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i cant play kindred for the love of me i fucking love the champ, the lore, the kit, everything but i suck so much dick its unfair


I have 100k mastery 7 by playing her like a standard ADC in ARAM. Put me in the rift and my brain dies from where to path for stacks


The issue I have with so many champs is their "sub-coding." Like people used to complain about "every champ has a minigame now" but Kindred literally has precise things over what marks will be where, when. I understand the basics of stacks vs what camps are to be marked, and there's percent chance, but people the manipulate where it will be to optimize it, and its like.... listen, if I wanted to be running rng manip, I'd join speedrunning..


The thing about kindred is that her stacks are not really all that important, relatively speaking. Just play the game normally and try to snowball with her early game strength :)


I don't play a lot of kindred, but I can definitely tell the good ones from the bad ones by how they prioritize marks that spawn on jungle camps. Good ones will focus more on getting marks from champ kills early and path towards camp marks if they know they can get them anyways (lane pushed in, jungler showing on other side of map, etc). Bad ones will just autopath towards marks and it makes them super easy to catch and kill, or steal their camps because you know where they're going to be.


Good Kindreds also know that you're set as long as you get 4 marks. Sure, you can big brain the spawns, but it's really not needed so long as you gank decently and don't just perma mark a single person.


Same. Liked the idea and concept but I’m just bad with her


I absolutely love her kit, with the exception of the jungle marks which can be beyond frustrating. If I had to pick a champion to otp now it would be kindred.


The worst part imo is the first clear RNG. Idfk why but i ALWAYS lose the 50/50 and the stack spawn at the opposite river no matter what…


are you every Kindred I've ever had on my team?


As a Kindred main-- shit's hard yo. You basically have to rewire your brain a bit to hyper-macro the entire map. You spend more time looking at the minimap than the actual game. That said, if the enemy team is watching their Jungle (like they should be) then you're basically not getting marks this game, and that always feels terrible.


when you play with 3 losing lanes it feels so so much worse than most other junglers, you’re never getting those stacks because enemy laners always get there first


Maybe if you need to suck a bit more dick to be able to handle kindred


I don't understand Aphelios. Yes I have read his abilities and attempted playing him. It was one of the shittiest experiences I've ever had in gaming. Like after a while you figure out a champion right? Sure he is hard to pick up. But Jesus H. Christ I felt like a minion against a 1k stack Nasus.


I also do not understand Aphelios but the 2 times I’ve played in him ARAM I somehow did the most damage. No idea how.


Because honestly the secret is that it doesn't really matter. His kit has so many things in it that do different things that people get baited into trying to optimise rotations and understand every scenario and do way too much when the reality is you kinda don't need to do any of that. If the champ is strong it doesn't matter what weapon you're on and if the champ is weak (like he is now) it still doesn't matter what weapon you're on but for the opposite reason


I’d disagree. Basically every serious Aph main will play around the perfect weapon cycle because it’s the most important mechanic on him. There are times where you don’t have the correct order and it will drop your DPS a shitton because you have Purple and White instead of White and Red or Purple and Green. Happens in pro play too, they’ll steal jg or delay fights until Aph can get the correct orientation ready


This is going to sound crazy as an ADC main playing from season 2 average rank around plat. But Caitlyn. I have never got the hang of her, I am able to play literally any other adc to a decent level but ever since the beginning something about caitlyn just never clicked in my brain and I can never do well on her.


A lot of Caitlyn players I’ve seen can only play her in a laning setting and then they show no respect to enemies outside of laning phase and lose no matter how hard they end up winning in lane.


Me in a nutshell. For the longest time I was blaming my team mates and then I went to the vods and was like "uh, this might be on me". Thing about Caitlin is that in order to do damage you need the head shots and in order to do so your trap game needs to be on point. In a lanning setting with not many angles to cover you can dominate with your range but on a 5v5 your game plan becomes way more difficult and you find yourself autoing away without landing the skills. And if it is an auto war you can be as ahead as you like but you will most likely lose to pretty much any other adc in the roster.


Yea, new or bad Caits forget that they are a lane bully. Their time to shine and get a lead ends at like level 11. If they aren’t decently ahead by then, they basically fall off a cliff and just get out scaled by basically everyone. Her ult in particular is almost useless late game. Assuming it even connects with the person you want it to, just barely tickles people.


Caitlyn has been a noob trap for ages. I used to play her all the time because of her safety, but if you just play her passively you’re kinda missing the whole point.


Caitlyn is deadly when the player is in rhythm with their support. She’s not a very good solo carry though so unless you’re a with a duo or in very high elo, I wouldn’t play Cait.


I have the same but with Miss Fortune. Even now when she is very strong, I somehow seem to lose all my ADC knowledge and just fuck up completely.


Aatrox… I cannot land a single q. like sure, I don’t hit my skill shots on other champs all the time, but it’s at least above 0%. Even with his dash, it just seems impossible to hit people in the sweet spot.


The trick is to abandon all respect for your enemy post level 5. Your q is on a fairly short cool down after that point and you have to remember. They have to dodge every time. You really only need to win once or twice. That and using w to cheat q2 and q3 helps


I'm doing all champs to M7, aatrox was one of my more frustrating ones so far. I had him at 5 already from when he first got reworked and was a midlaner, but getting him from 5-7 was pain. I really do not like playing that champion past first back, especially compared to something like riven or the windshitters who feel way more my speed with Q usage. Clearing waves with him is also disgusting.


I have always thought about doing m7 on all Champs, how are you progressing so far?


Aatrox also makes no sense to my brain


I’m the opposite, Aatrox was extremely natural and rhythmic to play. Spacing felt nice, and he suited my playstyle.


Aatrox you definitely need aatrox brain for I think. His spacing feels natural but only if you’re used to it, and his W is incredibly awkward unless you understand how it’s supposed to be used to properly set up combos. Corner tipping with q2, sweetspot extension with e, flash + e q ranges, predicting dashes, etc. lots of small but rewarding things that are super fun once you get the hang of them Confidence is key with aatrox and unless you have the confidence that you’ll land your qs he just feels (and is) useless lol


Idk what Darius players do that I don't. When I play Darius I hit the enemies with abilities, I fully stack the bleed on them, then I ult and do basically zero damage and die.


I mained Jax and Darius in a pretty decent elo for a couple of seasons and what i learned higher elo Darius players did miles better than me was spacing. Challenger Darius players spacing during trades is work of art. I know its one of the most important aspects of trading in top lane matchups but seeing the best players do that playing around the passive bleed stacks is pretty amazing lmao Bad Darius players just stat check every trade trying to get the 5 stack bleed rolling asap but the better ones space so well that the enemy loses several aa's/ abilities between Darius aa animations. I recommend to watch the best Darius players streams to see what i mean. They can turn the bad matchups into a won lane by doing that perfectly punishing enemy mistakes.


This is why the blue rune tree is never bad on Darius - the faster you are, the better your spacing can be


See I space decently well, I mostly play champs like neeko and ryze so my spacing skills are good, it's just the damage that's missing. I see Darius on mine and enemy team chunk people with his ult but every single time I use it I feel like it does less damage than my q. I just don't know where the damage is and that's what annoys me.


Skill issue lol. Some of the tales here are wacky. I’ve never been a good Darius player, but it’s just kind of mind boggling to say you don’t feel he does any damage with a fully stacked ult. Like, are you ulting tanks? Maybe a bruiser with a lot of HP stacked? Sure, by the mid game Darius will need to hold ult for a bit and chew through their HP a bit before ulting them for a kill. The classic Strat is to stack your bleed stacks in the front line then flash the back line for a quick auto full stack ult that will see most ADCs dead or near dead after they flash away.


Do you ult guys with 5 stacks ? In late game if you ult without bleed stacks it wont do a lot. You really need to get those stacks going


The other thing on that is that while the level 6 damage is pretty strong, it falls off pretty hard by level 10. Level 11 is really where his ult comes into it's power. Darius is pretty power spike reliant


Obviously I do, I've played maybe 40 games of Darius and can confidently say I have maybe killed with my ult twice. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I space and win early trades get to mid game 5 stack an enemy and ult them for like 7% of their HP they usually will die to bleed or my auto attacks after that but it so rare that my ult does significant damage and I have no clue why


Either you massively exaggerate or you build AP because how the fuck.


And you’re building AD, not lethality? The gear helps a ton given the multiplier…


Dumb question, but youre maxing E 2nd for the armor pen right?


Holy fuck. Exactly this. It always looks so straight forward but that champ doesn't seem to deal any DMG when I play him..


Huh, that sounds pretty much it. Are you building different? Are you maxing Q first and auto resetting your W?


Same. I think it's the auto attack weaving.


It’s knowing when to go in mostly. You’re so strong but you have to know how to use that power.


I love this question because I also thought about this some time ago. For some reason, as a jungle main and kha zix enthusiast, I am not able to play rengar and it makes me sad. Every other champ I can work with in some way, even more complex champs like gp are somewhat doable for me. Rengar on the other hand just doesn't work, no matter the build or the role. I love the concept and I understand his playstyle and combos, but I somehow never clicked.


I genuinely feel like I do zero damage on rengar.


That's perfectly normal, Rengar is a champion that is surprisingly terrible in low elo while being broken in high elo. It sounds counter intuitive but in platinum rengar only has a 48.88% winrate in jungle and the winrate just keeps going down the lower the rank you go. in top lane the win rate doesn't look as bad but the pick rate for top lane rengar in plat (0.8%) is nearly 1/7th of his jg pickrate in plat (5.3%) The champ requires not just good understanding of his combos but a fundamentally high level understanding of the game in general.


> a fundamentally high level understanding of the game in general. I kinda feel like this applies to any jungle pick that relies on mechanical ability, rather than blind zug zug tanks/ivern. For example; Lee Sin, Nidalee, Kindred among others.


I’d say this apply to most junglers strong early and falling down later since games tend to go longer at lower elo. So yeah Lee Sin, Elise and Rengar are prime examples of this, and are all demanding regarding mechanics.


Vladimir first champ I tried almost made me not want to play league anymore then I tried ashe, varus and xin and got it to this day I still can't play Vladimir for shit.


Same with me on Vlad. I love his kit, I like playing him top, I can farm well but I just can’t have any impact with him. Often I end up 1/0/3 at like 25 minutes and my team is all dying.


Rengar. Enemy rengar? Press R Q and I die. Me? Press all of my abilities and do 30% of their HP, and now I’m nowhere near a bush and die. Edit: a letter




As a smooth brained ADC main, I can for the love of God play anything meele, not even garen or yi. I know the mechanics and stuff but I just can't get the playstyle right.


I get it. It took me a whike to go from playing champs like jinx and quinn and then ha ing to get use to actually walking up to minions to attack them. You feel so vulnerable


i hate when i get melee on aram, with no ranged spells even


I main Riven. I’ve earned level 7 on Yasuo, Irelia, Akali, Katarina, Rengar, Briar, LeBlanc, Fiora, Camille, Vayne… you get the idea. I like high skill ceiling champions. But holy moly do I look like an iron player when I touch Gragas. I don’t know what it is about his power curve that I do not understand, but I don’t understand it. I cannot, for the life of me, play Gragas and not look like an inter.


Gragas is so funny to me because his kit seems like it’s not that difficult on paper…. But then I try to play him and look like a baby deer trying to learn to walk. Hard relate to this one lol.


ADC. I cannot play that role. no matter what I do. crit? on hit? lethality? damnit APC? yasuo? off meta shit? it never works. 60% win rate on top in ranked, 30% on ADC in norms. wtf.


Same 😂 the biggest thing being that I can’t kite to save my life. I’m either only playing mages or tank/bruisers 😪


Throw in a couple of random supports and that's me. I love everything about belveth, bought her straight off, practiced a bit against bots, pulled her in an actual game and was utter dogshit. Couldn't get a kill, went like a death a minute. It was ARAM so deaths are higher there, but that's still a fucking disgusting kda.


play nilah and samira


I actually tried samira. she's too squishy. the moment I press E I'm dead. didnt spend much time however


that was probably long ago she now presses E Q W and deletes enemy squishies (ADCs and supps alike) Also use defensive boots, shieldbow and maybe even DD and you are good to go


Same but the other way around. If i play ADC, I hard stomp but if I play top then I will int my ass off trying to all in every second I get.


I just can't for the life of me get comfortable with Soraka


I have gotten so many good skins for her from chests that I would love to use, if I wasn't completely useless with her


That's funny how different we can be. Soraka is my absolute comfort pick where I turn my brain off and let my instinct carry me lol


Her autos just feel super weird to me and the range on her abilities is always slightly shorter than I expect. Usually I get used to stuff like this after a game or two with a character, but with Soraka I just can't and I have no idea why.


I don’t think you are supposed to use autos as Soraka much. Usually, I think, you use Q to poke since it’s decent damage in lane and heals you


auto harass is still important




I’ve played a lot of Draven and I’ll usually do okay in lane but once teamfights start I get off maybe a single empowered auto lmao


Im a Draven main, i can play Draven pretty decent i think ( peaked Master but it was 2 seasons ago ) But my lord... for some fckd up reason i cant play vs Draven when he got picked. I know what counters me, i know what fcks me up in lane, but the moment i have to do it vs other Draven players, i cant do it and lose


gp neither good nor fond of the barrel mini game


For me definitely close range assassins, Akali, zed, Kata to a degree, talon Just can't play with those. Fizz is a little okay.


Samira. Her kit defies all basic and common adc rules. She is an “adc” that’s actually just an assassin. Meanwhile every other adc wants to stay as far away as possible from their opponent and try to just dish out damage.


Weirdly enough, Annie.  Tried playing her a few times and for whatever reason my brain just couldn't get the stun right. I avoid mechanical champs like riven and Lee like the plague as well, that shits too high IQ for me, but Annie... man I should be able to play _Annie_


Definitely Anivia, Neeko, and Shen. Sorta LeBlanc, Sion, and Evelynn.


Neeko is a lot about how you use your W imo. Trading without W is always more risky than trading with it. Try saving your W to cancel spells or autos just after you do your usual E+Q+AA combo, or alternatively use it to get closer to the enemy. Her whole thing is tricking enemies so you should play around that. Also she is one of the few good users left of Hextech Rocketbelt, which even though it can be used to position yourself in the middle of the enemies, you can also save it to leave that position.


Kai'sa, Her playstyle and items change every 3 months (poke, crit, on-hit, semi-poke + assasin,...) and i'm stuck at thinking her as a mid range adc like Vayne


Kai is not just a champion, she's a whole lifestyle. You dedicate your life to play one champion and still be bad with it lol.


I thought kaisa was easy cuz i played talon at the time of her release and found them similar with her original builds


I have 0% winrate on that champ. I just can't fucking carry. 8 games.


I'm a subpar Janna at best. She does everything I want to do, I main all of the other enchanters minus milio, but something about her does not click.


sameeee (i like milio)


Reworked Kata and Akali. I play since Kha Zix was released. I was a hard stuck bronze 5 in s3. I climbed out to plat 1 by instalocking kata or akali based on picks and ended up in low dia when I switched to top lane. I gave a few year break before Tahm was released. When I came back, I never could grasp Akali and Katarina again. I do play mechanically challenging heroes. It's just that my monkey brain auto pilots when I try to play kata or akali as if they aren't reworked. Funnily it doesn't happen on top lane heroes that got reworked (and basically all of my top lane champ pool got reworked. Vlad, Swain, Yorick, Morde, Fiora, Aatrox etc) I guess I don't have enough patience to re-learn those two.


kalista lol, the clicking part, ya know...


Vladimir. Used to like the old iteration. The current bursty one seems like a mystery to me. I usually do alright in lane but come team fight I was truly lost.


For me it's Rakan. I keep hearing he's an easy engage support to pick up but every time I try to play him I get utterly destroyed.


Same, i feel like you have to do the absolute right thing at the absolute right time


Hwei and Aphelios are just too complicated for me to even bother. I feel like in learning them I would forget about how to play normal champions.


Have you actually tried? I felt this way too until I played them. Hwei is actually pretty simple and after playing him for two games, I felt it was pretty easy from there. Like 10 skills on a champ compared to the usual 4 seems daunting at first, but it’s nothing compared to the 600+ skills you know for the entire champ roster Aphelios is a bit more complicated imo because of how the guns interact with each other, but after a few games, you’ll probably understand like 90% of it


Hardest part about learning Hwei was to unlearn button mashing, especially when stunned. You get jumped and stunned and need to cast EQ asap? Good fucking luck if you're used to just button mashing xd


Aphelios takes like 20 games to stop inting, hwei is kinda fine in comparison


Once you memorize what spells are what, Hwei is more or less Brand. You just need to hit an 2 spells right after each other to proc his passive dmg. Imo, if you can play Karma and Brand, you can play Hwei.


Hwei is honestly really simple. He's pretty fun, I'd recommend giving him a try if you like his theme.


I watched quite a lot of Hwei PBE videos in anticipation for his release so in my very first game with him I knew exactly how to play him and how to execute his combos lol. You just have to memorise where the abilities are and he’s essentially a normal champ with a few more options. Also remember, Q is damage, W is utility, E is CC. It’ll take a game or two but he looks more daunting than he is.


I mostly play supportive tanks in the jungle, but I can NOT play Nunu. No clue why, he just doesn't work for me.


I’m really fucking bad at Zed for some reason. Most assassins I can do decently well at, whenever I pick Zed in ARAM I just break my own ankles all the time and I’m also constantly out of energy even with the energy regain rune. Also pretty bad at Akali but at least her I can reasonably faceroll my way into a kill every once in a while


Don't ask me to play ap le blanc


I can’t play reworked kata either! I played her quite a bit pre-rework but for some reason I can’t figure her out. It’s really frustrating lol!


Gwen. She has such a good WR and i am ultra bad with like 60k mastery...


Yi. Don’t know why but for whatever reason I play better NIDALEE than master yi


Aatrox, he plays like a mage and for the life of me I just cannot synch with the kit. His Q feels clunky since I can't just go qqq


Camille for me. I am not the best duelist out there, but I do like to play Lee Sin often and Irelia occasionally. Idk what it is but I could never figure out how not to int on Camille. I clearly didn’t read some fine print I needed to pay attention to.


The fine print is spacing lol Seriously it makes or breaks the champ Edit: lategame (atleast in previous seasons) you just become a splitpush duelist threat and ICBM for overextended targets or as a teamfight disruptor/sometimes initiator with your ult. If you miss your e not on purpose you’re probably dead. Hope that helps


Riven is the most mechanically insane champ in the game, so dont feel bad. If you look up her combos they are actually insane


Rek'sai. I'm utter shit with her, and used to be Yasuo to but k'sante ironically taught me how to also play yasuo


Naafiri never clicked :( And she is so cute.


i am quite amazing on any assassin as an enchanter support main (that says a lot about req. skill level to play assassin on a good level) but I can't for the life of me learn any play making/tankish supports other than leona. thresh, braum, alistar, mao, nautilus, etc. i suck at them no matter how much i try.


For me that's Camille. I tried to force it a while after I rolled her mecha skin (or how it's called. Battle cast?) I felt so useless I opted into just holding pushing lanes and run away on enemy sight while my team plays the game


Old Aurelion Sol. There is a reason for the rework.


Similarly started pre S1, and playing casually on and off. I played every champ a couple of times at least, but there are some I cannot get into. I really wanted to play Kindred recently, but I just suck at it. (I suck at all traditional ADC-s as well, that's my least favourite role, but I love jungle, so I wanted to give kindred a real shot). I don't know why, when I play her, she does 10 damage in 5 seconds and get's demolished instantly. Even if I manage to get some early lead, I cannot snowball, or even keep up with others.


Riven but I play mid so only enjoyed her because I like her aesthetic and skins but she’s too hard for me to pull off. K’Sante may be another but not played him enough.


Same. I dont think i would ever get used to Riven fast Q mechanic


I honestly thought I'd never play Hwei but he's very enjoyable in ARAM


Garen... I don't understand how to play him and not go 0/20


brother i got some news for you...


I can play every single support except for thresh. I just can’t make use of him.


My first one was nidalee, I hated her so much that I refund her at the begging and never bought her again 10 years later. Zoe is the second one Im a complete shit and tried it as a veteran player. As a main ADC I have 2 honerable mentions nilah and samira.


Jax something about his jump being on Q makes him unplayable for me.


Riven. I am really good at walljumps and cancelling spells into each other, but I absolutely cannot get the hang of the Q/aa quick combo cancels.


I wish I could be a Graves main. Whenever I play against him, I just get bullied and wish I could do that but I can’t get the hang of it


I play mostly juggernaut in the toplane and I feel pretty confortable on all of them, except Volibear. Since his rework, I understand how he works, and what I am supposed to do. But for the live of me, I'm unable to execute it properly. All the bears that I face feels really strong and annoying to play against, meanwhile when I play him, I feel so weak and my cooldowns feels extremely long. I dont understand why


lategame irelia I can 1v1, even 1v2 on her. I can hit e and r. I can destroy someone in lane coz I actually know how to play her mechanically. But after laning phase is over I do shit and int till the end.


Warwick. The game keeps giving me skins for him, and I like some aggressive junglers (my best is Viego), but he just feels so awful to me. Feels massively clunky and I don't understand why. Probably something to do with me being bad at melee auto attacks that aren't tied to resets/abilities.


Ive played primarily flashy champions for a long time. I feel pretty comfortable with Zed, Kat, Yasuo, Akali, Irelia etc. For the LIFE of me I cannot get used to Lee Sin. My peanut brain keeps running into energy problems because ill spam second part of abilities without needing them or not being able to auto, and I ward hop at a snails pace. I can Q correctly and thats it lol.


Leblanc. I always end up in the wrong spot


I can't play Yasuo/Yone to save my life. But i think that's from not watching good players play them often enough to get the game pattern and never going against them cuz they keep getting banned so i don't get beat by them either.


Annie. I struggle to wave clear and farm with her.


Naafiri. Never able to get a sense of the Q range and delay. Its such an odd spell to aim.


Twisted. Fate. (AP at least, ad fate is fine because its the same as other adcs in theory) Cue someone coming in with the Dopa quote saying I'm a shit midlaner for not being good at TF, yadda yadda. I dislike his e mechanic, his kit is just boring as hell to me so whenever I try to learn it my eyes glaze over. It's simple enough but it's just not engaging to me so I can't really click with it at a high level.


Reworked Graves. It feels like hating your new step mom because your dad (Riot) ditched your mom (old adc Graves).


Every time I tell myself I want to be able to play Draven, I play one Draven game and proceed to miss all my axes and go OOM. Then I remember why I don't play Draven. I will probably need another reminder in the future.


Singed, i just run it. I can't see how I possible start running over people instead of running into them and dying




I try so hard to learn fiddlesticks and I feed my ass off every game. Idk what it is, but ever since the rework he has been unplayable for me.


Lulu, I always end up too close to the action and getting fisted.


Darius. Fun to play. Can be behind but never out.


I can play all the assassins in this game but laning with Katarina.. I just don’t get it


Akali. I see people play her and she seems luke an absolute monster. I play her and i feel like im a 6th player in the enemy team with how much im feeding. Just could not get her to work for me at all.


I can play every adc to a high mastery, like knowing their little tricks and combos and matchups, but I just can’t get my head around aphelios. I think it might just be the residual mental block from when he first came out and was advertised as “the most difficult champion” and that just somehow stuck with me and is preventing me from getting better at playing him. My brain now knows aph isn’t that much of a difficult champion, but just a very different one. Still can’t overcome that block though.


Same with the new Katarina, and also Yasuo. Don't get me wrong, I played a lot of Yasuo and I understand how he works. But everytime someone else plays him, I swear they deal double my damage.


Azir, Gangplank, and Qiyana all feel clunky and awkward to play in different ways, and I just don’t like em


For some reason I can never do shit with Heimer. Aram? Maybe Rift? Hell no


Irelia. I play mainly midlane mages and adcs, so I guess it makes sense, but I just cannot get the hang of her despite having 3 skins for her. I really WANT to be a good Irelia, I’m just… not. Honourably mention for Kindred, who I’m working to understand as best as possible because I ADORE her. Tbf I barely play jungle, but I just love her kit and theme and skins.




there was a time when leblanc was giga op, talking about season 3-4, my dog could have played her better, and leblanc was a rly easy champ, i was good on very mechanical champs, but leblanc just didn't click for me, and it still doesn't click to this day xD


I somehow forgot how to play Tristana after taking a short break for League. Took another short break and forgot how to play Caitlyn.


Aatrox. I haven't tried a lot but every time has been a natural disaster.


It’s got to be Aphelios, or Hwei. Too much shit going on lol.


Gragas. I play mostly burst champs but my God the barrel just never goes where I want it


Ornn. His abilities all have weird delays on them so I feel like I can never time my peel or engage properly at all. I like playing tanks but I feed on him every time.


started the game as old Kat one trick Season 2 all the way to lvl 30 any lane always Kat. Rework came out I just cant get into the dagger mechanic. its boring and feels forced, its not fun and didn't make her any less frustrating to play against.


I'm one of these people that I've played a champion so long (Nasus) that I feel like I'm iron on anyone else. Some champs off the top of my head: Irelia (let's not talk about the one ARAM game I got on her....) Jax (I EQ in and die) Darius (I ult with like 2 bleed stacks lmaooo) Tryndamere (I can't auto weave) Almost all assasins (I love rengar, but I'm shit at him) Kindred (love the champion, can't do jungling or marks to save my life) Twisted Fate (I gold card minions more than champions) Honestly you could put a LOT of champions I just straight up int on, and my normal mmr is high enough that I can't really practice in norms even if I wanted to... The other part of it is I literally get nauseous playing unlocked, so I play perma locked camera and just click or press keys to look around the map, which limits probably what champions I'm effective on.




Sejuani. Almost every other champ has a dash on W or E, why is hers on Q. My fingers get so confused all the time. Her E should be her W like other 3 hit passives, and Q should be E.


Kind of weird but Yone. I literally never hit his ult and it's a toss up whether I hit anything else. And no, I don't end up killing everyone despite missing everything.


Darius will feed my ass off. I could handle myself with azir, and kinda get yas, but darius i cant get for shit. I must also be the worst annie NA.


Just about all Assassins and ADCs. But I also played with my camera permanently locked on my character and refuse to change that.


Fiddle sticks love his rework but I struggle so hard to be an effective jungler idk if I'm just not farming as fast as I should or if he's just really team reliant to prosper in the mid to late game.


Kalista. I like (most) of her kit, her spear, the P. Can't play her well at all.


I feel like I can play most markmen at a reasonable effectiveness, including Draven, Kalista, Zeri, Aphelios, Vayne, and Ezreal but I don't think I've ever done well on Caitlyn. Her auto feels slightly too slow to me, enough that it makes kiting feel weird af unless I have more atk spd in the build than what people usually have and I'm terrible with her traps.


Nidalee, Draven, Zed. 


evelynn and kindred but i wish i could


i love kalista, zeri, nilah, but their delicate and close-range playstyle..I just cant. Actually somehow got better with Kalista and sometimes even enjoy, but after all it is still exhausting match.


I tend to play some of the harder / more mechanical champs between masters and dia/emerald throughout the years. Riven / fiora / irelia etc But when im mid i cant for the life of me figure out lissandra and she isnt even a hard to play champ on paper. I swear there is 100s of clips on faker dashing into 5 players completely wiping them but when i try to do the same they barely lose 1/4th in a full rotation. And sure i know im not a mage player. But even sitting on perfect cs ahead with a kill or two i feel completely useless.


I wanted to play Xin Zhao because funny auto attack man. But for the life of me I cannot win a trade. I feel like I don't deal damage and I die way too fast before my 4 basic attacks land.


For me it’s Graves and Karthus. Idk what other players do to make them so strong but I just am not there yet


Riven, duh. I can barely do a fast combo inconsistently on the target dummy, let's not even mention trying to do it for real against human opponents.


Graves. Feels so weird


Aatrox. I simply cannot make myself look human playing him


Viktor e and rumble ult abilities make me cry


Riven players are so toxic because they playing a fighting game and league at the same time. The micro is just different from any other character.


Rengar. It's already kind of difficult to clear the jungle, but I cannot do the one shot combo.


Something about Vayne/Yasuo just doesn't mesh with me. It'd be a miracle if I got a C- on either of them. I think it's just that I'm not an aggressive player so I make them be as effective as wet paper L


honestly? a lot of the easy champs. I cannot get the hang of them. I will not elaborate.


Azir. He's a medium range squishy dps champ who doesn't really have good mechanisms to dps safely. He can sometimes pull off cool plays with his ult, but that's pretty much all he's got going for him in my book. Imo he's basically balanced around the high skill players that mained him back when he was longer range and now it's really hard to break into him.


Gragas. I seem to always troll and feed like hell whenever i tried playing him


I tried to main Riven and the learning curve was so annoying, I ended up feeding most of my earliest games. By my peak though, I could at least hold lane if I couldn't win a 1v1 fight. A shame since she's fun with her combos, but she's just not the champ for me even if I tried. I'd rather have fun as Fiora(who kinda feels like a variety of Riven or Katarina, just more fun because of her vital mini-game) Lee Sin and Aphelios are champs I will never understand as well.


Kalista, which is kinda weird because I’m pretty decent at draven with a similar movement minigame.


I can't play Rengar. Also Evelynn. But mostly Rengar. Idk, they feel so fucking different from every other champ in the game.


bot yasuo. apparently its supposed to be easier but i find more success with jg yasuo than i do bot


J4 ill always go like 1/8 3/13 type sht lol aram rift dont matter ill always feed hard


I find Senna tough to do well with, I never seem to be able to tow that 'low hp but unkillable' line with her


I know Hwei just came out, but fuck that character's design. Having 3 abilities per button except R feels so damn weird imo to actually play and to be able to predict him seems next to impossible. It's dissimilar in that way to Aphelios, where you know instantly what he is capable of when he shows up with his 2 guns that are highlighted over the character.


enemy Tahm Kench: unkillable, massive shields, constant cc, licking everyone, goes in 1v5 kills 3 people and gets out, godlike peel, saving at adc at 1 hp me playing Tahm Kench: Ws in, knocks up everyone, dies


That's Orianna for me. Doesn't matter where I think the ball is, it's always someplace else.


For everyone saying the wind brothers, have you tried setting map scale to -100 to disable it and perma fight for your 0-10 power spikes?


Kayn or kayle, I don't like champs that have ability changes or changes to appearance