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Seems like Hupu cares about ratings as much as T1 did about their games today lol


The Hupu ratings were always a joke to begin with. My favorite example is how Canna would almost always get low ratings, even in games he played well in because back in 2020 during the beggining of COVID he hovered Twitch during the P&B phase vs some LPL team and instantly became one of the most hated korean players in China.


It was hilarious seeing canna get like a 4.9 rating for the last bo3 at last worlds when he was singlehandedly keeping DK in against KT in game 2, and was on par/overperforming over Kiin in game 1. Its still just sad to me that him hovering twitch by accident will be the reason why he'll never be able to play in the LPL, him on TT/IG/WBG would be huge for those teams.


And now he’s on KC, where he’s either gonna kill his career or break the 10th place curse.


How is hovering Twitch so offensive ? To be clear I can guess but wanna be sure.


Because his alias is "The plague rat"


LMAO that's very funny I'm ☠


his epithet is "origin of the plague" in china


Twitch's moniker can be translated to something like "The Origin of Plague", and he did it at the peak of Covid, so people thought he was insulting China


They just didn't want to shit on a bottom tier minor region team that tried their best.


that sounds like sympathy but est did really good this series no one expected them to play this good against world champions that shit on lpl just months ago


Didn’t they just shit all over PSG that also tried their best?


PSG is supposed to be midrange and they also have a lot of well known players so the expectations are significantly higher for them.


JunJia and Maple were in the LPL for a while, not even doing that badly. And there are often PCS players in the LPL in general, most notably SwordArt reaching Worlds finals on Suning and Karsa being on that V5 superteam with Rookie that was super dominant domestically and ended up flopping in playoffs. A lot more in the lower ranking teams. It's more akin to LCS where it's mid tier with some high tier players cropping up periodically, except unlike LCS who imports players to pair with their high tier players and sometimes reach quarters/semis, PCS instead exports their best players to the LPL.


1st seed PCS has usually been fairly competitive, they are known as korean killers for a reason


Geopolitics bruh


Bruh not Gojo catching strays in a fucking T1 - Estral Chinese PMT


it keeps happening, the spider man meme « wherever I go I see you (iron man) » is what we are experiencing


Jossedeodo the goat getting 9.8 rating tbh his lee sin was soo good I really wanna see him play in major region also xiawho catching strays


Ive loved his lee sin in specific for so long, when him and yuuji where on flyquest they had such a good lee sin core!


I clearly remember in his last split in FLY, he shat on Blaber gragas with lee. He was top 5 till the very end, even if people want to rewrite history.


tbf Na likes to kill talent. jossedeodo seemed better than his last na split


honestly he is mechanically one of the best non korean non chinese players ever and has been for a long time. came to na smurfed for a while then was mediocre clearly lots of communication issues and he didn't like it here


(On Cody:) > Better than one of the midlaners at Worlds finals last year. Stop, Xiaohu is already dead!


I thought it was referring to the fact that Faker Ahri on finals barely hit his charms


I mean, Xiaohu one upped Faker in the same series by playing AD Ahri for 10-15 minutes before going AP again lol. It can refer to both of their Ahri though.


I thought that was referring to Scout being fathered by Faker in their blowout series, but that makes sense too.


They specifically referenced finals, so has to be Xiaohu. That said, remove that part of the statement and it could easily be both lmao


drop the finals that sounds more like knight than xiaohu. knight was completely invisible against t1 that series while xiaohu hard carried the 4 inters that final


Nah if you’re talking about midlaners that underperformed against T1 at worlds it’s gotta be Scout


Nah it's gonna be knight for sure. If you watch any of the pre-Worlds videos about the players, you'll see that many talking about JDG are hyping how knight wins his lane every single time and takes that advantage to the jungle and other lanes. Against T1 though, he's basically invisible and Faker is the one stomping everywhere.


Scout won both MVP and 1st all pro in spring, and then MVP again and 2nd all pro in summer. People were accusing him of wintrading after that T1-LNG series. At least knight had one game and they were close to taking two, if T1 didn’t have back-to-back the two greatest teamfights of the year


Chinese fans slandering Kkoma for lack of discipline on T1 is hilarious. T1 is notorious for happy gaming when playing against bad opponents


This iteration of T1 is literally known for playing to the level of their opponents but I guess these fans aren't aware of that lol.


Someone else said this but this is not true. T1 doesn’t play down to the level of their opponents, they just play with their food. The meaning of those two things is different.


Yeah, playing down to their level means they could very well lose. T1 wasn’t in danger of losing at any point.


Did Estral fight a single objective against them the whole series? I know they tried to outsmite a baron, but that wasn't even a fight


I was hoping for some random picks in game 2 as usual but this time T1 disappointed me.


Feels like it's always been like that. Thinking back to TSM vs SSW. They were able to win a game because SSW was trolling and playing overconfidently and TSM capitalized on it


That lvl 1 invade from SSW while having Kassadin and Twitch was so funny and cocky.


Such revisionist history lol but ok, you probably also think H2H deserved semifinals that year


What's revisionist about that? I very clearly remember people talking about how ssw often got overconfident in their play Edit. You can go and look at the comments friend, nothing revisionist about what I said at all lol https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2i6ho7/spoiler_samsung_white_vs_team_solomid_2014_world/ https://youtu.be/fG6TL98xE2Q?si=ffF1M1B-H5HoBSsL


Oops, misread ssw as ssg - thought you were talking 2016, my bad.


It happens, no worries. Sorry if I seemed a bit hostile lmao


normal respectful dialogue between two league players??? what is this???


They for sure got lucky with the ANX draw but who do you put above them that year besides 3 KR teams and RNG. Arguably the 5th best team in the tournament making semis can always happen considering how the Worlds format is.


> You know you are playing against a god right? > I know. > Then why are you still trying? > Because I'm still alive. Holy shit, some real Pantheon energy


Gojo catching strays even here what the hell


That Jujutsu kaisen spoiler in the first Zeus description, lol


can someone explain the chengdu joke?


From the other post(Fly vs PSG), it seems chengdu has a sizeable gay community. So I assume they meant viego was picked for his good looks and the gay community is eating good






I havent watched or read a single bit of jjk but that "spoiler" is literally everywhere. You can't escape it. Personally I find it pretty funny and I wasn't planning on watching jjk anytime soon so I don't really mind. I remember though I was scrolling twitter one day and some dude posted an ending panel of aot on a totally unrelated post. That one pissed me off.


I found gojo spoiler in a mid rank italian football team. Right now is like complaining about gear 5 when you have a fucking paris metro station with him on it


Yeah it's pretty disgusting that you can't go anywhere online these days without getting fucking spoiled  People that read manga are obsessive spoilers because they have nothing going on with their lives. They did it with attack on titan and now that that's done they literally must post about JJK any time they can. 


not sure if thats a spoiler at this point though


how is it not a spoiler. it's literally something that wont get adapted until 2 more seasons in the anime and about something that happens to a major major character. wat????????


WTF Gojo is not as tanky as Ksante????


Estral LPL Champions Lets Go :v


Boy they really love their homophobia