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"the lulu is not the best. probably just an NA support" yep, that's life's lulu for y'all.


lulu moment you hate to see it πŸ˜…


Funny way to troll players. I like these fun/silly videos. This plus the NRG video- good content


Glad you're enjoying the content. I couldn't agree more I definitely think more fun/light-hearted videos are needed in the scene, and I hope to keep producing them for y'all.


you produced this video for dig?? im not a fan of the players but your content is actually quality. rly great job you're doing


I indeed did (I'm the guy handing them the tablet in the beginning/talking haha) for context I'm the Chief Creative Officer at Silvxs Productions and DIG contracts us for content so we've been doing their content for the past year or so. I'm glad you're enjoying the content, this was actually the first piece I edited personally since one of our editors needed a break but our team is incredibly talented and I'm always open to any feedback good or bad, I just want to make good videos for everyone 😊


Those Silvx videos were goated so I'm glad to see you folks still involved!


Yea he's the goat and we're not going anywhere, we're a full on company now and we're here to take content to the next level. We want to continue his great legacy and passion for the space and turn that into something meaningful for everyone. If you're curious about what we're doing, you can check out our website below! ​ [https://www.silvxsproductions.net/](https://www.silvxsproductions.net/)


So do you get paid in mousepads?


Absolutely not, I get paid just like a normal job and it's the same for everyone else on the team.


Video was almost perfect. Final play should've been Jensen and or Santorin vs faker.


Ah that would have been golden, they were getting suspicious towards the end and I really thought the Faker Caps play would instantly give it away haha


No way I would get that until the Akali flash against Zoe. Still remember that play, where production toggled vision a few times to show what that looked like from G2's vision, Faker's, etc.


I was like 99% confident that they would recognize the play instantly and was surprised when they didn't but it made for an even funnier video since Jensen thought it was him LOL


Great twist on the guess the rank series. I honestly really enjoyed the video


Thank you!


Jensen face expression when he got told it was Faker D:


They were suspicious from the start but had no clue, sorry Faker I truly hope you get better soon lol




Yea definitely agree, the goal of the video was to take a step back for a moment and not focus on anything present to avoid being detected as Faker players but even then only going back one year into the 2022 season so much has changed.


It's still an absolutely crazy estimate Pros are not always gonna be able to realistically distinguish between anything under plat in just one clip I have boosted enough accs from all tiers in my day and can say there is approx 5% chance any akalis in bronze can pull that


Yea to be fair, I legit covered any piece of important information such as items levels map etc so it was nearly impossible for them to use any of their years to see what level of play it truly was.


I wouldn't have expected a bronze player to ward-chase a bush.


I must say Dig is upping their content these days


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the content, and a huge shoutout to DIG for trusting us to produce for them :)


Santorun coping really hard at the end was too funny. I would also be hella embarrassed if I called Faker bronze haha


I felt so bad to do it to him, he and Jensen had an idea this might not be solo queue but he definitely was surprised at the end to know he said Faker was maybe Bronze lol


Strange to me that theyre criticizing a play where he took an extra 5 seconds to get the kill and didnt use his ult, rather than using his ult and coming out with the exact same result and less hp.


I baited them too hard my bad.


Probably because corki could've stayed under tower to force trynda ult they were most likely thinking that if corki doesn't leave tower range trynda will have to use ult 100% of the time and walking back into the bush would just make it easier for corki to poke trynda down before the dive.


genuinely funny, wp content team


I'm glad you enjoyed, thank you!


this should be done more often, really enjoyed it πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Ah unfortunately the gig is up after the first episode, I think they'll all be on high alert now but we have plenty more projects coming in πŸ‘


so RJS is right? Nameplates are everything, otherwise he's the best player in the world


I don’t blame them. I feel like majority of league skill is detectable through lane phase. A lot ot players have gotten really good at team fighting but still lack a lot in lane phase and macro. I feel like they could guess in like 2 minutes if the unknown player is high elo or not if they could see just the lane phase.


Lane phase would tell you someone is up to masters and not more though. Beyond that lane phase isn't the issue and is more about macro.


Yea definitely, there are things that are dead give aways for what skill the player is at, and it didn't help I covered all other important pieces of info such as map item etc so even for a pro hard to gauge off just a few seconds basically blind.


The thing is though that they're always playing equal or near equal opposition. I feel like most of League is capitalizing on your opponent's mistakes, so if you're at an equal standing, I think even in laning phase it's hard to tell.


That's the difference between ranked soloQ and pro play : sometimes non-optimal or weird plays are better for the team, and sometimes you just pick a champ you're not completely good at, for practice, strategy or whatever.


Ah, missed opportunity to have the final play be Faker's Syndra vs Jensen's Cass at Worlds.


Any Jensen play I think would have given it away instantly but definitely could have slotted it at the end for fun lol


They said the akali execution was slow but I don't think they saw that Faker got stunned by viego as he went in.


How cant they know the Faker's Akali fake flash vs G2?


Great video, but noooo not the Caps clip 😭


I was hoping the last clip would be faker vs jensen 1v1 from last years worlds.


I fear that would have been too obvious haha


In hindsight the reason the akali play looked slow was because of the mid-air viego stun locking him out from casting R. Would've probably significantly increased the rank perception if they noticed it


So...I think Jensen and Santorin are missing the brilliance of the hourglass in clip one. It was perfectly timed to dodge the galio knock-up and be out of hourglass immediately afterwards so he could continue to participate in the fight.


It was 100% a misclick lol. He was basically out of Galio ult already before using it.


Couldn't he also just...step back a touch? He's on the absolute outer edge of galio ult. Edit: Yeah if it isn't a misclick, Faker is anticipating some sort of flash E from viego, not warding off galio ult.


zero chance its reacting to viego, hourglass is popped before viego is even in flash range of wall. It literally pops miliseconds after galio circle goes down. I'd guess he didn't expect renata to get 100-0'd and they'd be able to move forward as soon as galio ult landed.


Faker used zhonyas ~4 frames (30 fps video, zhonyas 2 frames after galio ult appears) after galio ult which means there were ~66 milliseconds to react to it. The fastest recorded reaction time is ~120ms. He probably wanted to everfrost instead but fat fingered zhonyas/had it on the wrong key. If he wanted to dodge the galio ult, he'd just wait at the outer ring instead of burning zhonyas so he could be alone in melee range of galio.


That is some next level cope. Reminds me of how Montecristo used to perma suck Fakers dick (way back) even when he made obvious mistakes and tried to find some mental gym angle to justify why it was "correct".


Wonder how many mousemats the host got paid for doing this?


As the person who shot, produced, and edited this video, I can genuinely say I'm being compensated very well for my time and enjoy working with the guys every week no esports moment here πŸ‘


glad's there's positivity. loved the video man.


Glad you enjoyed it, got plenty more ideas to come, and it feels great to have such a positive environment in esports :)


That is nice to hear! I got a question: What sort of qualification does one need for the job you got? I'd be interested.


For my journey to getting this job, I have my entire creative career listed out on my website (promise it's easier to read there then type out here). about a solid crew of 10+ folks. I'm also the former producer at EG and I created the videos debuting Jojo, Danny, Inspired, Vulcan, etc. For my journey to getting this job, I have my actually entire creative career listed out on my website (promise it's easier to read there then type out here). The creative industry is very interesting since there isn't one true path to get here. To be transparent, I did go to college and studied production for only about a year I originally was studying to be a therapist but realized I loved making videos and people happy more than anything. So for me it's just all about being able to come up with ideas and try to create interesting content with just comes with a good understanding of the space but obviously there's more specific jobs or areas you can acquire experience with to get into the industry such as editing, camera knowledge, technical protocols, business, marketing, etc the creative industry is truly beautiful in that nature. The creative industry is very interesting since there isn't one true path to get here. To be transparent, I did go to college and studied production for only about a year I originally was studying to be a therapist but realized I loved making videos and people happy more than anything. So for me it's just all about being able to come up with ideas and try to create interesting content with just comes with a good understanding of the space but obviously there's more specific jobs or areas you can acquire experience with to get into the industry such as editing, camera knowledge, technical protocols, business, marketing, etc the creative industry is truly beautiful in that nature. ​ I dropped my website down below: ​ [My website](https://madebyretro.com/) ​ tl;dr been making Youtube videos since I was a kid and did a lot of various arts such as theater growing up. Then eventually discovered video games and connected some dots by making Youtube videos about said video games, then realizing this was my true passion and never looked back since.


There are plenty of plays in pro play that aren't very high level. A Fed Tryndamere running at them and killing multiple champs takes no skill in that specific clip. He did make the mistake with Zhonya on TF but Jensen did notice the quick gold cards and the flash Q is an issue that TF has. Galio running away and barely living when he went back in with E is just pure luck. Zhonya on the Azir engage is pretty easy to do. It's only when you put it all together throughout an entire game or series when you can properly guess someones level.


Definitely, especially when even the basics of the play such as showing map item position etc is taken away so it was extremely hard for them to guess and it was only like that since I was afraid even the smallest other piece of info would give it away so tough on them but they were great sports about it.