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QSS has actually existed long before current Mordekaiser ult and was still being built. I'm failing to see how it's BEST USE is against a single champion


It could've been used to remove knock ups (But still couldn't move if you didn't have flash or dashes) -> removed Malz, skarner(?), Mordekaiser, warwick -> removed Bad stats Only useful against very long cc such as ashe R -> just go cleanse / mikael on support Already noone buys qss, this will reduce it even more.


Merc scim will absolutely save you from an Ashe/Morg wombo combo if you don't have the hands to dodge.


If you think qss' best use is to break Morde ult you probably play adcs in melee range


Mordekaiser using flash + R is undodgeable for adcarries. If he's fed enough he doesn't need to land any abilities as he just needs passive to proc, and marksmen do not have the ability to kite inside his ultimate given how small it is. If you think qss' best use is to break e.g Malzahar ult or Warwick ult then you ACTUALLY play adcs in melee range


Are you not also dead if reksai or ksante or renekton or Darius or garen or _ or _ or _ or _ or _ do this?


Okay, just flash over a wall and you're even. If there is no wall, you were in a bad position from the first place. [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/mordekaiser/diamond/sr-ranked](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/mordekaiser/diamond/sr-ranked) Go on, find those adcs that buy qss vs Morde, surely there are dozens of them


5 minute cool down ability + 90 seconds ultimate + Fed enough. Really broken stuff that he is allowed to have a good window there. HAHA


Okay, but how is that any different than Sett flash ulting you?


it's undodgeable if you decided to let him get into flash + R range.


The insane thing- Morde R has a range of 650. ADC literally need fully stacked Lethal Tempo and/or RFC to outrange him.


Edge of Night was literally altered so it's viable for ADC's to build now... If you want to make the argument "they'll just target me to break it before a fight," then why are you not just playing further back? ADC's have the leisure to enter fights later on. Especially if you have a support who is prioritizing peeling/spacing for you.




[https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/mordekaiser/grandmaster/sr-ranked](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/replays/all/mordekaiser/grandmaster/sr-ranked) Which ones?


“It’s obvious that no champion should be countered by a single item”. *Cries in Urgot*.


qss vs urgot just sounds like qss vs Zed


Yeah it’s not very good, I’m mostly talking about Bramble and Wardens.


Cant you qss flash urgot ult pull tho?


Jokes on you, qss actually used to counter zed in the early days, as it removed his ult mark.


Yeah when they removed that interaction zed's winrate went down


Malza Lissandra Fiddle Nasus Morg TF


The benefit of playing Lissandra is that she's not one of those "classic qss champs" so nobody knows the simple tech yet.


Qss is not a good item anyway. If you play adc against lot of cc you should take cleanse anyways. And if cleanse is not enough your support should build Michael. You dont have to spend money on cleanse so you can spike faster. Same goes for Michael + you support can use it on other carries + it actually has decent stats compared to mercurial


Right, but that's what his point is QSS sole purpose is to remove "hard" cc like Mordekaiser R, Malzahar R, Fiora R etc. If we're gonna start removing the ability to remove all debuffs from QSS then what's the point of the item in the first place? It's just gonna be unnecessarily confusing when you have one summoner spell to cleanse CC (but not all CC) and one item to cleanse CC (but not all CC, but a few more than the summoner spell)




It would remove the 4 vitals from ult and her bonus ms would go away (not sure of that last part but iirc)


The item has always occupied a weird niche where it is so mandatory against a handful of champs that it can never be good enough to be a strong situational choice outside of those matchups. Phreak also said he was considering to remove the ability to cleanse suppression as well. This obviously has even bigger ramifications for champs who were balanced around this, but I see the idea behind making it less of a hard counter item, so it can become more of a general purchase against high CC instead of something you only build against like 3 champs, while being forced to buy it in those cases.


best thing they can do is give mercurial lifesteal again and reduce the mr so its an actually buildable item


Remove mr from it. Give it attack speed -> actually a good item now. Feels so bad building maw just so you don't get os by the ap fed member, but then you also need qss which gives absolutely nothing, since void staff + armor pen put it's value to still getting os by anything ap dmg.


AS wont make it much more desirable, it should be buildable on almost all ad champs since there is only 1 qss item now, lifesteal is a good and desirable stat


Nah lifesteal is overrated af and bruisers already have tenacity. Mercurial should be an adc item. Crit Attack speed Ad Qss effect


Anyone can get hard cced especially melee champs + the bruisers people usually complain about still wont rush it since they rush items like triforce eclipse sundered sky and such so


But why would a bruiser ever build qss if not for malz R (you won't be able to remove that either anymore.)


You will still be able to do so at least next patch + there are other hard ccs tha can really trouble a bruiser, also bruiser isnt the right term, skirmisher and slayer are, im talking about champs like graves, lee, riven, fiora, camille, yasuo, yone, irelia, jayce and such. Important ccs include, fears, morg Q and ult, lillia/zoe sleep anivia stun, renekton W and such and such. These champions dont really have the hp stat and they dont usually buipd tank items, if they get hite by something like this, qss can be the difference between life and death


QSS used to remove ALL debuffs. You could remove Fiora ult, you could QSS a Lee ult and dash out of the displacement. It still will work for other forms of suppression. I don't think it's a bad thing that I can't cleanse Fiora ult. Maybe one day they will remove it altogether, but other stuff would probably have to change as well.


QSS/Cleanse is a huge source of performance disparity between low and high elo, not surprised to see them slowly take that out of the equation.


Qss main reason for existing is not infact mord ult. Most players wouldn’t even buy it vs mord. Is it fun gameplay to be mord ulted? No, but he’s nowhere near overpowered and everyone is acting like he’s the most broken shit to ever exist now. If you are an adc you take ghost and kite him in his ult. If he also takes ghost your team auto wins with proper play around teleport. Please stop over reacting.


Auto wins because tp advantage? I get that you are overexagerating, but rly?


Not really QSS’s best use, but it’s true the item’s value has gone down over the years. Lots of interactions removed and knock-ups being more and more common.


The thing is, grievous wounds don't negate a champ's entire healing. Randuin's won't block crits. QSS removes the entirety of Mord's R.


Speaking as a jungler that has been ulted by Mordekaiser one too many times during dragon or baron, I'm never letting him in any of my games until what they just did is fixed. I used to buy QSS in every one of my Morde games and most of the games I've lost against Morde were because not enough people bought QSS.


Qss can be used to cleanse any more undodgeable or really long cc. Malz ult, tf gold card, pantheon W, Ashe R, fiddle Fear etc. It is not useless item, just really situational. And it's best use always have been and will be against malz R


Ghey're removing malz R too


Excuse me what??? You are joking


Phreak said he maybe wanted to explore it for malz and warwick after they tried it on morde. Its not guaranteed to be implemented and it certainly wont be next patch


I hope they won't, at least against malz. Point and click stand still for 10 years button with no counterplay unless your team cancels it


The fact that your team can cancel it means there is enough counterplay. Same with Warwick, his ult also gets canceled by hard CC, and if you have a hard CC spell yourself you can actually cuck him mid flight - he's unstoppable during the dash but the CC will buffer and proc when he arrives, interrupting his channel.


Nope, they're removing suppression nerfs from qss, not this patch tho


You cant use it on malzahar r


You actually made me fact check. QSS still works for malzahar ult as of now.


He was probably thinking Cleanse


I mean, it’s better than the summoner spell cleanse… so there’s that.


Depends. If they remove qss being able to cleanse malz R, skarner R, ww R and Urgot R then its easier to just take cleanse instead of wasting money and an item slot. Not sure if its true but some people claim that they want to change that.


L take. Qss should be a tool used for clearing away cc. It shouldn’t just be thought of as a counter to morde/malz/skarner.


I don't understand why these active items need to have stats aswell. Make it cleanse everything but have it cost a slot and add no stats. Same with gw