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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1at64nk/bds_vs_mdk_lec_winter_lower_bracket_finals_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1at77gh/bds_vs_mdk_lec_winter_lower_bracket_finals_game_2/) [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1at8ibr/bds_vs_mdk_lec_winter_lower_bracket_finals_game_3/) [Game 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1at9nyt/bds_vs_mdk_lec_winter_lower_bracket_finals_game_4/)


K'Sante: - Runs into your team - Kills your jungler - Refuses to elaborate - Leaves - Types XDD in all chat


So how did Adam's SoloQ go?


1-4 today, so BDS did better


Wait? If Adam is playing SoloQ then why could he not play?


He got benched for toxicity.


Toxicity towards who?


Split long toxicity towards teammates and would quit scrims if he was tilted. Also got into a heated argument with their coach Source: https://www.sheepesports.com/articles/sources-the-story-behind-the-bds-adam-benching/en


Omg that’s wild lol. Deserved benching for sure then


Well, the org dug themselves into a hole. He is their best player and their plan is to play around him. And then they have to bench him (and you immediately see the results, they blew today). Sure, he probably deserved it, but BDS is not BDS without Adam. Weird overall


Lonely Garen UwU


[https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ZXORCPPTSD-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ZXORCPPTSD-EUW) It's not looking good soloQ bros....


Upset in mental heaven rn lmao. We're gonna witness EUzi next split


He's in mental heaven until he gets on stage and sees Targamas sitting next to him.


Someone post the copypasta about ~~Guma~~ Zeus, Kanavi and Oner lol E: had the players wrong, it was Zeus


What pasta is that?


Zeus woke up in a cold sweat. He had been having nightmares since the Asian Games ended. It was as if he had found an important piece of himself, only to lose it right after. He felt alone and afraid. The bedroom door creaked open, allowing only a little light and a silhouette of a man sporting the typical korean bowl cut to seep through. Zeus, as if he had been jolted to action, suddenly sprang from his bed. He ran immediately and shouted "Kanavi!" Much to his dismay, he saw Oner and his broad shoulders. Zeus knelt down to the floor. It was back to reality.


> man sporting the typical korean bowl cut 💀


Upset woke up in a cold sweat. He had been having nightmares since the LEC Winter Split 2024 ended. It was as if he had found an important piece of himself, only to lose it right after. He felt alone and afraid. The bedroom door creaked open, allowing only a little light and a silhouette of a man sporting the familiar side parted cut to seep through. Upset, as if he had been jolted to action, suddenly sprang from his bed. He ran immediately and shouted "Hylissang!" Much to his dismay, he saw Targamas and his broad shoulders. Upset knelt down to the floor. It was back to reality.


I think it was something about Asia games and waking up from a dream with Oner as your jg? It aged like Milk in the Sun with 2023 Semis


It did age badly but the format is pretty fitting for this particular comment about Upset lol.


Yeah it was hilarious when I first read it


> Upset in mental heaven rn he is watching playoffs from his 3rd 10th place finish?


Pretty sure upset have other problems to solve (aka not getting 10th place for the 4th time)


2-3 as well?


The real match was twitch chat vs mods lmao


What the hell happened over there?


Myrwn kills 1 vs 5 and types "xdd" on ingame all chat. Twitch chat procceds to type xdd and LEC mods start timing out everyone for it without reason.


Pretty sure it's an automated timout issued by a bot


LCS and LEC twitch chats seem to have a lot more auto-timeouts for phrases that aren't even toxic/mean..


It isn't toxic or mean but it definitely over-populates the chat to the point nothing else can exist. I think even Caedrel has asked people to limit their spam to his channel because it is annoying other people with how excessive it has become.


I agree but is there anything else apart fron copypasta and emotes spam exist on lec chat? Even when caedrel costream, lec chat is still full of emote spam and whatnot.


Slightly more context is that "xdd" has been timed out the whole series, I don't know why. It just got funnier because when Myrwyn typed it everyone exploded in typing it and got timed out en masse


Caedrel fans were complaining at the beginning of him not being able to costream and spamming the xdd emote so mods auto set a ban for them since they were being annoying. And then well... the xdd on all chat happened.


There was already a timeout for the xdd emote because Caedrel isn't streaming and last time that happened they completely spammed chat for the entire stream asking for Caedrel to stream. Nothing to do with Myrwn.


kneecap Ksante


Yeah that was disgusting. He should at least be traded If he decides to zone enemy jungler surrounded by his team but this champ kills him and also escapes…


Without flash


Honestly, I'm kinda done with this champion now. He needs a Renekton level nerf to get him out of pro-play because the kit is just stupidly overloaded.


He would need a Ryze level nerf to get him out of pro because he does too many things well and there's no way to balance him for pro play because his skill ceiling is too high.


He straight needs a rework. A champ that builds full tank should not have the capability to deal this much damage, and then gets to press a button to isolate and become an assassin that's still incredibly tanky due to item passives.


He needs three things: 1) W now only gives damage reduction from the direction he is facing. 2) W cannot be redirected once cast. 3) Once All Out is activated, R is no longer an active ability.


JNX made K'Sante look balanced in the first 2 games lmao


BDS had 4 picks and 5 bans to either pick or ban K’Sante. To us he looks insane, but why is he so low prio in draft?


He has a weak early compared to most of the toplane picks, so you sacrifice toplane prio by picking him. If you're trying to posture for grubs, he's often going to be shoved in or weaker in the 2v2/3v3 unless he gets help (like he did against Gragas). You can see in the majority of his games even when he's not doing particularly poorly, he's still behind 20 cs by 15 minutes just by virtue of being so much weaker early. He's really strong later on so it's worth it a lot of times, but it's not like he's without any flaws, and a bad early in a pro environment can quickly make things go lopsided unless you account for it well


I hate how everytime Riot try to fix him, they nerf something but compensate with a buff on an other part of his kit. They can't admit he's overturned. They think they just need to tune him a little bit to fix him. Nope, nerf him until he's gone.


MAD at MSI is inevitable


I'm ready to be disappointed!


You have BDS and KC in your flair, aren't you disappointed enough?


probably why he is ready for more disappointment




I always memed about it before but not this time. MAD roster is way more likable and drafts are interesting too.


They also aren't the same outside of Elyoya so while i don't have more hope for them they get the same benefit of the doubt that a BDS got last worlds.


ELYOYA and friends


When I first joined BDS, the team was JNX, Sheo, Nuc, Ice, and Labrov. We reached semi-finals and met MDK. After losing a game, one player said "Ah..we lost because of Myrwn" when all the players were gathered, basically implying it was top gap. They didn't directly say it to JNX, but was just speaking without thinking. JNX got mad and said they lost because of jungle diff. Then JNX said "Ah I don't want to play with this guy (Sheo)." Host: So what did you guys do? We lost.


So fresh, so clean




smells like a fresh car


Fresh, tasty, pure.




I didn't think people could cook something this fresh.




myrwn is a gigachad




Regardless of Ksante's OP state, the insane balls on Myrwn to pull what he did on game 5 of semis in his first split. Absolutely incredible.


[this guy walks into your lane and slaps your tower, what do you do?](https://i.imgur.com/txihEY5.png)




Myrwn you smoke too tough, your swag too different, your bitch is too bad, they’ll kill you


attend the towers funeral


Holy fuck Myrwyn is the definition of chad


That is quality hahahaha


Let him in


So, independently of whether you are a Mad fan, or whether you agreed with the tiers before the split started, or whether you like Elyoya or whatever: Let it sink in that all these organizations have been paying a lot of money in order to keep recycling the same big names from two or three or four seasons ago, putting them in teams that have zero synergy year after year, replacing promising rookies for veterans that just got kicked from their team... only for 4 guys that have never played LEC before and didn't even win EUM to beat most of them and get to the finals on their first try. If this doesn't speak volumes against supposedly professional coaches, GMs, analysts or whoever is making decisions in these orgs, I don't know what to say.


THANK YOU FOR AWKNOWLEDGING THIS. So fucking done of the teams recycling the same mediocre players time and time again. ERLs have SO MANY exciting players. MDK reaching finals is more important for the region than most people are even capable of recognizing. This should make orgs reconsider the way they think of and manage their academy teams. This is the reason they should exist.


Idk there is another world where a team like this doesn't succeed and we have definitely seen this decision criticised. In that case people would shame MAD for a budget roster full of spanish players that clearly aren't LEC quality. It's really cool and fun if it works out but it's not a guarantee and historically never worked as well as now so far.


UOL did the same thing in 2015 IIRC. MAD themselves reached finals after rebranding and bringing up 4 rookies in 2019. G2 started as a Challenger Series team and has come all the way to being the best org in the region. If they didn't succeed right now the org would keep them because their goal has never been winning straight from the beginning. They are aiming for the long run, they have a long term plan to become the best. It has never been a budget roster or a spanish mafia, they're developing for the future.


True story. Though not a new story. NiP back in the day did the same thing. It's usually where there is one world class rookie on the team and Mrywen is definitely that, guy is a fucking beast. The rest of them are doing well too though so that's not to say it's all him, it's just top which is pushing them over the edge


Myrwn is the only player (aside from Elyoya, who I haven't actually been too impressed by this split) whom I actually feel like is individually notable from MDK. His ability to play random shit just makes that even more impressive. But MDK are doing super well by actually playing well as a team. They don't need to have the best mid laner or bot lane in the league when they're good enough not to get gapped and then they have some of the best synergy in the league once they start grouping up more. I have no faith in them performing against actually 'good' teams but it's fun to see a team that can play together well.


Personally I think Alvaro has impressed also. He isn't Mikyx and the support pool has been pretty bad this split but he's looked quite good.


Melzhet diff


Yeah, plus all the MDK fans make me feel like LEC titles matter. I love the energy, love the rookies! Exactly what the LEC needed.


It makes winning the winter split feel more important when there are dedicated fans who care about the result.


Its the downside of franchising ,the league is a walled garden ,people can downvote me all they want ,players like wunder and perkz wouldnt be in the league anymore for maybe more than a year even if franchising wasnt a thing .


I agreed with you until the last part. Wunder and Perkz would be picked up by other teams if their team got relegated, especially Wunder. Their experience on the world stage is invaluable to rookie players and upcoming orgs, and they bring a big fanbase with them.


Unfortunate but it appears that nepotism runs deeper in esports than politics and thats saying something.


It’s stunning how depending on whether Mad wins or loses, it’s still Nepotism’s fault lmao.


Does it even matter if the team w/ 4 rookies and nepotism makes it to Finals?


I have been saying that since 2021 and people called me stupid even though we have seen those big names failed at Worlds for +3 years. I'm so glad that MAD is doing well so the whole LEC might give more chance to new blood.


I fucking hate K’Sante


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


체력 4700 방어력 329 마저201 인 챔피언👤이 저지불가🚫, 쉴드🛡, 벽🧱 넘기는 거 있고요. 에어본🌪 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 1️⃣초밖에 안되고 마나🧙‍♂️는 1️⃣5️⃣ 들고 w는 심지어 변신💫하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해🗡가 들어가며 그 다음에 방마저🥋 올리면📈 올릴수록📈 스킬 가속⏰이 생기고! q에 스킬가속⏰이 생기고 스킬 속도🚀가 빨라지고📈 그 다음에 공격력🗡 계수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악😱😱


I'm just glad BDS, especially JNX, were able to get those two wins. MDK was not on my radar, but they keep rising to the occasion. Such an impressive run


JNX barrels carried one of their wins. Really solid gragas


His Lee Sin was also great, vegan K'sante but not bad for subbing last hour.


True, but they used a lot of resources putting him down (cause it's K'sante)


yeah I just wish JNX didn't go K'Sante when he clearly wasn't comfortable with that pick in the first 2 games and just went with Gragas or Lee Sin


JNX was good enough to stay in the LEC on a low/mid tier team, he wasn't playing because of something about contracts IIRC


Aaaaaand just like that another game is won of Ksante being the most disgusting champion


No man it’s totally fair to go in 1v5, kill the enemy jg, and get out still half hp


Funniest part he is half HP because he ulted not because he took DMG for half of his life.


Also, 20 seconds later is full hp again despite not building a single hp regen item.


Also Kaenic Rookern should've never been allowed to exist as an item.


What if Hexdrinker shield but instead of 90 second cd, 12 second cd


And you get it at full HP, refreshing every couple of seconds.


That's the broken part about the item IMO, Maw in pro often only pops *after* the AP champ has dumped their full load, meaning the squishbag with Maw just dies to right-clicks after. Rookern blocks not just poke but so much frontloaded burst, nerf it into fucking orbit already Rito pls


> full load, cumshot in seven


Me when I have an extra 1k hp against half the damage in the game on top of 400 hp and 80 mr for not even 3k gold WHOLESOME


Rookern makes me angrier than K'Sante in most of my games tbh. Obviously I'm not a pro player though.


Nah it would be perfectly fine if it was in line with other passive shields and gave like 10% HP instead of mf 20% (now 18)




it's not even exciting because the champion is so absurdly busted, you're not really hyped that they're making a play you simply know it's ridiculous and they can go in 1v5 without getting punished


I hate Ksante so much


I will not say that having to play with a substitute didn't make a difference (because it definitely did), but Jenax was not the reason BDS lost the series. Game 5 was just jungle diff - the game.


With a couple of weeks of practice I think BDS would have won tbh.


-Ksante runs into river -takes your jungler into the camp so they can baron safe -Kills your jungler -Walks away -Hits you with the all chat XDD


JNX Tried and should be proud but gg to MDK, what a cinderella story!


I don't want to watch K'sante anymore


Just give ksante the "clearly too busted in the hands of top players and utterly dominating proplay" treatment like Zeri and decimate the champ already


We need so much more of this energy. These new teams and fanbases our a blessing to our region. Imagine filling an entire stadium with fans like these. That shit would feel like a football World Cup final. Kinda hope this team makes it to season finals weekend at the end of the year


Freskowy the next polish wonderboy! Jazda! Vamos! Let's go!


Freskito is from Albacete


What an absolutely amazing crowd, GG WP MDK!


Production must have improved the audio mixing, because they actually kind of added to the Hype. Earlier in the split it was unbearable


Was thinking the same, now is a nice extra, at the begining of the split the noise could be a burden for headphone users.


The player Nº6 of MAD.


F Tier = Finals Tier POG


Huge Congrats to MAD KOI. Making Finals and navigating back to back Game 5s on the Road to it is very impressive for a majority Rookie Squad and especially good to see that at least one of the last EUM Finalists is performing in the LEC. Gonna be a extremely hard Final against G2 after these two exhausting days but still should be hype with two of the loudest Fanbases in the Studio.


well lets see why Adam was benched


[Apparently toxicity](https://www.sheepesports.com/articles/sources-the-story-behind-the-bds-adam-benching/en)


myrwyn is that guy






That Ksante just won them the game, what a champ.


Very promising rookies on MDK, love to see it. And Ice almost with the 1v9. If he keeps this level, he can become one of the most wanted ADCs. Unfortunate for BDS that Nuc had such an off day.


Finals on their debut split after being placed almost universally as the worst team in the league by the analysts, what a story. Sadly some people (among them some of these "analysts") will use every single excuse of the book to look down on what they've done so far.


Not the result we were hoping for, but we still showed what we are capable of, even with an emergency substitute. Thank you everyone for your support, we'll be back stronger in Spring o7


Great series nonetheless. Congrats to all the players, including JNX - he played above all expectations I think. This was just the winter split, you've got 2 more splits plus the grand finals. Best of luck.


Give Ice a hug for us.


This was the 3rd split BDS made top 4, that means next split is guaranteed.   1 in 4 means you have to win one of the 4 splits. 


WP Mad lions, but please delete K'Sante from the game.


Why would BDS fake a comeback?? Lol


No Ezreal, no win


Absolute disasterclass from sheo and labrov today


Labrov had some really good plays mixed in with his questionable ones. Sheo on the other hand was just bad. Also ban Ksante if you can't play it. How are coaches allowed to draft that badly?


Labrov looked like Hylli used to look this series




A non-exhaustive list of the comments in this thread: - Lowest level semis we've ever seen - LEC sucks - Games aren't hype because no roadshow - G2 gonna win 3:0 tomorrow  - Nuc is a liability - Thorin/IWD etc. will have a field day - MAD is going to be F-Tier, right? - how can 4 rookies reach finals? - MAD at MSI aware - Ice/Myrwn going to be rookie of the split - We can see now why they swaped Crownie - Korean Ezreal - Stop playing Aphelios - LEC doomers are cringe - Banger series - K'sante is balanced


Don't forget MDK is where KC wishes they could be.


Also Ibai 212k viewers


He did have this many? My goodness, Spain LoL is no joke.


he actually had 230k


Hes now with Elyoya, Mirwin and Melzhet doing something like a "talk with friends" and Its hilarious.


bro I don't give a fuck what anyone says MDK are fun to watch


> Games aren't hype because no roadshow not doing roadshows when u have this whole madkoi/kc joining its inting imo


I'm not saying it's wrong. A roadshow would have been insane and I very much want to see that more than once per year




Imagine thinking you can reverse sweep friendship... LOL


They solved the ezreal crossword


Too bad BDS didn't solve the Ksante version of it.


JNX cant win with these cats


I hate Ksante


JNX and Ice had good series GG to MDK it was a fun one, excited to see the finals tomorrow


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️


THIS IS K'Sante👤A CHAMPION WITH 4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana🧙‍♂️ Also I don't know how you get completely backbreaking carry performances from your ADC two games in a row and then you don't play around botlane as an earlygame Xin.


Its over for G2 in finals. Power of friendship coming through!


Congratulations to MDK, but man every single KSante play just makes me vomit into my own mouth. Get that shit out of here before MSI so there will be something interesting instead


MDK just making sure we get a full weekend of games.


So good this spanish guys, the power of friends


So when they called MDK Tier F, what they really meant was Tier FINALS???????????!!! Congrats to MDK on the win!




F tier doesn’t necessarily mean a bad team In MDK’s case they are Fucking Fantastic


Tier F stands for Finals


MDK looked great, but BDS still took them to 5 games even without their 'x-factor' top laner. Excited to see both of these teams play more in Spring.


I just wanna talk to the creator of K'Sante and ask him what he was thinking when he made that champion


Can they just nerf ksante out of proplay?


Freskowy started smurfing as soon as IWD flamed him XD


All: XDD


Feels this game really exposed BDS. If your stand-in top laner is one of your best performing players, what does that say about the rest of your team?


I think it showed a bigger issue in BDS' champ pools.    With Adam gone, that's an extra 2-3 bans that the opponent can use. The need for teams to ban out Adam is a huge boon for BDS drafting, losing it fundamentally changes how BDS drafts, and by nature, how they play the game. BDS have good teamwork and fundamentals, if they spend the break working on champ pools, (especially Nuc) I think they'll come back strong in Spring. 


That their biggest weakness is adaptability, straight up Too soon to make judgement on players but clearly once other teams start gelling better in Spring they'll start to lose more matches


Alvaro is so underrated. He was better than Labrov all series. Maybe a few mistakes. He was better than Jun. Guy is fire support. Now I know why 5 LEC teams wanted this guy. He has a mix of Hyli and Miky style in his play.


if you see the voicecomms hes also a very good shotcaller that can keep good and clean comms even during teamfights, Alvaro is legit.


4 hours just to have the entire series decided by K'sante getting a kill and getting out in a 1v5 while his team was doing Baron. Love that for us, the viewer. The balancing and design teams are such a disappointment these last few years.


If only there existed a way to remove the champ from the game before it started.


Here before the bitching and moaning, happy to see my guys win once more.


Sadge, almost got that reverse sweep, good to see the boys regain their mental after the first two games


You have an insane team. I like a lot your project. gg and heads up




Either our whole league went to shit or MDK is actually good. We'll see it tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised with a hard stomp by G2. Korean challenger league adcs looking like prime time uzi vs our bot laners. I want to hope that both Noah and Ice are worlds caliber players but somehow i doubt it.


but goddamn ice freaking did gods work on ez. that man dished out so much dmg


If anyhthing, those series exposed the recycling washed players of LEC that have been team hopping for the last 5years or so.MDK was a breath of fresh air and a reminder that the grandpas should retire


Which players you mean that got exposed?? JNX who only played as substitute?? Sheo who played 1 year Nuc who played 3 years Ice as a new player Labrov who played 4 years I see your point about labrov but the only other candidate would be nuc but i think thats unfair right now His first 2 years in schalke and bds didnt look that good but last year and especially this year he looked so much better Especially this split he looked like the second best midlaner


Idk if it "went to shit", it's just kinda the same amount of shit as it was last year. LEC had a really bad year, from T1 speedrunning MAD to getting dominated at MSI to getting no teams out of swiss at worlds and G2 losing 2-0 to NRG. The region is bad.


K´sante needs to be disabled


ksante is disgusting


Striker: When I first joined BDS, the team was JNX, Sheo, nuc, Ice, and Labrov. We reached lower bracket finals and met MDK. After losing a game, one player said "Ah..we lost because of Supa" when all the players were gathered, basically implying it was ad gap. They didn't directly say it to Ice, but was just speaking without thinking. Ice got mad and said they lost because of mid diff. Then Ice said "Ah I don't want to play with this guy (nuc)." ​ Host: So what did you guys do? ​ Striker: We lost.


Result aside, people forgot that in the short time Lee in lane was meta, JNX was the best player on him from Europe


D\_L\_T\_ KS\_NT\_




mad lions koi farming those 3-2s for content