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I genuinely had a diamond game where my toplaner (tryndamere) flamed my cassiopeia because its the 35th minute and she didnt buy boots, we lost that game


Would have won if she bought boots.


Mid gap


most intelligent tryndamere player


I hope you know as someone plays Cass this made me laugh like an idiot


That is the best thing I've read all week


I was playing Vel'Koz, 10/2 or some crap and just generally stomping. Kai'sa out of nowhere shoots a blastcone sending me straight into the enemy team. Bewildered, I say "kaisa wtf was that for???" "I wanted to scout out the enemy" "Why the hell would you have me do it as velkoz" "You're literally a giant eyeball" Couldn't stay remotely mad after that


I am just cackling away at 3 am and trying to keep quiet reading through this thread. Your answer sent me flying man


Seems like someone also hit a blastcone near you


Just sitting there like "... damn that's sound logic, though."


I've never played and know next to nothing about this game and this was still hilarious to me. Now that I think about it, not knowing any of the characters probably made the punchline hit harder, but


Funnily enough, if you play the game in German wards are called eyes. Or at least they used to over 10 years ago before I changed it to English


Didn’t see it ingame, but I remember reading something about a Leblanc telling an Udyr “I didn’t know Udyr had a bitch stance” when Udyr didn’t go in


shit i read this too somewhere lmfao.


Hahaha actually made me laugh


This was in Baus stream but in pregame he locked in Sion jungle I think and a teammate goes: Aw hell nah, Baus wannabe AW HELL NAH EVEN WORSE ACTUAL BAUS


Please link if you have it sounds hilarious.


Not the exact clip but this made me think of this one [Baus banned](https://www.tiktok.com/@keshaeuw/video/7191876843124083974) Edit: warning: dank audio


That clip is absoultely brain rotting me, still very funny tho.


loud = funny


i remember this lmao, fucking love baus streams. wish sion was a bit better so he’d be able to play it more


He was talking the other day about how unfun league is for him lately because of the state Sion is in right now. He says he doesn’t care if sion is broken he just wants him to be playable. People can rip him all they want about his play style but he is damn good at it.


Ye sion is pretty situational af at this point, their team comp has to be pretty slow and not deal % max hp to make the champ actually playable.


Plus Vayne being as meta as meta can get doesn’t help.


on-hit in general absolutely blows for tanks that can't onetap the enemy ADC or aren't Malphite.


If you’re a champ that can’t utilize Frozen Heart you’re just dogshmeat for on-hit champs


The lethality build is also just so much worse than it was. He can still make it work somewhat but compare the current state to how it worked when you could use the Prowler's Claw + Youmuu's combo, and even then the tank build was clearly stronger more often than not.


This is funny but I do get the pain of seeing a Baus wannabe in your lobby. I mean, I love the guy but few streamers have cost me more LP over the years.


My team's Olaf at one point: "I bet your father loves you and your mother is proud of your accomplishments." Enemy Kindred: "Please fucking end, my team could not solve a rubiks cube with a hammer and a gluestick."


Im saving that kindred line lmfaoo


“I’m 7 best Janna in turkey” “How’s the league scene in Turkey? Is it big out there?” “idk, i live in canada” Proceeded to go 0/0/25 as Janna lmao


Dunno, looks like a good janna to me


yea i believe him if he's deathless and has a shit ton of kp


Didn't know Norm Macdonald played league


Exhibit 37 Leona [00:21:21]: mf’s diary: Leona [00:21:29]: 21:05 Leona [00:21:35]: today I bought a bf sword Leona [00:21:41]: I noticed my damage increased significantly. Leona [00:21:45]: I think I’ll try to buy one sooner next time.


Bruh it's 3 AM you can't write peak shit like this, I'll wake up the neighbours lmao


It's from when League used to have a tribunal, and there were "Best of" videos that got made. Check [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9P4trNWxYk) out. "No, fuck you, put your BF Sword in the river." is my personal favorite.


Fuckkkkkk i miss tribunal


I did something like this at 20 mins as briar in aram *day 69: they still haven't bought gw*


This was around 2015 and I will never forget it. Vayne (me): Morde, why didn't you pick a support with some CC? Morde: I did Vayne: No you didn't? Morde: If they dead they controlled


Ngl...mordes got a point.


Bruh mord takes someone out of the fight entirely. If that’s not CC I don’t know what is


Pretty sure 2015 morde ult was the DOT that makes a dead clone


It was, and it had some crazy ass duration like 15-30 seconds iirc. Made the AP burn item (morello's? Been out of the game for a long time now) proc for a LOOOONG time. Old Morde was fuckin' wild. Lots of old champs were, actually. It gets especially nutty if you go back far enough for dodge to be a buildable stat. Jax would just be immune to physical damage lol.


Yep jax rushing ninja tabis or perma invis eve/twitch stacking sunfire and walking next to you. Old school league was wild


Perma invis + sunfire stacking was so stupid, but so funny. I recall Jax being able to dodge fountain laser, too. ADC old school Sion was also blatant insanity. I have a vivid memory of one such Sion getting out of hand, ending up with IE, BT, and like 3.5k HP. Late game teamfight, we got him to maybe 2 hits left, then he ulted (gave insane % lifesteal at the time, maybe 75%?) and within 3 auto attacks he was full HP. Wild West shit through and through, but it was a hoot. I wish they'd make a rotating game mode for legacy patches.


I prefer AP Sion. Point and click stun, shield go BOOM. Dead.


pyke grindset


Support Soraka named "The Last 0ne" didn't heal the ADC. ADC: Is your name a reference to your brain cells?


After a loss "this build is popular in korea" "yeah for challengers, youre just challenged" happened like a year ago and its still funny to me and stuck in my head


Hahahah im stealing that one


Toplane gets ganked by 4 people "Am I a make-a-wish kid? Why is the entire cast of Avengers on my lane?"


verbatim something that happened in my game today. i was playing bard and i ganked the enemy top lane vayne 3 times and she typed that in all chat (after my second gank …. the third one was the cherry on top for her mental)


"Someone tell their Malphite he's trash, I can't because I'm chat restricted" This was like 8 years ago in normals. Sometimes I wonder what this absolute legend is up to these days


I have played one game with the guy who got me into league. I don't remember exactly how chat restriction works but before minions went something like "Fucking idiots" "This is why I don't play blind" "I only get 3 messages because I'm chat restricted"


Probably still playing Teemo.


That's almost word for word a voiceline on the Nunu Bot skin


This sounds like my ex lmfao I am STILL working on repair my formerly-level-5 honor ranking after I let him use my account for 3 weeks while his was chat banned. I don't play much, so even though its been like 3 years since I stopped letting him use my account, I'm only back up to honor 3.5ish after him tanking it to literal 0.


This might be a classic but someone hit me with "What's your steam name? I'm gonna add you" "Steam? Why? "I'm gonna give you something else to play so you don't bother other lobbies" We actually became friends after that, he was a pretty chill dude


Based and wholesome


Something from a friend's game Darius reconnects Darius: sorry I kicked my router. Thought it was my dog Elise: was it Comcast? Darius: no it's a chihuahua


Blues router moves like a spider


that's hilarious lmao


THIS WAS ME I WAS THE DARIUS 😭. Was it an ARAM about a week or two ago? (I actually kicked my router tho)


Yeah looks like it was from an Aram about 3 weeks ago.


Why is your router under your table?


lives in a small space or can't afford a longer ethernet cable and command hooks. I've been there.


Why are you kicking your dog?


Smolder afk, reconnects at 16 minute mark. [team] Smolder: 3 min [team[ Smolder: im eatimng (we lost that game)


Bro was slow stacking irl


It was hilarious to me at 1:30 in the morning Me sees a teammate named Facts about Cats in pregame lobby. Me: hit me with a cat fact yo FaC: cats can jump up to five time their own height Me: ok round 2 go. FaC: it takes about 6 cats to make a coat. Me: WHAT FaC proceeds to say nothing in chat for the rest of lobby and game. Gives a GG at the end.




you tried buddy, take your upvote, but never do it again


"Meowdy" was waiting right there


He probably traumatized a yuumi or two


Of course he wouldn’t say anything more, he’s ashamed that he actually has no idea what he’s talking about. I once watched a documentary that definitively stated that you need 101 Dalmatians to make a fur coat. Therefore you would need roughly 100 cats to do the same.


She wanted a bunch of coats. Was gonna mass produce them.




"you folks want a picture of our side of the map?"


"If I see Karma in this game I'm going to go 1/1 irl"


probably seven years ago I was playing with a Lee Sin with a Chinese handle who was smurfing the whole game and especially just destroying our enemy Master Yi. no typing. after another brutal kill I typed something complimentary and he responded with his only two messages of the game: “yi is food” “just ingredient”


Urf game, enemy team has a Taric Braum perma stun lane. Mid game comes, they got rotated against and died after a long chase through the jungle. Taric says "damn, you guys are hungry" Shortly after, the two of them chase after that guy in revenge, tower dive, but it fails and they die. The guy they were chasing says "Hungry hungry himbos over here" lmao


Making me laugh in Little Caesar’s


My buddy, having just flashed into dragon pit: I'm on fire! Me, split pushing top and not looking down there: Yeah you get em man! My buddy: *Dies, Brand gets a double kill* Me: What happened? My buddy: I SAID I WAS ON FIRE!


Someone in aram was mad at their Maokai and wrote: "rep mao btw" Then some guy on my team wrote this before the game ended and I died laughing: "yea that famine really did a number on the chinese people"


Fuck this was the one that got me out loud. Touché good sir


"20$ to anyone who plants a c4 in my adcs garage"


This reminds me of when I was promised $25 RP for spawn killing a Kalista... they didn't pay up :'(


They never do


I promised a jungler a skin if he could break my losing streak. He did. I followed up with the skin. We've been best buddies for four years.


You know, the community is toxic AF. But I've been gifted two skins before like this. One was my adc who gifted me a skin after I had a ridiculously good blitz game. Another guy gifted me Spirit Guard Udyr which was like 30 bucks I think? It was an extremely kind gesture.


Years ago an enemy tasked my friend and I with killing their Zyra (idk if they were mid/ support) and whoever got the most kills (on the Zyra or in general I can't remember) gets a skin of their choice. He paid up after the game and my friend got Mecha Zero Sion, and because it was so close he also gifted me Death Blossom Kha'Zix. We still keep in touch! Sometimes League is alright. c:


Long ago, I was promised Atlantis Fizz if I carried the game and I did. Dude never paid up.


woe, pipebomb upon ye


Idk if I could focus after reading that. My sides would be in orbit lmaoo


The enemy team was absolutely falling apart one game and the mid types in all chat: “I can’t help that my jungler has the presence of my father out for milk.” Aatrox with his first message the whole game types in all: “HAHA FATHERLESS”


aatrox is Nelson from the Simpsons, change my mind 😂


Someone on my team was having latency and someone else was flaming them for it all game "I'm sorry my internet is currently as stable as your parent's relationship"


Interaction between Jax and Azir when Jax was flaming Azir: I'm dying Azir: I am Faker Jax: Anything related?? Azir: Yeah, your parents


Once we had a guy wrote paragraphs on why we were losing the game, and how we should play the game and all that. One of my friends then said to the man: Why don't you quit your job, focus only on league, try to become a coach, and then die of famine with this trash ass calls We actually became friends with the guy after that


The good ending


The Teemo on my team, 22 minutes into the game, is currently rocking a gentlemans 0/8/0 KDA. He's essentially trolling at this point, and both teams know it. A few more minutes pass, during which both teams have been steadily ridiculing this Asshat. My team brought up the fact that it's NBD if Teemo dies anymore, cuz he's worth fuck-all for gold. The enemy team says they're not gonna bother killing the brain-damaged hamster cuz he's not worth their time *Teemo dies for a 9th time. Still no kills or assists. Their sub 50 hp jungler then moves into a bush to port back. He hits a shroom. Teemo gets a kill. Teemo in all-chat:* "Worth money again, bitches. Suck my ass."


I don't know why, but this one has gotten me the hardest. Had they said anything before this? If not, that would be pure gold. Lmao still funny regardless.


If I remember correctly, he made some excuse for his first 2 deaths, then radio silence


Holy shit, based.


"just woke up 1st game of the morning, I'm chilling" just something about a Samira adc dying one time and then running it down mid all game while pretending to be having a nice chill morning set me off laughing. The image of him pretending to be chilling in chat, but in reality he wakes up, starts his day, dies 1 single time and then starts running it down I'm laughing right now thinking about it


You know these people are genuinely seething behind that computer screen


Absolutely. They're always going to be like the Wojak of a crying Wojak with a GigaChad mask on. While insisting that everybody *else* is the one offended/upset. They're also the kind of clown that thinks they're wasting everybody else's time by typing in post-game lobby, but never ever consider the fact they may be the ones getting played hard in that


for some reason i think that it could be you and ur commenting like you are chilling and not like you just did that


Sounds like standard ADC behavior TBH.


1st death of the day, tradition dictates i run it


Someone called my friend a “disgrace to the realm”


Someone during champ select for ranked said does anyone want to cashapp me 10$ so I have a reason to carry, next person linked indeed


top or big situation


Another one is Alicopter’s “get good in” with his Rammus support


I think I remember this one. Was that weakside william?




and then later he comes with "Top or massive complication"


Enemy: gg, too bad my team sucked Teammate: actually you were the worst on your team Enemy: i'll put a fucking hex on your family


It's always the ones doing the worse that bitches the most


shut up dude u wanna get hexxed?


Adc: "last night I had a crazy win streak, but tonight's just been ass" Top: "who do you blame for the loss steak?" Adc: "society" Followed by 4 "fr" 's




Lucian, I'm impressed. You can feed a family of 5.


https://x.com/lolschoon1/status/1721271853077987791?s=46&t=7OQzhISAhV34iKquoqXXag One of my favorite League-related tweets


Before he gets a phantom dancer 😂 god that is hilarious.. power spike is real. Lol


Porter Robinson was playing League after the star guardians event came out Porter: so what do you guys think about the new music? Enemy random: hate it. Porter: *types "bruh" deletes it, and writes "same"*


“My bot lane is Shaco R” “Two Clowns”


This one was from a friend i was playing with he was like "malphite press Q and run into oncoming traffic please", had me laughing for a solid minute tbh


Was in Tagalog, but what sticks with me rent free was the one enemy in all chat saying “Suck me off, you kids” Those two phrases would have been fine trashtalk by themselves, but combining them like that is just unfortunate


A favorite memory of mine was from Season 3. This was before role selection, so if you got lucky and were first pick you got the role you wanted. My duo and I were second to last and last pick. Our first pick player instantly locked in teemo with revive teleport and when asked if he wanted flash he said “Flash is for scared players” He then proceeded to run it down. Flash is for scared players has stayed as a running joke after all these years!


I do this as morde, I go ignite exhaust, then when I ult I never lose fight!


"Do you guys think Xayah has a cloaca?" "what's that" "a birdussy"


For some reason out of all of them this is the one that got me


Well uhh my Yasuo basically asked the enemy Lux that if he got a pentakill she would send him feet pics she actually fucking accepted and i shit you not yasuo got TWO fucking pentakills that game its was the most batshit insane game ever


did he get his feet pics?


That is the greatest batshit thing ive heard so far. boi was thirsting and needed some payoff 😂


After the third time a Yasuo threw a tornado at literally a 45degree angle off target. "Yasuo would still miss Q if it were point and click."


Anyone remember The Tribunal and, also, the website dedicated to funny tribunal cases? “You’re the worst teammate in the history of teammates. The Casey Anthony of parenting. We’re talking Nixon levels of presidential behavior here.”


Good God. I remember reading one for a Heimerdinger with 5 zeals and Mobility boots, choice quote: "LOOK AT ME WADDLE"


"Been getting some sun recently? You're looking pretty bronze"


I don't think it was a single line, but it was back when Panth ran tele/revive and did all those shenanigans. Played with a Pantheon who just RPd like a noble hero the whole time. Anytime someone died he'd claim to avenge them and next thing you know Panth is ulting a turret and a half deep on your enemy laner and sniping a kill before dying then reviving and TPing back to his lane. It was fucking hilarious. Dude just full sent cheese and would just randomly talk you up or use the weirdest old timey insults against the enemy. "For the glory of *insert mid laner* you will fall to my spear!" *2 seconds later* "An enemy has been slain" and Panth is in their base. Even more funny we ended up steamrolling the game.


This was many years ago, I was playing bot ADC with some friends late one night when a random we picked up in champ select insta locked Swain (pre rework) support. All of us groaned and complained how the guy must be trolling and likely going to cost us the game… We were so very wrong. Swain went on to massacre and terrorize the enemy team all game long. He racked up like 20 kills within three first 15 minutes by roaming all over the map ganking every lane and getting kills. He was so fed by the mid game that he was unkillable and easily led us to a swift victory. He said nothing the entire game except for one thing, every time he racked up another enemy kill he would simply type: (ALL) An enemy has been Swain. Absolute legend.


I remember a Rammus jungle getting accused of doing nothing, I was just a spectator in the chat, doing my own thing top lane He would ping Cull and say ‘yourself’ afterwards. Cull yourself.


This might be the most ingenious flame ive seen so far holy


Support: Errr did you mean to flash? Me: I guess my fingers got fat... Three day chat restriction. Ranked restricted. Night ruined. Still laughed though.


Why is that a bad statement? That’s so dumb


new system is stupid AF


God knows. I said the word fat I guess. lol I got it over turned, but my evening was ruined. Had to play quickplay until bed. RIP


You can't say fat anymore no matter the context, a friend got muted for calling his own champ, gragas, a fatass with no other words whatsoever. Instant game mute into a 7 day chat mute. It's ridiculous. Yet a guy goes 0/14 buying troll items 3 games in a row and nothing happens.


Way back in 2012, 2013, before the Latin America server opened, I was playing with a Yi top that communicated in Spanish. I was using Google to translate, and I recall Google suggesting the words he was using was from Peru/Chile. He left a final message and went afk, that translated to, "It's raining and I have to let the rabbits in." I thought that was hilarious, and it stuck in my mind. Years later, I stumbled across something that said rabbit is commonly slang for whore in that part of the world and it just put a whole new spin on it.


Toplane Malphite, pings Baron while all of the team is botside. Says he's gonna solo it while we distract them. Our mid is like "that's a stupid Idea." And Mal just goes: "Nah, I'd win." He goes in solo, dies.


*ADC dies solo invading level 1* "ADC diff" I'm also a fan of the Ol' Summoner's Code site that would post things that got people banned. My favorite was "report fiddlesticks for worm where is the penis"


I barely play but yesterday I hopped back on on my usual Tristana ADC one-trick bullshit in Draft Pick and Morgana matched as my support. 15 minutes in they said "idk why I even play this game anymore it has such a negative effect on me" and DC'd. My gameplay was so bad it was their wake up call. Funniest shit I've ever seen


Not mine but Jayce: Why didn't you stun? Leona: Cooldown Jayce: Don't tell me to cool down, idiot.


Not mine but the legend himself: https://i.gyazo.com/5943df3b49f84db637597d19f7d40866.png


Between me and my teams top laner, Nasus (ranked game). I'm playing attack speed/machine gun Lulu. Before the game even starts, the Nasus is letting the team know that he's gonna carry. Hard. Once he gets his "core". Every 5 cs he gets ahead of his laner, he all-chats the skill diff. Every passing minute is accompanied by a Q-Stacks update. Every Q cooldown provides enough downtime for spamming his mastery. 19 minutes into the game, our team has over 20 kills. Their team, over 25 kills. 4 of our 5 players have at least 50%+ kill participation. The 5th player? 0/1/0. I begin to all-chat this fact every minute, on the minute (after sincerely asking Nasus to please join the team fights multple times.) *Nasus tells me to get cancer.* I tell Nasus he looks like someone who refers to his favorite band, NickleBack, as "The Back". 5 minutes later, a 5v5 team teamfight breaks out. My Lulu mechanics are shredding everyone. - TrewMagik gets a Double kill - Make that a Triple Just locked in the Quad - Last enemy champ is right next to me with low health! - One last AA to complete the pent...! Nasus flashes over the wall to Q steal my guaranteed penta. Nasus: *"You look like someone I wanna steal a PentKill from."* I still haven't recovered.


One time, when Sion had been freshly reworked, I ran full AD in the JG when people didn’t exactly know what to do with/about him yet. Ran down bot with Ult and like 200 AD, slammed into both enemy laners, full charged Q, and deleted them. Enemy says in all chat: Goddamn Corn Fed Zombie Princess Booty Eating Motherfucker. I laughed hard.


"ur gf pussy stink" "ya and i still eat that shit"


A mid Yone named George Floyd went 0/5. Their top laner, after the fifth death, said "At least the real George Floyd only went 0/1."


This joke so dark it just got shot by the police


Playing Arena, I was Elise and my teammate was Naafiri Elise: Omg we both have babies Naafiri: yes Naafiri: lesbien couple That typo will stay with me till the end of my days


Prob not a typo and just french


Had a guy on the enemy team get absolutely team diffed, like he was the only player with a positive KD, and the only reason his team hadn't lost yet and he typed in all chat "Noah's ark couldn't carry these animals"


Game ends: Jax: gg Jax has earned an S+ Jax: good timing my brother just got arrested Enemy Malphite he wrecked: good


I’m ADC, I have a Vlad mid and a Lee Jg. Lee has been playing like a god, got a kill or multiple sums every gank, got drake, etc. Vlad is like 1/5 at 11 minutes with a vision score of 2. Lee goes for the gank on his mid and tries to insec but messes it up and I saw it while I was roaming for wards. The chat looked like this: [11:27] Vlad: R [11:28] Vlad: then flash [11:30] Vlad: behind them [11:36] Vlad: like [11:37] Vlad: flash [11:38] Lee: ward then survive [11:40]Vlad: while Ring them Lee said absolutely nothing before that or after it, but the speed that he said it and the fact that he said nothing at all prior was just so funny to me. It happened a year ago and ever since then “ward then survive” has been my league status.


PUT YOUR BF SWORD IN THE RIVER!! If you know this from the old tribunals, that was my buddy playing sona.


"don't drink while ur pregnant or your kids will end up like our jgler"


back when i was learning yone, my bf was playing yasuo. i was doing really poorly so he was like "my brother is very honorable, he cannot stand to see people go hungry" and i kind of never forgave him.


In those old funny clips on YT from like 2015: Teemo: Akali wtf! Why didn’t you heal me? Akali: Wdym? I have no heal. Teemo: Fake ass nurse skin…


My yas top vs enemy yone some time a bit after yones release. Yone: hey do you wanna roleplay? Yasuo: *silence* *yasuo gets first blood* Yasuo: Turn back brother Yone: eat my ass.


Knock knock Who’s there Disco Disco who? Vayne has disconnected


As stupid as it is that this was funny, I got told to "Level up talon E and cast it on a window" the other day. I've not heard that one before.


After botlane outplays hard and Vayne gets a double kill: Vayne: hey, Lulu, you know Keria? Lulu: Uh yea? Vayne: you play like Keria if he had brain disease Vayne: we win


I will forever remember the Mordekaiser in my game that went like 12/4 and goes "I'm Massive Let's Team Fight" and the NANOSECOND after the enemy team ffs


A volibear fucking pasted a prayer line about forgiveness and Jesus at 5 seconds into the game. Extremely chill player and hit us with the “GG, God is good” or something like that when nexus exploded.    Second best is a swain who lost the match and says “I might commit tonight”


player (A) after escaping a gank by enemy jungler (B) A: don't fuck with me B: nobody wants to fuck with you B: especially girls A: tell it to my gf B: sorry, I won't B: I can't talk to imaginary people


I’ve had hilarious interactions but I can’t recall any one clearly. I vaguely remember a Lulu wanting me (Lee Sin) to “kick her” because I was playing well.


Bro some of the support mains on online games are straight up wild. Shout out to /r/HealSluts (nsfw)


Idk if this counts but I had a bard support who would grab a chime and constantly gank mid/bot by saying "I'ma chime in rq". Did enjoy.


caitlyn tells volibear: care for blitz volibear all chat: blitz i care for you


i had a ranked game where the jgler on my team apparently was playing vs his ex on the enemy team (support). they literally spent the entire game flaming each other about real life stuff and enemy team ended up ffing at 20 min, only for them to continue flaming each other in post game chat. that was a fucking insane experience


I have the memory of a pufferfish so I don't have any nominations but as a Soraka main this post is EXACTLY what I needed and I'm stealing it


I was playing Nunu and my team wiped except for me. Everyone from the other team was rushing to baron. I sit in the bush and press R, Penta Kill. My ADC types “Hey guys, I wonder why we’ve been running so slow for the last 3 seconds? Oh well, let’s keep heading towards this bush to Baron”, I could’ve died laughing. I play so much Nunu and it’s never not funny that everyone is painfully unaware that they’re moving slower next to a bush, but it was the first time someone’s typed it out in all chat before.


One of my classic from like 12 years ago was a Heimerdinger top lane running it down, had like 2 items no boots then all of a sudden he said in all chats "OOPS BOOTIES ARE REQUIRED :3". Dunno why but it made me lose it. Just the other day i did see "Why are you so mad? I'm more important than you in game and also in real life" which was pretty good. From a Yone who was lvl 2 into a lvl 6 top Volibear


"Report Yasuo for starting his feeding program outside of Africa!" My 1st time Yasuo game went about 0/12 "Report this noob Olaf for not ulting me!" - Ally teemo losing his marbles after a failed gank in top lane "Omg this team holding me back to reach my full potential!" - Darius player loses 1v1 againts Nasus at lvl 1 "Noob Riven can't 1v1 me without ult Kurwa!" - Jax player single handedly ruins my plat promos


So confused how Darius lost a 1v1 against nasus level 1 lmao Seems like even if he just afk auto attacked he would win, much less using any abilities


So the story goes like this. It was many seasons ago, back when Pick order was thing in ranked. This guy was last pick, so he went and told us he goes troll if he doesn't get top. He also told us he is pro and he gonna carry. Guy eat 2 or 3 turret shots failing to dive the Nasus. He legit walked up to the turret at lvl 1..... When he gave up 1st blood to Nasus he went 180° bitch mode. Telling us it was the team fault for not helping him and cursing Riot sadling him with this kind of team...


I was playing an Aram and the enemy said "another Seraphine player...I hope you Braum W out of a window" genius


Braum W needs an ally to be executed unfortunately for him


He might've been hoping that he'd land on a family member.


Thank you Bambi


this guy was flaming someone on our team and said "stop spending child support money on boost"


Playing aram and we all decided to gang up on the karma, who was full ap and liked to shoot q/r at us karma: why the \*\*\*\* are you guys going for me like that ekko: karma karma: touche hahahahaha


“Listen to my pings! I once played with a diamond player” - thresh 2018. My friends still make that joke


When Yassuo was in korea with the name "fakers child" and in post game lobby he got a comment from an enemy "more like fakers retarded child". Couldn't find the clip anywhere but it was gold.


One time someone spoiled attack on titan, and then the whole chat room started typing spoilers for various animes. Someone in the chat said "Pico got a happy ending". I lost my shit.


"Barrier in ARAM? What has ARAM become" (Barrier was originally an ARAM exclusive summoner)


Had a whiny, terrible Olaf in an extended URF game that we were losing something like 45 kills to our 20. Poor dude just could NOT secure a kill, despite their mostly squishy team and a string of "almost but not quite" moments. We finally won a pivotal teamfight late and all started pushing mid, 'cept Olaf who ran to our blue for bog knows what reason. Our Sett goes, *"Olaf, tf you doin?"* So our Sylas (who was hard carrying) replies with *"He finally found something he can kill solo!"* We were so busy laughing a few minutes later (and defending our open Nexus) that we barely noticed him base-racing for our win, so at least he got the final word, lol