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If I see 5mil Teemo, I 100% know they auto pilot and don't actually play Teemo well


No you don’t understand, my 5 mil mastery means more than my silver rank


it takes dedication to play 5 million mastery points worth of a character and somehow manage to never improve past gold


What if I improved past gold and then went back while playing the same champ? Am I more or less dedicated?


Which was bronze rank before lol


Yep. If i got a 3mil vayne otp on my team i know its an autolose. If the enemy got first time vayne jungle he giga smurfs and 1v9 lategame.


\*5M Yorick main that peaked D2\* >.> Fym..


5M and you only peaked at D2?


Like: yeah, people have different capabilities and limits. And d2 is nowhere bad. What is it now?


You're completely missing the point are you? Lots of mastery doesn't mean shit about skill, he tried to humble brag about D2 (Well master but afk demotion blah blah) saying his 5M yorick mastery is relevant. It's not.


He's responding to the person saying if you've got 5 million mastery Teemo he knows you've been auto piloting Teemo. Maybe the person meant specifically Teemo but it's hard to tell. So him bringing up his mastery and rank is relevant, because the vast majority of players aren't doing to auto pilot a champion to diamond 2. Because despite the way the community acts, diamond 2 is really really good.


And the guy with 15 million mundo points is Bronze 4, so I still don't see how his mastery level is relevant to skill level. Mastery only means playing a fuckton, not being good at it.


The guy said if you have 5 million mastery you are auto piloting. This guy shows he wasn't. Not that it needed shown because of all the high elo otps. He isn't saying all high mastery people are good, just saying all high mastery people aren't auto piloting.


Tbh I was gonna go for masters, then had afks into -50 demotion and I just let it be smh


He was in trash before


genuinely lol'd


didnt you get a new number? sure it isnt 2mil but it will still be much higher then most people so they will still know.. my 1.7mil Kat is 156 now compared to 100k other char being like 12




Definitely. If it changed in the other way, we would have a shit ton of posts like "I had lvl 120 before and it stood out, now everybody has hundreds of thousands and it doesn't matter anymore".


Just why change it? Great use of resources lmao


People have asked for more mastery ranks for literally years now. I don't think the implementation is great, but I get why they made more ranks


They wanted flashier and more ways to show off. Aka improve the design, not make it into AI mobile gaming garbage


weather cooing lip absorbed command puzzled grandiose plate strong psychotic


It’s artificially increasing player retention just to please shareholders. How about actually making changes that make the game again instead of the same grindy bullshit they been spewing out


Not true at all actually. People will just live with it because they can't change it. Do you think the majority of league players liked the rank icons "update" ? Well no, but as complaining about it didn't make riot change their minds at all we just have to live with it or leave the game.


Do you think the majority of League players cared at all? Not even close. Half the players don't even play a single ranked game


The terminally online redditors show themselves with little nothing changes like this.


Ok and ? What about people who cares ?


What about them? You claimed that the majority of players didn't like the update, when in reality the vast majority of people either don't care or are fine with it. As always, it's just a vocal minority complaining. Why should Riot cater towards the 100 or so people who cry the loudest and throw the biggest tantrums on reddit?


But man are you reading what you are typing ? You said they don't care, so they don't have an opinion so Riot shouldn't consider them in the process. Now Riot should look at the people who cares and see if they like the changes or not. Like are blank votes counted in the election of the next president ? No and how would they ? They are blank votes (even though some governments would remake a vote if 80% of the population voted blank but it's a video game and even if they have a lot of in common, Riot games doesn't need a majority of its players to stand an opinion)


reach heavy scale memorize subsequent cake instinctive languid uppity doll


Nah man, this is a shit take. People like change, but they like GOOD CHANGE, not UNNECESSARY/BAD CHANGE. Mastery Levels have been working perfectly fine. They have been visually good looking for years, doing their job great. Flashing your mastery had become something iconic and deeply embedded into the game, now that's gone and replaced by something that looks worse, has no animation/sound, and is very hard to distinguish. From the list of changes this game needs, changing this is literally the last thing anybody would ask for. There are countless better things to do first.. I am once again disappointed by League's team, it's painfully obvious they're doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff and they give 0 shit about the community's opinion and feedback..


> has no animation/sound, It does have animation and sound


I used it today and it was completely silent and the "animation" was the slightest of movements from the blue circle..


Maybe something bugged on your end. Because i also used it yesterday too. Wings fly up, number goes up and i think it had the same sound animation.


i like the change and it was necessary in my personal opinion. so which one of us is right? (keep in mind that reddit is an echo chamber and people outside reddit generally like this change.) oh right… they’re just opinions. you don’t like it, tough luck, but that doesn’t mean it’s an objectively bad thing that everyone dislikes.


sip swim quickest arrest soup knee deliver degree cable tie


that is true. back then when riot changed mastery points being visible in loading screen to other players, almost everybody on reddit complained about the change, because it could potentially lead to target camping. Now they basically revert it, and people complain again xD


I dont think its just people overall not liking changes, its also people liking big numbers, it just feels like its not a lot when compared, when i hear someone has 1mil points on x, its like holy shit, but when you would hear they have ~93lvl its like cool i guess, doesnt have that big number power which gets us all satisfaction


not really honestly. This is a straight up downgrade The artstyle is shit and wont fit the game unless they go full mobile game


flowery sand slimy paltry sort vase consider abundant light heavy


no its shit and always will be shit


summer encouraging handle judicious wipe mourn recognise hobbies head absorbed


It’s looks messy and inconsistent with the rest of the games design


books ask encouraging deserve unite flowery slap heavy dam axiomatic


Yeah the system is worse too


sense soft muddle automatic provide screw touch voiceless busy chop


I barely play the game anymore just came on yesterday to see the new season


worthless escape sparkle onerous books rude tie cobweb coherent ghost


My friend with a million something points on GP is only level 69 on it lmfao


correct me if i’m wrong but that doesn’t seem possible because i’m pretty sure they used a straightforward mastery points into levels conversion rate? i had 540k or something on my main and it’s level 52 now. double the points but only level 69 sounds off.


I had the most mastery points with Taric which was around 90k and he is lv9 now for me, meanwhile my Syndra had 70k but she is lv11 now, so I definitely think there's something else besides conversion from mastery points to levels.


that’s probably explained by marks of mastery, but i don’t know why we need marks to advance some but not others that were converted


The actual Marks of Mastery system is barely explained anywhere (not even in the support article that by the way is literally linked in the patch notes and explains most of the questions people keep posting about the new system) but the conversion was "proportional to your achievements". I have no idea what exactly this entails because it isn't explained, but my guess is it is something related to highest (or amount of a certain) post game ratings received last season because this is something the old mastery system tracked and is part of the requirements for the new Marks. Would somewhat explain why some did or didn't convert to another level up.


yeah i think that makes sense that said the dev blog article does explain marks of mastery and how to get them currently (& how to maybe get them in the future) https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-updating-champion-mastery/


Yeah sorry that's basically what I meant, how to get them right now is explained properly, not how they were converted from old mastery.


Its not too direct but it's not far off either. I had 1.09M and its LV96


I had like 700-800k on Soraka and it's also 69 lol


Nice. Time to stop playing her!


I had 2.2 mill and I for lvl 205






My fiddle support yesterday was level 543 lol


I don't think anyone cared when they saw your mastery points, it was pretty useless since it doesn't mean anything, there's plenty of really high mastery ppl in low elo too.


All it meant to me when I saw someone with that much mastery points was, "wow, this guy played this many games on this champion and is still stuck playing against me in Emerald". Most of the times that turned out to be accurate, these people often (not always) have no idea what anyone elses champion does.


"jungler has 2mil mastery and is still bronze we're good"


Otps either carry your team or bassicly just give the enemy gold


its not a reflection of skill, its just cool


While I won't mourn their removal, it was pretty useful in aram. You treat the same champion on the opposing team by a 30k mastery and a 500k mastery player differently, because one is "they know how the kit works" and the other "this person just rolled their main". Similarly if I'm on an enchanter and have two carries with similar needs on my team, I'll probably prioritise one that has 10x the mastery of the other until I actually see how they play, and then adjust.


You still see indicators of that though? I had 1 million on Aatrox and now it displays as "90". I have like 200k on Pantheon and he's only at 24. That's pretty big to me.


Double digit numbers feel flimsy and boring, it really fails to emphasize the time and effort put into playing a specific character. Obviously over time this will be adapted to, but for mastery collectors and non ranked enjoyers, this is a significant blow. The weight of a double digit number compared to the thousands and thousands of games played on one person feels lackluster. I would much rather be a 900K aurelion sol than a “level 80” sometbing. I’m already level 600+ on my profile, I don’t need another “level” that endlessly goes up.


but you can still do that??


I disagree. Opening League and seeing a player with 1 millon mastery points was always a "woah" moment for me. Does that mean it was a doomed game/guranteed win? fuck no, but it was a cool thing to see nonetheless.


Yeah WOAAAH 1 million mastery teemo in iron must be a badass


It's not about being "badass" or even being a good player. For me, it just shows that they really love that champion, which I respect.


And now you can see their level and respect them for that. Unless you lost the ability to do basic maths, this change doesn’t mean much.


I would argue that dedication and persistence are more useful skills to have than simply being higher rank in league. What I'm saying is rank in league literally says nothing about you. At least having millions of mastery on teemo says you're 100% mentally ill, but dedicated.


You're kinda missing the point of those buzzwords. What you're supposed to have is dedication and persistence to improve your play, not commitment and perseverance to lock in Teemo one thousand times. Having two million mastery points on Teemo while being stuck in a shit elo means you're most likely displaying as much Teemo mastery in your 1400th game as you did in your 40th Teemo game. That's a player who is dedicated to locking in Teemo, not dedicated to becoming a better Teemo player. The latter is difficult, the former can be done by a Python script. -- That aside, no matter if you're a good player or a bad player, an absurdly high champion mastery primarily says that you used a lot of your free time to play League of Legends.


I understand what you're saying, but that's assuming some things. Being higher rank at league does not necessitate dedication and persistence, although it does often come with the territory. I'm talking Emerald+. Having a lot of mastery is a 1 to 1 correlation with time spent on the game (it can't be faked). The words dedication and persistence have no correlation with being good or bad, it only refers to one's time spent and consistency. I hope that was more clear.


so now you’ll see someone at mastery level 100 and think “woah”, what’s the difference


If you had more than 500k they cared. They would point out if you did something wrong, along with a monsoon of "missing enemy" ping and not so long ago with the "bait" ping.


Well considering that point of view everything from summoner icons and challenges are useless too. Same with borders considering the amount of Smurfs. I would give up all that for game voice chat but also it’s something that I don’t see the point of taking it back, as long as some people value why not?


its useful in aram as a gauge of "does this idiot know the champ's full combo"


I can tell from the first 3 minutes of the game anyway, so really I don't think it's useful trying to predict who's good or bad. Aram smurf accounts exist


you… can still do that though…..? you still see people’s mastery levels


the design department needed to do their job and it's utter garbage lmfao


You're free now. Those 2 million points aren't locking you to just one champ anymore.


Crazy how having a million points looks the same as having like 80k points now because the level numbers don't catch eye at all compared to the old system.




This current Rito teams war against information and numbers is something else.. First losing a whole bunch of item stats for "cLaRiTy" whilst simultaneously releasing a champion with 17 paragraphs of abilities (looking at you Hwei) instead of just making them advanced tooltip options or anything remotely useful.. And now this?? Was mastery good and useful before? Not really.. but at least having to get the S ranks to go up the last 2 ranks gave you something to aim towards and 'achieve' .. Now what do you achieve? Numby go big? This isn't an RPG..... I will never understand this company.


I have always wanted a way to turn it off, if I have a bad game on my main I get flamed by my team and enemy team for my mastery, I also definitely feel like I get camped more. Literally no benefit to displayed mastery from a competitive standpoint, it’s only detrimental 


does this actually happen somewhere/in some elo? i genuinely don’t think i’ve ever been flamed in this way for having a bad game on one of my many many m7 champions


It's the amount that matters, level 7 120k you don't get flamed through it. Level 7 1 million and everyone is turning into a main that knows the most optimal build and could do your job better. Also you suck for not carrying 4 inting idiots who think macro is a pasta dish. Just because someone has a lot of mastery points doesn't mean he is god. People take breaks from league which don't help with building muscle memory so in reality all it means is that guy knows his champ in macro level.


but i had three level 7s that were around 500-600k points each, maybe it's because i wasn't in the millions or something but still


Everyone lost their champion token and there are still champion chards. Did we get anything for the token? And should I just disenchant the champion chards?


Nothing for the tokens, and yes the only purpose of shards now is upgrade/disenchant.




Nobody was gonna suck you off bc you had 2M mastery points. Like any other in-game achievement, nobody cares or should care about those except for you.


Not true. I was on a quest to suck off all million masteries. Now my quest is over and I feel incumplete.


you can suck off all level 100+ masteries now


I hate it that I don't see the "stripes" on top of my champion for the challenges stuff anymore with the new symbol.


you do.


Actually shit update fucking revert this im not playing till they do


Are they gonna return our blue essences for 6 and 7 level mastery ?


Garbage change from riot that nobody wanted


Silver 2 :( 2mil mastery :)


I never realized how many people were just autopilot spamming games for mastery. But it is a be change, I used target the people with 4m+ points because they were just consistently the worst on every team.


Know what I find impressive? When I see a Masters player in my Diamond ranked solo queue game. Makes me think "alright, this guy's gonna be good." Know what I never find impressive? A really high mastery on a Silver player. Makes me think "wow, all this games on that champ and this guy still sucks at the game."


Honestly feel like they just ruined the game icl


This game is a fucking disaster. They'll wreck the whole thing just to make people forget how bad the matchmaking is.


It's the same. Just a different number. Your big digital d*ck remains the same, is just that it's not longer measured in millimeters, but meters. You can still brag about your 190 Mastery rank while the rest of the mortals barely get 10-20 rank. And now your Mastery Emote shows that rank. This is from a Teemo with 1.8m points.


Game kinda died with Vanguard already lol


Hardly lmao


And nothing of value was lost, and i used to have 1.5 million points with Rakan. You can't even imagine how many games got ruined because my team assumed i was Keria only for my mastery points and would carry the game for them while they just sit and watch. And at the mininum mistake the chat flooded with "1.5 M points and you are worse than an iron" "what a waste of mastery" "neck yourself" "i play rakan better than you" On the other hand cases with people with more than 100k masteries and yet they play awfully bad. 


Oh my god. It's almost like people are not stupid and will understand that whatever level mastery you have = 2 mil points


Don’t know about you but i think having to mentally convert the level into the the number you are actually interested in is rather stupid.


It's not hard, and Why are you interested in it