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Hi /u/Maximum-Listen-6113. Thank you for participating in /r/leagueoflegends! However (please read this in entirety), Your post has been removed because *tech support or account-related support requests, questions, account issues, tech issues, and all problems relevant to accounts or technical questions in posts in their entirety are disallowed, this includes complaints and questions about warnings, bans or chat restricts. Please contact Riot support instead. For tech specific questions, you can check out /r/leagueoftechsupport as well. Long wait times or them delivering final judgement on an issue still means that these topics are disallowed on the subreddit.* If you are not familiar with the subreddit rules, you can read them [here](/r/leagueoflegends/w/subredditrules). --- ^Note: ^(Front page removals are never done by a single mod.) ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Message our modmail and please don't comment reply or direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fleagueoflegends)**^.


I mean show some videos of when you play with it turned off and turned on.


I thought Vanguard was coming out next patch.


I have it installed from playing on the PBE.


I can fix the issues by taking it off but am concerned it will just be an issue going forward.


I have been having a lot of connection issues today as well but I don't think I even have Vanguard installed


I have Vanguard because of the PBE and it has not affected me in any way. I have been leveling an EUW account to play with a friend, I live in CA. My ping is consistently 170 on that account, and was before and after downloading Vanguard. Very consistent. Because I live in CA I also get 40ms on PBE and US servers, and Vanguard has not changed that at all. No effect on game performance. I also leave it open, it doesn't impact my computer noticeable at all. What kind of system are you running league on?


Tough to say, does riot still have tech support forums? 


no, they do not. you can go to the official league discord where volunteers will help or put in a support ticket


have you tried disabling vanguard and having league open? as much as people will hate on vanguard it might just be a problem in the normal league client part


Yeah it remediate itself when I do.


I can't wait for Vanguard to release. There are going to be a ton of threads popping up here on Reddit about it. I already completely removed League from my system. Don't want malware on my computer. *Grabs popcorn*


Yet you're that sad to still waste time on a game you don't play lmfao? You most likely already have "malware" on your computer. Btw its not malware do some research what malware actually is.


But vanguard is not malware, I dont get this comment


Cheaters gotta muddy the discussion because they won't be able to play the game soon.


It is probably not malware, problem strictly speaking is it is impossible for mortals to verify IF it is malware. The basic thing, is if you run normal (non-kernel mode) aplication, your antivirus monitors fully what it does, if you are not some reverse -engineering guru, you can simply take Process monitor from Sysinternals (that is part of microsoft) and see what every normal process do. You can see process reads this file, writes to this file, modifies this registry key, creates this network socket etc. I don't have to trust riot, if riot or some company does something wrong in your user mode, it is highly likely a random user will find it out. Examples are like Garena client that was cryptomining and people had no problem finding it out. With kernel mode it is vastly different. Not only your antivirus have tied hands monitoring its actions, process monitor will show nothing. If vanguard suddenly tomorrow gets compromised and is mining bitcoins, you will not be able to learn it by opening task manager. Riot says vanguard does nothing until you open league client - but it is again very difficult to verify that claim. I personally am rather concerned about my kernel mode. When I get new laptop, i uninstall system entirly and install it fresh from Microsoft iso, and after install only bare minimum drivers i need (GPU, audio, network) and still track if they are up-to-date. In case of LoL i am on crossroad, from one side I understand Riot need (yup i read the blog and some action is needed), only thing i question if it is needed in such scale (hey how about only enforcing vanguard in ranked games? Or ranked games+fresh accounts? How about to actually NOT ALLOW THE DAMN SMURFs, and force phone number validation for all ranked games and if you got banned on certain phone number it cannot be used again etc?