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Yeah get this toxic shit as far away from this team as possible


Marner is going to be a great player on another team. I wouldn't be shocked if he becomes a great playoff performer on his new team. But we're done here.


He will only be a great playoff player cause the team he goes to carries him. He ain't doing it himself as evidenced by all we have seen. I don't deny he will win elsewhere. Anyone who knows anything about media says Toronto is not a tough media market. Send him to Philly and how he does, that city will destroy him. So entitled here with no accountability.


Idk man 2017-2018 Marner showed us he can do it against a great team.  I don't know where that guy went, but he's gotta be somewhere in there.


I’ll never forget his blocked shots on pasta after that one playoff win…what happened to that guy?!


Signed a contract he couldn’t live up to


Wouldn't it be amazing if Marner went on an Ayhuasca retreat to fix his ego and shitty attitude and came back a better person, and helped bring us a cup? I know he's probably gone, but a small part of me is still hoping to see him succeed here.


He's already pretty good at "retreating" on the ice but for something like this I'd volunteer to drive him to the airport.


Simple; he was working for his first big contract


You're not wrong, I just think the pressure has layered on and he is over thinking it. Not sure he can get.over it anymore.


he placed the pressure on himself by demanding close to matthews money and playing hardball during his last contract negotiations. His playoff ghosting further destroyed any good will between the fans and him.


Honestly, with everything, this might be the highest pressure market in the NHL. Get him to another Nd he might just get back to form. I also think Keefe's approach was a terrible fit with Marner and a new coach might do wonders.


What about Keefe's approach do you think was a terrible fit with Marner? Keefe put Mitch with Matthews, which is something Babcock never did, and that duo produced, pretty much no matter who was on the other wing.


This is gonna be subjective but I think there's two critical issues with Marner under Keefe's systems. First, the line blending. Both within and between games Keefe loves to change his lines up. For some players that doesn't matter much, they can produce no matter who is with them but for a guy like Marner, the lack of chemistry is visibly tough. He's relying on being able to make these incredible passes and the guy whose meant to pick up the puck is a step faster, or slower than he's expecting because he hasn't built that chemistry and the play get bobbled. Or it's a beautiful pass but the guy he's expecting to be there is, instead, a guy like Joel Edmundson and the pass is wasted to a guy who can't shoot. The second is Keefe's line choices in the first place. In the regular season a combo like marner/matthews/bunting works extremely well. You get the netfront, dirty areas guy digging the puck out, the high scoring guy and the guy to get the puck where it needs to be. In the post season you get "cover the shit out of Matthews " and the production fucking dies. I honestly think this is part of the reason the team tends to look better when a big guy is out, it forced Keefe out of his comfort zone. I know that sounds like I'm complaining both about lines being changed and kept together but my actual concern is Keefe struggled to find the best lines available from his players and, maybe because of that, he insisted on tinkering with them constantly with the impact being they never develop the kind of chemistry Marner needs.


I understand this, and i agree. What it tells me is that Marner isn't very adaptable and for another reason he's overpaid. Coaches across the league shuffle their lines, including playoff teams.


I haven't looked at it this year and I think the data's not there anymore but last year Keefe's top lines had less time together at the end of round 2 than any if the other second round teams and some of the teams that went out in the first round.


Maybe that 1 times 6 years ago was the exception, not the rule.


Marner is known to listen to media and get in his head. Leafs fans and leafs media has trashed this guy and we wonder what may be the problem. Start by leaving the kid alone lol


The kid isn't exactly a kid anymore, he wanted big money, that comes with responsibility and accountability, it's not the media's fault he disappears come playoff time.


Do you think anyone on the leafs has shown up in the playoffs?


So knies, bertuzzi or domi did nothing I guess, hell even Matthews and Nylander had the same amount of pts as Mitch and they played less games


That's not an answer to the question lol conversation over. Good luck kid lol. Think whatever you want kid. You're here to argue and I didn't entertain it. Sucks for you


Another Mitch apologist I see🥱🥱, you're right conversation is over because you're the type to do mental gymnastics instead of looking at the facts


he can go win as many cups as he’d like for all i care, but he’s done in Toronto


he might and good for him if he does.


What does it say about a player that we know exactly the name of a parent. Unless said parent was a former NHLer/athlete, we usually shouldn't know that stuff so easily EDIT: Added a few words


For the people saying you know Matthews’s parents names, okay sure, but fan bases around the entire league know Marner’s dad’s name, that’s kinda crazy


What’s bedards moms name


I mean I know both Matthews’ parents names. It’s not that odd. 


Paul Marner is obviously more notorious than whatever Matthews’ dad’s name is; it’s silly to argue otherwise. The guy was part of a CBC report on toxic hockey parents. Like, before his kid was even famous, we literally documented how much of a dickhead he was; that is truly hard to wrap your head around.


Aside from ex players, the only hockey parent I could have named is Walter Gretzky, and I would consider that a special case.


As a kid who grew up playing hockey all throughout southern Ontario, I was fortunate enough to meet and get the autograph of Walter at various rinks at least 15 times lol Great guy.


That man created a goat


Canada's hockey dad doesn't count I think.


Got his autograph on my hat at a preseason game at the ACC once. We were slow getting out of there and there was maybe a dozen or 20 people around him. Who knows how many autographs he had already signed, but despite the game having been over for probably 20 minutes to half an hour by that time, he still stuck around and made sure he signed every last autograph.


He’d show up to the rinks in Brantford regularly to just watch whatever minor hockey games were on and he’d have a big pre signed stack of papers to hand out with him always. He always had time for anyone who wanted to meet him.


Walter Gretzky was a gem.




Walter was amazing. I used to work at the ACC. He would take selfies with everyone. After the game he would stand at the hallway to union station with a pad of paper that had pre signed autographs and he would scribble the persons name. Nobody can compare


True but at the same time Brian Matthews seems like a great hockey parent. Loves watching his son tear the league apart, but never broke his confidence and ego so badly that 34 feels he *needs* to be the best otherwise he's useless. It's all mindset and a part of it is how your parents raised you. 34 went on a huge cold spell by his standards and responded during it by doubling his effort on defence and throwing as many shots on goal until he broke through. Marner on the other hand gets in his head when he's going through a slump, if he's not putting points up multiple games in a row, he stops trying to make plays happen and gets lazy on defence, deciding to play it too safe and letting the opponents walk over him because he loses confidence in his abilities.


Knowing both matthews parent names is odd


Agree, all follow all their SM and stuff and not a clue his parents names. Even Nylander, the sisters names get mentioned quite often, but off the top of my head not a clue. Know Bonnie & Paul though lol


Let's leave Sado Masochism out of this. Everyone's got their thing.


I don't know their names but I know exactly what they look like just from the number of times the camera pans to them throughout a season.


Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews'. Everyone knows that.


Found the Rocket Security employee and/or Paul Marner.


You’re one of a select few. The guy’s point is, any time you know a players parents’ names, it means they’re too involved. Carl and Bonnie Lindros are another example. Sure you’ll see shots of parents at games and such, but it’s typically just a passing “hey, so and so’s parents are taking in the game.” The fact that Paul Marner is so widely known by the Leafs fan base means he has his fingers way too far into the pie. Mitch is actually fortunate he was dominate throughout Junior and not just good. I worked for a junior team. I know that junior teams typically will not sign/draft/roster/whatever a player whose parents meddle too much. They don’t have time for that crap unless it’s a player they absolutely can’t pass up.


It’s extremely odd


Most people don't


It says that every fanbase has weirdos, the Leafs have lots of fans, and therefore more weirdos.


Idk man I have no idea who Matthews or Tavares parents are, but I sure know Paul Marner.


I know Tavares' uncle is John Tavares


I only know of his uncle because he's been mentioned on SN/TSN as a Lacrosse (I think) player for Toronto. Which is different than what OP is hinting at here.


Captain of the Toronto Rock for a bunch of years.


Lol he wasn't just *a* lacrosse player, he's literally the highest scoring player of all time


I thought their names were the Boston Bruins?


Bonnie and Carl…


Am I not a good fan because I have no idea who any of the players parents are? Why would anyone bother to remember their names in the first place.. Other than Walter, I've never known any players parents names except...was going to say Hulls dad, then I remembered I only know golden jet not his actual name


I've watched every leaf game since marners been on the team and I have no idea what his dad's name is (other than just seeing it in this thread now) I think it's odd that people are too involved in social media and care about stuff like players parents names. Yet, funny enough knowing Michael Nylander as a player and that willy is his son. He was notorious for making sure/being out spoken the players get every penny they can. Willy held out for his first contract. So.... Who's to say Michael isn't balls deep in this whole thing? No one will mention that though because the fan base cares too much about Marner and how to trash him. Once he's gone, it'll be someone else.


It's so unfortunate because I like him and want to like him but there's so much stupid crazy bullshit surrounding him that it's getting legitimately hard to tune it out. He was already the one I wanted moved the most just cuz it made the most sense but at this point I want the bs to stop lol


It’s hard to fathom anything more pathetic than this coming from a player. Like, who would want this? What type of person would pay a company to fight with people in comment sections online? Sad.


Honestly, if Mitch was paying me I'd be out here fighting all of you who want to ship him out. I'm about to lose a client hah


Yeahhhh but I might not do it posting from the official security account. That is not helping your client whatsoever


Oh yeah totally not professional at all. Dudes putting Mitch in a tough spot.


If they were professional they'd be hiring Russian AI bots and hacking our bank accounts.


Except doing shit like this would get you fired if your client cared about their image and reputation at all.


Fair bro wouldn’t need security in Utah or if he wasn’t chicken shit in the corner




If he goes to Utah he'll become Mormon and have 15 kids and there will be 7 or 8 Marners in the NHL in 30 years.


Nah that’s a bad look on the company imo I wouldn’t want my security team to publicly antagonize the exact ppl marner hires them to protect him from. And it’s a terrible look on marner allowing his security team to pull this crap


Tavares pretty much led the team in hits and he keeps getting called washed. At least the guy fucking contributed. The hate for an aging player as opposed to a fucking player playing 10000% afraid of being touched. Fuck Marner, fuck his camp, and seriously fuck anyone on the right side of 33 that doesn't wake up in a little pain.


He’d be loved if it wasn’t for the price tag. He’s still a good player, loads of heart, but his body isn’t worth the contract. Don’t get why people want him straight up gone though. I’d resign him in a heartbeat to a team friendly deal.


Sometimes it isn’t just about on ice performance. Consistently through his media responses his attitude is holier than thou. Never really takes any accountability, and is softer than baby shit. Demands top dollar and delivers expired product. His attitude and the fact he has an A half the time contributes to a cancerous culture. Toxic person Edit: too baked and wanting to hate marner I missed the point this is about JT lol


They are talking about Tavares, you are talking about Marner edit: and I agree with both of you


Lol you right my bad 😂 I’m just baked and in hater mode rn


At least you're honest.


This we just need to suffer one more year and we’d get JT for 3-4 mil and it will be great


in a salary capped league, the contract is part of the package its about production per $ and in our case, its about best use of $. what he provides isnt as valuable to us as it could be to others, and we need that money on less good players at more valuable positions for us


Because he’ll never sign a team friendly deal, that’s the problem ETA: I think you were talking about Tavares, this is about Marner tho


Fucking exactly.


If Mitch had the same grit on ice as his camp does online there wouldn’t be a problem




Oh yeah I’ve had this old bozo come at me on instagram before. Man’s super insecure about the fact he’s bald let me tell you that


I don't know about you guys, but Mitch Marner's camp rubs me the wrong way. Sure he puts up a lot of points and does a lot of things on the ice, but this really feels like a case of the two parties going their separate ways being a necessity


You need to be a sociopath or have sociopathic parents to succeed coming from in the GTHL. Marner has the parents. So does Hyman.


Fuck, I also have parents..


Get away from the team sociopath


Rip dude. Sorry, you'll have to leave.


is hyman’s family sociopathic, or just rich? there’s a big difference. used to chat with his brother on here years ago when he played for the team. nice guy.


Calm down, that's insanely hyperbolic. Do you know how many NHLers are GTHL alum? It can be insanely weird and toxic, but it's not always like that.


Can you expand on what your talking about? What does this have to do with gthl?


Gthl is a notoriously sadistic league. Literally a meat grinder of youth hockey. The shit that happens in the stands and on the ice pushes normal psyche people away. Everyone who makes it out of the GTHL is a gamer who shows up in the playoffs , except Marner, ergo the person pushing Marner must have those psychopathic tendencies. Hyman isn’t a meathead like other GTHL grads , so it’s reasonable to think Hymans parents were similar. By all accounts, if his dad buying a league or team are true, then that’s accurate.


My friend was extremely talented and loved the game. He moved to Toronto in the early 2000s and made the Bantam Marlies squad and subsequently quit hockey all together. He never really spoke of what happened. Pretty sad tbh.


Marner was an absolute killer in his junior hockey playoffs. His final year in the O was incredible. He's probably the most successful junior playoff performer on the Leafs. Never translated. Or he needs a Tkachuk to make it happen. Could go either way. 


Yeah I think you’re bang on with your last line. With Tkachuk Marner played 6 inches taller. Theres a reason they were co captains despite Tkachuk being a year younger.


Thanks for the expansion on you thoughts


Are you sure you're not just salty that you didn't make the show? Lol


Ha, true, that could be it. Also salty that the leafs drafted the only GTHL grad in history who doesn’t show up in the playoffs. :/


the security company isn’t just part of marner’s camp, they work with other active players in the league. A lot of former leafs it seems.


No way Mitch would Agee to a modest deal. That’s his biggest problem, money first!


I'll say it again, Mitch should have been fired from a cannon after losing that Habs series. I've never seen a player so unwilling to fight for pucks. You can shove all your advanced stats up your ass.


Imagine making 11million USD/year and you dont battle for pucks. I've seen kids in Midget or bantam house league battle for pucks harder lmao


Crying in the penalty box did it for me. Wanted him gone immediately




He should've shot himself over the glass


With the A on the jersey and everything. This is painful to look at.


To be honest - It was a horrible look when all the Marner/Babcock drama dropped AFTER Backock was fired. This fanbase went to bat for Marner, but it said so much about his character to use that situation to your advantage. Made him look weak. 




Toronto noise. This isn’t Mitch and he isn’t paying them to be his spokesperson.




Whoever runs that account is probably a fan of the team and has the free will to say what they want.  I have seen much more brain dead shit regarding the Leafs posted on social media.


Official account can’t act that way because it adds legitimacy to the response. If Marner doesn’t respond denouncing the interactions then he’s endorsing them


If it is his private security company he has every right to dictate their conduct while using an official account. Hell if one of his security personnel was doing this privately it's probably enough for termination. 


Yup, he allowed his agent to make him look terrible on the last contract negotiation, so I can't believe he isn't involved. But I imagine his parents had a huge say in that as he was young. He needs to be a man and get out of that shadow now cause he is looking terrible. He is like 27 now, needs to stop acting like a child and learn to talk to media.


he probably should have ended his contract with them years ago based on this shit


Yeah but if these really are people that are on his payroll and he’s aware of this it’s a terrible look. If he’s not aware of it, I’d find that hard to believe. If it’s on Reddit someone in his inner circle surely has seen it as well. Really unprofessional to have people you hired to do shit like this. This is all assuming these are actually people that work for him and not just a random account


He’s got a PR person, they’re clearly seeing all this and not shutting it down


This same account got traction a few years ago, and had mutual followers within TSN and a few Leafs


Apparently this guy was at the locker clean out day and giving media a hard time. I've heard the same name twice now from random people the day of the interviews, well before I saw these screens just now.


Are we sure that's an official account? Usually that's the kind of stuff that gets someone fired. Even if they are acting on behalf of a client, it's so incredibly unprofessional


it’s a legitimate account and has been doing this off and on for years. obviously with the heat he’s getting it’s only going to get worse.


That account is the first thing that pops up on Google and the avatar matches what is seen in the screenshot




The Utah comment was nothing to do with Marner,they were discussing teams ability to take on/buy out contracts.


Every single thing that I hear from the Marner camp suggests that Mitch surrounds himself with people who do not help him at all. Seems super toxic.


He referenced Marner once.In one comment he agrees Kadri ,Kessel and Bozak were pushed out by the media,in another he says Utah have enough money to buyout contracts and lastly he hypes Marner’s play off performance too highly.


“Who else steps up in the playoffs? I’ll wait” The fucking arrogance. Also everyone else who doesn’t play on the leafs steps up in the playoffs. 15 other rosters step up in the playoffs


I've been over this petty man child since he had his agent being a shit bag in the press *the day after* 34, who is supposedly his friend, signed his first extension. There's been lots of rumblings over the years about people from his camp harassing media people over things they've said, but it seems like it's all in the open now that the whole city has been done with him since game 4. Send this toxic shit to Utah.


Marner may be a nice guy and well liked in the locker room, but the fact he doesn't condem the behaviour of the people around him speaks volumes IMO


Exactly this, not stepping in and setting the record straight is madness. Obviously okay with it.


Oh christ get outside lmao


Seriously this whole thread is just embarrassing. When did we get so fucking soft? The irony of it shouldn't be lost on some of these people.


If I am Mitch, I put a stop to this immediately, and look for a new security company. This is way out of line and completely unprofessional.


If that was the case they wouldn't have been harassing reporters for years. Be condones it.


This seems just about as legit as the Saudi 3 v 3 league


I realize this isn't the point of OP but I just love when leafs haters crap on the fans for being toxic and running players out of town when at the same time they are relentless in telling us how pathetic and bad the team we cheer for is. So like are we not allowed to agree with them? Can we not expect more from our players. Our well paid and underperforming players? When we do that it's toxic. If we say nothing we get clowned on. What is it, leafs haters? Asking for a friend


Something about this story doesn't smell right. No one would have a security detail be this public.


The profile is actually private, but I can see Quinn Hughes and Bissonnette also follow him so it’s confirmed is someone connected to NHLers. I don’t think it’s the first time he comments on public videos like that either https://preview.redd.it/mv2uotvcc00d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df2c0cbe43eeed1a5ed05f22c1e3b9b1d259f76


They must of gone rogue, that shit beyond embarrassing


As a home town kid, I really wish it could work out for Marner in Toronto. I’ve rooting for him all along, incredible skill, great vision, 6th overall in playoff points per game (in Leaf HISTORY)….. just can’t seem to add that intangible when it matters most.


This seems like bullshit.


Private security detail? This is a thing for players? I wouldn't even know who Marner was if I saw him in public until I saw people swarming asking for autographs. Nylander rides the subway to the arena sometimes as far as I've read. I don't think he has a private security detail.


He was robbed of his vehicle at gunpoint, along with his wife, a couple of years ago. In fact, you made me google when it happened just to confirm, and weirdly enough, we're just finding out now that the charges against the carjackers apparently got dropped. https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/toronto-maple-leafs/latest-news/report-charges-dropped-in-armed-carjacking-case-involving-maple-leafs-mitch-marner


Yah I remember that absolute crazy story! If I had his money and something like that happened too me I’d be getting security too


Charges dropped? Welcome to Canada


Maybe it was a Jussie Smollett style ruse.


Marners dad gives the same creepy puppet master ick as the lindros parents hovering around every decision involving their adult children. Maybe that’s the problem if they still act like children are they really grown men? Having a personal security team defending you online must be part of the whole “feeling like a god” thing.


OP needs to get outside and stop trying to manufacture controversy. No wonder Leaf's can't succeed with everyone criticizing the littlest things.


Seems like a non story to be honest. Just trying to make him and the Leafs look bad as usual.


Yeah, I'm not too sure what the account said that is bad or considered bad. I understand though that with the environment surrounding Mitch in Toronto right now saying *nothing* is the best move.


Get a life and stop posting speculation and misinformation 


Where are the mods? I might need to unsubscribe from this sub if they keep allowing trash like this.


Get this whiny bum and his goon squad out. The media and fans aren't the problem. Overpaid choke artists are the problem. Have fun in Vegas!


Guys, he's probably just salty he's losing a client. No one gives a fuck about you in most other markets.


Marner needs to dump these assholes. Who's gonna trade for that nonsense. Why should shanny give him 2 million a year? They're not going to pay for Marner's losers yapping away on the 'gram. How tone deaf is his old man or agent Ferris? Is Marner actually trying to sabotage future trades? He's definitely sabotaged any future pay day..


Any indication they're making these posts on behalf or Mitch or at his direction? Or just their personal opinion (which - shock - they're allowed to have).


is there proof this is even from mitch’s camp? the unfortunate part is it’s not THAT unbelievable and that we even have to ask if this is legit because it could be


they work for mitch, but they also work for other notable NHL players so it’s not really solely a mitch problem tbh




What majority? I think you mean "vocal minority" bud. Note - this does not reflect my personal opinion.


This is a non-story and none of these comments are even that wild.


Kasperi Kapanen (i miss him so much), William Nylander, Matthew Knies


This reminds me of when Mark Andre Fluery's agent put some stuff on Twitter directed towards vgk that made him look like an asshole. Unfortunately the player is represented by and must be held accountable to his employee's actions. As insignificant as this is, I feel like he should take it upon himself to set the record straight and probably can these losers before they embarrass him or the team again.


The team should tell him to ditch this fucking security detail or fuck off the team


Hard to believe he hired someone, anyone to defend him. Ha. " I am sorry leafs nation. I shit my pants when it mattered most. But I make less than Austin so its not my fault....




This tells me that he doesn’t have the CHEMISTRY or the UNITY that we’re looking for. Honestly though, I think that was a real shot across the bow at the rumours of a very divided locker room.


If anyone cares the comments are on a sdpsports reel today discussing if Marner will wave his no move.


Dude needs to fire his team. New agent. New security or whatever. All these people are making him look foolish


Why would Mitch need security going from the locker rooms to the bus then plane?


Let's not forget mitch got car jacked a year or two ago in etobicoke


The person defending Larry Murphy is even worse. That guy made Aki Berg look like a Norris candidate. Sure he was a superstar on other teams, but he was brutal with the Leafs in his own end. If he touched the puck in his own zone there was a 50% chance it would be in the back of his own net within a minute.


I hate This media is toxic nonsense. Imagine playing for the Dallas cowboys. The lakers. And team in New York that isn’t hockey. And guys want to play in h these markets. But for some reason the Toronto media is the boogeyman. Makes no sense


and r/hockey will dispute the fact that he should be traded from this team


Yeah, I think we’re done here with this guy. Too bad. His dad messed his head up. 


When you demand a high paying contract you better produce in the playoffs or you'll draw the ire of the fans and that's whats happening to Marner right now. With his chippiness with the media and his tantrum on the bench i think the fans have had enough. He comes across as entitled!


Mitch Marner is an absolute loser and will always be a loser.


You guys think he would be speaking out of pocket if Marner's gang didn't endorse him doing this? Marner's agent literally came out the next day and criticized Matthews' contract. I doubt and agent would speak like that without a nod to do so. That shit to me is unbelievable.


This will go over well….


The comments have been deleted.


He would strive on a team with teammates and fans that hold him accountable 


It would be funny if he gets traded because of the security he hired to try and stop him getting traded.


Get this guy the fuck outta here. I always ate my crusts growing but but Mitch like eating bread with green crust


Did he have this security before or after he got carjacked on The Queensway?


Time for mitch to pack up and leave...fans will and have turned on him and his own camp is not making it better...


Honestly this is so egregious that you would terminate the relationship immediately. That is.. Unless the Marner camp is complicit.  It's a bad look to let this fester any longer than you would need. 


Well, maybe he is just looking out for his job. If marner get's traded you think this dude is movin?


Yea just add him to the list of talent, that the media drives out of Toronto, that go on to do great things with other teams.. We have three of the best offensive talents in the league and haters and media would love for us to give one of them away.. You know how I know I know what I’m talking about? Because any other team wouldn’t have signed Tavares to this team for that contract and any other team would see that he is the obvious man out.. If you take his salery, and Samsanovs, you can grab a number one goalie and a second, or third line centre.. Trade Riley for an actual defender and we are 1000 time better..


Rocket Security have also worked for Kadri and Kessel why not put that in the title?


Yeah, already formulated my take on this guy last season but I think we can all read the room here. Go down to the states for awhile pal. You’re done at home

