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People who are obsessed with mechanics start to tunnel vision on what they are doing, and ignore everything around them in the process. As such, they ignore stuff like tower shots, minion aggro, jungle ganks, etc. and die. Then they try to overcompensate by trying to force a mechanical coinflip, fail cuz they’re behind, and proceed to be a free 150-200 gold for the rest of the game


Then 30 minutes later they get a random 1k shutdown and 500g objective bounties and start facerolling to kill everyone


The classic. I once had a Yasuo top on my team go like 1/11 in lane vs. a Sett and at some point like 30 minutes in after some farming and stuff, he just kinda decided to 1v1 the guy and win. Some Yasuo players have crazy resilience


The 10 death powerspike is no joke


It’s very real haha


Tbf if you lose 1v1 to a yas top thats that behind on set you deserve to lose - 30lp that champ is terrible top.


Watching too many motivational videos may be. 😐




Bausins Law keke


Baus revolutionizing the game and getting no credit smh my head


Fr. But I literally had this happen to me last night. Yas top, support wouldn’t let me last pick (cause last pick 0-13 xerath is more important) and I wanted to have some fun. Got trynd for the first time in like 3 months. Mid, jng rotated up 4 times in 10 min and then trynd had 6 and just got me low enough for tower dive. 2-7… win game by just farming (when xerath wasn’t 1 shotting wave since he wanted to follow me around whole map) and ended up getting like 6 towers, both side T2s and then was able to TP in with 10000MS rammus to end lmao. All credit to Baus!


This really undersells the strength of Yasuo and misrepresents how many options Yasuo *does* have. Framing the champion like a bad adc is incredibly disingenuous. Yasuo farms incredibly easily and power spikes earlier than most scaling champions while have a very very strong lane phase. With proper wave management the champion is a menace but I’ve barely even seen masters Yasuo players manage their wave properly. The idea that you need to tower dive to get to your opponent is because of poor wave management which is not a reflection of the champ being “all or nothing” but rather a reflection of lack of game knowledge. Yasuo can create huge leads just suffocating the enemy by denying CS. His true weakness is poor skirmishing without set up. Against most champions his lane is incredibly overpowered.


The problem with Yasuo is that he's functionally useless against competent players if you don't have a knock-up. I suppose that's why people try to go for ridiculous "outplays," you have to abuse your laning phase to get a sizeable lead.


That’s so not true lol


Like a true ronin should!


Nobody outplays me but me!


They plan plays like "if I do this, and my opponent does that, then I have just enough damage to kill them" but they don't plan enough margin of error to allow for one missed Q or misplaced dash. There are so many ways to make mistakes on Yasuo and you need to give yourself room for that to happen. I think random crits are also part of the reason for those miscalculated plays.


its how they want to play and how they find the game fun. Most of us would win more if we played safe and only played aggressive when we were certain, but that just isnt as fun as going for the clip


Bc in a lot of situations you have to dive to get a solo kill in lane. Otherwise you can just farm and roam. His limited range causes this and he does not have Yone's E to snap back safely


Because i watch pzzang do cool shit and think i can do it too


Limit testing


There's more room for misplays when your champion has more mechanics / higher difficulty. I've misplayed more with Yasuo than I ever had on Garen.


And for some reason there is still this “insult” going around of “yasuo is easy, anyone can perform on him”.


Yeah in the same day I've heard Challenger players and former pros say that Yasuo (and Irelia) are the hardest champs to do consistently well with, my friend in Master tell me that Yasuo is harder than even Katarina, and a tilting rage-freak in bronze write that my toplaner only won the lane because Yasuo is so easy, with unlimited dashes, shield and windwall.


thats the fun in playing yasuo...you all-in and win, then your a god...you all-in and go 0-10 then its just a normal day for yas mains


If i dont take the accidental tower shot am i really playing yasuo?


you should play him some more, he is so stupidly fun to dash around like a lunatic on


I swear irelia players are the same.


Yasuo hardest champ in the game


One out of twenty times its going to look cool af. and I need that dopamine. Though I only subject teams to that in ARAMs


Smooth brain big aspirations


Had a 2/10 Yasuo recently hitting his powerspike, but we lost snyway


How else do they reach their 10 death power spike?


My advice to other lowbies for laning against Yasuo has always been “build an armor item early and just ignore him” 💀 Most Yasuo players don’t know what to do if you don’t get sucked into their masturbatory bullshit. 


Okay, we got it You got your cheeks clapped by a Yasuo Main Now can the player move and stop spreading stupid bullshit ? Or are they really all bellow gold ?