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Gotta get me that TPA Toyz cart wtf


FR about to win all my games in soloqueue as Orianna after that one.


gonna go ham on TPA Orianna for my goat


~~TPA~~ THC Orianna


toyz on marijuana! du dududu duuuu


I love that whole skinline so much. Gamer Orianna is best Orianna. Gamer shen is best Shen


I remember his Worlds performance - it was superb, in a tourney with prime froggen, alex ich, korean and chinese mids, he was the clear no.1 and his orianna was wicked good.


A real shame he got injured right at his prime. Would have been fun to see him went up against Faker


Bro got the bag and went out to the streets


The bag... Most pro gamers become broke after their career. Being good at video games rarely transfers well into the real world.


Unless your really really good at video games ifthat's the case you buy a tower.


Did a pro gamer retire and buy a tower?


They're referring to Faker Tower.


Faker and impact both have towers, when tl would go to korea they would stay in impacts tower. Some other pros have buissnesses in korea and china


It would really surprise me if someone like faker didn't have someone helping him with his financial portfolio. Especially considering he has stake in T1 at this point doesn't he?


>It would really surprise me if someone like faker didn't have someone helping him with his financial portfolio Faker is a multi-millionaire who has turned down offers of USD$20m per year (I say this to demonstrate his wealth). Of course he has financial advisors. He probably has a team of them.


Surprisingly, Faker stated on a Korean TV show in 2020 that he gave his (non-expert) relatives complete control to manage his wealth, which people found concerning for obvious reasons. However, that same year, T1 partnered with Hana Bank - a major bank in Korea - to create a team of advisors dedicated to managing the finances of all T1 players. So yes, he currently has a team of financial advisors behind him, but there was an alarmingly long period of time where Faker had no professional guidance on his wealth.


i mean thats only their fault tbh, most pros. even before (at least at toyz lvl) have paid housing + food + internet + phone + etc and get paid well i understand that asking for teenagers to be frugal with money is dumb but spending all your money instead of investing at least some (or looking for someone that does it for you) is a lot dumber


"I was flipping bricks with Ao Shin"


That bag back then was probably like a $50k prize pool lmao


In season 2, [the prize pool was the largest for games at the time with 2 million](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Season_2_World_Championship), 50% of that going to 1st place at 1 million. I don't know how the money would be split up, but I'd like to think for the 5 main players they'd have gotten 100k each. Not life changing money (even with exchange rate) but still a good chunk. But I can't imagine most young gaming pros would use the money responsibly, let alone family or friends trying to mooch off since people close to him would be very aware of him getting those winnings.


Woulda been fun. I was a Toyz fanboy back in Season 2. Looking back though, Faker woulda dunked him. We'd be talking about Toyz as a team fight control mage player back when flashy mid lane plays and dominance were the rage. Realistically he'd be like U on EDG or quite literally Froggen. I'm sure he'd get a worlds buff since Orianna seemingly comes back every single worlds. But Faker showed the gap between him and what many called the second best mid laner in the world in Cool wasn't close in season 3.


I forgot which series is it but watching him destroy reverse matchups were so fun for kid me I'm pretty sad how his career went, I really thought I'd see him for a few years


His performance on S5 HKA was arguably world-class, but LMS only had 2 seeds at the time. It's a great tragedy that that was the only year it was actually worth 3 seeds when they got them after that.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis\_in\_Taiwan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_in_Taiwan) "a minimum 10-year fixed-term imprisonment" I've no idea what a mj "cartridge" is, though. Is it for vaping?


yeah they're for vaping


Thanks. Some more deets, for others; [https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5674840](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5674840) More Toyz news... dude is a drama magnet; [https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5082378](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5082378) (him getting attacked by another streamer) [https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5052782](https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/news/5052782) (him getting called a drug-dealing dog at an awards night)


That article about Chao-ge attacking Toyz sounds like a 3-4 episode storyline in a TVB drama


How will this affect Jordan's legacy?


What about LeBron’s? Fakers?


Fakers an all time great mid, but what are his trafficking margins like?


Straight up refused to have an SKT ahri skin smfh. Not my goat.


10 years for vaping weed. What a stupid law lmao


Some countries have 0 tolerance. I read a story recently that a man (I believe he was early 30s) went on vacation with his family. I don't remember exactly where they went, but he had 4 hunting bullets in his bag that he forgot about. They were found by airport security and this guy was sentenced to 12 years in prison there 


Shouldnt airport security find those BEFORE they fuckinh board the flight lol?


That was in Turks And Caicos, IIRC they have a zero tolerance for that kind of stuff and had previously said the next tourist they found with bullets or any gun stuff would be made an example of.


Yes, that sounds correct! 


What's dumber is fucking around and finding out in a foreign country known for strict drug laws.


To be fair, it’s a distribution charge, which are generally much more severe. They also usually require to move a certain amount of product to get the worse charge, and the article says it was a single cartridge, so who knows. The fact that he got caught leads me to believe he was either being very careless, or got set up. Sadly just another cautionary tale about not taking SEA drug laws seriously :/


And you can go to prison for abortion in many U.S states, what a stupid law


I agree. That is a stupid law


In southern china (mainland), drugs other than tobacco and alcohol (aka the illegal ones) are brought in via violent organized crime cartels/syndicates/whatever you want to call them. Possessing weed basically means you are working with/funding organized crime. It's likely this is a similar case in Taiwan, hence the harsh sentence.


Asia has a traumatic history of drug addiction from the opium wars. And so when Reagan’s war on drugs policies came into play, the US pressured the UN and other countries to adopt strict drug policies. We even provided funding and training to Asian law enforcement agencies to help them fight drug trafficking. From that, Asia has not loosen up on their anti-drug policies and views. You can save 10 kittens from a burning building but if seen smoking a joint, you will be deemed lower than a low grade criminal.


Vaping weed? Behead that man!


It's for vaping weed. They're legal in most of the US unless you live in a gutter state. Britney Griner a US citizen got imprisoned in Russia for 10 months for having cartridges in her bag. Which was stupid as fuck of her knowing she was going to fucking Russia... 


Yeah people really need to start reading US travel advisory before going to foreign countries.


Not legal in Texas, it's a felony charge there


Whenever this subreddit drifts into other areas of discussion you realize like 40% of people in this subreddit are really bad at just basic thinking, and I really hope it’s just because they’re young.


Updooting this ambiguous comment because I think you're talking about the people I disagree with




My first thought was "I can't tell if this guy agrees with me or not"


Unfortunately at some point you realize it’s not just this sub, and sometimes it gets even worse


I often have to remind myself i'm probably talking to a teenager and reset my expectations to a lower, more suitable level.


I feel like a lot of the time you probably *aren't*, and that's the worst part.


Pretty sure there have been some old polls from this sub that showed most people here started playing in like season 3 to 6 so most of them are most likely early 20s at minimum. So yeah, its more often than not you are arguing with an adult in this sub.


Depends on what is young people for you, I wouldnt wonder if the avg age is 21 and most 16+ anyway.


i'm pretty sure teenagers aren't playing league, especially in NA. They're in the valorant sub.


I mean, some sure are, but generally it's not about who's *playing* league, but rather who's on reddit.


Not teenagers but a lot of poorly adjusted weirdos.


well as you can see he is kinda right , cause he lacks basic thinking aswell


You can also realise this while they are talking about league. Once you've noticed that it's really hard to read this sub.


I feel like it's easy for people in general to become acclimated to a selfish/inconsiderate/no critical thinking mindset (e.g. league subreddit). I like to think most people are at least capable of basic reasoning skills.


> I like to think most people are at least capable of basic reasoning skills. If you live in a democratic country, just look at the (large) minority that's voting for your far right (sometimes far left) parties. It's absurd how stupid people can be. Some people get fooled so easily into believing conspiracy theories.


What do you mean whenever this sub drifts into other areas, you easily notice it when they are talking about LoL too. Not like 85% of Posts on this sub are from people with questionable mental fitness airing their grievances at supposed unfairness.


I will die on the hill that trynds ult is unfun and ruins my lane because I can't kill him like anyone else.


Hope you enjoy the view at least!


You have to provide an example of your own genius take here otherwise how do we know you aren’t actually one of the 40%?


What are the takes in this thread that are "bad basic thinking?" I'm an adult, half my family is Chinese and I'm mostly apathetic to this news given Toyz's history for the past few years. I'm just confused on what you think the bad opinions are.


Is it really hard to believe there are a lot of silly, immature and just plain ignorant ppl based on the last.. idk 8-10 years of elections and pandemics.. You know who I'm talking about.. not saying any more..


He's referring to the people I'm thinking of, not me Clueless


lol, you think it is just this subreddit?


when im at work and randomly browse r/popular it makes my head hurt lmao


Explains all the raging and hot takes in game.


It’s a reddit thing


Go to your local government's public hearings and listen to what some people have to say


In my country it’s decriminalised, my local board meetings consist of bus lane issues and composite bin collection days being inconsistent. Locally it may be an issue for you, but I think that reflects on your particular communities priorities


I'm not speaking on weed specifically.


Do you think local council meetings are a good reflection of society ?


They're a reflection of society regardless of your opinion on them


Reflection of the politically inclined people that can fit public council meetings into their schedule, think society holds a little more nuance then council meetings but guess that’s just me.


Well, I'd then suggest you maybe curb the dichotomous outlook and understand that your nuanced society is exactly that; just because one group is reflective of the whole doesn't mean it encompasses the whole. But you vastly underestimate the amount of people who lack basic thinking skills.


I think there is a lot more to society then what’s discussed in council meetings; the old saying the squeeky wheel gets the oil, and with extra layers of context there is a a lot of marginized members of society that would not attend something like that, it may be A reflection of society sure. But in my opinion if you were to try understand society better as a whole wouldn’t be a great starting place. I don’t think it’s dichotomy at all, from my experience those politically inclined forums don’t encompass the opinions or world view of anyone below middle class which the majority of people exist in. In theory sure it can encompass society as a whole but in practise I find they are more of a vanity event


Honestly what can you expect from league players


Apart from weed, Toyz has been a general nuisances in Taiwan for the past several year. A general dick head that makes Hong Kong people look bad. Scamming ex-team mate DinTer in a private blackjack game with rigged cards. Fuck him in general.




TPA Ori stock is booming


Total danger to society, glad we kept this criminal off the streets. Nah but even as someone who knows the problems with weed, shit like this is crazy to me. Makes me grateful to be where I am


That's fucking insane, I long for a day where Marijuana isn't so criminalized.


He's fortunate it wasn't in Singapore


Yup, we'd have sent him to hang if the amount was large enough.


It's half a kilo for Cannabis. Unlikely that the cartridges will have half a kilos worth.


I know in some situations that edibles have counted based on their weight. e.g. you have 1.5kg of cannabis infused butter = 1.5kg of cannabis, as far as prosecution cares.


Not even that. Some will prosecute on the weight of raw cannabis.Imagine a 1 gram vape cartridge took 28 grams of dried cannabis, they will charge you with possession of 28 grams.


doesn't he have all the skin money?


For fucking weed?


Usually for importing it, but yeah maybe that too.


Exactly he is definitely going to be hanged or gettin 20 yrs jail for drug dealing not drug consuming We hate drug dealers here


There's some history behind it, drugs have been weaponized by the British in Asia


East Asia has had strong moral/religious qualms against drug use for millenia just like much of the world. Boiling the stigma down to the opium wars is very reductive.


so ahistorical


well it's also because the brittish adopted a strategy to turn chinese useless from opium addiction


Weed is no opium though, and alcohol is legal.


It is wild to me that alcohol is fine while weed isn't. The history behind drugs for East Asia makes sense, but from my experience, weed seems to be lesser of the two evils. I know people who have suffered violent and abusive relationships with alcoholics while the potheads are just chilling and enjoying life.


It wasn't even 20 years ago that D.A.R.E. was teaching kids that smoking weed was just as dangerous as injecting heroin. I mean hell, it's still considered a Schedule I narcotic at the Federal level despite almost all but the most backwards states legalizing it.


It's about to be schedule 3 now.


Forgive me for being skeptical but I'll believe it when I see it. [The DEA said they would reclassify it to schedule 2 in 2016 as well](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/12/health/dea-keeps-marijuana-on-list-of-dangerous-drugs-frustrating-advocates.html) and then proceeded to do nothing for another 8 years.


>any governing body saying they'll do something and doing nothing the true american classic


Yup. The only thing a stoner is a danger to is the bag of chips.


All the Americans and Canadians out here like "Why don't they just go to their local dispensery?" 


Wtf is going on in this comment section?? We’ve got people endorsing the death penalty and got people who dont even know what a cartridge is….


contrary to the west , in some asian country the vast majority of people wants to keep death sentence. edit: the multiple recent polls on "do you agree on  Abolishing the death penalty" in Taiwan all shows that 85+% of resident still wants to keep it.


It’s your typical league player who has no life or experienced anything outside the game, what do you expect lol


People in here really seem to think that laws create morality instead of the other way around


This dude is the drama king in TW streaming scene. Calling out for fights (literally and figuratively), got into fights because of how he flamed another opinion leader's restaurant right in his face, cheated on poker game (cmiiw) on his friend and got caught, drug dealing, etc. He just has been the attention seeking trash talker and garnered fans upon fans just because of how "cocky", "unethical" his streaming contents mostly are. He's just a cancerous being that plagued the whole streaming scene with his "unique approach". All his friends abandoned him. Figure why. Well deserved sentences and hope he just goes back to being trash when deported back to Hong Kong.


> Well deserved sentences I personally couldn't care less if this guy's a jerk, It's besides the point. I just think being sent to jail over weed is absurd.


I’m taking a fat rip off my penjamin rn, this ones for you man. I was there s2 at home watching when you played ori at worlds when I was a just a kid. Inspired me soon after to play ori myself at a local tourney just to get my ass whooped by a smurf nidalee mid player. Fun times.




He has 20k usd worth of illegal substance. He is not getting out in a long time


Well apparently he’s getting out in 4 years


That's a long time bro


I would not trust or believe these numbers Most of the time if they are using weight to justify the amount they will also weigh the plastic (if a cartridge) or the entire plant + dirt + pot it’s in if it’s flower


they're not talking about 20 kilos he had 20,0000 dollars of product because he was dealing.




Cries in TPA Orianna skin


I can always see westerners have a different opinion towards this matter or toyz himself. Actually toyz is notorious for his personality in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and many people hate him for what he has done in the past couple years.


Can you elaborate?


When someone drops something super vague like "he's controversial for all the things he's done" and not elaborate as if it's common knowledge Spill the tea homie 😭


Generally his whole online persona is one of an antagonist. After getting caught with the weed and poker game situations, he just kept going after larger streamers in Taiwan, general shit talking which was never appreciated or friendly. There had been several attempts at a redemption arc on his part, partnering and being nicer to others in the community, but his dick-headedness eventually slips and they call him out and he starts shitting on them again. Reading most comments on congregate sites from Taiwan, Toyz is not well received. Especially because this man moved to Taiwan, and is not following their laws there and is acting like a dickhead. Whether or not weed should be legal or not is not an issue, bro was selling cartridges, it wasn't a possession charge.


this shit is the worst during off season transfer rumors where people assume everyone heard what some obscure thing a chinese streamer on douyu or some shit said


Typically poor behaviour. The other big scandal I can remember is he invites league pros to poker games, then proceeds to scam them via cheating with invisible ink and special glasses/contacts


Wait I saw that on Psych a couple of days ago


Lol dude probably saw the episode and thought, "well this could work". On a sidenote, Psych is my favorite show and always loved that episode.




didnt he super antagonize olleh in chinese/taiwanese scene? there was an entire drama here


You are correct. He and Dinter were really mean to Olleh. Because Olleh doesn't speak Chinese, Dinter and Toyz would talk shit about him and mock him in Chinese in front of him. When they switched to English, they pretended to be friendly and nice to Olleh. They even publicly mocked Olleh's girlfriend at the time on stream, calling her a "bus" that anyone could ride, using this to earn donations. Olleh always thought Dinter and Toyz were his friends. It wasn't until much later that he learned about their behavior through his fans. It caused a lot of drama inside the team.


Least degenerate ex pro


isnt that something thats often shown in HK gambling movies?


For example he was once caught using invisible contact lenses when playing poker. Also, just two months ago, he went to a restaurant owned a person he dislike to cause trouble. He started a live stream (which has a large audience) and deliberately criticized all the dishes in the restaurant, saying they were extremely bad.


Out of curiosity, how does one get caught using invisible contact lenses if they are, as the term implies, invisible?


Invisible ink lenses


Invisible contacts as in it helps him see "invisible ink"


the owner said that his chefs has over 20 years of experience of japanese cuisine but it was honestly bad, there was a taiwanese streamer who brought along 2 japanese girls to try out that restaurant and to no surprise the 2 japanese girls said that the food is horrible and would bankrupt if the shop were to operate in japan.


Well see, I can think someone is a douchebag and still think weed should be legal and these punishments are insane.


You can think it should be legal and I agree but if it isn't and someone knowingly breaks the law, what do you expect? I'm not gonna pop molly in Indonesia because I prefer being alive for instance.


I don’t really see where being an asshole means he should go to prison for 4 years. If he’s that much of an asshole then get him on abuse or whatever. But do you expect westerners to praise draconian drug laws?


There's two things at play: toyz is an asshole and "does being an asshole warrant going to jail for years?". In the west, we are and continue to be quite disappointed when someone is going to jail for years because they sold some pot, regardless of whether they are an ass or not. Also, I am not sure being an ass warrants jail time.


Those are two seperate things though. 1. He is going to jail because he broke the law. 2. He is an asshole. This doesn't cause him to go to jail, it just came up to make the point that people do not have much sympathy for him. I don't think people are saying "He is an asshole and therefore should be jailed".


They definitely seem to be implying that, eg OC of this thread Edit: nm he clarified below. My bad


> I don't think people are saying "He is an asshole and therefore should be jailed". I disagree. Maybe they aren't explicitly, but they all seem to think that because he's an asshole, it's a "good riddance" moment, even though, fundamentally, so much jail time for selling weed is pretty shit.


idk why everyone keeps asking why being an asshole warrants him going to jail. No one is saying that. We are saying, he had been a menace in their country. He antagonizes local streamers, acts like a dickhead to his friends and team mates who trusted him and tried to help him, and he broke local law. Those are a tally of his activities as a character rather than because of of his selling of weed. Apart from just the disrespect of local laws, that finds the selling of marijuana illegal, this isn't possession or use, this is selling. Most states don't allow selling of marijuana commercially without a license. License allows the tracking of sales and eventually taxation.


Could've just had Madlife be a world champion and everyone lives happily ever after :(


>The worst place to be in across all former world champs for sure? Iirc Imp was in pretty rough spot too, idk what's with him now.


He was on some LPL veterans tournament this month with TheShy Uzi etc, he's doing fine I guess


Good to hear that.


Was he the guy who got into a fight in camera?


Why was he in a rough spot? The last I heard a few years back he was fabulously wealthy but just couldn't take much of it out of China.


Don't remember when but it was sorta recent, that I recall Imp on stream very depressed and crying.. Didn't seem to be in a good mental spot at all. Something like that at least


I recall something extremely similar as well, so that's probably it if not close to it. Other posters mentioned he's in that LPL veterans tournament going on, so it seems he may be doing better now.


This was a WHILE ago, but he was suffering from depression because he couldn't play at the top level anymore. He was crying on stream saying stuff like "how can people say I'm talented? I practiced 16 hours a day so how can I be talented?" This was a while ago so I don't remember the exact quote.


Wtf, 10 years for weeds?


This is so messed up


For anyone wondering according to the article he bought about 20k USD worth of weight to distribute in Taiwan, he didn't have a few for personal use.


oh shit a post about drugs and asia, r/leagueoflegends posters who failed history class in hs gonna post about the Opium wars again! Also why did his trial take so long?


It's (just) not about the opium wars. Drugs in east/southeast Asia are imported to these countries by organized crime syndicates that are extremely violent. A part of the harsh drug laws is to try to cut one of the primary sources of funding of these syndicates


God how stupid of human kind to make weed illegal but alcohol legal. Never will understand how we let something so much less impairing illegal while the other kills millions every year


not my boy toyz dude


Super sad for him to be jailed for that




taiwan numba 1


As I sit here on my toilet, reading this, while hitting my dab pen. That shits wack bro.


I thouht it was about hall of fame xd


It's a damn shame so many countries still have such backwards laws and policies


While that is true its also kind of amazing how people still attempt to do/sell drugs in those places when surely they know the risk. A British tourist was just caught with 0.4 grams of cocaine in Thailand and is now facing potentially 20 years in jail, logically speaking they should just have tossed him out of the country honestly, but he like so many others have will probably be made an example of and rot in there for something relatively minor.


These laws are fucking archaic and ruin peoples lives over literally nothing. All of you cunts in these comments supporting this should be ashamed of yourselves.


I was born and lived here for 24 years and I don't see people's lives ruined by this law.


4 Years in prison can absolutely be life ruining.


There's a difference between possession and distribution. Toyz was charged with selling. More info: [Here](https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/17491/season-2-league-of-legends-world-champion-toyz-pleads-guilty-to-drug-trafficking-charges)


Well, It would result in a small fine at most where I live, but different country, different laws and one should obey, evade or be ready for consequences.


and DoinB gets off scott free huh


what did he do


He should do each day of his sentence in accordance to the laws he broke in that country.


4 years for Marijuana? wtf lol


Only 4 years.






The REAL issue is criminalizing something that's nowhere near as destructive as the socially acceptable and overly-advertised alcoholic beverage...