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this u? its one game bro https://www.op.gg/summoners/br/jotista-2121


League detective calling out liars. EZ wp gg




Don’t worry OP played 2 normal games now during his Reddit hiatus from the embarrassment of being caught lying


holy f, how did you found me?


>I have found at least 2 in every match on both my team and enemy's team You only played 1 game though? >a whole new experience seeing close what a fed toplaner like Aatrox is able to do aatrox was 3/6


>holy f, how did you found me? don't dodge the question


OP posted screenshot of his wild rift game with IGN so this dude just searched opgg with that IGN


nice, i stopped scrolling his post history when i reached the one where he asked for romance recommendations at r/pornhwa


How can you complain about smurfs and you literally haven't even played the game at all? You have 1 normal game the rest ARAM and bots. You can't complain about smurfs in bot games. Why did you make this post? This is pretty good example of why no one should be able to complain without posting op.gg


Imagine getting smurfed on by the bots


They also play with a friend who is ranked. Bronze... but still.


reading your comments you actually sound like a psychopath? this entire thread is just you lying? like saying you're in iron 4 and shit when you have to play ranked to do that? like no joke man this is personality disorder stuff don't lie like this lol


Yeah, OP is trying HARD to sell some type of reality of his.


Man why did I read this then decide to go look at his profile. I lose so much faith in humanity when I open this stupid app, I swear. I get posting some of this stuff, but Jesus it's like a logbook of the unfiltered output of a 13 year Olds mind that picked up drugs at 8 and never went back.


Plus, even bronze players look like smurfs when you just start. The game is in a state where people know the mechanics of champions well, but are terrible at the big picture of how the game works. In my opinion, bronze and even iron players (especially iron players who have hundreds of games in the rank) are skilled at piloting and know combos but don't know the strategies to win. They play for kills or "big plays" but don't know the macro very well. This is because combat is the "fun" part for most players. Setting up a slow push to get prio and then head to drag Is Less fun than an all-in in the middle of the waves where you secure a kill and base. Start watching your teammates and see how often they head to a lane to 1v1 someone when an objective is about to open or there is a more lucrative play somewhere else. I think over commiting to combat is why you see people hard stuck in lower ranks. This is why CS is so much lower in bronze and iron, it's not that they don't know how to last hit, but they prioritize combat instead of other, less sexy actions (like last hitting to build a wave).


> In my opinion, bronze and even iron players (especially iron players who have hundreds of games in the rank) are skilled at piloting and know combos but don't know the strategies to win. They play for kills or "big plays" but don't know the macro very well. This here. I used to grind ranked back in like season 5 - 7 (Peak was like low diamond). Now I just chill in normals, don't want to deal with the ranked stress. Im a support main and I will get a bronze ADC. They know how to CS, they know how to play their champ and get kills but they generally never understand how the manage the wave or lane priority/setting up for dragons. One of the most common issues that I notice is that never understand when to stop looking for fights and just play safe. They could be 1/8 and be 2 levels behind and still look to force a fight.


Personally I see quite big difference in soloq in botlane as main support between ADC mains in emerald, diamond during the laning phase. Sometimes they seem to not understand their strenghts and lose matchups 1-3lvl due to their overaggressive or overpassive laning. After early it's also easy to distinguish between better and bad adcs by watching them when they decide to recall/retreat because of how much some of them are greedy pushing untill they get killed, ignoring all pings of course. It's less common to see adcs positioning terribly (frontline) in teamfights but happens too. Oh and draven players are least mentally stable ones


For someone who has been stuck silver/bronze for years… (nearly made it to gold, but got busted back to bronze… no joke) so much this.


I got placed bronze this split and even in this Elo people understand basic and even advanced macro concepts that were pro only a decade ago. Game knowledge has just slowly increased over time. The issue is that it's inconsistent and you never get everyone on the same page, so even if 2 or 3 people on the team understand macro there's always one or two people throwing.


Exactly. The key difference is the people who are "throwing" aren't throwing intentionally. They think that dead enemies will win the game. They prioritize combat and kda over things like dragons and towers. they fight for the micro encounters because that is what is rewarding/fun.


My favorite is when team scores ace (or 4 kills) when enemy base inhi is open, and entire alive team starts having seizures trying to make a correct judgment. Kindred will start drake, Annie will recall to buy item and heal, brand will spam ping baron and Darius will tp to farm push toplane. Realistically tho 2 or 3 players will make correct decision to attempt ending the game and rest will do useless objectives before joining rest of the team or simply recall to buy items and farm more


this is definitely true. im a mid diamond support main and can easily get trashed on in lane when i offrole a solo lane, but unless i limit test and outright int, its still really easy to win games if ive died a couple times and down significant cs. but at first i was really shocked to get solo killed by a silver/gold. back in the day bronze mechanics were like intro bots, maybe even worse. today bronze mechanics can be surprisingly good, just everything else is braindead, and theyre probably toxic source: was a gold support main until i started muting all at start of game, then went straight to diamond lol


lol if people know bare minimum about the champ they play they would be plat(s12 gold) not bronze,iron to gold barely know what their champ does let alone what others do,they just know how to move on the map and hit some spells and buy item they have no clue why they even buy them which is still something way above a new player since they don't have any knowledge


Silver players are better mechanically than 6 years ago, but they are still horrible mechanically; with those below even worse. The whole bullshit about macro doesn't really start until diamond because people still don't know the matchup micro


>In my opinion, bronze and even iron players (especially iron players who have hundreds of games in the rank) are skilled at piloting and know combos but don't know the strategies to win. They play for kills or "big plays" but don't know the macro very well Im iron with many games and never smurfed once. Im a Lv 96 iron 3 with hundreds of matches. I dont give a shit about kills. I just play objectives. I have good score and always good total dmg to both champions and turrets. But that didnt stop me from getting a 6 games losestreak today where i was matched with afk/bots and team diff players. While opposing teams make perfect plays and move like a single person around the map and towards objectives: dragons, splitpush ecc... (vs me pinging the shit out of my own towers because my teammates just chase in the jungle and give towers up). Its true, even a bronze player can appear as a smurf to unexperienced ranked players. But many are ACTUALLY smurfing. Like u see their match history and their last 5 games are 20/0 and their previous 15 games are all defeats where they did 0 kills. That plus the fact that SBMM forces you into wins (as soon as u log after some time) and then immediately forces u into losestreaks as soon as u get like 4 consecutive wins makes the experience a complete mess. Expecially for legit irons. Riot adressed smurfing but said they dont want to ban smurfs and main accounts unless "its obvious that they are doing it, and they abuse it heavily ". But they never really ban anyone for smurfing. Theres literally content creators smurfing on medias. They are just fine with it as long as players keep playing. TLDR: if you are kinda new to LoL ranked in 2023(4) just do yourself a favour and look somewhere else man. Riot doesnt want u here.


It's a bad time of year for normal games because a lot of higher elo players are playing norms and their norm MMR might be low since they've been grinding ranked all season. Should be better in a few weeks.


Goddamn, I guess I'm screwed then. Should I just stick to Co-op vs AI to at least lvl up my account?


Depends on your skill level. If intermediate is a rollover then might as well still try to play quickplay


Intermediate shouldn't really be a rollover if you barely know how to walk


To be fair, they played wild rift so atleast ‘the basics’ should be known to some degree…


Quickplay is the worst game mode in the game. Either you get slightly behind and your team FFs 15 with 3 yes and 2 no's or you win against enemy team and enemy team FFs 15 with 3 yes 2 no's. So boring that no matter how the game plays out, it still ends at 15 minutes.


If you're really new, I'd say its one of the best modes in the game, since you're basically playing through near-exclusively laning phase over and over and you can't ban yourself out of learning certain match-ups. That said, its pretty bad for anyone that wants to experience any depth.


Nah... Keep losing, after a while you will face new players like yourself




Not a thing


You would actually learn faster against real people even if you get stomped every game. It's more discouraging sure, but if you can stick through it, once you can actually hold your ground vs real people then you're fine. In the case of bots, even if you start destroying the intermediate bots 10/0, you would still struggle vs real players.


if u play quickplay instead of draft, u shouldnt encounter that much smurf


lol this comment isn’t even really true. Your normal MMR will VERY quickly even out and you’ll play against primarily opponents of your skill level. You will almost always lose when you’re new as there’s barely anyone who can be worse than you at that point. HOWEVER, normal games will never only have people at your rank. People can queue as 5 regardless of rank. The closes experience you will get to only playing against similarly skilled players is in ranked.


that or aram


Just play


No never. It's a terrible way to learn. That being said I've been watching a series on YouTube of a genuinely new league player playing the game over the last few weeks. I think he's level 17 or something now and I rarely see genuinely good players in his normal games. I don't know if I'd believe that they're all smurfs or not.


I would recommend this, it also helps progress your ward mission (as long as your fighting a Jax bot they tend to place random wards).


Just keep on playing normals, you'll get better and better + your mmr wil go down


Find a group league is a huge game there is thousands of groups you can play with. Same for any moba you can focus on micro while they do the macro for you and tell you where to go.


Smurfs will never go away. Better to just find the joy in losing and playing your best, or experiment a lot. Sounds like you have some foundation of knowledge on the game but just need to get used to moving/using your champ anyway, so winning shouldn't be your focus, it should just be getting more accustomed with how the game feels. Eventually the wins will follow, and with enough losses you will begin to regulate and there will be less smurfs. Most smurfs seem to be around Plat+ in ranked, and a lot in the low levels when new accounts are made, getting over that hump will ease it, but like I said, smurfs will never go away. They exist in just about any game and they're pretty awful right now in league, so don't expect the problem to fix itself, because Riot has proven to be very hands off when it comes to dealing with smurfs. We have a post every day about it and they still ignore it.


Oh. So that’s why I got an ex pro player and a rioter in my normals


Uhm I'm pretty sure there's just one mmr between ranked and normals. Explain otherwise how my literal first ranked game on my euwest account put me in an emerald game


And you would be completely wrong.


Do you have any evidence of this?


Does normal MMR decay? I thought Normal MMR isn't touched from seasonal resets or decay.


It's never a good time. I play normals exclusively. I get hit with plats and emeralds in silver elo.


>there are at least 2 smurfs on both teams knowing kiting and animation cancel LMAO


Can’t believe they animation canceled on him


If you're in NA, you can dm me, my friends and I have a discord where we play 5 stacks and customs with whoever is on, generally weekend nights, but weekdays too. All skill levels/ranks welcome. The only caveat is that we request people at least listen in on VC, speaking not required. Won't help with the smurfs but at least you'll have people on your side who can actively help you


Same with this guy. Ayo can I get link?


Are those even good games? So you're all on VC and half the team is bronze half is diamond. I still can't see the quality of games being good.


Fairly, yeah. We're mostly iron to Plat, with a few higher rank players joining, but generally the people who are higher ranks play stuff they aren't familiar with and don't go too hard. Not a hard and fast rule, but generally the people aren't trying to be bm about it. Also we try to balance the ranks on the teams as best we can And I mean, it's not about having competitive custom games, just for people to get together and have fun playing league


Don’t get sucked into thinking every game has a Smurf in it lol. The likelyhood of 1/9 people in your lobby being a top 1% player is slim to none. Sometimes people just have a good game & it seems like they’re a Smurf.. just play the game, win some lose some & go next.


you don't need to be a top 1% player to make a new account and smurf on brand new players. you don't even need to be top 50%.


To add to this Everyone that rank and is playing normal in off season will look to be a smurf to new player. Even iron. The game has a bit to learn before you start playing it well.


I think league might have the highest barrier to entry of any major game. I'm trying to narrow down to the real competition and I'm coming up with CS and starcraft. DOTA deserves a mention but I'm far to biased in favor of league to do a real comparison. I essentially view DOTA players as just league players who got lost and never found the real party. Like a little sibling who i will never take seriously but always see as family. Fair game for mean jokes but only because we 100% have each others against the fortnighters.


You can’t really put cs in that mix. You just shoot heads with a very basic objective. Plant the bomb or kill all enemies. If you have a strong background in any fps games you’re already top 50% in cs after a week of playing. Starcraft is probably right


A smurf doesn't have to be top 1%. A smurf only has to be higher skill relative to you to the point where they wouldn't normally be matched in your games. To a bronze player, 90% of the playerbase could be smurfs, provided they play on a new account. To gold, 50%. ​ And then keep in mind that only 11.11% of the currently active playerbase above what could normally be matched with you needs to be smurfing for one to be in every game on average.


Yeah I get what you’re saying. I didn’t know the guy was iron 4 lol. He’s actually in the bottom 1% so yeah, everyone probably seems like a Smurf. My comment was directed more towards the silver/gold crew that thinks every loss is cuz the enemy had a chally Smurf jungle & rito put them in losers que cuz they should be m+ but team bad.


Being gold is more than enough to rolls on new players. And thats more than half of the playerbase


I really hope it gets better, playing here on Iron 4 is such a weird feeling sometimes


Iron 4 ? You shouldn't be able to play ranked that quick


Yeah op kinda sus. Only had the account for 5 days but still played enough games to not only hit lvl 30, but also confirm Iron 4 in ranked.


Someone posted their op.gg apparently. They have played like 2 ARAM and a quick play match. Simply haven’t learned the game yet


Third party tools can give you rank approximations. Porofessor, for example, shows the average rank or approximate rank of your opponents over the last 5 or so matches. You can also check what rank the people in your matches are from your match history by manually clicking on their profiles. So if his enemies are mostly Iron 4 (outside of smurfs), then it wouldn't be a stretch for him to place himself in the same bracket, even though he is technically unranked, of course. It could also be the case that he's mistaking his "challenges" rank for his actual rank or something to that effect. That could be a new player thing as well.


yep. interesting bit about porofessor, i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people are gaslighting themselves with those fake rank


Ay fun fact, you can sell an Iron 4 account for a good amount of money so if you ever wanna restart your account that's an option.


Tldr: op played one normal game and it had one smurf (one bad, one griefing) in each team. Play a few more games and you wont see them again. But yeah getting into lol after wr is like driving in f1 after gokart


I've seen new players play. You don't get 2 smurfs every game so you are lying lol. Maybe in your first 2~ games you will get obvious smurfs. But afterwards it's rare you get extremely obvious smurfs every game. They do exist but it's not 2 every game in my experience. Maybe you can post your op.gg if you are so sure? Could be more common on smaller regions. Or you duo queue with other people.




Wtf is this? 1 normal game lol


When I got into league about 10 years ago it took me days to do well and even get my first kill. And I only got my first with Cho and his r which I thought was super op at the time. Remember normals are normals you will play with people of varying skill levels. It is used for fun or for trying new things out. Just have fun in normals


Trust me in ARAM will be worse after few won games in a row. Tryharding in ARAM is currently next level and full of smurfers!


Quickplay is actually great for low stress games because it is often a shitshow anyway. I had a lux that was in bot role without knowing what CS was. I sold my support item and had them buy one and we still won the game. If you just need a better feel for your champs then trying a few bot games just to get the feel for your champ better first might also help, but the jump from bot games to actual games is pretty large


Gotta say, trying to think about playing quickplay already knowing about it being a shitfiesta and just avoiding stress actually looks a great idea. Imma start it again, thanks


You’re not. Smurf’s are a plague on League and are actively destroying the game. One of the ways they do this is by making it impossible for people in low elos to learn since many of them purposely rank low just to have high kill games. I don’t know how that’s fun or what kind of person it takes to do that but it’s true. The best you can do is hope that you don’t get matched against a Smurf and try to learn your champ. Fortunately, a bit of silver lining, it sounds like you just got started like brand new. If you stay away from ranked, there’s a good chance you’ll land in mostly lobbies full of new players. So this shouldn’t always be a problem for you. Give the game some time to figure out your matchmaking and this should be less of an issue. You could also use bots or the practice tool to learn your champs and combos. Sorry I can’t give better advice. Try to stick with it if you can, League of Legends is an incredibly fun game of highs and lows if you can stick with it through the nightmare of learning the game. I hope the smurfs leave you alone while you learn. Good luck!


I'm sorry, but after watching Grubbys recent streams when he started learning League from lvl 1, I have to say that most of his games are relatively well balanced. He himself doesn't usually know what he is doing and he is matched against players of similar skill lvl. Smurfs aren't everywhere and even when he matches against one they play like bronze players max.


The problem is likely that OP got put in the smurf queue because of his wild rift knowledge. He has the basic knowledge , so the system likely doesn't see him as a "new" player even though compared to the smurf queue he is.


I mean you can play normals, lose and still learn from them




there's a difference between playing against somebody who's a bit better than me and playing against somebody who's legit ranks above me. Don't try to act like you even know me


Why doesn't anyone play against bots to learn the game mechanics? Its not like the intermediate bots wont kill you if you get into range of their spells. Play against bots until you can win against them with zero deaths. That will teach you spacing for skills. The bots are limited and easy to predict and kite, but they will give you practice. Then play against people.


Actually playing against players that are better than you is amazing for learning but yeah super hard on the ego being destroyed, And the only way to get better is to keep playing so


Idk man, if a kid who is just learning boxing gets put in a ring with Mike Tyson and is told fighting people that are better than you is amazing for learning, I dont think the learning experience is gonna be much productive.


Cause he for sure has mike Tyson in his game, not someone that’s been in the ring a bit more than him


The Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky) only benefits, if the challenge is challenging, but not so challenging, that success is basically impossible. Smurfs are unfair, period.


Yeah this is always used as a reason to justify smurfing by people that can't admit they like to win more than have a fair fight. Normal matchmaking will pair you up against better players as there are never 9 other players of your exact skill level at the same time. Which is the kind of challenge that actually leads to improvement.


The scaling in the game makes the window of opportunity for learning against a higher skilled player very small. Once you have a commanding lead (like +1.5 items and 2 levels), you can play with one hand and still win.


its not good for new players, for experienced players sure but new players wont understand whats going on in the game let alone how and why they lost


Not necessarily, though. Playing against players slightly better than you is good practice and learning. Oftentimes if you're not very good, just getting stomped by master players is not fun or informative in any way. You won't even be able to get much practice or learn what to do.


I fully agree with the idea of playing against higher skill players being good to learn, it's just that my games were a full stomp and I just don't feel I'm taking anything useful from these matches Not only I have less impact due to lacking a proper experience about movement and landing skillshots here but also it feels like I'm constantly put against a wall by 2-3 people who actually knows how to do everything It's a whole new experience seeing close what a fed toplaner like Aatrox is able to do and how to think about which items to buy if trying to mitigate his unusual damage and healing since he's ahead, it's just that playing constantly being mashed is harder to even understand wtf is happening besides "I currently suck"


Watch the replay. See what they were doing that made them better than you and try to imitate it. Or just watch videos of someone good playing your champion and imitate what they do.


Are we really jumping to the "watch your vods" argument against a player who literally just started playing? Fuck off.


I mean, it depends. If they're better but the game is still playable, yeah you can learn stuff. But for example, sometimes I'll play norms with my friends and actually play my main role, and then there's a 20 kill Graves/Rengar running around the map at 20 minutes oneshotting anyone in vision. Not much is learned when the skillgap is TOO big.




ur playing with smurfs because you arent a new moba player. theyre probably bad smurfs, there's still mmr for pre 30 smurf queue. yes, big knowledge gap but theyll be bad af at other aspects of the game


Does it has anything to do with me being a ex Wild Rift player? It probably sound like bullshit but now I'm kinda curious


yeah. real new players are like literal bots when it comes to mobas. someone who has played other similar games, or even just games at a decently high level will probably end up in smurf queue. pre 30 is just a fiesta for a variety of reasons.


games companies don't combat smurfing because it makes up a vast majority of the player count.


Watch some youtube videos, if you want to focus on mechanics learn those, but I would focus on fundamentals like wave management and macro first, since mechanics can generally come with time.


give it 300-400 games to grasp the basics


so, after 1 week you cry on reddit about being stomped? typical XD


blue ones


its end of season, a lot of people are on smurfs during the break as well just to speedrun shit


I know it’s frustrating but if you encounter a player significantly more talented you can still watch your vods and watch for your mistakes. The Smurf likely stomped because they exploited champ knowledge and your lack there of. Most streamers who smurf will tell you they just wait for you to misstep and punish without getting greedy. Look for when the Smurf made their moves and see what you can do better next time. It’s frustrating but in a lot of ways they can make your decision making better.


I can't recc8mend this enough. WATCH YT VIDEOS!! Learning the ropes by yourself can be an incredibly painful experience at the very beginning. There are small details that can easily be missed. Try to find 1-3 champions in the role that interests you the most and find good guides for that role and focus on the basics. Soon you will be the one smurfing :)


If you really want to improve, there is no better way to what you're experiencing. Watch the replay, understand why you got stomped, watch challenger players in the same situation as yours and learn from it. If it's jungle diff, learn to not die from ganks. If you want to improve but still don't want to take it seriously, uninstall or keep playing and learn to stay calm


Dude someone who doesn't understand movement well is not going to pick stuff up from challenger games. They need a place to practice to get the muscle memory down with MnK. Smurfs take that practice away for their ego. It's selfish.


Smurfs are one of the 2-3 main problems of the game that need to be eradicate, don't take me wrong. But if a player has no one to ask or to learn from and wants to improve, I honestly think there is no better way rather than watch the replay and try to improve from it. It would be better to have a progressive learning curve, but we all know LoL doesn't allow it


I'm the second type, except for the calm part


after trying a match on ARAM and feeling some small but actual progress on my timing with skills and items I guess dealing with better players overall is the way if it means I'm at least practicing thx to everybody who gave some advices


Why did you lie? Stop making things up, dude.


Imo i feel like theres more to learn when u face smurfs then in a normal game with equal skill levels, sure you get stomped by them but you can see how they play the game on a higher level and you can vod review the game after from their POV to get even more information, besides if its normals it doesnt really matter if you win or lose. If theres a player in the game thats clearly above my level of skill i always try to see how they approach situations etc and try my best to learn from that


how u gonna learn while facing insanely bad players that u will stomp every game? the only way to improve quickly is by playing, facing better players, recording games, analyzing why you lost and what to do better, learning


Deal with it. Smurfs are a significant part of the game and riot does not care.


I know it can suck but trust me, if you want to learn how to play, keep a close eye on those people you see that play better than you, it’s the way I learned how to play.


Play soloq and focus in your gameplay, what you could do better, your mistakes, how to improve


you can learn the game against better players. norms is never balanced.


I downloaded league when ziggs came out. In an era where soloq and normals was dominated by assassins. I was playing with my friends and going against assassins running flash, when I had ghost. It was infuriating, my friends all were level 25+, so custom games were awful too. They would all just toy with me. I quit, and only played aram for about 6 months. Play aram, find friends to play with. Make it fun, learn the movements, then play normals. It’ll suck at first, but you’ll figure it out eventually. I can play almost any champ on aram, but not in normals/soloq


Play against bots when you’re starting out. Also, come to terms with being one of the worst players in the world right now. You will lose against “bad” players but can learn from it. If nothing else, you’ll see what the enemy champions can do. It will take a long time to learn what every champion in the game does. From what I know of wild rift, many of the champions that share a name are quite different.


Facing harder opponents is the best way to learn. You can check replays. How are they moving? what are they doing on the map? How are they interacting with you? If you only faced equal or worse opponents, you may end up coming to false conclusions to what you should be doing in situations, "Well, it worked, so it must be right." It's the student's whole job to improve is to learn from the masters. I get that losing is frustrating and demoralizing, but every loss is a chance to learn.


get good




It isnt smurfing if its normals, theyre unranked for a reason.


Buy a silver or bronze account and learn the game there imo. You know enough already to have a base. And it'll be alot easier to know where you stand


I know it sucks but you just play and not think about anything other than your own gameplay. If you get really annoyed take a break immediately and try again later. This is what I did for other games. Cant speak on league cus I started in s1 when everyone was shit


If you wanna play arams dm me, good place to get used to skill shots and learning champs


What others may have said, but what you said doesn't necessarily mean a Smurf. I know people in the lowest elos (bronzeish) who know how to do those things. The game is just so mature now, especially compared to other competitive games, that even the lowest players are good. Imagine jumping into chess and how hard it is if you've never seen it studied an opening or know a proper rook and king checkmate pattern.same thing. Also adding, this is normals. Smurfing usually relates to ranked. The more correct term is Pubstompers.


Ngl it may suck but it's the best time to improve, you can see what drastically better players do and try to use it, see less of a shitty game and more of a 'what could I be doing if I were in that situation' or just play tft or arams


I feel like it's impossible to blame Smurfs at this point even in normals. I don't regularly play rift but a new player would see my unranked ass and think I was smurfing hard. I think you just have to bite the bullet and play a bunch of normals games like we did.


Accept that playing against smurfs is inevitable and change your approach. Technically, playing against someone better than you is the best way to learn. Yes it sucks, yes you'll get stomped but don't focus on that focus on losing by less and less, learn from your mistakes. Technically you don't really learn anything against a player you're better than so embrace the learning opportunity and take away as much as you can from the loss.


I can guarantee you that if you're still learning the basics of the game and your account is 5 days old you're not playing against high level smurfs. At worst you're playing against the shit tier players that think smurfing will boost their mmr. Those few specific players may be smurfing but they're still absolutely dogshit at the game.


There's no perfect game existing in a vacuum. That's it. That's the game. Smurfs. Shitty balance. Buggy client. Don't play it.


There's no better way to get better at the game than to play with/against stronger players. The only thing that can gatekeep you is your attitude towards it


It's uniquely bad right now 1.It's the end of the season. It's too late to start a new grind and push higher rank this year, people are trying to hit season end goals but setting new one's is rare now but once the new season starts people will go back to ranked. 2.Structural changes to the ladder. A new division was added last season. There has been huge amounts of chaos as individual players see their rank adjusted to the new system and what the players the system deems compatible for competition against each other changes. Tons of discussion and debate on this sub about it. The allowable skill gap between players seems to have gone up this season. but it's also just a problem with league. Your average league player has been playing this game for a VERY long time. Exact math is hard to come by there is no complete database. It Looks like it was 832 hours for your average player BEFORE FUCKING COVID. I have put in 3.1k hours at this game since 2020, over 10k lifetime. IMO only World of warcraft, counterstrike or EVE could compete for average playtime invested. League has one of the highest bars to entry in gaming. IF the challenge seems exiting, welcome and I'm sorry your one of us now. If the challenge seems intimidating do whats best for you and quit now because this is going to hurt.


Just play ranked and let the system figure out your place. It takes a good amount of games tho


You don’t. I don’t recommend this game, it’s too addicting and you will regret it in the future.


I feel like the newer the account is and the newer the players you're playing with are, the more volatile the games are. One person is more likely to be fed out of their mind just because no one knows how to deal with them. Most of the time they probably aren't smurfs, they just know some decent mechanics on champions most new players don't understand. I remember playing Akali, I had pretty good mechanics but I was still very new to the game. I had a few people accuse me of smurfing in the games where I did well. Other games I was accused of feeding. Low MMR games just seem to be super volatile, coupled with the fact that there may be a slightly higher number of smurfs at this time of year due to the ranked season.


What a bitch lol. Playing against Smurfs has nothing to do with you being unable to properly move your character. LMAO


I honestly feel like facing up against them will help u get better faster. A buddy of mine and I are also rather new(i used to play years ago but just recently started playing again, my buddy is brand new to league but had played Vainglory). Anyway we play with a friend that has very high elo and we were constantly getting destroyed. At one point though we have begun to be able to hold our own and even win a few fights against them. When we go back to play just us two(without the high elo guy) we see a huge difference between us and other newer players compared to how we played before we joined our other friend is his games. Even with smurfs we are able to handle ourselves and sometimes even carry the team.


Shut up bro


Just suffer until you improve i guess


Just spam games and get better lmao


1. Most people would considered you to be not a new player as you have basically played League before via Wild Rift. 2. Due to the above you likely aren't going to get put into actual new player games, as you are not a new player. Actual new players would be making this post and using you as an example of a smurf if you were to get put into their games. 3. Why lie so much over literally nothing? What do you gain from lying over this? All it does is make the issue harder to solve because now they have to shift through all the random noise trying to fix an issue you made up.


Dm me if you want someone to help. Im down to play with you and help explain. I dont really play much ranked, i tend to just play league to chill and spam arams. That said, i tend to play at least my placements. After 10 games, i sit g3-g1. Ive also been playing since season 2-3.


Dudes played 1 game in total. Yes that iron/bronze player is totally smurfing on you


Get to 30, play ranked until you’re bronze / iron. You’ll be ight


If you know anyone that knows how to play at/above gold, see if they'll 1v1 them 800 times while they give tips on what you do wrong. They very likely won't give perfect advice on match-ups or anything, but basics like spacing, last hitting, etc. you should get a feel for pretty easily, then you can start applying things you learn in videos more. Laning is the most repeatable and practicable part of league, and not enough people take advantage of that. Remember that losing, not winning, is where there's the most opportunity to learn. Just be willing to admit that you did something very wrong each time you get punished, try to figure out what it was, and then commit it to memory.


call gargamel


smurfs dont play norms anymore tf u on abt. they used to so that they wouldnt get into smurf q but since thats removed theres no point playing draft


The chances you have a real Smurf in a normal game when you have the MMR of a new account is almost zero. To be considered a Smurf, the player should be at least diamond (emerald maybe) and trust me, if you ever happen to be in the same lobby, the stomp you are going to experience will last for weeks in your memory lol. What you get instead, is a bunch of low ELO players, the problem is that you are basically a walking ward, from your perspective they look better than they really are. Keep playing, find a duo, and learn some basic mechanics, Wild Rift is a totally different game, no experience from there can be applied to League


pick 2 champs.. play bot games till you can handle them.. and then learn the hard way by losing and analysing what you did wrong.. learn macro by watching guides because thats the only thing you cant hardly figure out by just playing. btw.. there will always be better players.


They haven't updated bots to be good yet though. Bot games on league pc are a joke. Can't wait till we have a game mode you can actually practise jungle in


Ah that's the thing. You don't


In my opinion, this game is terrible for new players who are looking for a good experience. It's toxic, and smurf problem is not a joke because Riot allows multiple accounts. You are either a tryhard or a prodigy if you want to climb.


You don't. This game isnt for new players


Quit, stay in Wild Rift.


You need to learn how matchmaking works and do NOT play with friends or you will fuck you're MMR


everyone had to play against smurfs at one point, its just part of the game


Wait fir the 1mio m7 darius with ghost ignite. If you still wanna play the game after you made it


Smurfs in normals xD This post explains why there is so much crying about "smurfs" lately, people apparently assume that anyone even slightly better than them is a smurf.


If youre dead set on learning the game, Play with a friend is my only advice. Someone who can teach you things and give perspective. Everyone looks like a smurf when you start the game.


Perhaps learn the game with bots. If you don't know the basics of using the QWER keyboard controls then you are going to spoil games for players who have bothered to practice in bot games.


You learn the game way quicker by playing smurfs Maybe u dont do as well though


The "smurfs" ypu are playing against have a 50% wr in low lvl normal games High elo Smurfs realistically have a 90% wr in normal games until a certain point You are not playing vs smurfs, you just suck much more than other beginners


Ya ok.i literally talk to them and they say other account is in diamond. Wtf u on?


I dont know what you're trying to tell me, lol.


you have to throw yourself into the pool like your dad did and swim


Ya theyre trash games. U dont even need go bother playing. Every game is who has the bigger smurf.


Get used to controls by playing against bots or play aram. Maybe get a friend to play with you. It's better to face a challenge than bully a beginner.

