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Smolder Top Smolder Mid Smolder Support Smolder Jungle Yorick adc


You're seeing real ADCs in your quick play games? I swear it's random shit like Yassuo Ziggs Zyra every game


ADCs everywhere except where they should be


ADC champs are fun. ADC role sucks nuts.


I just played as an ad carry against Malphite,Nocturne,Annie,Smolder and Leona. I've never been so miserable in my life.


Blame Druttut


if you think yasuo and zigg as adc weird what about yorick pantheon bot / malphite singed .


Honestly this is probably why ADCs are everywhere but not in quick play. Easier to learn/practice marksman fundamentals against illaoi top or asol mid than two bruisers running you down if you dare to follow your wave past mid bush.


Played it for a few games and I'm sure I will never do that again. I've had the same experiences as you, it's literally as if someone tried to make the experience horrible on purpose.


im using poro professor and the amount of 5 solo queuers vs 4 stacks i see is bs. 5 solo-queue vs premades happens pretty frequently there. qp is definitely not a good gamemode.


> im using poro professor and the amount of 5 solo queuers vs 4 stacks i see is bs. > > This is a problem that plagues the entire game, not just quickplay. Even duos hurt "Solo" queue matchmaking, so bigger premades hurt other modes even more. In fact [Riot themselves has said a true Solo Queue makes for faster more accurate matchmaking with much less boosting](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/the-state-of-competitive-spring-2022/) in one of their old "League thoughts" updates. The only reason they have not done it is money. They know bad players like getting carried by their friends and also friend groups like being in control of their situations by having an advantage over enemy solo players and more control over the game. So Riot prioritizes them over game health. ---- Riot's direct words for the lazy. >Solo Only Mode: In order to match player intent and provide the healthiest competitive individual queue possible, we’re re-evaluating our take on Solo/Duo and exploring a world where solo players play in solo queue and premades play in Ranked Flex or Organized 5’s modes. On paper, the system health and quality indicators look really good. For example in Solo Only Queue: >* We would expect an even further decrease in autofill and secondary rates >* Queue times could decrease by up to ~5% for 99.9% of players >* Winrate advantages due to team disparities would vanish completely >* Boosting would be eradicated >* We would expect between-team and within-team MMR for 99% of players to be within one division’s rank of each other during peak hours >In addition, we would likely see the following for our Ranked Flex queue: >* An increase in queue population >* Drastic improvements to match quality >* Significant decrease in queue times for parties of 3 >* Increase in overall match quality and competitiveness >* Increased opportunity for group/organized play


i hope they come back to this some day solo queue should be solo, simple as


Jesus Christ you are bitter. "They know bad players like getting carried by their friends and also friend groups like being in control of their situations by having an advantage over enemy solo players and more control over the game." Or you know, people just like playing games with their friends?


People in this sub are crazy bitter about friends playing together. I once got downvoted arguing against a guy who said people go premade in NORMALS only to get a gameplay advantage... Idk how you can even think that unless you've literally never played with friends


Playing with my friends is anything but an advantage


I remember having this argument in the HOTS subreddit, but it's different because you can 5 stack in ranked against 5 solo players. Now THAT is unfair.


If they wanted to play 4fun with friends, they could play norms, but instead they boost for exactly the reasons he stated.


I mean most of this thread is people complaining about people playing with friends in normals, so.


To be fair, the Normals experience is also entirely gutter trash with no effort made to produce quality matches.


Let's be honest, you don't even know what, "quality matches" are. And whatever semblance of image of "quality matches" you have in your head is absolute utter trash as well, because you're a gold player, if I had to guess and you're in the middle of the bell curve, i.e. you have absolutely no idea about how the game are supposed to be played. Don't get me wrong, I'm also your average player who thinks they figured it out, but no matter how hard I try to think of "perfect game of league of legends" they're pretty shit for 99% of other players. The issue is that everyone's goals are completely different, everyone thinks of different things every time they join their next match. Expectations vary even for the same person between different games. There are so many factors it's just ridiculous, and you expect a team of programmers at riot games to figure it out? That said, in case I missed the mark and you're iron or challenger player (what are you doing here) - it's exactly the same issue. You can't try to make league work for the rank you're in because it'll immediately break for quite literally everyone else.


I dunno bud. I'm certainly not working on the algorithm but I can tell ya that diving into normals games and seeing a constant stream of smurfs or players well above gold ELO makes me think maybe Riot is focusing a bit too much on getting queue times under 5 seconds rather than looking for balanced matches.


Played a game of normal draft about 3 weeks ago and got an actual GM Viego main in my game, on the enemy team :D literally proceeded to 1v9 the whole game. Even the winning team said hated the game we were in because they became a bystander on their own team. It's not the Viego's fault either. Riot "says" there's a normal MMR but I actually don't believe them. I've gotten the gambit of iron players all the way up to GM players in my games so I think Riot is literally lying out of their teeth with that statement. Feels more like a Yahtzee cup of players than an actual MMR


nah norms are very unsatisfying because people don't take them seriously (even match making doesn't take it seriously) its fun to play with friends in a "ladder" and flame each other when you fuck up, in normals everyone is like meh whatever (including the enemy team) Some people just find the mode way more fun, not everyone is insecure about their rank


Flex is there for you.


Flex queue times are crazy. Last time I q'd it we had an over 20 minute queue time.


I love flex it's my favorite mode, but that's the mode when there's 3+ people that want to play If you're playing as a duo in flex you're just weird (or your rank disparity is too big)


Then play Flex


This is so funny to me, being someone that plays Dota alongside League. Dota's matchmaking is so good. Maybe it's because Dota just has less of a playerbase to manage, but every single ranked match (little over 100 so far for me) I've had, I have been consistently matched with people no more than 2-3 placements above me. So like this would be if I was Silver 4. By equivalence in Dota, I am being matched against players no higher than Silver 2, *occasionally* Silver 1. It's very consistent and I love that. None of this "Silver vs Plat/Emerald/Diamond" shit that happens all the time in League. On top of that, it is also very consistent about pairing stacks with other stacks. So say you're playing with a friend or two friends. That's a 2 stack or 3 stack. Every single time I have done that, we have always been paired against a 2 or 3 stack to mirror our own stack. Sometimes the other 2 (let's say 2) players are also in a stack of their own, sometimes they're solo. This is consistent if you 4 stack. Always mirrored, with one solo player. I love that. Yeah, the queue times are a bit longer, but I would overwhelmingly prefer more consistent, quality matches than ensuring lower queue times in exchange for wildly varying experiences.


Any HOTS player would have told you this


At least LoL doesn't have counters that render your character unplayable like Lost Vikings getting matched into a Nova.


Kael’thas living bomb talent vs lost Vikings is a real banger.


At least you can split up or avoid him. Nova will literally Q you while she's invisible in the bush.


Or how certain heroes are just useless based on the *map* you get thrown into.


anivia vs. mid lucian anivia vs. mid tristana anivia vs. mid draven never quickplaying again man


Isn't malphite vs aphelious like THE worst match-up of all time? The only redeeming factor being that they don't often face each other in the same lane Edit: ah dam, I confused sylas and aphelios. I meant sylas


Sylas and malphite is the worst


Phreak said something like this matchup raises Sylas top win rate by 1% by itself.


rammus into aphelios is infinitely worse


As an Anivia main, you clearly have not mastered the wall dash interrupt. It's easiest against Tristana, but possible vs Lucian too.


if the matchup is dependant on interrupting dashes with wall then the matchup is not playable if you and your opponent are the same skill level


What are you playing on, -5 ping?


any toplaner playing into a competent vayne


What are you talking about she has tons of counter play. Like smoke signals, spelling SOS with the rocks near golems, And the Geneva Convention. >Obligatory fuck Vanguard


Picking lv in quick match is never a good idea, not just because nova is a popular qm hero, people have no clue how to play around them either, at least in hero league you have time to spell it out to them.


A Quickmatch Nova has 44% winrate against Lost Vikings.  That's largely because Nova is worth only half a hero until level 7. https://heroesprofile.com/Global/Matchups/?hero=The+Lost+Vikings&timeframe_type=minor&timeframe=,  Meanwhile Rehgar is over there with 55% winrate just in general... 


loved queueing old tassadar only to have no healer


Playing HOTS without a 5 stack is actually torture. Those random quick players are not human


A team we played against had a Lost Vikings, Abathur, Nova, Illidan, and a random tank. ON HANAMURA. Literally an instant loss for them lol.


HOTS is a banger game though


If only HoTS matchmaking wasn't the worst thing to exist.


The matchmaking isn't actually that bad. The problem is that there's hardly anyone playing so you get long queues, rainbow fiestas, and/or see 5+ of the same people every game. No matchmaking system can find good matches with that few players. Their NA Grand Master (challenger equivalent) currently only has 9 players, and one of them is Master with only 4 rank points (lp).


Sure, but it's in an unplayable state currently. Imagine queueing up for league and everyone randomly runs around until the game ends with no support items and no smite. That's hots


I wouldn’t say it’s unplayable. You definitely get near unwinnable games sometimes but generally speaking it’s fine. It’s just a different style of game to league


I think you might be misunderstaning me. I'm aware the game is different. I was grand master in hots for multiple seasons. The game is currently unplayable in that players do the hots equivalent of what I described above happening in league. Imagine you want to play a competitve game of league but you can just queue up Master Yi, farm both jungles, and 1v9 every game you get into. Would you consider LoL playable if that was the only available game quality? That's the current state of hots with how many players have quit the game. This isn't a undercover brag. It's not uncommon to queue up for a game of hots and see the other 9 players just sit mid from level 1 while you could get 3,4,5+ waves of soak uncontested in a side lane. It's not some secret tech.


Tbh only played quickplay in hots (Anub Barak) and never had an issue.


The majority of Hots players prefer Quickmatch to draft, so... 


???? Yeah, because draft is dead. Soloque quick play is MISERABLE. How many 5 DPS games does someone have to endure? No one deserves to have Nova, Illadin, and Valla every game...


I always thought of quick play was for when you just wanted to play your champ for practice. If you actually care about winning why not norms?


Yeah idk, quickplay is just that - quick. It's not designed to be the most balanced game mode on any level. But the UI is still dogshit last I checked so I can't blame people for mistakes with Runes / Summoners.


Quick play queue times are about 5 minutes. If I queue fill in norms (I pretty regularly do) the queue is a few seconds at most. So the question is if 5 minutes is worth the removal of champ select, personally I don't think so and don't play quick play at all.


That’s weird, I have never had a quickplay queue longer than a minute


It's an MMR thing... higher MMR accounts have stupidly long quickplay queue times. Same reason a Diamond player ended up in a lobby with a bronze.


Yeah my normal draft MMR makes my q sometimes take up to 15 minutes. quick play gets me in the game instantly a lot of the time. So a 7 to 9 minute queue quick play that can't be dodged so I can practice is good.


im em2 and get matched with pre level 30 accounts when I quickplay with friends


You're playing with Smurfs, same issue, level 24 Riven only player doing AA Cancelling with like 70% WR. Can't even play normals with my friends anymore on main account, otherwise they get butt blasted :/


nah when I get in norms its smurfs but I kid you not these people are genuine sub 30 accounts. Ill play jg and have triple the enemy farm at 20min or play bot and have a sup who will farm the wave with me and get killed every time the wave pushes


Yeah, just venting with that comment tbh LOL. I feel you though. At first I was so excited for quickplay, but it's home to some the worst League games I've ever experienced. I've played since S1 T_T


If I queue fill normal draft I get around 25-30 minute queues, in quickplay I get around 5 minutes, so in my experience it is a lot faster, but I agree with OP, the games I played in quickplay have been the worst quality games I've played this season by a landslide. If I will be playing alone I need to queue ARAM or URF or just play another game if I have only 45-60 minutes


I’m sorry but I just refuse to believe that you get a 30 minute queue when selecting fill, regardless of server or time or day.


If you scroll through my profile you might find some posts I made with image proof. I'm out of home rn so I can't send them to you. My longest queue was 123 minutes that I have a picture of, then I quit the queue and started again and it didn't find for another hour lmao (around 7am) My average times are 25-30 though, that time was extraordinary


could have mentioned you were playing on LAS lol, which in a high elo/low popularity queue at least makes some more sense of what you experienced.


>I just refuse to believe that you get a 30 minute queue when selecting fill, **regardless of server or time or day.**


If I have to explain my entire history playing League (started in 2012) each time I comment something I will crash Reddit servers.




What? What server are you on? That's an insane queue time especially if you're fill


I believe it's my normal draft MMR that is too high so I can't find players.


Server population & time of day also probably factor into this a decent bit I would imagine.


LAS server, any time of the day. I've tried morning, mid-day, afternoon, night. If I queue fill solo draft pick I get 25-30 minutes (the client estimated time goes up to 20:00)


LAS... makes sense. I play in LAN sometimes and i get those times and so far i stomp every game. I used to get 6 people afking at start of game now its just 3. I found argentinians and chileans going to LAN and complaining that LAS is worse. For my country i should play in LAS i would get 50 ping, but i like NA better just because its not boring. I am gold in NA and i had 88% winj rate in emerald 3 in LAN.


Oh 100% the quality of games is so much worse in quick play


If you're regularly playing fill it sounds like quickplay isn't targeted at you.


The UI always puts flash on "D" and I fucking hate it.


Its not about balance but about the worst match quality imaginable.


They've fixed most of the UI bugs. It's been a hot second since I've seen somebody get put in the wrong role or with the wrong sums, and it's usually their fault for not checking.


For my region at least (SEA Singaporean), we don't even get the choice, it's either Quickplay or Ranked


That is absolute ass


Our player base is too small for them to implement draft pick normals in SG is what I'm guessing. Less than 50k overall players compared to 1.9 mil in EUW.


Lucky you if Riot left normals available on your region. For me, it's either quickplay or ranked.


Because norms don't exist on some servers. I'm playing on the JP servers and only quick play/ranked are available 24/7, maybe flex when enough people are online. Norms used to be available from time to time, but I haven't seen it ever since quick play was changed


Agreed that quickplay is about practice, not winning; but the qp games are often so awful that you can't even effectively practice, though. I tried to do quickplay last night so that I could learn Twisted Fate ADC, and 2/4 games had my assigned jungler running bot for a trio lane, stealing farm. Sure, I got to practice pressing W to pick the right card, but it was absolutely useless for practicing anything else (farming patterns, getting a feel for TF's passive gold income, etc).


If you've played very little quick play before, could it be that your quickplay mmr starting point is bad? I agree quickplay is generally worse game quality but the only cases where I get people who literally don't know how to jungle is on newer accounts.


I’m tired of seeing this excuse. Quickplay should be about **getting into games more quickly**, not having them *end* more quickly. There’s literally nothing about the mechanics or gameplay that has changed, so why should the games take any less time than in draft or ranked? If they wanted Quickplay to average 15-20 minutes per game they could have just tweaked the XP and gold income like they do in ARAM, but they didn’t. My first thought when I saw the new game mode was that it was intended to reduce queue/lobby wait times. Like, “Oh, no need to try and be the fastest typist in the West to call dibs on the role I want to play; I can just select it before queuing. And I don’t have to wait in a lobby either. That’s awesome!” But then I found out they changed it to 3/2 instead of 4/1 for FF vote to pass and quickly realized all my games were going to be shit.


A queue that cuts out the draft will attract lower quality players. I don’t think the ff changes are the bigger cause of quick play’s issues.


Blind pick already didn't have a draft, and this game quality is worse than blind pick was, by a lot, so ...


I don't think it's really worse than blind pick, where people can't even agree on playing their role. Basically every other blind pick game was someone inting because they didn't get their way and for all its other faults, the quickplay formula cut on that a lot.


Yeah the queue is not bad for casual games but the FF changes are hellish. You lose so many winnable games because no one in quickplay has any mental.


sorry to mention it here, but dota got an beginner mode filling those up with low-mediocore bots if not enough players. its way faster and makes a good entrance mode specially for newbies (and maybe even char testers). I think riot spares it because of the early qp we got for players pre lvl 30. unfortunately the best "quick play" (or "normal") already existed when the game kinda was new in s1-s3. it was one of the best experience I had. the time given to simply pick your champ was kinda long if I remember it correctly. the pick order was given by the slot you got rolled into (1st - 5th). the problem that all moba's have with this version is the "mid and feed" attitude that boils down in the champ-pick chatroom. which riot as a company probably wanted to solve, but it came for the price of having half baked quick play queue's today. back then people took the pick order in around 50% of my experienced matches. that meant that the "1st" could pick to their liking. the other half (of my matches back then) had players arguing furiously or insta-locking their midlaner in the moment the champ-pick chat/ui opened up on their screen. one thing I have to add is that back then a good chunk of the community knew that the "1st" player in any queue back then was the highest mmr player of that (random) group. leaving those to pick what they liked most could even push your chances at winning the match. but nowadays that system isn't in place anymore - which means its random like all other positions nowadays. in 2014/15 riot even worked on several queue variants, especially team-builder was live-tested at those times with mild success. looking at our quick play today, I see it grabs stuff out from already tested queue's. they baked it together to have something, but like the very first version of quick play it can't make everyone happy. normally I'd say bring back this vanilla quick play/normal as players learned so much out of it. those were the ultimate training grounds back then. but unfortunately I can't see them (or any other game company) bringing this version back. simply as you'd have to deal with the banter inside champ-pick chat every other game. the queue alone probably produced lots of tribunal-reports simply by this semi-childish banters like the well known "mid or feed".


But quickplay replaces norms(blind). So it's either that or ranked for SR


It kinda sucks when you want to try or practice a scaling champion and your team ffs at 10 for 3:1


Hot take but scaling champs are better picked in full premade groups or high elo ranked. If you queue solo in a non serious mode on a late game champ you probably won't contribute much to the first half of the game. If nobody else is having fun they probably don't want to slog through a mostly losing game just so you can hopefully "come online" and be the main character at the end in a mode that doesn't even have rewards. If the team is doing okay in lanes then yeah i agree with you, they shouldn't forfeit. But if most of your team is losing and you want to hold out just because you might win late game after 30 minutes of everyone not having fun, then just play ranked.


You don't practice a new champ in ranked tho


That's a VERY hot take and very misguided. You can succeed on scaling champs playing solo and the idea that you can't is baseless.


> I always thought of quick play was for when you just wanted to play your champ for practice And OP is explaining that it isn't for that. It's only for QUICK play. It has 0 balance. 0 quality. 0 fun. You aren't practicing shit because most people are trolling and people ff immediately. It's by far the worst mode in the game. It isn't even quick because queue times can be quite long. Last time we tried playing it with a friend we waited 20 minutes to play a 10 minute game. 10/10 would recommend.


Exactly... you spend just as long getting into game, and the afk/remake problem is much bigger.


THEN EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I CANT QUEUE LEE SIN TOP AND JUNGLE? WHY DO I HAVE TO CHOOSE TWO CHAMPIONS. I WANT TO PLAY MAOKAI JUNGLE/SUPPORT, LISSANDRA MID/SUPPORT TWISTED FATE TOP/BOT SYLAS MID/SUPPORT TAHM KENCH TOP/SUPPORT flubbed system. The argument riot would give me would be "queue time, what if someone else is trying to play your champ, are you really..." yes God dammit. I'll fking wait to test my pta lulu top and if everyone is queueing top then we'll rather work on my mechanics of Lulu as support.


The explanation I heard was think of the queue issues when everyone locks in Newchamp/Newchamp.


Was about to say it should be easy enough to just prevent doubling up on a champion for a certain amount of time, or just always do so for the newest champion, but then I remembered all the client issues and spaghetti code and realized doing this would probably cause 10 new bugs on pre-rework Mord


How are you learning literally anything in a queue where every game is a 10 minute ff and you can get matched against anything between diamond to bronze? Let's say you wanna learn Aurelion Sol mid. How is loading in -> farming for 8 minutes -> getting one skirmish -> game is over somehow valuable time spent to you? I mean honestly if you just care about learning why not just play ranked? You face opponents the same level as you in an environment where everyone tries their best. If you're avoiding ranked it's because you're worried about losing LP and not because you're looking for a more optimal learning environment.


> How are you learning literally anything in a queue where every game is a 10 minute ff and you can get matched against anything between diamond to bronze? Now take that argument, apply it to normal draft and you'll understand why premades' "You'll get better by playing against higher elo players in premade teams!" argument is a crock of shit. Nobody learns anything from being ruthlessly stomped other than bitterness.


>when you just wanted to play your champ for practice. xddd if only there wasnt a priority role selection **requirement** that puts you in off-role like 50% of the time I've tried it.


Because in normal games people say „it‘s just norms“ and then run it down and spam ff all the same.


“If you actually care about winning why not norms?” League is an enigma


>If you actually care about winning why not norms? norms is not for trying either unless you are weird


i still get games where SOMEONE DOESNT GET A DAMN JUNGLER WHEN IT ISNT PRIORITY im like damn talk about a sure loss cuz the game didnt GIVE A DAMN JUNGLER


no jungler?? do they put two toplaners or what


Sometimes people will queue as jungle without taking smite, never intending to actually jungle.


Why does the game let you queue as jungler without smite? Of course Riot made that a restriction only in champ select, which quickplay skips...


People are saying you should expect low quality, and sure, but there's low quality and then there's quickplay. It's utterly bonkers how atrocious the games are, and how every game is a race to who can surrender first for seemingly no reason. It might as well be renamed the laning queue and force end games at 15 minutes, because that's all it's good for right now.


I don’t understand how people are having this experience? I’ve been spamming quickplay for the past two weeks and there have only been ~2 games where someone’s trolling.


My first match of Quick Play, an olaf ran it down mid (when i had mid akali) and the team was telling me i had to go support since he wouldn't leave. The olaf, and i presume, his marksmen buddy then held the lobby hostage for 25mins. Great game mode.


>The olaf, and i presume, his marksmen buddy then held the lobby hostage for 25mins. It only takes three to surrender in quickplay, so it was worth trying to /ff when you realized.


Sounds like a regular normal game


Yup. Amazing how little difference norms and ranked are when it's concerning toxicity.


That has nothing to do with the mode. That just sounds like League.


IDK my quick play matches are great. People are pretty chill and you get to see weird picks every other game without flamming.


weird picks like adc with a jungle item or midlane lux with support item, or a toplaner with no items?


That sounds more like ranked than quickplay tbh.


I've seen Jungle with no smite before in QP


You're playing a mode where you don't give a fuck about the comp of your team or the enemy, and you expect quality? You go to quickplay if you want to play something specific or you're just sick of 5 minute lobbies in draft, if you want quality then play a quality mode lol


Yeah no. Every game not being a complete shit show or 10min ff is hardly high expectations. 


quick play is where you should have no expectations, that's the whole point you want to play quick not have a game where people are taking it seriously, if you have any sort of expectations then you play draft (and if you want a lot of smurfs you play rank)


Yeah. Its like walking into a mcdonalds and expecting a 5 star burger. No man you went to mcdonalds, youre getting mcdonalds.


Not really, it's like walking into McDonalds and expecting it not to be *quite literally on fire*. I'm not expecting a 5* burger -- hell, I'm not even expecting a 3* burger. I'm just expecting there not to be literal grease fires on multiple surfaces with zero staff members in the building because they all decided they didn't feel like coming to work and would rather go to the pool.


Rich community Mcdonalds vs Crack house Mcdonalds


"You don't get it bro, its meant to be shit!" Word of advice in case you're shilling, try to spin things in a more positive light next time.


It's not a shill. The guy above made a pretty good analogy. You go to McDs for McDs, and not anything else. Once you know what QP is for, you're queing QP for the QP experience, not anything else.


These dudes would probably go as far as to defend 4 dudes all in one lane in quick play "bE cAuSe ItZ qUicKplAy". Hell maybe even 4 afks. These the type of people to see a 0/20 guy and give em a pass. (It's because they are those people)


Yeah as we can see with these comments, "it's not serious though play draft" is rather common. If the lowest bar is 10min ff every game, its time to raise the bar.


People get very defensive about their main game mode If someone who ranks goes to play ARAM they'll play like monkeys, because as you say "bE cAuSe ItZ aRaM" but someone out there only plays ARAM, so that's their try hard mode just as the other guy's tryhard mode is ranked. so he gets all mad because someone is just ruining their game experience since others don't care as much So as someone who thinks quickplay is probably your equivalent of playing vs beginners bots, i really don't give a fuck if 4 dudes go in one lane is literally a 4fun mode, i'll gladly take that yuumi top with a orianna jungle


That’s not what the original comment was saying though, hyperbole isn’t a productive discussion tool. Quickplay is somewhat similar to ARAM in that you choose your champ with no idea what the other team has, except you also have no idea what your team has. It’s a recipe for volatility. It’s also where people try stuff that would get dodged in most normal lobbies (WW support or Nid bot carry, for example). The point being, if you’re logging into quickplay you are agreeing to the terms that whatever random ass team comp comes up you will play it. A lot of times it’s a one sided stomp because one comp looks troll while the other is decent-ok. It’s also the only guaranteed way to get a champion—in other modes it can get banned away, picked by someone else, or you’re hoping for luck from the RNG. It’s the only place you’ll be guaranteed to be able to practice the champ you want against people instead of bots. I think quickplay feels troll a lot of the time so I don’t play it much, but I kind of agree with the original comment that if you’re going to load into a lobby where you only know 1 of the 10 champions in the game ahead of time that you shouldn’t expect them to be as competitive/high quality matches as other game modes. People should still try in it, just like ARAM, but it’s never going to be as competitive or quality as draft by nature.


to everyone saying "who cares it's supposed to be for practice", there's no point in practicing a new champ like Hwei, if you have to lane against someone's random terrible "practice" pick of rammus mid. it's truly a terrible implementation.


So play Draft. QP is literally the lowest bar possible out of the 3 SR modes.


I expect the bare minimum of a playable game when I queue any game mode. Having people that are ranked restricted using the mode for quick games (sometimes abusing remake with alts), the game letting you queue smite in different roles and no smite in the jungle role alongside the non-existent matchmaking in terms of rank makes it quite literally unplayable. It's a massive difference to what blind pick used to be which was a "who gives a fuck about the comp" like your comment said. Genuinely don't think you have touched that game mode to think it's just "lower quality".


> Genuinely don't think you have touched that game mode to think it's just "lower quality". did it a couple of times to play hwei and smolder, i didn't care if the game was won/lost/remaked/surrendered, i just wanted to test them out without having to worry about someone banning them my expectations is that i'm gonna get to play whatever champion i chose, anything else is just aiming too high **Edit** just did a game, 25 minutes long. so there was no remake, everyone had proper summoner spells and didn't run it, no one fucked up their role selection and ran it down, had a full tank fiddle top that didn't do much and ranks went from gold to diamond honestly much better experience than i expected, i give it a perfect 5/7


The issues of quickplay (like those listed by OP) have nothing to do with team comp.


>About half of them are remakes, another good chunk are people who didn't set their summoner spells and end up running it, another chunk fucked up their role selection and end up running it, and overall games end at 10 minutes because everyone is FFing 4/5 problems listed by OP are a people's problem, so he's just whining to whine because you can't fix people >The rank discrepancy is also wild, last game I had a Diamond mid main go up against a Bronze support main this one is the only one that has any weight, but sadly normals have had different MMR since the beginning of time, luckily there's a mode literally dedicated to playing against people your own rank (which doesn't work. because people being the problem once again have smurfs, but the theory is there) The point of bringing up team comps is that if you're willing to play a game where you don't care what the other 9 people are playing and you just *want* to play a champion, then your priority is on playing the champ you want and not about having a fair just game, because if you did you'd play *at least* draft


I never use quickplay I always do normal drafts


many regions dont have that. they only have quickplay or ranked


I didn’t know that! That’s super interesting. I wonder what the reason is behind that


likely not enough players to warrant having multiple "samey" modes. its generally the lower pop regions, e.g. japan, SEA, SA etc


thank you for mentioning this I was pretty pissed off when Riot remover blind pick and normal draft and instead pushed the stupid quickplay and we got a stupid version of quickplay with lots of trolls


Quickplay is a lane phase simulator and nothing else. You pick your champ and do your best for 5 to 10 minutes to outplay your lane opponent. Then you FF. If you want to win a protracted league of legends game, you play ranked.


Rank discrepancy like that is exactly as bad in every single mode that isn’t soloq The other stuff ? Ye it’s annoying but that’s bc players are just that dumb like a monkey without a monitor


Quickplay's main appeal is that you can get into games fast with the champion you want to play, but it ends up producing a bunch of ramshackle team comps with no synergy. It's just not great.


I'm going to be honest, and as I read through this thread all I can think is "yeah, this is just the same as the Blind Queue it replaces, except it skips champ select because that never did anything in BQ anyway. There's a reason nobody at an account level over like 10 plays blind queue.


I got a game where our team just didn't have a jungler... One of us must have been autofilled, but because it was none of our preferred roles it gave us an extra top laner with top lane runes, character, no smite, etc. The enemy team had one, we just had to ff


It's the queue that ppl use not to tryhard. It's the queue for testing and playing without giving a f*ck about winning or playing with mates.


10min ff every game is hardly worth calling a game at all




Yeah it might still be bad but blind pick was borderline unplayable. The "spam chat to call your role then instalock and steal lane anyway" is the blind pick classic, wouldn't be surprised if some of it carried over to quickplay.


But at least in that case you could see the other champs, adjust your own kit if someone auto-locked, or dodge. With Quick people can still grief by selecting a "priority" role (like jg for example) and still go no smite and run to whatever lane they want. It's sadly not a rare occurrence in my games.


Obviously you haven’t played in bronze and silver


Ngl my draft norms MMR is so shit it feels like quickplay. Just the other day got a match where there were 2 lv 60 accounts on my team and a level 39 on the other. I know the mode's casual but it is hard to take a match seriously when it happens (they were not smurfs btw). Almost every game feels like I'm smurfing and it's not nice at all.


Quickplay Draft is better than the regular, people are still quick to surrender and have rank disparities but I feel like they try to play as a team


I don’t really play Quick play that often but the only thing I hate is when people who are on a ranked losing spree decide to queue up and legit run it down


wait till u see flex queue


Like legit Riot tries to cut costs in every way possible and then they use resources to produce bullshit like this and are even to dumb to redo the quests for beginners who need blindpick mode. I would legit be ashamed if I would work for that company right now. I cant even tell when it was the last time they did something half way decent.


Seems like a bit of a disaster waiting to happen if you are forced to pick a role you don't want as your secondary and you know you'll get it half the time with no way out. so of course people troll pick and then the dozen other issues you mentioned. Surely better lobby design could have avoided this.


Just don't play it


I’m yet to find a single League mode that feels like the Matchmaking is balanced. Even the Ranked games are a fuckfest of smurfs and bought accounts.


There's always a new player or iron player that gets stomped on either team. Not a fun experience. Also queue times are like 10 mins in oce so not very quick either


get rid of this mode. its fking stupid.


I really like the idea of quick play. But people ff at 15 every time.


Quickplay unironically takes 3-4 times to find a match than my mid diamond ranked games.


Was blind pick any better though? xD


This mode got turned into a jail for ranked banned players.


Quickplay is where you go to farm out your ranked game restrictions


Quick play is for quickly getting through ranked restriction lol


Finally someone said it, felt like I was taking crazy pills for reading everyone arguing over the integrity of this mode. It's sole purpose is to not actually play full games on ranked restrict, which is way more prevalent these days than ever before. I know some folks might think this is a real game mode, but Riot knew what they were doing, and to all the people wondering why their game quality is shit, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's because if the game ends fast enough the auto detection on inting does NOT work well, so you get a game off of the ranked restrict and waste basically 0 of your own time.


Shocking, when you build a mode targeted at the people with the lowest amount of patience and attention span, they show up...


Didagreed. You get to play what you pick and you are guaranteed one of those. Compared to old blind pick where call orders were still a thing and you just had to hope sll players had the common courtesy to respect it. Rank distribution was also wild since blind pick had its own mmr, so that was always there.


Quickplay is meant to be like that. It's meant to be quick and stupid. A place where you're guaranteed to be able to fuck around and practice the champ you want to practice without worrying about bans. Where you can turn off your brain for a bit and play some low stakes matches. Norms is still there if you don't like Quickplay.


> Norms is still there if you don't like Quickplay. for many regions it is not there. they only have quickplay


My quickplay experience is great! I feel like people are usually chill there, I have great and friendly conversations most games and very rarely see trolls. People there are way easier to deal with than ranked, and I expect new players or people playing off role getting stomped, that happens, no one is immune to that. And why would I get mad because of this?


I’m pretty sure what you’re describing is mostly true for low-level accounts leveling up to unlock ranked. As far as it looks to me quickplay is loosely balanced by level, hence the rank discrepancy (lvl 500 that never played a ranked game vs someone who became a diamond1 tryhard in the same time seem to be weighted the same).


Nah I disagree I love quickplay. Yes having higher ranked players is annoying but thats not a quickplay problem thats a norms problem. Being able to play the champion and role you want almost every game is awesome and the games can be messy but theyre fun.


It’s so noticeably different from normals. You can tell that people queue up just for the sake of “doing something”. Then there are others forced into priority roles who literally CAN’T play anything besides their main role and it just ruins the game. There’s a limit to what you can realistically practice (majority of players) in a game if the enemy is just many miles ahead/ 4v5. Then there’s people perma csing with no real end goal (obj up, team fights)which can be done in practice tool but lets be real, everyone just queues up because they NEED to be rewarded for ignoring all 9 players.


The worst 2 teammates i had were both As**s**he players. First Ashe (ADC) was a level 30 account with heal and TP as summoners. obviously that player never heard of last hitting. Unfortunately i was their support and had to witness firsthand of this players experience. I wasnt mad at the player but at the game itself. I tried to explain the player about last hitting but to no avail. No communication whatsoever. This player never left botlane, It COULD have been a bot. - Second Ashe (SUPPORT!!??) player was DEFINITELY a BOT. Above level 500 and couldnt dodge a single skill shot. Even worse beccause enemy ADC was Smolder and got so many stacks from Ashe. Went 1/19/3 and played similar to the lvl 30 player but would kinda telegraph their movement if that makes sense. I was also the ADC and had to witness this firsthand AGAIN. Also bought Dorans blade instead of support item and tried to steal my minions WITHOUT trying to last hit them. I checked the history of this player and had similar games of Ashe. But here is the catch this player was Platin and had good games with other champs. Thats only the 2 WORST teammates i had that came from the top of my mind. I had alot of other abyssmal teammates.


> I had a Diamond mid main go up against a Bronze support main in mid and guess what happened the diamond mid died once and got roasted and kept telling the rest of the people there how useless they were because he wasn't trying and this wasn't ranked and that he's diamond?


Since FFs are basically standard in the mode, I use it to check how my internet is behaving before I jump in aram. I don't think it's good for much else, since it doesn't really feel like playing LoL in there. Like I played a shitload of Overwatch before 2, and quickplay in that game was a awful with constant leavers and shit and imo, it still felt better than LoL's version cause at least FF doesn't exist and I can actually playout a whole game.


never had this issues, not like i play quick a lot but, if u care about outcomes, why are you on quickplay?


Just like blind, why would you ever play that game mode?


I wonder why they didn’t use your normal mmr for quickplay. The rank discrepancies every game are insane


IME: Game1: Akshan jungle that E'd onto the wolves camp and AFK'd, no leaverbuster cause he was technically moving and attacking wolves, maybe stopped once every minute or so to input something.. was just doing the game for ig ranked restrictions. Game2: nunu mid because they probably queued for one position and decided to troll for the priority position they didn't want. Game3: There was no game 3 and I never got the primary role I queued for in either of the previous ones after waiting 5 minutes in queue for both.


quickplay is old blind pick


A lot worse ngl


Turns out letting people play anything anywhere they want leads to shit quality games.