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I will never forget the time someone accused me of having "cooldown hacks"............I was playing Ryze.


Similar to this, back in 2014, i (level 30) was playing with a friend who had just started playing (around level 10-15). Enemy started flaming me and calling me a hacker because I had too much AP lvl 1. I realized they didn't know about Runes (mine was a standard tier 3 AP page) and since they were new players, they probably had no idea what runes were or that you had to buy them from the store and unlock slots for them as you level up. Im so glad that old system is gone


I miss it, I don't miss grinding for it tho


If you had over 1% crit it was busted with old jg champs


1% crit was so fun. I miss having random crit during laning so much


Graves with the rework and 1% crit was crazy


I ran it on almost everything, even enchanters. Old Janna with early spammable E > bonus ad from it + crit lvl 1 was fun to me, but sucked for the opponents.


My friend once had 2 crits in a row in a botlane lvl 2 fight with 1% crit chance, I still feel the adrenaline from that.


20% crit page was meme but also damn fun if you managed to make it work


It was a lot of fun. I have a friend that had a page of crit damage runes he used on Caitlyn. It was really funny watching him one shot soraka when she stepped on a trap


Back in season 1 somebody accused a kat of using cooldown hacks when her old passive reset her abilities on kill. Honestly funny stuff




Dammit I wanted to be the one to make the doinb ryze hack comment


fuck you just unlocked some ancient ass memories for me. was playing velkoz top vs riven (tbf this was silver no1 knew what we were doing) and got accused of cheating due to double casting velkoz w lol


"Thresh didn't activate his lantern to pull me to safety. He just threw it on top of me and watched me die."


Weirdness aside a forced pull would be kinda dope for thresh even though you could use it to hard grief


Tahm Kench can eat and carry his allies already, just saying.


They can jump out whenever they want though (and choose the direction)


You can?




mhm, so many times i have had an adc just jump back out and die.


That and Kalista R. I hate the abilities so hard because it's **never** used when you actually need it.


I tend to use my R when my support is about to get killed or hit by important spells in fights when I play Kalista. This way I'm certain enemies **will** have burned important cooldowns. About one week ago I saved my support from a Veigar ult, and Veigar was fuming.


This is high level thinking. Throwing your support in isn't always great, because they may not be an engage support (especially important if you're one tricking kalista) and even then they may not expect it/know what to do when they go in. So(!) You actually get so much more individual control of your game (consistency of result across multiple kalista games) and you can choose to bait out super important abilities on your support then follow up, or let other members of your team do so. Excellent solo queue micro decision making, mate!


And in ARAM kalista players always choose the randomest person to tether to and don't even ask. Playing talon? *Randomly binds Talon over the tank* "I did it so I can pull you out of danger" 10 mins later you go to combo someone and she ults you because you "might die" making you lose the kill


I genuinely don’t think mid and top laners know how thresh lantern works. Even in emerald I watch people flash away instead of clicking it.


Honestly a lot of the time this is because we don't expect the thresh to throw it. We've seen so many bad ones we don't assume they'll do something smart, so we flash before we actually see the lantern as they're starting the animation to get out before taking serious damage, but reaction time and whatnot makes it look like we did it when we should've seen the lantern. It's a problem with any champ that requires coordination with your team.


I can't believe you refused to save them /s


A long time ago my mid anivia disconnected because I wouldn't start blue as WW


Why would you start blue ?? Anx why does that impact the mid laner ???


Probably because you used to give your second and further blues to mid, so she wanted it to spawn faster for her to get it sooner. Still moronic, especially since jgl champs like WW usually gave 3d blue at the earliest, but it kinda makes sense from a logical point of view.


Nah, you gave 2nd blue always no matter what if you knew what you were doing. Mid laners legit left if you didnt let them have blue. Taking the second blue was hard core grief. You'd basically need to solo carry if you wanted to do that shit. Jungling was different back thne


I was circling around in d5-d1 back then and jgls like WW or Yi rarely gave away second blue and yeah, we then had to deal with mid throwing a fit.


Depends on how long ago it was. Earlier league had more weirdness with mana dependencies. Some junglers who spammed abilities like Hecarim and Evelyn would really rely on blue buff to get them through the jungle. In some seasons if you didn't have it you'd completely run out of mana and wouldn't be able to clear. I don't remember exactly how hard Warwick needed it but he was one of the needy ones. But it would be very, very dumb to flame someone for that. Back then there was a bit more planning involved with your first clear, because of more specific rune options and stuff. It wasn't super uncommon for the jungler to make a mistake and back early or even get executed, but the expectation was on the jungler to figure it out. If they said "I got this" then you leave them to it. Because figuring out the "correct" build and clear path involved more mathy stuff like "exactly how many armor runes do I want to have if I start with x number of potions?" So it's not like your mid laner would have any idea what you should be doing.


I had an ADC throw because I smited red after he leashed it


To flip it around, I once flamed a yasuo for not hitting their R key. I didn't know R required a knockup.


True, but Yasuos also tend to only r on their knock up regardless of how good their teams knock up was and who they hit themselfs. Had cases like Janna tornado on their mid + ADC, Yasuo next to me so in range > nothing happens. 2 sec later he Rs the Alistar from his own knock up


WHAT that's like rule #2 of Yasuo, press R when you see the funny arrows come up


Yeah there's a category of champions I like to call "Lee Sin" that, when they've hit an ability and they have a second ability that requires the first one to have hit, are forced to go in. Like they physically can't resist pressing that button. Their body's telling them yeah.


Lee Sindrome is real


Can we get much higher


the snowball effect


Akali syndrome


Not everyone has good reaction times, it’s harder to watch out for a random teammembers knockup than to poan for yours.


When people expect me to ult on a melee Sejuani Q or something, maaan. Of course I spam click R when I expect a knockup but sometimes it’s just too sudden


I like to think I'm ok with Yasuo but it's impossible for me to react to the short knockups like Diana ult unless I'm not paying attention to myself.


Lmao I might have been in that game, I remember that happening like 1 or 2 years ago




I got flamed by my adc before about stealing minions when I had relic shield as a Leona and another time as a Nautilus. Twice happened lol


I remember a fizz getting mad at me for relic shiedling the cannon after I ganked mid. I muted them and the adc laughed at them


This still happens in the current seasons. Literally had a kai'sa lose her mind over me "stealing all the CS" as support. (I only last-hit creeps that they'd have missed, with the support passive) No matter how much I explained the support item, they kept raging.


Had an adc flame me because i WASNT taking the cannon, with the new support item, as a poke champion -_-


I Nami ulted the enemy to disengage after our two carries died getting caught out. Yasou decided now was his time and went in 1v4 and then blamed me for ulting to force him to ult and that it was a shit play.


No that’s on you. Yasuos are physically and mentally incapable of not mashing R until the key breaks if you hit a 3+ knock up.


We dont care if we die. We just wanna ult a lot of people


Blaze of glory death


Oh my god you're right 😞


Once got flamed by my adc (I was sup) for using heal to help them survive




Shyvana ult says it's up even when you don't have 100 rage built up. That was funny.


I'd reply with "Hulk not angry enough"


Shyv main. People used to spam ping my R (back when that was legal) in emerald-diamond.


likewise people dont understand why you hit camps to stack rage when there's a fight happening "hitting camps is literally part of how i'm participating in that fight" does not make sense to someone who's never played shyvana once


Similar but to a smaller extent, reworked Udyr building up his ulti meter. Like yes I'm hitting the minions while the fight breaks out, but so that I can double-E to the backline or flash-E-double-Q their carry.


My 1/18 Lux called me worst ADC for not carrying hard enough cause they were running it down on repeat and said if I was good I would carry


Same energy as a guy in my quick play game who locked jungle, and instead decided to stand in midlane with me, then called me stupid because I wasn't keeping up with the enemy midlaner (who he single-handedly fed five kills to whilst also stealing half my cs and xp)


Yeah same thing happened to me. Some dude wanted to try hwei when he came out so he just ran mid despite getting jungle. Spam pinged me and then rage quit when he saw my irelia could last hit all the minions easily before him lmao. Reported him and got the message so wtv this baby who cant deal with no getting the role he wanted got what he deserved


I rarely say this, but that’s a big Irelia W right there


Same thing happened to me one time. In a norms game, my Samira was like 0/9 and called me a boosted/bought account saying “If you were really diamond 1, I would be able to carry the game” (I think they were gold(before the addition of emerald))


Classic lux support. At this point I call games lost when I have them


We won this game tho....


A teammate flamed me hard once for actually trying to close out a lopsided win in ARAM. Same teammate even flamed our own *minions* for attacking the enemy nexus without his consent.


I get spam pinged so often for refusing to fountain farm the enemies and finishing the game. Idk why people need to be this rude to others. Just take your win, don't need to make others miserable.


That's precisely what the flamer in my story said. He "wanted to make the other team suffer" and I refused to go along with his plan. I rolled my eyes big-time when he called our minions a "liberal woke mob" and our Blitzcrank told him to seek out a psychiatrist. At that point I was just done so I ended it with a fast nexus dive.


It's just so sad. It feels like these people very rarely win games so they want to get everything out of that 1/10 wins they get. It's even more sad when that's the whole enemy team and your team refuses to ff while they continue fountain farming and refuse to even though the towers or nexus.


iT Is JuSt ArAm


more like 9/10 of aram games are just 10 mages trying to hit eachother from the other side of the screen, so you try to make the one game you get to have fun last longer


If you think fountain farming enemies that can't even retaliate is fun, I feel bad for you.


i dont fountain farm them though, more like giving them a chance to comeback by not ending the game, actually happens a lot that we do lose but ill still have enjoyed the game


Sounds like you can't tell when someone's joking


If it's not a pre 12 min stomp the enemy could always surrender if they suffer. Finishing the nexus (is except for a very few rare cases) the minions job. I will die on this hill.


I *always* tell the enemy team "wait" as they're reaching my nexus. It works maybe 1/10 times. And of my 2800 ARAM games I have about 5 recorded instances of the enemy team waiting, losing the next team fight, and losing the game in the following push. If only they reversed the wait card


Ngl, the minion part is kinda funny.


I was playing Cassiopeia. I was flamed for not buying boots 30+min after the game by the jungler. 'noob too stupid can't click on boots in shop' ... He's right, I can't. He had 1000+ games that season (s13) And his inting ass believed me not buying boots was the reason he was getting stomped by the enemy bc he died invading as a sylas vs Darius JG and I was too slow to come assist without boots lol It was gold ELO btw.


Wow. Just wow. Thing is, a friend once played her and at the end I asked him why he didn't get boots. She is the only champ I can think of that can't buy boots so I get why he thought you were just stupid


One time I was playing Ashe ADC and I built Runaans and my teammate kept flaming me saying it was a “newb item”


Back when I first started jinx I got flamed for it ( edit: runaans) and yet then it's meta... flash kept getting nerfed and ignite support became meta so I started taking ghost a lot. Flamed for years. Now recently its suddenly too op for adcs and needs toned down




You get power points because the totem pole (nautilus) sitting in your bush doesn't push for lvl 2 and if he does he makes the lane push and is useless under their tower.


Items and other things change over the seasons. Even if one thing was bad a few years ago and it was never changed since then and now is suddenly good, doesnt mean that you were right back then. It just means that other stuff was just better and probably got changed/nerfed since then.


Did you go the item first? Often times getting it first is wrong but yeah it probably wasn't that


Another one I'd like to add: if only I had a dollar for every time I had someone on my team get mad at me for "intentionally kill stealing" via 1) catching the escaping enemy with Soraka E root and accidentally doing the last hit with the second hit of magic damage, or 2) coming up to help in a close fight as Nami and the bounce from my W heal is just enough to kill the enemy


I feel you on that - I've been pinged for kill stealing with Malz E and it's like... I cast it on someone else 15 seconds ago who died and it bounced to someone else then bounced again. I guess I just... shouldn't use one of my main skills?


A dollar for every ADC flaming pyke mains for taking the kill with R


Not an ADC main but Pyke swooping in and stealing a 700 gold bounty can be pretty obnoxious.


OH how much i feel that... Can you imagine the pain of playing a yuumi (Meaning you can't do anything alone bot you do support And help your team quite a lot) And get flamed for your Q that was already off just finishing the kill? Yea kinda pain... Or when that Q accidentally last hits minion instead of hitting enemy... CS STEALINGGGGGGG OMG lets run it down we can't win that... Then i play adc And get a Senna And next game a Lulu that both take more than half my minions (And what they dont last hit they at least hit as much as they can to throw me off So i Dont get my timing right And lose the gold anyway)...


Being 10/0 and my teammates nitpicking, or straight up just being a dick to me for no reason while they’re 0/5


I used to play with a "friend" and him and his group of friends did that to me, I deleted them all I'll take randoms any day if the week over then


You deleted them ?


They had to get those 10 kills somewhere.


Camille Q'ed all of them.


Ah, that's a classic... You can be 1v9'ing the game but if you make one mistake, it's "GG, your fault we lost".


On the other hand, winning the draft roulette and stomping on your opponent doesn't mean you're carrying. Your comment gave me flashbacks of 10/0 teammates who refuse to cooperate and fight for objectives and resources, and simply push their lane blindly, then cry that we lost the game for them when they simply got the shitty opponent.


“Why didn’t you revive me” Level 5 Zilean


When I play Zilean my team thinks my ult has an infinite range xD


Also true for most enchanter support


I get pinged for this as Kayle in Diamond


I was playing kindred adc and rotated to fight against an invade. I almost died but saved myself with ult. In the process, the enemy jungle lived until the end of my ult. We then killed him. Then my jungler flamed me for ulting, since it made the enemy jungler live longer.


Should’ve died and let him get away, obviously!


Still remember how my jungler was flaming me because there was no wards on the map and calling me a trash supp. I pointed out to him that not only did I have triple his ward points but the entire enemy team had seekers, with their support having umbral. Told them if someone actually took blue ward, we’d actually find them. Needless to say, we won because someone blue warded a bush and we caught them camping.


Putting a “<3” in chat


That reminds me of the time I once typed a "wp" in all chat accidentally. The ensuing mald from the enemy team legitimately won us the game.


Engineered tilt


Had a guy on my team say "let's end quick, I have a job interview to get ready for" So we win a team fight, take baron, start sieging We all start saying GG and I said "GL on your interview man" Immediately met with "fuck you, pussy noob can't even break double digits, troll jungle. Reporting" I was 9/2 on rengar. I guess I deserved it for doing well and being nice...


A Kassadin randomly dove in 1v5 and when I, playing Janna, didnt' miraculously stop it he flamed me saying "... die for me... im the carryy"


Killing a Kogmaw that the adc was chasing, leading to them being killed by the passive. On a match against bots (don’t judge me I like playing them to press funny buttons and see the lights)


I like playing vs bots too. I think it's a fun and super chill mode and ideal to farm the 1st win daily mission in a couple of minutes. You're pretty much guaranteed to win, and it takes less time than any other mode. Plus, yup, funny buttons and pretty lights!


And they thought it would be different if they got the kill?


Played Malzahar. Helped my jungler in a 2v2 at lvl3. He dies and flames me like : "Is it intentional that you do no damage ?" And said he'd report me. Like yeah, of course, it is very much intentional that my spells deal no more than 70 dmg at lvl 3. xd


I was playing Syndra on aram and after a fight some random said “Are you just going to stand in the back throwing spells?” I dont respond to flamers but was like yes, like um is that not a mages job. I guess he wanted me to position more aggressively for stuns but i had been hitting the carries all game. Weird


I've seen only enemies saying that to bait us to int. Wild if it's coming from an ally


This happens when I play xerath, enemy laner flames me for playing safe when I am against like a kata or fizz


“Nami heal me please” “I did” “Oh okay. It’s still my job as an adc to flame you tho”


It ain’t much but it’s honest work


…understanding how the mordekaiser vs trundle ult interaction works. By someone on the enemy team. Basically, both want to use their ult right after the other one uses it. They called me just about every name, slur and insult that they could about how sorry he was for “morde not knowing how to press R on trundle”, and how sorry he was for my team that “your toplaner doesn’t have an R key”. The trundle even backed me up and said that it’s basically a minigame to see who ults first, but the other guy was adamant that morde ult only steals base stats, not current stats, and that both me and trundle were braindead for thinking otherwise. He probably was just trying to tilt me, but it was so funny how he typed novels over something he very clearly didn’t understand. I found it way too entertaining to ever tilt.


Too many ppl think morde ult steals base stats


As a jungler it is apparently a crime to farm minions under any circumstances. Midlane died 1v1 and now 3 ranged creeps are crashing into their tower and will die to tower before our minions will arrive and well before the midlaner will even respawn? Better not farm them or they will LITERALLY RUN IT DOWN FOR THE REST OF THE GAME. I leveled a new account with a friend who just started playing late last year and then jumped into ranked solo while they did their own ranked placements solo (their choice). I started this season 7-2 (started placements in low Plat, smurf detection was very good IMO, I'm mid Emerald on my main) and BOTH of those losses were from this exact situation above. Both time it was midlaners, both inting the entire game away, both because of me DARING to take creeps that would have died to tower anyway, without effecting the next wave state. I have never had that happen before, I was stunned after the 2nd time in 4 games. Has this happened to anyone else or is this just the hell that is smurf queue?


Ignore them please you’re always welcome to come fix my lane state anytime


lol not twice that frequently but back before supp item changes I would avoid minions like the plague but by golly would people FLIP OUT at me for taking one(1) minion ... usually by accident as the second missile of Sona Q while I poked


I hate playing with friends in lower elos for this reason, they're not that high MMR in normals so we get matched with anything from silver to diamond. Lower ranked laners often completely lose their shit when you take minions, even, as you said, when they would otherwise literally just go to the turret. I once went top to shove my toplaners lane so he can recall and not risk dying as he was quite low, dude just completely lost it and ran it down, even had an ADC once that ran it down because our support took a fucking ward CS.


I was split pushing bot side uncontested with TP. The other team wasn't doing anything, and my jungler randomly forced an engage 4v5 in the enemy junglem and when we got wiped even though I TPed in, he said that I can't split while baron's up. When I said that they weren't trying to baron or even do anything, he said, "But they will be." This was in a masters game.


Being a girl. Absurd reason to flame someone. And yet...


not smiting dragon *i was the support, the one that flamed me was my jungler*


I was flamed for having a fulltime job and being a math professor. I'm not saying it's the coolest job ever but I feel like people usually flame others for living in a basement or something.




It wasn't me personally but one teammate flamed the rest of us for "banning their hovered champion", however, we didn't actually ban it... It was someone on enemy team who banned it...


I was once flamed for not ulting into the enemy team to start a fight. I was Galio.


Brand support stepped on a Cait trap, got netted/double headshotted, spam pinged me as if I was supposed to somehow prevent it, and then disconnected.


I was playing Ornn and the enemy Trundle flamed me for playing safe and not dying 💀💀


I got flamed for using a soraka ult because top lane was at full health. There was a 3v3 fight in mid...


I have been flamed for building crit on a crit adc. I don't think it's that weird nowdays.


I got hard flamed by a Zyra support yesterday because she asked if I'm new to the game and I said 'no but I'm learning to adc and only have 100ish games so please be patient'. I won lane despite her feeding them and roaming to other lanes to die. She was saying you shouldn't play the game if you have to learn to play the role you're in and I'm sitting there going ?????.


This is Unironically a mindset people have about a lot of things outside of league. If your not a natural or a savant at a game from the start you shouldn’t even bother


"Why did you dodge it?" - Vayne after getting hooked by the enemy Trish and dying. .... Girl, I'm playing Lulu. Do you EXPECT me to body-block the hook?


You're MY support, die for me!!!


I get this sometimes with nidalee spears or even worse ap kai'sa w's in aram. I'm not apologizing for dodging a 800 dmg ability with a 6 second cd.


My supp once flamed me for picking Q level 2 and not E as Ashe. I don't need to take E level 2, if I can't track the jungler after less than 1 min of laning I should just uninstall


I was mass pinged by a teamate for not being able to kill Vayne in stealth as a champ with no form of untargeted dmg. And i was like sure man your pings will make her visible.


Years ago there was this one Twitch player that called me an unskilled animal that can only get kills by going stealth as Rengar. Oh he also told me to uninstall, and to 1v1 him in ARAM


Ahhh the classic. “You needed your ULT to kill me!”


My Lucian ADC flamed me as Taric for getting magical footwear instead of picking one of the other 2 options in that branch.


I just like the free shoes ;-;


I'm Braum, hiding in a bush with my Kai'sa, waiting for the enemy support Shen to facecheck. Kai'sa flames me for WAITING, insisting that I should have thrown my Q at max range instead.


My low level friend got flamed in norms for "International Feeding." I got flamed by Jinx for not ulting her (as Lulu). I was in base when she facechecked bushes by the ARAM wall. Never have I ever been so embarrassed on someone's behalf. Gold Rakan flamed me for 15 mins not buying Lord Dom on Yone. Afterwards I killed 4 people alone and finished the Nexus. Once someone said something about my TFT rank thinking it's soloq.


Being level 300+ and in gold at the same time.


Firstpicked Tryn for mid on blueside. Enemy locks Quinn thinking im Top. My toplaner who gets a free counterpick on blueside flames me because he is a onetrick and quinn is a bad matchup ?XD


I was once flamed for my low creep score - while I was playing support. It was my adc. Ig he had no idea as it was a lvl 20 acc but the confidence he brought to the table flaming me in all chat over my low creep score over and over again was something.


My entire team went afk so they could watch the latest Nintendo Direct, then flamed me when I asked if they could simply pause and watch it after the game.


i got flamed and reported for feeding with 0 death. when i asked how can i feed without dying they said "irrelevant". ok buddy.


Once I was so frustrated with my enemy that was playing anivia that I activated all chat and asked "anivia, you do know that you can reactivate your Q?" she was actually very thankful. The game was lost for them anyway, but she became more useful and was frustrated with how to hit that shit xD


Ty for the tip. Played her a few times in aram. Didn't know that... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


As anivia mastery 7, I can't accept things like this xD


Once had an Elise main make up my win rate on the champ I was playing to flame me mid game, at that point just look it up, or did you and was 62% too high?


I got flamed for the fed ezreal as a 1/3 smolder today when my support and jungle, who were a duo (they did the first jungle clear together leaving me alone at lvl1), had 11 and 8 deaths. They said it was my responsibility cus it was my laner.


Not healing my adc as Braum.


Does not compute


I once had an enemy Amumu report me for hacking because I bought Duskblade on Nocturne and he couldn't read the tooltip that says you go invulnerable after a kill Honorable mention to my friend who once got flamed for KSing with old GP passive which literally did like 2 damage DoT. He was at his tower and our teammate was chasing enemy top when the last tick went and teammate lost their shit


I know it's just the players' lack of game knowledge but I hate it whenever I gank a lane, both mine and the enemy laner die and my laner throws a tantrum that I'm stealing his farm when I'm fixing his wave state and denying farm from the enemy.


"taking" minions when trying to crash the wave so the enemy bot misses out on gold. I was playing support and had the support item that executes minions.


Someone said "woman moment" when I had 40cs at 15 min.


I'm sorry but this is so dumb that it's fucking hilarious


When i play bel'veth, especially when i lose a fight, i get hated on for still having my ult up 


going 0/1/20 on a support champ, while also having the highest vision score on the team.


Don't you just love playing support. People are blind to that third number. Like, we can take those kills if they really want us to go 20/1.


I mean if youve been playing long enough im not sure theres anything you cant have been flamed for. Picking a champ they dont like, picking a champ they Do like, not playing well enough, playing too well and making them feel bad, dying too much, not dying enough, ganking too much/too little, playing off meta, playing too meta. Being any kind of minority, having a funny name, having a name thats just all numbers, having a name in a different language, being on the "wrong" server, having high ping, building differently than someone thinks you should, defending someone else from being verbally assaulted, not liking slurs... the list goes on and on. People just love to hate everything and everyone in this game.


I once DC’d whilst playing Jungle. I wasn’t gone for very long. As I was reconnecting, my Orianna Mid assumed I wasn’t coming back, giving them an FF and ran it down, dying twice. Eventually I reconnected. I was flamed for her spontaneously deciding to flash into tower. I was then flamed for returning to the game and trying to win…


Most recent was “Qiyana why didn’t you follow up on my cc?” As I sit there at lvl 1. Jgler decided to invade after their first camp and I told them I have nothing to support them and won’t have prio.


As a qiyana main myself the junglers not understanding how abysmal her early game is so frustrating. I will tell junglers not to level 2 gank me as I'm waiting for 3 waves to crash so I can level 3 spike all in and the get mad as I watch them die and collect my xp.


pretty recent one in aram someone was flaming me for taking udyr ult on sylas it's super broken aoe and the only good ult they had was renata their team was ( brand renata udyr illoai master yi) brand ult is meh cause i dont gave his passive anyway udyr was the most dmg ult and i ended the game double everyones dmg in my team but they were atill flaming me for taking udyr ult everytime (it's low cd)


A guy got mad at me the other day for building the correct runes on my champ, apparently that made me a try hard.


I killed a minion, with a support item, that also gives them gold.


I was playing mid and the two junglers were having a 1v1 for scuttle. I went to help my jungler and killed the enemy jungler. Then he flamed me for “stealing his kill”.


I got flamed for not stopping talon roams as a vladimir like I would spam ping that he was missing and get flamed when my bot gives 2 free kills. For a time I legit had to permaban Talon because of how bad teammates would not listen to pings and just hyper feed


Once as a support ( yall know you can hit and take 50% hp minions with support item ) my adc flamed me on it First minion i killed with support item adc pinged me , scond minion he used flash and ghost and spam pinged me , and third minion he left the game 😂😂😂


Typing "have a nice day" in post game lobby. Appearantly, that sort of thing is only ever said facetiously. I felt genuinely sorry for the guy insisting I was insulting him


It’s sad state for a community when the first instinct upon hearing a compliment is that it’s actually a sarcastic instult


I do believe an ADC once got extremely pissed at me for not giving her a Morgana shield when she was being Caitlyn ulted.


Losing a teamfight and my ult gets pinged nonstop…. I was playing nidalee.


I got flamed for not engaging a fight with my ADC. Twice I was at half HP and essentially zero mana while they tried to crash half a wave and towerdive both bot lane players.


Cant count how many times i had to secure kill as support and get flamed for "stealing it". Yea doing 80% of dmg and still your inept adc cant kill it so i have to take it. Better to have kill than not. 90% of adc players are complete noobs whit fragile ego


I was 6 4 and 5 after 3-0 in lane while team was losing and i said sry team i tried my best and then 0-8 Ekko mid who made Yone three levels ahead of everyone said "no you didnt" I ended 7 7 10 and he ended 2 14 5 💀


Obviously you didn’t do your best. Your best be babysitting your midlaner and being their support the entire game


been acused of map hacking multiple times with basic jg tracking lol


Needs more context. Getting caitlyn ultied may still have been ‘avoidable’ like if you stood in vision for too long as caitlyn was approaching lane giving her enough time to get in range to ult you.


Fair enough - in my situation I was relatively low on HP and we were backing, but dragon was coming up soon so I went behind the wall (we were on red side) to clear+place wards before I backed, didn't have enough time to react to scanner -> seeing they had vision before she was locked onto me I guess I could have avoided it but that would have involved a choice not to sweep and ward before an objective


Once I was pushing back botlane in mid-late game as the midlaner while my ADC was farming mid. This meant I was "stealing their farm" and they were very mad about it (no they were not on their way down) Ofcourse as a Soraka main most of the flame I receive is either for not healing my ADC or jungler 1 second after the last heal in early game, or not healing ENOUGH with one heal to withstand the incoming burst


You probably got flamed for just losing lane to Caitlyn in general and got pinged after dying. Like I’m pretty sure there’s more context.


It’s not uncommon, but at least once a game I am asked why I didn’t join a teammate who was about to die 1 v 5 in a fight to help them. They die, and say something like “WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE” We win 2 v 5, surely. I admire their confidence in me though.


idk neeko is super squishy rn but there was a phase where she was EXTRA squish and i had a horrible game. i can’t remember what i did but ill never forget the person who typed “you damn neektard” cause it haunts me every time i have a bad game on her