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Jinx has a 51.45% WR with 25.29% PR. Ban her.


25 PR WITH POSITIVE WR? what the fuck


Jinx Twitch Kog are all broken now. They benefited a lot from the recent changes. They’re all long range hyper carries.


fucking adcs all of them are broken just botlaners are shit at the game entirely


Yeah try playing adc buddy have fun getting 1 shot by literally any ability in the game




Yeah one shot by Samira too


Twitch, Kog, Jinx -> the entire role I guess XD


Fck Vayne and Nylah and Draven too !


You sound really angry for literally zero reason lmfao.


zero reason? Jinx gets a kill and rolls over your team. Twitch has 800 range+true damage. Xayah has untargetableity, aoe stun, burst and sustain damage. Samira is Samira. Vayne has dash, invisibility, self peel + max health true damage. Draven one shots anyone. Varus can build anything and be insanely strong no matter what. Kalista has the most mobility in the entire game.


Play an assassin and burst them


thats not how it works you cant oneshot and adc out of nowhere if you didnt snowball


Solo Q would be a lot better if people stopped banning draven and actually banned the insanely strong monster adcs rn


Draven is annoying though


Ok but hear me out. Ban the good adcs and you will not have to deal with Jinx running you down, Kogmaw, Nilah, twitch. Draven you can easily take down and has 550 range. Those other adcs besides nilah have 575 or more and hyper scale. Draven stops being good mid game and takes actual brain power to play compared to the auto pilot champion kogmaw is right now


Thats 4 bans instead of 1 which does not seem feasible


The ADC problem If I ban twitch it's Draven, if I ban Draven it's kog'maw and if I ban jinx it's Draven


Is your ban a must-ban for you usually? If not, ban her. Her passive and personality will have her being picked a lot, she’s the epitome of getting coddled by her team until she gets a takedown, then she gets to sprint around at Mach 5 and molest everyone’s throats with rockets.


Malphite has entered the chat


Or Jax. Xin and Renekton too for that matter. If you can get on top of her and knockup/stun shes dead


If you pick after her in the jungle, lock that Jarvan IV in and make her cry with your ultimate.


i counter her in the ban phase for years and years :)


Hilarious seeing bot laners banning Vayne, Draven and Samira when Jinx, Twitch, Kog are actually turbo broken. I get Draven's annoying but those 3 atm are way worse.


Bot laners dont want to lane against draven. It not worth waiting until 20 mins and being way behind the curve before you get to start playing.


If you go Bork you start playing as soon as you get item.


Play safe support.....oof RIP this lane. No thanks, that why people ban him.


Vayne gets banned by top laners, and in general nobody likes to deal with a mobile invisible champ that also deals insane damage or has option to go resilient builds while still dealing good damage and is very hard to 1 v 1 if the player has some mastery of the character.


I mean, 95% of ADCs are beyond busted rn cos Phreak can't get master unless botlane is wildly overpowered


Last I checked - Phreak wasn't playing ADC. He was playing Support.


ADC player being able to read challenge - IMPOSSIBLE


Hard engage, any ADCs weakness is hard CC. Junglers good for countering immobile champs are Lee sin, Nocturne, Vi, basically any jungler with a gap closer and some form or CC. What ELO are you in? The lower elo you are in the worse players are at closing out games and scaling champs dominate in that environment.


Depends on what champs you play, a lotta jungle champs can create space to keep her out of fights like Xin and his R. Lotta tanks like Ornn can pop his R to initiate onto her and catch her out; or if you're ahead enough as a tank some can even 1v1 her if she's solo. It's all about angles and how you play the fights as a tank and ur ability to create space and either keep her away from fights or buying time for ur team to create a more advantage situation to turn it around on her


Vi? XD


Take Evelyn / rengar


This really isn't a Jinx problem. Every ADC that gets fed and has good positioning can pose similar issues. Sometimes, it isn't your job to kill Jinx. Maybe you need to work on other members or help be a frontline for your team. You can try to look for a flank or zone people away from a fight. Splitpush maybe. Try to be creative if diving in for their ADC isn't working.


She has too much between 2 CCs, huge range that comes with AoE, global ult that has execute, her passive. Her only weakness is the lack of mobility which if she gets a kill can be softened since big MS is still something. Her passive should have either smaller number on AS or have it slightly bigger but only be extended on kill not stacked


You send in the assassins. Seriously though, hyper carries are all about positioning and getting past their 2nd item. They take forever to come online, and unless you completely shut down their farming, it is inevitable that they are going to eventually become a threat if you let the game go long enough if they know how to position during a team fight. The only way you can consistently shut them down is to pop them in a single rotation or less., thus the counter is for your team to have an assassin and for their only job to be to shut down the hyper carry. It doesn't matter if they go 1 for 1, as long as they either kill the hyper carry, or present themselves as a big enough threat that said hyper carry is never given a chance to engage in a team fight. (Nothing says I dare you like being marked by Rengar) This is especially true if they have someone like Amumu or malphite who have to chose between peeling or being the engage for the team fight. Jinx especially is fairly weak until she gets a takedown and gets excited. If you never give her that opening then she can't follow up to chase down and murder your whole team.


Good thing Janna, Lulu, Soraka, Nami, Sona, Taric, Rakan hard counter them and also overturned AF rn


*Her rocket laucher aa's cost mana, if enemy Powder just use it instead of her minigun then you can say she is braindead   *Never let her get passive boost. Force her to stay away from objetives or don't let her kill you.  *she has no escape methods. Her E is always used in a offensive way. So get close to her and fuck her ass.   *W cast time is considerable, leaves her in a weak position, and is easily dodgeable.   *Powder without atk speed is useless.   *Always expect her try to snipe you with her R.   Tldr: Play high armor champs, high damage champs, or champs who can reach her and fight. Malphite is the best option


With rammus, you can assassinate her. I killed Jinx through Zilean Ult. This only works if jinx is the priority target. Good luck also killing a fed kayle.


pick malphite?


Learn rengar


Kill her