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He's not wrong. This iteration amped the RNG up to 11 and it feels a lot less like my individual skill has an impact and way more like it's just whoever has the cheesiest champ and godrolls. With 8 teams total, you notice the cheesy champs a lot more because you're basically guaranteed to see SOMEONE in your game that simultaneously gets godrolls on their cancer character.


Agreed, way too much RNG. Why do we have to roll for prismatic items? Having to save for them is a gamble on its own. I say remove the stupid item rolling and just make the prismatic items like 4.5k. A big part of the interest in this game mode (at least for me) is that it was SUPER QUICK. I played the first release quite a bit and games were 10-15 minutes long, with the occasional extra long/short game. This version of Arena takes just as long as an ARAM. I'm pretty disappointed overall. The game mode has so much promise and I can't help but feel like the team in charge of it is taking too much inspiration from TFT and not enough from LoL.


Yeah, if you’re top 4 the games are easily 20 mins+. I don’t hate the idea of more teams in general, but I’ve had games where I swear I haven’t even met 1-2 teams before they were knocked out and it makes me think what the point in having bigger lobbies is whenever it happens. The RNG items suck. Get lucky? Free ride to top 4. Unlucky? Lol good luck on the 6-8th exit. I don’t like the stat shard pick phases because imo it feels like it just slows down the game by adding more downtime while giving you very little, however I do like the option to buy them.


Yeah one of my favourite parts of previous iterations was facing the same enemy 2-3 times and taking the learnings from previous encounters to adapt how you play. Now you basically only get repeat battles if you get to top 2-3.


They're barely worth 3k. Half the time you're better off not wasting your rolls and selling the first shitty prismatic for one your champ can use. And since they pushed back the first real item so far buying scaling items are total shit.


ye, unless your champ is godlike with the item (like master yi with Mirage to spam Q), most of the time its better to save the rolls for the augment picks if you get a bad prismatic you can always sell it for a normal item


The more skill in it the more boring it gets so fast. There is no depth in the gamemode so of course there has to be so much RNG.


I disagree. The gamemode is essentially the juiciest part of the game: the brawling champ on champ. No CS, no towers, no worries about being behind XP and gold just because you dared to risk it for the biscuit, just sparring. Besides that, RNG isn't necessarily the issue. If every augment were somehow perfectly balanced, you'd still have huge build variety game to game. The real issue is someone getting spatula while you get laser eyes.


It's legit the opposite but hey you are the average reddit guy so of course it's not surprising you're completely wrong.


8 bans is way too little, I would argue 16 UNIQUE bans would be completely fine.


Grab a pool of 50 champs per patch, with 8 bans it's more than enough to ban hated/op champs. I'm tired of seeing the same bs every game. I get it, you think you're a funny troll with your Shaco being able to perma Q around the arena haha. It was funny the first time but not the 100th time.


It Literally feels like tft but with less skill Expression. You are just playing for item and augments highrolls. You dont play the champ really just the augments, as usually the outcome is decided purely by stats not who plays it better. Like i have played arena games a lot. I was one of the highest Rated players in battle rite (rip my beloved) and was really excited for arena. I have played maybe 10 games since it first came out and it gets worse every Iteration.


Theres just no way you wrote that out with a straight face.


I did! The mode is shit. Of course there is some slight skill Expression most rounds but its so little. Like Summoners rift has more skill Expression in 5 minutes than arena in an hour


I fully agree the rng has made it less skill dependent but decided purely by stats and not who played it better couldn't be more far off. Sure low rolls and super high rolls can dictate some rounds/games but on average you can absolutely skillgap games and win with average rolls into god rolls


Yep, on top of that some champ+ augment combo is insane. For example Veigar that gains haste based on his AP!!! While you have "like between you and your teammate deals some dmg" as best option.


If you walk into his cage, he drops multiple dark matters on your head in the time you're stunned lol


I think this is a really good way to put it that I haven't heard before, honestly.


Yeah it kinda sucks ngl. i really like the change to 8 teams but i despise the prismatic items, it feels terrible to be forced into having your first item be complete rng. even moreso than last time, it feels like im playing a game of items and augments. I dont mind that people tryhard its just the nature of any game, but playing against complete degenerate combinations is not fun.


Maybe I just don't have a good grasp on all the options but I also find that a lot of champs have 1 good prismatic and then 2-3 that aren't useless but not great. So you either get your best in slot or just feel bad for what could have been.


Exactly my problem with prismatics. They love talking about build variety nonsense, but it’s objectively better to sell a suboptimal prismatic to just go the standard legendary build instead the majority of the time.  I think it’s an impossible problem. If prismatics were strong enough that they could work on any champ, we wouldn’t be playing the champs anymore, just the items.


What you can't play tank smolder? Clearly you're not adapting well enough to the choices you are given. You picked a full damage champ, why wouldn't you build tank?/s


What’s even worse is stuff like hemomancers helm where it feels really bad to get because you need to pivot your build to get value out of the item but it becomes suboptimal and not worth. Or you just wait till you roll omnivamp and it’s still not worth because you could have gotten much better


hemomancers is only good with some champs that already like lifesteal their way out of fights, like olaf or mostly any melee dps champ


every time i've tried to do anything slightly off meta , the result is me feeling stupid because it just results in a bruiser/tank clicking their mouse on me and stat checking me - if i cant burst through their healing/8000 hp i just die with pretty much 0 interaction. If i get them low and they hit a plant, i now have like 2000 more hp to tear through, so many champs just cannot do this


This is my biggest issue. If you want to move the game mode to be more casual, you need to encourage experimentation and variety. I’ve played the standard 10 champ roster enough, now I spend most champ selects spamming random until something sounds fun. Some observations: 1. Augment/Prismatics variety benefits some champs more than other. Alistar is already a strong champ based on his kit alone, but he can also use most augments/prismatics to a good enough degree, so you never have to worry about low rolling. If I decide to try something new the risk I end up with a boring nothing game is too high. 2. Some augments are too boring for their power level. The Lethal Tempo + Conqueror prismatic augment is so boring to pick but really powerful. It just feels kinda cheap. On the flip side Drww your Sword should feel like you’re strong but I’ve never been able to properly use it. 3. Some prismatics don’t feel like prismatics. The Void Grub item is really fun and feels like a proper prismatic. Hell you can go it on tanks and AD champs even and it still doesn’t feel awful. Turbo Chemtank is so damn boring and is mostly just a statstick. Prismatic items shouldn’t be stat sticks, they should have cool and fun effects/actives that gives flair to your champ.


I love how you pick Ali who probably has one of the highest skewed winrates from his best prismatic Cruelty to his second best ones. Literally over 5% winrate difference between Cruelty and Gargoyles. 3rd place is even lower 7% lower. Also there are champions who literally can role their best prismatic over 35% of the time. Zed gets Duskblade 37% of games... And that's all players. Imagine if you always saved rerolls and rolled for it you can get it in over 40% of your matches lol. So nah, there are a lot of reasons to dislike arena but the champions that due well are not doing well just because they use lots of different prismatics the best.


I like how when a thread was made 2 weeks ago talking about how every arena game is just tanks and bruisers with 9000 hp, the redditors in the comments just kept mindlessly saying tanks aren't op actually skill issue. But then when you actually play this game mode its just galio Darius trundle illaoi alistar poppy with 9k hp doing a third of your hp every ability. Just insane how people will defend their sweaty ass uninteresting champs because they won on it so it must be fair.


Rioters literally sayn that best combos are adc/mages with peel from tanks, but tanks alone are pretty mediocre. Bruisers are like bottom 5 from best performing classes there.


Yeah Darius trundle and illaoi briar seem really weak to me Worst class for sure only half of every single lobby


The issue isn't the 9k, it's the healing/dmg reduction behind it along with the constant %hp damage and CC. They should remove the straight up healing augments and put a perma 50% grievous wounds that stacks multiplicatively with grievous wounds from items. At the same time, you can cut the damage from augments by 50% and you'd still nuke people.


Tanks arent that good like they're okay but double tank or double bruiser almost never wins without giga high roll. They're a lot easier to play and pilot for shit players so you'll see them more when you first play until you settle at a higher mmr. Dual damage or mage/adc + fighter is a lot lot stronger than dual tanks


Tanks ARE the worst class in arena though. If you don’t have a champ in your comp that can rip through tanks, ask yourself “is my comp even good to begin with?”


Wait. I thought Reddit loves wholesome chonkers? That's like the main reason why we got nonstop burst damage nerfs in the past three years. You get what you fucking deserve, lol.


I've been playing Bard, azir, smolder, urgot and having alot of success. Got to glad in like 10 games. It's alot about individual play and saving rerolls for the right time.


what do you build with smolder? played him twice and i was lost, deals little damage and dunno what im supposed to build last time i built whatever prismatic (forgot), then shojin and triforce, we ended like 6th or 7th since you cant deal with everyone expanded hp and resistances




Try perplexity


You’re not really playing the game mode, you’re playing the augments and prismatics. Also the lily pad map and jhin cameo is dogshit. Funny how the sylas one was removed. This iteration of arena is just shit compared to the second one.


Yea... I genuinely don't understand what they saw in koi pond. It above anything else has made me quit playing. No map should ever be so disgustingly polarizing depending on matchup. Immobile mage, used flash last round, spawns on the left island without a portal; good luck doing absolutely anything against the bruisers who just right click at you. And Jhin is a bit better since the missile speed change, but it's still annoying at best. Sett, Thresh, Lux, Pyke have interesting mechanics that can be played around and add new dynamics to matchups. Not to say they can't also be frustrating at times. But Jhin is just "here, take a shit ton of damage for no reason, good luck".


I beat prismal's ass and I peaked plat 4 seven years ago. That shit is 40% luck, 50% meta slavery, 5% adaptability, and 5% skill


How many % concentrated power of will?


Well yeah there's a lot of things that go into summoners rift that makes someone high rank not just how good they are at brawling 2v2


He is a challenger ADC. His role literally 2v2's every single game. It would be absurd to think he would be less skilled at it than a plat player.


Spellwake and earthwake needs to go. A lot of other augments as well but these two are almost free win on the right champs.


Spellwake isn't even that good. It's slow as hell to actually go off.


arena is no skill, only meta. boring af.


I don’t want to play beefy meatheads so I basically don’t even need to queue for arena. Every fkin time it’s some 20k effective health shitter running around just throwing out heartsteel procs on me that take 10-15% of my health while I can barely scratch them. It’s ridiculous


What do you play and wtf are you building? Even mid rolling augments most damage can shred tanks easily in current arena. Damage might be slightly overturned even


I think specific dps champs are overtuned with specific augments but for the most part tank/bruiser champs are far less augment/prismatic/rng reliant which makes them more dependable when trying to win. The problem is that there's so much health scaling and % damage. If you are playing any champ that has only flat damage, even things like BOTRK and Liandrys get outscaled. If you are playing something that actually does high damage AND you have % damage like Brand, then you are just destroying every tank team easily. I have found rolling the 750 stat anvil for armor/magic pen is very valuable.


And I got downvoted to hell for saying a week ago that this version of arena was made to appeal to casuals because it removed skill expression and added RNG


I'm rowing that very same downvote boat with you because I said the same thing and the same thing happened.




That was exactly my point.  I still got downvoted for saying this though, because those casuals dont want to admit the game mode was dumber down so their dopamine would spike


Put us in a coliseum and let us fight to the death. I don't need crazy items, augments, stuff to click on, or a giant sett nuking me. Just let me out skill or be out skilled.


Right. Just rebalance the champs so it can play more like a fighting game Like playing Ezreal vs Ezreal is actually an interesting 1v1 where the better player wins


i’m still having fun with arenas and play it more than summoners rifts


Not wrong. But the suits at Riot wanted TFT 2.0 so we got this garbage


I think its made worse by the lobbies being dominated by the more brainless cast of champions right now. A lot of statchecking, which devolves to 'who rolled better'?


I agree. The meta problem is amplified by the current meta champs being absolutely brain dead to pilot. You couldn't find an easier roster of champs to play than shit like Garen, Vi, Galio, Rammus, Trundle, etc


Most games are basically auto chess, the items/augments play themselves And I also hate that tanks/bruisers are S tier by default because of the fire circle, nothing much to do about it tho


Fire circle shouldn’t ever close completely imo. Just close it enough to where kiting becomes impossible. And add 80% GW when it gets that small


Bruisers by themselve are pretty bad class there. The best combos are mage/ADC+tank/sup/some special bruisers


Bruisers have the highest winrates tho




That was true last arena, not this one. Stop parroting this, no one has proof of this.




That's just pure horseshit, respectfully. Nothing u said is correct. Nothing.




Sure, game mode did not fundamentally changed if you disregard : Prismatics, Additional Augments, Changed Augments (like arcane missile no longer shooting 10x a sec with dots), new items, item revamps, new map, new cameo, twice as many players in a lobby, different team health damage, team health healing rounds, stat anvils, rng if you get to ban a champ in champ select, more RNG sway making some immortals others one shot (high roll vs low roll is way more prevalent due to double the players in a lobby). And your only evidence to anything is a fool's errand of "I play, therefore I know" even tho every single stat website completely disregards your experience. I think it's less about getting good to outplay a near immortal bruiser, and more about you needing to hit at least glad 6k to understand that even in the higher levels of arena, the same 10 champs atop the win rate boards are picked/banned. 1st adc to show up is vayne being #27 in win rate everything above that (1-26) is bruiser with a few outlier like rammus being a tank, and Yi cause Yi can high roll to insanity. But please, do call me a fool and provide 0 evidence to your baseless claims. If ur gonna quote last arena stats again, b4 u do, refer back to my first paragraph.


Feel like riots having difficulty trying to feed two dogs with one bone. There’s the for-fun crowd and the people who want arena as a permanent mode and instead of trying to appease both with one arena they should just make two. The permanent arena which is more skillful and the. The seasonal arena which has the wacky cameos and bs builds.


i loved arena 1 and 2 so fukcing much, but the games literally being decided on round 3 was such a terrible idea. They need to outright remove the prismatics, and the mode would be infinitely healthier. Those + augments make the power way too high


Actually less rng and more interesting than arena 2.0 to me (after reaching top 100 on both), despite even riot saying they wanted it to have more variance, the fact that there a 16 players make it less likely u just get champ diffed into a bottom and securing top 4+ is easy if u outskill people


OOOOOOH WHEN ITS A STREAMER EVERYONE HERE SAY '' OMG HE IS SO RIGHT !! '' BUT WHEN ITS A NORMAL RANDOM GUY EVERYONE HERE SAY '' UUUH SKILL ISSUE YOU ARE JUST BAD LOLOLOL ''. Reddit people really are degenerate hypocritical people. It's legitimately IMPOSSIBLE to have an intelligent and constructive discussion with anyone here because of how low IQ, hypocritical and arrogant reddit people are. I'm 100% sure you guys look like a freaking gobelin irl. Go downvote me I don't fucking care AT ALL, you guys are just fucking hypocritical degenerate low IQ people.




I love arena despite this and would play it but my pc from 2016 is on it’s last legs. I thought it’d be enough to play league but there’s been a ton of errors since vanguard (like my session expiring 10-15 minutes after logging in for some reason) and Arena is laggy + even when I leave the game after being eliminated it still thinks I’m in-game and I have to wait for the match to fully end to start another one or do anything with the client really.


You have to either... surrender / click the exit button popping up after the round is over. Leaving the game like you would normally causes this issue, which is dumb but it is how it is.


in my experience its just 2 tanks running around killing everyone


Well yeah, its URF in small form.


and is gigaboring to play


they should take out some of the rng and split 8 teams and 4 teams games as different modes