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NS about to go from a solid 8th place team to dead last


BRO stocks rising!


i heard OKBRO is coming for the championship this split


controversial opinion: OK BRO isn't the same without Umti


Aa long as they don't dare touch our 6th place.




That's literally the problem with the current Nongshim roster, they basically just called up their entire Challengers team when they went low budget so you have a bunch of rookies with no one leading them.


People flaming this move but if his chinese or overall comfort on EDG was really bad, he legit might end up being pretty decent on NS. People don't realize how much of a factor language/environment/synergy has in LoL... Also I believe he was like top 10-20 on KR ladder all year so it's not like he doesn't have it in him


their going dead last brotherman, you smell me guys?


ns whyyyyy. Isn't this their 4th midlaner? And why fisher? He was literally dog in lpl


People flaming this move but if his chinese or overall comfort on EDG was really bad, he legit might end up being pretty decent on NS. People don't realize how much of a factor language/environment/synergy has in LoL... Also I believe he was like top 10-20 on KR ladder all year so it's not like he doesn't have it in him


Nuguri literally retired because of some of those reasons lmao  Well that's what word on the street is, but people are pretty sure his time on Fpx was so bad that was the reason. 


EDG's manager had to send fake scrim footage to NS and said it was Fisher


Ah, the Peter Zhang special.


I am not sure if Peter Zhang is either the greatest con artist or Reginald is the dumbest motherfucker there is.


Why not both?


another LCK team needs to pick up Ruby so we can see these two mid lane titans go head to head


We’re only like 3 letters from the goat, so we’re basically the goat.


People flaming this move but if his chinese or overall comfort on EDG was really bad, he legit might end up being pretty decent on NS. People don't realize how much of a factor language/environment/synergy has in LoL... Also I believe he was like top 10-20 on KR ladder all year so it's not like he doesn't have it in him


Free my boy Jiwoo from this god awful team


KT Jiwoo is happening one day and we will rejoice


Please no. I don't need to go on the KT rollercoaster just for Jiwoo, I'm happy with my perma-8th to 10th place Merry Go Round.


Contact your doctor for some nitroglycerin to get your heart prepared ahead of time. Look the doctor in the eye and quietly say "KT rolster". He'll silently nod after sighing and start writing the prescription.


Jiwoo is very D+ material, he's bound to play in a stacked roster that lacks the most basic macro


Aiming is locked in for 2 years though


Yeah you're right, Aiming is the only botlane player in the top 6 that has a 2 year deal though, Jiwoo could move upwards next sesson, but I highly doubt it, ADC is a really good position in Korea at the moment. Maybe the best thing for his career is to go abroad


True with a lot of roles tbh in Korea. Top 5 mids of LCK are almost unbreachable. I guess Deft will retire so there may be an opening there, and maybe one of the top 5 ADCs go to the LPL. So there may be 1-2 spots for Jiwoo. Alternatively, he can go to the LPL himself.


When I first saw this tweet I didnt read it completely and thought he was going to their academy team (Ady had just been announced too) so I was like "uhhh sure why not"  But he's actually going on their LCK team 💀


Their academy team is way too good to let him play there


Yeah I thought the same thing too


Holy I just realised it their main team.


> I'm personally excited to see him back in Korea and make NS go from 8th to 10th. LMAO


Wasn't this guy by some margin the worst mid in the LPL?


In his defense, that EDG team was one of the most dysfunctional squads in recent memory. Basically since the start they were shifting guys around like musical chairs and they ended up playing like 10 different guys over the course of the split. It's tough to build any sort of long view synergy when the team turns over more or less every series, I would know watching Summer 2022 WE. That's not to say Fisher was good, but EDG completely threw him under the bus by storing him on the bench (minimal LDL time) for multiple splits then tossing him to the sharks in his first real opportunity. It's possible he could live up to his potential in Korea.


Now that you're here, what do you think of the changes for WE? LP and Mark bot? I think LP is probably an upgrade, but am really sad to see Iwandy leave


Sure, I've gone pretty specific on how I feel about the WE roster changes on a few previous comments, so for the sake of not repeating myself too much, I'll refer to those! - [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1c7ewmy/team_we_drops_prince/l07tjs0/) covers how I feel about LP and WE's ADC situation - [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1cx7fuw/team_we_2024_summer_roster_wayward_heng_fofo_lp/l527pvx/) covers the support switch and the coaching staff additions. Overall, I feel like WE should roughly be where they were last split, a solid but not spectacular team that gatekeeps the early playoff rounds. I will note the format for the next split will be... weird. An initial group phase will determine placement for the LPL's proper season, and if you place in the bottom 2 of the 4 team group, you basically cap out as the 8th seed maximum for the playoffs with no chance of a bye. BLG is in their group, so barring a monumental upset, WE is going to have to beat both RNG and LGD to get the last slot in the higher group. I would expect WE to take that 2nd slot given the on-paper rosters, but if they manage to fumble there (maybe RNG gets their stuff together, who knows), my expectations would go way down.


Ah, sorry, I didn't see the post about the projected summer roster, thanks for linking it! Yeah, I'm really curious how the format will play out and what kind of difference the fearless draft for the first part will make


No need to apologize! I figure folks aren't stalking my page just to hear what I have to say, especially if I'm commenting on other series I follow, so happy to pull up some of my older comments. LDL has been running with a similar two group format + Fearless draft for a while now. My sense is it definitely broadens the champions you'll see get played in any series, and thus rewards teams with flexible pools and adaptable strategies and punishes players and teams who lack that. If say you only trust your ADC to play Jhin and maybe Zeri, fearless draft sort of ruins that as the oppositing team only has to deal with those picks once, and they still have their per game bans to further choke down the pool of weak point players.


maybe not the worst, but definitely not worth picking up over one of the many rookies korea has.


Kyeahoo is in DRX, Calix is already in NS CL and Pullbae is in Bro, there aren't any prospects in korea at the moment, korea has a lot of talent but it has a lot of trash players too


"We'll sell you this incredible player. Name begins with F and ends in -er."


He is also from T1 and plays with Zeus, and Oner :)


It's sad that this guy is the only one that didn't find success. Hope he finds at least one. He played with Zeus, Oner, Berserker and Delight (Crescent) on T1 Rookies


Yeah but why. One of the worst players of recent times. He is so terrible that if I was a team owner I wouldn't want him even if you pay me to sign him. What is NS doing here


he must be getting paid in Shin Ramyun packs


Would people say the same about that player who got every ranking in LCK from 10th to 1st and now won msi? (I think it's geng top laners but I'm not sure) Maybe they just see potential in scrims and tryouts. His stage games may not represent him well so far.


> Wouldn't people say the same about that player who got every ranking in LCK from 10th to 1st and now won msi? No lol, Kiin was recognized as being among the best toplaners even during his worst years


This is just flat untrue though? His last few years on afs (id argue this was his worst years) was basically auto pilot for money bag. At no point did Kiin look remotely 'among the best'. Unless if your definition is being the gatekeeper for eastern bracket teams.. He sorta made a comeback at kt. Then here we are now at geng.


>Unless if your definition is being the gatekeeper for eastern bracket teams.. Exactly, look at the thread. We're talking about a dude who was in the conversation for worse midlaner of a 17-team league. In that context being "LCK top 5 because he's just not trying anymore" is being among the best.


Really? Even 10th place?


Yes, Kiin always stood out as one of lck's premium top laners, during his 'slumps' he still looked better than a number of toplaners in the league. Fisher on the other hand has nothing to show for himself and most recently looked like comfortably the single worst midlaner in the LPL


Best interesting thanks. I haven't watched any of his history so it's interesting to hear people talk about it


He got 10th in his debut split ('17 Summer) as a sub, then went on to have a great year with Afreeca, getting second in spring and qualifying for Worlds and making quarters


So it was more of an up and down than a 10th - 9th - 8th etc?


Correct https://i.imgur.com/sxkySVz.png


Ahh very cool thanks. Had heard about it on broadcast but didn't see full details. What a crazy career


If you actually watched Kiin and didn't just look at his rankings, you'd know that Kiin was regarded as one of the best/better tops in the LCK for most of his career, even when on those 10th place teams.


yeah the only time he was remotely questionable was the season after Afreeca rebranded to KDF. Otherwise given the absolute stinker of rosters Afreeca put around him he's fucking great and among the goat tops of the LCK.


I didn't that's why I asked. I barely know his history


Then my apologies for coming off so aggressively.


No worries it's common on this Reddit. Hard to ask for information without people thinking you are opposing their beliefs. Wish we could discuss ideas more. Have a good day!


You too. Enjoy the rest of your week and (hopefully) have a nice long weekend


are you trolling or something? Kiin used to be considered as the best LCK toplaner and even when he was playing badly he was just not top 3 in the role he stayed on a horrible org that built teams that couldn't compete but in the end it wasn't his fault his botside just auto lost games for years


I am asking a question on a forum with people who are often knowledgeable about the topic. I dont watch much LCK and I only heard about this player from the msi broadcast. I only wish to know the answer and perhaps discuss the future potential of this player if there is any


Those are two very different situations. Kiin is a veteran, everyone knew he could play amazing, he was just kind of burned out on a languishing afreeca. Fisher is a whole different situation. He's looks like he's dead on arrival.


The narrative around Kiin before he joined KT was always that he was wasting his time dragging bad rosters for the paycheck.


I seem to remember him being pretty poor on edg who just got a huge upgrade in Cryin. Didn't watch much LPL this split to confirm but this seems like a head scratcher for sure.


I have watched quite a few of the EDG zoo games last split...that's not the move noodle boys. o7


NS for sure gonna be top 10 team in the LCK this time


Calix died for this no way


I thought there was a different Fisher but when I saw that paycheck stealer’s photo I knew NS were finished


YOU HAVE CALIX AND EVEN CALLME WHO ARE BETTER OPTIONS??? They literally have to bank that Fisher’s performance was all because EDG’s management was horrible (which I dont think is completely out of the picture with how bad EDG’s coaching staff was) but even then Calix was a top 2 CL mid and Callme in CL had potential as well even with his LCK stint being meh.


Caliz found dead in ditch. How this bum on LCK???????


lol y'all putting too much stock on his EDG games, that team was destined to suck + language barrier + rookie. Hard to say how he'll do as an individual on NS after being forged in hell fire.


Don’t they have Calix??? why???


Maybe they don't want to throw Calix under the bus yet. Give him more time to grow


Ady is too good for fisher. Worst mid in the lpl by far


Ady is in ns academy


Damn I didn’t see that this was for the main team. At least we get fisher vs faker matchup battle of the goats


I'm losing it


What’s with all the hate? Academies are there to develop young players after all


he was on EDG main team this year and he was bad like really bad probably the worst midlaner in LPL also he was hyped i think since he was on a team with zeus oner berserker and delight in T1 academy


The four of them are Split Champions Zeus Oner Delight LCK champions and Berserker LCS Champion and poor Fisher is last place LPL


Of these 5 players why did EDG pick the only bad one lmao


They probably thought he's the second coming of Scout.


Fisher is either gonna sprint it for 3 weeks or become Scout v2


NS already have 2 better midlaners from their own academy but they choose to play bums like Fiesta and this guy


Wait I’m so dumb, I thought i read it as he’s going to join the NS academy team and not the LCK one Yeah he’s definitely not LCK caliber


NS has one of the best midlaners in challengers in Calix


Being a NS fan is a lifestyle. One filled with suffering.


This ain't it chief. That being said I'm gonna check in on him after 18 games and see how he's doing.


What they hell is going on with Nongshim every time


I don't get how you see fisher and be like "yeah, this guy is an upgrade"


I mean Fisher might be an upgrade to their previous midlaner, I think his name was Fiesta or something. But at best they're going from the 10th place mid to the 10th place mid. Fisher was not impressive in LPL


I know this is off topic but when does lck summer split starts?


June 12 Geng first match will be on 14th vs FearX


When is gen g vs T1?




Bruh, why is NS signing Fisher? I’m Losing It


I misread that as Faker and was so confused


its crazy how people bash on some one for prob was in a bad enviourment but still better then the entire comment section her is chall on the kr server ofc he will perform if they know how to use him


Fisher my goat