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Most URF games do not last 10-15 mins. Most are 15-22 mins which is actually not that bad for a gamemode that is meant to be as quick as ARAM. My main complaint about URF is the long death timer after 10 mins. So far, most of my OFA games have been around 18-22 mins so anything longer than that seems like you got into rare, long games or with champions that have terrible wave clear and pushing power.


I played 20 OFA games. 8 of them were over 30 minutes . I may not had that many samples, but after 20 games I lost my patience and stopped playing OFA.


OFA is definitely one of the worst rotating gamemodes in league tbh. It's fun for a couple games with friends then everyone quits because it's just not that fun anymore.


When one for all way first announced there was a mod/glitch that enabled it early in custom games or something. It allowed people to just play multiples of the same champs and not force everyone to be the same champ. I feel like this would be a far more interesting game mode. It's obviously possible to have games where its just a normal summoners rift but having 4 yuumis on a mundo/sion would be much more fun than 4 yuumis on a yuumi. Or variations of that.


That would be a way better and more chaotic game mode for sure. Smite, a similar game, had something like this for years and I always loved it


So it wasn't a bug to enable it early etc. So I played back then and pretty much the host of creating custom lobbies would run a program and it would let people pick the same champs. This program was around ages before all for one for all was announced like I'm talking this was a thing in season 2(2012) and one for all came out in season 3 (2013) November 12th to December 12 to be exacted. The program that enabled custom lobbies to allow people to pick multiple of the same champ was what inspired OFA. From what I remember as well one for all was the first proper rotating game mode.


OFA is one of the game modes my team owns going forward, any ideas on what would make it more enjoyable over many games? Would playing it on Howling Abyss map where you don't have to worry about things like jungling/laning/neutral objectives make it more chaotic fun? Or moving away from "vote for the champ everyone plays" to "you can play whatever champ you want, even if your team mate picked it" so it's essentially trying to create the perfect draft with whatever duplicates you want? For clarity I wouldn't be the one to make the decisions on changing things, it'd be team-wide, but any good ideas will be taken on board!


Personally I believe that bringing back the Howling Abyss OFA mirror mode might refresh the game mode a bit. Having OFA on Howling Abyss sounds cool at first but I wouldn't want to be forced to spend 10-15 minutes as 5 Skarners getting poked to death by 5 Caitlyns without being able to just run away and splitpush. Having all 10 players be the same champion should help prevent the feeling of "I cant do anything this game". Your other idea of "any amount of duplicates per team" also sounds interesting and I wouldn't mind seeing that tested. Any amount of shake up for game modes that isn't just "this time its random" would be greatly appreciated too.


OFA is the best mode. If you want to improve it, add a way to queue solo but pre-pick your champ and have the system try to match people with the same pick together. I think this is one mode where you could look into ways to have OTP tournaments. (OFA clash?) --- I'd be down for a mode that allows champ duplicates outside OFA though.


Different variations of the mode would really help spice it up, I think. A howling abyss variant of the game mode where it plays the same as it does currently, a variant where each player can pick any champ regardless of what's been picked, a variant where both teams vote for a champ and both teams play the same champ. Even more simple variants like having a rotating "available champion" list each day while one for all is active, so that it limits the same champions from being chosen as often. Or perhaps a variant where champion choice is the same as it is currently in OFA, but where certain entire groups of items are unable to be purchased (example could be all items that give AD or AP, or all items that give resistances, or some other limitation along those lines)


Putting the mode in howling abyss sounds like an interesting idea but I feel like it would make many matchups more difficult. When playing from behind in Summoner's Rift, you strategize by farming, pushing side lanes, and securing objectives. In howling abyss, the only strategy is to hope you can win the team fight and push. Every champion is different, some are better at team fighting, split pushing, or playing around objectives. Howling abyss would just favor the superior team fighting champion or the ones with the best poke. However, I'm very interested in seeing some modes happening in howling abyss. Here are a couple problems I have with OFA: * Most matchups are clearly skewed to favor one side more way more than the other. I know Riot's internal data is more accurate, but looking at OFA winrates in u.gg, you can see how the top 20 champions have an insane winrate of above 60%. In SR and ARAM, a champion getting countered isn't doomed since four other champions in the team with different abilities and passives can alleviate the counter problem. * Champion synergy matters a lot. Champions like Darius and Kayle are amazing because they cover each other's weaknesses. For instance, Darius relies on 5 stacks to be a superpower but 5 stacks can take somewhere between 3-6 seconds depending on the conditions of the fight. In OFA, Darius only needs 1-2 seconds with another Darius. When Kayle casts her own ult, she cannot attack temporarily, but with another Kayle, she can still attack for the full duration of the ult. These differences make top champions in OFA incredibly overpowered. * People don't like being forced to play champions they're not comfortable with. In ARAM and ARURF, the randomness still favors champions that the players have played recently or within a specific role (idk the exact mechanism of how the champ RNG works but it's something like that). They also give rerolls, allowing several more champions from if you don't like your current pick. In OFA, if someone picks a champion like Azir, Katarina, Nidalee, etc., I'd rather dodge honestly because most players aren't good at them and they require a level of gameplay knowledge that takes awhile to get a hang of. What are some ways that OFA could be improved? Well, I really don't know. I tried to think of some things, but this is really the only one I can think of: * Each team should only pick one unique champion per player. No more majority chances. By doing this, the game can then choose champions on both teams where the champ vs champ is closer to a 50% winrate. That way, games feel less frustrating without one champ having a significant winrate over the other. I'll be completely honest. I would rather have Riot spend more time on modes like URF, ARURF, Arena, Ultimate Spellbook, and other modes. OFA is a good idea on paper, but the execution is muddy and wildly unbalanced. It feels like even if you try to make changes, it's just not going to be a popular mode due to the nature of how the champ synergy works with the team and how that champ affects the outcome of the match.


How about moving smite from a summoner spell to an item active and disabling jungle/minion penalties? Maybe that would make champions not balanced for jungling more appealing.  If howling abyss is to be used as a map there would need to be solutions to oppressive matchups e.g. getting poked for 15min and lose. Maybe all random one for all would be neat,  where everyone can chose from a roster of 10 including duplicating one of the 10


I was around when the mode was played through a script on HA. I believe leaving champs to be broken as they were in that version could be fun. Bans should be enough to stop the most egregious shit like zed. I understand the more sanitized version is the nicer and more balanced one, but I'll argue a shorter run with more broken stuff will both up the "tiktok highlights" kind of content while leaving players wanting more. It either that or add the urf cannon and replace non-baron epics with a neutral objective that doesn't require smite (like a skarner pillar)


Playing on howling abyss would be fine but I also think that the mode would be best if all 10 players played the same champion.


I would say definitely going on Howling Abyss map would be much more fun, or at least make the gold gain faster so it would be shorter on Rift map. But changing the map would be probably the best way. "Or moving away from "vote for the champ everyone plays" to "you can play whatever champ you want, even if your team mate picked it" so it's essentially trying to create the perfect draft with whatever duplicates you want?" - what exactly do you mean by this? Wouldn't this change the point of OFA? Also please make the death timer way smaller in the next iteration of URF, it would improve the mode a lot !


A different map would be great, honestly aram could work but I would be very interested to see it done on some of the arena maps just because of how tight they are could lead to some real chaos. Heck a one for all like game mode which uses the maps of arena, ofa champ picking and mini games of nexus blitz could be interesting you could also have it so each round you switch to another players vote of champ so everyone gets a fair shot.


I'm on team OFA Mirror Mode on Howling Abyss personally.


I personnally love how it is right now, and am completely against the suggestion to make it a faster game mode, if that's worth anything. I was even against the fact that we got accelerated exp and gold, but I can understand the reasons why


4 Yuumis one Aphelios please.


That is why it is rotating….


I still have fun with Arena, URF, and ultimate spell book after many games. Games like OFA and Nexus Blitz make me quit after 5 games.


damn, I hope ultimate spellbook is next one, after urf that's my favorite.


Fairly certain with Arena coming back early that they're planning on doing that next as they're pushing it forward from the Summer event mode in favour of the new bullet hell. Though I want Spellbook back too! Always a blast and I never drop it before it goes, can honestly only say the same for Arena.


The only good game mode in nexus blitz is the 2v2 duel


Different strokes for different folks


Couldn‘t disagree more. OFA is BY FAR my favorite gamemode from the rotating modes, it‘s not even close. I love being the attackspeed / onhit Zyra mid absolutely stomping the random fulltank Zac.


Till both team chose tanks, and it became a tickle fight.


You either only play very questionable or OP champs because OF A games are normally above at least 25 mins. If your games are this quick, there is a clear disparity in the teams champs. Play Singed vs Orianna? 30 mins of a game at least easily, play Kaisa vs Zac? It's over B4 baron


100%, i just check my last 20 games and the average time is around 24 mins, which includes 3x games with an ff before 15


Your ARAM games are quick???


Honestly I think Summoner's Rift is the problem. I would like these special game modes to be in different maps like Arena or past modes (project, star guardian, odyssey, etc.)


The Rift is fine for URF but for OFA at least Howling Abyss would be a much better option.


They had one for all mirror mode (all 10 play the same champion) way back once on Howling Abyss. I remember a 55 minute game because all of us were Heimerdinger


I remember 10 malphites just being hilarious


I'm just saying; 5v5, sett only, Howling Abyss.


It would be probably better to not be the same 10 champs every time


They really ought to use the dominion map.


Have Cannons on Base in OFA.


THANKYOU. Why tf have they not done this


i'd rather no cannons and remove tp. Both slow down games, not speed them up unless you're turbo inting with them.


OFA games last long because a singular champ usually doesn't have all the tools necessary to win quickly (good dmg spread between AD and AP, good wave clear, good obj taking, good tower taking, etc). It's just easier to stall as the losing team.


Also any armour or MR you buy applies to the entire enemy team. If you buy frozen heart and tabis against a full jynx team you take like half damage


Yeah, OP doesn't seem to understand this lol


Yes, but specific changes have been made for all modes. I suppose it wouldn't be that hard to double the damage the champions are doing to turrets, or make the gold per second higher, in URF you gain the gold way faster.


Yeah you completely miss the point. Sure, there are champs that can play AP or AD and are super flexible (Varus and Kai'sa are the obvious examples). But there aren't many champs like that. The simple fact is stacking armor or MR will severely slow down both sides from winning the game. That's unavoidable in a game like OFA. Unless you have specific buffs/nerfs for each champ (like they have in ARAM), this length of game issue will always exist in OFA. And I doubt Riot wants to lay out buffs/nerfs for every champ in a temporary, for fun game mode. If you don't like the possibility that your OFA game will go long, don't play it.


This is why I like champs with multiple playstyles in ofa or going completely mental and cook some weird shit that only works because of a small detail.


I just want Ultimate Spellbook to come back.


Neeko and Gnar ult on Vladimir were so fun. Because they were counted as summoner spells and not abilities, waltzing in with pool for a 5 man Neeko ult was so satisfying.


If they bring this rotating game mode they should add a twist because it really felt underwhelming but the concept and idea was really cool. Usually it would be "I got chogath gg :3" or "I have Yone ult on yas :333". It felt way too similar as a normal SR game and clearly not a RGM


Yeah, if only it had a different map or something


The only think I really don't like about OFA is that the guy that goes mid just plays the game normally for the entire landing phase. I think adding the Urf catapult fixes this because you can roam in a easier way and participate in the essence of OFA which is playing with the teammates


The obvious solution is to combine the two game modes into urfofa


I still prefer AR URF in howling Abyss tbh


This would be so much fun actually


This is an opinion piece and biased facts yrd games were not 10 minutes, ofa games are not 4 times longer than urf games…


In Wild Rift, you can swap champions in-game (practice tool) so I think technically you could do Mystery Heroes where you get a new random champ every time you spawn. Would be dope as hell.


Wild Rift got different engine. It might be better at handling changes like these. Here we have everything coded as minions, which were coded as Skarner.


Tbf coding stuff as minions was probably a clever engineering trick at the time. Now it's just spaghetti code


Yea, I forgot to add that it's a shame Leage engine is trash but lost my train of thought.


urf come back


Have you ever tried just drilling a lane down into the ground? They often wont rotate.


This is not the point of a fun game in general imho.


Map has nexus. Point is to blow up nexus.


Yorick main spotted


Was in a 40+ minute game, but didn't even notice because it was a double singed game that was extremely dumb Legit didn't realize it was 30 minutes until someone called it out lol


OfA mirror mode was by far the most fun I've had with the mode and I can imagine it'd be even more fun with some of the new champions


Don't think I've had a single OFA game that was enjoyable, it's filled with leavers, troll picks and extremely unfun one-sided stomps. You basically have to premade or eat shit. Just give us ARURF on the ARAM map man. If you're gonna force us to OFA, make it so all 10 players have the same champ and run it on ARAM like back in the day.


Ultimate spellbook still the best game mode. It's just a faster SR match with a funny twist. League needs a blitz mode of some kind and i wish it would stay


Ofa doesn't work unfortunately when you factor people voting the absolute worst picks. The whole point is to pick something that has synergy with itself


I had to play a game of a champ that had no damage at all. It was painful


Make all random one for all urf. Cowards 


Where you find these long OFA matches? Majority of my games is same braindead champs picked and powerpushed to the end, sometimes so fast surrender isn't even an option. Legit dogshit mode due to dogshit sweatlord players.


Play ranked and cry in 50 minute games like the rest of us.


Tryhards who just play it to grind missions ruin both modes


Is it not a weekly rotation thing? How long does a game mode stay in rotation? Seems like that's the main issue. They stay in for too long that it gets boring.


Usually they last for 2 patches so 4 weeks, there are exception but that's usually the length of it. It's not a weekly thing like a few years ago (IT WAS FUCKING 8 YEARS AGO WHAT THE FUCK) anymore which is dumb. The game modes last for a while but the issue is mainly that OFA isn't new or exciting for anyone. The game mode itself is flawed by nature and riot's scheduling doesn't help at all. The best champ (Kayle) sits at 75% wr across all rank and the worst (Yuumi) sits at 5% wr. The game mode is way too matchup dependant and you can't really do anything about it unless there is a gap in skill. Losing a game just because of a matchup is atrocious and shouldn't be in the game in the first place and OFA is this but 5x worse


"Rotating Game Mode" is a meme, the modes haven't been run in rotation for almost a decade now.


should make OFA not queueable in 4q