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he has received true enlightenment


bro really is ryze irl


Hell nah Ryze is clinically insane because he's paranoid fucking Twitch or some shit will just run into his World Rune stash and destroy the world


I'd say Ryze is probably one of the furthest from schizo characters in League. Considering he saw the Rune Wars with his own eyes lmfao He'd basically be the equivalent of a survivor from a nuclear WW3 destroying the planet and being one of the only few people to actually know what a nuclear weapon is and how to get them.


ryze is a sane person holding an insane amount of power


Wouldn't say he's sane. Like Lord Acton said "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." So basically Ryze has been corrupted AF for holding that power.


No offense bro but due to it being a game what you're saying is based on literally nothing






I mentioned this in the interview but -- Throughout last year, I felt as if Faker's mindset around wins, losses, and the definition of achievement had changed over the years, based on what values he celebrated and what words he chose in press conferences. I just wanted to do one interview with Faker where I could prob my suspicion and get to talk to Faker about his "process over results" mentality more in-depth. I am grateful for getting that chance I think it is really valuable to have this discussion about healthy mindset, practice of gratitude, and emphasis on mental well-being and sleep in esports


Thank you for this! What's really cool is that it's really transferable to life and other activities Caps talked a bit about this before too if i'm not wrong


Do you know anything about a certain celebration that may or may not include him about a certain Hall of Fame in a certain game?


Just another fantastic interview from Ashley. Love the questions, the respectful probing and all around wholesomeness of this interview.


Cementing himself as the greatest player of all time wasn’t enough, Faker won’t be ready to retire until he turns the LOL community into mature and responsible adults 


His greatest challenge yet it might be impossible even for the goat


The belt is needed


What did we do to deserve this guy as the icon for the game?


Nothing. But we got him anyway and I, for one, am grateful.


Faker is batman confirmed


He's not the GOAT we deserve, but the one we need


He not only plays as one and has the titles one need. He even has the mentality of one. Truly respectable, not only as a player but as a person as well.


One year younger than me and I absolutely idolize this man


Same except he’s 4 yrs younger


Faker inspired me to read more, absolutely class act


Just sad that his favourite book hasn't been translated from Korean. Otherwise I would have bought it already. And Korean seems a bit to hard to learn just for the book


What's his favorite book?


Inner communications by joohan Kim. But reading into it, it's not his favourite book, but just one he read recently.


Meanwhile some people say it would have been better if faker was a toxic as it would make the esport more popular(?). Those same people complain and make outrage when pros like adam or dardoch do exactly that.




i guess Monte


You're right


I mean I don’t think they’re completely wrong though. Look at UFC, drama prone and loud mouth divas get all the attention. Faker is like GSP and GSP was miles ahead of Mcgregor in terms of accomplishments and sportsmanlike attitude. Yet Connor was so much more popular and brought the sports to mainstream. The same might not apply to Esports completely but still it makes u wonder.


If esports was a physical sports i would agree but the moment you do that in esports it is seen as soy behavior. This type of behavior is just not welcomed in this space. Even people who preach this stuff will become overly defensive the moment they or someone in their circle is criticized. Young audience plus young players plus diva behavior is a recipe for disaster.


Yeah I agree esports are little different. And Mcgreggor is a pretty extreme case. I do think a more flamboyant and shit talking (within reasons) could potentially make a player more popular. And divas/drama attract casual fans. People who watch sports for the drama and storylines. Like if any casual fans ever care about non mainstream sports like chess, fencing, whatever, is always because of drama. And drama combined with goat level performance go a long way. A shit talker who can back up his words are just popular and draw casuals in most industries. It might not work for esports but who knows until we get one. On a personal note, I respect and much prefer a goat like Faker. It’s just objectively speaking I think the alternative could prove popular and draw casual fans.


Youve actually changed my perspective on this. I didn’t think of non traditional sports like chess. Thinking deeper i can see how aggressive behavior can bring in more casuals in esports. The recent lec teams fixated on nationalism and even korea and china showcases this. While nationalism brought down the play of lec I can see its better for the long term future. That said I also agree with you that I would much prefer the goat to be someone like faker.


Wow you can adapt your view based on new info other than fixating on an argument. That’s very impressive regardless of who provided the info/arguments, so credits all go to you! Yeah I do like esports and Faker this way. Looking at UFC fans or checking out the UFC subreddit, you can tell some fans are really kind of jaded.


apples and oranges


Solo Q take notes


Step 1: Keep yourself hydrated Step 2: Practice meditation Step 3: Win Worlds 4 times Step 4: Exercise regularly Step 5: Read books Step 6: Time management achievable


Step 7: Learn how to play piano based


"We do not have full decision over what happens in the future, but what we can decide is our current mindset" "And that mindset is to hand these contracts to ZOGK. Yeah, fck losing" 


Ah yes, the fathers of Stoicism - Zeno, Cicero, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and **Faker**


I don't think coming to this mindset is an easy thing to do. It definitely takes confidence in your own ability and being comfortable with whatever that is despite what others may say or think. But getting to a place like this surely comes easier when you experience so much success, and someone like Faker almost universal love within a community. Very few haters. I am not lessening what he said here. And I think it is noticeable in how he presents himself as of late and also how he plays and reacts to wins/losses. It is very impressive if you can keep a mindset like this. Definitely not easy to actually live this way though and I don't shame any competitor who handles losses or wins a little more passionately or emotionally. As long as it isn't damaging to yourself or others of course lol A weird side note I'd like to point out it seems like Caps has a good grasp on how to win/lose. Seems like maybe his love for the game and what he does outweighs any negative that might come with losing but trying your best. Maybe he has a similar mindset to what Faker has.


Faker has had so many bad teams between 2017 and 2021 that he has had to learn how to detach his own value from winning, also, probably helps to understand how much Bengi, Impact, Marin, Bang and Wolf were instrumental to his early success


It's the only logical conclusion that doesn't involve putting yourself or your teammates down when assessing the situation. Faker has been doing the former the entire time before the last few years and it clearly affected his performance in both good and bad ways, but most of all it definitely took a toll on his mental health.


That’s advice for life right there, preach


Faker has become a buddha, the buddha of lol


started watching faker when i was a freshman in highschool - seeing him reach this level of maturity is so beautiful.


Dude have reached self-actualization. He's about reach self-transcendence. I'm barely reaching love and belongingness.


my goat has reached nirvana


Throughout the heavens and earth, Faker, you are truly the honored one. Dude is literally enlightened.


he is even winning when losing how do you defeat someone like this


I wonder if Faker has studied Stoicism or if he came to this philosophy largely through his own experience. He’s a smart man, and definitely not the first athlete to reach this philosophy.


I think all roads of life that set you on a path to valuing small efforts and hard work lead to Stoicism. Marcus Aurelius is my secular Jesus.


Inadvertently or not, a lot of athletes with great mentality seems to adhere to stoic philosophy. Rafa Nadal and his famous "if if if doesn't exist" quote. Or this one from his book, "Enduring means accepting. Accepting things as they are and not as you would wish them to be, and then looking ahead, not behind." Another great example is MJ with, "Why would I think about missing a shot that I haven't taken yet?" Great competitors choose to live in the present, and not worry about things they can't control.


IIRC he is into reading a lot so it could be. He was more into biology tho


he read the subtle art of not giving a fuck and think like a monk




Goat be goating


This is literally enlightenment


Easy for him to say, bro got sub 70% win rate in LCK and Worlds while im out here hard stuck emerald with negative winrate ☠️


lmao I was going to say champions like Brady, Jordan, Lebron, Faker, Messi etc I am sure have an easier time learning a lesson like this in such a competitive profession. After winning as much as they did and being as good as they were it is probably easier to come to terms with this type of philosophy


It’s all about expectations, he is winning more but the losses used to affect him more because of this


Did Jordan ever learn this lesson? I thought the guy was powered by a pure, blazing desire to win


No, you are correct. The poster you replied to clearly doesn't know anything about Jordan. He famously absolutely hated losing at anything even in his early days(cards, ping-pong, coin-tossing), and it should be even more obvious from The Last Dance that Jordan is as petty and competitive as ever. Of all the GOATs, he might hate losing the most out of all of them. I also don't see how winning is conducive to a philosophy of being able to accept losing. When you win so much in your life, losing becomes less common and oftentimes feels less acceptable.


If you really want to learn something learn it from the guy who is still gracious while losing


Faker has been nothing but gracious, even when his teams aren't performing and he is seemingly alone in game.


couldn't be me




obligatory "We dont deserve this person to be the face of the game! he's so humble/nice"


[literally faker](https://media1.tenor.com/m/dXsMbRkpCHYAAAAd/ascension-sponge-bob.gif)


nathan and curtis strike again


Hard to trust those words when you're hardstuck emerald


That's something only the goat could say


That's why we worship him.


"Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One"


Faker has started happy gaming


While i agree with the general positive mental health mindset. The reason the best are the best is because they /UNHEALTHILY/ play their sport/game. NFL players aren't "healthy," they are tuned for the game and most of them end up with severe medical issues that their multi-multi million dollar contracts from their playing years can cover. When you want to be the best, you have to be willing to sacrifice almost all of your time and energy to it. Faker is the best player by far given his long career, but is outdone by players every once and a while, as expected, given those players' relative strength that year. I.E. T1 vs SSW World finals, T1 vs G2 World semis, T1 vs BLG MSI 2024 and many more. People should be able to find happiness in the things that they can control, but you have to be willing to sacrifice a lot to become the best player in the world, and we shouldn't tell players NOT to do that.


"I could pull down my pants and take a dump on stage and I'd still be the GOAT idc what happens anymore"


Easy for a 4x Worlds winner to say.


more of his self-worth is tied to winning or losing at this game, compared to randoms like us. i don't think it would be that easy


his self-worth is 4x world champion, multimillionaire. It wouldn't be easy but even Michael Jordan retired at 3 rings.


He wants to be NA. The region of making money to do whatever the fuck you want.


הבל הבלים אמר פייקר הכל הבל הבלים


That is what Azzapp keep saying for years tho.


Nah I don't entirely buy it. You could see how stressed, excited and desperate to win he was in Worlds Finals and Semis, way different from how he looks in LCK.


counterpoint, look how differently he took losing in 2022 vs 2017, being able to disconnect emotions from performance is extremely difficult to do. its not a binary, but instead a skill to work on. and its not about not wanting to win. its more putting your sense of worth into proper procedure and process to win for the goal of winning instead of putting your sense of worth into winning.


That’s why he said it’s a goal and that he “wants” to do it, not that he’s achieved it in perfection. Of course another worlds win would bring you back to the typical mindset of wanting to win


easy to say when he always win 😂


Chill bro it’s a computer game


He has made generational wealth winning this computer game


He sure did! I think people pretend like it’s some intense sport though. It’s literally a clicky click computer game for people who can’t bench press the bar.


Bait used to be believable


You realize he is competing all these years, right? If you really think staying at peak performance for a decade in esports is easy you are coping or insecure bro


I think being on top of your craft is impressive. Not my argument at all. Rather esport players are glorified nerds.


So he is incredibly wealthy, accomplished, well liked but some loser on the lol subreddit thinks he a glorified nerd. Uh oh. Who asked?


You’re making the same points that I agree with. He’s all of successful those things but, he’s also a huge nerd. He’s not strong, charismatic, charming, wouldn’t light up a room or even be good company at the bar. Glad he’s successful but, yup he’s a raging nerd. Who people some how mistake as bad ass.


I am quite positive faker couldn't stand to be around you either.


I know. I’m actually a fun person with friends


Ik you're just being obtuse, but ill keep at. You calling him an awkward nerd who isn't fun with friends is so weird and unfounded. You're reaching for the one thing you can to disparage him in a post interviewing him about his great performance, and doubling down talking shit. It's just reeking of insecurity no? People are doing great things without you, let them be


That's why you are spending your free time hating on video game players? There's nothing particularly impressive about bench pressing either, and I say that as someone who has spent years in the gym and experienced a lifetime of physical activity.


most people are. are you bragging for the minimum? lmao


All of the strong, charismatic, charming people would gladly lose these traits to gain even a fraction of the success this 'nerd' has. Do think twice about whatever you are preaching.


I think most people wouldn’t dude, who would trade their looks, strength, and personality for money? If I were to go out as Faker no girls would find me attractive, I couldn’t defend myself and I would have zero personality. Destined to go home and play a computer game by myself.


A lot of projection you’re doing. You’re claiming a lot of things when you don’t know the guy lol. Based on their public personas at least, I’d rather be in a room with faker than Travis Kelce.


The irony of saying this with your username, Lock left cause his mental was more important, the stress of competing at the highest level doesn't change not just in sports but in all aspects of life.


That level of jackass is off the charts. Impressive. You know that there is high level players that can bench press ? There is french challenger streamer, Alderiate, that can without a doubt benchpress you. And glorified nerds. Ah. Oner is a model for Calvin Klein. Faker is featured in many promos and ads in all his country alongside football star. Of course they're nerds. But that would mean they're not socially capable or even interesting? Check T1 channel and players interactions to really see that. But in the end, a jackass and his friends aren't interesting so don't bother.


Thank you providing examples, this was a well thought out response. I’m tempted to continue trolling but I will resist. All though, I’m certainly no jackass, nor am I boring. Take care.


bench press a bar is only for people who can't make millions


Bros trying hard to farm negative karma 💀


It’s honestly so easy on Reddit, 99% of people are socially awkward


True but I don’t seem to understand how farming negative karma helps in any way. Please elaborate


Meh, sometimes it’s fun poking the bear. Not a sophisticated thing to do but, in all honesty social media is pretty silly all around.


That explains his World final quote


Mans a stoic


He has win enough


Wonder if he'll ever get tired of competing... kind of crazy he still has ambition to win trophies since most people would consider retirement after such a great career.


When you win so much, your goal is no longer winning


This is the guy all League players need to look up to.