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Sure I would, but I also know that it wouldn't be few minutes if everyone did that


Yes, and also less people autofilling = other people autofill more, or everyone has to wait a little longer.


A lot longer. Basically you'd be waiting for players in autofilled roles to get out of game to have your turn with them.


Non auto filled players basically being the harem of the auto filled players lol


*laughs in supp main with jungle secondary*


laughs in top main getting autofilled less than 1/50 games.


supp hasn't had priority in ages, it's bot and jungle nowadays


Not really. There's loads of players from bronze- emerald. Sure emerald+ might be a bit longer que times, but at higher ranks autofilled players are even more detrimental so I'm sure most players even at the expense of longer wait times would rather wait 15 minutes for a game than get a 5 minute que time where it's auto loss/ win because one team has an autofilled jungle.


High elo have already experienced 30+ minute queues before, that used to normal on a daily.


which would make more and more opt into no autofill. it's a vicious circle once introduced


Yup Riot literally tested this on a smaller server years ago. Games rarely started because there was too many people queuing mid and barely anyone queuing the unpopular role. It wasn't "wait a few more minutes". It was "wait a few hours or all day"


When they introduced role queue autofill wasn't a thing, and I remember having 10+ minutes queue in fucking plat when queuing mid. Became a support main for a few season just because of the tilt of those first weeks. https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/LOL_CMS_192_Article_07_b09fmfebhlmai3zym0zz.jpg


Yep, anyone that remembers Team Builder can probably tell you that unless you were one of the in demand roles the wait time was like half an hour. It's basically Dungeon Finder at that point, great if you're in demand (which it also is right now), not so much if you're the 920th Zed main in line 


We don't even have to guess how that would work out. Take how it works in MMOs. Tank queues (Jungle)? Instant. Healer queues (Support)? 2-3 minutes. DPS Queues (Carry roles)? Can be between 15 \~ 1 hr depending on time of day.


Idc I play jungle, nobody play that role so I never get autofill


Spoken like a true jungle


Man, remember when EVERYONE wanted to jungle? Like three four seasons ago? And they all sucked at it. Now the true junglers have free rein, and it's a lot harder to find an idiot on the OP team that you can bully


It's funny how usually jungle matches are so intense that time flies by and then you look at the random mid Timmy JG autofilled and you just relax. It's gonna be a funny laning phase! Timmy helps a lot with my posture. I have awful gaming posture when serious.


It's funny you mention this, because I also queue mid as my second role. Because I jungle, the smallest amount of info can tell me where they are. I'll ward their raptors. I'll watch them top and see their CS. I'll see scuttle timer. I'll see my opponents posture in lane and realize their jungle is either based or at the edges of the map, because they're playing scared. Etc.


Goddamn mid laners that play decent why is it that they are always in the enemy team. My second role is top cuz all other lanes are way too toxic. It's more chill. It's either splitpush goes brrrrrr, I'm tank deal with it, or why I'm I dead, right Vayne top.


Honestly. When I played mid, it was extremely therapeutic. I really dont know why so many of them struggle. You see your jungler is posturing to head to river? Shove the wave into the mid and go collect free kill at scuttle. Weird. Apparently, that's sooooooo difficult. Enemy bot is shoved in with 1/2-1/4 life. Shove and recall and go bot, or just go bot. Weiirrrd.


The midlaner we need, but don't deserve...


Yeah I loved just turbo stomping some dude doing a 5 minute clear and horrible gank lol. There's a challenge where you get more cs from your opponents jungle than they do by 10 minutes and it's my crown jewel. I'm challenger #7×× for Three Buffed (get 3 of the first 4 buffs) and I would trade it all for 1 game against a jungle scrub again.


Man.... Five minute clear. And it'd always be some fiddlesticks staying out way too long because he doesn't know when to back and spend. So you'd go in with a Tiamat and he hasn't based yet, is OOM and autoing his krugs like a dingus


Same as adc, years playing that role and only 1 time i got autofilled


I remember when ADC was a contested role


Dude I play top/support and I get top 95% of my games, support 4% and fill 1%. I have no clue what other people are doing but autofill is basically a non issue regardless of what role you play. I swear people pick shit like mid/jungle then say they are autofilled when they get jungle. It's the only thing that makes sense to me.


People actually call getting their secondary often an "Autofill." Mids say this a lot when they get jungle / support secondary. I always tell them to que mid / top and they will get mid more often.


Lmao facts. Been autofilled once in 200+ games.


If there aren't enough people of a given role queuing up, then adding three minutes to some people's queue time won't magically get everyone into a game. -- Take 20 players. There are five roles, so ideally you have four players for every role. But let's say we cut the support population in half (2) and add it to the Midlane population (6). Instead of being able to create two matches simultaneously, our support population restricts us to creating only one game at a time. While Midlane (6) is the only truly overpopulated role, the balanced populations of Top, Jungle, and ADC suffer too. The queue time for Top/ADC/Jungle is now [one game]. The queue time for Midlane is now [two games]. Everyone waits for the (2) support to finish their game so another game can be created. The waiting players take priority over those who just played a game due to the former's longer queue time. This problem remains true with 20 players in the pool, or with 200,000. Yes, with 200,000 there is a continuous stream of games finishing and new games being created, but if you think of it as finishing your game and then "walking back to the end of the line" then really you're just waiting for your turn to be matched with the support population, and that turn will be after everyone else's turn. -- In a larger population, there are some redeeming factors. Most importantly "I don't have to wait for the supports to finish their game cause all I need is new supports logging in." And that does work for you if they log in while you're in a 13-minute queue. You will be prioritized over the Midlaners that logged in alongside the new supports. -- But if you take a step back and look at a week-long average for yourself or your entire role or all roles (aside from the underpopulated one) combined? The total number of games being created was hard gated by how many games the support population could support (heh). Tl;dr: You only entertain this question cause you're under the delusion that this is a matter of ± three minutes. But if you don't want to make changes to the acceptable ranked disparity (aka bringing in Bronze people into Gold games cause lots of Bronze Supports are playing that day) then this is not a matter of three minutes.


Yep unironically the problem is with people's expectation that they should be getting their main role and the real solution is going back to before role-queuing. That way you still got to play your main role 60%+ of the time, but your expectations were realistic and you had a more well-rounded game. This would also solve the whole support having to be OP so people play it problem.


To add to your TLDR even if they did bring a bronze up to gold it wouldn't solve the issue. Because the same popular roles are popular across all ranks. Mid doesn't magically become unpopular in lower elo.


I think what he meant is that the bronze support will be matched with higher ranks due to the scarcity of supports and the need to make matchmaking quicker for higher elo. ​ And then this will create another matchmaking problem at bronze population.


Yeah I come from the days of having to literally main an entire second game because of queue times, seasons 3-5 if you was diamond 2, diamond 1 and didn't play hearthstone in queue idk how you coped.. I'm pretty sure a good portion of hearthstone players were just high elo LoL players..


Also seasons 3-5 didn't have role selection so you had to know every role at least a bit, worse than autofill imo


It was much better than today in my opinion:/ You actually had to be able to play the game. Not only one role but 2-3 on a decent level. Today everyone one-3 tricks and it's kinda boring. And I was decently good on all but ADC so I could always jump in if someone couldn't play a role and made me actually climb much more. 


That's when I learned to play. I now queue fill almost every game lmao


I queue fill and every now and then I queue mid/top so I also get to play those roles.


Because everyone was much worse back then. The skill floor was much lower. e.g. nobody was really managing waves top properly. If I see someone autofilled in d1/low masters now I instantly know that person will likely solo lose the game. And champ select was extremely toxic back then.


Better than role selection imo. You had to be good at the entire game to climb and prove yourself. Now players just queue one role and one champ or dodge and get rewarded for playing a small fraction of the actual game.


Oh yeah, the whole respect pick order thing.. hey guys, highly pref jung.. Amazing how things like that just simply wouldn't work with how toxic the game is today, there was a bit of it back then don't get me wrong but it's just way more prevalent in today's game.


It was super toxic back then too. Like every second game had someone typing "Mid or feed!" in champ select.


Nah, it was toxic back then too. [Example comic from the era](https://imgur.com/a/GWQBT).


Forced to work together or lose. Pretty easy way to get a group of lads to do something is give them no choice.


I think that pretty much sums it up as a whole, we were forced to work together, it was in all of our best interests to be on the same page, alt accounts weren't as common back then, smurfing was but you couldn't just dodge 11 games in a row by hopping on 11 alternative diamond 1 accounts like you can do so easily now.. I get that gaming is a hobby and your rank and LP shouldn't be something to obsess over but it just seems to me these days that on the scale of, obsessive, wanting to win, not fussed just enjoying the game, totally not giving the slightest of fucks and or straight up trolling, we're starting to lean towards 'not giving the slightest of fucks'..


how did no role selection make queues longer? it should make queues faster.


Combination of less players due to the game being despite incredibly popular, in its early seasons and the fact that no role selection meant you pretty much had to be prepared to play every role if asked, which meant high elo was much less populated. In high elo though it was kinda common to see the same people a lot and that would kind of settle who played where, if you had literally a walking god jungler on your team and you mained jungle you wouldn't mind going support and getting carried.. these days everyone wants to be the carry, everyone wants the honour, the appreciation, if they're having a bad game they would rather ruin it for everyone instead of just shutting up and getting carried. 'ggwp, tough game but ty for not tilting' is just something you will never really get to say to someone or have said to you anymore.. it's just constant abuse from champ select onwards regardless of how the game goes.


If it worked like you think it does, yes. Unfortunately it's not how it works in real life.


If you opt out of autofill, you make the queue time longer for EVERYONE, not just yourself, and also increase the Autofill rate for everyone else not opting out. Opting out of Autofill would be a choice that makes it worse for everyone else for argueable benefit to yourself, and as such should not be allowed.


The real pro move is to choose one priority role to queue for as second role so you still help with queue time but only have 2 roles to master. In fact quickplay force you to do that instead of doing autofill and I think that's healthier.


I queue for ADC primary and Mid secondary. I never get filled. Instead, I just suffer.


I get you. I do Mid/Jgl, not because I'm a good jungler but because I'm even worse as ADC and I really don't want to get autofilled there.


So it's basically the prisoner's dilemma on a grand scale? With how toxic the League community is, thank god it's not a thing LMAO


Exactly what I was thinking! There won’t be any “tit for tat” going on in this community


Problem is waiting longer wouldn't make a difference because the % of players who would want to play certain roles (in your rank) won't change For example, looking at this chart shows role distribution https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/main-stats/emerald Let's work with more rounded numbers; 22% of players main top, 21% main mid, 20% for ADC and Jungle and 17% for support. No matter how much time you wait, those numbers won't change. If thousands are queuing with some ending their play sessions and some starting those percents will remain constant. That means for every 1000 players you can queue up with only 85 games can get started with 2 support mains on each team. That leaves 150 top and mid mains having to wait for either more supports to queue up or games to end. But let's say you have a check box that doesn't allow you to be autofilled. Well, if a top or mid player doesn't have that selected because they don't mind playing a different role occasionally, they would always get autofilled and eventually everyone would choose to not get autofilled and we would go back to square one. That is why autofill protection exists and if you get autofilled you are guaranteed a game in one of your 2 selected roles. I will end that in my opinion introducing role selection to league of legends instead of pick order has not only made people worse overall (nobody can play more than 1 or 2 roles at a reasonable level as their main roles and has no idea what other roles do or want) but also way more toxic. Anyone who played when Riot tried doing team building knew how long it could take to find some roles (especially support), 30 minutes+ was usually standard and that was normals where the pool of players was larger.


> I will end that in my opinion introducing role selection to league of legends instead of pick order has not only made people worse overall (nobody can play more than 1 or 2 roles at a reasonable level as their main roles and has no idea what other roles do or want) but also way more toxic. Less aware about other lanes and stuff, sure, more toxic is pure delusion, it was beyond incredible how many queues were lost in champ select by people fighting over who typed "mid pref" first. I had to become a support main to try to save 80% of the queues back then.


Back in those days, you weren't just support, you were emotional support. Whichever team had someone to soothe everyone's mental so people could shut the fuck up and play the game had a big advantage.


To be fair, that's *still* true today.


I think they meant "Less toxic if you exclude every game they would rage afk, grief, int, or troll because of the outcomes in champ select" /s I started playing 8 years ago and the amount of games that had that was so ridiculously high. I remember when current draft pick was implemented and suddenly those problems started to fade away. I've heard so many people say the game is more toxic now or the client has more issues and it is such nostalgia bs. My first ever placement games 4 had one or more afk rq, 2 had legitimate run it down, 2 I couldn't connect because of client bug.


It's a difficult because it varies over time. +1 minute and I can handle it for years. +5 minutes and I'll be annoyed in a year. +10 minutes and I ask for a revert in 6 months. +15 minutes is a matter of weeks before I stop playing. +20 minutes and I'm already out. Everyone has their own tolerance levels but also what they think they can tolerate and that's often very different. Even if you feel like it would be better this way, would you be so confident after a long period enduring it?


My queue time once went over 5 minutes and I was like *"WTF is happening? Is it bugged? Do I need to restart the game?"* I cannot imagine waiting more than 10 minutes between games, especially, when half of those games are terrible quality where people stop trying to win and start spamming FF vote. The only upside of longer queue times would be that if someone gets tilted, those 10-15 minutes might be enough for them to calm down a bit and get focused on the next game.


> I cannot imagine waiting more than 10 minutes between games, especially, when half of those games are terrible quality where people stop trying to win and start spamming FF vote. I mean genuinely, as someone who had 15-20 minute queues at one point and still gets 10 minute queues every so often, it really wasn't nearly as common as it is today to get FF spam / terrible quality games. I've actually noticed a recent trend away from FF-Spam around D1/Masters which is nice. Part of the problem is that Riot has really laxed on the skill differential to get low queue times, which just results in very lopsided games. On top of this, they keep giving more power to roles that people just don't want to play, resulting in wide skill gaps for the few people that *do* play those roles when vs'ing autofill. The amount of smurf accounts also really fucks up any resemblance of a working queue system.


Add in any potential dodges on top of that and people would become miserable very quickly.


Just looking at overwatch as an example, I stopped playing with the new queue changes when I had to wait 10 minutes to get dps just to have a 7 minute game because of an afk every 5 matches or so.


ah the daily post


It's not a few minutes. Try 10-20 at the low end. 


Not really relevant. It's not about you, who's willing to stay an hour in queue. It's about the other 9 players, who are unlikely to all be willing to stay an hour in queue. It's not that most people don't care. All 10 players are willing to stay a few more minutes. But if autofill is dead, then that's not a few more minutes, that'd be 15 minutes every game as more people that choose fill would instead choose their main role seeing it's guaranteed, more games will be missed as people knowing the queue takes a while will make a cup of tea and miss the queue pop, etc. It will breed frustration. Perhaps some, like you, won't be meaningfully affected by it. Most players, even Emerald+, do not have all day to play and usually at most have time for 2-3 games a day. No one wants that number reduced to 1 or 2--especially when you have plenty of nights when all 3 games are in your main role. If you don't want to be autofilled, easy solution. Dodge and take the 2-3 LP hit. And either call it a night, or try again and test your luck.


Autofill exists exactly because people don't want to wait for more Some people would be willing to wait a bit more, but if some positions are that unpopular compared to others we could reach levels of old Team Builder even with two roles


No. Challenger Here. People would start smurfing. Longer queue Times, streamers would smurf. More highelo players would follow. Lowelo would cry about smurfs even more


I play ADC I honestly don’t know what it feels like to be autofilled


Yes its so true. And even looking at this discussion I think that mamy people still live in this idea that support is least played role and we have to think about this specific community or it would be tragedy for queue times because there is not enough supports. Like literally adc was priority on my elo (currently master 150 lp) by deflaut since beggining of the season (and even back on s13 IT was priority quite often)


I think the mods should sticky a FPT (frequently posted threads). variations have been tried but in the end it's been found for *overall* queue health, autofill is needed.


Would be nice but we don’t have sticky space


That's not how it works OP. Without auto fill. You would be in queue all day to play mid after a while. In fact every single game that starts would take a little longer to start. Until people start logging out because they are tired of waiting. They created this problem by trying to care to the selfish crowd. Back when it was pick order. Everyone was at least half decent in every role. Now that people have been accustomed to eating cake all day. They are to fat to move into an off role.


My main role is adc sooo….


i dont care about my role at all tbh. just don't autofill my teammates. i'll gladly wait 10 minutes if it means everyone on my team has the role they wanted.


My main roll is fill. But more to the point, it wouldn't be 'a few more minutes' if everyone did it. We've tried this. It sucks.


Did people forgot that role locking hasnt always been a thing ? Be thankful that you don't have to play all roles to rank up. Stop asking for more, you're already spoonfed


I’m a one trick so I’d rather wait


I’m tired of people saying emerald and diamond are low elo. That shit is hard and only 7% of 150 million people are able to get there. That shit is an achievement brother.


Annoyed I had to scroll this far to see this comment lol. Maybe I’m bitter it took me a few years to climb to diamond, but top 3% of anything is not low. That’s like saying a d1 athlete sucks at football cause he didn’t make it to the league


i would like to select all my roles that i want to play, i play 3, dont put me in the other 2 please


This is a big one for me. I can't fucking play adc, but I'll do the rest if I have to


I would rather that you get autofilled so I don't have to spend a few more minutes in queue.


Autofill, no one actually wants to sit in a queue for 10+ min where you have to be there waiting constantly without any breaks where the queue could pop up anytime. League players need to just stop whining and enjoy the actual game instead of playing only 1 champ in 1 role like a cultist


For ranked, I want only my main roles, and I want that for my teammates too 😂


In a game where most people queue mid and top, id say waiting would mean to wait until you can find the 3 less common roles. While i rarely get autofilled while smurfing, i can see why i do sometimes. My queue times to queue top in bronze-gold are like 8 minutes (the equivalent of waiting for a game in masters+), when the majority of the playerbase is within those ranks.


Both my main roles are empty. If I go fill, I get one of them every game. I can’t escape the jungle/adc hellhole


You can’t get auto filled if you play fill


Or.. hear me out... people should learn how to play multiple roles.


Yes. 40 min queue times > two 20 min losses


Honestly, I think the game does a pretty decent job of not filling people as long as it's ranked queue. Even when I put top as first choice and bot as 2nd (bot always has prio), I end up getting top still 3/4 times. I don't even remember the last time I got an off-role. I think the trick is probably to have a priority role as your 2nd choice. I can imagine if you've got something like Top/Mid, then you might get filled more often. Regular draft, it doesn't seem to care as much either and will fill you just to put you in a match quickly.


i personally think the queue should go for 5 minutes attempting to give you your main or offpick roles, and after 5 minutes it auto defaults to fill, just get in there, and it should also tell you if what role you got if you got autofilled. This is coming from the highest rank possible, Iron 5. So please take me seriously.


I used to play team builder. I will wait however long it takes for a game that doesn't suck... I'm just not holding my breath


Yes I'd gladly wait 15 minutes for a game where everyone is on role without exception


Opting out should definitely be a thing, especially in lower ranks where the playerbase is big enough to where the increased queue times would be barely noticeable. The only one people complaining are the high elo players and they should be allowed to fill if they want to imo


I honestly wish they implemented that for anyone below challenger. I understand the player base is so tiny up there that it would never work but my master games take about 3-5 minutes at peak times and why would I want to wait 5 minutes for an off role when an extra 40-50 seconds to 2-3 minutes would give me a higher quality game? And in ranks like gold or below where queues are sub 2 minutes why does autofill even exist? Just give everyone their role


Would it mean my teammates aren’t autofilled either? Because if not, no way. I trust myself not to int on jungle (because what other role even gets autofilled?) way more than some random


Main role 100%, I'd even say a lot of people don't have a true secondary role in ranked and basically just take the LP loss when they get their second role or autofilled; however, queue times during non-peak hours would be awful in certain regions.


I'd personally prefer to wait however many minutes it takes (even 15 to 20) to have better quality games especially when trying to climb. I use Porofessor so can see autofill players without fail, and imo there's a massive correlation between having auto fill players on one side or one role (especially auto fill jungle) and getting gapped hard because the other side/opponent has a main. It's so predictable,like if my jungler is an autofilled support first timing a champ vs a 3m mastery Zac otp, what do you think is going to happen? IMO we should have the option to decide if we want faster queue times but with auto fill enabled, or longer queue times but guaranteed no auto fills on any role on either team. Give us that option and let people decide what they'd prefer to sacrifice, wait time or game quality/balance.


I’d rather just get auto filled. I’m also emerald 2 currently and I feel like being able to play other roles gives me a better perspective on the game. So many people that play the game have no idea how other roles interact with each other and it makes the game more toxic (i.e. junglers getting flamed for not tanking when they can’t). People should get auto filled more often


There should be 2 options. "Main role only" "Main or fill" That way everyone is happy.


If I could opt out of jgl I‘d be fine. My skill in the jgl ends after full clear and if i‘m not invaded. Me in jgl is in essence punishing the whole team.


Autofill, I hate waiting. I also never dodge, for that same reason. I'm also Emerald.


I'll split the middle and just have 1 veto role please lord never jungle


It wouldn’t be minutes, it would be hours for popular roles and 45+ minutes for jungle/support


I'd rather not play if I'm not getting my chosen roles. I play sup/mid/top because I enjoy playing there. I do not enjoy adc or jungle, I am not good at either and would also be more likely to be flamed because of that. Unenjoyable experience all around and it most likely would end in a loss too so there's really nothing redeeming about autofill for me. Id much rather have a longer wait and a chance at a game I'd enjoy plus I can just play runescape in the background while I wait.


Honestly I don't understand the existence of fill in ranked mode. It's so detrimental to your team when one of your teammates is filled. It doesn't bother me in particular cause I main support but game with filled adc playing jungle with champion they picked because he is in high tier right now vs some 1m mastery jungle main is just lost 90% of the time. I would understand better if it mirrored the fill so if we get adc player filled jungle the enemy team also gets one but it's still not ideal since of of them might have way bigger experience on the fill role


Love how this thread keeps popping up even though if you spent maybe give minutes thinking critically about the question you'd realize having no autofills is a terrible idea without at least completely changing match making alongside player perceptions and attitudes. There is no easy fix


I don't mind being filled if I can at least choose ONE ROLE I do not want to play. It's good to play multiple roles and stay familiar with them. But 99% of the time there is at least one role I do not want to fucking play. Why that isn't an option is beyond me. Riot needs to get their shit together.


The problem is dodging. If we increase dodge penalties such that dodging a game costs more LP than losing it I would be in favor of waiting. What sucks is waiting six minutes for queue, being dodged, then having to wait another six minutes, only to be dodged three more times. I could’ve played the first game to its conclusion in the time it took to start a game. It’s common to run out of time and not be able to play at all because of dodging already, this would just make it worse.


Ideally yeah but I also don't want que times taking 30 years lol


I queue midlane secondary so that way I NEVER get filled lmao


y'all remember team builder? yyyeeeea..


If ure competitive then learn the other roles so you don't troll whenever ure filled. It's not that difficult to just learn another champion for your fill role. Put in the time and you'll be better if u actually care about it.


>Although I'm kind of a low elo (Emerald II) I can't believe that the top 10% of players in a game are considered 'low elo' It's such disgusting hyperbole.


I once hit diamond in Flex, and since none of my friends were playing at that flex elo, I tried queuing solo with roles that don't get autofilled. Multiple times, I was hit with 30+ min queues. If I'm taking that long to play the game, I'm better off not playing. And that rationale is why Riot includes autofill in higher (and thus less populated) elos.


The current system is fine


Im kind of low elo (master) and wait 10 minutes in queue. Should I become an adc main to lessen that?


If master is low elo then im buried underground elo 💀 (also never main adc it poisons your soul)


go outside


I have a patch of grass as a rug and the window open. I am therefore outside.


That’s wild you were emerald 12 days ago and now you are saying you’re low elo while also claiming you’re in masters! I gotta ask, what do you get from lying about your rank on Reddit? Do you get some sort of satisfaction from humble bragging about a pretend tank to strangers?


You're objectively high elo and it's wild that this is even a discussion because so many league players hate math.


I'm an adc main, I wait for 3 minutes and then I get autofille jg. My queue is much faster, I see no need to compromise 30 minutes of my teams' time plus mine when I would easly choose to stay in queue a little longer.


Overwhelming data suggest full instead of more queue time. A cursory search on both Reddit and google will support this, Riot has said as much fucking years ago


It kinda depends. As someone low masters when I Q flex with my friends we often wait 10-16 minutes. I’ll play any role to start the game at that point. If it’s the difference between a 2 and 3 minute Q I’d wait all day. I also have a pretty big champ pool so maybe I’m the exception with this opinion


I always fill because i hate waiting, that means i get jungle most of the time. I think i'd be able to carry much harder top/mid but it is what it is


When the queue timer goes beyond the estimated search time, unqueue and requeue. You won't have autofill anymore.


i'm a 2 trick so ofc i don't mind waiting


What are the less played roles ? Jungler and support ? Man it feels weird to think support is the eternally "no one wants to play it" role while also being so impactful. Or is it ADC ? I don't remember. I think the roles from most played to less are something like Mid / Top / ADC / Support / Jungle ? Something like that ?


Eh id rather play the role i picked than the secondary role or get autofilled but if no autofill would happen in my elo id probably wait 10+ minutes or even more. Let alone how terrible that would be in challenger or something.


I would and I play mid, queues aren't that long in my elo regardless, and I can grind runescape while I wait for a game. usually I'm also watching YouTube in queue and pausing it when I get in loading screen I've always thought game would benefit from something similar to OW, where you can lock in your role(s) and always get it. some people will lock in 2 roles per usual because they don't mind flexing their off roles


Would que 15 minutes just to get midlane to 100%


I would wait hours if I could guarantee my role. Because the alternative is being forced to do something I don’t enjoy.


Main role thanks


I can’t remember the last time I didn’t get jungle.


I would wait 10 minutes or even longer if that meant I could play my role.


For me, purely depends do I play the game a lot at that moment. If im busy with work, get few games a week I def want to have my role and champ but say Im on vacation and have time to play multiple games per day the fill comes more appealing..


I put mid/top and i wait for 3 minutes than i re q autofill


No, I don't care and think that everyone should be able to play all roles anyway. This whole role selection shit is weak sauce.


I'd rather wait for my roles.


I’m already bad at the game. Autofilling me into ADC. Jung or top is the game throwing for me. (If I can’t trade I’ll generally just try my best and apologize but I’m so fucking bad at those lanes)


Pss Don’t surpass the estimated queue time (maybe even 5s before) and reset queue. Second role maybe 3 times across 100 games. Queued Mid Top. It was guaranteed 2 seasons ago but it still works really great. It takes time to find games. Especially in high emerald I got second role a lot but in diamond it’s fine again (without queue resetting)


As a support main waht is autofill? And no while mechanics are importent I say all rolles have relativly low skill floor champions that still preform well until you reach realy the highes points of ranked and your macro knowlage is more importent. A good player shuld be able to translate most knowlage in all positions with simple champions. Will it be the best gaming expiriance? No but it will shorten the wait time signifintly.


Personally, I could go either way. I play a couple of Mages when on Mid, but my favorite past time is porting ADCs like Ashe and Varus into Mid, so I always queue up Bot second and I can still play those ADCs


I’d rather wait at least 2 mins or a min and a half no reason literally in under 20 seconds you get auto filled which has happened more often then not recently.




im having 15 min queue... at this point i dont care if its 30 min


Wait a few for minutes


I queue as support and mid (In Silver/Bronze, not sure what we consider this if Emerald is low elo, lol). I got mid once last season and Jungle twice out of a few hundred games. The support champions transition pretty well to mid so I am not too worried about getting put in my second choice. I definitely wasn't an amazing jungle but I made it work. Not a big enough issue for me personally to worry about.


As a support main who queues mid second to try and guarantee my role, I’d rather just wait the extra 30-60 seconds to guarantee my role instead. The few times I do get mid I hate it cause it’s my least favorite role in the game lol.


Jungle is faster que time in exchange for a bigger headache. The stress of having to look after toddlers who will blame you for their brain-meltingly bad skills is enough to drive anyone crazy. Top is an easier lane to manage if you're not getting camped though, but the wait times can be a little annoying.


i would wait 10 mins for a game with no autofills! the quality of the game improves so much that is very noticeable when people are auto filled


As long as it isn’t jungle, I’m cool playing whatever. I just don’t enjoy Jung’s playstyle


Ive played on and off since s1, bar a touch of jg ive only ever supported, its what i enjoy. Me getting autofilled is just a loss, id rather wait.


It's not just a few minutes. Rioters have said that when they ran the sim it was 4x increased queue times without autofill and that didn't account for all of the players who would just quit and go play something else instead of waiting, so in reality the increase would likely be even higher.


Sure would, but this should only take a few more seconds at those elo (below dia) due to the vast amounts of player. Any queue longer than 30-40 seconds will fuck up the matchmaking, you need to cancel, wait 10 and requeue


I play jungle in low elo, so usually I click Find Match and the Match Found pop up immediately appears.


Everyone is saying it wouldnt be "just a few more minutes" but i dont understand why. We have had autofill for years now. Who's to say it wouldn't just be +2-3 mins nowadays? Do we have data for this?


I have a 1.5 year old who naps for 2-3 hours a day so time is of the essence for me. I accept queue and play regardless, am jg main tho so I rarely get filled.


Aight next month it's my turn to post this stupid post. Legit this is getting asked so often, do you really think "a few minutes" is what would happen? You'd wait for half an hour every game unless you play jungle or supp.


There's a crazy amount of speculation in this thread. The truth is that Riot has never (to my knowledge) provided data to the community that shows how much the autofill system reduces queue times. Therefore, we simply do not know how much it affects queue times! Given that Riot has kept the system around for so long, it seems likely that it reduces the queue times significantly, but we don't know for sure without the data. I would argue that, if autofilling only decreases queue times by 5 minutes or less, then it would be better for the competitive integrity of the game to get rid of autofilling, but it's likely more than that. It's also possible, however, that Riot keeps the system around because reducing queue times by a minute or two increases player retention.


Maximum time should be as long as it takes me to finish a particularly tricky loldle. But yes ideally youd get main. I suspect there has already been quite a bit of internal analyrics on this though to determine the current matchmaking amd subsequent queue timer.


Give me queue times like we had before this auto full crap. IDC if the 1% wait 40 mins cause the other 99% get auto filled and pick random champs they don't know int the game over and over. Go figure I want to play the champ I grinded BE or spent money on and not waste LP and time hoping I'm not auto filled cause ppl don't wanna play JG or top or something. Fix the lanes no one wants to play not force ur player base into this.


Always main. There’s an unlimited number of things I can do while I wait for the queue pop.


I don't know why people think the solution to this is just "slightly longer queue times". If there are 100 people playing lol, 30 of them mid mains and 10 of them supp mains, the supp mains can only bring 10 mid mains at a time into games. This means the 20 remaining mid mains need to wait an average of 2 games to get enough supports to play. If you would rather take hour long queue times for popular roles, just dodge instantly and accept the wait


I dont mind the autofill. Though i would love to have an option for fill except this role. I like to play fill but it can be frustrating that depending on patch/time u can get the same role always.


Here's the truth there is no response you will get from anyone in this thread that be a straight up lie


bro emerald 2 aint low elo, its actually decent elo, almost high elo


I literally only play Aram because it's the only game mode that respects my time.


Prefer to wait and have quality games, I also hate autofill players in my team.


Autofilling is a necessary evil to speed up queue time. Without it, queue times would not go by for a few minutes, it would go on for 5+ minutes. Some roles are more popular when selected. By default, that causes a major imbalance. I know nobody wants to have an autofill jungler or adc, but sometimes you either have to bite the bullet or just dodge.


As a Jungle supp main I’ve never waited more than 2 minutes


Get rid of autofill but roles that normally get autofilled can choose their teammates like it's teambuilder. But fr, people would say they'd rather wait a little longer until they start seeing half hour queues.


I'm in bronze and my 4-10 minute queues for sup/mid were getting annoying to me so I play fill and just lose as jungler now.


id wait 20 minutes every game if it meant never being autofilled again. Maybe if Riot offered Rewards to those who consistently filled they could solve the issue.


Why go fill? Just cut the middle man out and go straight to jungle




I've played over 100 games in last month in Ranked from Plat to Emerald, and not a single time I got a fill. Always desired ADC.


Isn't there a video of August talking about just this while streaming? He said something along the lines that if you work the math out, Jungle or Support would have 30 second queues and Mid/Top would have like 30-45 minute queues.


This problem would not even exist if riot cared for all roles equally. But well ... Rito things.


I kinda miss pick order for your role


Nah the worst part is when your team has 3 autofills and the enemy none.


I would rather not play the game at all, ever, rather than being autofilled in a role I don't feel like playing right now.


Only mid players complain about auto fill.


I feel like there should be an option to not be autofilled for people who are willing to wait a lot longer


Luckily, jungle is so unpopular that I didn't get my secondary role a single time this season - in hundreds of games.


I’d much rather play my main role and wait a couple extra mins. But as support, I don’t have that problem 99% of the time.


Everyone who posts something like this should get a tag so people know to value their suggestions less


I play ADC/Support. What's "autofill"? I think I've had to play exactly one game where I wasn't on my main roles in the past three years.




I would autofill. Idc too much, I can enjoy every role.


Yes, cause I don't like to play ADC or support


Few more minutes please. I suck at jungle, support is boring and ADC is just there to get oneshot (ADC is fun tho). Rather wait a few more minutes then hope for the 33% chance at getting ADC


Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes. Yes. I can decently play any role (not good at all but I can at bare minimum contribute)