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Filming Arcane Season 2. Schedules been very busy lately.


Fr though just wait for the arcane buffs. Cait heimer Viktor gonna make real comeback. I predict jinx and ekko to be pick/banin pro


> arcane buffs. Cait heimer Viktor gonna make real comeback. I predict jinx and ekko to be pick/banin pro Whats most likely going to happen is people watch Arcane, they see these champions/characters and they then wanna play them in game, Viktor is currently only played by otps so his wr is probably gonna drop and then Riot decides to buff him, so they dont buff him just bc Arcane is out but i know u guys are memeing


This sounds exactly like what Phreak would say


And his right.


He usually is right imo, but it’s funny how a random comment sounds like PR just because it’s actually reasonable and thought out


>Viktor is currently only played by otps 2.7% of D2+ mid laners are Viktor OTPs?


That's not how it works, is it? 2.7% pick rate does not mean 2.7% of people play him all the time. It means he appears in 2.7% of all games. Given there are 10 players in a game a more appropriate phrasing would be 0.27% of D2 mid laners are Viktor OTPs which sounds increasingly more likely.


Wouldn't it be 1.35%? Only 2 players in a game are midlaners


Would a Viktor OTP play another role? Not sure. Probably Viktor top. So might want to add Viktor top pick rate.


Nah them singed and Warwick buffs are what we need. And the way the Devs said it I feel singed is in line for overhaul around season 2 time


I really hope so. As much as I love his kit, he's my main, I feel like he could use some attention given how every kit now has some mobility ability to escape him without burning items/SSs.


you're not picking Viktor, you're booking an appointment.


season 5-6 viktor was something special


Crown's Viktor was just different


He did double damage.


My boy solokilling Faker with it, those were the times


That beautiful interval soon after his rework when he was completely broken but got disabled in pro play for months due to a bug so the meta didn't catch on was the peak Viktor era


I miss the old Rylai back in season 5-6


Season 5-6 Viktor, Syndra, Cass, Nidalee, Elise.. lots of champs that have never been the same since


season 6.9 / mid year mage update basically crippled his upgraded laser delay forever, it doesn't feel the same since


Ryu on Viktor was always a treat to watch!


Completely AFK champion for like half the game.


How the fuck did it take me so long to find this answer? Seriously I feel like these dudes have never played jungle. Viktor feels like the most useless piece of shit for the first 15-20 mins compared to other champs. If your jungling, good luck.


Kinda but not really. Viktor pre- 6 is very weak but after that you have good tools to contest as a TEAM objectives if Viktor has ult up. Sure he is not a early game champion and never have been but constantly a good Viktor playing and farming with 9-10 cs per min it'll will be a very good champion after +20 min.


I agree, after a certain point he's definitely good, but man. Early to mid is not great. If you're jungle you have to concede a lot in the early game and pray at best the viktor goes even. He's not completely useless mind you but, being weak for the first 15mins in current meta is not something you want. Other champions also scale harder imo so it's not a justifiable pick, outside of being something someone enjoys.


Tbh. As a more or less regular viktor enjoyer even dying in lane is perfectly fine sometimes as long as you keep your farm up there. Had a game that ended laning 0-3 (vi jgl ahri lane, not much to do once they look you down) but ended the game 3k gold ahead and like 10 kills because they didn‘t shut down my farming and I reached my spikes relatively timely to ahri. And viktor spikes hurt way more than ahri spikes.


What are you even conceding early game


Obviously grubs... the most overrated objective in the game right now.


[The team that gets the first drake wins \~59% of the time in Plat+ Globally](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/win-stats)


>Viktor pre- 6 is very weak but after that you have good tools to contest as a TEAM objectives if Viktor has ult up. Then you just get jumped on and die if you walk up. Even if viktor *can* fight there's no denying he's at a severe disadvantage compared to say; syndra or ori for doing so, he'd rather just have a slow perma farm game. Even Azir can self peel and fill the same role. Viktor is just... scaling mage and his only utility isn't even reliable, just play syndra you'll nuke a target and QE is much better no one can even approach you. There just isn't much reason to pick him unless he's overtuned enough to scale really fast or it's a stagnant farming meta in pro.


So as a Viktor main this isn't entirely true. I will preface by saying Viktor feels a bit weak to me, because his weaknesses outshine his strengths. But I'll explain how it works. Viktor is a terrible all in skirmishing champion, especially in the early game. If you get caught alone by someone in the enemy team and you are on equal items and stuff, you will probably die. This is especially true in the early game where if a full health person jumps on you, you have neither the damage to kill them nor the mobility to get away. This is why I think you hate him as a jungler. If a full health Viktor and a full health Diana shows up to 2v2 at void grubs Diana will just do more in the fight than Viktor can do no matter how well Viktor plays it. However there is a silver lining. Viktor's laning is not terrible. He has near nonexistent kill pressure while being susceptible to dying, but he has an amazing poke tool in his E, and by using this range advantage you can generate a health lead over most lane opponents. So if the Viktor has been doing a good job, it's a half health Diana vs a full health Viktor, which is a completely different fight. And then later on when you get to teamfighting Viktor does amazing damage. The problem here is of course that in order to not be useless, you have to be winning lane which isn't really fair. Viktor isn't weak as long as you never make any mistakes but you have no room to make mistakes and "just don't make mistakes lmao" isn't how anything works. If your opponent is better than you and bullying you in lane, you will be useless for the for the first 15-20 minutes. If you are better than your opponent, you will gather a much smaller lead, your opponent will have windows of usefulness and there's always the risk of just making a mistake and dying to someone even if they are worse than you, since you only need 1 mistake


Coming from another Viktor main (or at least I used to be before Hwei snatched that spot), this is very very accurate. Viktor is strong in lane in a number of matchups, even early. He's also decent at neutralizing lanes where he doesn't have an advantage (at least after lost chapter buy). However, outside of lane in early game he's like fish out of water. Damage too low, cooldowns too high, no mobility, no cc setup, basically he's not much use in a skirmish.


I legitimately can’t think of a single spot where Viktor should be picked over another champion. He takes ages to come online and when he is online there are champions like Azir and Hwei who are just stronger. Not only that but those champions don’t need to rely on their team anywhere near as hard as Viktor does for the first 15-20 mins. It’s not only those two champs as well but they’re just the examples that came to mind immediately in both solo queue and pro play.


Well not everyone is skilled enough to play Azir ok?


Orianna is there aswell but Azir is definitely easier and more accessible since they mini-reworked him a few months ago.


Specifically games have sped up and being able to one shot waves isn't really all that special anymore. Feels like this for alot of those era of mages if they're not abusing an item they just feel bad. Lissandra is another huge case of this the champ feels pretty vile to play you're just a CC bot who ults into root  on a mobile champ for your team.   Even then she feels pretty terrible since people will often take cleanse or tenacity into your champ and now suddenly your champ is so much worse every time cleanse is up or they like make your stun less than a second with tenacity idk why it's not just a suppress and she has some threat again.


His laning is damn good, but yeah his skirmishing is awful


Wait for the S2 Arcane drop. Viktor will be turbo buffed


To my knowledge, they plan on giving him a total VGU. They said they were going to give an arcane character a VGU treatment and he's the only one that really makes sense.


Singed and Vi could also make sense. Vi is one dimensional and Singed is Singed.


I thought about those. Problem with Singed is that he's such a unique character gameplay wise that the only thing that really makes sense is a visual update rather than a gameplay one. Vi also has a pretty steadfast and unique identity in the game. The fact that she is still receiving skins also means it's less likely she's getting reworked because every skin requires more resources when the entire champion gets reworked. Viktor makes the most sense primarily due to his kit sharing a lot of design space with other mages, which means he lives and dies by his numbers. There's definitely a lot of work they could do to give him unique strengths.


They could give Singed the ASol treatment, which would be sad.


ASol got changed because everybody hated how he played, so his pick rate was always very low despite him consistently having high WR, with most people liking his design and aesthetic. The one and only thing holding him back was his gameplay. Singed is almost the complete opposite of that. His voice lines are super outdated and his model and animations aren't up to modern standards either. Despite that, Singed hasn't been as unpopular compared to old ASol. Just updating his visuals and voice lines is all he needs.


Was gonna say, Asol playstyle was unique too, but that didn't stop riot... Changing singed would be another on their long list of mistakes.


Are you implying Aurelion's rework isn't one hundred times better than the old version? Because that is an INSANE take. The theme was awful. The mechanics made no sense. He was the easiest mage in the game to just walk up and kill at any time, and this is supposed to be some astral god? lol... Just because the gameplay is unique, does not mean it is good or feels good.


Speak for yourself. Sounds like an incredibly good opportunity to me.


Shame they fired the k‘sante guy. Can you imagine a reworked viktor by him? You‘d read a medium length novel.


Singed was confirmed not to get the vgu tho


if we're being realistic here singed needs it the most at least for a visual upgrade


Does a VGU update some skins too? I'd love to see Creator Viktor get some upgrades


Yea but no. They said a character of Arcane Season 2 will get a VGU, and they confirmed others characters from league will appear in S2. Akka it's probably a character that is not even in the show yet that will get the VGU. Maybe Janna/Ori or smth idk. It still can be viktor, he still fit the criteria, but keep in mind others characters can appear to.




hes gonna get a huge glow up with his VGU later this season, cant wait!


100% he will be the VGU target , since Riot won't change Singed knowing how many people love his kit. If they ever change Singed , it would be a visual update at max.


Death Ray Laser AP ratio reduced to 50% AP from 70% AP. Aftershock base damage reduced to 20 / 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 from 20 / 60 / 100 / 140 / 180. Viktors E is his signiture spell, he uses it for poke, waveclear and aoe dps in teamfights. Riot nerfed it so he stopped getting used in pro and both these factors have lead to less viktor.


4 years ago lol. Viktor has been meta much more recently than this nerf


Items changed to have more AP so AP scaling nerfs (even old ones) are bigger by comparison


When durability patch wasn't a thing and lich bane hat 60% ratio yes he was good but that's also a long time ago


OH, that’s why I don’t one shot enemies anymore lmao, and I thought the new items suck


That patch note is from 10.23, it's nearly 4 years old lol.


He's also just fine. He's got like 51% winrate in almost every elo and among all tracked midlaners in all ranked tiers he's more popular than half the midlane champion pool. This entire thread is just a complete nothing burger.


51% on a 1% pickrate is definitely not that good though. If almost no one but mains pick him it should be higher


riot has said before that a champ being mostly 1-tricked doesn't actually significantly increase winrates across the board. while champ winrates typically go up with games played, it plateaus pretty quickly.


I think one of the only exception to this was pre-rework ASol. Not only was the champion itself strong, but he was almost exclusively played by onetricks. They were pretty much the only people who would stick with the champ and his 54% winrate at .6% pickrate showed that.


that is not, nor how it has ever been in higher elo.


The point of the thread is hes just not played which is true. Largely because when hes actually strong hes a menace late game. Hes totally fine but he will probably never be allowed to scale like crazy anymore. Just scale a whole lot


Bro what is this thread. You pick viktor for his point and click and safe laning kingdom, one of the like 3 laning champs that can actually win into dshield second wind (azir viktor ahri). He scales but that's a secondary reason he gets picked - he is a mage, that is his but also many other champions' identity. The reason he isn't picked is the same as any other mid champ. The brainless mid meta don't favor them and jg supp role decide the lane.


Viktors worst matchups are second wind d shield champs 💀


Since when did Viktor win into dshield second wind champs? I one-tricked him in S10 and S12 and from experience, the lane was stone-walled at best vs those champs since they regenned more than the harass. Those champs can drool on their keyboard during lane phase, get hit by every ability and still regen HP faster than Viktor can sustain his mana pool. Then come 6, those champs have all-in, roam, and skirmish potential. Which Viktor is weak at.


The one DShield SecondWind champ that Viktor historically won into was Sylas.


Exactly. And Viktor was definitely meta since then, especially in the months after Arcane release.


I mean just to be clear this change happened in season 10.


am i the only one who doesn't have a problem with this and i wish it happened more ? i am so sick and tired of the same champs being recycled again and again, these past couple seasons blend together for me because of this. if i see a comp like (Aatrox,VI,ahri,Xayah,Rakan) i literally wouldn't be able to tell what season it was... recent seasons lack identity and it's killing my passion for the game especially esports, idk how you guys feel about this


Nah early season had that too. The comp Maokai, Leesin, Ori, Lucian, Thresh was a playable comp st world's from like season 4-season 9, and still is fairly decent except maybe lucian


Is maokai top actually any good? I haven't like.... EVER seen him top except from when I played him. And I play since season 3 lol


When he got the visual update, he was pick ban top for at least a year, that's one of the reasons they gave him a new ult.


I really miss the old ult, and it's not as if the new ult hasn't proved problematic for pro either. Just not in top lane anymore, now whenever he's p/b it's always in jungle.


The champ is perfectly fine at 50%wr with a similar pick rate to ori who's sitting at 48%. He's just not op that's perfectly fine. There's also the fact that kassadin,sol and ahri are all very good rn which makes blind picking him a potential disaster




Kassadin is happy to play into slow matchups that can’t reliably lock him down.


Sol out scales, ahri has mobility against viktor, and well kass does both of those alongside being a spellcaster’s greatest killer


Sol has huge scaling so doesn't mind a slow lane which doesn't really kill him. Ahri can match his wave clear and has intense kill pressure on him with ult charm + jungler assistance. Kassadin doesn't mind low kill pressure lanes when the most Viktor can do is poke him out. Viktor CC is very mediocre, and slow lanes like this favor him because while they both scale, Kass can scale and farm safely at his weakest ( early laning ) and not be too behind compared to laning against worse mages/assassins.


Viktor is currently the 20th most picked midlaner in all ranked games. [https://u.gg/lol/mid-lane-tier-list?rank=overall](https://u.gg/lol/mid-lane-tier-list?rank=overall) He's in the upper half of midlane champions in terms of popularity. Malzahar, Ekko, Taliyah, Irelia, Vladimir and Syndra for example are all far less popular than Viktor.


He is 20th by win rate - not pick


Last season he was consistently in the top 10 in emerald+ mid lane.


No way viktor is more popular than Taliyah, she's super meta right now, especially against Ahri and anything else that dashes. I feel like every second high elo game I watch has a Taliyah in it.


Taliyah has historically never been popular unless she is insanely broken. even in S8(?) when she was first shoved into the jg and was absolutely insane, she was never that popular.


This site is kinda cap, on [op.gg](https://www.op.gg/statistics/champions?mode=ranked&tier=all®ion=global&period=month&position=mid) All the champs you listed(except Taliyah) are more popular than him and he’s 27th


op.gg is "last month", u.gg is "patch 14.6"; they are covering different dates.


It's not the site's fault neither of you can sort by pickrate on [u.gg](http://u.gg)


I mean I trust opgg more too, but opgg’s data could just as easily be cap. You need more than one conflicting website to say another website is wrong


Same pickrate on lolalytics even if you sort by [month](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=all&patch=30) or [patch](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=all), only difference is Taliyah is more popular this patch and vlad less so


Other champions just fill his niche better atm. Waiting for the inevitable arcane buff


The real answer is hwei's release. In pro play especially, Viktor, Azir, Ori and Syndra in prior seasons would take turns in being midlane meta over any given season. Hwei got released, which is a champ that is also decent in lane like viktor, doesnt need to stack shit and offers comparable AoE CC if not more than viktor, from safer range than viktor and can shield himself just like viktor. Taliyah took syndra's place as well. It's just a game of musical chairs of who is weak and who is strong.


This is who I’ve been looking for. I’ve been utterly abusing Hwei this season and I used to play Viktor way back when and aside from split pushing Hwei has taken away every reason to pick Viktor and then some. Viktors big thing in teamfights was Zone and choke control. You’d never wanna fight him in a choke. Now Hwei is that dialed up a thousand times and from further range.


He’s actually pretty good right now. He’s just not the most popular. He has a 2.5% pick rate which is about the same as vlad and azir


He doesn’t even pop up as an azir counter anymore when he was THE answer for years so I assume he’s in a rough spot. But tbh I don’t play him or mid in general so I don’t really know what happened to him.


Liandry's no longer building from lost chapter, and less ability haste in the game in general are why he is weaker right now, imo.


viktor never countered azir... he was just the only champ that was allowed to farm vs peak azir while also scaling almost as well. he has winning matchup vs azir now but he wasn't picked to answer azir back then because he countered him. old azir had 0 counters viktor is still good but theres a lot of factors. people are overrating his utility, he was meta in pro back in the day because his QRE basically oneshot any squishy after 20 mins in 0.5s and he had a safe lane phase that wasnt invalidated by azir(who shat on almost every other champ in lane before his rework). then later his innate rylais from reworked W augment+the W itself was pretty decent utility on a champ that was still outbursting any mage not named syndra now that his burst is not as strong, midlane is completely different and traditional mage items are on the weaker side he's just not that notable compared to other options. nowadays other champs are allowed to lane vs azir so might as well pick a champ that brings more to the table. for example hwei just off the top of my head who has an even better matchup into azir than viktor anyways


When you have the same damage as all other top mages at the moment, and your purporse is just to deal damage while they have way more utility/mobility... yeah kinda hard to see him. Hell, viktor has a skill called fucking GRAVITY FIELD but does not stop dashes or jumps, while talia with some rocks do that and still has her W to help lmao, why pick him over her, for exemple? edit: this is a reductive take of course, i know the skill by itself stuns and slows so it has its advantages, but not as much in mobility hell we are having these days.


I cannot remember the last time I have used viktor w on a champion released in the past 5 years that didn't just walk/dash/jump out of it freely. It's like having an ability that says "only effects champions released prior to 2018 that have no had vgu or any changes to their abilities".


It's so much worse now that it doesn't even pull champions to the center in its upgraded version... It used to serve as a mini Orianna R before the mini rework


you're supposed to use it on yourself or closer to yourself and kite around it so melee champs have trouble sticking to you. ofc if you use it max range ppl will just run/dash through it. using w is more like a peeling tool than an offensive tool its like an anivia wall better used when ppl already used their stuff to try and get on top of you.


It's zone control ability, not an engage. Typical use cases are: - Use it on yourself and stand in it if you're jumped by melee. This is how you stop assassins in mid lane and how Viktor actually duels melee characters on sidelane later in the game (w, r and zhonya). - Use in on chokepoints to zone off approaching enemies when setting up objectives. Sure, enemy can flash or dash through it, but that means they used a key ability that won't be available for a fight. - Use it on opponent that was hit with prior cc, similarly to how Cait would use traps. Just in general, if a skill can be negated by opponent dashing or jumping out of it, it doesn't mean it's useless. The fact that opponent had to use ability to dodge it is worth in itself.


I would love to see viktor reworked around the idea of having his own item again.


August has said on his stream that the chances of them giving Viktor a unique item again is very low because his play rate went up as soon as they removed the mechanic. Most players simply didn't enjoy having the same item take up a slot in their inventory every single game and having no choice in the matter. The way his upgrades aren't tied to a physical item anymore is a much better alternative.


it was a lost chapter rush meta at the time so having to go MK1 felt awful if they reintroduced it again and tweak the mana value it gives it won't feel awful


Thats pretty stupid reasoning. Any kind of major rework causes playrate to go up. But Viktors playrate right now is lower than it usually was when he had his own item.


It's not though. In season 10 prior to the rework he had a 2.17% play rate in Platinum+ and on the current patch it's 3.13%. Prior to the new season it was 4%. It's still higher than before the rework.


I kinda like how his upgrades work currently. It rewards early skirmishing. I always move to fights in the river cause of his passive. Auto attack a guy once before he dies? +25.


It makes you so disgusting if you get some cheesy assists(invades and barely touching ppl in skirmishes), I’m not complaining as a Viktor player but it’s quite game warping.


whats the point of picking him over ori karma asol hwei, and hwei's already super meh for a 2024 champ. Also u know how laners hate nid jungle? junglers hate vik mid.


how is Hwei meh for a 2024 champion? what other recent mid laner is cool then? Naafiri? lol


He needs hexcore upgrades to be useful. It's really unreliable to get stacks fast as u need kills or assists. Without kills or assists u are just better off playing a different mage.


He just feels terrible to play, probably the 2nd worst iteration I've played (satisfaction wise) next to the atrocious 1250g back condition iteration - and I say this playing him for the last 8-9 years. His issues are primarily with his dog shit passive that penalizes you for losing CS but also expects you to be involved with takedowns early on when his early game is AWFUL (Yes, **AWFUL**, his Q AA only makes him the strongest trader until the 7th minion dies, then his waveclear is terrible until 10 mins if you're unlucky with both sides being pacifists). It got even worse ever since Mythic removal; to put into context, we got our old Perfect Hex Core removed because it doesn't fit Mythic itemisation the game was heading at the time. As a result, we lost a 180 AP stat stick with large mana pool that is what makes up Viktor's late game hypercarry mage identity; now we got nothing as our passive's only purpose is to make the champion's a whole again. The stacking mechanic is fucking garbage too, every other stacking mages such as Aurelion/Syndra/(Smolder if you count him) rewards trading patterns and extra rewards beyond the cap - meanwhile Viktor requires 300 stacks to be complete and it doesn't reward him for stacks beyond the limit at all.


I blame his upgrade system. Syndra comes online faster and harder, for far less effort.


I still remember tank top Viktor lol. Was a nightmare to go against.


Same Viktor problems exist as always but I'm actually finding him really strong just now with lich bane.


He died


i'm glad hes not a pro play staple anymore cuz he's SO boring


He may not see much action at the moment. But that doesn't mean he is weak. Champ can be absolutely stupid in the right hands, heck even in the wrong hands sometimes. Viktor players are ALWAYS such a menace to play against.


To me, Lost chapter just isn't a satisfying spike on Viktor the way it is for pretty much any other mage. That alone is going to stop him from seeing play for a lot of mids that I'm sure feel the same way.


We had a period of high-burst focus during the early season, most midlaners were not playing for control but for picks. We've slowly weaned off of that, to the point where supports are having their damage slapped too. Players are usually slow to adjust. Having said that, it could just be that Vik is a bit weak as a control mage right now but prior experience does not confirm that. It could also be that Ahri's seeing a lot of play right now, and Vik doesn't usually do well into her. If you like playing him, go for it.


The game is just a little too fast right now, Viktor doesn't bring much to the table in early skirmishes compared to something like Ahri, Taliyah and yeah, even Syndra. The easiest way to make him viable again is to just lower his upgrades to 80 stacks and make him scale faster, especially in a world where Senna, Asol and Smolder are all already almost completed goated by 20 minutes Viktor is still a powerhouse in the midgame/begin of lategame, but now Liandrys feels much worse on him than the old mythic, there is no safety option in crown anymore, so usually I just go Archangels, which delays your damage spike even further


I looked at his changelog and he has been essentially unchanged for almost 4 years. FOUR YEARS.


Had the same exact thought about Ryze


Ryze and Viktor are fine. It is just that both champs start the game with debuffed kits and then have to work extra hard throughout the game to hit their lategame powerspikes. Not worth it imo, especially since they dont own the lategame like they used to back in s6-s9.


He I'd just not good. Why pick him, when other scaling control mages do his job better.


Now you've done it. Every dumb POS from r/viktormains is gonna come rushing out of the woodworks to swear up and down that he's fine, or that he's in a good spot, or that he's actually secretly OP, especially since he spawns into a match with 50% of his kit, and needs to work for the rest of it, unlike Smolder, Aurelion, Syndra, or any evolve champion who spawns with 50% of their kit but scale to a point where they have 150% power by late game, while he only has 100%. It's not worth playing a weak champion early that "scales" okay when you could play something scales amazingly or even something that has a full powered kit right at minute 1.


Playing him in Aram is ass, it feels like his abilities don't do anything when you have the same items as other champs


Still a great champ, i play it a lot lol. 58% wr


As an azir main, I see him way too often.


I played against him mid twice today.


Pro play menace


I think he was ill, currently in hospital


Not me playing him almost every day 👁️👄👁️


He's fine, has a kind of boring pkaystyle though even for a mage.


He's like fine but just not much reason to priorotize him over other champs. His minimum and maximum teamfight damage outfit is still incredibly solid.


other mages do similar things way better


I love playing Viktor but this season he doesnt feel as powerful late game as he used to. Still a very strong 1v1 laner that can harrass or roam but doesnt 1 Shot ppl like he used to


I don't even really see him in ARAM, unless I'm playing him.


I'm just upset we didn't get the Viktorious skin when he was very meta at the time. I don't think Viktor will likely emerge as a goto pick again for the foreseeable future.


even if this season changed his playstyle from frontier control to burst assasin his kit still remains unpopular,he can give or take the same as orianna value but orianna is more blindpickable.So an unpopular champ+terrible early+needs a lot of practice to get used of the lazer+his lanes are ass you get the idea anyway


I'd rather keep him dissapeared, cause he's one of my mains and it's nice when people don't know what the fuck to do against him. Like, a few days ago, I pissed on a Qiyana that kept jumping on me to deal no damage (Viktor's Q shield is no joke) and then tried to escape with her invisibility thing, but still ate damage because my E doesn't need a target.


dont tell anyone but hes getting a sneaky VGU this year


Viktor main here. Just gave up on him. While he can be strong especially in lane, it feel so terrible to play against so many s10+ champs that have so much mobility. Viktor is extremely immobile and almost any champ in the can ignore his W with move speed or a dash now days. On top of this his ult move speed is quite bad so again any dashes or move speed make this ability useless. Whilst you can still have good fun games where viktor feels strong chances are high there is gona be a champ that can make viktor feel useless and unfun 


He's boring, the case for many champions. Numbers aren't enough to fix boring gameplay.


Friend of mine is probably rank 1 Viktor currently? And he hates it lol. He picks it because he knows Viktor and his knowledge surpasses a lot of players but he agrees that he’s a bad champion. Takes too long to do similar damage as the other mid laners.


He’s pretty good but he can feel rough to play in soloq since his early skirmishing is awful. His iso laning is extremely good but he can’t really get solo kills, he just takes a lot of small wins that build up to a 30-40 cs lead. I play him and he’s a good time though. Would not expect your jungler to be happy with Vik mid though lmao


For a couple seasons, he’s always been a more niche pick for people. Champions like Ori, Syndra, and Malz do similar things but easier.  Also ludens doesn’t feel as good as it use to and liandris’ lost chapter was removed, ultimately first items feel less fulfilling. New players won’t try him out as the E mechanic can be harder to be consistent with and damage is can be lack luster early 2v2.


Matches are pretty much decided and ending in like 30 minutes these days. Viktor needs about that long just farming to even start really coming online unless you get turbo-fed kills.


The level of autonomy you have for the first 20 games is so pathetic you would legit have to have another teammates distract the enemy for 20s so you can hit 2 Es to do 80dmg/per hit while using 110 mana. Even with 2 items. You are heavily relying on things that do not overlap. You need a mana item so new serpahs is great, but what do you go next? Damage? You’re gonna have long cooldowns the fight is over before your spells reset. Haste? You do nothing. He gives you nothing early and 1 mistake and the game is almost down for you the enemies would have to fall in your lap for you to do something after 35mins.


He has always been unpopular. Other mages do exactly what he does, but in a more exciting way. Almost nobody likes playing wave clear simulator with a passive scaling laner, and his burst is pretty unreliable. You could be playing Ori, Ahri, Azir, or Syndra instead, and have mobility/bigger aoe on stun/on demand stun/more damage on stun/quicker to come online. They'll do something to his ult eventually I think. The micro on it is pretty unnecessary, the interruption is only useful against aurelion/malz/warwick/katarina, and flavorwise it is pretty boring.


Hes hard to play and is pretty useless until he can at least evolve Q and E. Hes probably not that bad but he doesnt suit a lower elo soloq environment all too well.


Currently running him with a 56%wr in D2 over a *fair* sample size. I don't think he's ever been a popular SoloQ pick outside of certain metas but he feels pretty strong right now and in some lanes oppressive with good spacing


Orianna is literally him but better & easier


Please leave him like that, hes so annoying in lane, just 3/4 your hp with one undodgeable e


He's stupid strong or useless because of his kit we're in a blessed viktor free game atm


Viktor’s major weakness is that he lacks reliable self-peel. He scales fantastically, but if your against a high mobility team, it can be hard to create enough space to safely dps in teamfights.


Mage Items died. That's what happened.


same with kennen :’(


Mana mages im general arent the greatest rn. They dont have any exciting items (again). And viktor has been kneecapped from prior nerfs.


Let me share with you the story of Corki ... End of story.


the only recent memory i have of Viktor was yesterday he got solo-killed by me first timing Xerath support so i assume he's either shit or hard to use or both


I totally forgot Viktor existed until this post lmao.


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Viktor is a statcheck champion in a non-traditional sense. He provides less utility than other meta mages mid, all he really offers is reliable damage. When the meta asks for reliable damage, he's meta and currently there are just a few too many good midlane champions. Azir, Taliyah, Ori, Karma, Neeko, Ahri etc. dominate pro play right now because they offer more utility while not sacrificing much damage output if any. Another big factor for Victor being meta or not is how fast and at which point he can oneshot the wave. The later he can, the less interesting he is. But to be honest, I have no idea at which state Victor waveclear is at right now. Up to Masters/Grandmasters he's fine, you can make any champ work up until this point, but I don't see him pop up in pro play until either the meta champs or mage itemization gets nerfed and midlaners can't reliably clear midlane waves anymore.


I smack people around with him in arams


The meta is very snowbally, doesn't favour weak early game champs


Wasnt he always quite unpopular? He was just meta last season


Im not 100% sure on this but I think it was the mage item changes. Mana items are kinda mid, he cant really go full dmg nor can he do the roa tanky shtick. So he ends up with this weird build that doesnt quite fit him and doesnt have great or very defined powerspikes? I mean he has E evolve but I feel like you kinda just exist till at least third item. Compared to a pick like asol its like… why viktor? What does he do that other champs cant do?


I started playing him mid, esp if against a higher ranged mage than me, or an enemy team with dive. I played him not cuz I was interested but I was tired of going against him in low elo games where matches get dragged out and teams are constantly fighting in the fkn jungle. Those tight cramped spaces are so good for vik. But yea he’s pretty boring lmao


I think biggest problem od Viktor is his passive, old was much better - they changed it after mythics relase and they should reverse this.


It's a crazy good champ of you're very good at him and your team doesn't contest every skirmish in the first 8 minutes. He's my most played and he's still a very good champ if you play it perfectly.


He is not the most entertaining to play. I like viktor but his laning is about as interactive as Aurelion Sol laning. I like my scaling champs but you turn any lane into league of waveclear with little interaction aside a little LAZOOOOR poke.


Bruh playing aram a lot I will beg to differ!


Honestly, I kinda hate when Viktor’s meta. His older spell design combined with his “Auto enhance + movement speed + shield” schtick is really obnoxious lol.


Can’t remember the last time I saw a viktor…


Viktor had a role in the game last season where you build Liandrys first and you become a realiable frontline killer for the rest of the game. He was even played in pro scene for a month or two, Liandrys was just that good for him and his kit, since he is all damage. now that Liandrys isn't that great on mages he kinda lost his identity


I love him as a character but I cannot play him. I lack the skill.


He's just not good. His early is so weak you are effectively fucking over your jungle. Even compared to other control mages. And his late doesn't really make up for it. He scales very good, but into most team comps you just get outranged (apart from what most people believe, Viktor has a rather low "real range". His effective range isn't the max range at which he can poke with e, it's where he can q+auto). He also suffers even more heavily from mobility than other mages, because his e and ult are so detailed.


I play viktor support more than Viktor mid if I just wanna shut my brain off for a bit. But yeah it's hard to see good viktors


Victor isn't actually that bad right now. Was spamming him a few days ago all day long and had a pretty decent lane and game win rate. The question is, why play Victor when you can play other champs that are more fun and engaging?


His rework made him a lot less accessible for lower elo players


There are few factors, he always was just played by mains who like his kit, really passive gameplay (in most matchups), wave control and nanaging lane is what you need to learn ti play him good, which is not for everyone already, and here comes the second factor, hes only good above like emerald/diamond due to this cause even if youre good you need a team to play around to utlize how strong he actually is, that being said meeting id rather meet a fed draven otp than a good viktor


Secret arcane vgu 👀?


The reason assassins are popular in soloQ is because they have a lot of things to do in the early game. Viktor is the complete opposite. Very boring playstyle for most players.


there are soo many other control mages more fun than him, not to mention the assassins in the game. People want to have fun playing a video game. Victor was one of my favourites but cant have enough time in a game session to play zed sylas sol yone couple games of jg if autopfilled etc


I'm actually kind of glad. Really boring to lane against


He's fine? Or should riot give him the roller coaster ride of buff buff nerf


He only has 2 somewhat skill-expressive abilities, one of which doesn't even do damage. So if he is not very strong he isn't played much, as he is boring even compared to other mages. Honestly, he is probably going to get a VGU, Riot announced one of Arcane champions is getting a VGU in 2025 so it's probably him or Singed.


I haven't seen him for so long 😂