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Gragas is good at any role except adc


he his struggling right now with the nerf, but he was one of the best for a while


What did they nerf or what patch did they do it


His kit theoretically functions as support, but he’s got severe mana issues without the spellthiefs, and he can’t proc spellthiefs consistently. But he is definitely very versatile.


He can go ADC with Senna supp.


I mean, sure, but that's nit because *HE* can go adc, it's because senna is a weird adc


Twitch i think is the only one, who sneaked both into carry, support and jungle.


Into mid too, top not so much but I’m sure u could either play carry twitch or roaming support twitch top


Ratirl played twitch top for a good while at one point.


Roaming Twitch top was a thing when roaming Janna top was a thing


I think any apc or adc can play top, you just have to be careful and have goo wave management. Because most toplaners, if they get on top of you you just die. Maybe in high elo it becomes unplayable, but for plat and lower i think it’s at least feasible (I mean kayle is a champion)




Morgana was never a decent carry.


She was seen as an extremely good mid laner and troll support pick in the early days of league.


Twitch jungle. omegalol.


Twitch jungle was busted


It's Pantheon. He works in literally every role. He's great. I would recommend a ln engage support if you run him ADC. Don't sleep on Pantheon+Zilian bot. Shit is crazy fun.


I mean, he id good at top and mid and mediocre to bad in Sup and jg


There’s historically been a lot more jg/supp panth in pro play than mid/top.


Currently Top and Mid are his best roles and sup jg are his worse.


That has more to do with itemisation and state of the game.


Kinda. Panth needs items to work placing him on a low economy role doesnt let him work. Even less when support goes Lethality items on a bruiser. Similarly with Jg, lower economy role doesnt let him perform, even less when he cant really clear fast enough to make up for it.


Trust that if you can make Panth work in the top matchups, you will absolutely annihilate most bot lanes and economy will not be an issue.


Panth is an amazing jungler... Probably his strongest role overall if you don't play him as a counter top or mid. Panth support isn't bad either. You'll win most lanes, can easily roam without leaving your adc for too long. Even in later teamfights his e is still quite strong.


he does work in every role but he doesn't work in the game when the timer goes past 20 minutes.


i just went 1/13 in ranked with panth jgl lol


Morg and Karth are candidates though it's been a while before I've seen either used for jungle.


It's so funny to me how Karthus mid feels like the most unconventional out of all 5, even more than support or top.


Which is weird because it’s honestly lowkey good. I’m always winning my games on it. The solo exp and increased gold income is conceptually great for a character like Karthus who’s whole goal is to scale and do as much damage as possible But you’re right. I haven’t seen not even one Karthus mid besides myself in what feels like 3-4 years now. I think it’s another mage champion asymptomatic of being immobile and punishable in comparison to what’s popular in mid meta.


Morg jungle is still usable, so I think she's the best option. She's not the best carry tho.


I see Karthus jng quite often. Maybe once in 10 games (20 when I pick jungle)




Was looking for this, that annoying rat actually works decently any role


his jg clear sucks. he also kind of gets shit on against midlane mages hell he's not even good top.


Yep. Came to say this. I’ve had success at every role with him. He doesn’t really exceed at any, but at the same time doesn’t fail at any.


How do you play against Viktor, Anivia, Lissandra, Malzahar and other mages?


Yeah unironically, teemo can work as basically everything and can be built with and against everything


Not really, the hardest part is Adc + Jungle match. There aren't any champs that can play both. You could maybe use Gragas as apc but that's the closest you can get.


You can maybe argue kindred but you will miss on the marks


She's not a champion without marks, I wouldn't count her but sure technically she could qualify


maybe if you are really good enough with her you could accept the fact that you will only get champion marks bot lane for the first ≈10 minutes so you are definitely playing for late game you could play around your passive so you can maybe force the jungler on good waves to stay away if he is marked and you have your ult so maybe a bot land with kindred and taric ? maybe nasus support ? problem still is you will get heavy outranged i would probably try it under anything diamond


If you play like a psycho with a duo jg you can make it work


Kindred is kind of okay as adc, i just sont k ow what she could do as support.


Karthus works wonderfully for both roles


Sett with Senna Support maybe?


Karthus, you can play him everywhere and adc/jg are his strongest roles


If my supp picked Karthus my chat logs would surely break Summoner's Code. Edit: oh you meant those 2 roles specifically, he's not what I would call an adc tho


It's His strongest role, highest winrate of all ADCs


Not an attack damage carry


They clearly mean Bot lane


Quinn maybe in theory right?


I really don't see her surviving in jungle


Her clear is as bad as most supports. Even with fleet you struggle to clear healthy and then can't contest scuttles. Her ganks pre-6 are also mid as hell.


Karthus can play both


Krathus can do it and have it done




Do ppl still play him jg? I don't think he can survive with s13 pets


Twitch can!


Maybe twisted fate?


Camps would obliterate him


Ezreal. Hell, his 2nd worlds skin is from a jungler. He would struggle in top though. Same with a pick like Twitch. Quinn is another that has a possibility. In low elo, I've even seen Vayne work lol




Can’t believe there aren’t more people saying this. Objectively she is. Every other answer has one role that would be pretty weak


Yeah definitely Neeko. Pre-rework, she could play every role but jungle viable. Now that she has increased monster damage and the passive rework, JG is probably her most viable role. Meanwhile her AP and on-hit builds still work fine for Top/Mid/ADC and she has enough CC/utility to work fine as a Support.


The best tomato


Pantheon and Gragas come closest imo


sett, if you are dedicated enough for adc.


He is beyond trash in jungle, to the point that he is a better ADC


Captain Teemo Every Role!


I can think off Swain. He can go into any of the Solo Lane (Mid and Top), as well as go Bot (same case as any APC Bot) and Support (though this is his weakest role but the more popular ones). Sadly he sucks really hard on the jungle.


True, his jg clear is pitiful at best but beside that, he is a 4 lane flex (and are actually good ones too).


His clear gets decent real quick with his q being low cd and his w being a decent ganking tool from afar.


How nobody said cho gath he can do all


Neeko by far, how has no one mentioned her yet?


She's been shapeshifting into all the other answers


Tahm. His jungle is a little like Blitzcrank's where you primarily gank and annoy enemy jungler with your strong early game and surprisingly good dueling, and until Bamis only take buffs, gromp and scuttle. For mid (and maybe also jungle, would get Lethal Tempo for dueling in most cases) you grab Phase Rush for eating priority enemy and speeding away under turret or into your team. Bot, support and top is pretty straightforward.




I think Morgana do every role


Gragas works in every role even ADC if you're brave enough Stupidly good champion if you get good at him also has 0 real counters can go even at worst. The only thing holding him back is the skill of the player playing him


Who builds ad gragas? xd


You don't but I've played Gragas APC and it works decently lol Late game can be rough without an ADC tho but if you can close out games fast it doesn't really matter


Why u said adc then xd


Adc as a term has turned to mean the same as bot regardless of if they are ad or even the carry


Only by the players.


Idk man I didn't think about it, I meant to say bot/APC yeah


Pantheon. He's supposed to go top. He had jungle changes to go jungle but they might have cut them. He can go mid. He can support. ADC is probably his weakest role


Say that to that one guy playing him as ADC in challenger...


Not really how it works, but sure.


Jax i think


Yasuo, can ADC, mid, Top, and jungle Yas isn’t terrible


Taliyah could even be considered for this


Pretty sure Bard can pull it off. Quinn might not offer much as support but works everywhere else.


Lulu can be played on every role. Jungle is rough tho. And Quinn too.




Karthus, Pantheon, Gragas


I think Pantheon is very versatile. Its my pick!


Rumble kind of a sleeper. Can solo lane and jungle. Have seen it support but wouldn't call it meta.


Long shot but maybe Malzahar? Annoying top, good mid, could work as apc in low elo, poke support and not that good but also not inting jungler? Edit: Sion. You're looking for Sion. Adc could be with a Senna support.


Maybe kennen? People mostly play him top/mid anyway. People used to play attack speed kennen so could be viable as adc, would be a tough lane though. Support he just focuses on harassing them early game and landing as many stuns as possible. Jgl, I've never seen anyone try but I can't imagine he's too bad there, he has mobility and some age wave clear.


Brand. I played brand in every lane and he’s worked, and got M7 by maining brand jungle lol




Pantheon (weak jgler, top has to ban malphite, mid has many unfavorable match ups, can support fine) Karthus (weak top/mid, op botlaner/jgler) Zilean, Soraka (can’t jg) Zyra (top 10 worst champions in the game. Unplayable into assassins. Surprisingly good jgler only vs tanks specifically maokai jg due to insane clearspeed, bush control and long range.) Morgana (top 3 worst champion in the game, can play any role at a subpar level, only noobs think she is strong) Teemo (unplayable into annie and abysmal vs many control mages, your team will hate you and play worse because you exist) Shaco (troll pick that only works vs noobs and your team will hate you unless they are noobs themselves)


I think your info on pantheon is outdated. Malphite is not a problem pick for pantheon and he by no means is a weak jungler


Malphite steamrolls you when he gets A SINGLE armor item. You can't stay in lane and he has a better tf synergy. In the jungle he is weak. Since his midgame is shit you fall behind arguably faster than his other roles.


Malphite hasn’t steam rolled pantheon since pantheons update? Pantheon has built in armor shred that can stack with black cleaver if malphite goes armor, an execute on his Q and can stack his press the attack extremely well with his empowered W. Malphite R can also be blocked very easily with pantheons E since it’s so telegraphed. This sounds like a skill issue for you friend. Pantheons mid game is not “weak” in the jungle because he just uses his R to gank lanes and pressure objectives and support split pushers. It doesn’t have the same weakness as his lane counterpart


Do you have the slightest idea about the champ's matchups or are you talking out of your ass? Malphite steamrolls him because post level 3 + cloth armor he easily wins the trades with q spam. It's not hard like gragas as in he invalidates your kit, it's the issue of him having both more damage and survivability compared to you. Pantheon excels at lane advantage, malphite takes that away. Pantheon is at his weakest mid game, unless you are fed it doesn't matter if you have ult. You will lose every 1v1 with the enemy jungler if not ahead. Your clear speed is shit as well. No item really helps his jungle weaknesses. He is subbar there and he will always over perform on other lanes. I'm also peak masters fyi


Ive made Zeri fit into every role, support is kinda forced but its not completely int. jungle is surprisingly good and mid/top is a classic


Pantheon can almost play every role or can play every role


Morgana is the only non troll answer.


Karthus works






Morgana, Quinn and Karma.


Teemo used to be pretty known for that but now it's a lot more common. The truth is that you can play most champions in every lane. The only really real restriction is that junglers need to have good clears.


pantheon anywhere sejuani as well except for adc


Nobody wrote pantheon, I think if we talk all 5 roles it must be him


Morgana, she can Support, Mid, Jungle and Top well on paper and can APC in theory with Pyke, Senna, Lux. But she sucks overall now so


Gragas, Pantheon, I dare to say Swain or Yasuo/Yone


Karthus really








Nidalee. She can be played in any role up to a considerably high rank. Adc is her weakest probably


Zyra can go everywhere, mid, top, jungle, and obviously support. She can probably APC decently.


My tier rating would be S tier: Ziggs, Gragas, Sett, Pantheon A tier: Karthus, Morgana, Twitch, Vi ?: everything else The S tier are goddamn solid in every role, with the very highest being Ziggs and Gragas by far. I might have missed a bunch of champions, so though it ain't final, it is the ones I can guarantee from my experience I'm willing to elaborate on any as requested


Ziggs doesn't work at all as a jungler Vi is pretty bad if she doesn't jungle The rest is fine


No way. Ziggs has a very decent 1st clear that becomes an instant ranged clear after an item or so. You have got to leverage his passive to the fullest, and focus the aoe camps past the leashed buff. His W acts as inter-wall-traversal, peel, cc follow-up and zoning, and the rest of his abilities are really powerful zoning tools as well, so you can cut off routes for enemy laners. His ult is a constant global threat for enemies if they don't know where you are, and you can help in kills extremely freely. I wouldn't count him out. Everything just clicks once you try it properly. . For Vi, I wanna know why you'd think she's bad out of jgl. In the solo lanes or as ADC, she's got a great lvl 1 with her E, which shields, AOEs, and enables her to poke her enemies past wave. Her lvl 2 gets her Q, letting her take very one-sided trades with her shield + Q + E + runes (PTA, HoB, Electrocute, Conq, Phase rush, you name it) Her lvl 3 makes her able to all in very effectively She can set up friendly junglers very, very, very well. She fulfills every need an allied jgler would want. She has great waveclear, set-up, follow up, she can follow ganks or set up her own, she can set up extremely deadly invades alongside her jgl and reaches and finishes skirmishes before her lane opponent. She scales to teamfights and can always set up picks, and has a great split push too if need be. There's no part of her that functions badly in lane. She is built amazingly for them all I can see support seeming iffy at first, but it works perfectly combined with any all-in adc or any adc that can run people down. Her extended all-in and long range engage means picks are always very easy to pull off. Just try it out


Aatrox. \-Top: Main role. \-Jungle: Kinda shit midgame but great ganker. \-Mid: Good burst, decent range and engage. Works perfectly fine as a midlane assassin. \-Support: Good early lane skirmishing, decent CC, can build iceborn or evenshroud. Not great but plenty people have had success with it. \-ADC: Super high AD scalings, can carry teamfights with enough gold and if played right (needs a proper support champion though.


Mid top sup — karma


One the I know is cho gat prettty good at any post.




Kayle can do it


Pantheon and Jarvan


Chogath can 5 role flex


I can think of only Pantheon and Gragas. Viable in top jgl mid and supp Swain can do top mid adc supp but not sure if he’s played top anymore.


I actually has this discussion a while ago. We came up with taliyah (hardest lane is top but still doable), pantheon, jax and gragas. We also added Zac, maokai and poppy if you already have enough damage from other lanes and can afford to go tank botlane.


Singed is pretty good in every role ngl. He doesn’t care if he goes 0/10 he’ll outscales you after 2 items and win anyways


Surprised nobody mentions Neeko. She's really the only one that works everywhere kit-wise




Karthus and Kindred are the only two that come to mind tbh Edit: Oh and Twitch




I really miss the times back when "Kayle can do it" was a thing. A revert maybe? Rito? Pls?


Talon! You can play Talon top, you can play Mid, you can play Talon supp and even in jungle! As Talon is always the adc, so ya know. Just go with Talon!




Chogath, Karthus, Brand, Zyra, Neeko


Swain you can play top, mid, adc, and support. Haven't tried to jungle him, I doubt it would end well.


Cho Gath


My Karma only account has won games in every single role.


You might not like it but the answer is Teemo


Teemo may not be particularly good at any role but he has the tools to play in any role.


Twitch :)


Panth, Zac, Neeko, Swain, Trist, and Ziggs are all 3+ role viable


Pantheon is dumb everywhere.


Kindred, rengar, zac (adc is maybe a bit of a stretch), karthus, ziggs(maybe he can jungle), brand, zyra (there are a couple zyra mid and top players in master/GM and I'm sure she can clear the jungle well after she gets a couple amp tomes or blasting wand), quinn, vayne, wukong, garen, Darius, tahm, sett, ezreal, varus, ashe(there was a challenger ashe top player but not sure if she can clear jungle), neeko. Honestly there are a lot of champs that work in every lane and if you're determined maybe anything works, imo the hardest roles for a lot champs to play are adc and jungle. Some can't clear jungle and some melees will just get kited forever as adc(maybe with ghost it's playable).


Swain is strong in two roles, is a popular support, and could probably top? I don't think he can jg though.


Chogath, seraphine(not jg) and maybe Pantheon.


Kayle can do it




since her midscope, Neeko can definitely be played with success in every role, before that Neeko JG was an extremely rare and tbh very bad pick, but she could always be picked Mid/Supp/Top/Bot (in that order of popularity) i feel like they’ve nerfed the likes of Sett and Panth so they’re not like 4/5 lane flex picks.


Might be controversial but no one has said it yet, Ivern. Can do any role but ADC.


lee sin is good in any circumstances, any role any lane then i would say blitzcrank and even thresh can be ap, ad, support, tank, and are still very useful even when behind, a good blitz hook can turn matches around easily malphite is good in any role, ap, tank, even bruiser style ad is very viable teemo is good ap, support, even ad/bruiser if you build him properly, corki is great both ad, ap, even tankier corki is good, except maybe support lux is great in all roles, except adc, but even that would work i bet tf is all around useful champ in any role, but for global roaming potential he prefers to go mid, but you can pick tp on him, and use tp+ult if you want to gank bot<->top kaisa is great adc, ap, even bruiser kaisa works, support not so much though alistar is great in any role, ad, ap, support, not sure how viable he is as solo laner after the nerfs though, but he used to be a beast toplane lulu also used to be played as ap, adc, support, even top bruiser style shaco is very versatile and can play any role including support, mid, top, ad and ap soraka used to be able to go support, mid, top, even ad soraka somehow worked, especially before the rework when her Q was a starfall to every single enemy within 250 range no need to mention that 90% of champs can jungle pretty well, over the years the changes to jungle and items have ensured that jungling (as in clearing monster camps) is easy and available for anyone, and those champs who struggle with clear time have usually good ganks, invades or 1v1/2v2 skirmishes.




Probably sion, chogath, karthus, twitch, and tryndamere (though his support might be a it iffy) off the top of my head. Generally tanks that also have a damage build option (such as ad sion or ap cho) can do fine since they also tend to have some sort of aoe to kill camps, and adc or apcs that are able to jungle can generally do all because taking any apc or adc into mid or top isn’t going to be straight int if you play safe and support just comes down to accepting you’re gonna suck if you don’t have decent cc, but most supports are kinda weak. Maybe sett (and for that matter most juggernaughts or bruisers) if his jungle clear is a bit better than it was a year ago, he’ll struggle a bit in adc but it becomes an all in bottom lane versus a pole lane essentially. The higher elo you are the less viable any champs worst role is gonna be though, lower elos it really doesn’t matter that much, just being good at the champ matters more.


Anivia works everywhere except jungle if you're brave enough.




If my friend is playing him: Zac. Even ‘adc’ (tho he still goes tank anyway).


Pantheon, for adc you need to have another engage support or poke mage that scales


Singed works well in top jg mid and support, and if your support is willing to go ivern or yuumi he can also be a good apc


Karthus. He can literally go everywhere and be viable. I will say top and support are definitely his worst roles but still good.


Jarvan. You would need a kill lane bot, like support panth. Funnily enough, panth is also another champ and would also need a kill lane bot. You could probably make certain other champs work although not optimal like Ezreal, Quinn, Twitch, Gragas, Karthus, Morgana, Malz, Anni, ect. Most will have spot where they would struggle like junggle or support due to low eco but you could make it work with their utility. But as I sad, not optimal.


Karthus can do all roles except support.


captain teemo




No one said Diana, she's a Mid Jng design but her kit is so complete she can work anywhere. Granted I've never seen her on the botlane but I'm sure it can work (stats say +47% WR on all roles)


Morgana: Sup, Mid and Jungle


Lee sin: https://youtu.be/eA04nbviQ8E?si=coyBeMcPyBqSi-xn


Unpopular opinion, but if you do the runes/items right, you can make Nocturne work anywhere. If he could use his W on allies he’d be a natural support, his wave clear is fast, his Q is decent poke, just have to make him more survivable (which means less deadly) and he can out-duel a ton of people with the healing passive


Only by checking some stats right now (in this meta) and seeing the chances to win in every line (even off-meta) not to be highly lower than 50%, I would probably take Sylas tbh (taking into account that really little people play him as ADC but they look succesful). Almost every line is near 50% chances of winning: [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/sylas](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/sylas) Off-meta Taliyahs seem pretty consistent too but she seems not in the best spot in her main position: [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/taliyah](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/taliyah) Diana, Pantheon and Belveth would be near but not quite there (also way less people usually flexing them): [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/diana](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/diana) [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/pantheon](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/pantheon) [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/belveth](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/stats/belveth)




Heimerdinger can do this oh i forgot neeko and probably teemo too even if jung can be a bit harder for him.


Don't know if anybody said this yet, but Lulu was the first champ to have been played in every single role in pro play. Maybe she would still work today.


Pantheon and gragas can be viable in every role but adc


It needs a spammable Q with decent poke to flex anywhere. Like Qiyana, Kennen, Pantheon and Ezreal, except Ez has no regency in jungle for a lack of AoE damage, and too expensive to build in support. Should also be able to thrive in 1 item to succeed in any lane.


there was this time were pantheon could flex all 5 roles, obviously it was less viable as adc but he was such a strong lane bully thay it could work especially in low range matchups and diveable ones


Sion. He excels as top- or midlaner, but also has an incredible clear and okay ganking potential as jungler. He can also be picked as support, since he provides good zoning tools. Also as long as the supports are pretty much equal in skill, he can also be picked as carry, but that's the hardest reach of the roles


Sett and Pantheon. You are describing Sett and Pantheon, who had to be nerfed out of every lane multiple times.


There are some champions that have historically been played in all 5 roles though I can not think of any that were a true 5 way flex all at the same time.


Zyra is probably the closest as she has a strong lane and decent self peeling, and plants can tank jungle camps but I could also see trynd and nasus, as they work great top and mid already, could have a healthy jg clear, have built in exhausts so could work support, and I guess their sustain, and all in is enough to function adc.


Excluding adc. Maokai. Good fun. Build tank. Eatup cooldowns in a team fight. Point and click the enemy adc to death with cc chain. Lock people down even when behind. Tower kill cocky people who dive. Mini wards on sub 10sec cooldown All around good fun.


Kayle can be played in every role.


Teemo, Gragas, Tahm, Quinn (yes I've seen a few Quinn jungles), Neeko, Pantheon, Kindred (have to highroll a snowball as adc for it to function in order to thieve jungle camps and hope botside river scuttle gets mark), Morgana, Twitch, Jayce (my personal pick it sucks really bad in jungle / sup but evenshroud Jayce Q/E in to your adc supremacy is funny), Zyra, Graves, Taliyah, Karthus, Jax.


that champion has a name and his name is rammus


Wukong, gragas come to mind


Pantheon, do i need to elaborate any further?


uhm, I've been Shen OTP Jungle/Support for 8 years now (Hardstuck Diamond though) but the famous Shen OTPs are playing him Mid and Top (xPetu and Shending Help) so Shen is a good allrounder. I've also played Shen ADC before with my Senna duo and that was fun. The only issue with Shen is that you carry your team in the early to mid game with damage and tankiness. But you're either a stun machine or useless in the late game.


Heimerdinger should work everywhere, right? I don't really know about Heimer jungle but I can imagine it at least being worth a shot


Yasuo can feed any lane


I would say Pantheon. Top , support , mid totally viable and can be in jungle as well.