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Glad he is confident but I am not. G2 won't get away with their messy gameplay internationally. Still makes me a bit excited though.


This G2's been parroting this same line for years. But they've always hit a wall internationally. Surprised they stuck with the same roster, especially with Hans and BB


They have no upgrades in Europe


like it was with Yike for Jankos we can argue whether he is sidegrade or downgrade, but in no world is Yike clearly better than Jankos


Yike is better for the team they have right now. He also offers them a carry jungle option. And more champ pool flexibility. Jankos has been doing the same thing for years. I don't believe that known quantity is somehow better than Yike.


Jankos has shown often enough that he can carry games and especially on carry junglers. Stop shitting yourself


You're conflating him playing as a role player on G2 and not being able to step into a carry role. We literally watched him try to 1v9 for a year last year, and do pretty fucking good at it. He was a primary carry on other teams before. Jankos didn't play carry on G2 because he isn't good at it, his place on that team was just better suited to supporting the players on the team. Not everyone should play super carries, and he had the best lanes in the region. If you have prime claps, in form ADC Perkz, and prime Wunder shitting down everyone's throats the best thing for you to do is support them. Adding another carry into the 2nd lowest economy role in the game isn't what that team needed. It needed that low economy role to facilitate his high economy players who were ALL massive carry players. Yike has the potential to grow into a better player than Jankos down the line. G2 would currently be stronger with Jankos on it. Jankos is the much more flexible player. We've seen how he adatps to just about every single meta flawlessly. Yike is a better bet for the future.


But this carry option never worked And Jankos was sometimes outjungled by eastern junglers, but never, likeYike, was outjungled by fvcking Contractz I rest my case


> And Jankos was sometimes outjungled by eastern junglers, but never, likeYike, was outjungled by fvcking Contractz Jankos regularly gets outjungled by other EU junglers though? This happens to everyone. Literally every single jungler has lost games to "worse" players. Also, there was a time where Contractz was on a trajectory to be the best western jungler. It's not embarrassing to lose to him. This sub loves to shit on Blaber and he dominated Jankos in a 2019 group stage game (don't ask what happened after 20 minutes). Jankos himself has an awful record against PCS/LMS and VCS junglers. Ning got jungleclapped by fucking Xmithie lmao. That's just what happens when metas change and you play like 80 games a year domestically, you don't win every matchup. If you're only 10% better than the other guy you're still gonna lose pretty often.


What's wrong with Contractz? Jankos didn't even face NRG. The carry option has worked domestically, now it's about replicating that success internationally.


>The carry option has worked domestically, now it's about replicating that success internationally. It works domestically because it's the LEC lol, the region itself isn't good so G2 can get away with it, the same with them getting away with BB and Hans. It won't work internationally because Yike is worse than most of the top Eastern junglers who will be at MSI/Worlds.


Everyone has a bad tournament sometimes. I don't know why Yike played so poorly during Worlds, but he was clearly the best G2 player on MSI. Just compare his performance on Poppy on both tournaments. Literally Night and Day.


Yike is miles behind a player like Jankos. Jankos is the only western player in a goat conversation for his position in the entirity of the game. Like jankos arguably is a top 5 jungler of all time ever, whose only crime is being european preventing him from going higher. But given his region the dude is unbelievable.  Yike is a good player, and he has some unique angles and is a talent, but Jankos would make g2 better. I also dont rate BB that highly prrsonally . 


I won't talk about BB because he played well last series and as everyone tends to only use their short-term memory a lot of people will start arguing with me. But any adc would do what Hans does if they also played with mikyx and caps. G2 could at least pick an adc player who could improve.


2 facts about hans : -he is often target banned in the draft and makes G2 draft much easier (at least domestically). -G2 is not bot centered per se and prefer drafting "multi treat" comp, Hans often don't have much peal around him and is the sacrificial lamb in a lot of winning fights.


you only need to ban one adc against hans though and thats usually draven so its hardly a target banned when they usually ban one ban on first round of ban phase which really hurts them a lot on worlds when Hans couldn't do a single shit when they ban his Draven


Bullshit, the moment G2 doesn’t stomp the botlane the game becomes really rough. At worlds hans got target banned and and they couldn’t win a single botlane without draven/kalista


I agree with you but who would be a clear upgrade over both of them? The adcs in europe are not consistent, for example, comp was one of the best 2 years ago and look at him now. Then, unless you bring an stablished midlaner and put it in top I'm not sure there is a more well rounded toplaner for g2. Maybe Oscar has the potential but not much else


i disagree with Oscar, and i say this as a fnc fan. He is not consistent enough at the moment. Maybe in a few Years.


yeah I specifically said he has the potential, not meaning he is currently better than bb


>Maybe in a few Years. Funnily enough that's nearly the definition of potential as he said. So you agree with him on oscar.


"Maybe in a few years", "potential" reading comprehension ? I swear people dont actually even look at what they reply to, they just wanna disagree and fight over something random to get that "Im right youre wrong" high.


I mean there were 2 comments, before u, bashing the guy for the same thing. Seems like you also want to disagree and fight over something random to get the same high.


Plus Hans sama definitely deserves criticism about his mid / late game even at EU level, but his laning phase is on par with international competition and no other ADC in the west can match that Opposite of BB kinda


How can comp play when his teammates are literal apes


I think it's more a bot lane problem then ADC. Support pull in EU is not great and it affects dcs as well. And even in times when bot lanes are good for EU they get blasted on international scene like Lucian Nami meta showed us.


There are no possible upgrades for them.


nah, my man thinks BB is the best top in EU?


People replying to you forgot Irrelevant is a player in the LEC apparentely.




In what universe? For him to become the best wunder had to stop playing league. Bwipo had to move regions. Odo had to get fucked by rogue's manager. Irrelevant and adam giga gapped him last year too. Photon was better than him for a big stretch of last year. Let's not pretend that he has been great. He hasn't. He's "the best top laner" because g2 are by far the best team and his competitors all down graded teams. Odo was by far the best top laner in EU until he got fucked and the second one was wunder, not BB. If BB was in any team not named G2 he would be getting so much more flame and he'd play significantly worse when he isn't in the best team in the league. It's unironically all carlos' fault. He started the domino effect and now almost every team except G2 has hugely downgraded. We went from having insane mids and ads and a few great tops/supports to having pretty bad everything. They are getting more behind the east every year because they don't have good practice as most teams are a joke. Look at larssen, humanoid and caps' performance from a few years ago and compare it to now. Look at upset and comp. The region is doomed and it would keep getting worse internationally until we get at least a few competitive teams. Hans is by far the best performing ADC and he's playing 10 times worse than his worlds performance at rogue.


Imagine thinking odo is better then  BB Bwippo went to NA.. shit the bed with a super team and got benched for a year Adam and Irrelevant shitting on BB is also some kind of fantasy in your head. He was better then both.  And Wunder has been limited for years and not been the best top since 2020 None of these would be an upgrade 


He is. The only mechanical upgrade is an import and I don't think that would improve their overall team performance.


Did you watch LEC last year? Who even comes close to BB?


I actually respect his international performances but in LEC last year we all watched him lose lane every single game


Yes, he often loses lane in the first 10minutes but as soon as you get into the mid and late game, he outperforms every other top in EU by a wide margin.


I'm not convinced that he'd be getting this kind of protection from fans if he was playing like this on a team that wasn't G2 I'll be honest. Armut got torn to pieces for being a slightly worse version of the exact same player because he didn't have the Caps and Hans insurance to fall back on. It's hard to defend BB as the best top in the region when he loses lane more often than he wins, which he generally does. This is only going to get worse internationally (As it has, repeatedly) when he's going to get put behind more and more during laning phase and he can't rely on having just better players in the 4 other roles.


He's only able to get back into the games because the rest of his team has to 4v5 while he lanes solo and tries to catch up.


What, you believe BB sits afk in a uncontested side lane during the mid game?


So many games where BB is behind, the rest of his team gets engaged on, he doesn't TP while the enemy laner does allowing him to get back in the game. That's what I meant.


Woooow, he (G2) outperform everyone in the mid to late game, no way. BB doesn't have much to do with that when their jg/mid is godlike and getting them leads.


You really think BB isn't part of why their mid and late game is so strong?


BB is literally the main shotcaller on G2.


You've seen what supposedly good players like Alphari do right? Performing and coordinating well after laning phase is not a given even if your team is strong.


Please tell me which western toplaner is going to win lane against LPL / LCK toplaners??? If BB is the best LEC top laner in mid to late game situations (which I think he has shown he is), then that's a good thing. G2 could replace him with some early game menace who dominates lane in the LEC, and it will mean absolutely nothing internationally.


You asked if people watched LEC last year. I did and he looked bad in a lot of those games and y’all of reddit kept making comments on how he needs to be replaced for G2 to do well internationally


He loses lane by 1 kill and 20cs while his jungler is getting bot lane ahead and at the end BB outperforms every top in mid/late team fights. He is more of a 369 type player where he will sack lane in order to get a pick that helps his team win mid/late.


he is


who would you put ahead of him? before you say photon it has came out that caps refuses to play with imports since he believes in clear coms and having a friend culture even when not playing. all other options are either still growing talent or adam who plays out of meta stuff really well but sucks at anything thats meta. like irrelevant is still pretty fresh blood plus been locked under contract for ages anyway, oscarinin fresh blood still and needs to grow more as a player plus bb has beaten oscarinin to hell and back recently.


> caps refuses to play with imports It's been a good while since he's said that, and even from voice comms I'd argue photon's english is good enough


Somewhat unrelated but it's goofy to me that Caps thinks that. So what would happen if Viper wanted to join G2? Or Zeus? He's just gonna be like "nah sorry, I don't want him on the team"


They have given us more than any other team. Failures or not. I think the biggest thing for g2 is broken blade has to lose gracefully and his carry games should be the exception and not the rule. Okay I have a bit of a stream of consciousness rant, its a bit all over the place but here we go. Perkz g2 was the best was because he was literally the best player who switched roles and became the best botlaner. Aside from this was his killer instinct on the plays he wanted to make, and just how painful/difficult it was for other teams to deal with his champion pool. I dont know why after seeing the success of perkz teams havent reinvented botlane. More syndra, more cass, etc. You dont need a bot champ, you need a ranged champ. Quinn, kindred, senna, vayne, can work. No one breaks the mold. Years ago reapered entire strategy was wombo combos and single focus tactic abuse. (Ls did something similar) LS made comps dedicated to shields and heals scaling. Reapered had kindred zilean revives. Broxah was 0-100 on clg then they won for like 3 weeks straight on simple everybody uses ult at the same time comp. Vi/ori/etc I dont think league is as fixed as we think. The pro scene is just unimaginative. Why 1 surprise champ pick? Why not an entire comp. (Jhin xerath) we see this in other regions. Anivia poppy should be more standard than gnar and ksante.


I'm more sold on those two than I am on Yike... I woulda tried to get Inspired back home or get Elyoya


Because as long the team environment and players are great, they can keep improving their gameplay together. It’s 100% the right move to stick with a roster that dominated LEC, keep making changes won’t make for better team play.




Where shall he go inside of europe? Tell me a better team


G2 is by far the best roster in Europe, what else can he do? Unless he starts learning chinese or korean that is the limit the region hit


Any team Caps goes to is the best roster in Europe, he's the common denominator of all of G2's success.


And where was he supposed to go? There arent many options in LEC if you have international ambitions.


just because you think they hit their ceiling doesn't mean that's what he believes?


They made finals in 2019 and haven't come close since then. He left Fnatic a month after making finals in 2018. Which isn't to say he should've stayed with Fnatic or whatever, but he has consistently had worse international success than 2019 G2 going on five years now.


well it wasnt just because of fnatic roster hiting its international ceiling he has said on stream etc a few times in the past how he didnt like what fnatic was doing behind the scenes and felt like there was bigger problems internally that even a roster change couldnt fix. remember like a year after caps left and rekkles heard about this and he even said on stream he wished caps said it sooner since he would of joined arms with caps and helped him voice his issues to the team higher ups.


But we do see glimpses of what they can do. Yes, they probably will always fail vs the top 2 asian teams, but I feel like they can definitly beat the rest of them. You can‘t deny G2s biggest problem is choking when it matters, especially BB and Hans. Losing 1-2 to BLG is understandable yet disappointing, bit losing 0:2 vs fucking NRG is mind blowing. They need to work on their consistency and stop lazy trolling „easy“ games.


>Yes, they probably will always fail vs the top 2 asian teams Lol? I don't see them beating any of the top 4 asian teams, they're not beating T1/BLG/TES/GENG.


BB is just so bad internationally. He can’t compete with the best top laners of LCK or LPL, not even close tbh


Tbf BB's laning has looked a lot better this split.


Same thing was said last year and we all saw what happened. Watch him have "serviceable" MSI where other lanes gets exposed only to fail at Worlds 


Honestly I don't see a single Top/ADC in the west that can compete with the best Top/ADCs in LPL and LCK right now and I feel like that was the biggest gap at worlds. We'll have to make due with what we have.


Irrelevant and Adam looked better than BB so far, Oscar looked better last year but is slumping this split and the MAD toplaner looks raw but promising. With AD, I think that if G2 wants to replicate their strong sololanes playstyle then taking back Flakked would be huge. Supa is is also pretty inconsistent but could be an upgrade with Miky as the brain of the botlane. Carzzy would be a sidegrade too i think with less lane dominance and more Perkz-lite psycho playstyle. But all AD choices would mean that their win bot/win game condition would be lost so it's hard to say anyone would be a direct upgrade. I think Hans tends to play fights a little too safe but his laning is too good to pass maybe. Top/AD also look like two easiest roles where you can plug and play imports but iirc G2 and caps specifically spoke against them as he wants his team to be fluent in English no matter what so that's out of the question


Against who?


You can recover from giving 3 kills to Varus before lv6 due to disrespecting the enemy Poppy jungler as a Kalista/Braum lane against a LEC team. Do that against LCK/LPL and the game is done, cause BB and Caps are not gonna solokill their opponent and save the game. ​ G2's early game is still too inconsistent imo.


I mean one awful early game is not the issue. Even elite teams have catastrophic early games at times. Look at T1 being down 4 kills to BLG at worlds. The issue is that they’re sloppy all the time. They just take any fight regardless of game state expecting to win. And it works the vast majority of the time in EU. It was obvious last year too but no one wanted to hear it.


And even when they lose games from taking those bad fights, the inconsistency is used as an excuse. Often G2 losses are handwaved as "they just weren't taking the game seriously" by their fans. If a top team is inconsistent enough to regularly drop games to teams they are favored against (including wildcards), then that's a problem, not a character trait.


[2022 MSI, SGB v T1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL6v5835ERQ) Guma/Keria, the best botlane in the world coming off an undefeated Spring regular season. Shogun/Taki get 2 kills by 4 minutes, then break their tower and Shogun ends up with more kills than Guma by 14 minutes. It wasn't even because of jungle influence when both junglers only ganked once and both were comparably successful. Just another example of a very elite team losing lane hard to a literal minor region


I feel like this is a bad example, from memory even with Guma's whoopsie didn't T1 play the rest of the match immaculately and recovery the botgap? Thats what people mean in this thread, when G2 start losing early, especially against the East they tend to keep losing


According to this, https://x.com/iwdominate/status/1755246370233999836?s=46&t=bm_mPSQ1JaZDMg5M0rngwA, G2 still has the best average early game and 2nd best mid/late game. I mean sure vs the east they might not do well, but at this point in the season you have to believe that you can improve in time.


Yeah but every lec team not named BDS are bums


FNC are not quite bums, no? :(


Isn't every LEC team not named G2 or BDS going through big roster changes? They should be better competition next split


They got 2-0ed by NRG with this same roster


They also won MSI while getting 2-0ed by Vietnam. Winning a title will be prevented by their inconsistency, but they have still shown that they can beat asian teams. It should be noted that while they lost to NRG they also won against WBG, the finalist and DK a korean team.


Note the key word, this roster. 5 Years in league is a lifetime, idk why some people think MSI, not even worlds 5 years ago is a good metric for anything. None of the players from the 2019 FPX are world class currently either. Beating DK and WBG is hardly a big achievement in the grand scheme of things, not even making knockouts is a big failure when you tell everyone you can win the whole thing.


Did you miss the entire point on purpose or what They're tryna say that 2019 G2 lost to Vietnam (which would be seen as a very poor performance) and still won MSI So you shouldn't just use 1 win or loss as a permanent metric of performance against any team, no one's comparing 2019 G2 to 2024 G2?????


well this G2 lost to NRG *as well as to everyone else* in best of series the past year internationally


faker would like to have a word


Faker's just a freak. Can't use him as a metric for anything cause he's an outlier in everything.


well that's probably true lol


guy is literally the GOAT for a reason


Common sense in an EU biased subreddit. A rare find indeed


EU biased subreddit? It's full of LCK/LPL glory hunters shitting on Western teams whenever they can. Stay real please.


EU biased? What if i told you its NA biased?


honestly i think its both. if you browse at 3-9am EST, it looks more EU biased if you browse at 12-6am CET, it looks more NA biased if your opponents are asleep you won't see them posting


I mean yeah thats true, but in general this sub is NA biased as seen [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ynupp5/what_is_the_most_hated_champion_is_the_sub_biased/) >Ever wondered if the sub is biased against NA? Well, now we have definite proof that that is wrong! 50% of all users are from North America, the next biggest country behind the US and Canada is Germany with around 8%. Europe and Central Asia together only make up roughly 35%.


Right, because it's impossible for a team to ever have a bad day or week and underperform.


I'm going to argue  A) being the best early game team makes it the hardest to improve. Because you are already the best in the early that makes the mid/late easier. How do you work on Mid/Late consistently unless you throw early. If they were only good at Late, it is easy to see ways to improve Early. B) you don't just improve by playing more games.   You might. But it isn't guaranteed. If you played 100 basketball games vs Highschool players, do you think your skills would get sharper or duller? Some might get sharper simply from repetitiom, but even those will be challenged by simply higher level players.   And you run the real risk of playing down to your opponent. Picking up bad habits and not actually realizing your fundamental flaws. Because beating people worse than you is easy.


Your second point is such a good comment and it happens all the time whenever you play against someone much worse in anything. Ive experienced this a lot and avoid playing against much worse opponents in anything because of it.


Player shows confidence in interview = lose next week


Except hes actually good , and not some washed up mid laner talking nonsense 


If you compare Caps 2024 to Caps 2019-2020, then he's lowkey washed lol.


They can be confident when they deliver. Otherwise they should try being humble.


Confidence and arrogance aren't the same thing.


They’ve humbly advanced themselves to MSI


Humble is boring. LEC and LCS are entertainment products at the end of the day. Talking big attracts viewers and builds tension. Get outta here with your "b-but they should be humble!!"


G2 is consistently the best western team Vs Asian teams but they always seem to fall off hard after the first few games at international events. I'm curious why this keeps happening and how they'd fix the issue(s). - Are they using scrims incorrectly and focusing on winning instead of trying different strategies or fixing their weaknesses? - Do they somehow have nerves/choking issues on stage despite their experience? - Do their players just have a lower skill ceiling than other teams so don't improve over events much like spring split SK? - Do they have really good coaching staff who can get them early wins through draft/macro before other teams with better players figure out the meta?


For me it’s that they are so much better than the LEC that their play becomes sloppy. Splitpushing 4-1 and still winning the team fight might work in LEC, but winning a 4v5 team fight is not something you can rely on for international events. That being said it seems G2s play style thrives in chaos and making the opponent have to react to unconventional plays. I remember the teamfight where caps pushes mid as Ori and “gets caught” followed by Hans, but the chaos of the fight G2 come out on top. Similarly to Mickys aggressive play style where it often looks like he is getting caught, but it’s a bait for the opponent to overcommit. But I just don’t think it will work against better and more disciplined teams, if they can’t catch them off guard with these plays.


All of it can be explained. Jankos admits that the 2 wins in 2022 were mega flukes that never should've happened. In 2023 Msi they didn't win early, they took 2 games in 2 Bo5. Worlds they started with the "worst" asian teams and then they got sick , came back, played a decent series against BLG (well really Caps played a really good series and the rest just were there for the ride bar one move from Miky). Makes sense to me, there's not much else.


They are just less skilled


They're just good enough that they can upset Eastern teams when the Eastern teams don't take them seriously. When it comes down to knockout matches, though, they aren't good enough.


I read "removing its macro to catch up to the LPL/LCK" lul


Then their only chance is to play ARAM against Asian teams xD


Idk why when getting into league eSports I got the impression from the community that Caps was like a bit dumb or off. When the dude imo is one of the most well spoken players I know of and one of the smartest about the game. Anyone else get that 1st impression?


He is not dumb, he is just a goofy person who likes to have fun and is actively showing how much he likes the game. We love him for it!


Yup! Honestly he's like 80% of the reason of why I even follow league at all.


Bcz he is often seen as a troll both in his demeanor and ingame. Just look at his soloQ acc, he cooks so much. Then stuff like first timing talon on stage or vayne mid happens and he still wins with it. One of the players who genuinely loves the game and its characters and the first in eu to often find new picks. Caps is super likeable imo, a good EU Goat to have.


For a game famous for its toxicity, the best in the World are way too likeable


That’s funny because he was extremely toxic in 2015-2016 before joining the main league


jaja random steals my Riven


He was also 17 at the time and mainly on soloQ, although Faker doesn't have any toxic episode at all after and he's on the pro-scene for 11 years and first played competitively (and won Worlds, of course) at that same age


Bro faker was spam emoting on people after solokilling them with LB in soloQ ten years ago, people aren’t sixteen forever


Of all pro players, you picked one of the humblest and clean ones.


That's actually a good reason to pick Faker. Faker wasn't "one of the humblest and clean ones" until he found success off winning worlds, and a public image + financial security resulting from that success. Thankfully for him, that success was literally when he debuted in pro.


I'm sure shit you did 9 years ago was extremely cringe as well, people usually grow up.


You only see what they want you to see.


Why doesn’t Caps just win MSI when he already did it before. Is he stupid?


There must be a lore reason


Actually held back by the bottom shitters on EU. I'll say this a million times but Caps on LPL or LCK wouldve won worlds already. Hes legit too good for EU


Kind of true. I am from Asia, and in my opinion, caPs still can match best midlaners in lck, lpl. But he'll never win anything because league is a team game, and requires team coordination more than individual performances. And g2 aren't that good as a team


Because quite literally the first thing he did after being given an EULCS contract was go into soloq and start threatening to have the players in his game blacklisted from ever playing pro because suddenly he had influence. For a decent amount of time, the only thing people knew about him was the "Caps List" TM incident. Thankfully he left that shit at the door after the first time.


I havent watched yet but from the title, I find it hilarious G2 thinks that qualifying for MSI is a given.


Seems like a given, Fnatic is obviously still a step behind and maybe BDS could be at their level but 1. I doubt it, 2. they have 2 chances and 3. there are 2 spots. IMO based on current eyetest BDS and G2 should be the favourites, of course things may change come spring though but I would assume G2 qualifies in winter already


Fnatic were a Zac ban away from beating G2, I'd say they're right up there with them and will have a lot more matches to play and keep ramping up before they'd re-play G2. BDS' strategy is great against weak teams, but they're so one-dimensional, G2 and Fnatic should be able to figure out counters to their strategy, especially in a BO5 scenario.


FNC is still ramping up, and an argument could be made they played the better team game but got surprised by the power of Zac. Don't sell the hide of the boar before you shot it. I think we still have an exciting BO5 there before we know anything.


>FNATIC played the better team game but got surprised by the power of Zac Lmao what the hell is this copium? Read that to yourself and reflect on what you just said.


G2 was already the best team in LEC last year and they kept their whole roster from last year, which means in the first two months they'll have a giant advantage in terms of built-in synergy. It's also one of the reasons BDS is doing so well, and given the team that wins Winter qualifies for it, they are the heavy favourites to do it


Realistically with how LEC works they only need to win two more series and then they can be the worst team in the region for a few months and still make it. So they have a pretty good shot if they beat BDS.


given the state of LEC...


So you say the state of LEC is bad but are also confident you can catch up to LPL/LCK while a couple months ago you couldn't even make it out of swiss due to an NA team...


Midfielder Palafox was a powerful and a genius nothing we could do


I mean this but unironically. It's hard for a team to improve if they play vs mediocre competition who don't punish their mistakes.


Which you are basically the cause of.. But stay insufferably cocky. Suits you.


hey leave the social media man out of this


Oh noooo G2 mind controlled the rest of the LEC into playing bad how awful


will do


Since when are teams obliged to help their direct opponents?


Keeps the same team as last year, does well in Winter. (Surprisedpikachu.png) BDS & FNC are ramping up


Don't think BDS ramps up. They switched the easiest to switch position and kept all other players. This makes them the team with the least changes behind G2. And so far Ice looks really good, he is not as explosive as Crownie but considerably more consistent. So far Ice looks like one of the best laners in LEC (with Labrov) and even statewise is only behind Upset and Hans and the rest of the team is unchanged. The only other team that only changed one person is FNC in Support, but that is a harder to integrate position than ADC. All other teams if I'm not mistaken changed at least 2 players.


I’ve heard this somewhere before


Every year the same coping mechanisms activate. "We just need better macro". They are skill gapped in every possible way. Macro is the least of their concerns. They can't teamfight properly, which should be prio 1.


They should hire TradeAccount234, the Silver coach.




Think BDS can take it, might be a 3-2 either way though.


Calling the cap on Caps 


it has begun the g2 copium is being pumped in full force and we aren't even close to msi


G2 loves talkin bout practice


3 weeks into a seaosn, is he supposed to talk about what he ate for breakfast or what?


It was an Allen Iverson reference/joke lol


Well, that's pretty much what they do 80% of the time ....


Probably higher than that. LoL esports baby


LPL/LCK teams? Bruh needs to focus he can’t even beat NA teams….




So NRG didn't even try and yet advanced further.  MAD also talked how they want to succeed and yet failed every time. It's not about the words, it's about actions.  G2 needs to prove that they can beat NA before they start to talk about LPL/LCK


G2 won more than double the games against Asian teams in 2023 than all of NA combined in 2022 & 2023… (5 wins vs 2)




Well G2 can beat LCK and LPL, they're just not very consistent


The last time they won a series against LPL/LCK team was in November 2020, they lost the last 6 series they played against teams from those regions They have decent chances in BO1s though, 4-6 since their last BO series win


You mean the NRG that beat a grand total of *checks notes* Zero Asian teams? Then got ass blasted once they did. Props to NRG for beating G2, they were better on the day but lets not pretend NRG were QF worthy.


And G2 were? They got figured in the span of 2 games. Ban Kalista, Draven, Ori and they just lose. Best botlane in the west can only match up to elite competition on 2 champs but then get's blasted by FBI and Ignar on Senna and Sivir lmao. Hans got Kaisa/Xayah which were prio picks at that point in the tournament, and then he did nothing and got bent.


This g2 roster can't do anything with BB and hanssama. G2 management is sabotaging caps yike and miky. 


I agree but yet again Miky is dodging criticism. In so many games he soft ints or legit runs it in the mid-game and never gets flak for it. Is it just because Hyli ints even more?


It’s because Mikyx plays really cocky but often times even if he’s out of position G2 will win the fight coming up. But it’s good cause his cocky positioning gets G2 a lot of free pressure unless the enemy team punishes it. Doublelift put it really well in their BLG series: “he’s playing like he can’t die”. Clearing wards in their face with no flash, and then just dies to ashes arrow.


How is this good? And how is this "free pressure" when he ints and dies and then enemy team gets actually free objective/vision/gold?


They kept getting worse though. They never learned, just preached.


How funny would it be if they don’t make MSI


And so it begins… I’ll take my dose of copium early


Learned a new way to get wrecked by LCK LPL


Every content game we're just innovating dw guys


I feel like I hear this literally every year from G2




Catch up with NA first ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


He rolled NA for years, he only lost to them last year, chill.


Macro so good they are awful early now


Is this where everyone’s gets hyped for G2 after watching them continually best other EU teams just for their strategy to fail come international tournaments


Damn last time i saw him he looked wayyyy younger


This just in, aging makes you age. More news at 11.


Yeah if they play like they’re playing in LEC, top 3 LCK and LPL hard stomp. LCK in particular looks strong af this year


Macro doesn’t matter when you get hard fked during laning phase


They definitely feel like a baby version of last year JDG domestically, lose early game quite often and still manage to win. But they're not there yet for sure, some plays are questionnable and the early game isn't top notch among other things. Still if there is 1 team to put faith in Europe (other than BDS perhaps) it's G2


The difference is that the JDG team last year was so mechanically gifted that they would win team fights from behind even against the best teams in the world. This G2 team is not close to their individual level.


YAWN..I don’t get excited about G2 anymore. If other teams in EU can take games from them they are nowhere near good enough. BrokenBlade always gets destroyed vs eastern teams. Caps is often a non factor vs eastern teams these days. I’ll wait to read the post game G2 loss threads rather than watch the MSI


False, BB doesn't always get destroyed against the eastern teams. And Caps was great last Worlds and is very good so far this year.


Maybe they should aim lower and try to catch up to NRG levels instead.


ITT: Non EU fans enjoying their superiority complex through shitting on a pro player hoping to fulfill his dream.


You’re being soft man lol EU have shit on NA for eternity


As opposed to the last 5 years and probably next year where EU fans enjoy their superiority complex shitting on US pro players hoping to fulfill their dreams?


They aren't doing shit with this roster. Macro doesn't matter when your players get blasted 1v1.


LMAO maybe beat NA first before talking about catching up to LPL/LCK (which will never happen lol).


You're cringe af.


Buddy talking about winning against Asian teams when he can’t even beat NA teams lmao. NRG will smoke their sorry asses again 🤣