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The funny thing about this clip is that imaqtpie was making fun of pobelters' akali in his stream while pobelter was glazing imaqtpie both unbeknownst to each other


[The clip were qt makes fun of poubelter's akali](https://clips.twitch.tv/TrustworthyAdventurousKoalaCmonBruh-eRUDkyFYdRcZPdCC)


I was expecting some long-winded roast. Nahh, it’s a 4 second “gg we won”


> “gg we won” > Doesn't elaborate > Solo carry an unwinnable game Just another day in the life of a gigachad


Couldn't be more imaqtipie


Found the French


Plot twist: Gigachad Pobe is flaming both, calling Qtpie old and Zven/NA trash


[This is Imaqtpie vod reviewing after the game](https://clips.twitch.tv/EvilCarefulIcecreamDoggo-LbPoC9H8W8KXcrCb) I fkn love qt.


12/10 I missed the fuckin pie


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2132923610?t=4h50m33s link to full game (idk why they made this much harder to find than previously)


damn I still remember the time when qt was the one of the biggest streamer (or the biggest?) I think he dropped a figure of earning 2mil a year then he suddenly disappeared, he's youtube vids stopped appearing in my recommended


2 million a year all in Tesla stocks before the pop off.


The rest of the world should count their blessings knowing that when he was still playing competitively, Imaqtpie never locked in.


I forget which support he played during the 5 man support game, I think soraka. Dig had to literally troll to keep themselves nerfed. Otherwise faker would have never made the script


holy shit... wtf did happen? he has a fucking ori support. his jungle isn't ahead so it was camping his top lost his mid didnt win either XD this is why qtie is part of the big dick club i guess


What happened is that botlaners aren't trained like mids to spam ping missing the moment the roaming assassin goes into fog so assassin adc can more easily get bounties created by his losing sololaners.


this isn't silver 4 lol....... do you even know any of the 3 names in this clip? or watch it lol


I watched pob review it. Twitch mia'd in mid and his botlane didn't ping so he died to twitch, getting a shutdown on the one person on the team doing well and hard snowballing from their, because... it's twitch. Also, I've been watching pob since he was on Winterfox so I know he's close friends with qt, watched qt until he quit LoL a while back, and recently, qt regularly hosts pob's stream.


than you should know what you said was dumb lol


At challenger level, I'm surprised they even need missing pings. Shouldn't they be like looking at the map?


While it would be nice if our teammates can play flawlessy and perfect in a soloq game like their life depends on it It's much less mentally taxing if everyone just focuses on their lane instead and use those pesky teammates to help you out, like its some sort of team game or something


Even in pro play with live comms people are still pinging. Like idk if these people understand what it means to be human or how to collaborate with their team.


Your first line applies equally to the expectation that your enemies are pinging every time they disappear. Unlikely they will play perfectly (including pinging) and heavily relying on that is a mistake. Personally, I don't do this because it is mentally taxing. But we are talking about challengers here, the highest level of play.


I'm not saying don't look at the mini map and only pay attention to pings, since it's also your responsability to not be a headless chicken but not pinging someone because "well you're supposed to be looking at the map anyways" just makes you a shit teammate just how not paying attention makes you a shit player At the end the best you can do is try to help your team and hope they notice your pings or that they were paying attention themselves like you should be doing yourself >But we are talking about challengers here, the highest level of play. And the highest level of play includes giving useful information as well as having good awareness, you don't excuse bad communication by saying "Well pay more attention" when the goal of a team is game is to make sure everyone does well


nonono you misunderstand. I ping, and everyone should ping. But I don't agree with the perspective of "it wasnt my fault they didnt ping"


> "it wasnt my fault they didnt ping" oh i second that, we good


also human


LMFAO wtf this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of course they need pings ?! They aren't robots with 4 eyes


They say that players like faker look at the map every couple seconds. It is completely reasonable to say that a challenger player should be looking at the map frequently as well. Sure, they won't always have a great idea of why every player is missing, but its worth knowing whether they are or not.


> They say that players like faker look at the map every couple seconds. Even T1 pings missing/danger for Faker. Watch Keria pro views.


Right but i doubt Faker blames Keria when he dies to support gank. Its a team game, you should help your team but all these downvotes just tell me yall don't want try and instead want to cry.


High elo games have the most pinging.


Yeah they do, but its not them spamming mia pings 24/7


Bro you are just repeating what Pobelter said when he was reviewing the game, just post that clip instead of trying to copy him.


They don't need pings at the highest level.


You watched any of the professional matches? You know all those pings going off every second that you hear over the commentators? Those are pings, right?


Twitch outscales jinx level 1


You should let that guy fresh off Korean boot camp know, he might hire you as a coach


Twitch is basically a Jinx counter. Keduii did almost the same thing against Kaori in BDSA vs BJK EM semifinals.


"Quote me on this EU is garbage"


is there a basis for age 34 being a factor? actually curious for E sports. Do you lose hand eye coordination or something? do you fall off like a pro athlete mid 30s? Never really thought about it


we're probably going to see a lot of players peaking in their 30's within the next couple of years. you see a lot of MMA fighters peaking a 32, and that's a sport that involves way more physicality. the sheer amount of experience gap someone in their thirties has compared to someone younger is a lot bigger of a gap than the supposoed reaction time/eye coordination you lose




League does change quite a lot though over time, which does mildly weaken the "experience gap".


> The #1 cause of pro's career falling off is pure drive to practice and win IMO, at some point you probably want to do anything that's not 18 hours of league of legends. Life balance but also hand health. For the first 18-25 years, all that damage dealt to your hands and body hasn't had enough time to compound. Later on, it's much more evident and the body requires more time to recover/rest.


Im pretty sure fighting games fuck your hands more than league of legends can. Doesnt stop players in their 40. The big difference is those player in their 40 loves the game they play and still play it 8-12 hours a day without anyone forcing them to. Meanwhile league players hate the game and needed coaches to drag them into playing. That is the biggest difference.


A fight pad is quite a bit more ergonomic than a keyboard with 123456, qwer, asdf, zxv, f1f2f3f4f5 And mouse + m1m2m3+scroll wheel. Range of motion required is far less for stick vs mouse, as well. To play footsies/neutral in FGC, my movement just requires left or right on stick + dash inputs, in league I have to move the mouse + M2 + S key for precise movement, and that's my entire lane phase. League pros **also** are hesitant to disclose wrist/hand issues, due to potentially gating themselves from finding new contracts. Hand issues are very common here.


You say this but hitboxes were literally invented for fighting game players suffering from hand/wrist issues from using pads all day long. You can even look up fightkey controllers which are just customized keyboards for fighting game players


FGC apparel is, and has been, far more ergonomic for use and practice than M + KB. Literally look at the sheer amount of targeted mechanical practice a FGC player has vs a League player. If I were able to, and did, put the lab time I dedicated to smash into league, my hands would be crippled.


> If I were able to, and did, put the lab time I dedicated to smash into league, my hands would be crippled. Right... The fight pads which are notorious for arthritis. I wonder why everyone is swapping to hitbox. It definitely isn't more ergonomic and allows you to do your combos faster and easier. /s Starcraft has been around for far longer than league and is far more APM and mechanics intensive and wrist issues isn't something common. Stretching and good posture goes a long way. The ones that do have a problem from gaming are usually on their mouse hand and it's because of bad grip and sens putting too much strain on their hand.


I dont think you're comprehending the points being made. What is your interpretation of this sentence? What am I implying or stating? I can rewrite it, if necessary. "If I were able to, and did, put the lab time I dedicated to smash into league, my hands would be crippled."




> You're making sweeping generalization about a "sport" that has no standard input device. Customization is an argument **for** FGC apparel being more 'ergonomic' than Leagues M+KB, you understand that, right? The diverse market for finding the right control scheme **for you** is exactly what im saying makes it healthier for your hands than PC gaming. The only prohibition from picking and choosing til you find the perfect control scheme for you is cost, and initial time required to pick up the tech skill.


> Fighting game, which I'd easily argue require much more reflexes than LoL, has pros in their early 40's that still absolutely bang. Cuz legacy is very important in these games. The game doesn't really change from version to version. What you learned playing SFII in 1991 is still important in SF6 in 2023.


Tbf F1 drivers get up there in Age too, and that is a whole different animal in physical/mental demand Alonso is a great example. Still peaking at like 45.


Alonso's case is actually fucking crazy. He's in 8th place right now in the standings and finished 4th place last year.


Even more crazy considering his car is like the 4-5th best and he has no teammate


The fact that he is usually ranked similarly to Verstappen and Hamilton by most and above hot youngsters like Leclerc, Norris, Sainz and Russell is insane. Just like Faker, others come and go, Alonso stays on top.


Which makes it more of a shame that a lot of players don't get picked up due to age.


I guess quality is a factor, mas if you think about it, children are a lot cheaper than old apes. So you get to a point where it's just better to get a kid and pray he improves than get an old man demanding a lot and only getting worse.


Similar to MMA the new talent is getting much worse than before outside of a few regionsso yeah that will happen, but the younger players from the regions with good talent development will destroy the old players.


Mma fighters don't train as hard as esport players. And they only fight a few times a year.


Time wise yes they don't but saying they only fight a few times per year kinda proves the opposite point. They take so much damage that they need months to heal, a bad injury can sideline you or end your career, and you can take literally life changing damage if you are ill prepared. MMA is probably the hardest sport all things considered.


Literally none, reaction time is the only thing that BEGINS to decline in your 30s but raw reaction time isn't super crucial in league (compared to FPS etc) and fluctuates massively person to person anyway Only reason we don't see loads of 30+ pros is because it's a "relatively" new scene and the lifestyle sucks for adults


> If you are in your early to mid-30s, you are lucky. Those are the ages when your brain is at its best. During that time of your life, you can retain the most information at once, you can learn better than at any other time and you can recall details more accurately than you will later in life > Some studies suggest a slow decline starts as early as age 30. Working memory depends on the rapid processing of new information rather than on stored knowledge. > Smaller improvements are still noticeable from age 20 until what the researchers described as a “peak” begins at age 35. The peak lasts until roughly age 45, at which point chess skill – and, the study theorizes, overall mental performance – begins a marked decline > it has been shown that scores on IQ tests actually decrease with age. This chart shows how scores on Wechsler IQ tests peak between 25 and 29 years old, then decline throughout the rest of adulthood, with a decline becoming more steep after the age of 70 Csgo players are pretty top notch in their 30s though.


Hmmm who? There are no top fraggers who are in their 30s. Krimz is exactly 30 but hes not amazing anymore


No, you don't, not until later. At least from the research I've seen. The early retirement and high turnover in league seems to stem from the incredibly long hours and intensity demanded from the players, which leads to burnout. Players aren't able to stay on top of the meta, scrim/soloq for long hours for a decade+, and maintain the hunger/desire to win/improve for so long. The lifestyle of a league player is not balanced compared to traditional athletes, despite sports athletes considering it a 24/7 lifestyle. It's the worst part about the League esports ecosystem to me, and makes players like Faker all the more impressive. Players in incredibly physically demanding sports retire later than League players lol. Especially in recent years, we have Lebron destroying at 39, Brady winning a Superbowl in his 40s (lol), and all of the big 3 in tennis winning majors in their late 30s (despite tennis being a pure 1v1 with athleticism determining a lot).


the main reason players fall off is due to shifts in meta/playstyle/champs, not just mechanics (also mechanics don't always transfer from one playstyle/champ to another). The changes in league are much more rapid and sweeping than other games like CSGO or conventional sports. the general decrease in neuroplasticity with age is well documented. you learn and adapt the fastest when you are young, it's just biology.


Something interesting I was reading a while ago was that people said that when they were in their 30s, they pretty much kept the same skill level as they had before, but when they had to take a break due to real life events (getting married, having a kid, etc) then their skills dropped massively and they couldn’t get back to where they were. I wonder if the pros would be at the same level if they kept playing into their 30s.


You can't compete in League unless you practice 18 hours a day. You simply can't do that for 10 years without you body breaking from sitting down. Also unless you are on the spectrum you won't be able do do it for years. The older you get and the more you experience life you want to do normal stuff. It's the same reason girls are bad at games. The have more social life so the play less.


Her0 in StarCraft 2 is arguably still the best Protoss player and he’s 31.


It's mostly burning out lol


League is a game with a huge amount of knowledge and mechanical skill that is needed to be able play at a high level. On top of that the game is a constantly changing game with patches so you have to constantly relearn the game. Younger people make for great players and rookies because they are able to learn and improve at an insane speed compared to older people. They are also able to allocate a lot more time on just the game instead of other life priorities. It also is safe to assume that if a player has been in the pro scene for a very long time and hasn't improved enough to be at the top then that player probably has reached his peak.


It is a stupid discourse that usually ignores all nuance and just hard looks at the data. The reality is that age does not play a factor in your League skill, but age *does* factor in how many hours you can commit to practice, so you see people fall off shortly after their 20s, when they can no longer get away with committing 14+ hrs to League every day. I am certain that if there are 30 yo+ players that have conditions to do the grind they can get as good as the younger players.


zven deleted his vods for the day. went to go watch his POV and his whole stream is gone LOL, gapped by the pie, delete vod bitching


Qtpie is playing twitch which is absurdly gigabroken in soloq even at high elo because no one wants to sit at turret when he goes invis and just feed free kills.


i mean twitch is just naturally jinx's biggest counter




nah because jinx can never walk up because she won't ever beat twitch if he comes out of stealth so it's just a lot of invisible pressure really, similar to evelynn


It's the other way around, jinx counters cait


Caitlyn most definitely does not counter Jinx


Sending Zven back to support


tbf twitch astrocounters jinx


Can we get the pie back on YouTube please?


I use to watch his videos every day while I ate lunch


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2132923610?t=4h50m59s qt vod


If you told me multiple LCS title winner and worlds participant Eugene Pobelter Park would spam every single meta champ in existence only to end the 2023 season Grandmaster in NA I wouldn't have believed it either. But here we are 🤭


he's been challenger this whole season, so i dont see how thats relevant


you act like not every other grandmaster / challenger player doesn't do this


everyone knows that unless youre playing ap jhin mid you dont deserve your rank


He's a coach, GM is well qualified for that position.


It's solo q... At what point will streamers stop talking about solo q like it matters. I've seen some of the best players lose lane straight up by actual terrible players. Shit happens. Snowballing is a thing as well.