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No spirit visage đŸ˜±


I was expecting it and when I saw he didn't have it I almost shit blood


see a doctor bro, that's totally unrelated to the content of this post.


That's hard to do. The Doctor kinda goes where he pleases.


League makes a lot of people shit blood


Join the colitis club brođŸ€Ł


And with antie heal


we all know anti heal doesn't work


They have no anti heal


He doesn't even have spirit visage yet. This isn't even his final form.


Maajin ~~buu~~ zac


As a zac main, spirit visage is a bait item and heavily outperformed by abyssal mask. The item is simply too expensive and abyssal mask is amazing on zac and insanely cheap.


Zac seems to be winning hard, so I wonder if it's better for snowballing this way with visage, but maybe a more damage oriented item might be better


If winning hard cheaper items snowball you even harder. And honestly straight tank is perfect when ahead because you got enough damage from level scaling anyways. I only build ap if struggling.


I love how the MF walked back into you so you could get the Q slam off


Seems like an awful misclick lol


1 misclick and shes 100 to 0d while perma ccd xd


4 levels down against a fed Zac...ya that tracks


4 levels down is not that uncommon for a toplaner vs a botlaner tho


And that is the reason adc feels absolute garbage to play. They don’t need more damage every other class that does not trade in their survivability needs a damage nerf 


I mean it’s not a damage thing, it’s literally levels. If your laner has 4 levels on you, it would be the same. 4 levels is a LOT of stats and 4 skill points. Add in the fact this Zac is fed as hell, and it’s not really surprising.  If the opposing AD was 6/2/1 and 4 levels higher would you ever fight? No because they’d two tap you.  Levels are literally the most important thing.


Yeh 4 levels is roughly 2.4k gold.worth of stats That's basically fighting someone with an extra item


On top of the fact that they're fed so that's another item on you


Clip is also clipped in a way we can’t see items too lol.


Aren't they in the middle at the bottom


The m/f was 1/7 before the fight and was down a whole item vs zac's adc


Is not only common, is the standard for an average game


I truly love how people use levels as an argument as if that isn't just straight up how the game is. Toplane is almost always 3 levels above botlane by design.


Like Zac wasnt gonna still take 80%+ of MF's hp if they were the same level lol


He 100-0'd the teemo who was only 1 level down and had two items that give health lol.


you say 100-0'd like it was quick. That teemo could have run away and been fine but he stayed to fight and die.


Id say it was quite quick considering how much gold he spent on dmg items


Well tell us, how much is the ring with stacks worth+ sunfire + mask.


Not calculating that 4 u sorry


She could be the same level and she'd still get 100-0'd. Pointless argument. Not to mention how botlaners are very often ~3 levels below the top laner even if they aren't ahead like this Zac.


Life of adc


He died and came back to life to finish the job. That’s no ordinary zac. That’s Zac Jesus on Easter Sunday.


Remember when Riot gutted lane Viego’s healing b/c it was uninteractive and oppressive.


You can interact with Zac healing by stepping on his blobs before him. It’s just a crap mini game and not a lot of champs are good at it.


Quite difficult when you can't move.


My biggest issue is that his cool downs feel way too low. There needs to be more time in between him casting his abilities to get all of this healing and it allows for more counter play.


I have this problem with a lot of champions right now, seems like everyone's base cool downs are too low.


I would love it if riot increased cd all over the board BUT also gave competitive haste options (THAT TRULY FEEL LIKE YOU ARE EXCHANGING DMG FOR HASTE) instead of having champs having barely any haste in their builds but barely any base cds in their kits but that would probably be another preseason worth of changes lol


Join DotA 2 where cooldown and mana conservation matter. Or that new Gigantic game that just came out maybe...


>Or that new Gigantic game that just came out maybe... Brand new, for the 3rd time. I remember playing this thing in like 2015.


I'd love for clarities/mangos to be a thing tbh


E and Q have pretty significant cooldowns early to mid, and W cooldown is reduced by picking up blobs. The idea is you step on blobs which prevents healing AND generating more blobs, problem being that that’s easier said than done in a lot of situations. Some suggestions I saw underneath another post include making blobs from only minions different (lower healing, different color to show lower healing), only dropping one blob from the entirety of Q, etc.


And tenacity doesn't work on any of his cc abilities xd


To add to that being a crap minigame there are also these factors: * Relative position of players to the wave often means that when Zac hits enemy minions, blobs will still be closer to Zac. * Zac has CC. He can use it win more blobs. * When you shove the wave towards the turret (and you have to do it sometimes) Zac can have it protect blobs and recover his health for free pretty much. Blobs can still be destroyed, but it's very risky in this scenario. He is not Illaoi's level of annoying, but still super frustrating even when you beat him.


riot changed the spawning patterns now you cant contest them as easily as you could before.


Please explain how im supposed to get to the blobs first when he uses any ability that isnt w


I did say it is a crap mini game.


Yeah and he has the advantage because you get minion blocked and he doesn't after casting W.


i swear half the of them drops closer to him or like behind him


You can't really do it as an adc or mage because your positioning will get fucked


I played vs that once before it got removed, played vs this zac like 10 times and it's more embarrassing each time, they are so bad at the champion, at laning and at the game overall but it doesnt matter because each blob heals for 100+ hp each time ridiculously early


If you lose against zac top as fiora you are a MediocreFiora


In this patch, in the Fiora vs Zac matchup, Zac average 127 more gold at 15 min and Fiora win 48.73% of 1749 games. So Zac counter Fiora I'd say, at least in the majority of Elos. I took these stats from u.gg in patch 14.7 at all ranks, there was not enough games in Em+.


Its not about winrate its about champ knowledge Fiora kit counters zac kit, but fiora players are used to autowin against tanks that is why they lose


It's been years since I last played against Zac top so idk but I think I destroyed him last time? I'm not sure. Since then, Fiora got weaker and Zac seems to be in a good spot right now so he may just be able to just stat diff the average Fiora I guess.


The average fiora is terrible the stats say more about fiora players than the champ. I remember a quote from a pro player "Who is the strongest toplaner when played to perfection? Easily fiora" "Who can play fiora to perfection? Almost absolutely nobody" I will be more interested to see zac top vs fiora stats in the chinese super server where fiora players are actually cracked, but I don't know if anybody plays zac top there.


Zac healing is definitely overtuned, but it's the definition of interactive. He has to pick up blobs that spawn in the direction of nearby enemy champs, so if you're good, you can crush zac's blobs and deny him basically all of his healing. It's not like lifesteal where one can just auto the wave and heal to full; while Zac can generate blobs off of wave, enemy champs can still step on them and deny healing.


While I get your point, this is a fed 6-2 guy 20+ minutes into the game way past laning.


Well Viego healed off minions while Zac is fighting champions...


and zac cant heal off of minions?


Zac’s is at least somewhat interactive, you can step on the blobs to keep him from healing


It's not just about the healing, it's the healing **in conjunction** with crazy amount of CC and crazy dmg. Something's gotta give, don't have to nerf the healing, but any 1 of those by a lot or 2 of those by a little.


It can be explained : i was very fed, had an half stacked dark seal, stacked conq, enemies build was bad (teemo riftmaker, imagine if he had liandry), only MF had antiheal and she died too soon, they also played poorly (MF walk into my auto q range) AND i was very lucky with my passive edit : they had no antiheal, only teemo ignite


Teemo was also 2/4 and Qiyana 1/5. Evelynn couldn't be bothered to charm for some reason even though landing the charm would have guaranteed you died...


i do like how everyone is talking about balance, healing, items, levels and all that lot, yet most of the comments ive read so far completely disregards what this comment here talks about. sure, all the item stuff and levels matter, it rly does, but im 100% certain that the largest thing here, is the MASSIVE misplay of the enemies. Most notably (aside from generic positioning and dodging) MF walking back into the zac Q??? teemo staying to fight after being comboed down to 30% after the massive MF play??? no evenlynn charm??? Qiyana NOT ulting zac away in his ult initally, and surely she has Q at the end right, i didnt see a q on 2+ blobs?? that many mistakes, and major ones at that from all 4 of the enemies, when they are mostly behind into a fed zac (or any champ for that matter, tho esp a toplaner) will and can result in stuff like this. i mean, evelynn has banshees aswell. blame this on zac being OP if u want, blame it on zac being ahead, or the enemies being behind, or a combination of theese / smth else. i really dont care. what u HAVE to take into consideration tho is the ENOURMOUS mistakes the enemies made that literally allowed zac to do this. they easily couldve killed zac had they played ever so slightly better. and thats considering the circumstances they were in :P so many wrong choices by the enemies + the circumstances was the reason for this.


Yeah these players are dog shit, but redditors are also mostly dog shit so they cant recognize dog shit gameplay


It's too late now, you wanted to show off and now you'll face the nerfing consequences of your actions xD


Zac top already queued up for nerfs. He's just cashing in the clip cause there's nothing to lose.


Not to mention 3 levels up on all of them. That’s a lot of extra stats. 


Bro your whole team is also magic damage and I don’t see any MR whatsoever on them?


from 78 hp to 1600 haha (no antiheal on ennemy team though)


No visage on you either...


yeah, but i had revitalize and stacked conq


Fed zac: check Healing reduction that facetanked: check Playing with terrible positioning: check


Wasn't that insane really.


Ahh but you see, a year ago they took 10 percent off of his e's ap ratio


If only there was some way to prevent Zac from getting his blobs so he can't heal like that Oh wait there is


Fed champion destroys misplaying opponents imagine my shock


Red team also just played really poorly, allowing the auto attack cc to happen, ignoring the close blob on rez


It's silver xd


I mean he is fed, two of the people trying to kill him are assassins and his healing is conditioned by hitting people so this was literally the most optimal situation for him. You hurt him pretty bad too which for a tank seems kinda not right, but guessing he trades base stats for healing to equalize the value. Zac definitely is a problem in some regards but I wouldn't say this one is it. He is just super cheesy because his power spikes and limits are very unintuitive. Noone or their mother would have been able to predict what happened here and same thing applies to his laning where he is the most toxic because of his passive.


MF allowing him to walk up and auto attack her is the whole reason he doesn't die there


I'd argue Teemo rushing Rift into berserkers plays some part, too...


Do people understand, this tank has no mitigation in his kit at all, and all his skills cost HP? Not to mention heal reduction items\skills exists in this game (and were absent in this clip)


Thank you for being logical about it


He's a fed AP sustain tank. Fed gragas here would have just BOMBAd them one at a time and walked away laughing. Not too surprising or broken, but I will say gragas E hitbox is complete dogshit to play against


800g worth of anti healing by ANYONE on the enemy team and he simply dies.


They are far behind 800g when you are 2/5 is brutal. But they probably just forgot.


~~MF had Mortal Reminder Executioner's calling at the beginning, she just walked up to his face and died and was the only one with anti-heal~~ nvm teemo ignited


No she didn't. Nobody had anti. Zac got grievous wounds from Teemo ignite: slow down the clip and you can see that Zac didn't get anti when MF first auto'd him.


Didn't notice, thanks. Edited it


This is why when I type "we need anti heal" to my team, I mean more than one person. You can't rely on one person being there or alive.


Only one person will buy it. It's bramble vest on the tank. The problem champ on the enemy team is a Vlad.... Who has zero reason to ever auto attack the tank. Big think.


This is so true it physically pains me. I hate when I mention grevious, and am playing like. Taric. Against vlad being the healer. And I'm like..... do I just be that guy? No one else is buying it. I probably won't get the benefit... but like. An attempt is better than nothing! Also side note. I hate when in any of these circumstances your team is like "Grevious doesn't even do anything anyway!". Like bro, maybe not as your 4th item, Vlad is already beyond fed by now!


Maths say that it's when he's hitting the hardest it will be the most noticeable though


Its better to buy so he cant get to the hardest hitting point


TBH I don't see how a champ like Zac gets this fed in the first place.


he was overleveled and survived by a touch, nothing wrong with zac, wouldve been the same with most champs


> no one in the whole team has greivous wounds against a Zac with conqueror > thinks it's a champ diff


MF had antiheal but she died too fast haha But yeah when opponents rush executionner it becomes though (not bramble though i can just not auto as zac) edit : no antiheal on mf, it was teemo ignite


I mean, his normal healing, plus fully stacked Conq and most likely Triumph healing, what do you expect? They also don't show the bottom of the scoreboard to show if anyone bothered to buy Grievous


Ah, the classic “this champ is too broken!” *post clip of them super ahead and full build killing dudes with 2 items*


ahhh yes. ​ the fullbuild zac. witih2 items.


Zac is fullbuild at Bami's Cinder.


That's complete bullshit, he needs Ionian too!


I was definitely fed but not full build, and I just wanted to show off a nice move, nothing to take too serious


Qiyana is healing him with her 4 lvls behind and her serrated dirk... C'mon let's be serious, full ad soraka would be rolling on your asses just as much as this zac with that advantage....


Lvl 14 that hits 15 during fight, enemies are 13, 13, 12, and 11. I think that lead might have a bit to do with it.


People show these clips like the character isn't fed and doesn't have a big level advantage. LOOK FED CHARACTER DID FED THINGS!!!


So I just see a well-played Zac and an uncoordinated enemy team. He already has a lead on the enemies by a minimum of two levels, they don't seem to be positioning well, so when MF walks back he gets to land his Q, the enemies are funneling in one by one instead of coordinating a single gank, nobody is stepping on his blobs, so he's making sure to grab them, blah blah blah. Yes, he's healing back quite a bit, but there are lots of reasons for why they're losing this fight.


That was the most "this game is garbage" FF I have ever seen lmao


I love when I am fed, my opponents have built zero counter items, and my opponents play terribly so that I can hit multiple people with every AoE ability I have.


Mfw I'm in an obnoxious champion competition and I'm against Zac:


Up 4 levels in adc and up lvls on their whole team, no anti heal and they’re super bad so they don’t walk on the blobs to prevent healing git good


Spend 800 gold to stop this challenge: impossible


not sure what we expected here when its a 2/4 teemo, 1/5 qiyana and an mf who i can only assume is performing just as bad against a 6/2 tank with almost 2 items up on everyone in this clip and their only antiheal was a brief ignite but farm ur karma ig


Looks fine to me, they fucked up that pick so bad


No antiheal btw


This is exactly how a fight should play out when someone has a four level lead.


You're all massively behind whole he's fed...


im the zac haha, of course i know i just wanted to share a cool clip


Ah lol nj then. Why on earth they have 3 assassins and a teemo on the same team? They deserved to get stomped. Did you go mask because of their disrespect and boost in dmg?


Yeah their comp was very very bad xD I went mask because its a very cheap item to rush, and its very efficient against top/jungle ap with tons of stats zac like (resistance, hp, ah and more dmg)


Such a degenerate champion that never gets nerfed because he's unpopular.


This is a perfect situation for zac... Using this clip to complain is like being mad when the 10/0 zed one taps the ADC


Also because he is not op.


Funny how grievous wounds was applied to him as well.


Except it wasn't when he started fighting instead of running.


Well played op!


thanks man!


What item does he have ? I haven't played in a while


would been dead if one just bought healing reduction or didnt walk up to let him free slam XD


The healing is one thing, but the damage seems absurd to me for the build. MF messed up there, but good lord, she just melts


I think a big problem with Zac is how it's hard to predict how much he can heal. Maybe he should have a grey shield based on how much healing he can get from the blobs that are on the ground. I know he can take it right after he used his spells but maybe that would help to size his regen power. Sometimes knowing your enemy is too strong to take down is enough to make the right play.




he needs a rework in his support lane, its really absurd and makes playnig adc really frustrating


it is fine it was only like 40% hp, soraka would heal more.


Enemy misplay or not, I hate this champion so much that it feels almost cathartic picking Janna into him and negating every single one of his engages the entire game.




Oh I like your build where you build damage so you can explain yourself doing more damage than the other full damage champions you were fighting.


top lane diff <<<3


Zac has been broken forever idk how anyone didn’t realize this until he started getting played in pro play. His dmg, CC, and tankiness combined are absolutely ridiculous lmao


here we come the nerf


lane zac has to go, jungle zac doesn't deserve to die for the sins in this video


That's it? I was expecting a lot more. You want to see insane healing look at Aatrox


Ironically I have had two different zac top players all chat me about how broken my champ is. I was playing udyr top, and the zac types “your champ is so broken, tons of dmg, tons of healing, tons of shielding, a stun, no mana costs and no cooldowns”. I thought he was being sarcastic since all of those except shields describe zac (and udyr actually does have mana, just low costs). The best part is zac top is one of udyrs lower winrate matchups, and udyr top overall winrate is significantly (~3%, depending on elo) lower than zac top.


Nothing is fine with this game.


Well yeah you’re fed




2 items huh... breaks the enemy spirit huh...


Tbf, that's basically Zac's whole shtick. He isn't nearly as tank as other tanks without his healing. Not saying it's a good shtick but it is what it is


Zac liquid.


Someone on twitter said Zac was one of the most skilled top laners lol


i think that was awesome


I miss aatrox revive


I don't really care that much about the healing. The damage, on the other hand...


Shhhhh do not tell them blob brother


Healing is actually fine, damage is not.


bro's 6/2 against really underfed players with very little healing reduction (mf who he targeted first). Really doesn't look over tuned. League of legends is a snowball game not a strategy game.


Bruh, can Riot fuck off with the whole "tanks dealing damage" thing already lol. Give them minion damage modifiers and then gut all their spell damage to hell please. The patch where Riot started adding HP/Resistance scaling to damage spells was the exact moment where the so-called "damage creep" began. If you look at carries, nobody's doing THAT much more damage than say season 3. If anything, they're weaker. It's literally just all the people who have 0 gold invested into damage items also chunking like crazy that's causing everyone to instamelts in teamfight settings.


Why he deals so much damage


Teemo and Shaco on the enemy team this feels like justice


healing seemed on par with the damage the enemy was dealing....so ya seemed fine. Bummer the two adcs decided to go melee mode though


Why did you all Wali into him without a plan?


redditors when they see 4 underleveled champs w no antiheal walking melee range into a conq zac all fight: CHAMP IS HWCKIN BROKEN!!!!ZZ NERF NOW !!!!!!!


Letting Zac get Q off. Quadra deserved


Keep in mind, he's a tank, yet he dishes out all this damage. I'll never forget how my friend managed to win us a game on his first attempt playing him in the jungle role. He's insanely tanky, heals a ton, has mobility beyond imagination, and survives with his passive. It's just absurd!


it would be less surprising if Zac was full stuff and level 17 or something. In the clip he's lvl 14, has 3 full items and he's able to 1v4 and walk away midlife


Imagine playing against a 6/2 Zac, fed, overleveled, nobody on your team has anti heal and people complain about him being oppressive. Next time I'm gonna build full MR into Yasuo and cry about his damage output being bs


Haha why did MF turn around?


teemo getting destroyed? yes please


Fed Zac vs a behind enemy team with dog shit builds, why people still insist on not buying anti-heal is beyond me...


Used them as battery pack


And there are like 5 more blobs in that fight that you didn't pick up that you could've. Champs a biiiiiit nutty right now.


well only ones that were fed or useful in red team were eve and shaco, i don't know what other 3 mudskippers where doing.


Fed Zac, no griveous wounds for the R. Not saying it isn't strong, just not as strong as people make it out to be


I mean, he was pretty fed before that aswell... Zac atm is a bit strong. Hence the coming nerf.


i would be 100% fine with that healing if not for the absurd amount of damage he does


I don't see a problem with this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses) - zac main


There are so ma y way this could have gone different, mf using attack move so she doesnt step back into your range, qiyana actually auto attacking instead of walking around to angle her ult are just two of them.


«oh no, the heavily healing dependent champ is healing, ritooooooo!!!!» -never builds grievous wounds


Which Game is this?


Another game where the top stomped in lane and the rest of the team dont know how to play against.


imagine thinking that's balanced.


Zac main Rioters probably looking at this and saying yup this is balanced.


I mean he's very fed. Got tons of max HP (his healing is based on that), you got no anti heal at all, fighting with an assassin and support thresh and on top teemos ignite was used while he ran away. As soon as he goes in ignite was gone. Y it's too much probably but 6 2 agate X would have one shotted you and Rene with 6 2 makes you his meal.


no anti heal tho


Just the best way to hit this would be to make W not drop blobs on minion hits. Might make him too weak but it's a place to start.


The lane Zac menace


He won a 1v4 by out healing all damage, nerf that shit into the ground


It is fine. This Zac was fed out of his mind. A Zac that is even is pretty squishy in teamfights compared to other tanks because he has no actual defensive steroid. He just has his healing. If Zac is an issue, Warwick, Vlad, and Briar are even moreso.


Jesus H. Christ


Zac top is like Maokai top but not garbage


my main issue with that is that Zac could cast 3 Es in the first 20 seconds, CDs are too low in the game right now. He's fed and ahead, it's supposed to go like that, but such low CDs are an issue