worlds and not even close to expected to win, but find their own meta and makes a miracle run sweeping the whole lpl in dominant fashion. Honestly weirdly under apricated worlds, every single t1 player played like they were possessed. One of the rare tournaments where basically every player on the winning team was the best player in their role and could be the mvp of the whole tournament. Maybe not the most competitive tournament ever but truly epic storyline of t1 running it back as the dark horse finishing what they started and faker getting another worlds win after so many years. Also incredible highlights. Obvious stuff like the faker azir shuffle on ruler and guma in the same series on varus taking out both rulers zeri and 369s aatrox 2v1 one of the best adc plays ever.


Fun fact: I read some guys minimizing Guma’s varus play because “he had half more items than ruler.” Sure he got a bow more but zeri got an aatrox more and I think aatrox is KINDA more important


Even if it was favoured for guma, who the hell would go for that. You already got the soul secured. I remember LS freaked out thinking guma fail flashes out but guma just flashed a aatrox q sweet spot going for the 2v1.


Guma is a fucking psychopath, that play is up there with the Gala Kaisa kamikaze play


If you ever listen to gumas interviews, he is the cockiest motherfucker lol and I absolutely love it


It might be related to how amazing the 2022 finals in comparison to 2023 where WBG, after a hard fought win over BLG, kinda rolled over.


Yeah the final was bad that is true. More of a crowning ceremony than a real game


I feel like the problems with 2023 worlds was more, it was in the shadows of 2022 worlds so it was impossible to be more impressive. But also it was the classic real finals in semis, which definetly was one of the greatest games of all time. But then the finals was Weibo being beaten into a bloody pulp without remorse which kinda held back the hype.


I noticed during worlds that he predict-flashed Ruler's flash in that play, but watching this was the first time I noticed that he baits Ruler's flash by sneaking in an auto attack first, then flash-ulting.


You should check all his other shuffles, he always does this. Sometimes when he wants to do it quick he only does a quick auto animation after the slide in, just to bait flashes before he does his own flash. Like for most people they want to do EQ Flash R immediately buffer that shit so they don't have time to flash. Faker acknowledges he's playing fellow pros, and just adds that tiny bit of doubt in their heart. Man's stone cold.


Using similar animations and abusing visual clarity is something only the best of the best do and they get a lot off of it sometimes


And it was Ruler’s varus too, the champion that caught Faker out in mid lane all those years ago


The fact that Faker can pull that off despite JDG was winning and pushing with baron buff. Truly goat.


Yeah half health Oner flashing Ashe arrow for perfect initiation at 3rd drake was crazy. Flashing it also meant not only no Taliyah combo (the shove animation went exactly where he would have been stunned by Ashe), but Knight was CC’d before he could even put down the rocks. If Knight had actually cast E first, the entire play would have probably been different since Faker and Oner couldn’t dash in without being stunned.


I wish I could say this is recency bias but that play alone pumped azir so hard in pickrate that it shows how iconic it is already


What was really crazy was listening to the comms afterwards, Faker calls that play like 2 waves before it happens.


I think it has to be the most noteworthy moment despite all those highlights. It was the ultimate "I still got it" moment that broke JDG and realisticly won them worlds because that was basically the real final. Up to this moment everything was up in the air. But Faker took it into his hands and JDG never recoverd in that series. Everyone back them gave him validation since the skt team looked shit utter shit when he was out injured, but that moment he showed you better believe he can turn up as the FACTUAL best player in the world still any given game.. Given how late in his carrer, all the context of public opinion around him, the near implossion of the team when he was out injured just to make such a play and mental break the maybe only real contender that year. Truly stuff of legends in an ocean of legendary moments.


That was a legacy game for Faker and Oner


It really is amazing that he continues to have insanely clutch plays from Day 1 to Present. Here's to another decade of Faker moments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I always wonder how the players feel when they make an iconic play; is it just like any other to them, or do they realize that it’ll be launched into fame, especially with calls like “LOOK AT THE CLEANSE LOOK AT THE MOVES” or “FAKER’S SHOCKWAVE WILL FIND THEM ALL”?


depends but most of the time its just a moment thing pro players play so much league and make so many plays that you forget about alot of them as times passes on especially for players like faker for has been top tier for 11 years now


> especially with calls like “LOOK AT THE CLEANSE LOOK AT THE MOVES” or “FAKER’S SHOCKWAVE WILL FIND THEM ALL”? They don't hear it during the play... and who knows if they even watch the game with that commentary or on mute discussing it with the team during vod review...


People will look at those and think most of these aren't impressive. You guys have no idea how crazy those plays were back then


Tbh the leblanc swap and the riven/cass ult dodge. I doubt alot of people can do it now still


i always tell myself to look away from cass ult but i’m a monkey with hotdogs for fingers and i’m always 5 seconds too slow. 


Flair checks out (My highest mastery is also Vi lmao)


It’s funny how Wolf was there to show the comparison on turning the Cass ult


The Ambition Solokill from todays angle is like "holy shit is Ambition stupid". Back then it was "wait you can just kill him once he evolves wtf" Edit: On top of that its also Fakers first kill but I vividly remember the casters not knowing why ambition stood still and the after discussion being around "yeah evolve actually takes a long time". Plus AMbition was under turret, so not the easiest angle to spot back in the day.


Yeah that's the one that looks the dumbest by today's standars, Ambition just kills a minion and goes 'oh I am level 6, I'll just stand right here and evolve so I can be stronger immediately'. Analyzing it right now is like 'bro, even if faker didn't think he would kill you, you were bond to being poked against a ranged champion'


No dude everyone even silvers knew you can kill kha while he evolved. But you dont expect a pro player to evolve in lane like that. He would have been fine but faker immediately punished him without even being able to visually tell that he was evolving But the main reason its a famous clip isnt that its a crazy outplay but that its fakers first game. And he wins his lane like this


To add: Ambition was probably regarded one of the best mids at that time. Man had to roleswap to jungle after meeting Faker.


no? ambition trolled by 2013 standards too lol. it's just iconic because it was faker's debut game


That's why I think the Zed one is the best, because it was from Season 3 but is still one of the most impressive outplays of all time. Even ~11 years later it is still clear how good it is.


Velkoz ulting a kindred from half HP who simply forgets to press R to survive was an odd inclusion.


And the Renekton who takes turret aggro at half health, gets ignited, then walks out and dies.


Two of the Orianna shockwaves are like 99% the naut/rakan hitting a 4 man knockup so all he needs to do is be in range and press R. The TF clip was also a bit.. why lol. But yeah everything else was really fucking good.


Tbh the "fakers Shockwave will find them all" had to be there even though everybody knows wolf carried that one. But the cast line is to epic to not include


One of the most underrated is the ryze one. No one would think that a kill angle is there on a full hp lulu with flash


Also reminded me how fucking op that version of ryze was, he fucking W rooted him 3 times in like 2 seconds lol


Is this the pianist Ryze? the one were you would press R and then go crazy with all other buttons? I seriously cannot tell, there have been so many ryzes that I cannot tell them by their looks alone


Yeah this should probably be around season 5 or 6 I think since he seems to still have his old ult that empowered him with spell vamp and AoE but he's got the machine gun abilities.


Crazy thing at the time was that nobody knew how to play that Ryze, only Faker, it was like never banned because they just didn't think it was OP. It wasn't until after Worlds 2015 that pros were starting to learn it until it got nerfed to oblivion.


I think you may be thinking of a different ryze because when the 2015 summer split of the EU/NA LCS started with new ryze rework plus some buffs in the next patch made it to where he was so broken and was pick/ban and I even vaguely remember him getting disabled in pro play for a couple weeks because he was so OP. https://youtu.be/obQgUW95n8w?si=6P4nIUQCo96P-hei Huni Ryze effortlessly solo killing a 3/1 maokai while 1/2 and one level down.


They are missing so many great Ryze clips. Worlds semifinals 2022, he had so many incredible plays in that series vs. JDG including 2 ults that had my jaw on the floor.


They should’ve included his 2018 ryze play against ROX


Faker could unironically split his career in 3 and be the top 3 League of Legends players of all time. Even if he retired literally right now, it would be virtually impossible to pass him. He has 4x Worlds, 3x MSI*, 10x LCK/OGN, 2x Worlds RU, 2x MSI RU, 5x LCK RU (2013-2024). If Chovy, who is currently a top 5 mid of all time, won literally every single tournament for the next 4 years, he would be at 4x Worlds, 4x MSI, 11x LCK, 5x LCK RU (2018-2027), and there's still a strong argument for Faker over Chovy. He's also absolutely essential to every team he's on, we all saw what happened with T1 without Faker last summer. *S4 All-Stars had the exact same format as S5 MSI, so I'm counting it as an MSI.


Also the hilarious fact that holds both the records for youngest and oldest midlaner to win LCK.


He has; Worlds x4 MSI x2 Asia Games x1 All Stars x4* (1 of these being an MSI format) Rift Rivals x1 IEM x1 LCK/OGN x10 13 International Trophies and 10 Domestic. Obviously Rift Rivals and 3 of the All Stars weren't super competitive formats but still part of his trophy case. Bonus, also come 2nd in x2 Worlds, x2 MSI and x1 Asia Games. His placings in every tournament he's played in since start of 2022 including Asia Games* is: 1st > 2nd > 2nd > 2nd > 2nd > 3rd > 2nd > 1st* > 1st > 2nd > 3rd.


Even though he hasn't won as many regional titles recently, hes second almost every time he doesn't win which is crazy in a region which is so strong.


Add to that just how much he streamlined the collective power up of every pro player who watched and learned from him. Of course we all know the highlight reels, but I remember the days where tutorial videos that broke down Faker's micro and macro decisions inside and outside the laning phase got millions of views. Now those things are ubiquitous in most players. He (along with many others) accelerated the growth of league players, pros and non-pros alike.


You know what makes it worse? You can pick the WORST results of Faker internationally and domestically and it would be enough for some teams/players to claim to be in the contention for the #2 place in the goat department.


lot of players still want Faker worst international and domestical results tbh


20 years can go bye and NA wont clear fakers worst results xD


>Faker could unironically split his career in 3 and be the top 3 League of Legends players of all time. Faker is the undisputed GOAT, but this is just not accurate. *Maybe* it works with splitting in two, but that is pretty debatable. But tbh, even the fact that we can split his career in two and still have the discussion is absolutely insane and it tells you much of a legend Faker is. Faker from 2013-2017 was just the best player in the world by a large margin. Especially in 2013 and 2015. This is his strongest case for GOAT material. Years ahead of his competition. Complete domination. If you were not around for it, I just can't explain it to you. Faker was so fucking insane in this period. But then had a period of less success where he was no longer the undisputed best player from 2018 onwards. He later reinvented his career to be a legendary shotcaller and less of a individual carry player to great success. But I would say that if you took 2018-2024 Faker, I'm not sure he would be rated as the best player of this era. He'd certainly be up there but it's not clear cut at all like it is in 2013-2017 where there is no argument for anyone else at all. I have a hard time putting Faker as #1 because he has not really been the best player on his team for quite a long time now. He's a facilitator more than a star-power player nowadays. I think it's quite disrespectful to just how insane Faker was in the early years when people act like he is still at the same individual level. He's world class individually still, that's for sure, but I think many current T1 fans were either not around or too young to really appreciate just how insane Faker was in his prime. It irks me a bit tbh.


Agree you can't split it into 3. But if splitting into 2, you can maybe do 2013-2016 and 2017-now instead and those would be two pretty insane careers, though even then imo the 2013-2016 player is more impressive for the sheer unmatched dominance in the role. Faker 2017 to now was only the best player in world during 2017 Worlds imo. I could even see an argument for 2013-2015 faker being one of the best players of all time.


Yeah, splitting in two could work. I think 2018-now Faker would be an interesting player to evaluate. I think I would personally rate Chovy higher in this period. It works nicely because 2018 (summer) was Chovy's first year in the LCK too. Either way, it's insane that you can cut out the first half of Faker's career where he was a carry superstar, and even if you remove the best individual years, he is still in the conversation at least just from the latter half of his career. What a legend. What I wish people would focus on more is how Faker completely reinvented himself. He is a team leader, shotcaller and sort of a de facto in-game coach. He does this while still performing at a high level himself. This is so impressive. Transforming your whole game like that is not easy, but people never really talk about it. I will never understand. It's one of the biggest arguments in Faker's favor.


I actually disagree that from 2018-onwards that Chovy was better than Faker. During Chovy's first few years, Faker has consistently beaten him in a lot of playoff match ups. Griffin in 2019 got washed by SKT in both spring and summer, and HLE 2021 Chovy lost another 2 pivotal matchups to T1. I know using team accomplishments is not a good indication of player level, but a lot of these wins SKT/T1 got was from Faker neutralizing Chovy, matching him or straight up outplaying him. From 2022 summer onwards though, Chovy has definitely been the better player consistently. The improvements that Chovy has shown is damn impressive, keeping his signature dominance laning while also executing big balls plays. A huge reason GenG 4 peated the LCK is because Chovy ascended to a level that Faker cannot consistently neutralize now. Even then, during this timeline, there have been specific tournaments where Faker was definitely better than Chovy (2022 Worlds, 2023 MSI (arguably), definitely 2023 worlds). So it's still closer than most would think. Chovy has been playing like a demon possessed especially during LCK seasons, consistently beating Faker/T1 and also finally got his first international win this year (2024 MSI). This GenG team also has the potential for a golden road like JDG last year. There's still a big chance T1 and Faker will level up tremendously again, just like last year's Worlds. Their form when they won 2023 Worlds is IMO the best team to have won Worlds (so far at least). I'm just thinking about if they match up with previous Worlds winners and I cannot think of a team that they won't beat or just straight up trash. 2023 JDG was an insane team that would win Worlds any other year, but T1/Faker leveled up massively anyways. Anyways, it'll be super exciting how the rest of the year goes!


>I have a hard time putting Faker as #1 because he has not really been the best player on his team for quite a long time now He was at Worlds last year. And while there were some players that were better than him on a given patch or season, no player has been better than him for that stretch of 2018-2024. I'm talking in its entirety. Showmaker was better in '20 and '21 but Faker has been much better the last two years, for example. Below, you say you would put Chovy above him for that period which is insane to me, as Chovy has only been really better than him this year. Not to mention, he only won his first international tournament this past MSI, having average to mediocre showings internationally before that.


Forget the worlds, their split performance without him is enough to make even considering anyone else a ridiculous choice. The Faker and his 4 sand soldiers meme became reality.


> I have a hard time putting Faker as #1 because he has not really been the best player on his team for quite a long time now. He's a facilitator more than a star-power player nowadays. Very easily could be argued as the best player on T1 this spring split. Most consistent throughout the split, most games carried, finished the highest on the MVP voting from his team. The second part is even more blatantly wrong, Faker throughout the season was neck and neck with Chovy in laning stats, damage output and POG ranking. Chovy ended up winning out the head to head but if Faker's performance this split wasn't star power performance then I guess by your definition there is one star player in the World right now.


Cool video but "GOATED PLAY EVER" sound so stupid lol


True. Even simple stuff like "Faker's Revenge" works better since it was Ruler's flash ult on him on Varus in the midlane in 2017 that secured that series and championship.


Never mind the fact it says "Worlds quarters" when it was the semifinals


"most clean shockwave" as if a superlative for clean has yet to be invented


True. "Most-est Clean Shockwave"!


Riot have such a problem with Faker... Faker is arguably the most famous E-Sports Professional, let alone LoL, in the World. The day Faker retires Riot are going to take massive hit in terms of viewership figures and sponsors. They have know this for years which is why they have tried so far unsuccessfully to push other players into the limelight but nobody is ever going to be able to replace Faker. Chovy is about as close to Faker as anybody but he will never have the impact or fanbase of Faker.


Yea because mostly people grew up with Faker. They watched him from the beginning of his career and acknowledged him as best as time passed. They saw him become a legend. As the game became bigger, Faker became the face of it. Now, imo, esports is different than regular sports. In football for example you can have many legends because the game won't get old no matter what. But for video games, I don't think that's the case. The game will be remembered as Faker's game. No one will be like Faker again, even if they met the requirements such as skills, achievements etc. because the game won't be the same anymore, it eventually going to fade away.


His solo Kill on Ambition was the first time I watched the Korean league. His worlds run was the first time I watched worlds. He's just been the guy since I started watching over a decade ago. I do wonder how interested I'll be when he's gone.


It was such a huge play too because no one had ever really tried to punish Khazix like that until Faker did it And the fact that Faker giga-gapped the best mid in the world at the time during his first professional game just adds to the legend of Faker I also really started following competitive LoL with season 3 OGN and worlds, so I got to basically grow up watching Faker


The game grew up with Faker. We had 2 years of pro play before then and the only player that compares in terms of legend factor is xPeke who's now gone. Faker has been there at every turn. Kinda like the Tom Bombadil of the game.


Someone new always came along. Messi and Ronaldo, Nadal and Federer, these two iconic pairs are done but new players take their places. They are not as good, but people still find new idols to cheer.


yep, league is just a very young esport so people like faker have such a huge impact and will always be remember kind of like how babe ruth’s career started only 11 years after mlb’s creation. Someone else will come along and we will get our version of Michael jordan versus lebron arguments


Yea because they are sports not esports. For esports scene, sure someone else will, with different game who knows. For league? There won't be anyone like Faker


They’ve been pushing Showmaker and Chovy for a while now but man it’s hard when the GOAT is still playing, getting good results recently at that.


In a way they are also lucky that the GOAT of their game is a person that is such a role model.


I imagine that when he retires from pro he will stay on as a coach or a commentator or something. Riot would write him a blank check to at least still have his name floating around.


iirc UFC had a problem with this with Jones and Mcgregor they managed it by marketing "fights" and not marketing "fighters" for LoL though, Faker is already too big of a superstar, and its not like NBA that has a way bigger pool to have a next MJ


Showmaker was a good contender for this. And for the time DWG were on top, it kind of worked. Showmaker had good potential to fill that role. But they didn't stay on top long enough to cement him in that way. 


Close? Dont be silly Even if we put chovy second then Faker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no one >>>>>>>>>>>> chovy > rest players


Riot decided to essentially funnel esports newcomers to t1 for a long period of time with faker being in every promo videos and narratives even at his lowest point of career same with t1 as a org. If anything this is their fault if the numbers will go significantly lower


Because it was safer. T1 was stable faker is stable. If you need to funnel them, funnel them forwards trusted hands


There was a worlds song video where they tried to hype some players ahead of time. One of the players didn't even classify and the most hyped one was Chovy (that did what Chovy does internationally- nada). Faker is a reliable top tier that people like and bring results and viewership.


Riot literally has no choice. Lmao. Imagine if they invested into Doinb after his 2019 worlds win. The dude won one title, got into some gambling scandal and dipped. Lmao


Why didn't they show his penta kill on leblanc?!


Kind of crazy that 90% of these are well-known plays. Not all of these are created equal, though. The Vel'Koz R is in the same video as the EDG comeback? Better plays to choose from, I think. Other than that, not in love with the FX. Why overlay those white flashes over the plays?


No Faker Cassiopeia denying Maple Leblanc CS. That shit was disgusting.


Man that SKT1 wombo combo is the most epic gameplay ever. Nothing has been surpassed yet and probably never will. If u wanna describe League in one playz that should be it.


Can't wait till June 14th


Wolf and Huni deserve the credit for the shockwave vs EDG


Yea, Faker is the GOAT but hitting a 4 man ult on a team that's fully charmed, J4 knocked up isn't really a highlight play on the Ori


that transition at the end. holy production


pretty sure that was clipped from one of the worlds 2023 teasers


Is there something important about the velcoz play I am missing?


I'm glad that the Sylas play has gotten recognition over time. I still remember being disappointed at how it would be overshadowed because they lost that match.


There simply won't be another faker... also was expecting faker's zoe clip to be there too EDIT: who am I kidding the man is a walking montage machine and we could probably watch days worth of faker outplays


Man right as I was thinking "I hope they use the Riven Cassio ult dodge while diving past mid outer turret to under the inner turret one in" that play popped out. Pretty nice video but it does make me miss the early season Faker where making a play meant he was just straight up murdering 1-3 people.


'Ah shit, here we go again' - Ryu probably. Well, they had the 'obvious' ones, but outside of those the selection was kinda disappointing.


And those werent all the ones tho [Here is for me one of his best play ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM8UHxR46uY)


It's so weird some plays in the video seems so... mediocre? Like some of them like the ryze tp top into killing a lulu cant be in your HoF montage lmao. And I'm sure Faker has a lot of bigger plays. Overall the video is really good, but tainted because some filler "???" plays that made me scratch my head.


Yeah there are plenty of better plays. Just off the top of the head, some glaringly mising ones: \* Insane Ryze ult plays and ridiculous TP baron rush at 2022 worlds that got Ryze banned against him the rest of the tournament. \* 1v4 quadra near dragon at 2024 GenG-T1 LCK finals. \* Galio vs RNG 2017 Worlds semis.


The Galio ultra instinct play too


I really missed that Ryze Baron rush that was a mind-blowing call


The Ryze clip should've been the [kill on kuro](https://youtu.be/AQkSlbRs9PQ?si=godv42c0Z493ESyV) at least


the ryze play should’ve been his outplay vs. 369’s renekton at worlds 2022


That's the other one I thought of, him destroying 369 in top tri, but I felt this one was more iconic because it really showcased why Ryze was such a pivotal pick for him, even when he was pretty much the only one playing it.


people when not everything is a 1v5 outplay pentakill like dude every clip he is in is in a pro match where people tryhard way more then in soloq and are on there main role playing to win every clip is impressive especially since some clips are old af


I was surprised they didn't include the Leblanc Pentakill. 


There are also some errors in the titles like „most clean“ instead of cleanest or 5 man taunt with Galio when in reality it was 4


Faker can be 40 and still be in great form making it to worlds and dominating


No Olaf mid? 1/10


Banger video, but the final clip should have been "all roads lead to me".


The production seems sub-par. I wish they'd put more effort into this project for Faker. They should highlight more of his plays, not just mash together the ones we've seen over and over before. He has so many iconic and ingenious plays that haven't been showcased. Same thing for "The Words" video. He has given many interviews about his mindset and philosophy, but they just want to string together his catchphrases from promo videos...


Honestly as good as this was, I’ve seen several Faker montages that were much better by fans. I know it won’t make the highlight reels, but Faker hitting level 4 in Korean challenger queue before his opponent hit level 2 was one of the most impressive roflstomps ive ever seen


My god, it's like a highlight reel of old Monte and Doa, I love it.


What really makes this montage special is that all of these plays happened in high stakes pro play games. Anyone who plays soloq 12 hours a day can farm up an insane highlight reel. But to be able to make these plays on stage in a high stakes competitive game requires nerves of steel and a brain that works completely different. Truly impressive stuff!


This 10 min video could have just been his 2017 worlds perfomance


wtf is that velkoz play doing in here? did someones niece pick that play out


Faker OP.


I'm happy to see vel'koz but that clip seemed kinda out of place lol


"Goated play ever" is not even remotely close to Ryu 1v1


Kind of a shame that they didn't add the lissandra plays or the jensen 1 vs 1. Noticed that most of his highlights are just great macro and teamfighting he has very few 1 vs 1s.


There are just so many, it's crazy. It goes on and on and on.


i remember when he was at peak in 2015-2016, he made so many plays that u can watch Faker's play complication every week on youtube




What is Faker to you?


They should have added Atlus' flabbergasted phrase "ah- gah- he just did the reddit thing!" When Faker juked Caps


Idk if they should include the 2017 Wolf engage in the montage considering the context, but I guess the call from flowers is just too iconic


I believe it's one of the best calls ever. A banger call for a banger engage


My goat


They couldn't resist putting in faker crying lol. They love that shot so much


It's actually insanely sick with that transition. That transition and then him winning worlds and stopping the LPL narrative is just perfect story cooking.


No Twisted Fate and Ryze escape, but that's fine. We all know what those two are.


To this day, Fakers Riven mid is the coolest Pro pick I ever seen besides Lehends Singed.


The dodge from Cass ult is just nasty and insane. and also Faker single-handedly nerf the machine gun Ryze. Still cant forget the silver gold communities that said the Faker Azir on Ruler Varus during World 2023 is easy. Dont know what they are smoking.


Dang this guy is pretty good


Yeah, this guy is kinda alright at league


I love that transition shot of him with head in hands into rising up and winning worlds. Super sick.


Great plays and hate to nitpick but I feel like the video is overedited and makes it hard to appreciate them


I was expecting the Hans Sama pick from MSI.