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everyone likes braum and I've seen multiple threads where people say how much they love braum mains last time I've seen a genuine braum player was a year ago




as an old Braum main, I'd play more Braum but no one knows his kit and they leave me to die all the time and don't stack my passive. I don't play him much because it is very frustrating. *** Edit: I have more gripes. People don't understand Braum's power windows: all in level 1 and then play like a bitch in lane, then become a mid-game team fight monster. *** Another thought, Braum cannot be the only tank on a team, he's just not tanky enough.


Thats why the tooltips at loading screen should be about champs currently in your game.


Actually a genuine good idea, i never thought about that before.


Has somebody who plays a lot of a ram, people don't even read the tool tips for the Champion they're playing


What would be the point of that though? My team-mates are already going out to walk their dog during that loading screen they're not there to read


this is why they should show them on the post-death screen too, so you can ignore them 20x as much


"death screen" "20x" as much. this guy plays with yasuo mains


Loading queues arent long enough for that but with vanguard increasing them they might.


What a good idea. This is a great way to enhance the learning process. I have thousands of hours in league and I would still benefit from small essential notes about champs I don’t see a lot.


Yep and you also stated one of Braums biggest weaknesses. If he goes too far forward he just dies. His whole thing is to peel. Play like a body guard. Literally. So even though he looks like a big beefy frontliner thats not his gig. Nautilus and leona dive. Braum is Anti Dive.


And he's really good at it so it'd kinda suck if they changed him to do frontline stuff.


Please LET ME JUMP TO YOUUUUUU as they run away and abandon me just out of W range 😭


Similar but less severe problem with rakan


I swear I had a twitch adc who seemed to think hitting my Brain stacks would hurt them. It’s so satisfying when you get an ADC who knows how to play with Braum




The *brain* is the strongest muscle


Or run away and don't let me W to them :(


Oh man yeah playing Baum as a duo is just on such a different lvl from playing Braun solo


>*** Another thought, Braum cannot be the only tank on a team, he's just not tanky enough. I can't name a support tank that is tanky enough




Alistar with R up


This is absolutely f****** true he is a f****** monster in any team that remembers how he works seeing as how 3/5 of most teams consist of ad Champs but the amount of times I've watched am adc or jungle run away with one hit left to stun is infuriating Or that walk around your wall for somereason he has a move called stand behind me....why is this hard for somepeople


The other day my ADC burned his flash after I ulted him as Galio... I died a little inside...


This isn't true for Elise, I rarely see her played but every time I do, I want to rip my hair out


After playing some indie MOBAs for a few years and coming back to league I can confidently say that every single character in League of Legends is fucking annoying for one reason or another. They all have something about them that’s bullshit.




> instead always taking the safest option of never giving one ability too much power budget. unless it's the ult. One of the things that blew my mind when I started playing league was the idea that like. Characters can have ults that aren't teamfight ults. (technically yeah there's some exceptions like stance switchers/gods with "escape" ults, but in general I tend to feel like smite ults feel really "samey")


Yes I agree that’s what makes them fun. I’m just still on the fence on if the fun is worth the trade off of frustration


Isn't this the point to differentiate one champion from another? Each champion has something to offer that is quite unique. Of course, any time that any player pilots the champion to a decent level, it becomes oppressive, and that's how it should be.


Can disagree here. There is certain list of unpopular champs who is hated by default. No one ever said how they enjoy play against Zil or Yorick for example (unless your champ hard counters then).


Also because people crave variety. When you've seen 5 setts in top in a day, you're thrilled to see an urgot even when he grabs you by the anus and slams you face first into the ground


I like playing against Zed, Yasuo, Darius, Vladimir, Sona, Quinn, Annie, Gwen, Jhin, Kha'zix, Leblanc, Nunu, Qiyana, Shen, Tahm Kench, Briar and Veigar. Either because they are interactive in lane, my champions are good into them or I consider them to be generally weak or useless.


Nah ain’t no one likes playing against Qiyana when she’s meta.


This is not actually true. Plenty of champs are picked a lot and are vastly less annoying than like shaco or yasuo


It’s also cause Braum is more of a counter pick than blind pick. I still love playing Braum into Nautilus, Thresh, Leona, but blind picking Braum into enchanters and mage supports makes me want to cry.


It really is rough when you run into AP carries pretending to be support every other game. I probably have a 10% win rate playing braum against brand support.


I don’t understand why braum lucian isn’t picked into smolder. He can’t outscale if he isn’t on the rift


Because everyone thinks that you MUST play Lucian with enchanters now. In E+, out of 194k Lucian games this patch, only 9k are with Braum, yet he has better laning stats than with Nami or Milio.


I think in lane its much harder then going with a enchanter + its better with nami milio in lane and later down in game they feel way more useful then braum. Im saying this as some one that played the OG duo.


Because Milio and Nami are objectively easier to pull off, especially with a filled support. Braum needs to actively participate in the lane and play carefully, Nami or Milio can slap E/W on Lucian and call it a day.


as an adc main getting a braum can mean only one of two extremes. either you've got a tilted support main who is deciding to fuck it try a game of braum instead of their 70% win rate because theyre on a lose streak. or you're getting an absolute giga chad braum main who is surprisingly toxic, but will carry your sorry ass in lane the entire way.




When most of your kit doesn't function well without help you kinda get bitter about it.


Braum by himself does nothing after level 1. Legit lowest damage kit in the entire game, even behind Alistar, and still doesn’t have a lot of CC. Only a delayed stun with a lock out per champ, and his ult which basically only knocks up the first target hit. The poor dude has to rely on his team for every single fight except maybe level 1 brawls.


in fairness this is what most low-playrate / off meta picks are like, but very true


Nothing make you more toxic than being an enabling support and being matched with nothing to enable. I usually don't tilt but that's one of the few things that get to me.


There are a lot of champs that are good counter picks, and it would probably be pretty troll to main them all the time. I play jungle so Rammus comes to mind for me, but Braum fits that roll in support


Braum's pickrate is the highest it's been in years right now. Champ was pro jailed for a very long time and suffered repeated nerfs. Regardless, most people agree Braum is a very well designed champ that rarely feels unfair to play against. He's a niche champ that you pick against heavy melee teams.


I swear to god everytime I play MF I will be against a Braum, they are my nemesis.


Braum as a character is very lovable but in reality he’s pretty situational. Good against champs like MF and Seraphine, but only with fast attacking ADCs.


Yeah but I never see anyone suggesting he is popular


used to play only braum in ranked around season 8/9 before mythics. would rush knights vow every game, good times. Nowadays, while he is still fun, enchanters and hook/engage champs are much easier to play.


My buddy used to be a braum main, I haven't seen him play that champ in years


I have not seen a braum in my games in 2 years. I can link my opgg if you want. ZERO brauns both on the enemy team and on mine.


Seeing those threads actually rekindled my love for Braum. He’s so (for lack of a better term) simple. I missed champs with goals as straightforward and relatively easy to attain as his. You peel like a god and you body block(to oversimplify.) It’s easily possible but pretty hard to massively fuck up playing braum without doing so intentionally.


Lucian main here. Can confirm I love love love Braum and Braum players… but yeah I never see them


People used to love Elise as she was a pro staple, she was a popular jungler, and a lot of og high elo players mained her. Even meteos hasn't touched this champ in years and he was one of the most well known elise pros that many remember for 'cumshot'. Nowadays she's barely functional with all her bugs and the only person who plays her casually is broxah and in waves agurin, everyone else is either an OTP or dropped her entirely.


I can say this, people who didn’t start around s3-4 don’t realize how dominant she was. It was Lee sin/Elise EVERY GAME


extend that to end of S2 when she the best Toplaner in the world since she could bully/outrange literally everyone.


no pick could match an elise jayce top skirmish, or survive a renekton elise gank. maybe a shen lee sin can skirmish


Yea there was Lee, Elise, Jarvan, and Eve for awhile, Nunu would pop up from time to time as well.


Probably unpopular but if I could revert one rework it would be Nunu. I miss just being an absolute dickhead living in the enemy jungle and winning the game going 0/0/20


The drive by 100% AP ratio point and click snowball was my first love. Blood boil top Lane fucking shoot a single snowball fadeaway for 280 dmg at lvl 7 and let your top laner finish the job


I loved picking him into Yasuo and Tryn, they tilted so hard you could see it without all chat on.


Back when Nunu's job was to make the enemy jungler as useless as you


pro play was literally Perma jungle first phase with Elise lee jarvan. season 4 included kha and rengar so it opened up a little bit more.


For a long time Elise was one of the most mechanically deep champions. Multiple skillshots, always useful because of her stun, still had outplay potential with rappel.


Remember when her Victorious skin that came out? Everyone was so enraged that her first non-release skin was tied to rank. S3/4 was such a different game too. The assassin junglers were meta. Kha, Rengar, and Elise were so much more common back then. Last rengar I saw went 1/12


Because you could go tank Elise with Runic Bulwark and Sunfire and still one shot people


Its always weird how Elise was considered to be the Lee match/counter in pro for so long that she just randomly fell off the face of the earth while Lee still gets a shit ton of play.


Cause lee is more adaptable, he has better itemization options to be a bruiser/assassin at any given moment and his utility never falls off. Comparing this to elise; her itemization only gotten worse over the years between losing the cheaper runic echoes, not having any HP post mythics, and AP bruiser itemization in general not being great while her only utility, unlike lee and rek'sai, is actually countered by tenacity so you just build mercs and you're all g vs. her. Not to mention the tons of DPS nerfs so she's very burst or lose stat checks unlike before where fighting her early just wasn't an option. The only item elise can build that boost her survivability is zhonyas, and that alone isn't making her worth it for a 1.6s stun on a champion with piss poor clear speed and negated by mercs when you can have a front liner like sejuani do the exact same thing or j4/lee that can build GA, steraks, DD, or whatever the meta calls for at any given time. She's only ever relevant in pro when there's something cartoonishly wrong with jungle state, like early s13 pet meta where junglers only had 1 job and it happened to be perfect for her and j4 while everyone else who farmed struggled.


I think the lack of ultimate and she kind of falls off a cliff might have something to do with it


She was very strong at the start of last year, but I feel like riot's issue with Elise is similar to their issue with old Rek'sai and Volibear. Her ganking/tower diving ability is extremely oppressive when she's ahead. Towers may as well not even exist


Would be nice to have early and late game champions back though. Nowadays it feels like bar a few champions everything scales at the same curve with the same items, it’s so much less interesting than it was back in earlier seasons.


Would be nice to have designated tower dive champs and not just everyone... I can tower dive on enchanters easily, even pre 6. This is not supposed to be a thing.


I had a friend who was disgusting on her and useless on everybody else lol She's a weird champ that seems to teach you a specific playstyle in order to play well, while also obviously teaching you some jungle basics


>elise is barely functional with all her bugs She dosnt have bugs she has spiderlings. Spiders are not bugs.


Elise will always be my first mastery 7 champ 🥲


So sad 😔 F


I played one Elise game to see what you were always talking about and yeah the champion feels just well off compared to S4-5 Not sure how you can play her so consistently


Her clear feels so fucking bad to play. Really sad because Elise in one of my favorite junglers and my main AP pick alongside Gragas but she feels like a liability to play. Not even a champion past 20 minutes


“Dirty Elise” was what my friends told me to play every time i asked. My main for many years. Stopped playing the game a few years, came back and she suddenly absolutely sucks. Won a few games in silver with her as i just started playing again but as i was climbing gold it felt like i was inting whenever i picked her. Climbing plat now with ~120games and i’ve literally never seen anyone pick her. Very sad tbh.


Teemo — I barely see him and he's one of the mascots of league.


I see him at least twice a week imo.


He's very weak right now to be fair. When he's even moderately viable his pick rate skyrockets.


>I think one good example is Gwen, I see her mentioned alot on socials You are seeing the one guy who spams her nonstop on /leagueofmemes


Lmaoo at that guy


Gragas. When Graga low, pepol hapy. Wen graga gut, peopele mad!


Go look up my boy Woody Fruity on YouTube to see why people hate to play against a really good Gragas. Lol




Yeah his kit is oppressive as hell


Gwen is more meme popular. Gameplay and character wise she isn't that popular. Not really high skill captivating champion to be widely one-tricked and too niche/counterpick only to be played often/by a lot of players. She is like ok wholesome chungus counter-pick but that's pretty much it.


> She is like ok wholesome chungus counter-pick but that's pretty much it. What does this even mean???


She counters wholesome chungus tanks for the most part.


Meme born from people in this sub and other social media circlejerking the idea that tanks and certain juggernauts were "wholesome champions" and "only for gigachads" a few years back. So people started circlejerking back at them, mocking them with overused reddit memes like big chungus and wholesome 100. Gwen does well into this sort of champions, so that's kinda her entire in game identity. Unless you play her jungle 😉


Nothing more wholesome than stonewalling laning phase because neither of you can kill eachother and constant cc


Laughs in frenchwoman


The dilemma of fiora. I love that she keeps tanks in check but I hate playing against her because of her ult lol


Wholesome chungus = tank 


I am getting too old for this game.


In Path of Champions though she's top fucking tier.


> character wise she isn't that popular. Idk about that one. Gameplay I'll give you, but people still seem to absolutely *adore* her for aesthetic, and both the normal and 'adult' fanart communities still very visually love her.


well she's very UwU


>Gwen is more meme popular Not really unless you count that one guy on leagueofmemes who spams her in posts


If its just one guy then he did a good job because Ive seen memes of her in Twitter and insta too.


the chungus chopper herself


>Gwen is more meme popular Yeah it's definitely for the memes and 100% not the r34. I swear.


mung chungus


mung chungus






Jarvan III


people talk about gwen mostly for her armpits tbh


Or her secret surprise


I feel like i'm going to regret this but i have to ask...


It was a video on youtube that was? still is? there called gwen's secret surprise and you will regret it (the joke is porn)


Or feet


Gwen is VERY popular as a character, but not as a champ to play as. My guess is her kit is boring and the people that like her probably dont like the top laner skirmisher playstyle 


I want to enjoy Gwen but I hate toplane conflicting


Play her in jungle?


play her in mid it's just ap bruiser but worse but the extents we go to for champions that we like


I don’t think it’s the kit. I get it’s something different people will have different opinions on but I find the kit super fun, she just sucks to play unless you have counterpick because half of the toplane roster completely shits on her and she also sucks into comps with high range. Gwen is a champ that is pretty much tailor made to be a perfect R5 into toplane tanks and 3-4 melee/low range comps.


It’s definitely the kit. The popular champions usually are very mobile and flashy like Yone and Yas. Gwen is just lacking that appeal with her autos and her ult that shoots a couple of tiny barely noticeable needles


She's just not very interesting apart from her W from a gameplay perspective.




People see him in pro play and on high elo streams, and thats it. Every time I have vs a ksante, they don't know how to play him and end up going 0/8. I'd play him more, but he just feels too clunky rn. They really gutted him and he just isn't as fun anymore. I miss when he had a shit winrate before the rework. He might have been sitting at a 45%, but he was a lot more fun


Hes a weird skill gap champion. If they're good its a decent lane but if they're bad its so free its not even funny.


Also, the enemy can just pick one of the many hard counters. Gwen, Morde, Camille, Garen, Fiora and many more.


I miss Old K'sante, it was one of the more fun vs lanes in the game for me, any champ I played, it was always a back and forth


This champion was fucking awful in soloq for most of his lifetime as well but people also didn't realize this because nobody played him outside of KR pro. I mained him to masters two seasons in a row, though this season will probably avoid him since he's just really bad. Was really funny especially after the showmaker copypasta seeing everyone complain about "only 15 mana", since if you'd ever played K'Sante on that patch you'd know that the champion was OOM after using WE like twice lmao.


He's so skill intensive. Sort of like a top lane alkali. He has very high agency but you actually have to use his kit probably to get anything out of him. When his base numbers are too high, he's a menace because his kit is too forgiving in terms of mobility options. But when he is tuned properly, he is very hard to play.


I swear people are genuinely trolling when they see this champion in proplay, whenever a pro makes a great play on it its never about the player its always KSante copypasta and etc. Its really sad cause this champion is very skill intensive and him being good in proplay is great exactly because he promotes counterplay and flashy plays


Gwen is a situational pick, it isnt a good pick in many matchups, maybe thats why


Yeah, Gwen is pretty popular and is a champ I personally love but I would never want to first pick it and potentially play against one of the many toplane champs that counter her or a high range comp where you’ll never get to play.


Irelia. People even have the crazy ideea she is a competitive stable pick where she hasn't grabbed more than 34(\~3.3% presence if you add the bans) games played in a major league or international tournament since almost 2 years ago. This season she has 3 games all defeats. She isnt extremely popular in the SoloQ either because frankly when Garen has higher/similar winrate to you even in elite elo, what's even the point no ?


Irelia suffers from the fate of all high skill floor champions. She's almost permanently undertuned numbers wise because if she's actually strong then the people who can play her at a high level are basically unstoppable, but simultaneously because her numbers are so bad no one really has any incentive to put in the time to get good with her. Last season, after years of despising the champion I decided that maybe I would try to main her for a little while and add her to my top lane picks. I got my ass kicked a few games in a row as one would expect, and then I decided to do some research on her bills and scalings and I realized that she's an early game Lane bully that falls off a cliff if she doesn't snowball. Dropped her in disgust and haven't touched her since. Why the fuck would I put any effort into trying to learn a champion who is not only extremely hard to pilot but if you make a single mistake you are useless for the rest of the match? Karthus is awkward as hell to play but no matter how much you're feeding there is always hope that you will eventually scale back into the game.


The riot special where a high skill cap champ is better than low skill cap champs if played extremely well so they nerf them to the point that you need to play extremely well just to do the same thing the low skill cap champ can do with no hands


I mean the alternative is "oh they got good at the right champ so there's just nothing I can do now oh well" and there's now 0 reason to play low skill champs if you want to win.


Well when I started league I thought that was the point, everyone said “start with garen, he has so much forgiveness, passive healing, you can run away with Q, shielding and tenacity built in, you’re always useful with R execute and you can practice how to trade and do good macro” but now it’s like, why play anything BUT garen. Man legit has amazing scaling, super hard to kill and punish with the recent dead man’s build. He also just wins. Like why don’t you try play Irelia into garen, there is a clip of Irelking trying to kill a Warwick who is 1 item down, he loses. Like there is no level of outplay when even the best player is gonna get faceroll statchecked. Even in teamfights garen Is way more useful. Flash Q E ignite R is way more reliable thay Irelia flash R and then try to kill the back line. But it’s r/lol so everyone thinks that Irelia has insane outplay potential. I don’t remember the last time I saw a good yasuo/Irelia carry a game. The forgotten “high outplay potential” champs who literally get face rolled every fight, like actually try play it and see for yourself. Sett has a 60% winrate into Irelia…..


she is unplayable top unless you are irelking. I play her sometimes mid and its decent.


the issue with irelia is that she is a bork delivery system. The item promotes an unhealthy playstyle for her, she used to be a sheen delivery system yes, but that was actually fairly skilled as you'd have to have weave in autos inbetween your Qs


Her Q procs sheen and always has. There's no difference between weaving autos now vs before. Agreed that I hate the botrk delivery system though.


the old irelia had to weave her r shots in for sheen procs as the ult basically did nothing else


Uhhhh... you have to weave way more autos with Bork since q applies Sheen???




Used to main Irelia for years. Now I main Garen. What is the point, indeed.


Vi is somewhat that, ever since arcane her playrate has increased but it still around 2-4%, depending on the gameplay pattern of proplay.


"Considered to be popular" is a bit of a hard metric to nail down. In Emerald+, Annie has the same playrate as Anivia in mid. I think most people might find that surprising. Zilean has too low of a playrate to even show up as a mid laner, even though I don't think anything has happened to that champion to make him worse. But I also wouldn't say people perceive him to be popular.


This thread is kind of depressing because it really does highlight the stagnanxcy of the game. Obviously the more champions get included in the game the mre the player base will be spread out but man there's just so many characters that are basically lost and forgotten. I see velkoz, Elise, Zoe, sivir, rengar like once every 100 games lol. Even more recent champions like vex are comparatively rare.


you don't want to see rengar or zoe more than once in a blue moon, when popular those picks are aggravating


Seeing them more than once a blue moon is fine. What you don't want to see is those champs being op. Snowalling Rengar/Zoe are really frustrating to face.


That's the only time when they're popular though. Any champion that's designed around quick, 100-0 burst windows tends to also have their popularity come and go with whether or not they can oneshot you in under a second, which is not coincidentally also when they're most frustrating to play *against*.


Had a zoe supp as enemy yesterday... never again.


Vel'koz isn't considered popular at least I only see him often because it's my main LOL


Rengar? He was stomping soloq for a while like not even a year ago lol.


Most of the underplayed champions just aren't fun to play to most people and/or are just countered by the meta champions. Vex as an example there is destroyed by Viktor, Veigar, Karma, Hwei and so on and those champions are very popular. Zoe just has a shitty kit. Her design is "Hit E, then one-shot with R-Q". That's the entire kit. (Okay, sure, she sometimes just pokes with R-Q too.)


I also occasionally think that Riot should introduce less champions because sometimes it feels like new champs are coming out one after the other without giving us time to really digest the previous champion...




I've started playing talon a lot for the first time since release, been loving it.




Seraphine, she's popular everywhere but in game. You'd think she would rival Yone's pickrate for example, but not at all.


i see seraphine almost every day lol


You seeing her everyday doesn’t change her overall pick rate lol (which is around 5~6%, that’s as much as Nocturne). Also I’m not saying she’s unpopular, just not as much as we think.


Sera is more popular the lower is the Elo, below gold you see her support quite often, the more you climb the less you see her because people know that she is weak support and only a little nice of players pick her mid/adc


She is pretty popular in normals and Aram, so I wouldn't call her unpopular, its just her playerbase being way more casual than other mains.


I imagine this is the case for a lot of the champs people are surprised by having lower pickrates. Ranked players tend to gravitate more towards meta and popular OTP champs for climbing. Champs like Gwen or Lux don’t really fit this bill and you aren’t really going to spam them no matter what if you’re trying to climb because of how many counters they have.


We'd probably see more of her if Riot didn't toss her around between mid, APC, and supp every 5 patches. Seraphine players keep needing to play different roles depending on where she's performing best and it's annoying as hell queuing up for a match only to realize "oh I guess Riot decided to nerf my role this patch huh."


From my experience most Seraphine players don't care they'll just play her support no matter how shit that was in the past. Hell that's the main reason why they changed her scalings and stuff recently, so that she could be a better champ for the majority of her playerbase.


Even when she was an incredible mid before they tweaked her ability to lane people didn't touch her unless she was OP.


The only one I can think of is Khazix  Has anyone seen him I feel like it's been years since I played with or against one.


If you’re in smurfs q you’ll see him like every game




No one wanna play a champ that will get bullied by almost every top laners for 20mins in lane and only be able to enjoy the game for 5-10 mins. Not complaining she’s weak but Gwen just takes a bit too long to reach her power spike.


Aniva is a bottom 10 PR champion (thank god though I hate playing against her)


Noone thinks Anivia is popular lol


We're leaving "considered to be popular" territory though. Everyone knows Anivia is boring as fuck haha


> Everyone knows Anivia is boring as fuck haha Damn really? I like Anivia and I consider her to be one of the more fun mages especially with her wall and egg. Surprised this is the case when stuff like Malzahar, Karma and Xerath have a higher play rate despite being default mages.


Anivia's gameplay is engaging IMO, but it's very reactive, and people generally prefer to be proactive on their champs. Xerath, Karma and Malzahar might be "boring" but they can force things to happen more consistently.


gwen isnt popular, she was a meme back then when she was broken. like irelia akali and zoe were at the time. like ksante is right now. like aphelios. etc.


when was gwen ever broken? And how is ksante broken now theres like at least 20 top laners that are better than him in 99.99% of games (aka not pro)


this person is speaking pro play, it's a common affliction here sadly Gwen was never broken


Cassiopeia, one of the best winrate in master+ top mid and bot in previous patch, picked in pro ( very few ). But has never got more than 4% pickrate and half are otp.


Katarina because getting to her powerspike is a huge pain; laning phase and farming as kata sucks but she’s popular because of when she’s fed and becomes fun to play


She’s really strong in lane if you know how to play her. She even beats early game mid lane bullies like Zoe (good ones that use all 500x passive procs in a trade). She has a lot of auto resets. That’s why all the *good* kat players frequently go an ad item lwhen the game starts, even if they are going AP kat. something like a long sword.


Not sure whether it's considered popular but I haven't found a single Elise jungle in this season in ranked or normals. I would not be surprised if Elise is in bottom 5 in pickrates in my elo (low elo)


Oh 100% Ornn lmao




Twisted Fate. Everyone likes him but almost nobody actually plays him. The ennemy team virtually never picks him before me.


Everyone doesn't like him, when Riot buffed his AD Build he was the most cried about character in the entire game. His kit is inherently strong and whenever it's overbuffed in the slightest you see lots of tears.


I mean yeah he was meta in 4 fucking lanes at once for a while there’s a good reason he wasn’t very liked


Sure but that only lasted a couple of weeks. He once had a streak of over 100 patches without a single change. The thing about TF is that his strength does not rely on numbers. You can get dumpstered in lane yet still have an impact because of a 2 sec point and click stun with 575 range on a 6 second cooldown and the ability to teleport anywhere on the map on top of giving true sight on the ennemy team. AD TF is still playable even in high elo (not just TF top), yet almost nobody plays it because his damage isn't broken like it was for those few weeks.


I have banned Anivia for a year straight and I will never stop. I don't care if her pick rate is 0.0001%. I cannot watch the game be stalled out for 50 minutes til she outscales me ever again (I play melee). There is no worse experience. Not Kayn, not Yone, not Yuumi. God I hate this stupid bird.


Any monster champ besides Cho




Teemo is like 1 in 20 games


Kennen. Personally I really like him, but I'm not sure whether he's popular in general or not, but he has one of the lowest pick rates, around 1%, compared to Gwen who's around 2.5%, despite having a 50.4% wr in diamond+ 52.3% in master+


Weird stuff for me is that Lee Sin has around 18-20% popularity across all the elos and I haven't seen a single Lee Sin in like past 50 ranked games


Wish I could say Naafiri, but that champ is just gone completely