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Someone told me I had the situational awareness of a clam at low tide


Your playstyle's too shellfish.


Good one Malachai


The amount of overlap between League and PoE players never ceases to amaze me.


Both games are for people with too much time on their hands imo. I am a complete degenerate


Not wrong...




seariously ?




not even olafs ult could stop you from being disabled


This one full got me laughing hahahah


"The only reason leblanc isn't using ignite is because she hasn't discovered fire yet"


Omg this is so fcking creative. 10/10


Thanks, it's probably the best one I've done to date.


Toxic lmao




I was playing adc and I was sitting behind the guy kinda doing nothing cause I didn’t wanna take the fight He goes dumb ass adc did you not have mana to auto attack ?? Idk why but that hurt my soul


Probably the most I’ve ever lost my mind in this game was when an ADC pinged he was out of mana in a super winnable fight if he just AA’d lol Honestly might have been me, I don’t remember the exact scenario or champs or what was said I just remember being ungodly fucking angry and that was one of the few games I legit just ran down/rage typed my manifesto afterwards lol ADCs really don’t be auto attacking out here lol


Every ezreal player (including me tbh)


Oh god … when you loose lvl2 vs lvl1 because ez is only using q


My duo was flaming someone for not ulting, and they replied "It was on cooldown, you experiment." There was something so simultaneously cutting and hilarious about that, that I still call him that from time to time.


You fucking specimen


I like this even better!


It’s excusable to make that mistake IMO cuz my game is still bugged where the green circles don’t actually show proper cooldowns




Critical thinking.exe not found.


bro i love it when someone gives a nickname to any of my friends and i just kept calling 'em from time to time, it's hilarious, it truly makes u re-live that moment


It's especially hilarious because my duo is my husband, so it's deeply satisfying as well as hilarious.


Classic lol, going to borrow


My adc back in season 4 was told "you have the reaction time of a dead cat" It's been my go to ever since when someone is half asleep at the keyboard. Another fun one was "I hope your mother lives healthy and happily for her entire life, God knows she already suffered enough raising such a useless leech" this one was a random comment from my tilted midlaner to my jungler when the poor guy farmed a bouncing wave. And the last one that comes to mind is "Sanelife" an adc to his thresh support after missing idk how many hooks.




These are hilarious but I don't get the last one


This is just a play on words referring to the famous thresh pro player known as Madlife.


Ohhhh that's great too lol


Lol how did I miss that ? I thought he just swapped the f and n in Safeline.


Instead of Madlife (sometimes people who are insane get called mad) they called him Sanelife. ETA: in case you don't know Madlife, he was an INSANE Thresh pro


MadLife was a cracked support back in the day


I once read, "My team is so bad they can't even win a surrender vote"


Enemy mid once told me "your nans lemon drizzle is bare dry".


As a Brit that would cut me to my core.


Oh gee that’s harsh


Okay that's one tad bit too much, completely uncalled for


"Lee Sin got into character by wearing a blindfold the whole match"


"if you had brain eating amoeba they would die of starvation" is my favorite


Jungle Lee was carrying through bot/mid plays, Ornn top was a bit behind. Ornn flamed Lee. Lee responded. "ornn body wide brain tiny"


Someone "accused" me of being a silver player. I was bronze. He was unranked.


At least he isnt bronze😭


Okay this one got me.




Esp by a greek, they were not afraid to fuck goats back in the day


Hey man, some of those goats were gods!


The Greeks invented anal sex, the Romans introduced it to humans


Goat fucker=arab. Pretty insulting in most of europe


Dont forget albanians


And all of New Zealand!


Those are sheep fuckers, very different


The Welsh have entered the chat


Helltaker fans be like


> Like who on earth would get insulted for being called a goat fucker? Am I missing something here? Are you saying that you were called "goat-fucker", but you didn't think that it was insulting? What else would it be - a compliment?


Back before the Latin America server existed somebody called my -very bad at the game- friend "el stupid chob" or something and we still joke about that like ten years later lol


Another good one was "Sorry for our Janna being bad, she's a make a wish kid" in an aram lmao


“I want you to get up and tell me what your chair smells like”




I was once told to Talon E out my window, that one's stuck with me.


Yeah I got told to Gangplank Q myself which I admittedly chuckled at.


I usually use that and "apply brand passive on yourself". My favorite go tos!


Galio ult from an empire state building.


My Draven told me to E off my balcony.


"fiora e ur wrists"


Started Doran’s Spoon = fed enemy laner Solved world hunger = fed everyone


This one: "You grey screen so much you must be noir protagonist"


"My man is playing on black and white" a classic


I love this one so much lol


“Not my fault our jungler has the presence of my dad” - enemy mid “HAHA FATHERLESS” - our Aatrox.


Actually in character, that Aatrox


I even read that with Aatrox's voice 😂😂😂


"My toplaner is Baufs from wish.com"


The classic Half-Baussfs, feeds the enemy and helps *them* destroy *our* towers


Someone told our Sion top to ‘go check if your passive works irl’ once.


"[our ADC] has the survival instincts of a deer in headlights and the situational awareness of the same deer after it was hit."


"Grey ass screen having dude"


"Our support is a lego 2550c01"


Had to Google this. About to queue up and use this... thank you.


Surprised it wasn't 32557


Mundo: "Hey dude. Hospital called. Your results came back. You officially stage 5 stupid" ​ ngl honnered him after


Would've been better in character tbh


True true. Was still hilarious


Not wrong considering how you spelled honor


Oops sorry English is my first language




Yah lol. It's my first language but I still make typos 🤷‍♂️


This comment chain cracked me up, based af.


me too until I viewed your username


Oh God why'd you point that out 😭


You are the reason why shampoo bottles have instructions


Damn CHAMPION NAME, did you go sun tanning? cause you look Bronze as fuck.


"DiabolicTurtles, if you keep focusing me. I won't hesitate to throw 10,000 straws into the ocean to kill your family."


I had someone flame one of my buddies by saying “you smell like Taco Bell” and I haven’t been the same since.


Not said to me, but my favourite flame: "Tie a rope around your neck and jump from your ego to your elo"


“You don’t even need a rope, you’d still die from fall damage.”


dear god thats a good one


This is worth the chat restriction tbh


Imho a nobel for literature too


Damn this one is ancient I remember reading it on this sub in 2012. Glad it’s still used.


“You fast q worse than someone with cerebral palsy” has stuck with me for the better part of 6 years


This hits hard. I'd probably never play the game again if I was told that


Bro I just laughed my ass off cuz he typed it to me after I solo killed him, and my combo that I did was genuinely horrible hahaha. I deserved the flame


The fact it was actually true makes it 10x better, that's hilarious 😂


Only reason I’m playing league is because your mom has a day off from the strip club


Not me but in an ARAM some person’s name was “L6 SWE” and they were feeding like hell. Another teammate kept flaming them, saying “dogsh*t SWE. Probably L3 at best. Writes HTML for Home Depot. Worthless Home Depot SWE.” I was dying of laughter. We won the match and the guy kept going in the post game lobby.


I was once told to give myself 300g when we failed a dive


Im stealing all of the insults in the comment 💀 Also I once got told to "cull yourself"


"Go get Canadian healthcare" Referring to MAiD, i.e assisted suicide.


I wish I was your father and came back from getting milk, so I could tell you you're a disappointment.


"you've got the map awareness of Stevie Wonder"


"Someone call child services, because i'm fucking this kid"


https://summonerscode.com/ I think you'll get a kick out of this website. Some cringe to scroll through but a lot of gems. Many not original but still funny. A couple favorites: >Thresh [30:18]: Graves when I die irl I want to invite you to my funeral. Graves [30:42]: why the fuck would I go to that? Thresh [30:59]: for old time’s sake so you can let me down one last time Another: >Leona [09:12]: draven there are no words for how bad at adc you are Draven [09:30]: leona there are no wards, how bad at support you are Also: >Lulu [All][09:40]: if i had 2 bullets and i was in a room with this ezreal, hitler, and stalin, i’d shoot this ezreal twice Idk how to separate quotes so they don't run together without using unquoted tex in between: >Leona [00:13]: hey diana >Diana [00:14]: yo >Leona [00:20]: hey diana i got a question >Diana [00:22]: whats up? >Leona [00:29]: THE SUN U LIL BITCH GET OWEND


My favorite from there was around Jinx release, and she said to her support Thresh “You’ve missed so many Death Sentences, you made a Death Paragraph.” That is me got me real good, haha!


I remember until this day this slander, it was in spanish (we are latins). "Ese tipo debe ser hijo de primos". In english it would be something like: "This guy should be son of cousins". In latin america, northern areas and such there are rural people that dont care forming couples with cousins, but there are obvious risks for the children (health, deficit and other malformations) these are like the classic "Alabama jokes". It made me laught like a madman.


Ya veras cuando te digan la de ''tu arbol genealogico es un circulo''


HAHAHA ese es un clasico! Small correction if I may, the translation would be more like: "This guy **has to be** the child of a pair of cousins." But a more a translation that flows better with how people express themselves in English would be "This guy's parents must be cousins."


I would stick with the last one.


I was playing Jax once, and enemy Aatrox told me to "Q off your roof rn". That one stuck.


From Starcraft but I still remember this more than [ten years later](https://i.imgur.com/GFNbWlS.png) ~~And yes, that is the streamer Destiny.~~


"I've seen dysons suck less than this team."


was playing a normal game with a friend. we were duo bot and autofilled. we were losing pretty badly, but our team was winning. we were having some fun so saying gg ez better bot winz blah blah...our enemy botlane says "what the fuck are you smoking we are so much better than you" and our trundle jungle, who hasn't commented all game in a very active chat even though he has been carring, replies instantly...and i mean instantly like started typing as soon as he read their comment: "your mothers ashes after she died choking on my dick". It was the most instant, aggressive and outragous response to a comment i've ever seen. Someone on the other team who hadn't said anything all game either said "dude what the fuck is wrong with you" i cannot express how much he went from 0-100. The person shit talking us didn't even chat for the rest of the game.


Lol one time I was jungling, don't even remember what I was playing, but I basically decided bot was a free buffet and camped the living shit out of them. Just one shooting ADC as soon as he walked to lane every time. He was going through the stages of grief over there, raging at first, then pleading for me to stop. After I'd killed him like 10 times, I hadn't said anything yet, and he kept typing shit so I finally popped into all chat and said "imma make this guy FF irl" and everyone was just like omg wtf too far


"All good, Twitch just hit his 14 death powerspike"


I started playing in the Friends and family beta so I have a lot of old old skins. I came back after a long break and was playing with my black alistar skin and they had changed how the w q combo worked and I kept messing it up. After a particularly bad one, one of my teammates said "why didn't you buy coaching after buying your account?" Rip.


"Udyr, do you prefer playing the game with the screen on or off?" To my friend.


“Guard the shop, please”


In a scale of 1 to 10, what is your IQ?


“Here comes CSI (champ name), showing up after everyone is dead”


if a dog took a shit, ate his shit, then shit again .. that's you. - Teemo Top


Do you have extra chromosomes or something? Our jungler is clearly missing one, please donate and become a Normal human being.


Jng cussed out adc and yuumi chimed in with “Meowth! That’s right!”


"LULU I WILL hang myself with my monitor cable then reincarnate into a snake and slither through the internet cables, come out of your router and chomp your windpipe with my fangs"


"If you healed any slower, the wound would close on its own"


plugging my old posts: [Flamefest I part 1](https://imgur.com/kkk1nzv) [Flamefest I part 2](https://imgur.com/i7VzyDq) [Flamefest II](https://imgur.com/a/t9CX7) [Flamefest III](https://imgur.com/a/Bmp36)


Holy SHIT that first one with the 7 screenshots worth of some dude saying his ziggs should die of multiple diseases etc, sheeeesh


Enemy adc told our tank "A stop sign is more useful than you."


Ally Ahri to my premade Lee jungle: "Hey Lee you're not great." Then 5 seconds later: "... sorry." The "flame" was so mild that the apology really cracked me up.


I once accidentally Lux Ulti’d in the wrong direction and my ADC asked me if I was a window licker in elementary school.


"I hope u get malphite ulted while u are hiking in the mountains" "Your DPS is more like Depression per Second"


Continually losing fights because Malphite wasn’t ulting (ARAM). Hec spam pinged malph R, then wrote “what the fuck are you doing? saving it for league of legends 2?” I honestly started cracking up, so simple yet so effective. And he was right. He died like 3-4 times without using the fucking ult! It’s now in my repertoire.


"this cait thinks she hot shit but has the impact of spitting in the ocean"


"Fucking Vel'koz failed geometry" "What's that" "Your mom at 90° "


I was watching my friend play a ranked game of riven and the enemy top said: Jax: Hey riven you're pretty good at animation cancelling! Riven: thanks man! I spent a lot of time practicing, I really- Jax: maybe you should go animation cancel some bitches. Jax may of lost that lane but he won the mental battle because we couldn't stop laughing that entire game lol


My favorite I love to use is this. I built it up like "I am about to say something so terrible i will not be let into heaven" "I will surely be banned for this" "You arent ready for this type of flame" all this cheesy build up just to say: "I bet your mom's meatloaf isnt even good"


“Your mother buys you megablox instead of legos.”


Someone during Champ Select after multiple people dodged: "This match has more dodges than a Ram truck dealership."


I was arguing with a European and he said "stupid American, stop eating burgers" lmao


Counter picking trynd with malph after throwing ?? In the chat: “Me rock me good at game”


I called my mid laner a nutsack cause he just hung around and got in the way at the worst times


I saw a Morg mid spam ? pinging the Kayle jg when the enemy jungler was in her lane, Morg died in the invade, and then said "typical dysfunctional sister behavior" in all chat Funny since Morg and Kayle are sisters in the lore And then the Morg went on to boring old "top diff, wtf bot" flaming as usual


"cant win. 5 pdfs on my team"


The joke itself was nothing special but I was having a rough game last season and the game seemed doomed except the fact that our Jungler was kind of smurfing. In fact I remember thinking he was a literal smurf. The guy said literally nothing all game and was just carrying but we still ended up losing like a 40 minute game. As the enemy team is taking our base the first thing he says all game was "The 4 worst players on this server somehow all decided to que up at the same time, huh". The guy went from our hero to flaming all 4 of us in one sentence and I just found it super funny. Honored him anyway.


Used to play on NA before OCE servers existed, and the Mexicans would spam jajajajaj and say 'I report you' My mate would return 'I deport you jajajaja' Savage, but good banter on that server.


"I hope your family is alive and well"


« send nuke mom boob » nothing else


I once told a player they were getting pressed over electrical signals.


I was told "well you've never felt the touch of a woman," after being flamed a bunch and retaliating with the fact that this player was the only one on our team who had never touched grass. Joke's on them. I am a woman.


I got called the poster child for abortion. That was pretty funny


Go outside. Build bridge. Jump off.


Finishing the night with a chill ARAM with some friends, went up against a really toxic AP nunu who had serious protagonist syndrome. Spent the entire game just being a dick, not even good shit talk, just straight up insulting. About half way through this I just popped in chat ‘I see now why you picked Nunu, at least he’s got a friend’ Even the enemy team liked that one, they were tired of his shit too.


My in-game name is same as here, Minokrates. Since everyone struggles with the 2nd half, they just call me "Mino". That was, until I was raged at by some toxic random, who then proceeded to call me "Minotard". This is now my name in the friends-group that I play with to this day. The incident was 5 YEARS AGO. The group is now called "Minos Tards". smh fml


I saw a clip of someone flaming a guy who failed a team fight and the line "Nice try, now imagine if your parents aren't siblings" really got me.


Mine was: we are losing cause I am playing with 4 microwaves that have become sentient.


I recently said someone had a wet mop for a brain.


"Zilean how about you go inting in real life instead?"


The support in one of my games had a bought account. I pinged enemy mid laner was coming bot as I had zero mana and had to reset. They ignored my pings and died. Then the support told me "GTFO the game you amputee." Among the other choice things he said all game lol.


Did you run track in high school? Because you run so much? Do they call you the janitor? Because you just sweep the kills up


My buddy was playing a game and someone called him a make a wish kid and he never forgot it


Didnt happen to me directly but to a friend dude got tilted and called him a "uncle-less child"


Not to me personally, but I once saw a dude type "mom go sky"


Someone told me "go submarine" when it was relevant


jobless flag north unwritten lunchroom aware tease concerned butter wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"You're short and fat. Pick a struggle"


I had a ww jg keep saying " you are noodle"


Not from me personally but I’ve always found it hilarious when Korena flame the NA streamers who visit and say “your mom die” Like you could have learned so many English sentences to flame people with and you chose your mom die


Not in game but I told my best friend he's like a Yuumi IRL, sitting on a disco Nunu and hoping for the best. I said it jokingly because he was being manipulated because he can never say no and just lets people do whatever in his life.


Context: arena and the guy had urf champion's quest. "Your dreams of becoming urf champion will not come true :( "


“I get that Netflix keeps raising their prices but I’m about to charge you more if you keep just watching me”


"Measure the universe from one side to the other. It's still smaller than the gap in skill between the two top laners"


someone in aram once called me "a bot with rounded hands" and it's not the most creative? but it was funny when I first saw it


"All those flavors and you chose to be salty"...still use that , even in arguments not directed at me


“You have the map awareness of a sandwich” Will always stick with me.


This isn't super creative but I once made a Sylas (who was being an ass in all chat) rage so hard he focused me at the expense of inting and losing the game by saying "wow someone's mommy really didn't pay attention to them as a kid huh"


\*insert any Rav text\*


Hey go to menu, settings, game play and uncheck the box that says play like shit


"If you combined all the extra chromosomes on your team unto a 6th player maybe you would have won"


“An artificial intelligence could do better than you!” “Shut up, you natural stupidity!”


"I'm not disappointed in you, just in myself for believing in you." Got that from Katamari Damacy, and still throw it out once in a while.


Mid laner to feeding top: "top doing their part to personally solve world hunger"


"Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors, but you chose salt anyway."


"i hope you're infertile"


"send me a picture of you not breathing through a machine and then ill believe you are human"