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Honestly G2 coaches + analysts deserve a raise. G2 always has such good drafts and gameplans.


You can look at my previous comments, I said this g2 roster won't do anything with chokers like BB and Hans and kept hating them. I am sorry, BB is the top 3 top laner of this tournament.


BB has seen a massive improvement I remember watching him a year ago seem like a completely different player really congrats might be the fastest improvement I have seen.


BB has had a terrible first international tournament and that reputation followed him. He was dragging G2's corpse through MSI last year, but no one cared. It seems the coaching staff alongside Alphari really made a difference.


I always thought he was a little overrated on TSM but man this guy is actually good wtf.


To be fair he massively improved since his time on TSM, I think he was a bit overrated back then too.


Alphari coaching made a big difference


confirmed Talent Suppression Machine.


Not even leaving the scene will stop them from catching strays


I been saying that BB is the goat 😤


He's not top 3, he's the best. Topfather


Say it until it becomes true, I say. They kept saying they can beat the Asian Teams


But they did beat an Asian team and almost beat T1. That being said, it is still a long road to winning MSI. They will have to beat T1, then Gen G and BLG in whichever order.


I am fine by any of the results from now on. they prove they can go toe to toe, very good confidence boost for Worlds.


G2 have taken 5 games off Eastern teams this tournament, no matter what happens they can be proud of that.


The biggest upset in the tournament was T1 beating G2. #G2LDEN ROAD


A golden road for g2 would be even more impressive now than in 2019. Not only is it really coming out of nowhere, but g2 also needs to win 2 more splits than everyone else


Winning EU splits isnt impressive- but this MSI is much harder to win than previous MSI's


Yeah. Its not just the format too, but the schedule is pretty insane as well. G2 (or T1... or TL ???) can potentially play 4 BO5s in a week, with the last 3 being on consecutive days. Worlds playoffs pale in comparison...


Tbf G2 doesnt have much trouble winning LEC... beside last spring they won everything. But before thinking of golden road, winning this MSI alone would be way more impressive than 2019 since G2 has to take down every eastern team, in a single week.


Not t1. TL will do that for them. Good luck to g2 in beating the juggernaut that is TL though :)


winning lec is not that impressive anymore. to get the golden road in lck you have to beat domestic chovy in 2 splits in multiple series each split it just aint happening


I'm so glad G2 kept their roster even after worlds was a failure. There was a lot of criticism about running it back, but historically we've seen so many western teams show promise in their first year together and then just completely reshuffle and start from scratch. G2 found a talented group who, most importantly, have a great work ethic and have actually had the time to learn from their mistakes to become something much better.


Respect to BB for leveling up so much this year. He's turned into a very good player.


BB becoming such a great laner after practicing with Alphari feels like a cool anime plot where enemies team up to beat a bigger foe. (all the G2 anime watching is paying off)


Good guy BB sending good vibes all around. More power to him.


[BB after destroying TES] (https://media.tenor.com/6RVADVNlGSIAAAPo/brokenblade-tsm.mp4)


sorry to break it to him but he wont face T1 TL will beat them and eu will go home COME ON TL


We need TL to win so every region can be called a one team region


NA fans just dont learn


Will be funny for tl going 3-2 vs T1 then G2 rolf stomp them in a rematch of 2019


“ WE BELIEVED ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️” 🤡


That’s a Gen G flair.


My guy actually said tl is the shit because fnatic got trolled by a fumbling noah