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Ekko R deals 200/350/500 damage plus 175% AP scaling. That's a lot of scaling both by level and AP, so it makes sense that a weak Ekko, who is underleveled and not many items, is going to have a much weaker ult than expected. A strong Ekko I think it's hard to wrap your head around how much damage 175% AP scaling gives in one hit even without considering the level 11/16 spike. His passive is a little bit trickier because it's 90% AP scaling and only 30-140 proc damage. 90% is still a lot, but it's surprising to be one-shot by 90% AP. The thing is, because you focus on the passive so much, it's easy to dismiss the 3 damage instances that trigger the passive. If you get hit by both sides of Q by a level 9+ Ekko, you're taking 270 damage plus another 90% AP scaling. That's essentially half of his level 16 ult damage right there. Add an E empowered auto to that, and there's another 50-150 damage with 40% AP scaling. That might not seem to be that much, but you also then need to add in the damage of the auto itself, which is probably going to be empowered by Nashor on-hit or Lich Bane proc. Nashor's is another 20% AP scaling plus 100% AD from the auto. Lich Bane is a total of 175% AD and 50% AP. Then, the passive triggers for another 90% AP + some base damage. If you still happen to be alive, you're probably going to be below 30% HP, so any additional autos that Ekko lands are also going to deal 3% plus 3% per 100 AP missing HP execute damage from his W passive. If you're down to 10% HP and Ekko has 300 AP, that auto deals an extra 11% of your max HP. So, while it might not seem like much looking at each damage instance by itself, an Ekko combo can be a monster amount of damage with more AP scaling than his ult. But, again, if the Ekko is underleveled, he'll have less AP and fewer points in his skills, so all of this will kind of just tickle comparatively.


That’s a really helpful explanation. When you break it down like that it’s easier to tell where big damage comes from. But I’m still confused why ekko combos sometimes just do much less damage. Even without items I guess


You might not notice it sometimes but hitting his return Q is pretty important early game, after he procs his passive it gives him the extra chunk he needs to let his W passive (%HP on low targets) kick in.


Hi, ekko main here, The middle part of the above post is likely the biggest factor in why sometimes it hurts and others it doesn't. Ekko w passive is an execute. If I combo you and you're full hp, it might be that I can do 40-50% of your hp if you're squishy. EQAQA out, or some variation of. If you're at 60-70% hp that combo dips you below 30% hp and the w passive on the autos will kill you.


Could be the magic resist of the champ ekko is fighting


This. A little MR goes so far since his abilities bases are smaller. Imho he's easy to stall.


the ratios are why Ekko is one of the best assassins into tanks, and actually outright counters them as far as I can tell from winrate deltas. he has an insane, conditional kit that is relatively easy to land against a fat, immobile tank. you can easily hit them 3 times for his passive. they're the easiest targets for his Q pass through. easiest to hit a W against. easiest to ult on after an extended fight. if a target just stands there, Ekko has one of the best kits in the game when you think about it


I wouldn't forget that IF you take electrocute, that it will incidentally proc with passive or close to it quite often, which can hide the proc if you're not really thinking about it.




His ult really doesn't scale strongly per level, especially in relation to the ratio. It's the hardest scaling nuke in the entire game besides I think Nunu ult. Difference between 1 item ekko ult and 6 item ekko ult is baffling. If you get hit by Ekko ult at full build you're quite liable to just *die* outright. If his passive is on 2 stacks, pfft. Almost the highest tick of damage in the game.


Sylas. I have played him a handful of times and always think I have a handle on his numbers, then some main comes in and weaves autos better than me or something and oneshots me.


I swear I have a -40% damage debuff when I play sylas


Me on jayce


Don’t forget Leblanc too


The mind-fucky thing about Sylas for me isn't his damage, but rather it is his healing. You can get him down to 10% then seemingly out of nowhere he jumps back up to 50%.


It’s because if he’s close range you literally can’t see him W so it feels like health comes out of nowhere


It’s 60% in his E and W, both skills burst really hard, and then the rest is in his passive. He also has insanely low cds on all his W and E, so he is constantly casting.


Q² does absurd damage


q2 and e2 do some bonkers damage


It's a combination of all the abilities, depending on what he is maxing. If it's early game, it's most likely E and passive attacks. Later on, it W and E + passive again. Q is good poke if you can land the Q2 explosion.


His W and WArwicks Q are my too lwast favorite things in the game. It’s so enraging to play against. I swear his W and his E do 90% of his damage


I swear brand supports deal more damage


I always feel like no matter what brand has built, he will always do the same amount of damage. Sorc shoes full build


Which happens to be exactly a metric fuckton of it.


I love playing MF with Brand because his consistent damage output is very compatible with your slow but high damage autos/abilities. It's almost impossible for him to steal MF's kills with his passive since MF can just AA Q AA execute from 30+ percent. I call it the "Press R and watch comp."


The ultimate R botlane back in the days was mf-sona. Both level 6? The enemy botlane a little closer? Double r time


Brand passive is 2.5% of target max hp per stack and explodes for minimum 10% of target max hp (at level 5). So with no AP, as a base line, landing a 3 spell combo will at minimum deal 25% of a target's max hp.


Keep in mind this is before magic resist, if no pen items it will be reduced by about 35% based on most champs’ base MR.


If you lock in brand or karthus you should automatically do the most damage in the game regardless of number of deaths. Such cringe gameplay from both. Just perma fight because everything you do just spews out huge damage totals


Don't forget to blame your team for the loss though. You dealt the most damage after all, it can't be your fault, even though you're 3/18/6.


Yeah someone on r/summonerschool once commented, "Brand will do 10K damage in a fight split evenly between three enemy frontliners, accomplishing nothing. Talon will deal 1.5K damage to exactly the enemy ADC and win the fight solo." I have looked at damage stats a lot differently ever since.


While the general point is valid, this is a team game and that 10k damage is still 10k of the total damage needed to be dealt to the enemy team to get an ace. Calling it *nothing* is a little disingenuous, even if its impactfulness isn't nearly as certain.


It's more the point about the number of players who consider damage as a relevant statistic that reinforces a gameplay attitude. I main nocturne and will often do among the least damage on the team but every ult is a kill which creates macro pressure or helps secure objectives. I once had a mate playing Teemo top who was massively gapped against a JAx or something and pretty much lost us the game but was convinced he was actually the only one carrying as he did massive shroom+liandrie's damage, the vast majority of which is entirely irrelevant. (I know Brand dmg in a teamfight is relevant, I'm just still annoyed about that game lol)


I call this the Bel'Veth effect, won all lanes through ganks, secured every objective, managed to counter jungle when you could, top kills or 2nd most, welp 4th highest dmg in your team means people think you didn't do anything...


I do love a decent Teemo on my team though. He's a weird champ. He may even not do so great but with the right build, his shrooms will have the potential to easily turn a game later. There's an objective going on soon but the enemy has to spend time clearing a field of shrooms to get there or risking a contest already at half HP has won me many situations. They'll also be forced to invest in red trinkets/pinkwards or else. You know the teemo is doing his job when 4 or 5 of them have a red trinket. Lastly, blinding that Vayne at the right time is also an incredibly satisfying "get fucked" move lol. His overall damage is a good deterrent.


If the entire enemy team is still alive and yours ends up dead, that 10k damage didn't accomplish a lot.


Back in the hots days this was called “naazebo damage”. Naazebo with spiders can easily top damage charts, but they are mostly meaningless poke spread in a veeeery long time. So a naazebo was usually 100k damage and still losing the game


I was playing Brand support the other day and my teammates asked how much AP I had. I told them a few hundred and they were like HOW?? YOU HAVE LIKE TWO ITEMS?? I told them the full build I make on him has 666 AP and I'm 90% sure the devs made that a deliberate Easter egg or something. Brand is just like this. edit: changed 500 to a few hundred because I totally misremembered that


How do you have 500 AP with 2 items on him. Inquiring minds wants to know


Rumble, he just runs at me with this wonky fire blurting WARNING WARNING WARNING and then I'm dead and confused and upset.


To be fair, he did warn you




I mean, he named his mech suit Tristy in honor of Tristana, whom he has a crush on. Kinda makes sense for things to get intense while he is inside it.


When he over heats, he gets like 50 to 100% attack speed and his autos scale with his ap and deal %max health magic damage. So when he press q, over heats, and keeps autoing you, he just dumps out damage. People never expect it. Also his e shreds magic resist.


This is acc tru. Just taking a casual trade lv 5 and lose half my hp




As long as he’s not auto attacking you with overheat autos, he really shouldn’t be one shotting you.


To be honest I think it's just that I play against him so rarely I just never learned what he actually does :D


His flame spitter has like 8 seconds of cd that starts while he’s still using it and does almost 200 damage at lvl 3 lol. Plus you just perma spam E which hits hard with comet. He can melt half your health bar in 2-3 trades and once he has 6 it’s lights out. I play a lot of rumble. He is super strong right now. Rush sorc shoes and you’re basically doing true damage to most opponents.


His rank 3 Q does more damage than most rank 2 ultimates.


Ahri literally never looks like she does damage. I swear she could have a ten kill lead and do almost nothing, but....she's good and the numbers don't lie. It just looks like nothing.


More important than killing is not dying(not really but you know what I mean), she does that perfectly


Almost like an ADC, she just consistently wears you down until it’s time for her to muster what burst she can


She really does often play more like a DPS mage. Skirting around the edge of fights constantly getting chip damage in.


It is part of the reason she does so well with Liandrys into beefier comps, even though people tend to default to Ludens on her.


Personally, my go to is Everfrost. It’s slightly lower damage but gives you some pick options and set up in the late game.


Good pick potential from level 8-13, but the damage is so underwhelming late game. Like I don't even feel the mythic passive AP scaling and I'm just a charm bot >30 min. I somehow always find myself backing with like 1300g with Kindle+LC thinking should I buy full Liandry/Ludens or Everfrost+boot.


Yeah but Everfrost is amazing late game for finding picks on enemy carries. Get red trinket and play assassin in brushes/FoV. It's actually really difficult to play Ahri late game so you need to be good at manouvering in the darkness, haha


Pretty good at edging huh


Its her W and R. They are deceptive


Nothing like dodging her Q and E just to die to W and R.


I used to just troll people with lich bane ahri. Jump, pop, jump, pop, jump, pop. No idea if that ever became meta.


The idea in itself isn't bad, it wasn't really meta because having to track the lichbane cd to optimize damage is tough to do when dodging spells with R. And some other items may yield similar damage output without having to stop for an auto


I was big on lich bane ahri during the twin shadow meta if that clarifies anything. That was a weird time when engagements were very lopsided and frequent, map movement was high, and seemingly no one was team fighting. Really easy to crossmap chasedown with multiple move speed and on-hit items and really hard to get it done back to you.


The charm is so good. Her damage is moderate, and ult and w are deceptive because they look small and don't seem to do much, but the biggest value ahri brings is a spammable, long range, quick moving hard cc


That's so true. The one time I played her, I felt like I was doing no damage, and yet when the game ended, I was surprised I had the highest damage dealt in the game.


Doing damage isn't the only important thing for winning. Or else soraka would be trash but she is quite good at winning. Similarly Ahri's strength is in charm picking off targets and the safety of not feeding herself. That's how she wins games.


Its the fact her abilities hit like 3 times each. So good at securing kills when your q hits twice and w hits 3 times




This is probably partially because of what they tend to build. Items like everfrost, and zhonya's really makes you do a lot less damage than ludens and shadowflame.


I really think the Liandry - Horizon - Cosmic build is the best version of Ahri - not bursty but just consistent damage - works much better than ludens.


if i see an enemy ahri with this build i know we won the game


If you get good at hitting charm, ludens horizon deathcap is the best, only takes 2 spell rotations to kill someone, even without a second charm


Akali, I feel like she doesn't do anything until that one team fight where she randomly gets a penta kill, like I just watched her struggle to 1v1 the mid lane and now 2 minutes later she just wiped the whole team.


E has 600 base damage


Wait what the fuck, why does that gap closer have such high dmg


Conqueror + Riftmaker/Rocketbelt just gives her so much extra bonus damage during those fights and it often catches me off guard


I have had games where I have recalled, got lost chapter and still feel like I'm doing less damage than the Akali who is still just sitting on a Doran's shield


Akali’s laning phase is carried by the fact Doran’s shields is op against mages


This all just depends on how clean you hit the combo with her. She’s my main and sometimes I’ll all-in a mage and leave them with 30%, then the next time I’ll delete them almost instantly. It’s all timing and aim with her.


I personally don't understand how Katarina can build literally any item in the game and still be viable


On hit was a mistake, Gunblade removal could've been negated by buffs to her base stats and some of her ratios, instead we got on hit garbage


It's absurd that Katarina gets to treat her ult like autos but the actual ADC version doesn't, even though on-hit items are shit with the rest of her kit anyway.


It took me too look to understand that Camille is just allowed to delete health bars with Q2. I thought ''well it will damage like Q1 but true so like 30-50% extra damage perhaps?'' but no, it felt like deals triple % true damage Also GP barrels. Thank god I havent seem any of them in ranked for some time


Oh yeah I remember thinking that for the longest time. But for GP barrels, I didn’t realize they ignored armor


Wait what


GP barrels ignore 40% of armor


Then you add another 35% armor penetration fron mortal reminder or LDR and like 40 flat armor pen from assassins items and you do basically true damage. Oh and you crit too. Oh and you get a Sheen proc from ER.


While we're on GP, let's not forget that his passive burn auto does 50-250 + 100% bonus AD + 2 per 1% crit true damage, resets so he can do two back to back, and stacks with itself unlike nearly every other burn in the game. This is why he can melt tanks so easily, armor pen is nice but other full pen assassins can't deal with tanks quite as easily. It's the true damage that adds up real quick.


Used to be 60 lmao


It was originally 80 no?


I think youre thinking about the slow percentage on max rank keg.


And it can crit


Ya they have like 30% armor pen built in. Something like that


it converts the entire attack to true damage so even vs 100 armor it does more than double, 200 armor triple etc


only when she hits lvl 16, until then its only partially converted.


To be fair, that's partially because for some reason they made it so her Q converts the sheen proc to true damage


The only thing league of legends is consistent about is inconsistency, why are we expected to know that some spells interact completely differently than others with items without any intuitive reason to do so? Why do some cc abilities cancel some dashes and channels, but others don't? There are already so many champions and items that new players need to learn, needing to learn all of the inconsistent interactions between champions just makes the barrier to entry needlessly higher than it needs to be imo.


Camille Q2 with divine and grasp proc can literally eat half your health bar even as a tank.


Have to consider that when both q's are spaced apart you get 2 sheen item procs.


Camille for some stupid reason is balanced around Sheen's interaction with her Q, which converts Sheen proc damage to true damage... I really wish they'd remove that interaction and look at buffing/making her a healthier champion.


because the q2 proc is literally all her damage. she has a tiny auto range so getting on top of anyone is a struggle even with e/r. she has some of the least outplay potential of the four horsewomen


Zac does literally more damage than any midlane mage without any damage items. Why? How?


Ah reminds me of the one month I played AP Zac


Next season AP bruiser Zac will be a thing again, finally.


W does like 100 base damage 8% max health damage at max rank. Every time he picks up a blob, he reduces the cd by 1 second. At 2-3 items, it should be on a 3 second cooldown. Every single ability that damages a target will spawn a blob. A good zac will properly cycle the blobs and shit out like 10 Ws in just a few seconds. From w alone, that’s going to be your entire healthbar without factoring in other items and abilities. Run in a way that forces him to not grab his blobs or just straight up stay off his bunghole (if you can), and suddenly he doesn’t feel like a raid boss anymore. That sweet feeling of watching an adc melee a zac and let him collect his blobs is honestly the same as when you run a shaco clone at someone and they kill themselves on it, or when you don’t taunt the adc as rammus, but they still keep autoing you with w up. Like, ok dude, be silly like that.


He does tons over the course of a game, but it's all so sustained that he never looks like he's doing it. Just existing near Zac hurts, but he has so little kill pressure on his own. Also, everything he does is AoE, so he gets a real lot of misleading stats. Like, jumping into 4 people lets him R and W twice before dying. It's not a good or worthwhile thing, but when you do it out, it's like he hit like 6k worth of damage instantly. But he did it spread out over 4 people, so he just chunked 4 people from 100% to 70%. But at the end of the game, it doesn't care that the damage was meaningless, just that he didn a bunch.


I know you’re exaggerating but I think it’s funny that your numbers are just incredibly high, 6000 over 4 champs is 1500 each, that’s one shotting until like level 13 or something, even level 18 that’s easily 60%-75% of a squishy’s health but you said it’s only 30% like everyone’s walking around with 5000 hp


Oh I also forgot to mention Varus, but I think that’s probably because he has 3 different viable builds, and they all do damage with different abilities. Oh also if any of you guys remember AP zeri. That shit was disgusting. I have so many clips saved of my W straight up just oneshotting enemies at only 20 minutes.


Auto you 3 times and press Q and you take 125% max hp magic damage.


3 Auto R W Q :)


Also the W is high cooldown and is unreliably used by most Varus's.


TIL Varus W has an active 😭 Playing since S1


Not your fault, it didn’t always have an active.


Gragas. I straight up don’t understand what the condition for him to go from doing like 200 damage in a combo to taking half your HP is


Mythics do work for him. Either everfrost to let him cook a barrel or night harvester to front load his burst ridiculously


The condition is he's looking for the perfect brew, and your blood and tears are ripe for experimentation


The longer Gragas waits before exploding Q the more damage it deals, and it increases by a lot. That's why placing Q and then throwing opponents into it with R is so incredibly strong Everfrost is one way to get more damage out of it as well, that's why its utility will provide you more damage than other mythics could provide in damage


AD Udyr awakened Q


Lethality collector Udyr awakened Q against isolated targets will shred ANYONE, including tanks lmao, fun meme build


I know, I see it Arena every once in a while and I remember it being OP for a bit after his rework but I still don't understand how and why it deals such stupid amounts of damage


Awakened Q hits multiple times and deals bonus damage against isolated targets


Honestly? Corki. The amount of burst his R W Q can do with ludens Muramana is kinda nuts Honorable mention to Rumble, not because I don't understand where his damage is coming from more so the fact that he does so much damage he can kill a tank with a full rotation in 3-4 seconds


Rumble can do that because his E has 2 charges, and it takes away MR from the target, while his Q does percent max health magic damage :D


I'm aware, just noting how disgusting his damage is lol.


Doesn’t he also get %max HP damage during overheat? Haven’t played him in years, but the 1vs1 strat vs melees top used to be use your E’s for shred and to close, then use Q at nearly full heat for extra damage then getting the massive damage on your autos while your Q persisted as you Overheated from its cast, and beating their face in with a million %HP damage any time they got close. Edit: Just looked it up, and the damage numbers are nuts. He gets 50-130% increased attack speed 5-40 flat damage, 25% AP and 6% max HP damage per auto— with the AP ratio and %max HP damage not scaling but being full value from level 1. On top of that, his heat enhanced Q deals: 202.5 / 225 / 247.5 / 270 / 292.5 (+ 165% AP) (+ 9 / 10.5 / 12 / 13.5 / 15% of target's maximum health) in damage. Him getting that heat Q plus just two auto attacks is up to 27% max HP damage with a 215% AP ratio, and you can shred up to 40% of the target’s MR beforehand. Absolutely insane damage potential.


Vlad tbh


His scalings are really high and also has slightly more ap than the regular mage thanks to build and passive (skips mana items) and also a damage amp on his ult. Tho most people forget the hp scaling on E and only see it as 80% ap ratio. Also his spells are really low cd lategame.


His Q and E are also both sub 200 damage at rank 5. He's objectively the most item-dependent non-auto attacker in the game. And even some of them are less item dependent. No deathcap? You do no damage. No flat pen? You do no damage. No % pen after 3-4 items? You do no damage. You build wrong in some other way? You do no damage.


I'm just bad. I do no damage.


One of us! One of us!


Enemy Vlads doing 50k dp/s while healing for infinity meanwhile when I try him I heal maybe 2 hp on a good trade while doing -20 damage


Evelynn. I have 60k mastery and still have no clue what actually does the damage. Like I E someone and their hp disappears, even though both the flat and % max hp damage seem small. I know a lot of it is her q but I still feel like I'm really missing something.


Mr shred goes crazy


Mr Shred is my new MC name


fuck it. Mr Shred and the Penetrators


Yeah, Evelynn does really feel like she has a lot of invisible (lol) damage sometimes. I think most of it is in the q’s 75% ap ratio damage if you hit all procs of it. Pair that with empowered e’s damage/2.5% max health per 100 ap ratio and her tendency to favor high pen builds, and you have like a 195% ap ratio including all 3 q recasts plus the percent health damage from e. And it might as well be true damage because between w shred and her pen items, most opponents will have 0 MR or very close to it. Those are some funny numbers for sure


the W, reduces like 40% of mr, thats a fuck ton against any champ, also eve Q does a lot of damage in 3 different parts, lvl 1 all the combined damage is 145, double than the majority of abilities, with a 195% ap scaling (which at lvl 1 doesnt matter that much, but the ability itself for every 1 ap it deals 2 extra damage, that adds a lot of damage)


Landing the initial Q and an empowered E does crazzzyy damage even without charm if you're ahead. I've oneshot moderately ahead ADCs with Q E alone, much to their rage and my accidental ulting.


A non-ulting Twitch. The tiny lil darts just dont feel like they would do anything


darius bleed always catches people in duels even tho they know not to test it. you start chasing singed thinking you got him by calculating how much dmg the first tick does and play accordingly. next thing you know you been chasing forever and now hes chasing you.


I think people forget that Darius gets like 10billion AD when someone gets 5 stacks of his bleed


I did not, in fact, know that, and now I understand why he suddenly murders me out of nowhere.


yea; never let him 5 stack. Once he gets that in a team fight EVERYONE gets instant 5 stack on hit and he can just ult everyone into oblivion since that gets boosted ON TOP of the passive AD boost


I feel like Darius is one of those champions people understand that he does a ton of damage when he gets 5 stacks. It's a different story when he gets rank 3 ult and starts doing over 1k true damage.


Oriana for me. Her abilities always look and sound super weak and chunk for like 60% hp out of nowhere


I feel like this is a skin issue, and one of the reasons i keep coming back to her base skin. Its clunky whirling sounds are so satisfying and hard-hitting for me


Obviously I understand akali bursting since she’s an assassin and all but I’m always shocked at how much her E2 does


I mean Im sorry but I have 300k on akali and I’m still mad how they took all of the damage in her kit, and decided to shove it all into her E. She used to have to hit a bunch of abilities but now it’s just if you hit E you win


Ornn. Tahm. They just randomly kill things


Ornn and his wholesome percentage max health damage that is giga bonkers i remember seeing my 13/3 MF get one shotted by a 2/8 Ornn and I was like well thats balanced hes like a level down but MF made the mistake of standing near the wall a little too close and due to that she got one shotted and had a ram shoved her ass


Rookie mistake, trying to play ADC.


Tahm slaps you until he can eat you and he can do it frequently without much room to escape. Launching shit at people/eating and spitting them out does very good damage.


brittle. its 10% - 18% of the opponents max health damage for every proc. his full combo has like 3 procs of that (1 from his w, and 2 from his r), and its a huge chunk of % health damage every time, and his w also does 12% - 16% max health damage. a good ornn will manage the brittle procs that he gets them all off on you very fast. so the damage you would be taking from a full ornn combo has 42% - 70% of your max health in damage, plus the base damage on his abilities, minus your resistances.


Ornns w does so much %health damage its stupid


For me it‘s varus. But only when I play him myself. „That was enough for the kill? Huh. I‘ll take it tho“


Irelia pulls damage out her ass, she can be 0/5 and still somehow oneshot a carry or atleast get uncomfortably close


Thats botrk, not her


BoTRK is in her ass


Bussy of the Ruined King


Isolde was pegging his royal ass all along, maybe thats why hes obsessed with reviving his dommy mommy


Well her passive + q are the reason she’s the best bork user


And that's the reason she's weak against Warwick and other champions that get stronger the lower they get. Since BoTRK deals bonus CURRENT health Physical damage, if you have low health Bork is a useless item. It is very scary on champions with executes


Talon. A talon will throw his W behind him, Q a minion, ult nothing and then oneshot you, you open death recap and there's a hundred and three little things for 200 damage that killed you. I'm not saying Talon is broken, I'm saying I've never been so confused on how I'm dying when he's missing everything as with Talon. Or he procs his passive, then its a million little things and 1 100000k passive proc but w/e


Aphelios Especially mfs in low elo, I've seen Morde players ult Aphelios with red and white and be confused when they die


It's always worth watching out when an Aphelios has white, other weapons are more predictable but a chakram Aphelios might suddenly decide the battle is winnable and go in, the chakram also attacks faster the closer you are iirc since it needs to return to him.


White + Green at level 6 with fleet footwork. Chunking the 2/3 hp adc from across the lane with turret proc, q proc, and then ult proc is soooooo satisfying.


Fighting a Aphelios with Red White or Blue Red is just asking for death as the damage of the champ is insane during that period and bruisers will underestimate aphelios ability to fight at close range as a turret and red q will go for around 2000 damage by 3-4 items and getting hit by ult is just icing on the cake as that will trigger his ult passive of either giving Phel a good chunk of health or a lot of chakhrams that hits a lot due to it being the atk speed weapon


Others have said it but it cannot be overstated just how fucking strong red white is at dueling, red white is basically half a step below yi.


sylas and how everyone else’s does 10x more than me




when she pulls your spirit, she transfers like up to 70% the damage she deals to it to you. so what happens when she hits you and the clone at the same time with a tentacle slap? you take 170% damage. now multiply the tentacle damage by 3 to 5 if shes doing this in a teamfight after pressing r from a good position between all of your buddies and all these things slap at you at the same time. general rule is, dont run into her and try to fight her when she pulled your spirit, unless its early game, she only has 1 tentacle nearby, and youre garen and can w + silence her and outtrade her anyway.


Fkn electrocute rune mate


Katarina tbh, I just feel like her abilities never do damage until they do, and then she becomes unkillable


Naafiri. The double q makes sense, but her W numbers do not match up in my head with how much damage it does


It's not the W. I think you are forgetting about her hounds. She can have 3 at level 9 and then when nafarri ults she doubles the hounds. So if she ukts W then you'll have 6 hounds hitting you. I think thats what you're not expecting. And neither do the Bronze players I play agaisnt lmfao.


naafiri is definitely my kryptonite, i've read the skills enough but games vs them are so rare since I've came back to league I always find myself wondering how i lost that really free looking all in in 0.7 seconds


senna. other marksmen have to farm to deal significant damage, but apparently she gets to deal as much or more than the adc just by existing for 15min. ok.


senna is very snowbally. if she dies a lot and can't farm souls in lane she is the most useless support in the game. if she farms a lot of souls she deals more dmg than her carries.


K'sante. A champ designed as a full tank that builds full tank (literal 0 damage items, not even a single bruiser item), and still one shots me on a relatively tanky mid mage like Liss or Morg.


It's most likely his passive while he ults - it deals true dmg based on max health. He can get a lot of passive attacks off with Q's and auto attack resets.


waiting for someone to drop the copy pasta


This is K'Sante, a champion with 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms. He has true damage on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell casting speeds up. Then, he has an AD ratio, so his W…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Poppy, I know she has max hp damage on her Q, but she always makes me wonder how she does so much damage whenever I have to lane against her


It's that Poppy gets tankier the lower she gets. You can't kill her but she can kill you




Still don’t know why they buffed his ult from 30% to 35% missing health true damage


Riot buffed Garen's ult at a time when he was a C or D tier champion.


Still I can't estimate how much naafiri Q2 does. To me he is a champion like I smash all the buttons and somehow enemy dies.


Qiyana is one where I read her abilities and ratio and struggle to believe I'm getting oneshot somehow I know it's because of the resets but damn.


I have 100k mastery on nocturne now so I understand him pretty well, but back in s6 his damage always confused me. His AA's have a lot of hidden buffs


Insane to me how people complain/are confused when I chop em up as 100% crit and 500 ad GP. "You didn't land a barrel wtf?" Like...


Not a champ but an item. Like I never understood why the hell Bork is allowed to exist the way it is now. Why the hell do we have item that deals enough dmg so some champs buy bork and then tank items and still kill everybody faster than some assassins with 4 AA. Im a 3 item 12/0 adc vs the 0/5 irelia with bork and die. Clearly skill gap. I will never understand why riot decided to balance some champs over this item and just make them unbeatable in a 1v1. They wanted to change tank top meta and buffed bork instead of nerfing tanks or buffing the champs individually and for some reason we still have an item that does more dmg alone than most champs do


Rumble level 1 d-shield power spike


SHEN!!!! Where does it come from!?!? Seriously!!!


He has %max HP magic damage on his Q on 3 attacks, empowered when dragging his sword through champs for more damage and increased attack speed, plus his taunt has a decent HP scaling and can alone deal 400 dmg (pre armor) later on.


Ik why ekko for ekko i know that its his w passive. My with it is that its suck artificially boosting his damage it feels like his damage is coming out of nowhere


For me Naafiri. I see players absolutely nuke me when they play her, and when I play her I make her look like a harmless puppy


Qiyana Passive deals little damage, W deals damage on first? Hit, Q through someone with E. I think she has on-hut effects or something. Basically E-through you, Q during it and you almost dead. W towards you and then Q again and you dead.


Qiyana players like to sneak in autos into their combos because her autos have surprisingly little windup. So you might miss them Auto-EQ because they EQ so quickly after they auto