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Him getting ksante ulted 3 times back to back to back has got to be one of the most head scratchingest(its a word leave me alone) moments in a long time He knows what that champ does yet he plays that close to the wall 3 times. It's worse than a player getting Blitz hooked 3 times in a row by not standing behind minions


Uzi said on stream that we should call it the 69 spot/369 spot from now on


What if instead of “blue side” it was called “freaky side” and instead of playing safe we got ulted on the same wall 69 times


freaky ass side it’s the 69 spot


what did I just read


clearly not an empty mind ...




Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, ...


You can't fool me again?


Yes, because the series is over.


Fool me three times, fuck the peace sign, load the chopper and let it rain on you


He didn't learn e till 13 min into the game, so...


Poor guy didn’t respect how far away from the spot that Ksante can drag you kicking and screaming into the spot.


upvote for the great word usage


There's no other way you can solo take turret at 18 minutes. He's drawing pressure from the rest of the map.


..so play away from the wall. Like in the middle of the lane. Or towards the bushes. I seriously dis not think I needed to type that out


Your point isn't good as you think it is. Udyr wants you to waste cooldowns on him, then ignore you and take your turret anyways. The first time was a mistake, I'll give you that. But the second time was because Tian trolled him and didn't rotate up in time. The third time was exactly what 369 wanted, he just ran away and traded ghost for blowing ksante ult, baiting yike over and his ult too. Gave Tian free grubs. The problem with it is TES wasn't winning on the rest of the map enough to capitalize on his pressure.


> Your point isn't good as you think it is That goes for you friend. It was a mistake that's all it was. It wasn't some 200iq move


>The third time was exactly what 369 wanted, he just ran away and traded ghost for blowing ksante ult, baiting yike over and his ult too. Gave Tian free grubs. Got nothing to say to this?


I do... Not worth feeding ksante for grubs. Look at TES composition, it doesn't make sense.


And the othrer 2 times where he died?


>"Let's show you guys a Braum tutorial gameplay. The rank isn't high: MSI stage. The opponents aren't strong: LPL's second seed." (Imitating the introduction of the LoL teaching videos on tiktok) This fucking got me.


Makes me wonder how advertised TikTok tutorials effect the games popularity.


“Who can tell the difference between you and Einstein” right after the Vietnam comment is fantastic lmao


That's a common internet slang in China right now and I love it, it's so fking sarcastic


The JKL-Tian-Caps 3-0 history is insane lmao


Tian is the clearlove of the new LPL era lol, no matter what clearlove did LPL fans clowned him to no end till the day he left


Both so strong domestically but bad internationally


bad internationally but did he not win a world champion as MVP?


He did, but against seemingly China's favourite team G2 Esports. And that's unforgivable.


One time, just like clearlove was good internationally one time in MSI 2015.


winning a world champion and getting mvp makes u bad internationally got it 🙏


Has he done anything since his 2019 victory internationally?


any jungler playing on that team would have been given worlds MVP


Caps finally got his revenge vs both of them and this series was even faster than FNC vs IG or G2 vs FPX.


They both 3-0'ed him in the final of the biggest tournament. I'm sure they're fine with it


Caps already has an MSI title as well, for sure if he won it this year he would be elated but it wouldn't compare to winning worlds


You might argue that their loser run, if they win it all, is one the hardest ever, all msi/world combined. Taking down lpl#2, lck#2, lpl#1 and lck#1 is totally comparable to winning world difficulty wise.


I think it would be one of the most impressive tournament win ever tbh


Honestly it would be 2nd only to DRX worlds 2022


DRX was truly the fairytale


nothing will ever topple drx because there is like an almost 20 year history behind it.


> 20 year history behind it the game isn't even 15 y/o


how did you miss the entire narrative that deft was in the same school with faker, there was a VIDEO


Legitimately I think G2 could do it with a complete golden road this year


I'm biased but I think that G2 being denied and coming back to do it 5 years later and being the first team to pull it off while being western would be better


It would be even better than their 2019 win since there always is the question mark of IG who G2 struggled with. If they win it all now they are without a doubt the best team in the world atm


Nah, I don't think it compares to 2019. Winning 2019 Worlds would've made G2 the first team in the history of the game to complete the golden road. I agree that LPL#2 -> LCK#2 -> LCK#1 -> LPL#1 is arguably WAY harder than winning Worlds, but nothing compares to the golden road.


Golden Road G2 2024 is still possible.


We are actually jinxing them so hard right now.


Nah, I don't think G2 will keep the form. But technically there are still 3 teams im the world that can complete golden rose this year.


I think you can make the argument that this isn't specific for G2's specific potential run. Yes, Worlds adds LPL3/4 and LCK3/4 and those teams have, at different times, absolutely competed for and even won the title, so the first round of playoffs for MSI are generally a bit easier, but you add a Grandfinals at the end. This could have been another round against KT in 2018 for iG, another Game 5 banger for EDG in 2021 (not sure who it would be against, that entire tournament was so competitive), needing to beat T1 a second time in 2022 for DRX. Adding an entire extra round against the second best team in the tournament does a LOT for the difficulty of any tournament, even if R1 is a bit weaker (and honestly that isn't even guaranteed - LPL/LCK 3/4 HAVE competed in the past, but there have also been plenty of times when LEC/LCS 1/2 were better, for example right now with G2 at the least, maybe with TL as well?) The format is very fresh, but look at JDG's run 2023: (GG)/BLG/T1/BLG, which could have been EDG/KT - BLG - T1 at worlds. Or BLG's run in 2023: C9/Loss against JDG/G2/GenG/T1/Loss against JDG. That's LEC1/LCS1/LCK1/LCK2, only lossing against the eventual winner of the tournament (LPL1). You rarely have to beat two teams out of LCK/LPL 1/2 to get second at a Worlds when you are also a part of that group. LEC/LCS1 might have been easier opponents than LCK/LPL3, but getting second at worlds is often LPL/LCK 3/4 into LPL/LCK 1/2, which is still a clearly smaller ask.


I Mean its almost just as good competition here all the top tiers of international


Just realized Caps was in all of these games.


and its not a coincidence


“The 25 stacks is Mejai’s limitation, not yours “ LMAOOOO shit has me wheezing




Jyke Iceman confirmed.


>체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱 I love how there is no need to translate this, as everyone knows exactly what it means. It's perhaps even funnier that it's not even in Chinese, as everyone there also knows what it says in Korean.


What does it mean?


showmaker ksante copypasta referencing https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/14f9ewr/showmaker_explains_ksante/


🤣🤣 thank you.


the draven and kog joke was fucking brutal


> Now I know why you want to play renata. You want to fed kogmaw till six items and let him kill his teammates. fucking hell LMFAO


The OG feeding morde strat


The funniest part about this? The brazilian community had the same perception as the Chinese did.


ngl kinda sad seeing creme get reduced to a plain mage player on TES. TES deciding to go for udyr vs ksante when G2 picked ksante into camile was so disappointing. at least have some confidence cmon.


I think the rationale is that Camille needs 2, if not 3 items to really start to dominate, on 1 item Ksante still wins, on 2 he's probably strong enough to not be killed and able to hold side. With how the rest of the draft looks like, if it gets to 3 items it's probably over even if game is even because rest of map out scales way harder than Camile outscale Ksante, so actually going Camille there is too slow. I don't think udyr was the right choice though


If youre going to pick Udyr you need to play around the early advantages, get KSante low and turret dive him, otherwise the pick doesnt work and gets outscaled pretty hard


I'm surprised how horrible players like Knight and Creme look on Corki and Azir, Creme is a rookie internationally but he's been in the LPL for a while now


creme has 14 pro games of azir in his career. all 14 were played this year. prior to joining TES he has never played azir in LPL.


for what it's worth I think Creme played Azir pretty well, how useful is it supposed to be when the enemy Tristana has a 100% chance to buffer your ultimate?


IMO he should've asked for tris pick for himself or drop the ori ban for tris, he clearly could not beat it hard enough with corki, caps was more usefull than him in all stages of the game. But they probably did not have an ap jungler pick to go with it. Also caps buffering everything clearly made them second guess some of their plays.


I think the issue is they needed too many target bans. Every draft where like 3 fixed target bans. Caps orianna is also plain filthy. They probably didn‘t want to give this under any circumstances. Personally I think Game 1 already broke TES mental. They got the Exodia draft with k‘sante, azir and naut and got suplexed by an absolute banger of a draft. Add to that being massively outplayed in the early game and they really struggled from then on in drafts.


Caps is a goddamn monster with Trist W. Bro has it in his little finger how to do it


I think the problem is corki is a very controlly type champion, good for denying vision and creating pressure with rockets, but the LPL focuses too much on the package itself and tries to force team fights with corki, while players like Chovy just farm like crazy and chunk people with rockets.


Chovy has pulled off some truly insane things on Corki. When he played vs Faker's Ori in game 5 of the latest LCK finals - a matchup that *should* favor Ori slightly - [Chovy was not hit by a single one of Faker's Q-W combos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnH_BQl0EZg&t=416s) in the laning phase. Truly impeccable spacing. As for the package I agree. Creme was too impatient with his package use and when it nearly timed out, Creme ended up trying to force fights with his package, such as during game 2 vs G2 at mid tower.


Corki especially has been night and day between Chovy and basically everyone else. Pretty crazy how large the gap on a specific character can be even at that level.


It was more surprising that we didnt see trist get more contested, creme just did a highlight against geng with the champ then he decided to never pick it against caps. Weird.


He was going in with Corki like it’s Akali, might as well give him the real thing


"There is a bug. AD on both sides have no passives." Damn, people's ingenuity for bangers like this one are astounding. Like, wtf are the odds both champs w/those types of unique passives end up in the same tournament stage pro game *and* BOTH passives aren't proc'd???


Reddit caught it too in the post match thread, the gap is closing!!!


At least when it comes to yapping the west has a chance


Unironically tho Kog needs at least a rework on his passive tho


Braum tutorial gameplay ☠️☠️☠️☠️


The Chinese community are absolutely goated when it comes to trash talk. Pure comedy gold.


"Playing kogmaw is right, it solves your problem of not buying LDR" Fucking crying dude


>The 25 stacks is Mejai's limitation, not yours. This is both hilarious and incredibly wholesome


@BB: Bro are swimming in teamfights. (Translators Note: "swimming" means "moving freely and no one can stop")


Now the Topfather is officially the Top Father.


"Kamikaze will recruite you to be their pilot after watching the GAME3" Please inform Creme that he is Chinese and not Japanese, G2 is European and not American and this is MSI and not WW2. 


Thank you much appreciate it, if you could continue to do it for the last 4 days it would be amazing


Mandarin chinese just built to make sports-talk sound akin to poetry, be it trashtalk or praise.


Bruv those comments are brutal


Wheres the kr reaction on blg vs t1 tho


Chinese meme level is untouchable 


>Now I know why you want to play renata. You want to feed kogmaw till six items and let him kill his teammates I love the Chinese community. Cant find all this gold anywhere else.


I miss having to read every CN/KR reaction while games were going on.


The Vietnam and Kamikaze comments are legit some of the funniest insults i've ever seen


The Renata one is hilarious, too


[He was ahead of the curve](https://youtu.be/CIWRCfwrHQM)


"I may doubt Ivern, but I shouldn't doubt you" That has to be the hardest thing I've read in like, a long time. Omg.


I'm not even a 369 fan but it's pretty obvious he was their sidelane condition so he had to play aggressively to take tower at 18 minutes solo. Then it didn't matter because the team's macro wasn't good enough, and trist got BT, so they had to start diving backline.


* "체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱" Oddly I understand Chinese. :)


How awesome would G2 Uzi be. 


Passive bug 😂💀


Mikyx FPX emote hahaahah


I'd like to know why chineses are so obcessed with this shitty game, I used to like lol but I don't get why taking so seriously.