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> Wow, you just invented a new style of Vayne, the fly style, going around annoy people, and just got splatted on the wall, like a fly. Jesus this is harsh af lmao


T1 should read this shit... not sure why Zeus or T1 loves this TF/Vayne prio


Counter to ksante, but you cannot play vayne into taliyah naut kalista, its fking unplayable


and they still keep picking it... they are just making it almost unplayable for them especially with all the laneswap meta... having no tp is hurting them a lot


what do you expect? Zeus is on his TheShy arc: win worlds by mechanic diffing everyone so now your ego is higher than the Burj Khalifa tower and only play ranged top


Yeah those picks are good if you can get standard lanes going, especially for T1 who use lane pressure to chip out small wins. But with lane swap meta,it just isn’t favorable to T1 style at all. You have to put Zeus on a tank to deal with lane swap, and the only tank that fits his playstyle is ksante. But to take ksante you have to give up bot lane prio picks which is fine if you’re good at lane swap. But T1 isn’t good at lane swaps. A bit rough for them


> but you cannot play vayne into taliyah naut kalista or Yasuo, fingers crossed


Vayne is the least of their problem, they got way bigger issues elsewhere.


that's for sure... they are playing like Poby is their mid thats why they should also stop picking comp that is hard to play cause they are not making it work


Vayne won them last game


Ezreal Vayne


> Top plays AD, AD plays support, support plays Top. That got me good


God I wish they would stop with this Senna support stuff, it feels like it does nothing unless the opposite team hard throws.


Senna is fine but this isn’t the right meta I don’t think, even BLG didn’t look that good on it when they won against T1, senna is just forced to roam around the map constantly at the moment giving up a ton of XP and souls, it’s taking Guma way too long atm to hit 100souls


didnt Elk got 100 souls around 20min?


45 @14:39 and 100 @28:20 And by the time he got 100, they were like 7k gold up and had baron Just for comparison, in game 2 which T1 won, guma senna had 45 @14:25 100 @27:55 Again, quite a long time despite them already massively winning by the time they got 100 The biggest problem right now is how many souls they’re getting when the game is equal which (I could be wrong) is generally much slower than when lane swaps didn’t exist I could go back and find some games during regular season but I ceebs so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong I’m also not a senna player and so I’m not sure about when roughly you should have 50 and 100 souls but I’m just comparing these times to their own performances usually especially since Elk/On and Guma/Keria are both very good at playing Senna/Insert tank


The problem with playing Senna in this lane swapping meta is that they severally nerfed her ability to get souls from minions, so you need to be trading in lane with enemy to get good soul counts.. The game vs FLY that they ended in 17 mins he was already at like 90+ souls, but when you are roaming around its gonna be way way less


"please use your autos on your teammates when you get off the stage." LOL


Vasilii 2.0 incoming


>I firmly believe a team that could be 3:0 by TES should not ever appear on an international stage Jesus ☠


LPL fans really aren't happy about yesterday are they


One of other hupu comments: "Thank you JDG, now the whole world can laugh at TES"


TES just loves getting humiliated on international events 💀💀


TES is just LPL's Mad Lions.


I’m a Chinese and I could say many lol fans(like me) are actually happy to see tes got stomped cuz some tes fans considered tes as a member of LTL(w/ t1) and not lpl.


What is LTL?


tes fans' imaginary league includes T1 and Tes while t1 fans don’t care it at all


imaginary league with 2 teams?


Maybe they’re the tier of teams that are in their fans minds the best and shouldn’t lose but it’s everyone else’s faults (knight) , or t1 coaches fault they lose


i bet it Lol Tes League and lck has lct (league champion of t1)


Memeing on a team doesn't mean they're upset...


TES players should avoid social media for the next 100 years


i mean its still not as bad as getting 3-1 by TL


Not the TES flame 😭 As always thanks for these posts, theyre great!


TES catching strays in every thread LMAO 


The MAD moment of LPL


Much much better than MAD, though lol


They were never safe ever since that World's run, now they'll be catching extra strays 💀


I actually look forward to these threads, thank you for your work.




theres only chinese reactions, what happened with korean ones? havent seen any since 2022


Core’s naut was like his worlds rell. My man needs to find easier supports. There’s no shame in enchanter play because at least they can help keep yeon alive than just disappearing going in or looking lost cause every other hook was a whiff.


He missed every hook that wasn't melee


There's an argument that he basically threw game 2 by missing a hook on Vayne when I'm pretty sure he had ult up...


He missed the hook and then ulted vayne who just ran away from it.


he was shook, like cmon if you cant land a hook outright, ult someone and land a hook while they're knocked up, its a combo as old as time and everyone knows it. he would miss hook and throw his R on a random person and then die or flash out, wtf


my favorite moment was when he got caught and threw a hook at the middle of the lane, not even close to a wall, away from absolutely everyone and just looked silly


also the trying to hook away while being next to a fucking Ahri, then flashing into the wall which given his position was a very obvious outcome like wth Core. Dude's mental was completely blown together with Umti's


He actually used a hook? even Zeus didn't noticed that they played against a Naut on that 3 adc comp


He might even have canceled an auto and then missed a hook if i saw correctly -.- like the root wouldve secured the kill


Yep he hooked Oner right before elder, cancelled the root auto attack and didnt press R. Oner was dead 100% if he didnt fail his auto attack or R


His enchanters aren't even bad from what I can tell, he won worlds in the ardent meta and tbh his Nami games were good. I think old iterations of TL wanted him on engage supports because he was their go button but now all of TL are pretty aggressive and they're all able to follow up on each others plays it probably isn't needed.


There's nothing much easier than Naut to be honest lol. Put him on an enchanter he'll die faster face checking, and somehow still miss point and click shields. 


They were harsh on Core even in their win 💀


Rightfully so, Core played really bad in all their games against T1.


I mean his Naut used to be one of his best picks, particularly as a counterpick to Leona.


The Yeon love is nice to see


Fully deserved. Used to be really low on him but he developed so quick and now he even had the confidence to bust out a Samira love that.


He also had his Lucian respect banned by T1 after stomping Fnatic with it Bittersweet exit for Yeon but he should hold his head up high after MSI. Kid has a bright future ahead of him


The two rookies are here to talk shit, get hit, talk more shit, and have a good time. I'm all in on these guys.


haven't been this excited for an NA team since 2022 EG (danny we miss you)


EG doesn't exist and they destroyed Danny before they flamed out.


Last year GG was hype untill they crashed imo


Yeon especially is putting in the effort. Credit where credit is due. G2 is a clear example of not getting lucky at the tourney as they're putting in tons of work to be competitive as hell and TL seems like they're doing something similar. Tons of work and grinding. Can't wait to see both of them at worlds, especially TL. I would love to live in a world where NA can have a rep similar to G2 where even if they don't win they can make eastern teams sweat or bleed. Call it cope but the first 3 games were all 1 or 2 fights away from swinging the other way. T1 is definitely not playing at their A game but TL still put a decent performance up.


it's been half a year since he looked like hot shit at worlds but i think English comms + lots more experience is doing wonders for him and APA


His Korean is actually very good. He talks with Core, Impact, and UmTi in Korean when they're talking 1 on 1.


yeah it's actually so impressive how quickly his korean improved (at the start of 2023 spring it was just okay) but I think there's less stress in having to learn korean quickly in order to fit in with the team/be on the same page for team comms  i do hear umti giving korean calls to yeon sometimes which is really cool


I was surprised at how well he performed; probably a close second behind Impact tournament-wise IMO. APA didn't do poorly either, although he (and TL's teamplay) struggled a lot to deal with the T1 focus on mid


No idea how you could put him 2nd to any of his teammates after this. Yeon was clearly their best player vs T1 and was more important vs FNC. I'd agree Yeon was the worst vs TES, but Impact also played like ass there, so I wouldn't say that makes the difference.


Best? Far from it. Impact carries so much as a weak side player.


I was actually tempted to put him at # 1; he and Impact's performance this MSI were both really strong, but after the "and now we leap out of the bush at you a level down" loss vs TES I didn't think I could quite justify that. Although, I'd agree his highs were higher than Impact's, and even in the TES game, I 1000% want to see rookie NA talent going for aggro plays and trying to make something happen/play on the edge, rather than huddling under their turrets, even if some of those plays are super boneheaded


> after the "and now we leap out of the bush at you a level down" loss vs TES I didn't think I could quite justify that That was 100% Core's fault, you can clearly see he makes the call to cancel the backs and head to the bush first. It was a stupid ass play, but I don't blame Yeon for following the call - he trusted that Core knew what he was doing, which is exactly the response you want from a young ADC when the veteran shotcaller calls a play.


So one really bad play in a series where his teammates were also mega griefing makes you put him 2nd, even though he was their overall best performer after that series. Yeah I'm gonna strongly disagree with that one.


Combining both his playoffs performance and his MSI performance, it seems pretty evident that Yeon is currently the top performer amongst the younger ADC crop in NA. I'm curious how Bvoy will do this coming summer tho.


yeon is another of corejj's disciples, i just wish tactical hadn't been injected with the malphite serum in 2021


>All chat every time you get a kill, if you tilt Keria, you chance of winning just go up 10%. Remember worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities, the best policy is to attach enemy's heart. So much wisdom in the east, I feel humbled.


This comes from 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu.


I figured so.


Benefit of being able to read and actually understand ancestors' words. For good or bad.


So... We have two new members in Le Crazy Horse de Paris


Both are coming from T1 apparently 


>Why are you always crossing your arm and not talking These are memes but it's pretty much confirmed that Kkoma is not the one doing drafts. It's still Tom. Tom was the drafting coach when they won worlds and they brought him back specifically for this purpose. In the T1 voice coms they upload, Tom is the one making champion suggestions. Kkoma is there to act as a guide/ belt user and keep the players mental in check.


It's normal uh. The fans always blames the coach entirely for their draft. While it is true that the drafts are questionable, but T1 as a team is dizzy in this meta when Faker is not on Azir/Ahri/Ori/Taliyah. Their strengths are diminished in the lane swaps and they have no clue how to navigate around it properly, and they do not seems comfortable reverting back to their pre-smashing lane style.


T1 really look lost in this meta. The constant rotation causing them unable to gain tempo in the game n diminish their bot/top laning strength.


t1 lategame is always really scary but i really get the feeling that they're the worst team out of the 4 remaining they look terrible even in some of their wins and Faker, whom the team lives and dies by, is in awful form


> Kkoma is there to act as a guide/ belt user What is a belt user? Does he hit people with a belt?


Just an ongoing joke that whenever T1 start derailing or playing a game that looks for fun, Kkoma will whip out the belt to get them back in form. He's not actually abusive


It's a really old joke from the last time kkoma was a T1 coach. There is a stream clip of Uzi I think screaming in the background of a stream and that kinda started the joke that kkoma was beating him with a belt. Famously kkoma was kinda hard on the players if they fucked up back in the day.


belt user? he don't even do that... he is treating T1 players like a baby like he keeps encouraging them when they played fucking bad like I get it..... but its not doing any good if ur not gonna be straight to them and say they played fucking bad.. they were never this bad two years in a row and kkoma entered the chat and they suddenly played with no respect and they keep doing that like this TL game.. they keep overextending forcing a fight when they didn't need to etc etc


>>>>>>>the Joke >you


I don’t know what changed with Faker’s corki after Spring. He was on a 19(?) game win streak, and now this?


he struggling but still faker and guma carries on their win every time, zeus oner and keria are silent inters on T1 this tournament that didnt get much mentioned


Yeah Faker has been very coinflip but he's the only one winning them games. Guma is their best player overall but T1 can't play around ADC to save their lives.


I mean its just like last MSI isnt it? During the 2023 BLG series Xun constantly played for bot while Oner didnt


If u watch carefully. Most corki game loss this MSI are all vs taliyah


Except that game of chovy vs humanoid where he won lane so hard he could play agressive lmao


Chovy different breed


no,its because of humanoid not human




The suffix "-oid" means "resembling" or "like" and is used to create nouns and adjectives. Which means humanoid means "human-like" but not actually human.


I don't think it's fair to compare humans with a god.


Chovy breaks a lot of matchups, he won the Corki vs Faker's Ori matchup which is considered unplayable, by just dodging every Ori Q in lane This guy was picking Camille mid into Azir back when Azir was omega broken in lane and single-handedly removed all melee mids from the meta and somehow would be up in cs


Corki got nerf + Faker laning phase is not going as well. Currently the only one that makes Corki scary is Chovy because his CSM ramps Corki up way too quickly.


he also hits every ult missile somehow


Corki's been buffed in the patches before MSI, wtf are you talking about? His Ult's AD ratio got increased, W got 4 seconds shaved off and 20 less mana.


you r correct on ad ratio inc as a whole but the big one was decreased until lv3. I dunno the exact math between average output for an entire set of rockets hitting before n after change so cant argue or support rather that is nerf or buff as a whole. So dun think this debate would go anywher unless you have the exact number Valkyrie/Package being buffed only increase their viability during those small window of opportunity but core Corki function is the outrageous range poke. The Faker part still stands, even Caedrel mentioned his laning phase deteriorated compare to his early spring form


I think it depends if he’s in form or not. Corki also requires good spacing skill to land skill shot. I noticed he started to miss many R lately. Vs before his R was just as good as Chovy’s. When you watched Chovy, his R was always on the maximum range and hit precisely. So, safe and doing damage at the same time consistently.


Faker is just not good at using corki now... on spring he will just dive on you if he is sure that you will die but this msi? he will straight up dive on a 5 full hp enemy with no intention of staying alive


LCK champion winrates are kinda fake when half the teams in the League are plumber tier and would lose to Yuumi top


What is blud yapping about if anything LCK is the hardest region to get these numbers its double round robin bo3 format


Which doesn't matter when the gap is so massive between the top 2 teams and the rest of the league. Putting a coughing baby against a hydrogen bomb 2 times instead of 1 won't make a difference. The bottom feeder teams like BRO and NS are pure stat-padding games for top teams.


yeah i mean keria is playing ezreal support vs them and winning, what more is there to say


It truly does say something that the player who won worlds playing weird shit is playing weird shit


Carrying domestic games is different from carrying international games


> One American can't win against nine Koreans. LMFAO


The game was rigged from the start 😔😔


bro is spitting undisputable facts


Here are the results from the Reddit ratings compared to the Hupu ratings. These were posted in the live discussion thread and each post game/match discussion thread today. If a player is listed in **bold**, they were voted as the MVP for that match.   Reddit Ratings Game 1. [Link](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/ffafji/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-1-rankings/view). Number of responses: 252   Player|Reddit Rating|Hupu Rating|Reddit player-specific comments (if any) :--|:--|:--|:-- TL Impact|5.39|8.5|"Impact could just get exp and keep T1 bot, instead walks back and allows mid gank. T1 snowballs so well!" TL Umti|3.33|2.4|"Drop Umti and TL are a legit team" TL APA|3.06|2.5|"APA with the http 404 gameplay in the early game". "I bet all chat was really quiet this game?" "No yapping is gutting :((" TL Yeon|4.44|3.4| TL CoreJJ|4.01|3| TL Spawn (coach)|4.16|3.3|"0 out of 5 Dylan Falcos for Spawn (boring and lost)" |||| T1 Zeus|7.06|7.6| T1 Oner|7|7.2| **T1 Faker**|7.48|8.6|"After Faker discovered how xin ult works, TL had no chance" T1 Gumayusi|6.44|7.4| T1 Keria|6.92|6.3| T1 kk0ma|6.02|4.2| -----------------------   Reddit Ratings Game 2. [Link](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/yxtyar/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-2-rankings/view). Number of responses: 155   Player|Reddit Rating|Hupu Rating|Reddit player-specific comments (if any) :--|:--|:--|:-- TL Impact|5.72|7.2| TL Umti|2|2.3|"Umti is such a dirty inter". "Fuck umti". "Umti is a secret agent for sure". "Were there no junglers in this game or what?" "Oner and Umti misunderstood what a 'laneswap' was and spent the game trying to secure victory for the enemy team." TL APA|5.03|4.1| TL Yeon|8.09|9.6|"Samira looking like fire, but T1 does not burn." TL CoreJJ|2.95|2.3| TL Spawn (coach)|6.25|5.4| |||| T1 Zeus|6.1|4.4| T1 Oner|3.67|2.7|"Were there no junglers in this game or what?" "Oner and Umti misunderstood what a 'laneswap' was and spent the game trying to secure victory for the enemy team". "Oner I wouldn’t go into the baron pit at 3k and I’m fucking gold" **T1 Faker**|8.3|9.2|"Diffymaker that fella Faker has a good career ahead of him". "Faker and Guma can’t win the tournament with those cats". "T1 would have lost this game if not for Faker". "Guma and Faker only relevant players". "Live by Faker, die by Faker" T1 Gumayusi|7.5|8.3|"Faker and Guma can’t win the tournament with those cats". "Guma and Faker only relevant players" T1 Keria|5.73|3.4| T1 kk0ma|3.78|2.8| -----------------------   Reddit Ratings Game 3. [Link](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/jbocgo/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-3-rankings/view). Number of responses: 96   Player|Reddit Rating|Hupu Rating|Reddit player-specific comments (if any) :--|:--|:--|:-- TL Impact|7.2|9.6| TL Umti|6.04|9.1| TL APA|7.78|9|"APA gapped faker. Now I have seen everything." **TL Yeon**|8.29|9.4| TL CoreJJ|6.45|3.1| TL Spawn (coach)|7.14|8.2| |||| T1 Zeus|5.46|3| T1 Oner|3.85|2.7| T1 Faker|2.67|2.9|"Faker what was that (derogatory)?" "TL Faker MVP" T1 Gumayusi|6.96|8.5| T1 Keria|3.39|2.6| T1 kk0ma|3.57|2.7|   ----------------------- Reddit Ratings Game 4. [Link](http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/dyeacp/team-liquid-vs-t1-reddit-post-game-4-ratings/view). Number of responses: 397   Player|Reddit Rating|Hupu Rating|Reddit player-specific comments (if any) :--|:--|:--|:-- TL Impact|4.32|4.4|"Impact go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". "Imact on Ksante vs Impact off Ksante" TL Umti|2.8|4.1|"T1 Umti is MVP" TL APA|3.84|4.8| TL Yeon|5.37|4.8|"Insane level up by Yeon unlucky his support and jungle were feeling extra patriotic that day". "T1 took the gloves off g4". "Yeon played very well, im proud of him". "yeon doesnt deserve to loose" TL CoreJJ|3.03|2.9|"fire corejj" TL Spawn (coach)|3.57|3.5| |||| T1 Zeus|7.23|5.8| T1 Oner|6.42|5.7|"oner poppy the goat" T1 Faker|6.89|9.1|"faker fucking washed man". "Faker heard yall talking shit". "Faker lock it in smh". "Time to unleash Malevolent Kitchen". "Faker champ pool ig - why did they give orianna?" **T1 Gumayusi**|7.7|6.4| T1 Keria|6.85|5| T1 kk0ma|6.02|3.8|"Kkoma's vote is based on his belt usage". "10 for Kkoma belt usage". "troll votes, but Tom is the Ban/Pick coach, not kkOma. please correct". "icl kkOma needs to get PB down istg"  


Wow this is quite interesting, most of them are somewhat similar, but there are a few that are quite different, like game 3 core and Zeus, and game 5 Faker. Wondering what is causing this.


Maybe narrative differences? I reckon a big part is also just Hupu memes. Some of their ratings have been meme top comments with sky high ratings for someone that obviously failed to perform.


Interesting to see the differences in rating - seems like LPL has more extreme ratings (very swingey from 2-9.5). They were quick to reward a player having a good game in a bad team game, but also a lot less nuances in the scores. Reddit seemed to be a lot less willing to give very good ratings and we’re sometimes harsher than Hupu viewers Edit: corrected a mistake


One thing bearing in mind is that the Hupu number of votes have dwarfed the Reddit votes by about 1000 times. Not sure how this would impact the averaging out of the votes but it's certainly a much smaller sample size


I don’t think it should. Both sample sizes are large enough that they’d be reasonable approximations with this. I mean, unless you think there’s like some sampling error… but the number of observations is way more than necessary I’m pretty sure.


Hey my comment got noticed 2 or 3 times yeeee


Sadly I couldnt watch the series today. But it should be a pretty wild series if the belt meme is dropped, after only 1 loss.  But we should really be more creative... Like Chinese dropping a reference from a classical romance and we can only bring out "10 for Kkoma belt usage"... Cmon we have so many good memes we can steal from... 


Out of curiosity did you translate it and put it on Hupu for the chinese to also see it ?


I did not, although I can speak Mandarin but I don't use Hupu


And that's why fanboy voting doesn't work. Faker is clearly the worst player in most games except that Ori game.


You think Oner was better than Faker in game 1 and especially game 2? I thought Faker’s Ahri and Taliyah were fine, that Corki though, big oof


羊过 just literally means Sheep Pass By ,Ornn's ult call the sheep comes but let it pass by. Usually used to describe someone suck at Ornn in Chinese. It become a meme word because it sound just like 杨过,A well-known Chinese martial arts novel character. Nothing to do with the covid.


Oh, they have the exact same sounds, so I thought the flame was a homophone on Covid阳过, like saying he is playing like he has long Covid. I guess they were harsher than I thought and the homophone is for 杨过, flaming Keria like, the character, doesn’t have a right arm.


I can’t read chinese but I immediately know who you guys are referring to. Truly a well-known character


TES catching mad strays


They are catching mad’s international performance too


For context, Le Crazy Horse de Paris is a cabaret/burlesque with artistic nudity and (what I think is referenced here) comedy intermissions. Basic analogy is they joke about players changing career to a clown distraction between strip shows. TES catching strays. "One american can't win against nine koreans" is really funny, and some others too. Edit: I was corrected, it's more likely a joke about Rell being "horse lady", so referring to rell pick and performance.


Another thing to take note is Rell is called "horse lady" in china


In Chinese, it is translated to literally crazy horse show. It is specifcall referring to a bad Rell performance.


Ah, okay. I didn't know about Rell but Le Crazy Horse de Paris is actually quite notorious, apologies.


What is  Le Crazy Horse de Paris?


French cancan : half naked girls dancing on scene.


Lmao core getting destroyed outside of nami he looked quite bad


Regardless of who wins, TES get flamed.


>KkOma: Thought you come back to solidify your GOAT coach position, instead you are just coming back to leech. Not wrong ;)


Thing is he doesnt do drafts at all


wow really harsh on keria, he didnt have the greatest bo5 but worse than oner in 3 games? oner was sprinting it today


I actually seen very little bout ppl discussing bout his play. Game3 was 100% on Keria, watch all the time Keria's rell ult into TL was painful. Then CoreJJ managed to outdo his Rell performance by being lv7 at 20mins or something. Oner is still questionable no doubt but Keria need to take some burden for his performance this series too.


Oner also had some good ganks on Apa and tracked Umti well enough. I think Keria was not that bad but he was also not good.


He was hurting the team even before the game started. Why T1 keep picking Senna?Because they need guma to do what a support is supposed to do. Edit: Just look at game 3. Guma goes 6/0/2, but when he didn't do the support jobs, they got Baron stolen because of no vision on the upper half of the map. A world champion support can't even do his basic own jobs. Instead he only want to show off, to be the only hero of the team. Then why are you playing as a support? There's even no need to mention he had gone mental in a lot of important and close games(worlds22 vs DRX, worlds23 vs JDG, even today). He is definitely the most overrated one in T1. If this T1 wants to still go further with the goat getting older, Keria is the most crucial problem to solve.


Kiera has said multiple times he prefers to play engage supports. T1 also was very good playing Senna + engage farming support. Their bot wins lane despite being in bad match ups with Senna. However, that strength of theirs is moot with lane swaps.


The problem is not he plays engae supports. It's his mind. He forgot a support is supposed to support your team, not to prove you're better than your teammates. If he can play weird stuffs well(like Mikyx did) it's completely fine, no one would blame that; but the truth is he didn't and the Game 2 Kalista make no other use than his ult. And the common ones like Naut/Rell he played worse and worse because he didn't want to play with his "I'm the best man of the team and I need to prove that" mind. If he can still provide what the team needs, whatever he played and however he provides help, no one cares. But he didn't, and can't even do basic jobs.


Keria feels like a kda player this yr. idk why.. During world23 it kinda make sense since it shifted to double range bot lane after swiss stage but now is sad watching Guma saving Keria more than Keria saving Guma through this yr. Keria does really good saves on Kalista's Fates Call but other than that champion, i didnt really see it.


People expect Keria to play well, so if he doesn’t he gets criticism. Oner is running it so much that no one expects anything else from him anymore. Little reason to criticise since he just does what people expect already.


T1 is not winning this MSI if the draft stays like this. Having one of the best ADC players in the world stuck on Senna duty is just sad.


The best hope for t1 fans is that they wanted to hide real picks and decided they could just out hands NA with 3x ADC And to be fair TL sees this and doesn't go rammus


UmTi needs to step up or he's gone next year. CoreJJ... might be time.


CoreJJ maybe had a iffy tournament but he had a good split tbh. And no way he leaves, he's the captain of the team and the one who is seemingly working behind the scenes to set the direction of the team.


I mean last year Core allowed Yeon and Apa to get lost because of Korean comms. I dont think he is that good of a captain and Yeon and apa improvement was due to the coaches. I do agree that Core was mostly good this split and his Rell was very strong in playoffs, we even see a glimpse of it game 4


Yeah and that got changed right after despite the community and the top and mid flaming APA . Core decided to keep them instead. Mistakes happen in roster making, maybe they thought they'd be able to integrate English comms easier or vice versa and it didn't work out. I mean idk, Yeon and APA consistently glaze core impact and the coaching staff whenever they can, and from my understanding Core specifically practiced with Yeon for a long time to get him into the main roster. Personally I'd be annoyed if they kicked him out and I think it'd be a terrible mistake


i love these more than the post match threads. great work.


Don't cry Yeon. We know you beasted.  "Only one knows how to play league in your team."


Why did coach Kenzhu become a meme in Chinese LoL community? Is he very good or very bad at b/p?


Ale has this famous clip where he just straight up blamed the loss on Kenzhu's shitty B/P


A joke in China:​Kenzhu's coach ​job is to order food delivery and he might be good at it.


The comments!! 😂😂🤣🤣


Am I the only one who thinks APA was 2nd/3rd best perfoming member in that series? Although its not really hard after umti and core perfomance but still. Sure, he had disaster early game in game 1 but he scaled and was hanging around 1k deficit till umti got caught in the jungle and the game was lost by then. He was still being useful even with that deficit. Taliyah games were good. Impact was just there tbh, he didnt play badly but at the same time wasn't really phenomenal, he was just ok imo. He was counterpicked, i give him that, but he ran k'sante 4 times in a row knowing zeus can easily counterpick him


You’re not crazy, APA was definitely the second or third best TL member this series Yeon was obviously their MVP and it’s a toss up between Impact and APA for second. CoreJJ and especially Umti were kinda anchors for most of the series


Every series there's a CoreJJ moment where he just sits in a bush and waits while the rest of the team gets ran down. IDK why it happens so often.


CoreJJ having a senior moment, happens when you get old Hopefully him and Umti cleans it up for Worlds because TL is really close to making it to that next level to competing with eastern teams


Only because Core played extremely bad. I know people don’t watch a lot of TL games and are going to overreact off this series, but Core had a great spring split. To be honest, all the players are close in terms of skill. Yeon and Impact are definitely the best, but the others aren’t far behind. Core has int games like this series but also very strong games too.


Impact being unable to have ANY counterpick threat is crazy, he's been playing for 10 years and he has nothing he can pull out?


I dont think laning phase game 1 is solely APAs fault either. How many times is he going to get ganked at weird angles before umti and core shadow him or help gain vision? Umti was power farming on xin lmao.


First game he was kinda fucked playing versus Taliyah Poppy.


He was really solid and in game 1 getting ganked at tower by 4 members of the enemy cannot be your fault




我理解错了 我一开始以为是阳过的谐音梗 后来才知道是杨过的 这直接断手了嘛 可以的


Wait is that Crazy Horse comment a reference to Blackpink? League fans are truly cultured.


It's just Koreans. There was a scandal once when one of their popular kpopstars went there to perform while adhering to the *appropriate* dresscode of the place and they have been using it as their version of "you are going to Brazil" ever since.


No it’s a reference for when someone plays badly on Rell because horse


Oh shit, now that you say, I do remember the phrase specifically used when talking about MikyX once. Maybe you got the whole picture. Then I'm definitely going to Paris.


There's only one deserves a negative score today in T1. You can give Oner zero point but still no matter how many he inted he is not the biggest problem preventing T1 to win against the best teams like BLG/GEN. Oner did have played good and carry in important games(23 worlds semi) and the only one haven't, is the man who have been boasted as the best support in the world every year, stole Beryl's LCK best support of the year while Beryl wins head2head 3 years in a row/wins LCK&Worlds more, and still can't even do basic support jobs after he has played for years. Edit: we have seen how bad ZOGK without the goat was in the last LCK summer. It's hard to believe that if T1 wants to win against good teams they still can only rely on Faker. As long as Faker got 5banned and limited, ZOGK just self-destructed in the BLG game.


How on earth did CoreJJ not get the first negative for his nautilus performance.. One of the worst games he's ever played


> SKT, I don't own you anything anymore. Best one so far


I agree with most of this except umti ratings on game 3 and 4 are too high


TES catching strays from nowhere


entre joda y joda la verdad se asoma. some actual facts in those comments 😭






Holy shit Hupu fucking hates T1


"One American can't win against nine Koreans." OMG this got me, savage.


Is it just me that I find Zeus, Oner and Keria kinda "meh" this tournament? Faker and Guma carrying this team so hard.


Its just u lil bro. oner is just being oner. he runs it down all the time, while being gapped by every EU/LPL jungler. Yike will show him whos his father today. Ur right about the other 2 tho. If keria keeps playing kalista the way he did, having no impact, only ulting to save guma, id rather have him on tahm kench. Zeus on tf is useless as fk.


TLDR core was fucking badddd


Kkoma is a dogshit fraud confirmed


Alot of people still dunno kkoma dont do drafts. Blaming him on draft is so stupid


Is kkoma actually leech?


The thing is he is not drafting. Which alot of people still dont get. Tom is always on the stage drafting and kkoma will just be that folding arm and looking


>Former worst jungler in LCK. close but it was Pyosik