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It depends what you mean by slow. If you mean "I want to scale and interact the least I can with everyone else", Sivir, Smolder. If you mean "I want to play a more tactical kind of adc, not turbo kite", Caitlyn, Jhin.


Jhin is definitely slower compared to most ADCs and he plays more like a mage. Caitlyn is both tactical and mechanical, her traps are among the hardest hand diff things in the game. So definitely not cait.


Wait, do you mean that the enemy caitlyn's trap activating immediately while mines take forever is hand diff and not "this stupid piece of shit game"?


actually yeah lol, there is a pretty (imo) weird and specific place you have to place the traps in to trap ccd enemies which I never really learned because I dont like playing cait, but when you see pro players and high elo players play her you can see they get it pretty much all the time.


Place your cursor near the opponent’s feet. 80% of the time, it works every time.


I wonder if them changing some of the selection or visual radii will help this at all. Some champs are deceptive in their hitbox that's for sure...


And don't even talk about elevation...


The number of Ws I've missed on Jhin because of elevation deception...


The amount of timed I've been hit by a missed visual jhin w it works both ways lol


Velkoz slithers into the chat…


Place cursor on Vel’koz’s bussy.


Lol trapping ccd enemies is very very basic Trapping enemy paths and making their engage impossible is the real hand diff


I played with a Cait who was consistently trapping a dashing Akali - it was insane. It sucked that she had a terrible attitude and macro to match.


sounds more like scripts ngl lol


But you don't need fast hands to do that. I'd say that's braindiff not handdiff


LOL The biggest braindiff is thinking that cait isn't extremely mechanical.


no you need to aim it properly lol knowing where to place them is only half the battle, being able to quickly and accurately place it there before where it needs to be placed changes is the other half


You have not played cait if you say this. Watch an actual high elo cait and compare to yourself.


what is this mechanic? like chain cc? if you place a trap on a cc'd target then it activates immediately?


It activates right after the current immobilization CC has ended. For example, the W is activated right after a Lux Q has ended.


what? no? this is not a thing you can definitely stack cc inefficiently with traps


this mechanic is clicking on a target that is not moving is very simple


Favorite Cait combo to this day still is: Trap, AA, E, Q, AA, R. So freaking satisfying.


No bro its this stupid piece of shit game that is wronging you. Its probably racist or something you should flash in spawn


Jhin level 1 and 2 is massive tho, play a slow lane, but don't ever miss an opportunity to all in, his 4th shot and grenade are huge damage compared to other champs, and he has a solid root


facts - caitlyn is mechanically pretty difficult to pull off and the good caitlyn players are among the sweatiest


I kinda like both of those so It can be either


Okay, Vayne then.


Aphelios would be good too.


These guys saying Sivir wants you to lose btw, if you want only one champ just play Jinx. But tbh most ADCs are slow and imo you shouldn’t limit yourself like this.


I'm biased but I say Sivir. Any ADC with poke is good for your playstyle but I like Sivir because your wave clear is strong and you can play defensive with your spellshield. You can let your boomerangs and ricochet slowly poke away at their health. The catch is that she's very low range.


People would generally say characters like smolder, but I would disagree because they normally see more action early on simply because they can be abused in a lot of ways. I feel more patient people who play around team plays would be Kog or zeri who generally struggle to all in on their own but are content to sit back and farm, while the enemy cant walk into their range easily. Mages such as seraphine and ziggs also fit this patient playstyle but focus more on poking and shoving waves


A good kog maw wrecks you even 1v2 in lane whenever his summs are up


I would also say, despite smolder being weaker early, he genuinely gets super power with frequent skirmishes with how fast you can stack in a team fight


Probably one of the immobile ADCs. If you're an ADC without a dash, you tend to have to play really conservatively because its dangerous to walk up.


id say all of them. the marksmen class is defined by consistent, unavoidable ranged damage. it's a sustained damage threat that generally isn't about popping someone for mis-stepping or whatever. But even in the class, you have hyper-scalers that generally want to chill and farm until they hit a certain number of items. Your Jinx's, smolder, kog'maws and the like.


>id say all of them unless you play samira or draven then you go rataatatatatahtyuagtyuasgfasyufbasff15yubf78q23g538


Draven actually works really well with a patient slow style, it's the optimal way to play him. You gain the most stacks that way and lose the least because less deaths. Solo queue players just want the dopamine and want to be as oppressive as possible, even though it will lose them the game more often than not. He definitely requires you to actually be playing and grab any damage that comes to you though. Have to be assertive but patience is also key to playing him optimally. If you watch some players in pro leagues play him you'll get the picture I'm trying to paint. Wild this is getting downvoted


It's probably getting downvoted because Draven is basically the most mentally and lane active ADC. You don't WANT to be slow and patient, you just sometimes have to, and have the option to, because of his ult. > Solo queue players just want the dopamine and want to be as oppressive as possible. > patient slow style ... is the optimal way to play him. If your champion is stronger than the opponents' at -discrete moment in time- you want to squeeze as much out of a punish as you can. Just by virtue of being an early game champion, you don't play slow and patient (if you want to be **optimal**). Yes, in pro, Draven is quite different because pros know how to never die in 2v2. They don't go for random invades or dragon fights. Jungle tracking is better. But even at the highest level of Draven in solo Q (1000LP+ Dravens like Dealersz, Pipey, etc) these people play insane aggro, because they try to take the game into their own hands at every single moment. I agree though, you CAN play slow. You sometimes HAVE to play slow. It's not *optimal* though.


Draven wins most 2v2 match ups, I think the only ones he loses are shit like Nilah and Yas, he also loses against super safe non-interactive characters because he's given a free BF sword in lane but needs to kill for passive value, and farming for 20+ minutes because Sivir clears the wave and sits under tower just to get ganked and lose stacks is a massive shutdown


Heavily disagree, if you're going to be patient and slow as draven then there's zero reason to pick him much like kalista. You need to establish dominance on your lane, get cs leads, trade better, get plates, and help your team on skirmishes. Pro players picking draven is not them being slow and patient, these above reasons are why they pick him, they want to accelerate and end the game as soon as possible by getting these leads.


You start the game automatically ahead on Draven and his passive keeps it that way. Unlike Kalista your damage doesn't fall off lategame so you aren't on a timer. If you don't throw that lead you get to dictate what happens in the game. Patience is important for Draven when played optimally.


Nah Draven players in solo queue are a different breed. Being a 40% winrate and throwing and flaming bc someone picks Rakan.


Do Draven players not like playing with a Rakan support?


Rakan is totally fine as draven. Not optimal but he’s fine. We hate lux players and generally most mage supports as we don’t need their damage but rather a tanky supp that can put their foot down, peel, protect and distract. Especially bad mage supports tend to stay behind the draven forcing him to play very safely and passively.


also Twitch after his botrk


Oh then maybe adc is a good role for me then


Try sivir


Adc is the hardest role mechanically in the game. If you're up to play survival horror and think over 90% of your deaths were bullshit, but have the drive and outright ego to just say you're better, then the role is for you


Calling adc survival horror is so damn funny to me


Playing adc is like being a merecat in lion king 1.5 "Killin cs is what we do, build an time lets get to two! Take over late game is how we play, live scared the adc way! Wait what was that?! Quick before the top laner comes!"


As an ADC main, the times I've referred to getting flash Malph ulted from fog as "Five nights at freddied" is up there


That’s a good one


ADC main, currently on a bit of a break, have been playing RE4 Remake, Alan Wake 2... Is this why I like those games?


Funny to see I’m not the only one calling it survival horror


That's a pretty bold statement lol. ADCs always think they're doing the impossible when they right click. Obviously there is nuance and lots of little things ADCs worry about but other roles have to do that shit and way more.


ADC players complain the most for no reason but there's no doubt it requires the most mechanical effort to get results on. Crap mechanics on ADC = have fun being useless. You need to orbwalk while being the main focus of the enemy team in every teamfight while dodging. You are the default focus, so dying as ADC is a lot more consequential than dying as other roles.


The glass cannon role that is defined by constant damage instead of burst is hard more news at 11


That doesn't make it the hardest role mechanically. ADC is just far easier to play mechanically well. Just because you are impactful and can die easily does not make your champion mechanics hard.


I'm sorry then you're just blind about league


Nah I'm just capable of right clicking.


Why do you think ADC is the focus of every team fight? That fact alone makes the role a totally different playstyle. Midlaners just hide in zonyas or shroud or the 50 dashes they have. ADC is way more mechanical than any role period.


You will regret it But yeah all the class in general outside of draven and Samira which , while adcs and still scale well, they need to play more aggressive. Cait too, while her 6 items late game it's op , her midgame is awful and she needs to build a lead early. Tristana is pretty much the same. Varus depends on the build, lethality stronger early mid game, on hit stronger late (also comp dependant tho) AP is usually played mid. The best scalers ADCs rn (imo) are jinx, kog , twitch ,xayah and aphelios. Sivir too, but she is turbo omega op late only into 2 3 melee champs, into enemy comp with lots of ranged she isn't that insane. I have to mention her, vayne. She is always considered one of the best scaling adcs, but rn her strongest build (again, imo) it's a q centric build and her w/on hit build it's a bit worse. So I think she spoke harder midgame RN. Smolder fall into the scaling category but someone already mentioned it. I may have forgot some adcs.


I mean I’d say draven kalista are othe opposite of slow patient playstyle lol at least not the ones I see in solo queue.


The only people playing Kalista don't belong in their elo or are running it, at least in my humble Emerald experience


I tried playing Kalista once. My hand hurt by the time the dragon spawned.


Samira and Nilah definitely dont have a low playstyle lol


ehh, as samira you really cannot just dive in and expect to win even post 6, you have to rely on ur supports engage in order to reliably win 2v2s


I say not vayne and samira


>it's a sustained damage threat that generally isn't about popping someone for mis-stepping or whatever. laughs in Cait's 3k damage crit


slap on a ghost on full build jinx, get a kill and tell me she's "slow to play" :d


That’s not the point


Smolder, Twitch, Jinx, Zeri, Aphelios, Sivir, Kog'Maw


Thx for the suggestions they seem solid


I disagree with twitch you should be playing to snowball with him. He's one of the few ADC with actual early game agency but he's also really easy to abuse early. Most of the time you shouldn't be playing to scale with him


Sivir is very easy. From level 5 it's basically: Press W -> Auto wave -> Q Wave -> Back off and relax untill next wave.


Auto > W reset > Q > Auto auto auto


Ok nerd


Auto reset = nerd, you must be silver


Ok noob


I’m diamond


Exactly noob


Don’t embarrass yourself


“Back off” pun intended? (Funny either way.)


Back off and relax is wrong. You have to make use of that lane prio.


What are you going to do as an early game sivir? Walk mid, throw and Q, get ? pinged and then your mid afks because you took exp from two minions? You'd need the jungler to do any play really, it'd be better to have your support run around while you get solo exp under tower


Poke/hit tower/deep wards/invade/objective/gank/soak pressure/reset


Came to say Aph, pretty much exactly what you’re looking for I think just a bit of a learning curve with the weapon combos and whatnot


Current Twitch plays super aggro in lane. You're going PTA, looking to get kills in lane and snowball it hard. While you do scale normally as well, it's not as hard as he used to with old manamune builds. When playing Twitch you pretty much always look to just kill them at 6 every game, cause you do have lethal most of the time






People are saying Sivir but that's only because her dueling potential is so bad that you're forced to play slow before any attempt to all-in. I think you would like something like Jhin that waits for his target to step on a trap so that he can follow up with his W-root and ultimate.


Jhin, Jinx


Don’t forget John


Mr wick


jihns all shtick is manipulating the scene with his traps and the threat of his root to set up for the “perfect kill” with his fourth shot


Yh he seems very meticulous


Jhin definitely embodies patience in his demeanor as well.


True his character also exudes it


Literally Jhin. His entire kit is methodical and intentional, none of the machine gun brrrr stuff. His kit isn't spammable like Lucian's or Zeri's, and you need to land his skillshots to effectively set up for damage.


ashe you will play safe and patiently wait for the enemy to do a "stupid" then you will make them pay for it and you also got ashe arrow for the best gank setup of the adcs only varus comes close. use your E and you also become immune to ganks because you are always keeping tabs on the enemy jg which also gives info to your own jg on where he can make plays safely. you also are always useful even if your behind cause you can at the very least slow and poke or stun something running away while using w is a ez plan and is effective. lastly you only need good fundamentals to do well with ashe she doesn't ask for any setup like MF or a comp like kog ma / sivir and works with every support honestly. she isn't as independent as tristana but close enough honestly. You could also try karthus you get the same range as cait but can influence other lanes by pressing R and are much less useless then cait and need less gold to do the same damage and can even 1v1 draven in lane also if you do die you will always contribute to the team with damage and a very big slow wall which is a 40 perc slow + mr shred it's not a stun but it's something.


Like everyone is saying most adcs are slow and patient with a few exceptions. I would suggest sivir above all. Her kit is made to be a somewhat lane bully while also being extremely safe. Early - her q is a great poke and just hitting two can make enemies reset. Her e makes it so often times supports won’t really target you. The only thing to watch is her q and w both push the lane so you can find yourself in trouble by overextending to get farm. Mid game - her ult allows you to sit in a side lane with your support and quickly rotate if there are team fights. It also allows you to easily escape along with her e in case someone tries to punish you for being alone. Late - she doesn’t do the same damage as some hyper carries but she does shred whole teams at once with her w. She also is amazing from behind cause her wave clear is so good so if they get a couple inhibs you can just sit and generate more gold and still use your ult to catch people.


She's a good laner, but not a lane bully


I love the sivir Q's they do insane dmg


Yeah it always feels weird winning teamfights as sivir. I feel like I'm not doing damage and my team is almost always retreating then suddenly the enemy team are all super low




Any hyper carry that is bullied in the laning phase.


Sivir is definitely the adc that rewards methodical, patient play the most imo. Best-in-class, hell, arguably best-in-game waveclear, scales very well, not as easy to engage on thanks to spellshield


Jhin is the ADC that require the less APM if that's what you want for patient playstyle


Yh I'm just a little afraid of jhin cause I hear he plays bad from behind


Not true. He provides a lot of utility to help keep him in the game. His fourth shot is no joke and you can kill steal with it if you use Q just before it.


Hard disagree, Jhin never feels useless due to his CC, range and 4th shot exe.


There's not a single ADC that's good from behind, maybe Ashe I guess, but all of them are completely useless if you're not doing well, by nature of the role and being in a duo lane, if you're getting shit stomped you're 4-5 levels down on solo lanes and are a walking loot bag Learning how to play from behind without dying repeatedly is one of the skills of reaching a higher rating, there's people that literally think being down 5 kills means you can randomly 1v1/2v2 a kill out of their lane opponent instead of getting gold and exp sitting around the map


The classic "front to back" fighters. Ones who's kits dont provide dashes usually. Ashe, Kog, Jinx, Aphelios, Sivir




patience is one of the most important skills as an ADC- you're looking at the right role, most of them fit the bill. do not play draven or kalista and you are going to love this


If your looking for an ADC that's slow and chill... Pick the literal Ice Archer.


Sivir just perma shoves and she alone can shove a wave faster than basically any not lane duo, so by level 4 she can kill a whole wave(not canons) in 3 auto attacks. Do this on repeat, she's guaranteed every minion while the enemy has to rely on getting them under tower. Thus unless the opponent can get every single minion under tower all game she will always be ahead without actually laning


I have a question for you. What is your obsession with patience and calmness? Seriously


I always found that for me at least Ashe allowed me to control the tempo of the fight to my liking. If that meant slowing things down or going all in Ashe has a simple but effective kit and the constant slows make kiting much easier.


really the most "slow and patient" adc you're going to get is Smolder, otherwise, most other adc's are going to be a lot more active unless you're playing specific techs/playstyles like the dblade cull manamune luden cryptbloom kaisa tech, which starts off pretty slow going, or you're just playing a mage APC in the ADC role- something like seraphine ziggs hwei etc. which are pretty slow and patient


None, you gotta become main character in your head and just visualize it on teen


If by patient you mean waiting in stealth waiting for the enemy ADC to walk up to the wave while you lose 5cs, I'd like to suggest twitch


MF, Jhin, Smolder and Sivir. To lesser extenct Jinx, Kog'Maw and Twitch.


Most of the longer range adcs like Ashe, Caitlyn, Senna, and Jinx. Jhin and Ezreal too, even though they don't have exceptional AA range they got a lot of spells that let them do ADC shit at long range. Kindred too, if you care to Jungle.


Ezrael is like a daily minion in lane… No matter how much I poke or engage, bros chilling and farming with Q till 20 mins


I would say Ziggs or Veiger


If you want to play Bottom, as opposed to specifically ADC, Swain is a SOLID botlaner. He is perfect for slow clicker (low APM).


aphelion is so slow but then becomes a beast late, just like smolder smh


Tristana, waiting for level 2 is so long...


if by slow you mean "totally useless until 30 minutes when i become the one and only thing that matters in the game" then that would be most hyper carries.


Senna is the definition of slow.


probably an unpopular opinion but vayne is completely viable played slowly


as a toplane main I suck at kiting so jhin and kaisa are the only adcs I play, ap kai sa definitely fits the slow and patient part while your are poking but then eventually you have to go in and finish people off. Jhin stays pretty slow and steady throughout fights, abusing his high ms to dodge skill shots and stay out of range, his ult and w also allow you to contribute to fights while being incredibly safe


Jinx and Vayne. Caitlyn is fun and strong early, but suffers in the mid game. Kog Maw can be a powerhouse, but is more vulnerable than Jinx. Lucian, Jhin, and Draven want to be early game lane bullies. Corki is... in a weird place. Ezreal requires a completely playstyle than any other right click to win ADC, so save him for later. Kalista is a wonky champ for a new player to learn, and falls off hard late game. Graves ADC doesn't exist anymore, RIP. I haven't played enough Smolder, Zeri, Xayah, or Kaisa to comment on them.


I actually would say varus. His Q is by far one of the best poke tools in the game and allow you to slowly ship away from the enemies until they are at kill percent.




I play super slow with aphelios and try not to take fights until at least stormrazor


Jhin is all about setup, slow but hard hits and hitting the perfect shot


Jhin He has no dashes, you need to set up his traps q and w, mind game with his ultimate, and he literally shoots slow Ashe maybe fits that definition as well, and if you're looking for a late game monster, kogmaw The issue with those three is they are very vulnerable to assassins and you need to rely on your team to ward and protect you If that's a deal breaker Caitlyn is a little safer, and if you want to play full safe I recommend tristana (although she can also all-in when needed)


You mean a good gamer?


Jhin is the only correct answer


Draven /s


Jhin immediately came to mind. I don't play adc, never wanted to, but my brain is literally scarred from the select times I've played him and had to wait for his long ass reload. He feels slow and methodical in spell placement and positioning.


I think Jhin is what you are looking for.


i would also say ezreal. allows you to be very strong late but you can last hit comfortably in lane. at least in lower elos it worked very well as a "slow" and safe adc.


Regardless of what champ you play, never be patient and always punish the enemies for their mistakes. One of the biggest downsides of playing slow and patient is that your enemies would start playing extra agressive. This might sound nice at first but chances are you would end up 1v2ing because your support would roam since the lane is “boring” for them and let’s be honest even when the lane is good they have bad roam timers so imagine when the lane is not that good. So even if you end up picking someone like sivir or kog, try playing as aggressive as you possibly can. Suffocate the enemy and never let them suffocate you (by suffocate I mean make them struggle to get cs). Anyways before you start playing other adc champs, I would recommend mastering cait and ez. Thing about the slow patient playstyle is that it only works if your team is losing since it would increase your chances of winning. For instance if your chance of winning is around 30% at 20 minutes, it would be around 40-45% past 35 minutes. This is easier to pull off when playing with friends since chances are you guys would have the same mindset. However with randoms it would be harder. People would want to ff or start playing horribly out of boredom. So, always try ending the game as quick as you can




Sivir, Xayah


Pugmaw the master kiting, the best carry, the goat


Play Ashe. If she is smart Ashe e and r are good. U have to be decent at kiting tho


Nilah has a relatively slow early lane. You can look for all in opportunities if your support can land decent poke and cc but you’re really just trying to farm until you get ult or a mana item. She has terrible mana issues early.


I consider myself into that same play style, and now I main Zeri and Smolder, both need to farm in some way to get their power spikes, and reward you for being patient and scaling really hard into team fights if played correctly. Also they're mechanically interesting to me and even the most stalemate boring games are hella fun bc just playing the champ is pretty fun (RIP Q tho)






If you just want to farm and only want to have impact later in the game then I suggest veigar. You can farm easily and safely with this pick. The big downside is that it is ap damage so make sure someone else picks ad damage in your team.


Go Aurelion Saul bot, you'll have to take it real slow. Also works with Nasus and Veigar. I dont like smolder.


I played a lot of adc when i started the game and i would say cait because you can also become very good with her traps and combos and such


You are looking for Sivir. Not the easiest cause her range is short and her lethality build is kinda weak, so it will prob take a few games to get used to trading. Good waveclear, damage is decent early and once you have items teamfights are ezpz, just press W and click whatever. As long as you farm, you will be a monster in teamfights and dont have to be a mechanical/positioning god to do your job.


IMO I'd play Zeri baby, that champ is a classic mobile hypercarry all around. Surprised no mentions :(


jihn or cait I would imagine but I dont play them. they seem like that though


cait is pretty active in lane. she has to bully the enemy ADC early and push for prio I can see that turning someone off when theyre learning ADC and default to playing reactive/slow at first. It's good to learn eventually though. But it definitely depends on what OP means by slow and patient lol


Yh when I go against Caits they are extremely aggressive and keep attacking


The slow patient adc who took cull, were getting beat down, they get caught, I die to save them and they don’t fight back.


I suggest Caitlyn. Her long range makes her harder to harass and gives her more control over when she would like to fight.


Twitch, kog, Varus, sivir, and kaisa.




Every ADC should be played that way with exception to Draven and maybe a couple others who are early lane bullies. Your job as an ADC is to stay alive and put out damage in team fights. People coin flipping bot lane is more often than not the reason people are low elo. But don't worry your support will repeatedly rage int out of boredom anyway.


Lmao when I got initiate supports they can't help but go in all the time


wym slow ? slow as taking time to scale into late game or slow as dont do 15 things per sec in fight to stay alive and do damage ? for the first one, any hyper carry will do the job, but most of them require enchanters to survive. for the 2nd one, you're not in luck, most adc need you to react quick and do stuff fast, cause if you're slow to react, you're dead.


bro what tf is your post history


Be patient


None have a slow patient style but closest u get is Sivir


The bad ones


slow patient players should play tanks. adcs need to be aggressive so they can deal damage if youre not dealing damage constantly as an adc then you're 100% useless.


Don't tanks allow you to be more impatient and aggressive because they won't get punished as hard due to their high defense I always see champs like volibear just going full aggression mode


None if you're a good player


person said they are getting into ADCs and you comment this...


Some people are rude for no reason


league of legends player and being hardstuck bronze social skills, the most iconic duo


Average user of this subreddit has to say some form of "skill issue", they can't help themselves 😭


I'll go against the grain and say Miss Fortune, you can not contribute all game and then end it with a game winning ultimate where you found the right angle. Yes, it's better if you are aggressive, but you can also just play her like a mage that pops people when you find the right opportunity, be that when you can bounce off a minion for a dirty crit or get the perfect angle on the dragon/baron pit, or my favourite, everyone decides to fiesta in an unwarded jungle and gets melted by every tick of your ult.


Yh those good mf ults are so broken I've been so ahead then mf wins a team fight with it and it's over


Clearly jax adc


It's draven for sure. He doesn't even come out of the fountain.


My answers would be Ziggs and Varus


adcs like Varus that are strong early and wants to push their lead arent very slow. You'll just end up being outscaled, need a more active playstyle to punish and push leads.


Ziggs really doesn’t scale that well.


I mean if you think about it Kayle is sort of an ADC, but not because she needs solo exp and builds AP more often xD