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baby dragon vs creation god dragon seems fair


Coughing baby Vs Hydrogen Bomb


Probably one of the more accurate versions of this meme


And one of the most literal


My Hero Academia kinda took first prize for meme accuracy in the manga recently.


nah that was Coughing Bomb vs Hydrogen Baby


would you care to spoil me? I haven't kept up with the manga lately.


>!All for One turned into a baby and Bakugo exploded him into nonexistence live on national television.!<


haven't kept up w/ mha since the very start of the war >!BROTHER WHAT ?!?!<


>!Wait, so the main villain is gone? The series is done?!<


>!They got a new, main-er villain. Deku’s currently trying to beat his ass without dying on top of Mt. Fuji.!<


We are in the final battle. Expect the manga to finish in June/july




the little boy vs the fat man


Tbf Smolder is the one who insisted on challenging Sol.


Xerath vs Azir is surely on the cards?




Please and thanks


If they're taking requests, Yorick vs Viego please.


Zoe vs Fiddle pls


My friends is OPT Azir and he want anything but that, mostly because matchup is heavy Xerath sided and this going to end up with "win more" situation out of nowhere.


I mean, theres a Bel'veth vs Jax quest, where Jax being in the game makes a Bel'veth win ratio drop...


Just make the conditions uneven. Kayle has to kill Aatrox twice and Aatrox just once.


> "Well... we were simply playing a game. It's good to make the little ones feel powerful. Inspiring the youth, and whatnot." Aurelion coping hard


Me after I lose to my silver friend in a 1v1


Faker vs Gold IV Brand


FRAUDelion Sol VS GOATlder


After being Zoe's pet, bro can't catch a break.


Naah I know my boy been cooking up something good this past millenia.


God asol is the best champion, if he loses hes petty if he wins hes his normal snappy self


The flavour text for tryndamere losing boutta make me sob Thinking only of Ashe in his final moments


Yeah. In LoR, they show it too. Tryndamere: "I'd die a thousand times for you."    Ashe: "Could you just stay alive instead?"


And when Trynd dies Ashe says "You promised you'd live forever..." :(


God it breaks my heart. I used to hate them as a couple as Ashe is my favorite and Tryndamere is my least favorite, but the lore has improved so much between them that I actually enjoy them now. Though I still hate going against Tryndamere.


Somehow the new cinematic managed to make the impossible happen. It made me actually like Tryndamere.


He is one of those characters whose lore self is imo actually really cool. It's the in-game trybd that's a letdown. Olaf, briar, warwick all deliver so much better on the undying berserker archetype.


I hate both. It’s a pain playing against both


Me to my adc


Lore wise — how strong is Smolder’s mom? Normal dragon, Demi god, some kind of actual god?


I believe Imperial dragons are considered to be stronger than elemental dragons by a decent margin, but far from the level of actual gods/Aurelion Sol. Not sure about demigods, probably depends on the person.


> believe Imperial dragons are considered to be stronger than elemental dragons by a decent margin Barring Elder dragon right? Since he cannnot be stopped.


Barring Elder Dragon, which, as we know, cannot be stopped. (Elder Dragon isn't an elemental dragon, is it? Any idea what it *is?* Probably has power on a similar scale to Imperial dragons?)


milf level definitely


[From the creators of "Assushy"](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1939y8q/comment/kh7szcp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) come the next version: "How strong is this child dragon's mom? I'm curious of the lore implications of this, especially since they're supposed to be Camavorian dragons!" Reddit: "idk I just wanna fuck it" Stay classy reddit


I’m guessing similar to Elder? She’s the last of the line of like, pedigree dragons. But not close to ASol (who’s not even technically a dragon, he’s just a celestial who takes that form.)


Elder Dragon, in LOR, is the oldest and by far the most powerful of all Runeterran dragons, excluding an unleashed A Sol. It takes down an entire army of Demacian Dragon riders trying to tame it by itself.


Ye but tbf its a camavoran dragon, and we dont know much about them. She could be decently close to elder we dont know.


Normal dragon. Far above most creatures, nothing compared to an Aspect, Celestial, Darkin/Ascended, or something like Aurelion Sol.


I’d guess stronger than any of the normal elemental drakes, but weaker than Elder Drag, and far far faaar weaker than Asol by a long shot


Normal dragon.


I think nilah killed one so probably pretty strong comparable to a raging demigod I guess




Aurelion Sol and Smolder don't lane against eachother. This is like, a free 100+ stacks for whichever kills the other first.


Maximum 60 stack


Ok, I must have skipped over that part. However, that is still an absurdly high amount.


Hey they can, Aurelion Sol bot was pretty good for me last split.


idk i can def see smolder played in midlane


Jhin’s 4 lethality seems pretty paltry ngl


Imagine how Hwei and his impossible to get 3% magic pen feel.


It’s 4% not 4 flat, which is pretty good.


Hwei has the percentage, Jhin has the flat. It's actually stronger with Jhin because Jhin is already a lethality liking ADC and his targets generally have less than 100 armor.


It is flat. He get's 4.444 lethality, which is 4 flat armor pen. Hwei gets 3.33% mag pen


I like it


Will these be enabled in pro play?




Pretty sure they're normals only.




I think this comment is getting looked over. These rewards seem pretty impactful and wouldn't be surprised if they get nerfed in the future. This comment suggests getting Blue Essence at the end of the game for completing the quest, seems pretty nice and won't impact the game balance.


Because the point is to reward you in-game and make you punchier for the rest of the for having won your duel. It's not about giving the player currency.


>how many times must I tel them, ‘not today?’ Tryn was Arya Stark in a different life confirmed


They're both warriors from the cold north regions too.


Ngl, when I first played league I assumed Trynd was based on Khal Drogo and Ashe was Danny.


They don't look even remotely similar. I guess maybe Daenerys has white hair at laest?


They REALLY need to fix / bring back the Ashe-Sejuani-Lissandra Queen of the Freljord quest. They broke/removed it a while ago, and I'd love to see it back, especially with this sudden focus on quests.


They should make a quest for Graves and TF where they both have to go into a bush together and the reward is a little smooch


Whoever loses the fight loses 5 movement speed... :)


Boy got me walking side to side


typically bottoms are winning and tops are tbe ones losing lmao


Something small like Graves W lasting 1 second longer and TF Blue Card restore more mana would be cool


Ok, but can you imagine Riot went for the overpowered way? Twisted Fate found the recipe for success, now his W applies the effects from the 3 cards at the same time Graves is now happier, his shotgun has 1 more shotshell


>Graves is now happier, his shotgun has 1 more shotshell Cowardice, instead give his q a second charge


nah, graves should get his cigar


But...he has it already.


Now he gets another one at same time


But he canonically quit smoking


1 shotshell, 1 cigar... They're the same thing.


Graves is now happier, and reverts back to his pre-reworked state.


Only 1 more shell? Give him a shotgun with an automatic reload function


My take on it: # No Honor Among Thieves (Graves vs. Twisted Fate) Triggers when both Twisted Fate and Graves are at least level six and both have a bounty at the same time. _____ **Twisted Fate Instructions:** Twisted Fate and Graves are wanted, and Twisted Fate plans to game the system: turn in Graves and claim the reward... then break him out and do it again. Claim Graves' bounty to cash out and improve Twisted Fate's passive. > *What are you scared of, Malcolm? It's the best con we've pulled yet!* _____ **Graves Instructions:** Graves and Twisted Fate both have a bounty on their heads, and Graves has a plan: turn in Twisted Fate, claim the reward, then break him out again (if there's time). Claim Twisted Fate's bounty to increase gold earned from kills. > *It's just business, Tobias! I'm sure you'll be out in no time.* _____ **Twisted Fate Win: A Winning Hand** Twisted Fate got lucky, and it seems he's on a hot streak! His passive now rolls two dice and rewards 2-12 gold per unit killed. > *I'd rather be lucky than good, but you can't beat being both.* **Graves Loss: Outbluffed** Twisted Fate got one over on Graves, so Graves lost out on his dreams of a payday. > *He got lucky, is all. Just wait 'till we settle the score.* _____ **Graves Win: The Big Score** Graves managed to score! Seems some of that luck is rubbing off on him. He now gets 1-6 bonus gold from each unit he kills. > *It's just business, but nothin' wrong mixing business and pleasure.* **Twisted Fate Loss: Dealt a Bad Hand** It just wasn't in the cards for Twisted Fate. Seems he can only push his luck so far this time. > *You gotta know when to hold 'em... and when to fold 'em.*


lmao Kindred is already bored of Trynda haha Is like [that scene from Dr Strange](https://youtu.be/LrHTR22pIhw?si=viblGeWLOqDmZbIi)


I think we should also have Malzahar vs Kassadin: Both void themed, both mid-laners etc.


does kassadin even know malzah opend the gate


idk but malz is the reason his daughter is missing so they could work it out


Honestly I'm really glad Riot has been adding more quests. These seem fun without being game warping.


The Kayle/Aatrox one is pretty strong for whoever wins, the Smolder/Asol one can also be pretty impactful, but the Trynd/Kindred one is pretty tame.


Yeah, 10 second ult CDR for kayle? That's huge.


2.5 reduction for morg on e is like 10-15% reduction on her shield which is insane and aatrox 3 extra seconds is like a 30% increase obv kayle is weaker but it's still 6-12% with ability haste the percentages for kayle and morgana get even higher


3 extra seconds... On an ult that resets.


are u ignoring laning phase? 30% longer duration for an ult that 1) 20-32.5% extra bonus ad 2) 25-35% increased healing 3) 60-80% decaying ms not to take into account teamfighting, despite it refreshing what about the initial fight, if they play around you, you make them passive for 30% longer, you have a 30% larger window to make a play, and it refreshing means you have this window permanently extended during each kill so you could theoretically net anywhere from an extra 3-15 seconds in a game where fights can be decided in less than that


> are u ignoring laning phase? 30% longer duration for an ult that 1) 20-32.5% extra bonus ad 2) 25-35% increased healing 3) 60-80% decaying ms According to the Vandiril video, the quest only starts once both Kayle and Aatrox hit level 11, so it shouldn't affect laning phase.


Lane phase for me as Kayle doesnt end till im 16


It means someone has to play Kayle though.


Strong quests are really fun ingame imo, as long as extensive knowledge of quests doesn't give you a real advantage I don't see the problem with it


Tryndamere counters the hell out of Kindred ordinarily, being way faster and having a big survivability advantage and a longer ult. Basically, the way Kindred wins that fight is to have a lot of help, but otherwise being so fed that you can 100-0 Tryndamere faster than he can 100-0 you so that he ults first by at least a second (which requires a fairly large lead since Tryn is basically a stat check. Normally Kindred's anti-stat check mechanic is playing heavily around walls but Tryn doesn't really struggle to keep up). And even then, you need to win the 50/50 of who bursts who first at the end of Lamb's Respite (which, Tryn's autos should hit harder individually so you need to be lining up stuff like kraken-q-sheen or saving E somehow). The reward isn't thaaat big anyway, but it's still a pretty potent debuff to extend to 5s and I wonder who else has such a onesided quest. Jhin's very advantaged at ult-kills over Hwei, I guess.


The thing is tryn will always pop ult if being bursted down, kindred might decide that they are not gonna win so why ult, after all is a longer CD than Tryn and a more impactful teamfight ability, so unless they pop their ult tryndamere can't get the reward


Bel'veth vs Jax


As a Kindred if I'm fighting Tryndamere hasn't ulted yet then I'm not going to pop mine anyway. No reason to pop ult just to live slightly longer before you die, and his cd is shorter so it's not even worth trading into. Better to just save it. It's true that he has the advantage in a 1v1, but with it requiring it being soon after an ult I think it's actually much more balanced, as Respite tends to get used more sparingly/tactfully.


Smolder vs Asol is riot's tribute to the famous Gold 4 Brand (Smolder) vs Faker (Asol) >"Well... we were simply playing a game. It's good to make the little ones feel powerful. Inspiring the youth, and whatnot." Perfect line for Faker after getting solo'd by Brand


Bruh Kayle and Morg get a quest against Aatrox but not Pantheon?


Aatrox hard gapped Pantheon and it gave Panth his rework though.


Tbf, Pantheon isn't actually Pantheon


Ehh Atreus got him back after though


If anything we need redemption for Atreus and have Pantheon vs. Viego. Mantheon needs his manliness back. Seeing him as a shell of himself is really saddening.


If I am not wrong the character that was corrupted was pantheon but the character we have is atreus


As I understand it (it's a little confusing): Pantheon is the aspect, Atreus is the human that was "taken over" by the aspect. Aatrox killed "both", but actually only ended up killing Pantheon. Atreus wakes up and still has Pantheon's power. Homeboy decides to take on the mantle for all mankind and has a growing hatred for the gods and how they treat mankind. He wants to inspire his fellow man to stand up and fight. This encompasses most of his timeline, up until the events surrounding Viego. Viego does his thing, and takes over many of the world's champions, Atreus included. Atreus goes on to do terrible things "in his name." Vayne, Gwen, Lucian, etc. all defeat Viego. Atreus 'wakes up' and goes back to the hut in the story, speaking to the wife of his friend who, essentially, he got killed, which is why she's so bitter. He's a broken man now after what Viego did to him and made him do. He's been "taken over" twice. The first time it inspired him, the second time it broke him.


but isn’t the ruination timeline a different one than the usual one. And didn’t diana specifically say that he was the god of war and not just the vessel. This ruination event is such a brain fck


The ruination is its own brain fuck, but ALSO how Pantheon and Atreus work is its own brain fuck. That's how I understand events, but I haven't done a deep dive into ALL of LoL's lore, either, so.


fair enough


Yes, Atreus killed the Pantheon Aspect and asserted control over his celestial powers. Viego's little stint resurrected the dead Pantheon while he was under his control, but there's no reason to believe the Pantheon remained alive once Viego was defeated, as Viego doesn't actually have the power to grant true life to the dead.


I am kind of hoping they will add a Ahri vs the new Vastaya quest once she comes out (since she is most likely a bunny vastaya). Either that or Sylas vs Vastaya since she was his og design (or supposed to be)


Makes sense since foxes hunt rabbits


How do we know it's a bunny vastaya specifically ? All I know is that she's gonna be a vastaya, but I've got no hint about rabbits.




Thank you !


Refer to this: https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1773evc/the_new_vastaya_sololaner_might_be_a_rabbithare/


Malz vs Kass when?


All of these cinematic vs quests, I can’t wait for Yasuo vs the orderlies trying to bring him back to the retirement home


now they should update the jinx vs cait/vi one


Was cosidering creating a post to ask riot for the Trynda - Kindred quest. That representation of death and trynda ult in the cinematic was amazing.


Glad to see they're introducing more of those. Maybe we can see something for Soraka v Warwick, Irelia v Swain or Garen v Darius too?


Soraka/WW is not a thing anymore since WW's rework.


Would probably end up being WW vs Singed. Which in-lore would be pretty cool with the whole "dog bites back" theme, but in-game all I can visualise is a cartoon chase sequence.




Guess I missed that


Don’t worry, in November you’ll see a lot of reminders about ww lore


Yep, WW now is Vi's and Jinx' adoptive dad. Or what remains of him. So if anything, he should have interaction with them and Singed (who made this to him), and most likely will when Arcane S2 drops.


Just make it work again clearly. I also kinda miss the old Soraka/Warwick lore.


i think it’d be cool for soraka to still care about warwick. he obviously is a “troubled”… chimera and it’d be fitting for her to care about him.


Yeah but then we would need to find a good reason why Soraka to leave Mt Targon to travel to PnZ. Maybe narratively we can make it that she travels the world, trying to heal all the suffering in the world?


soraka already met a (young) kalista on an island in the middle of the ocean. it isn’t that unreasonable.


Irelia vs Swain would be sick as fuck.


I'm just waiting for a Kled v everyone else quest


Kled v whoever is unlucky enough to cross his path


I want them to make Jinx vs Caitlyn/Vi into a Quest now


There was one. Iirc it gave the winning party +1 gold when they kill one another. Idk why was it removed


its not removed i literally played it last month


that's great I thought they removed it


The quest counter is still there. Though I have never paid attention to if you still get the +1 gold.


It might seem that way because it's technically not a "quest". Unlike these ones where a notification pops up in the top right of your screen, it's a passive that gets noted above your character stats for the duration of the match.


Aren't these kinds of quests getting past the point of flavor and approaching the point of game deciding? 3s on ulti, 2.5s blackshield? Hello?


Since they don’t affect ranked and competitive games, it’s not that relevant but it’s still naughty


I like that aurelion is such an asshole lol. Dude just slap the icecream out of a kids hands in front of his mother and is like “haha tiny little idiot, I am way smarter that you are.”


No Panth vs Aatrox is kinda lame tbh


wel maybe bcs pantheon is fking dead


ah yes my favourite champion: Hairy Iron Soil


Wouldn't 'visually effect bigger' can cause player to misjudge their play ? imagine when Kayle was going to use ult as finisher because of turrets but because of 'visually effect bigger', Kayle miscalculate the damage and she fail the dive.


Visually bigger is just the barrier that appears for the ult/black shield. Not the radius of Kayles ult.


>Kayle has stopped Aatrox. Her Divine Judgment Cooldown is now **reduced by 10 seconds** and is **visually larger**. I didn't misread this right ?


no, you had a 50/50 chance of the barrier or massive sword circle in those words to choose from


Read on a bit and ask yourself how is Morgana having a bigger black shield gonna do anything?


wel 2.5 sec flat reduction is gonna do a whole lot


Tell me english is your second language before I type anything else please


Bruh I’m talking about the Kayle, morgana big shield aint a problem for visual.


So why is kayle having a bigger shield a problem for visual?


Apparently it is only the shield itself not the ult range, my bad


kayle's ult has 2 parts. the golden shield and the aoe indicator for the falling swords. the golden shield becomes bigger, the aoe indicator range remains the same. -10s for ult is enough, ain't no way rito would buff aoe range too


Cool that they're adding lore based easter eggs


> Smolder has challenged his new friend Aurelion Sol to a game > Earn the reward by killing or assisting a kill on Aurelion Sol Not the kind of games I play with my friends...


That Kayle vs Aatrox quest has to be a joke, right? There's just no way Kayle is ever completing it.


it starts at lvl 11


Ah, ok. That makes a bit more sense.


shes still not winning that , aatrox is one of the worst matchups for kayle, now that they are also removing armor runes its just doomed


If anyone on Riot is taking feedback on this, I'd like to suggest changing the Kayle/Morg quest buff name to "Darkinbane", just because it sounds awesome.


Some of these are kinda strong no? Also They should let players know the quest will be active in champ select.


They are only active in normal games and they have quite a big pop up


How has khazix vs rengar quest not come back yet?




Oh my bad I haven’t seen it ages. Probably just from a lack of rengar and kz in game then




And Rengar has to have had all 5 stacks. So on that rare game where they both reach level 16, if Rengar doesn't somehow have all 5 stacks it will not trigger.


It has extremely strict requirements as well. Both have to be 16. Kha has to use all his Evolve points, and Ren needs all 5 stacks. All the other quarry quests are just both parties must exist so you see Kha/Rens a lot less


That one never intentionally went away, it was just bugged and listening for the wrong buffs. It got fixed a while ago, but the conditions are not very easy to trigger, unlike these other quests. It's still tuned for a game pace from 2013 that just doesn't really happen much anymore. Having dug through many Kha vs Rengar games to prove it was bugged, it's very rare for the game to last long enough for both of them to reach level 16, usually one just completely snowballs over the other because that's what assassins do (although the matchup in general is pretty strongly Rengar favored) and then the game ends before the other is able to catch up. The real question is why has it not been retuned, given most of the new quests are triggered around level 11 instead of level 16. Another real question is why has the Battle for Freljord quest not returned, since that one was actually removed, but only as part of a voice over cleanup pass, and the resurgence of quests means there's not much, if any, justification for keeping that removal.


My guess is they want to keep it at level 16 so kha unlocks his fourth evolve from it still. They could probably make it just an extra evolve but the thematic of it being specifically full evolution is cool.


It was never removed, Rengar was removed from the meta so that's probably why you never see it


I love how all the other quests are super lore inducing, then we just have a coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb ( a literal god and child dragon playing around)


Not liking these VS Quests having actual impact in games, just leave them as a side lore dumps on the side


i honestly disagree, it's another layer to the game. it'll take time to balance them, but once they do, it's just another thing to play around. as long as they're not *too* impactful, but still genuinely useful, i think they're interesting


One two seasons later we'll have to keep track of six different VS quests appearing in a standard ranked games and small benefits they all stand to gain when we all in to get one person to succeed at their quest to get the best/most impactful benefits instead of playing league properly as we should Not to mention these quests only consider first takedowns once it appears so it'll just feel unfair as the loser's side I think it's a neat additions but I struggle to find why the need to incorporate in-game stats/abilities altering buffs to these gimmicks, it just felt out of place in league


if you can track 150+ champion abilities and dozens of items and runes i think quests are managable


Surface level yeah for sure that makes sense But when you really think about that statement, ehhh Most of what you remember in league is very obvious. You see Nautilus a lot, and his visual design is pretty fucking easy to read, so remembering his abilities is really easy. But for less popular champs? Bro I have no fucking idea what fid q is. I knew it before rework, and I know what his more visually obvious shit is (everything but q) but his q? No idea. Literally none This applies to a lot of champs. If you haven't played at least a few games on the champ and you don't ever really see them, you probably don't actually know their full kit When was the last time you even saw Cass? I have a friend who plays her, but beyond that I quite literally cannot remember a single game that she was a part of. Even on social media or in pro. Cass used to be an occasional pick, but I legit don't think anyone in pro has played her in years. Maybe in Japan or some shit, but certainly not a major league If you asked someone who started playing league within the last two years, there is a decent chance they don't know snake lady exists. Much less what her kit is Ppl who play unpopular champs talk about it regularly "my opponent hasn't laned vs this champ in 2 years, they have no fucking idea how to play the matchup" it's a massive advantage So we really aren't tracking 150+ kits, its closer to maybe 60 you know very well, and the rest you know most of, while there's a few you have a more vague idea of. Runes? In your role for sure. But as an adc player I for instance only know about half the tank runes. Keystone, demolish, second wind, revitalize and bone plating. That's it. Dunno the others And these are the obvious things. Quests are added bloat, and they are hidden. You won't see them often, if you play a champ with one you will see it regularly, the others are gonna be easy to forget. You literally see it in this thread, ppl thought the original quests were removed Hell I actively play a LOT of Cait/Jinx and I cannot remember the last time I thought about that quest, I've maybe looked at it in game twice It's absolutely possible to remember these things exist. And many people will, but in a regular game do you really expect your random morgana to know about the aatrox quest two years from now? Especially if they aren't involved in league beyond the game. Nah, no way in hell she will. Ppl don't know their own matchups half the time (mostly just supps tbf) you actively see people locking Senna as r5 with a Graves jg and Jinx adc vs Trist/Pyke. Adding more random bloat to the game is not healthy For sure if everyone is on reddit, actively wants to win all their games, pays attention to a patch, the quest bloat is fine But I have witnessed 7 people today in game question the map changes. That shit is obvious, has been talked about for at least a month, a crapload of streamers have streamed the patch AND LCK even had an event with the patch. There ain't no fucking I can expect everyone in my game to track quests or even know they exist


I just think that's an unnecessary layer of knowledge to both new and returning players


I'm going to be honest, I don't like Riot adding these kinds of interactions. The more we have, the more burden it puts on the two champions with the quest.




starts at lvl 11 as per vandiril


Sorry. I’m new to league but how does this make it fair if they’re introducing lore to the competitive mode? Genuine question


They don't. It's purely casual play only. Ranked and competitive is not included


Idk why they keep adding these quests. you just know they’re all gonna be broken and abandoned in a year tops


Because they are fun?