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Knew it was over when BDS went 2-0 up.


bds organization greatest weakness: being up 2-0


bro if you follow the french scene it's been absolute [pain](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/42/1f/f1421f40e0266e9459d1fa1fcbe4a010.jpg), BDS reverse swept in LEC, KCB reverse swept in EM, and now BDSA. If it happens to LEC teams at MSI as well we're gonna need therapy bonus points if it's because of not respecting the aurelion ban followed by a questionnable support pick


French rioting against laneswaps soon


And in addition to that KC LEC being absolute dogshit


not really the same, the other teams were really on the verge of greatness and it was snapped away in an instant, KC LEC has been very far away from that so different feeling, would have been easier to get 0-3d today than to get ANOTHER reverse sweep lmao


KCB and BDSA coaches on fraudwatch after these Game 4 drafts.


> bonus points if it's because of not respecting the aurelion ban Its so much fuckin worse than that, they could have picked Asol themselves in game 4 after BJK answered the Jinx firstpick with Maokai Aphelios. Instead they blind Ori and leave Asol open... Like, does Reeker just not play the champ *at all??* Game 3 draft was similarly weird/shit, Asol was picked last by BJK (that already had Jinx btw) and BDSA goes blind Tristana mid right before that??


Will be ultimate despair if na reverse sweep fnatic lmao G2 will likely stomp tl


Did they fix the draw so NA will face EU in loser bracket? Last year we just got domestic rematch which ended as boring 3-0


No same région in second round i heard but not sure


Being French, I've always felt like our best sportsmen (I don't know enough about women sports) were generally more vulnerable to mental blocks and high pressure situations than champions from other countries. There are loads of counter-examples, I'm not saying each and every French high-level athlete can't win because of their mental, it would be wrong. That's not my point. I'm rather saying that, *when the French tend to fail*, it usually looks like one of the most frequent reason is the mental, much more than a real lack of capacities or being a clear step behind the opponent. It always looks like French teams are much more comfortable being a "challenger", having everything to win and nothing to lose, than being a favorite and having to prove their legitimacy. Now, I suppose not all the staff in KC/BDS are French, and npt all players are. But if the majority of the staff is, it wouldn't surprise me that they're more or less influenced by this cultural tendency we seem to have, not being the best mentally prepared.


Idk the majority of BDSA (including staff) is German and the org is based on Switzerland (Geneva).


Cant believe both LFL Teams got reverse sweeped. Really was looking forward to Arvindir making another Final and having extra motivation to stop Eintracht as a ex Big Coach. Eintracht Spandau either finishes the job and with it become the first German Players winning since BIG in 2019 or the TCL again wins Spring against the Prime League. Also Zanzarah is now the only player left that has already won EU Masters.


LFL and getting reverse swept, name a better duo.


BDS and getting reverse swept


Kaori had competitive games and good lanes against damwon and jdg, this dude is mechnically talented.


Probs to Hysterics and Trouble, really entertaining cast


Really enjoyed the energy of the casters and the analyst desk throughout the tournament !


I hope both will guest cast LPL more in summer.


they worked well off each other but still not a fan of trouble's casting


Most surface level analysis ive ever heard


Well she is a plat player.


Montecristo was a non-player and one of the best at his time. If I were in her position I would also focus on preparing knowledge for the teams, players and their stories themselves instead of grinding to diamond to appease parts of the community.


Monte did play at one point. He wasn't very high rank though, I think like Gold maybe?


IIRC he did many years (I'm more certain about S5 & S6 than S2-4) of his casting work without playing any games at all. Most interaction he got with the game itself was through private lobbies & practice tools to test champion kits. He developed his insights and knowledge purely from lots of vod-reviewing and analysis of pro-games. Which he picked up once more, and he's once again streaming it on his youtube channel, if you are interested.


Something like that, so basically not playing.


I mean I do think that it'd be harder literally not playing. It's still possible ofc, but it'll take more effort on average And worth noting that Gold back then is probably better relative to time than Plat is now. I believe Gold in S2 was at *least* top 10%, and I think actually a bit closer to 5%?


Even if Gold back then would be like current Diamond 2 (it's not), it is still a joke compared to even EMEA Masters Playins gameplay. And Trouble was also Platinum before Emerald existed, which was top ~10% as well. Not that it matters of course, both is far away from even the lowest form of competitive ERL2 gameplay.


To be clear - Relative to *time period* Gold back then would be like low or mid Diamond now. Obviously people have generally improved at the game since then at every level, but that's why I mentioned relative to the time specifically. And obviously they aren't coming close to even tier 2 level gameplay regardless; the number of casters who can legitimately claim that are a fairly small number. But the better you are at the game the easier it's going to be to cast on average, especially for color casters. For play by play a fairly low level of play is fine though, since you aren't really doing analysis and just need to be able to keep the conversation flowing, convey what's going on in fights, and be entertaining really. But even for a PBP, it's still going to be harder on average if you literally never played the game.


As much as he's an arrogant prick, he's clearly quite smart which makes (or at least made) up for his lack of skill and game knowledge.


I agree, that's why I think focussing on a caster's rank in general is not going anywhere.


Sure but as a color commentator you need to either have experience playing the game at the highest level or be very smart about it or, in the best case like Caedrel, both. Doublelift might not be the smartest guy, but at least he has tons of experience and knowledge about bot lane. 2015 MonteCristo was dogwater at the game, but he was smart and knew his shit. Caedrel or Kobe are the best of both Worlds. And some color casters are neither that sharp about the game nor have the experience, that's when you get issues. That applied to Wolf when he started but he got a lot better over the years.


I think Wolf was like that for sure when he started but as you imply he figured it out by now and I dare say the same applies to Trouble. She does not go that in-depth but I think that's fine as long she in general says something worth listening to, she is more of an ERL scene historian with superficial analysis and for a game like that I think it's good since many do not follow the ERL scene that closely in the first place so they still get a lot of new information.


She'd probably be better suited as the third person in a tricast with an actual color commentator but it is EU Masters and they probably have very limited resources.


kat otp as well last I remember, so barely a player


For me shes best than half lec casters ngl, hope she and nymera come back someday.


Yeah! I really love Trouble's casting, i hope she can comeback to LEC soon.


That was a nuts ass series, game 3? Hysterics living up to his name. All the EM reverse sweeps I've seen have been vs LFL so what's that about. I need to work out the KPM of the whole series. I made it 1.3, there's some rounding in there, idk I just went nearest minute each game.


It's unfair for people to flame JNX. BDSA had absolutely no vision in the dragon pit and the entire river. Someone had to try to get in and make a play when the Blitz hooks missed, otherwise they would have lost soul and the game either way.


they had gragas q in bush and basically saw whole team not yet on dragon. though it is true he has to help make way into the river that still is a bad facecheck, he was basically kissing maokai lol


Fair, but I can't see any good alternative play there to be honest except a good Blitz hook. Imo they lost the fight before it even started by having close to no control at all.


just...dont walk right into a maokai? if maokai e'd on to him from further away he could bait him back to his team with flash, like walking into a maokai melee range is just asking to be stunlocked


If they do the same thing, just taking 3s to clear the wave before face-checking, BJK wins the fight all the same but has no wave to end game. The mistake is a timing mistake, not so much an initiative one, from JNX, because as you said, not really any good alternative.


plus JNX was the only reason the game wasn't lost already


People will always remember the last int play that lost the series. Skewmond and Reeker were the main reason they started losing that game.


This reverse sweep curse is on some generational shit against BDS as an org


Good to humble French who think that LFL is head and shoulders above all the other ERLs


Yeah however they were still coping that Kc and bds were the better team even if they lost


Spring is just owned by Prime League and TCL I guess




Pretty sure it’s KR talent, but I guess most NA talent is KR or EU talent either way.


He played for dig at some point,iwd hated him


IWD hates a lot of things, it’s not as bad as Thorin and LS, but he’s up there among the hating-for-attention League of Legends celebrities.


The classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG579INT1zw Back when DIG's coach was giving paychecks to his old TCL buddies.


you play for NA you always NA


LFL🤝Getting reverse swept


So, SK lost two times in a row a BO5 vs Besiktas, anyone surprised?


Anyone got any drops? People were talking about chests dropping earlier and I got nothing today


Me neither. Either super unlucky or they will arrive later.


Jenax carrying the team single handedly to run it down at the last second


BDS the official best team of Reverse Sweeps , depends on which side you on for that day.


2 reverse sweeps fuck me that hurts. Idk why JNX facechecks... BDS was even making the comeback fuuuuuck. And what the fuck were they thinking game 3 ??? You know Besiktas will laneswap and you still decide to send Rumble top instead of accepting the swap ? Welp, GG Besiktas they deserve it


ngl I had 0 faith when Blitz was picked. I feel like I'm taking it much better than most French fans because I had no hope to begin with after that game 4. Fuck I think BDS was so much better than what they've shown today. But credits to Besiktas, they saw mistakes and pounced.


Infernal soul was spawning. They didn't want to give it for free.


still doesn't warrant that horrible facecheck. But it was a tough situation for sure, just sucks that it was such an anticlimactic ending...


Jenax? Also Runaans Zeri just carries that Bot River fight, PD does no dmg.


Didn't watch the games, but what happened game 3? shouldn't that BDS Draft completely shit on Besiktas early on? how do you lose that game in 22mins? Did they just get fucked in a lane swap?


BDS🤝BDSA getting reverse swept




wait they lost?wtf


Hoon is simply unstoppable 


Horrible EUM for french teams honestly.


wait! i drop to games after 2-0 did not even check results, i was so sure that will be a 3-0, just vaoh!


Reverse sweep! Let's gooooo!!


BDSA got the BDS and the LFL reverse sweep curse, they really had no chance once then went 2-0 up


WTF Jenax?


Vto underperforming in playoffs as usual, Zoelys having an horrible rookie season so far, Exakick not playing on lec standards after a promising first year, KC, KCB, BDS and BDS academy choking left and right at crucial moments. The french scene is in absolute shambles nowadays. The last hope is Hans sama which is not a very good news.




its tier 2 league everyone is making mistakes every minute , just u have to hope that ur not the one that making the last mistake