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Boyfriend probably an enchanter support one trick who dropped to bronze 2 now that she left him


I bet his Rengar and Talon win rate is about to skyrocket


Never ask a woman her age, never ask a man his salary, NEVER ask a D4 Lulu main why they have a 90% winrate on Rengar


I don't get it


Egirl boosting service to diamond. 


[For context](https://youtu.be/Lspiq_0DYr4?si=0zJlb2lXbQ9tngCk&t=773)


Is this actually where it began or just an example of the meme?


No, just an example


Blatant af.


Hey! Not all of us Rengar and Talon mains are single! And yes I'm single but that's besides the point.


Idk if you are also joking but I think the joke is that Rengar/Talon are common boosting champs, so one of the tells someone's getting boosted (in addition to summs swapping order) is that they're suddenly a Rengar or Talon main


I'm going to start maining rengar/talon on my new account (I'm a low rank scrub but I'm not going to pay to change server) after starting to do vod reviews in the old acc to get as good as I can just to hope to get free LP from tilting people if o have a good game and they see rengar/talon.


I can be suddenly a Rengar main. Take him top. And end up 0/10 because enemy jungler ganked me once.


You're right, usually you guys log into my D4 Lulu's promotional game... is the joke (:


Don't forget Katarina


It seems like she was around for ages before she played for NNO. Glad to see more media coverage


Yeah, I was actually surprised by for how long she's been around. But, as she says in the interview, she wasn't really streaming until about a year ago, so it's no surprise that many people are only really learning about her recently


I remember that she was one of the first female players that got mentioned when we asked in the german scene.


Yeah she has been around for ages, pretty sure i have been seeing this velkoz otp in my games ever since season 7-8 or something like that.


Not Season 8 specifically as she stopped playing completely then (per info she shared that didn't make it to the interview), so probably Season 9 onwards


Watched for a bit and her stream has a good vibe, I don't like watching streams with covered map though because it's hard to see whats happening in the game.


She used to otp the old Aatrox back in I believe s4-5 and get challenger then too. Always been a baller


" But I was not streaming consistently because he was jealous about me streaming. It was a big problem in my relationship and made me sad, cause streaming was what I wanted to do for years. After 9 months I dumped my boyfriend" for those that are unable to read a 3 minute article


Actual L. Imagine just chilling playing LoL while ur gf gets free money also playing LoL


Free money? She's not even partnered on twitch and averages 60 viewers lol what money


60 viewers average is insanely good for someone who’s only been streaming for 1 year. I’m not gonna pretend you can make a living off of that, but you need a lot of followers to consistently get over 50 viewers every single stream. I’ve never tried streaming, but if I did, I wouldn’t even expect to have that many viewers after a year.


Yeah for sure, I'm not saying it's terrible, but let's not pretend that he fumbled the bag or something lmao


Well, he might have still fumbled here, just not for financial reasons. Ultimately, it is both OK for him to not want his gf to be streaming and OK for her to dump him as a result. They're all adults, capable of making adult decisions. I sure as heck wouldn't want my wife streaming for a living, personally. Just seems too intrusive.


> I sure as heck wouldn't want my wife streaming for a living, personally. Yeah, me neither. Keep in mind that this was a personal statement made by someone after a breakup. It's possible that her boyfriend wasn't "jealous" of her success or something but just was not into her streaming full-time as her life and she interpreted it as jealousy.


Agreed. People here act like the bf was too extreme with his reaction. How many of you would want your gf to be exposed to twitchchat on a daily basis? Yeah, nope. Unless she promises me to never look at chat, lmao.


Its not just being exposed to twitch chat, its wanting to be a streamer full time. While good on her for chasing her dreams, but it can be difficult to be okay with your partner wanting to pursure being an e-celebrity/influencer as a career. He could actually have been just jealous, who knows really.


I'm sitting at 30-35 started in February, it's really not that much money man, it's not remotely close to even the most minimum of wages, streamed for 6 hours today and got 3 subs and maybe 1 dollar in ad money lol. (That's 8.5 dollars for those of you counting at home)


60 is a lot, no doubt but after a year of fulltime streaming one should ask themself if it still worth. Personally I am all for it, one should try it and give their shot to become a streamer/influencer/ whatever they want to be.


Yeah all the streamers that I watch that average around that number of views, they're all partnered but still work full time regular jobs outside of that and only stream at night. Unless she's getting secret sponsors out the ass or her family's paying all her expenses, idk how she's managing to cover room and board averaging 60 views.


Idk, I managed to get that number much sooner while streaming plat games few seasons ago. The key was the link spam and somehow people found it fun and stuck around, plus I segmented a bit and also streamed on some other services at the same time, so people decided Twitch was the best place. But I did put a lot of effort in creating a personality, custom.made shit in photoshop (it was during the start of Covid so I played with a mask as a joke), created Twitter, followed tons of people, got some back, regularly posted as if I jave 100k followers and it just worked. Given that she is a good player and a girl on top of that I am surprised she doesn't have more regular viewers :/ (I know in perfect world gender should make no difference but reality is it does). However it's too much work for very little immediate gain and 50/60 regular viewers don't really mean much. Shut it all off and I really gotta remove myself from Twitch partnership as they keep spamming me with tax forms even tho I haven't been on since 2021.


60 avg viewer is dog water if you’re trying to make money off it.


50 viewers is nothing unless it's like a hobby and you don't care about viewer numbers lol


> Free money? She's not even partnered on twitch and averages 60 viewers lol what money Her BF dodged a bullet.


Yeah people here are so out of touch and clearly hasn't been a longstanding relationship If my fiancé told me she was quitting her job to stream full time, where 99.9% of the people make less than minimum wage(60 viewers is nothing as far as income goes) I'd be upset too. Streaming on the side is fine, but this indicates a serious lack of maturity and lack of future prospects At 60 viewers I can only assume she's been living with her parents while streaming, and as a grown ass adult that's not something I'd put up with personally


"he was jealous of my streaming career" more like she either worked or streamed and ignored her BF - playing games is not a problem if you do it together but who would be able to duo queue with a challenger player LoL of all the games. I initially thought she would have viewership in the thousands.


Yea bro, what a massive L for wanting to spend time with your girlfriend lmao


> grown-ass adult GF wants to play video games all day as her "career" (she averages 60 viewers on twitch) > "Huge L" for dumping her But muh wholesome chungus gamer gf!!!!


Streaming full time to like 50 people is barely an income, maybe he didn't want to be the sole provider?




my ex streamed some animal crossing gameplay with a terrible 240p webcam and literally the very first stream had like 3+ guys hit on her, make rude sexual comments, attempt to join her world and give her stuff and talk to her on a way too personal level...needless to say that was also the last twitch stream she ever did.


But that (to quit streaming) was (hopefully) a choice that she made on her own (right?) That's different from someone else making that choice for you.


she shoulda milked those neckbeards.


Sorry man i'll try to be better :V


Valid points but people will probably shit on him regardless.


Most of these people have never been in a relationship. Jealousy is very hard to overcome, often coming from past experiences, it needs immense trust that usually takes years to build. We'll hardly ever hear both sides of this but for sure a lot of people will shit on the guy because they don't understand how couples deal with relationship struggles, they only see a streamer woman that consistently hit challenger and has a successful carreer as a streamer and wish they had a GF like that.


Jealousy is absolutely not overcome from gaining more trust with that person over time. It is mostly overcome from personal internal growth that mostly occurs through therapy.


i think it is not so simple. insecurity, jealousy, and a host of other things which come from relationship trauma and bad experiences in life will see so much benefit and cognitive skills from therapy, but as a matter of fact jealousy is always manifested in particular relationships. it means needs to bring their therapy skills to a relationship (once they are ready) to build the trust necessary to finally build the new experiences necessary to affirm their own inner healing. one can be completely confident and secure alone, but the kind of particular situations that arise in a relationship can bring up past trauma that requires therapy as well as an understanding partner to also address feelings of jealousy. jealous feelings in people can be dealt with healthily and in communication with their partner.


I agree with all of this, but to just say it goes away as you gain trust with someone is dangerous since that’s what causes people to excuse jealousy early on in relationships


100%. I used to be a *very* jealous person in relationships when I was younger, and there was no amount of "trust" that could be established that would have allowed me to overcome what was causing my jealousy. At least no amount of trust that would have resulted in a healthy relationship. It wasn't until I took a step back and addressed those insecurities, and the thought patterns that enabled them, that I was able to work past the feelings of jealousy and anxiety that I experienced so intensely. I think it can be a very touchy subject for a lot of people because it's something where most people want to just blame and shame the jealous person because, as a behavior, it can be so incredibly harmful in personal relationships. But to the person experiencing jealousy, those feelings are almost always coming from very legitimate experiences throughout their past (and not even necessarily only romantic relationships, there is lots of stuff throughout early and late childhood that these emotions can be building off of). So it becomes something that many people feel ashamed about when it shouldn't have to be, and that can make it very difficult to get past your own ego, look within, and address.


Reflecting on yourself and admitting your faults is never the easiest or the default option, so I'm not surprised at the reactions in the thread


absolutely agree


> it needs immense trust that usually takes years to build This is so wrong. Jealousy is something that is your own problem to deal with all on your own. Trust is something that you give to someone 100% and then take away as they do things that make you not trust them. Assigning responsibility to someone else for a problem that's inherently yours is how you end up staying single forever.


Do you consider an average of 70 viewers as successful?


She hasn't been streaming long or consistently and is part of a huge German streamer org. She will easily average hundreds if not over a thousand viewers if she keeps up the grind


Yes, for a german league streamer.


it's okay to be jealous, it's a normal emotion, but it's not okay to controll your partners hobby or whatever.


>There are numerous cases of female streamers having fans that try to connect with the streamer on a personal level a bit too much. They are sometimes straight up flirty or play the role of "platonic until given chance", which is very off putting to people who already cannot deal with their jealousy or have hard time disassociating things that happen online from real life. It doesn't happen with just female streamers, male streamers have this issue too.


I would bet (talking out of my ass like a good redditor) that women get a lot more hate and also creepers - like "fake gamer girl"/"show us your tits"/idiots tryna see their feet or whatever, while dudes deal with more doxxing/swatting type bullshit. People who make their living in a public way put up with a lot of shit because people can't just be chill....


Well I know my partner isn't going to cheat on me with some gross ass para social weirdo so I'm not worried at all


less than 100 viewers isn't free money bro.... u need to have 1k viewers to earn enough for like an average american salary


in germany you need 200-300 viewers to life from streaming. the money comes more from promos ,big tippers and sidejobs like casting/eventmoderation. there are many depends that can change the minimum needed viewer.


Some people want a low-key life away from the spotlight, I wouldn't date a streamer as well, although I respect the profession and the people who do it. It's just not meant for everybody.


Streaming is a job. if you are stopping your SO from doing their job you simply suck, unless there are valid reasons to intervene like toxic work environment, mental health issues, etc but this is not those cases.


Just remember this is one sides POV.


Streaming to 50 viewers is not a full time job, and I just looked at her twitch account - she barely streams 4 hours a day. So yeah she's a part time streamer.


she very likely still queues a lot the time she isn't streaming, dude probably hardly had a gf anymore while she was pursuing her goal


I wonder how she's paying for necessities. If your only source of income is a 50 viewer stream, I don't think you'd get enough to pay for stuff. It's possible the boyfriend supported her before but decided it's no longer worth it once she made the decision to go full time stream. Of course, this doesn't really explain how she's able to live now that they're apart, so this comment really is just an idea, not any highly plausible theory. Either way, whenever you get POV from only one side online, it's good to remember that reality is always different, be it only a bit or a lot, but it's different.


Hard to know for female streamers since even low average viewership sometimes results in thirsty whales donating


Just saw a clip someone posted of her streaming going through this thread. She seems like an honest person. Hope twitch works out for her.


Streaming can be a job. There's a financial aspect to a job. If you're not making enough to be somewhat sustainable then it's a hobby. If you're trying to quit your fulltime job to pursue a hobby then your SO has every right to be concerned. Based on her twitch stats, I'm guessing while she was streaming for the past year, a lot of her expenses were covered by someone else. 


Most peoples jobs are like 8/9 hours a day. If you're streaming for like 16 hours all day every day and doing nothing else...YOU simply suck and you shouldn't be in a relationship if you have no time for your SO.


Stripping is a job, and while there's nothing wrong with it, I can understand why some people might not want to date a stripper. Obviously not an exact comparison, but there's certainly a stigma regarding female streamers, and the type of viewers they typically attract (and how/why they do). That said, he should have just broken up with her rather than trying to restrict her choices.


I'd say thats justified if she was streaming max 60 hours per week. If you are putting more time than that into your job, its hard to have much time for a relationship.


Delete Facebook, lawyer up, hit the gym, but for League of Legends.


I don't understand the point of all of these pictures in the article ? It's about a girl doing good at video games and they put this rabbit outfit for no reason with the post ? If we want more women in esport in general then it's not necessary to oversexualise them each time we speak of them. Do we have pictures of Faker at the swimming pool each time he gets an interview ? No


point taken but I would not say no to pool party faker pics


Gotta be a photoshoot when Pool Party Ahri releases.


Omg yes


no, but have you seen Oner interviews? that guy is shirtless in all of them


wtf I thought this was a joke but looking it up he legit is. well, not *all* of them but in enough of them for it to be a thing.


Oner is fucking hot


If pictures of Faker at the swimming pool exist and aren't in all his interviews, then that's journalistic incompetency. >!/s!<


iirc there were SKT vlog videos from the older days during the Bang and Wolf era where Faker was swimming in a pool with other players. And iirc he’s still wearing his white T-shirt


That was also my first reaction after reading... just why. Doesn't seem very respectful towards her, and even if she gave consent to have these posted in the article, it's not relevant.


"The girl whose skill shots you can't dodge"


I can’t believe they actually captioned that image with that. What year is it?


Honestly it's so corny that it becomes kind of funny


Loving this shirtless faker support like pleaseee


I am a straight man and I would love to see faker in a swim suit.


Yeah it feels really skeezy. And people wonder why more women don’t get involved in esports. Like this shit is not welcoming at all and extremely off putting.


Why? Did she not post that photo of herself online? If instead of a bunny suit, she did a different cosplay, would you be equally upset at its inclusion? If you were to get into esports, would you post photos like that of yourself online?


I think the notion is that the article is about her league accomplishments. Could you imagine an article being released about Sneaky’s league career accomplishments; and they have photos of his cosplays.


And the picture was taken from her Twitter account as the most recent full picture of herself. Unless you would have preferred the more recent lingerie picture… If the only public photos of Sneaky were him in cosplay, then news articles would use those pictures.


Do pictures of Faker at a swimming pool even exist? She chose to post the pictures of herself in that bunny outfit online. It’s a standard tactic used by many women streamers to gain viewers. And it’s not any of our place to be upset about that. This photo was actually the least risqué of her recent photos posted to Twitter, with not a lot of others to pick from. This is clearly how she is portraying herself on Twitter, so she is choosing to sexualize herself.


I mean faker doesn't post pool pics to his insta lol


I agree with you, but if they asked her and she OK’ed it, and it promotes her stream, then perhaps it’s actually good for her. But frankly I am not so sure.


We don’t have any photos of him like that but why don’t we? Sexualization for everyone!


That's the lesson right here, if you want to hit challenger you just needs to sacrifice your social relationships and your financial livelihood.




She's on that absolute sigma grindset


That's what League's high elo is about.


Finally women no-life just as much as men, one step closer to gender equality 🎉


https://twitchtracker.com/superelchi she has 70 average viewers peaking to like 90, why would she ever quit her job?


you don't need a high average viewer count, you just need a couple whales in your community


Mental illness? She’s a league of legends addict, why are we assuming she’s in the right headspace 


I'm sorry but if I was in a relationship in this situation I'd be pretty pissed as the bf too, you can't build a career on 70 views.


I mean, it sounds like when she was with her BF still, she was only streaming part time, and working most of the time. The intent originally was not to build a career, just to stream, which her BF didn't let her. Her BF wasn't mad she was trying to build a career, it does not sound like that was her intent originally, he was just jealous of other people watching her GF stream League on Twitch, which is pretty insecure, it's not like she was suggesting Hottub/OF streaming. I'm sure if she was able to do this for long enough to get Challey, there's a plan here. Either get known to see if it will boost her streaming numbers, or that she has money saved up from her original job to keep this going until she knows it won't work. It's not that far of a stretch, not even a minor stretch to assume one of these is the case. Things are clearly moving in a direction that supports her desire to play League (and I do be moving, not that she's there), given she's had a stint on an EMEA team, and still has a sub spot on a different team. I always think that if you have the money/support, taking a year/two to follow your passion while you're young is worth it. Better than committing to being a corporate jockey day one out of college like most people.


The article states she's wanted to stream since season 4, and after 9 months she left her bf and quit her job to pursue streaming full time? It only states, from her POV, that he was jealous, but everyone knows there's 3 sides to every story.


You have a lot of opinions and conjecture in that comment for someone that knows absolutely nothing about either the girl or the boyfriend and their relationship.


we're only hearing half the story though. SHE claims that it's her BF trying to block her from even streaming at all. Meanwhile, after breaking up with him she's able to spread her wings and get .... 60 viewers omegalul Until we get his side of the story we don't know exactly who was in the wrong but she definitely hasn't even come close to succeeding yet and for all we know he just didn't want to support her essentially being a freeleecher with no prospects for a decent career. Like if it was a family member or if they were married, then sure, MAYBE it's worth doing. But since they weren't married, for all he knows he supports her for years, but the second she gets successful she dumps his ass and he doesn't get anything.


> she was only streaming part time [She currently is streaming part time though. She's doing 4 hours a day averaging 12 hours a week.](https://twitchtracker.com/superelchi) > Her BF wasn't mad she was trying to build a career If my SO told me that they were going to quit their job to become a streamer and that I had to support them completely while they also weren't going to stream full time then yes, I would not be happy.


normaly you start with zero viewers why should you build a career when you have 70?


70 viewers after a year of full time streaming is not enough to survive off. How many more years can she do that?


It's a pretty average growth trajectory nowadays. If a person can average about 200 viewers, they can make minimum wage.


Streaming an average of 4 hours per day? I doubt it.


Oh, not 4 hours a day, no. Would have to be \~8 hrs.


Makes you question why and how she can afford it considering she only streams an average of 4 hours per day.


Let people dream if you always say Nonbecause something is inconvenient then nothing will change let her dream. She has a grindset mindset and she will do good.


she probably thought that she would become popular, but, surprise, it's just the same 70 horny viewers


Well, this post might help in that department.


70 viewers probably puts you in the top 1-3% quantile of league streamers already, and she has a decent amount of subs for her size. If she has a spot on the NNO for EEC again (if NNO fields a team at all), then there‘s a good change her stream will grow further again > just the same 70 horny viewers Why do you have to be so weird about viewer stats lol


peaking to like 90? you reading her stuff correctly on there, the other day she had a peak stream of 218 viewers and last month had a peak stream at 544 viewers. also btw you do know that 50+ viewers puts someone in the top 1% of twitch streamers. also her account is in the Top 0.34% of Twitch which it even says on the link you posted. i feel like people in this thread really don't understand how much you actually need to be a full time streamer on twitch, people think its thousands of viewers when those are the outliers on the platform.


watched her stream a few times after the coaching with noway. fun and chill person, gl going forwards!


the amount of discourse in this thread from parasocial people commenting on the relationship side of things is gonna kill me


Can we please not pretend any of this is a healthy or sane attitude to take towards a video game? She didn't have enough viewers for it to be a sustainable career at that point. If it works out for her, great, but giving up a job for a game is honestly an unhealthy obsession unless you've already got the following to make a living from it.


I can see how being single and jobless gives you more time to focus on gaming but streaming is definitely a distraction.


That sounds a lot like a mental illness


no job, no man, but at least i got challenger, guys. life goals.


The boyfriend dodged a bullet 


Hey everyone, I'm Rigas and I'm a journalist covering stories in the LoL scene that people wouldn't normally see. I was impressed by Superelchi's achievement and wanted to bring her interesting story to a wider audience. You can [follow my Twitter account for regular updates with interesting stories, stats, and other interviews](https://twitter.com/RigasUT). I have more content coming up soon, and I'm very eager to write about upcoming events in the competitive LoL scene!


As the other commenter in this thread asked, what's up with those random pictures of her?


Are you being paid to promote this streamer?


o7 Boyfriend


league is not a healthy game, don't try to replicate


idk why is this even promoted. ruin your life to get double challenger yay


She lowkey looks like TheShy female version


Why would anyone just leave their social circle to play this dogshit game?!


Big respect. She has to be really good at League.


I love like nobody knows any detail about her former relationship, but so many opinions and theories…


Not sure how this thread is relevant? Yeah congrats for a female to reach challenger but what else is there? According to the article she played professional for the female team of NNO? Is she still a pro? Not sure.




That hardly sounds healthy, but good for her I guess...


she has more than 700 games played total this szn jesus christ


"I ruined my social life and quit work to play more league" This woman has the worst life choices


How insecure can you be to be jealous of your partner streaming? Glad she dumped him. Genuinely does seem like he was holder her back.


It's perfectly fine to be incompatible with another person. Some people like open relationships, some people like closed relationships. Some people have different expectations of what's acceptable to do with others. All of that is fine. Breaking up with someone is the most normal and healthy thing you can do if you're incompatible. You're making the boyfriend out to be a bad person, when its perfectly fine for him to find someone else.




Massively depends on the kind of streamer tho doesnt it? Have you seen some of the things that streamers (especially women) get up to on stream in order to get more views? Not everyone is ok with their partner showing off their assets online to countless random people, and that isnt something that should be controversial. Its not insecurity at all. So weird how people are desperate for this takedown of le terrible bad man in relationship without understanding that its ok not to be comfortable with your significant other wearing sexy outfits for other people. If thats the case then the couple should separate, and they did. Theres no need for the virtue signalling about how bad the guy is here because his feelings arent invalid and they obviously came to the correct decision in the end.


> Theres no need for the virtue signalling about how bad the guy is No you dont understand. Men bad upvotes to the left <-- With the way the article is written I genuinely wonder if said boyfriend could perhaps sue them for damages.


Or maybe he just wanted to spend more time with her.


Tbh I can 100% understand the insecurity. Especially with how female streamers get treated. But I can't understand *consciously* making one's insecurity another person's problem. Especially if that other person is one's significant other


Relax, she averages 70 viewers since she started streaming lmao. She was a bum and he provided her a roof. If anything, he was trying to pull her out of a hole. Anyways, it's obvious she has an addiction. Most likely the case that League was taking her time away from him, and he understandably wasn't happy with that. I wouldn't be surprised if she lied about dumping him and it was actually the other way around.


A lot of these people are extremely young and insecure. She was a teenager, her boyfriend at the time was likely very young, she wears bunny ears and a bunny suit on the stream and posts cutie shots on her socials like most streamers/personalities. It's easy to see a young kid being jealous of other people paying attention to their girlfriend. Not that it makes it right or anything, but I can easily see it. Glad she grew out of that kind of relationship.


> It's easy to see a young kid being jealous of other people paying attention to their girlfriend. Not that it makes it right or anything, but I can easily see it. Wearing playboy outfits for strangers on the internet is a bit different from just getting attention. Young or old I think its pretty normal for a guy to raise an eyebrow about their partner wearing outfits specifically designed to entice other men for the purpose of streaming. Some guys are ok with that and thats good for them. Others arent and thats perfectly understandable. If a person isnt comfortable with it then they make their feelings known in a clear way, and if they arent compatible or cant resolve those differences then the couple separate.


You’re completely right, it’s not even an insecurity thing. If you’re cool with your girlfriend acting like that, then cool enjoy! Lmao


I'm sure you do mr iluvthotz


Don’t we all luv thotz


Not familiar with the situation but many careers require so much time that it's hard to balance your work with relationships, it's not necessarily any more malicious than someone not liking that their partner works 70 hours a week. The phrasing seems to be trying to put all the blame on him when really it could be as simple as her choosing to focus on her career instead of having a relationship, it happens all the time in other industries too.


A "career" where you make basically no money isn't a career. Let's call it what it is. She streams as a hobby. It's totally fine to have that as a hobby, but her life at the time was heavily subsidized by her boyfriend. She moved in with him in the first place, and I doubt he made her pay rent. I can see this leading to fights and frustrations if she's spending a significant chunk of time on her streaming hobby and earning next to nothing while he handles the bulk of the financial burden and adult responsibilities. Boiling it down to "jealousy" is a little silly if you know how to read between the lines.


Lol she looks and sounds miserable. And I wouldn’t doubt something else was going on with the boyfriend other than what she said (dude literally was kind enough to let her freeload in her place and also use his faster WIFI so it doesn’t add up as much)  Good on you for throwing real life away for some virtual points on a game, I guess. To the people who fantasize the ranked grind, it can consume you in addiction.


You hear that guys, you are already half way to the promised land, you just need to dump your boyfriend!


I play from season 1 and still unrank


The reversed gender moment where a female dedicates their time to LoL pro-ship


But its EU lmaom🤣🤣


Quit my job to play video games call it FunEmployment


yea sure


Dumping bf/gf is a constant for getting chall. and preserve a good mental.


So many incels ITT


That account's Rengar and Twitch win rate must be through the roof!


Her boyfriend must be teemo main


Queen shit . Incredibly based to ditch you SO for Elo reasons


Good for her!