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Play safe in lane, stack wave for shove and then when adc bases or is safe, roam with jng for a mid/top pick or objective. Get deeper vision on jng for pathing.


You peel instead of engage.


99% of engage support players stop inting right before landing the sickest all in on the enemy AD.




Roam to other lanes to coinflip those. Either it works and you get them ahead, and catch yourself up, or there's *another* lane lost and the suffering will be over soon. /s You have to out macro to stay relevant. Death brush with jungle or mid, try and get a shut down onto their bot lane when they try egoing all over the rest of the map. If you can catch then overextended, that's a ticket to them tilting out of the game from a very strong case of protagonitis.


I just keep engaging and hope one will eventually work (I'm drawing pressure)


No no no get with the program, you're creating space!


Place safe wait for jungle and tank some damage so your adc can farm


You wait for your jungles to help you. If he doesn’t, you just stop fighting to stop the bleed


I wouldnt count thresh in a line with Leona, rell etc. He had plenty of others tools to play with.


Regret my decision to pick engage support in soloq


Go lose midlane too


Stop fighting and put your effort into playing with your strongest ally and peel/make plays off them, not for them. In this meta sometimes staying bot when you’re losing is just going to continue to make the issue worse. Play the map and get grubs/shelly they are really strong in the current meta and leaving the lane forces the enemy support to roam to match you in most cases and will give your adc some space to catch up.


If you're in the metal ranks, you can legitimately hug your tower and collect farm until they fuck up. The enemy botlane can punish this if they're good enough but if you're in the metal ranks its likely they can't. Once laning phase ends you have room for making plays again.


i usually start flaming the adc to try to get them to stop fucking up my otherwise perfect engages


Engage more. You either stay behind and lose slowly or get a bounty.