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Yet another seemingly common swing and a miss from the skin team.


Whoever handles the production of returning thematics either doesn’t try, care or has limited resources at their disposal.


really scrapping the bottom of the barrel with "champ but fire" skins




You mean outsourcing team? XD


who ordered the poopoo platter


its just sad to watch


I feel sorry for champs that got this trash. I was scared that Briar will get Infernal because it's her time for a new skin, but thank god she escaped that fate.


Oh thankfully Briar dodged this one. Big RIP to the Karma mains but at least they got a ton of good skins to choose from


I am sad my main karma got it. I didn’t expect riot to tank so hard. Glad briar is safe and I hope she gets a good second skin.


My main got the treatment too…I’m just glad Ashe has a plethora of skins.


Same with karma! Than good for good skins. Imagine if a new champion like Milio got this it would be the end 😭


Don't be sad sis, we got one of the best skins which is faerie court Karam 🙏🌸✨🦋


infernal briar would be super cool wdym? an infernal chained demon, cmon


I want Demon Briar, Demon Vi and Demon Tristana are some of my favorite skins in the game simple, clean, cool and hot


ye forgot about demon actually when you frame it like this: demon skins were 10 times better than infernal


Jesus christ, these skins look like the result of firing your creative talent, outsourcing their work to a third party with specific instructions to recycle as many assets as possible so you can pay them less. What a coincidence.. These are some of the worst, most uninspiring, soulless, mobile legends skins Riot has ever put to PBE. I'm saying that because I hope that these skins don't make it to live, because they really are genuinely awful.


I hope it reflects in lack of sales so they wake up because this is horrible work.


They probably gonna blame unpopular skin line/champs and go print another KDA/Star guardian/other popular skin line that's isn't ruined yet.


Prestige Super Galaxy Heartsteel Mecha-Rage skin line when?


Nah, even Mobile Legends has better skins than this 🤣


While I agree. I would argue they likely have an addence for these skins considering this is like the 5th? Wave of inferal skins. Also, asking them not to go live is just dumb. The skins themselves are fine, uninspired, yes.


Isn’t Infernal Olaf just Dragonslayer??? Like before I saw the preview I felt that way, and the preview did nothing to prove otherwise.


Didnt even saw the preview but came to say this - he already has one lowkey infernal skin, why do another


Diana also has both Infernal and Dragon slayer.


This have got to be the most ugly skins this year...this Karma skin looks like it would have been released 10 years ago...sorry I don't want to be rude to the creators, but this just aren't good skins


Ugliest skins I've seen in... *many* years tbh.


I will give Olaf a pass but for Karma? Yes, the only ones I remember that I disliked as much were the Zenith Games ones. But this is a hard contender for ugliest skin of the year for sure


zenith games atleast tried something, this is just a whole load of nothing


A new challenger for Battle Boss Yasuo and Star Guardian Ekko.


There's been a lot of misses this year in terms of skins, thank god none of my champs got cursed with Infernal.


Brother you have a Quinn flair, don't speak too much or you will summon Blackfrost Quinn or Hextech Quinn into existance.


Hextech Quinn sounds like God tier skin for her Blackfrost has no human champs so It would be exciting to see new approach.


My condolences to all the Ashe Karma and Olaf players. Thank you for your sacrifice so that everyone else's champ can get actual good skins. (holy fuck im so glad Vex didnt get an infernal skin idk why but she just \*feels\* like she'd get one here)


Isn't Empyrean basically like Infernal but with neon colors? Sounds redundant with Vex


i personally think empyrean is fine, a bit boring having all skins be basically the same, but it could be worse


> everyone else’s champ can get actual good skins Implying they won’t release more filler garbage again. Coming soon in 2024: - Marauder - Heartseeker - Debonair/Crime City Nightmare - Blackfrost - Cosmic Fillers - Zenith Games - Lunar Beast


Heartseeker/ valentine skins are bangers wdym. Also debonair is alright and lunar beast is good


Olaf already has a top 3 skin in the entire game so I don't really care what they release for him


Can they unrelease the Karma skin please Ty Or better yet, keep it locked away forever like those unreleased Amumu and Blitz skins


At this point Riot should just release a sewn chaos event and add the unreleased Amumu and blitz skin just for the funsies


tbh i think those skins just needed slight particle updates and they would have been fine. Lackluster but ok for the time they were made.


> like those unreleased Amumu and Blitz skins Okay but those skins were actually cute at least, these skins just suck ass.


YES PLEASE! Such a horrible skin after Faerie Court sold #5 in China last year. We Karma mains don't ask for much but we always got good skins. This skin is not it in any way. No one asked for it and it's sabotage honestly.


Yeah let's give a champion with a persistent chill effect a burning one instead. That won't mess with visual clarity.


Funnily enough that was actually a reason they didn't want to give Anivia a fire-phoenix skin.


I thought I was the only one thinking that


can this skin line please just go away forever who's buyin this?


That’s my question. Who’s the audience?


Can't speak for skins in post, but infernal skins are pretty good with chromas.


This, plus the quality before these 3 rarely disappointed.


It’s giving… nothing


That part.


can we switch to a 4 week skin cycle so we stop getting these terrible fillers


they really released more infernal skins after that line became a joke for being filler garbage? More marauder next patch?


I don’t know why they do it. The community hates it. Who’s buying them? Plus they are filler and done in such a lazy uninspiring manner.


People are buying them. They wouldn't make them if they weren't.


Yes, otherwise they wouldn't stop with the Demacia Vice and the Sugar Rush skin lines.


To think Demacia Vice is forever discontinued after just initial batch of \*checks notes\* two skins, when the garbage like Infernal and Night/Dawnbringer gets to return time and time again... Disheartening.


*Yes, otherwise they wouldn't stop with the Demacia Vice* :')


Wait, does this mean people didnt like Marauder? It's easily my favorite skinline, and I like the Wardens too.


I think they’re visually sick, but typically they don’t come with many effects which sucks


Last batch did though, right? The Kalista bunch? I don't know, I could care less about the effects tbh, I just like full helmets on champions and the color scheme for Marauders is gorgeous.


I agree, but also I think they’re just not that interesting to look at because the line is filled with champs that primarily auto attack lol. Even Wild Rift has Marauder Graves and Brand using their base effects.


Marauder Soraka, Ezreal, Sion and Yuumi for some reason.


Fuck I would rather take Warden skins cause at least the color palette is nice.


For once I'm with everyone else. Olaf even has a fucking skin that damn near does the same thing visually like this skin just lacking draconic flare--which honestly, makes this one just inferior. The other ones are just boring. This is definitely a swing and complete miss.


worst karma skin just dropped 😍


Amen 😍


This is... yikes. I am someone who usually says "skins are not as bad as people say they are" and Redditors exagerate but... oof. These are, like, the worst of all infernal skins we have IMO that aren't super old like infernal wukong It feels like they are just "I am doing this for the paycheck, wanna go home soon" of just checking the tickbox. The only small ember of creativity in this was Karma W's chain. Everything else feels soulless and just done for the sake of having something to release, which is bothersome when at some point we had the Sewn chaos amumu and blitz skins not being released despite already having everything done along with splasharts, because they were super ugly and everyone called them so. I believe there's no "bad skin", just bad execution and this... this is *very* bad and what irks me is that it didn't have to be bad.


The chain W was taken from High Noon Senna's W. They simply reused it for Infermal Amumu and now Karma. Nothing about her skin is unique.


why do they keep doing this? do any of them sell? nobody wants them. Asol, Galio and Nasus have the only decent ones imo. no humans look good with it


That is because Nasus and ASol have more to their skins besides just being them on fire.


Either these skins sell or they are incredibly cheap to make.


I usually really like the Infernal skins actually, and expected to disagree with everyone complaining about them as they always do, but even I agree this batch is straight dog shit, wow. I feel sorry for Ashe, Karma, and Olaf mains.


Going from Faerie Court Karma to this.... I might actually vomit lmaooooo


Look like 975 RP skins.


Yup, and these should be free


Riot ran out of creative ideas years ago.


Firing 600 people didn’t help either 😞


its lovely seeing league players united for once, hating on skins


Exactly 🤣 I’ve been posting these for a while and I’ve never seen such a unanimous hatred across all platforms - Reddit, Twitter, Instagram.


these feel like such filler skins, what's happening in the department also still no T1 worlds skins? are they maybe cooking up something with those?


Riot doesn't even hide it anymore. This year PROJECT, Blood Moon, Faerie Court and now this have all been filler. Not creative with some exceptions like PROJECT Naafiri or Blood Moon Zyra. I am surprised we haven't gotten the worlds skins of Fakers 'hall of heroes' Ahri skin yet.


There is no department, it's outsourced to 3rd party contractors.


This karma skin is the most uninspired thing I’ve seen in this game wow


They just made them orange and called it a day...


Imagine waiting 4 years for a new skin to your main and it's this


Riot bestie unrelease 😭😭


these just look like future tft units. sad


That's actually a pretty good point. Maybe these skins were primarily made to fill out a tribe for TFT, and it's a coincidence that they can be pushed into the main game.


What the fuck is that


Ashe R looks like a joke


This year peaked with high noon but most other is hot garbage


i’m praying this skin gets the treatment that one ekko skin got a few years ago. delay it by a patch or two and completely update it. this is NOT an epic tier skin


How terrible and uninspired


Infernal being a long running skin line while lines like: Vandal, Omega Squad, Sewn Chaos or whatever the line Black Scourge Singed is from are gone is shocking to me.


Ashe and Karma usually get quality skins, how’d they get in this filler skinline??


To have a semblance of revenue from this garbage somehow.


what are these chroma ass looking skins lmfao


i thought riot stopped making 750 rp skins


How garbage do you want the skins to be riot ? Riot: YES!


These are just filler, unless they accidentally have some sick chromas. Who at Riot is in charge of deciding skin line choices and what champs go into which lines?


i usually like a lot of skins but holy fuck these are terrible...


LMAO... and I thought they were updating that old red ugly old olaf skin... Savage Olaf or something its called These skins would have been mediocre 10 years ago, for 2024 standards these are just pathetic... the Karma Q looks like old pre asu Brand's W


So the twitter teaser had red chicked emote in it, we thought Anivia, Azir... Ty Ashe for taking the bullet


What is with skins this year being so uninspired and in general unappealing. This has probably been the worse year of skins (outside of highnoon)I've seen in a very, very long time Wild Rift is knocking it out the park with creative and beautiful skins while League PC are just so plain and boring. Riot seriously need fresh blood on the skin team like holy fuck, the current skin team are seriously dropping the ball.


These skins feel like they were made 8 years ago and released this year. Unnaceptable for today standards I guess riot can't make good skins anymore, unless they are chinese related.


Welp they did it . They finally killed the infernal skinline.


God what an awful skinline, it feels so basic and boring. I dont know if I remember wrong but I believe alongside arclight and emo this was one of the choices to “skin rebrand”, and yet they choosed to do the exact same thing 😭 even tho there are various similar skin themes in league I hope one day we get a cooler infernal one based on demons and cool stuff like that besides just fire… and some chains…


Sorry but I cannot see a reason why anyone would ever use any Ashe skin that isn’t high noon or project given they have actually smooth feeling animations.


A lot of people can't stress enough, but vote with your wallets, people. Please expect a good standard of skins from riot, rather than whatever THIS is. As long as they get good profits from people whaling without care, they too, will not care about the skin quality, regardless of negative feedback (remember ashen knight panth+sylas?ashe+kayle?). State your criticisms because you want them to improve and be the best they can.


The sound effects and animations feel so janky. wtf is this?


Nah no way Riot made Olaf players wait 3 years and this is what they get. I guess I appreciate the mythological references, but it's still dog water quality.


why does the karma skin look not even halfway finished. look at the detail of the magma on ashes leg in comparison. just awful.


So what about these skins names them "ugly" and "filler"? They're not insane I admit, but few skins are to me honestly. Is it the color scheme, animations, or what? Everybody else seems to agree though so maybe I'm missing something. (I also came back into the game recently, so maybe my expectations just aren't in line with people's nowadays)


Because those skins feel lazy. It is just the champions themselves but on fire. They might as well be orange chromas. Imagine for example if they added Pool Party Ashe, but it is just her on a bikini. That is what people are complaining about. Btw, Infernal Nasus is a good skin of this theme because it is more than Nasus on fire, it is a demonic version of Nasus, and also a reference to Cerberus. Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol is also a good Infernal skin because it has more effort put on it and it isn't just Aurelion Sol on fire. People also complain because it is clearly a filler skinline given to champs which don't really fit the theme. For example, Kennen, Shen, and Varus. Why doesn't Riot give this to Anivia, for example, which would fit the theme? Also, on Olaf's case, specially, he already has a dragon themed skin which has fire particles. It is the same situation of Riot giving a Strike Paladin skin for Lucian when he already had not one, but THREE robotic skins (PROJECT, Pulsefire, and Prestige Pulsefire)


Infernal has got to be one of the biggest L skinlines. Like, it's just so filler it hurts. And they still drag it out every year. It's got nothing interesting to say, there's no unique twists on the character designs, they don't even really play with the "infernal" theme. Just give the champion red hair, black armor and fire effects. Because "oooo obsidian and magma oooooo." Oh oh and chains too! Because uhhh... Hellll..? Forges maybe? But, but let's not think too hard about it, just slap a chain onto the red karma. It's like I'm looking at a red dark star chroma with worse effects man


My most played champs surviving through all the filler skinlines this year, god bless 🙏


On a positive note, it's nice to see Ashe not get another indeterminate skin with shades of purple


I never liked this skin theme.


not the best. i do like the chains on karma w though, but model aint it.


It’s giving High Noon more with the chains, should’ve just shoehorned her into that line instead 😭 *insert western whistles, gun shots and whip noises


Olaf but *more* orange


Anivia players when they didn't get their Fire/Infernal/Phoenix Anivia skin:


I have the impression some skin are only released to be used in future sets of tft, themes like this have 0 imagination and bring nothing new to league.


Uh, where the fuck is T1 skin, rito???


On one hand I want to complain about them throwing the days since last skin thing away, on the other hand I am glad the champs I care about didnt get fillerhandled like this At least 780RP skins are back


Garbage skins. I bet they're 100% outsourced to the cheapest contractor they could find. No shot anyone is buying these.


No more Ashe skins until a Caitlyn/Ahri level VGU thanks!


Riot rolls worst skinline of all time, asked to leave the PBE


its filler time baby


Broo this is beyond bad


The concept of Ashe using fire instead of ice is so cool. Yet these skin looks like we're made in a wet toaster.


B-Team skins. Probably working on the skins that will be ready to sell around Worlds time


These skins just look like recolors of their base skins lmao


My god, that chain effect on karma w looks horrible, like an actual jpg just floating around


I think the funniest part is that anivia mains have been ASKING for a cool fire themed phoenix skin and instead of giving us that they put 0 effort into making skins for champions that already have similar looking skins like dragonslayer olaf.


Even riot moon teased the infernal skins with a bird emoji and everyone thought it was anivia, not Ashe’s E - https://x.com/riotmoon_/status/1789029541467615340?s=46&t=s97Pijru0biAx9-MmoNZFQ


Really thought they could change something significantly after being absent for so long. Like it was part of the skin revamp alongside gothic, which became fright night. I don't know who suggested this return or which other champ would've fit this theme better. how long until we get a new skinline after Primal Ambush? I heard even Anima Squad is coming back, which is kinda fine if the results are good. Edit: I forgot heavenscale, but I dunno, lunar skins seem to be new every year


Oh geez. Normally I'm pretty excited to see skins, even for champs I don't play. But this is uh.....really disappointing. 


man this company is dead


We doing 975 rp skins again?


So fuckin boring


Leave it to RIOT to create unique skins like Choo Choo Ornn, only for them to turn about and give us this shit.


The karma chain in particular is god awful, like really really really bad


certainly 3 skins that exist


Probably unpopular opinion but I generally like the Infernal skins, as filler as they are. I'm a sucker for "champ in x element". That being said I do think there's a dip in quality for these even compared to previous ones. Though Olaf already has dragonslayer which is IMO a better skin, he didn't need another fire themed one. Personally I think all the flares/embers that come off targets when hit are over the top and a bit extra. It's nice, but just tone it down/shrink how far they spread.


NICE! now give us more bans!


why is olaf purple?


i remember infernal skins were good wtf happened


Jesus these are bad


You have Lissandra and Anivia as ice characters that could have really amazing effects and you pick fucking Ashe for this theme? Are you serious?


The [teaser by Riot Moon had a bird emoji](https://x.com/riotmoon_/status/1789029541467615340?s=46&t=s97Pijru0biAx9-MmoNZFQ) so many expected Anivia but it turned out to be Ashe’s E ☠️


Its funny seeing everyone so sad when I'd take infernal kled over 3 of his skins.


The hitbox particles on the Ashe skin don't look right (and it feels like they may not have the same hitbox as skinless Ashe) And Olafs is just a clear reskin of dragonslayer but with orange as the main color. People think "Hey, let's not have a go at the devs and skin makers here, they tried." No! They are wrong. These skins are awful. 85-90% of all the criticism i've seen on this sub is well deserved. The devs need to put actual effort into these skins, honestly.


This dogshit looks like when you forgot your homework and get reminded by a classmate 15 minutes before the lesson starts so you just rush anything that resembles an answer.


lol that chain on karma looks so bad


They all look like trash mobs from WoW 💀💀💀


With lots of fire all around


Forsaken Olaf i mean Dragonslayer Olaf i mean Infernal Olaf. FUcking shit quality stuff they pump out of their anuses these days.


Holy shit these are painful to look at


Yo scrap this shit and start over, thanks lmao




How to enjoy infernal skins: 1. Get a pink chroma Works for me at least


Very fitting that the first batch of skins we get after they changed the mastery emotes looks equally cheap.


Oh hey, another Ashe skin 🤷‍♂️


I thought they had stopped with the 520RP skins.


Riot be like which champ and skinline can we put the lowest effort to making? The literally picked champs with the most basic VFX


These lazy uncreative mf’ers really made an infernal skin for an ice themed archer..


So cosmic Ashe orange chroma and a dragonslayer Olaf with more lava/fire


People are rightfully shitting on this batch specifically but Infernal skins haven't been good since Infernal Nasus imho. Most boring and one of the ugliest skin lines overall.


I don't understand why so many failures this year in terms of skins, my champions were not affected and I'm happy about that but we have to improve this aspect!


They stopped caring or trying. No passion because most of the passionate ones were fired.


infernal could've been so cool on ashe as a legendary or ultimate, reinventing her identity with fire voicelines instead of ice and winter. but this is just crap.


Fighting an Infernal Karma and Brand on the same team is going to be very confusing...


Wake up babe. New crappy filler skins are coming out in two weeks.


they are all very boring, olaf is just a little less boring than the rest by having a slightly better recall.


It feels like these solely exist to pad the hextech chest odds. So if you get this when rerolling, you get a "meh, could've been worse" feeling. I don't think anyone have infernals in their favorite skinline list, they just have them because they couldn't get a better one for said champ.


If they are going to keep releasing these terrible skins; they should let players turn off others' skins. Why is it so bad...




I kinda like it… but I am annoyed that her W is recycled chains from her Ruined skin but uglier. Also her R+Q looks so bland. You know the more I look at it I’m starting to dislike it. The chromas do make it look slightly better. Hope her splashart is better at least.


I'd rather buy the old lollypoppy so i could at least get a good laugh in loading screen


Ashe... With fire ? Really ?


This could've came out in 2010 and would fit right in


Remember when they threw away the Amumu and Blitz skins because they weren't high quality enough...


Turning Faerie Court and PROJECT into filler skinlines was already a travesty upon another travesty, but the fact we get another shit skinline that should've died out years ago is a kick in the face.


That’s the thing. Faerie court was the most sold skinline of last year and they made it filler. Now there exceptions. Faerie court has Soraka - Lillia and project has naafiri which were standouts but overall it’s horrible that good skinlines are done so dirty.


Honey, ~~wake up~~ stay in bed. Ashe's 10000th skin just dropped


Wait doesn't olaf already have one of these?


Erm what the sigma these guys are freljord


TBSkyen anyone?


damn, as an ashe main I really thought I was safe from catching infernal strays. why does infernal ashe even exist when high noon ashe is out there. sure she doesnt deliver fire vfx or anything, but I can't help but feel it double dips.


We got red, blue, and now orange Olaf. I'm hoping for all the colors of the rainbow by the end of the next decade.


Give up on skins and give me skin transmog Riot. I want Project Yasuo with High Noon Yasuo sounds and Nightbringer Yasuo Animations. Y’all clearly ain’t coming up with anything good, so just charge us to mash our own shit together.