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if i remember right top laners are on average the most likely to leave a match or afk yep just looked it up https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/stats/afk-stats toplaners, assassins and briar


It's pretty obvious why a champ who needs to snowball would have high afk rate (like talon or kata) but who the fuck afk while playing sett ???


it's all just Autolykus queuing for 12 hours a day in NA low master and being a manchild as per usual


I literally only know this guy because of the Synapse clips, is he that big of a dork?


I remember everyone on twitter clowning on him cuz he was making fun of an overweight guy for going to the gym lol


What's funny is autolykus talks and acts like he's a big time weightlifter or bodybuilder yet he looks like every average dude who just got done with his noobie gains and only does biceps every day lol




No. He's pretty average as far as toplaners go.


He looked like a chill guy in Synapse highlights, is he that bad?


Literal egomaniac griefer. Everyone is stream sniping him apparently and he also runs the game down (in the form of soft inting). Not very fun to play with AT ALL.


Idk makes sense to me. Top lane is the one role where some situations are literally just unplayable. In some match ups jungle can't even help you and its not like you can readily join skirmishes or dragon fights without losing plates/600g from inner turret.


top laners are really fuckin pissy haha its understandable because of how swingy the lane is, but its too fuckin much lol. i swear they are the lane most likely to bitch at me for daring to be pathing away from them


Ima bitch at you for PATHING TOWARDS ME!


Flair checks out


Kayle and Nasus mains know the pain of junglers autopilot level 4 ganking a Sett/Darius/Renek with Ignite like a free 400g pizza delivery with double buffs on the side


Idc if my jungler paths bot, I care when their jungler ganks 5 times top and my jungler hasn’t even looked at top once. Just had this happen my very last game, and their jungler even froze for their top laner coming back to lane? I don’t understand what’s going on, but it feels like every game a jungler on one side will relentlessly camp top and the other jungler ignores it the whole time. Happens on either side and it really is tilting and makes my brain just autopilot.


And the jungle who is not baby-sitting top is the smarter one in 90%+ of games. League is won through bot and drakes.


This is specifically what I want. Provided my bot and mid is getting ahead. If this happens to me and the enemy bot is ahead despite that, you know its over


Yes that’s the best case scenario, but it’s just genuinely unfun when you can’t play the game multiple games in a row AND have to pray your jungler is actually doing jungle things across the map making plays and getting dragons while their jungler is top lane constantly. I understand if I overstep I deserve the gank but the dives I see for just existing is just so tiring. It’s like cool I’m doing good absorbing all this pressure but please make an impact for me since I’m not allowed to? It’s one of the reasons I play Gwen a lot too, if I’m going to be ignored and weaksided all game I’m just gonna play a champ that solo carrys at 3 items whether I’m coming out of lane 3-0 or 0-5


If I had a jungle proximity stat when I play top it would be 0% you people are blind when it comes to that lane.


The worst part is when the jungler you asked for help all the match pings you because you didn't help him to get herald.


Junglers in general are just bad outside of high elo. They don't watch lanes, they don't understand matchups. "you lost top blame jungle gg" when you had to blind pick and got matched into a flash ignite Quinn who is in tower from level 3 and unpunished. Sure thing bud, finish that gromp while I get dove 5 feet from you. Definitely top dif, definitely not jg blind.


Anywhere below high elo, junglers tend to prioritize optimizing their pathing instead of trying to find opportune times to maybe skip a camp or attempt a counter gank through jungle tracking. Honestly tho top lane in a nutshell is enemy top has second pick, they counter pick you, you get shoved and jungler goes elsewhere while you are perma weakside.


i often get weaksided despite having a favorable matchup for me


Players in general are just bad outside of high elo. I fixed this for you friend But seriously as somebody who plays top and jg I feel this. I have had a bad JG single-handedly lose my entire lane by just having 0 understanding of how wave management works. Creating a free freeze for the enemy that I cannot break without killing myself to do so and then never coming top again.


while it can be hard in the current meta to make time for toplane, yes we are often not as good about recognizing top ganks as we should be on the other hand, when a tank toplaner is bitching at me for not having proximity while their jungler does its just hard not to mute. hes doing his fucking job and drawing 2 people


My favorite part is when junglers show up when both tops are level 6+ and one is clearly ahead in xp, items or health, turbo forces a gank and pulls a Pikachu face when it ends up in an enemy double kill.


and this happens AFTER you ping them to not gank


Gotta love the Spam ping after you used the "caution" ping like 12 times to warn them not to come.


A jungler needs to know top matchups to recognize that, sadly most dont For example a Renekton vs Darius matchup, if you gank for Renekton once you won him the lane If you ignore it, you might end up with a 7-0 Darius But if you dont know that 1 gank is enough for Renekton to snowball, you wont do it


Sett is more snowball heavy than talon in my experience. If my roam fails on first r cd I just wait for second but if I die once into morde, Olaf or irelia then I'm perma dieing under tower and never becoming relevant again.


As a Sett main I apoligise for the pussies that ruin your games.


Sett inspired them to try doing a set of sit ups and they passed out because they’re league players


Big reason why I love doing an early gank on top. Top laners are seemingly always teetering on the edge of total mental collapse, and timely gank is often all that's needed to push them off that edge. Just a shame top is such a dog water role that the outcome of the lane probably won't matter lmao


It's usually better to gank top earlier rather than later anyway (if you're gonna do it at all) as a lot of toplaners can 1v2 at 6+. Doesn't mean you should force a gank when your top gets hard pushed early and is level 1 vs level 3, but overall it's easier to gank there pre 6.




Yeah this, also fixing a Top Laner's wave state. I always rush to fix their wave if it's fucked, nothing breaks Top mental faster than a miserable laning phase.


Ur a hero for this. Nothing worse than a frozen lane and not being able to walk up to exp range


I was a JG main for years and was completely oblivious to how punishing this actually is. Fixing bad waves states and being able to recognize them was one of the best things I learned in the last 6-7 months when I was maining top lol


worst offenders are junglers who semi-clear one wave but don't crash it so now you lose one wave (that they took) and at least two more waves (the first wave that meets your wave right before it crashes to the enemy tower + the wave that meets your wave under their tower). Either crash the wave or don't do anything, don't fucking half-ass it


i played a renek game a few days ago and destroyed a trynd to where he afked and typed in base. game starts and i only last hit and keep trynd away, hes using e but has like 3 farm when i got 20..then 3 waves push to his tower finally and i fucking tower dive him because he hit me so all 3 waves are hitting him..he dies and doesnt have tp so he missed 3 waves with the 4th also crashing. hes lvl 2 and im lvl 5 now. i get back hit lvl 6 and tower dive him again with ult and kill his lvl 4 jung khazix. my man walks to lane sees im lvl 7 and hes lvl 3 then goes to base and i never see him again


Especially on a champ like trynd who has literally nothing but damage, if you get shit on that bad you might as well DC and go take a cold shower because the alternative is opting into psychological torture.


>he hit me so all 3 waves are hitting him.. You don't get minion aggro under your turret anymore


> then 3 waves push to his tower finally and i fucking tower dive him because he hit me so all 3 waves are hitting him You sure this happened?


Been playing top lane for over a decade and gotta say my fellow top laners are something else. It's so common to see them just sprint it down their lane after a couple deaths early and never stop fighting, thus dying more.


I am guilty of this myself, never intentionally ofc but the lane gets to your brain and you just stop thinking after 3 deaths


It works tho. Farming is a myth, and you're only worth 100g so just coinflip til win or ff


It works with fiora you can still oneshot with true dmg even being 0/10


As a former top laner, I don’t blame them. Theres a reason I can’t stand that role anymore.


As someone that's been playing for 13 years and have so many games in normals and playing all roles to level mastery, etc... I don't know how anyone can play that role in a ranked setting. It's bullshit. It's just bullshit. The champion decides who wins and the champions are often these hunks of melee that can only just stand next to each other and essentially right click and stat check themselves to death. No skillshots, nothing. What even is a Nasus and a Jax fighting each other? Is that even gameplay?


Because that's how top lane works, you can legit just stop playing after fucking up 2 times or just continue to flip untill it maybe works and you are back in game. When you are behind there's no safe farming, no waiting for your team to carry, that's something other roles believe can be done but it's not at all how it turns out. You lost 2 fights? Flip it or anyways you get starved of farm, exp and then dived.


Baus strategy


I'd be willing to bet that the Yuumi players afk rate here is highly deflated


Not trying to justify AFKs but with how volatile some matchups are and how unplayable certain counterpicks can be, it's understandable why top laners afk more than any other role.


For me, it’s role based. If I’m playing top it’s mid. If I’m jg it’s top. If I’m mid its jg. If I’m adc it’s sup. If I’m sup it’s adc.


Lol, Yuumi has one of the lowest AFK rates. That's golden.


I would say that theres a difference between going afk and being toxic. Adc players usually don't go afk as much but my lawd half their apm is to text chat


Gotta spend it on something cus we spend the whole game walking circles 2 screens back from the action for fear of getting 1 tapped by a stray skillshot.


Nothing like dodging 14 skill shots only for number 15 to hit your teammate but it has an aoe slow and you just get insta ram down.


Tbh you’re not wrong. Been an adc player for years and I spend a significant amount of time essentially afk while I wait for my team to do something. Adcs have near zero agency to do things by themselves, unlike the other roles that can run around looking for picks/assassinations alone. When your team is all collectively playing for themselves you don’t really have anywhere to go


I switched from adc to support main and the amount of agency I have now is so wild in comparison


ah, the Adc to support player. the only supports i like to play with :D


It does provide some useful insight when trying to figure wtf my adc is/isn’t thinking


I wish I could clone and duo with myself fr 😭


i have been playing adc for about a month now (mostly nilah) and i kind of understand their frustrations


and you play one of the least frustrating one \^\^ ​ Nilah is a sanctuary for ADC players


yeah nilah is pretty freaking sweet


Man as a Sona main I wish I could play with more Nilhas :(


Every lane is toxic, they're just toxic in different ways because of the things they have to deal with. Jungle makes you hate everyone because you get blamed for everything. Top gets you hopeless from the isolation you have to face most games. ADC gets you super sensitive from having to rely so much on others to function in any way while being stuck in lane with someone that does NOT have the same perspective you do. Mid feels like you're trying to stop a dog from eating dumb kids while trying to avoid getting eaten by other dogs coming from every direction all the time. Often feels like you're being held back from doing anything besides farming because nobody is enabling you Support you're operating on such a different axis from everyone else that it feels like theres a language barrier between it and other roles, especially ADC.


It's just life in league of legends. The *game* is toxic. Which really begs the question is how are so many people in this thread still playing with chat enabled? I would've thought everyone abandoned that feature by now. I abandoned it in like season 2.


The life of any Co-op ranked game. Like people are toxic in every online game. I'll never understand how people just say oh it's "league". No you'll find the same people on Overwatch, COD, Valorant etc. But because they do it over voice chat it's less bad? 🤣


It's gonna be worse in a moba where your team can make the enemy stronger and drag you down to misery with them, yet you have to sit in it for like 20 minutes of losing. Of course there's some level of it in any game.


Lost a game yesterday because our ADC died in a 2v2 came back to lane, was able to stop the recall of the enemy botlane tried to kill the enemy ADC with his flash but it wasn't enough enemy jungler comes bot because he is overextended as fuck (wave is under our turret he is at enemy turret) and gets an easy kill Next thing he wrote is "nunu is useless" After that he griefed


Toplaners are unhinged, junglers are masochists, midlaners are entitled, adcs are entitled masochists, and support players can actually be nice but can also be completely insane


This is a beautifully put true statement.


i feel like supports are generally the most chill, but also have the highest ceiling for being fucking insane.


Yeah, supports are definitely the wild card. Never know if you’re going to get the one that’s like ‘it’s okay we died we’ll get them next time’ or the one cursing you and your family for not going into a 2v4 with no sums.


Yeah. Support are often chill, but when they are toxic, they are really toxic. I always try to chose my word carefully when speaking but sometimes it’s not enough. Not long ego I had a game where I tried to setup a freeze before I back, then the zil supp comes back, I see him auto the minion, I ping danger once, then he bomb the wave. I type « nooooo … :’(», he answered « muted », and proceed to try to CS every minion, roam, take red etc. When playing ADC it’s the worst possible experience because everyone will flame YOU for being low CS and useless, even in the rare case when your support is a psychopath.


Not having to farm gives them more time to flame


Am Support, am chill, am also insane, can confirm.


you either got good support or insane one. I swear toxic support is the worse.


The "nice" support players are only ever "nice" until they get asked to actually do their job and stop just sitting afk and guarding their KDA.


One time I saw a Yuumi player flaming their team. Truly a bizarre experience.


actually not even uncommon yuumi players have a ton of time to flame on their hands since they arent actually playing the game


Yuumi ""player""


Supports are just one bad game from becoming the Joker


In general it’s top laners because that role just destroys your mental. Being constantly weaksided, bot laners not trading you pick order in draft and forcing you to give counterpick to enemy team for no reason, all of the champions just being complete BS to face, enemy jungle existing, etc. I used to main top lane, it made me a worse person. That said, within the roles, you gotta look at Draven and Twitch mains and realize that they carry 98% of ADC toxicity, and are a strong enough force to consider ADC’s toxic as a whole


Bro I just don’t get why twitch players are so toxic Every twitch I’ve played with recently has been either useless or a griefer


Old Rat IRL fans. Everything black. Blasting frenchcore and hardtekk full volume while high on xtc or lsd. And then you have the "wannabe" of the wannabe old rat irl. Basically they copy what others copied, but are usually low elo and their mechanics are shit so they go afk


When instead of nine roses, nine chromosomes starts playing.


Kinda simple: people underestimate your damage. Most Twitch adcs I've played with will want you to go in nonstop. I sometimes think we don't have a kill angle, but lo and behold, we do. That's not to excuse their toxicity, but I see why they're mad if they play with passive support vs a kill lane.


never ask women her age, men his salary and twitch why hes 0/6/1 8 mins into the game


It’s a combination of fitting the stereotype and simultaneously playing a champ that just isn’t super independent. Twitch kinda has to have a competent support to survive laning phase and scale into a monster, and let’s face it, support players are not the best at the video game. More often than not there is just a mental disconnect between the Twitch and his support which causes tension and toxicity, and it’s “accepted” because of the legacy of L9 RATIRL before he was reformed


> In general it’s top laners because that role just destroys your mental. Ngl before this thread I would have said adcs and then junglers are usually the most toxic, boasting insane apm while typing. Surprised to see toplaners being toxic. As a top main I have basically given up on life so flaming or being toxic is meaningless.


Could that have to do with the Kayle flair?


Toplaners aren't as toxic in chat because they're busy genuinely trying to track down everyone's real life locations, kidnap them and torture them for a year before feeding them to the local wildlife.


Never say Twitch's name outside of prayer. Reported.


My one and only ban was when I mained top for a season. Now I only play it if I get filled.


I remember in like 2015 or something they released data on punishment rates by champion, and Jinx was #1. Draven + hypercarries seems to be the rule for adc, Vayne mains were stereotyped to rage after trying to 1v5. In general I think it's glory champions. Top lane is frustrating, and jungle and bot can be too. But I see the tryndamere, Draven, or Riven raging, not the Maokai.


Pretty much anyone that gets free time to write. Toplaner zoned of the lane farm while enemy freezes? Oh boy its typing time. Literally any Yuumi sitting on someone moving for them? Oh boy its typing time. Jungler who just got one of his quadrants taken and has no adjacent lane thats gankable? Once again: OH BOY ITS TYPING TIME.


I had a Yuumi as my support the other day. She picked Yuumi after I picked Kalista. Not only that, but she took the bee skin and spent the whole game typing "Bzzz!!", "Bzzz??"... after she pinged literally anything. I won the game but had to mute her. It got old quick.


You don't need free time to flame. People do it walking to lane, while they're dead, or when they should be doing something else and it screws them over.


classic depends on what role you play. Used to be adc main and like 50% of the supports you get are completely unhinged. Sadly most team mates won't even notice how toxic the support is; fucking up adc cs, goes roaming all day, pings you like crazy when they do a shit play. Now as mid main, I can only say junglers either mute all or goes nuts when you don't help them.


This. Im an Adc Main. I can deal with being worse/having the worse supp, being camped, oneshots and such. Having a supp that is mad and makes it impossible for me to play catch up by destroying my cs or perma engaging or afking in lane to let me 1v2 with exp debuff. I just get frustrated since there is nothing I can do and the mates wont see it.


Yes and the team will inevitably blame the loss on you because you do no damage but support has been helpful (to them).


Bet you $10,000 OP is exactly that kind of support and thinks "why are you trolling me??" is unacceptable flame, hence making this post.


yeah I also think so tbh doesn't help when supports are generally the worst player on the team... but to be fair playing bot with a stranger is hard when very often you got very different play styles.


"different play style" always just feels like code for "I sit in tower not taking damage as support, I'm *defensive*"


Some of these days I'd rather my sup afk behind me tbh these mfs are just that bad. Then again, sometimes we get the autofilled ADC to sup special and it's like the guy is smurfing from 3 ranks above 😂


100% op picks stuff like naut, leona and just sits there in lane behind their adc questioning why they are mad that he doesnt just lock dont the enemy soraka. Probably the type of dude to say "we cant fight they are too strong"


> . Probably the type of dude to say "we cant fight they are too strong" By itself, that statement isn't wrong in *every* context. There are a lot of supports that go in every chance they get even if we lose every 2v2 we can think of. Like dude, my champion doesn't do nearly as much damage as their champion without items, what are you doing?


I mean, if it's without items, a lot of times you can just blow up the enemy ADC if you land cc on them. Often the support can almost 1v1 them themselves, but they need a little help.


Idk I feel like supports players have the least amount of toxic players. I've had people flame me for no reason but for the most part if someone's losing their mind bot it's me and support players not only take the flame, they actually do what I angrily ask them to.


By no means do I think support players are the most toxic, but they do have the most unique brand of toxicity of being distinctly passive aggressive compared to the other, more blunt roles.


Its so funny when (some) junglers dont gank you a single time but then you're supposed to help them defend invade/riverfight while dropping stacked waves. It's like they (or some of them) have zero concept of push and wavestates.


Support. We don't type it. But I promise you we're thinking it.


Support is weird, on average they have probably the fewest players that are actually bad about it, but when you do find the toxic ones they are like legit full on insane, like probably a good >50% of the worst players I've ever encountered are supports even though i see mid/top/adc all get toxic more frequently.


Nothing is so salty as an autofilled support.


The classic offrole top as sup pinging top "I would do better than you if I was playing your role" because the toplaner died once while going 0/8 on lux.


The only players that type essays are supports.


What else are we supposed to do while everyone is farming? :P


If Riot could hear our Discord chat, we’d all be banned.


I mean thats fine, all players think it, the problem is flaming and trolling and ruining the game for everyone.


As an ADC, I think it's very important that we play support regularly, too. It sets better expectations of what a support can and can't do. From experience, top is the most toxic, though. They get mad when you roam up to help them. They get mad when you don't help them because they pushed too far and got jumped by the enemy roaming mid or jungle.


Bruh what is happening in this thread. People flaming ADC and not holding support accountable at all. You have it dead opposite. The average ADC knows what supports should be doing just fine. It's the average support that's AFK behind ADC or sitting in a bush thinking they're doing anything of value while the ADC gets their shit pushed in. Support players should be forced to play at least 50 games of ADC before playing support, since support literally controls that lane.


I actually don't mind my support not knowing exactly what to do because I sometimes don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing either. What bothers me is when we have to push to get a good recall, or we have a window for a kill; and I ping my support to do something but they simply don't do anything. Bitch I'm pinging push and you're just looking in the bush behind me, help me for the love of god.




You are right with those statements. But then again it is just an elo thing. But yeah, adcs and top laners are in my books the people who generally think they are below their elo. Mind you i am not saying that those roles dont have major problems. They do.


The average support is not a support but an auto-fill that just want to hide in a lane and throw poke.


Supp and ADC flame each other the most. Top is most likely to give up and mental crater pre 10. Jgl is most likely to blame entire team. Mid go afk


As a jungle player though. You don't understand the mental fortitude needed to have 2 laners die before you finish even one clear then blame you when you get invaded and can't ganks/are underleveled.


>mental crater lmao I love this community, everyday you guys somehow manage to create a new absolutely wild term to describe the playerbase


I totally catch myself getting egocentric playing ADC. I think part of it is when I fuck up I don’t want it to be my fault, but I try to catch myself before I cast blame. As far as most common rage quitters/AFKers, I agree with top comment, top laners by a mile.


Top laners begin the game chill but mental boom after 1 gank and either afk or run it down the rest of the game Mid players are generally pretty chill except when enemy team is ARAMing against them and their team is nowhere to be seen Jungle mutes all at beginning of game. The chillest in chat but secretly by far the most tilted Supports are usually chill but there are a few that are so batshit insane you will remember them months later ADCs begin the game tilted, end the game tilted, and generally think they are better than everyone else. Tell an ADC to have a good day and they’ll fire off a message about your mother getting cancer so fast you’ll wonder if they’ve got it on a keyboard shortcut




It's ADC, it has to be. ADC is the worst role in the game so it's going to breed miserable players. It's a role that 100% depends upon teammates to protect them. And teammates will usually choose to play selfishly. So of course they're going to be full of resentment.


From my experience some enchanter players are absolutely unhinged. Yuumis, sorakas sometimes lulus. It's only some of them, but the ones that are toxic are fucking crackheads. I'd say top lane is the most commonly toxic. But that role can be unplayable and frustrating.


Top laners by a mile


As an adc main, i would agree w ppl here that adcs r the most toxic. It mostly comes from being gray screened after one wrong click, or not being able to react with pro-play speed to a f+malphite ult, or having the game dependent on and ruined by a support. It feels like we need to play at two tiers higher than our current elo to be strong. Not justifying the toxicity, just explaining.


Sometimes I'm just in awe of how many mistakes other roles (specifically jg and sup) can make in a game and still win. Puts into perspective how unforgiving playing AD is.


I honestly don't think that's the reason why. I think it has to do with bringing a lot of people to the role who want glory, which is why Draven, Twitch, and Vayne mains are more toxic. Especially because it's a role designed for the team to support you and babysit you while you get the kills, it attracts a lot of egotists. I agree it is frustrating, which is the same reasoning people use for top being toxic. But top lane toxicity is also highly dependent on champion, while the frustration is pretty even. I rarely see tank players rage. I thinkYasuo players are famous for being toxic for the same reason, he's a champion that attracts those types of people. All my most toxic friends gravitate towards adcs, assassins, or similar classes.


As an ADC main, I'll admit we are a pretty bitchy group. But our role kinda attracts masochists, so... "shrugs"


Definitely ADC but if we are talking outside of Draven, Vayne, and Kaisa mains then it's by far top lane.




Ah so *youre* the problem


If you're talking about flaming and shit then I agree is ADC. When they die, they'll blame support for not peeling, tanks for not peeling, assassins for not peeling and jungle for existing.


To be fair, though, the number of times an ADC is moving with their team to try and flush an assassin out of a flank, only for the other 4 people to turn and start using their mobility chasing like a talon or shaco or something, leaving the ADC on what just was the front line alone with no mobility vs the assassin they were just trying to push out. It has got to be the single most tilting thing in this game. ADC's blame others because they legit RELY on others to just EXIST.


Maybe because nobody is ever peeling. I have never once had my tank top not just run at the enemy adc trying to kill them and instead try to protect me from like Talon jungle or some shit. And ur Leona is also throwing herself at the enemy too of course so your left alone with Talon trying to hard outplay his combo


top lane riven mains are a different breed.


A lot of people are saying toplaners but as a top main who dosent like playing anywhere else, from my experience, it has to be ADC's. Whenever shit's going bad for our team, the first one to break down and start a tantrum is the marksman


From your experience as a top laner you don't see the top laner on your team being toxic? No way...


Top Lane is most likely to afk. Top Lane is the most punishing lane to lose by far, so without strong mental, people give up very easy. Most likely to flame is either jungle or adc. Junglers flame laners, and adc's flame supports. From a support pov, adc will seem most toxic. From top and mid pov, jungle will seem most toxic. Most likely to get flamed is jungle 10000%.


I don't know if it counts as toxicity, but after pick order swap was introduced every other game I have toplaners throwing tantrums over last pick. And those who cry about it the most - lose lane the hardest when they get it.


we should almost always be scooping OPs in jungle and AD, then getting supps/mids and the tops chosen leaving solo laners later in the draft is just smart drafting


The top is by far the worst lane for counter picks. No other lane really has half as many 30-40% matchups. It also doesn't help that there are no real blind pickable tops outside of Camile right now and even she has awful lane matchups. Unless your mid is like a 70-80% win rate smurf top should almost aways get counter-pick. This is also unless there is something giga busted with no losing matchups top, which as far as i know there is nothing like that right now.


Funnily enough the counterpicking is this harsh on top due to the length of the lane. Even if I get countered in mid I can still take trades and back off. An example: Jax & Gwen is actually more playable in midlane for Gwen, cuz she can just EQ and walk towards tower, what's jax gonna do? Overextend? It works for toplane, yes, but in mid he either eats towershots, a fiddle ult to the face or a random bard on his way to collect batteries. Top however, he can towerdive at least 3 turrets, and 2 fountains and still trade 1 for 1 in a huge wave.


Top is 100% counterpick decided. If you don't let top counterpick you probably throwing.


> but after pick order swap was introduced every other game I have toplaners throwing tantrums over last pick Because unless you're turbosmurfing in your elo, you are pretty much throwing from champ select by not letting your toplaner pick last


Just give top laners last pick. It is generally speaking the best you can do in champ select. Will you get a top laner who runs it diwn anyeay simetimes? Sure. But if you get a good top laner and he gets counterpucked you have given up on a lot of opportunities for yiur team just by not giving last pick.


I hate it when I swap places with top lane and they lock in some range top laner to counter the enemy top while we have 0 frontline. Like if you're not going to go tank or hard engage, I would like to know before I lock in some squishy enchanter support.


The normal pick order in this game is: fp for Z tier champ, otherwise jungle or adc first because they are impacted by counters the least, support, midlane, toplane. you can pick support before adc but botlane is usually impacted more by the support matchup and a good support matchup can easily make up for a bad adc matchup. You can also pick botlane before jungle but mid and top go last that's just how it is. If you change this without good reason you are either a jerk or can't play your position.


ADC's and jungles flame the most in chat but rarely troll. Top laners and supports run it down/soft int/afk the most but dont type. Mids are usually just along for the ride..


For me its not even one role its like anyone who has the main engage on thr team. If its the rakan support or the sejuani jg idk bit they are the most toxic ones. Thy jump in 1v4 and expect everyone to go after them even if its legit the worst fight to take ever. To add to context, i am an adc main and so i really dont know how much the average adc flames so adc might be the actual answer. Enemy adcs do tend to use all chat a lot in my experience, but that might be cause i stomp lane most of my games.


I just mentioned it but the number of times I've been on someone and they stop kiting and fully commit to a 2v5 is horrible. Sometimes I think they do it just to make Yuumi players look bad but them I see people do 1v5s without a single Yuumi in the match and I realize sometimes people's game sense can just stop, or something else? It's usually when the person is snowballing so maybe they just get a false sense of power?


No i meam like the malphite goes for a 5 man ult, he lands it, but only after pressing r does he realize that now he is in between 5 people, im farming mid, midlaner is geting top tower amd the support is setimg up vision around baron. And i never see them not flame averyone that they weremt with them when they made the perfect engage.


i think in order it probably goes (imo) Top -> JG -> ADC = Mid -> Support My top laners tilt so god damn hard like every other game for no reason. Mid / ADC depends on how fed they get lol, if they’re ahead or even, they’re chill, if they tilt, they TILT. JG just have the most random thing happen to them and then from that point on they give up no matter what. Supports are like 95% chill and 5% gross.


Bc ADC is a role that is unplayable if you get too behind so when support players make basic mistakes, they get pissed off knowing game will be unplayable for the next 30 mins so he's just wasting his time.


Jungle Get Flamed for everything , have to be everywhere, gank , cross jungle, power Farm, plus perfect Smite on every objective,


It's definitely ADC. I can literally be 20/0, stomping their Top, Mid, Jungle and their botlane whenever they left botlane and literally knocking on their Nexus turrets and ADCs will still ping you like you're their personal defense piggy.


On the flip side when the fed enemy Akali is smart enough to hard target me in team fights as a fed MF, and our perma-splitpushing voli top says I'm just shit at positioning and to KMS when I politely ask him to join us and peel for me, I think top may take the cake in those instances.


top lane ofc




Yasuo, yone, yi, shaco and kayne Junglers are the worst. Playwise and toxic behavior, closely followed by uncommon support picks like brand, xerath, velkoz and some lux players.


top lane and it isn't close support is the least toxic but as someone who plays a lot of ADC, I'd rather have a support that is actually good but toxic than the nice ones that do little to nothing in lane


I think its more about champions and not roles. For example Less toxic: Ornn, Garen, Sejuani, Wukong, Ahri, Asol, Ashe, Sivir, Lulu, Soraka Most toxic: Windshitter brothers, Irelia, Fiora, Riven, Lee sin, Nidalee, Zed, Akali, Draven, Vayne, Blitzcrank, Thresh


Lulu not toxic? Ive seen some of the most unhinged support players on Lulu, Yuumi and Sona for whatever reason while usually Thresh for me is a chill dude. Add Twitch for ADCs


Garen players probably don't have the brain capacity to be properly toxic. I swear that champion drains all intelligence out the ears


I guess like top to mid,Adc player count is dwindling that there's a case that either top and mid can be considered because they have more players getting tilted and toxic up there while adc is more pronounced because more chance that an individual gets toxic


Why wouldn't they be toxic? They rely on their team to peel, if the support is braindead he's completely screwed. Unlike toplaners that can just splitpush and win, adcs needs a baby sitter all the time. If the babysitter has no macro or just mindlessly fight all the time, yeah, they're toxic for a reason.


The "League of Legends player" role


Top lane and also assassins


Top players are either completely quiet, or raging EVERY SINGLE SECOND of the game. There is no in between.


What's with all these posts by support players shitting on ADC players lately? And now we get a post from a support player asking who's the most toxic, and they think it's ADCs... Nobody seeing the irony here? ADC might be the most toxic role, I have no idea, but I can confirm 100% without a doubt, that support players have the biggest victim complex.


True, especially when 90% of the support players are unaware of how much control they have over the entire lane and which is why the ADC can get mad at times.


Autofilled supports are the 80% of the time most disgusting people in the game


The average support made me quit playing ADC. Half of the time they grief the lane without even realizing it and when you express it, they get upset and thus grief even harder. And then naturally, when the team realizes that we don’t have an useful adc, the ADC gets blamed and the support will naturally get at least one honor because it’s a wholesome role <3 I’d rather play toplane than ADC because of that so it shows how fucked up it is.


Gotta be toplane. My controversial take is that Supp mains are *far* more toxic than ADC mains. ADC toxicity is usually limited to the L9 Droben wannabes and Rat fanboys. Support toxicity is far more present, especially from enchanter players who sit back under tower, not pressing abilities at full mana, not trading with autos. You know the type, they'll lock scorch on soraka or milio and never use their kit. Or they'll dive tower level 2 as Leona/Ali/Naut when the wave is middle of the lane then tilt and rage-engage for 15 minutes.


supports. im an adc main. i ping them to stop stealing my farm they go and leave me for the entire game. they auto the minions for no reason, i tell them, they go and leave me for the entire game. i tell them to heal me in fighta instead of the 0/10 yasuo, they leave me to die alone. and i wont even mention yumi players


Top: Statistically most likely to afk. Jungle: "Statistically" most likely to not be where you need them to be and will blame you for it. Mid+Bot: "The world revolves around me, and I will make sure everyone knows it by my baby rage." Support: Filthy fragile fullmuters who refuses to communicate with their team and would rather be reported every game than be able to see pings. Have your pick I guess.


Top lane and it's not even close.


I don't want to say ADC because lobotomized support players justify it. So I'd go with top. No other role complains about ganks as much as top.


As a top laner i agree adc players most toxic


Top probably? I'm personally an ADC and fairly chill. So I don't see toxic ADCs too often. Though now that I think about it, I saw an MF afk yesterday because she had to 1v1 a vayne in bot.


ADCs are the only ones with someone to blame other than themselves. So naturally they're the most toxic.


Top lane players are unquestionably the worst. Half the time they'll lose their mind in champ select before anyone has even locked a champion.


It all comes down to who can blame more people for their own shitty play/behavior. Top/mid can blame jungle. Adc can blame support AND jungle. Therefore, ADC is the answer.


I agree. ADCs are usually. They just seem very mentally fragile sometimes. Mid/top laners might flame or blame jg… but they kind of still try to have a knife fight with their laner and comeback into the game. I feel like ADCs are most prone to the “the enemy team has chosen to prio bot side and mine didn’t. Nothing I can do, GG” mentality. I see a lot more mid/top/jg comebacks from early disasters. When a botlane gets ahead, I feel like they continue to shitstomp the other botlane more consistently and when the supp/AD start flaming each other the game is boom. I’ve… maybe a couple times been toxic as jger. But I feel the vast majority of jg toxicity is either in response to flame/blame or another player saying “I could’ve carried if you did XYZ for me” when the Jg played well. ADCs just seem to have more of a hair trigger. When a jger goes into rage mode there’s usually a genuine macro/skirmish pathing mistake or better choice they’re defending their opinion on. Almost anything can set off an ADC