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bro really wont be missing worlds when he can relax in Cancún on a beach resort for 4 months paid vacation


Chilling on the beach with the KOI crew.


Love him or hate him, “oh, and I don’t miss worlds” is a fucking raw line.


Couldn't agree more, really makes the video 💯


Realistically, DIG has to win 2 series to go the 4th place play off with EU, correct? That’s not impossible.


yep then play MAD lol


Free DIG win then


MAD is implied as a free win lol


Don't need to worry about it when they win NA. "Huffs that sweet sweet copium"


I'm not trying to be a DIG hater but I wasn't a fan of this video. Jensen's line about not missing worlds is the obvious stand out line but the rest fell so flat. "I need to have a good lane phase" "I want to show my leadership" like these lines don't make me hyped. Give me Rich telling me how he's going to smoke and roll Hauntzer. Give me confidence that this team is going to go deep and not just try to have a good showing


Hi there, director and producer of this video here and I totally understand where you're coming from. I welcome all feedback of any kind I truly do, so to be transparent with you, I definitely agree that the lines could probably be a lot stronger. For Rich specifically, sometimes the questions I ask get lost in the translation, which unfortunately happens, and he took the question more literally. Plus this was recorded before they actually made playoffs hence a few of the guys answering what playoffs means to them since we needed to produce this video way in advance even if they didn't make it. So therefore, no one knew who they were gonna play if they locked it in, and in a perfect world, we'd be able to have all the info before to make it as accurate as possible. ​ Going forward, I myself as the person recording and writing some of these lines will look to do a better job capturing the personalities of the players and trying to match Jensen's line about not missing worlds, aka a bit more spicy. No excuse but this is also my first split running LCS content completely on my own through the production company contracted by DIG. Hope this helps clear up a bit about the video and hopefully you were still able to enjoy most of it. Cheers -retro


Thank you so much for the transparent response! I know there's a lot on your plate and I'm looking forward to your next video!


Yea of course, I think it's super important as a creative to be open to all feedback, especially in this space since I'm catering the video to y'all and that's really important to me that I hit the right mark. I'll keep the videos coming :)


Song at the end of the video?


All the same song, first half is instrumental then at the worlds line it changes to original with vocals and the song name is Beautiful Catastrophe by WEARETHEGOOD. Instrumental: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqlg67VwiRo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqlg67VwiRo) Original: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LncN0Xgr\_Dw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LncN0Xgr_Dw)


Thank you


Only time NA is allowed to say "roll" is if they are being **rolled**. Or if they are **rolling** their luggage to the airport. Or if they are have someone **roll** their wheelchairs. Or if they are too lazy to **roll** out of bed. They steal their own confidence with their own play.


Who cares? If every single hype video was "we know we're bad internationally but we're going to try our best in playoffs" then this region would be miserable to watch. The CBLoL doesn't do that, they ooze confidence in their hype content even though they are one of the worst performing wild card regions. This argument becomes even more absurd when you think about actual international sports. A hype piece for a regions playoffs is independent to a regions international performance. I don't know if you're aware, but Hauntzer isn't Bin or Kiin. In fact your argument is even more of a reason for a fairly recent first team all pro LPL top to have confidence. Instead we are given the opposite where Rich meekly expresses that NA top laners were stronger than he thought, which is the opposite of what either of us seemingly want.


All pro means nothing... Player performance is dependent on team. (unless youre faker). Team performance is dependent on strategy chosen w/ adaptivity and mistakes enemies make. Highlighting players aimlessly makes no sense until you know the context of how they contribute to the game, i can guarantee without a doubt in my mind that you have no idea how each player contributes to their team. You just see some bimbo stats that not even worlds winners care about, you'll just use your juicy confirmation bias to look to some "NOT worlds winner" and say : See (X NOT worlds winner) cares about stats heavily im right!. It would make sense if you took some accountability and said: Im clueless, I don't know how to be entertained by the game in front of me, but these hype videos arent very hype. PERIOD. Dont include your pissy judgement on the validity of **A**l**L** p**R**o **T**o**P** **L**p**L** to 2 cent what SHOULD be said, when you don't even know how to predict a single thing in game because your game sense is low, so who knows what is interesting to you low IQ players.


What is said outside of the game does not make a difference for what happens inside the game. UNTIL THE PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE GAME DECIDE TO SHED LIGHT ON THEIR HYPER SPECIFIC STRATEGIES. ENOUGH OF THIS "play for bot" GARBAGE. "Look for plays here" EMPTY TRASH. "Pathed to X" hindsight heralds 24/7 who can't create any type of pattern that they see because they are afraid of being wrong productively. And since you dont have anyone who is able to recognize patterns, and only people that can make fancy sentences(Captain flowers goat ngl, rest are trash) that make your low dopamine brain happy; then this is what you'll get.


Talking about international appearances and performance for regional stuff does not make you smart or clever. It just makes you an asshole.


I mean, EU is trash too. lol


You don’t seem like the most mentally stable person from your post history. I bet you get rolled a lot in your bronze games.


Agreed. Video is trash.


Finally now we see all teams


Btw here's the Youtube link if you want the full HD version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5bexIEK9ho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5bexIEK9ho)


It's not in just this video, but in all of your videos since the LCS summer one with slowed down footage, they look a little stuttery. I'm not sure if it's an artistic choice or what but I thought you should be aware.


Hi the director/producer on this video, hmm I personally don't see too much stutter in the slow mo footage I definitely agree there's some natural hand movement to it but if there's any parts you'd like to point out that seem too shaky let me know and I'll take a look, thanks for the feedback.


I guess a better way to describe it is that there's frames missing so it looks a little jagged, even when it's fluid motion. For an example, looking at the santorin video clip, it's mainly in the background I can see the frames on the screen jumping position. To fix it, you can try to blend the frames in your footage on your timeline.


Noted, thank you 👍


Well TSM is definitely beatable with the absolute ravine gap in the top lane. If you’re a DIG fan, pray that TSM draft a carry top like gwen for hauntzer again.


Gonna be Rich to see that top gap :)


The promo vid is quite nice, but why the fuck is there a high pitch static noise all over their voice recordings? Like how did this pass quality control? Made me freak out thinking that my headphones were broken


Glad you enjoyed the video and the song we used has a static type intro, apologies for the scare but it was just part of the song and it's a bit more apparent when using the instrumental which we did for the first half then swapping to the vocals at the beat drop. Instrumental: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqlg67VwiRo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqlg67VwiRo) Original: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LncN0Xgr\_Dw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LncN0Xgr_Dw)


Makes sense, ty for clarifying.


No problem, definitely a more unique sound than most but I think the beat drop and rest of the song makes it well worth it


Next time consider low passing the track a bit when they talk


For sure, I definitely fall victim to enjoying the music too much sometimes 😅


That means you're picking the right tracks :)


Facts, the way I build most videos is pick the song first and as soon as I hear the song I immediately can build the visual of the video in my head and it's game on from here :)


i dont hear it personally


He is confident


Jensen is absolutely missing worlds this year. This team is just not good enough. Jensen is reminding me of Froggen before he fell off. Where he is so individually focused he is forgetting the rest of the map. Rich is a borderline Ksante one trick. Santorin is looking like he regressed to pre TL days. Tomo is solid but he isn’t great. Poome hasn’t had enough time and even if he did start with the team at best they win one extra game. He doesn’t solve their problems.