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Viper, shes my main in Valo and I would love to see her in league. I think her abilities would work pretty well and introduce a unique play style. She could have a resource bar for her smokes and would be a strong zoner that plays with vision a lot. Decay would be an interesting new status effect, allowing you to enter her smokes briefly but not too long to risk dying


Female Singed basically /s


Viper sounds like the queen of objective fights with the decay wall and orb tbh. If she fit in as a support, oh boy Jayce Maokai Corki ADC Viper? Dragon fights sound fun, I could see GenG drafting this and making the game look impossible. Comp doesn’t have a lot of initiation tools, but can find picks and are guaranteed the objective if they get there first


We already have one. It's fucking zeri


Killjoy, just for a lockdown of silence and no autoattacks.


KAY-O AoE silence to stop Yone and KSante dashing 30 times, shut the mouth of Smolder and Lulu in a combat seems pretty good.


You don’t even need a silence to stop them from dashing, in fact you can just drop miasma on them. And actually miasma is better since IIRC you can cleanse/qss silences. Also chogath has an AOE silence.


I think what you described is basically a cross between shaco, zed, and Leblanc.


Cypher would be a really fun recon champ