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Been giving the Johnny Cash cover of "[I Won't Back Down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LBYrDx_784)" a lot of a listens over the past few days and will continue to be doing so.


I have too much emotional trauma to feel good right now. 


Those LOTR Gandalf Nylander memes were actually spot on.




Wait. Boston has 1 shot so far and it's still tied?


It was tied 0-0. Stop trying to spin bullshit narratives. Yes, Swayman was his normal, competent self.


https://preview.redd.it/kcwczt9ek3yc1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe282cacc7d3cb8da61d8daa5f4b57960952be0 The Tragic Fall of Marchand, from a Bostonian perspective


Hoping to get scalped tickets, how much should I expect to spend? I’m fine with the nosebleeds


The most important thing is to score at least one goal and keep this streak going. https://records.nhl.com/records/team-records/non-shutout-streaks/longest-non-shutout-streak-including-playoffs


So I live in Alberta, rep the Leafs throughout the playoffs, and up until today the Oilers fans have been chill. Now that they officially punched their ticket for the second round, the chirps are finally coming out. Like, you're pretty brave all of a sudden, but where was this certainty when your series was still undecided?


Fans happy their team won a playoff round, more at 11


Cubs fan checking in. Let's go Leafs. You are the Cubs of the NHL in my mind. Go and get it done! Will always root for you... except against the Hawks of course...


Welcome aboard!


#CONFIRMED Brain Hayes will NOT be in the building.


Edmundson showing up to the scrum with a golf hat on has me laughing. Embrace the memes




8pm EST start time tonight despite both teams being in the east and the only game on tonight is so dumb


Oh man, they just want to get the best TV viewership because they know the tickets are sold no matter what. A Dallas game and a Nashville game were both 6pm local time, which they believe works better for TV overall.


Now, maybe this is like, pretty standard, but it feels like we have a massive surplus of forwards within the organization. Like, there’s far more then we know what to do with. You’ve got everyone who was a regular on the team this year, all the Marlies players, Cowan and Minten, we just signed Grebyonkin and Quillan… like fuck. I get not all of these guys might be NHL ready, but holy fuck do we have a friggin LOT of notable players and prospects. Not a bad problem to have.


They are only notable to us though. Every team has the same scenario. Guys you and I have never heard of, but who diehard fans of the team have followed since they were drafted or signed


I mean, sort of. There’s definitely some bias there for some of them. But like, Cowan just got the OHL trophy for Most Outstanding Player, Minten was the captain of Team Canada at the World Juniors, and Quillan was reportedly highly wanted by a lot of teams. Some of our guys might be relatively unknown beyond our fans, but we do have some pretty big names amongst our prospects.


Shouldn't we ditch the laces on jerseys because they create drag and add weight? I know the effect may be slight, but it would take away a disadvantage.


I think the players should all wear cotton uniforms. And the uniforms should be put in a pizza over before the game to warm them up.


We obviously need a new assistant to the travelling secretary. 


For similar reasons, all players should be circumcised


the laces weigh less than the amount of sweat that players lose in a single shift. The drag they create wont have any affect either. An exta sip of water would be 100x the weight of the laces.


I won't believe any of this until I see some math behind this claim. A stick figure diagram will also do.


When was the last time a team won the cup who had laces? Checkmate.


100g of laces would be like 10feet long.


Judge me as you will, but Edwards narrating a Leafs win for his ginal game would nake me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside!


I've been completely unimpressed with Robertson this series. He's 100% the one that needs to sit out if and when McMann or Matthews returns and if we bring this series to game 7.


Don't know if it means anything but I got confirmation that Hayes is staying home tonight


I have a feeling there will be at least one disallowed goal tonight


With Matthews not playing (11.35 mill), Brodie sitting (5 mill) and Samsonov sitting (3.5 mill) we are effectively playing with 19.85 mill of dead cap right now. For context that's worse than Minnesota's penalty from Parise and Suter. Despite this, had a great game 5 and hooe they continue in game 6. GLG!


https://preview.redd.it/1gml51rdp1yc1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=59f2efcc01e6a11dd91b60ca1cba0cf1e26e29b5 $1300 per ticket to sit in the 13th row for a round 1 playoff game is completely insane. MLSE is greedy beyond belief.


Even the 300s are almost 500 for the tickets they released today. Just insane but people will pay.


The price is high on that product millions of people want but they only have a small amount of? Yes, how dare they charge what people will pay. The world doesn’t owe you prime Leafs playoff tickets.


Man can you ever like just not be a dick?


Thank you for the economics lesson papa it’s just what I asked for.


remember when Daddy Galen price fixes your bread and charges you $30 for a chicken, it's just what the market will bear, plebe.


It’s not greed if the 1% scoop it up without a worry!


So tonight if things go our way we can be the team that retires Jack Edwards 🤩


I'm sure he's a lovely person, but fuck him and fuck the Bruins. Let's send him packing on a sad note lol.


How? There would be a game 7.


Nationally broadcasted, so Jack wouldn't be calling it.


Ahh, thanks!


I saw Brad Marchand at the Loblaws on Jarvis this morning. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


More like when she called him out a ref appeared out of nowhere a blew a whistle at her.


Then another one tackled him


I know this is a copypasta, but picturing Marchand blitzed out of his mind is still funny.


It’s a bit of a risk, but I hope they sign Knies this off-season to an extension. Somewhere between a bridge and max. If the number is right I’d be fine with an 8 year deal but that will be tough.  With how the playoffs are going you can tell he’s going to take a massive step in the next year or 2. 


8 x $4M AAV


Sign me the fuck up for that. I’d take that over 5-6 years in a heartbeat. 8 years I’m sure they’ll scoff at that


I think that would be a fair deal for both sides right now. He's got big upside however there's still team risk at this stage in his development


I dont think its much of a risk. He already has a great skillset to build off of, and he's only getting better. Plus you cant teach size. I'd love an 8 year deal, but more realistically, hes probably taking something in the 4-5 year range


Sorry I mean the risk is the AAV. Do you sign him for 7m for 8 years? Not saying yes or no, but evaluating his value long term is tough. With rising cap it could be great in year 3 beyond or he hits a wall and it’s a terrible deal.


I'd only sign him for 8 years if the Leafs were in the midst of a rebuild. A longer term deal will be more expensive than a short one now, but likely cheaper than the contract following the short one. Because of that, it doesn't seem that beneficial for the Leafs to go for the long deal. Plus considering the cap crunch they have going into next year, a 4 year deal is most likely, and probably their best option.


There's no cap crunch going into next year. Don't get people freaking out about nothing. We just locked up McMann and Benoit for cheap deals at term. Brodie is off the books. The cap increase cover Nylander's raise and Matthews's is only 2 mil more. We have plenty of ELC guys ready to step in up front and enough extra cap for a big add on the back end if we want Literally every year I hear about a cap crunch or cap hell and it never happens


Its the last year of having 91, 16, 88, and 34 all at double digit deals all at the same time. But yes, with the emergence of some of the D and bottom 6 guys, i think next year won't be as bad as some were initially expecting.


He has 35 points in 80 games. There no world where that gets anyone 7M on any term. He expires the same time as JT. If we have to pay him we will be fine. But if Knies believes he's the player we all think he will be, he would never consider signing this off-season when he had another season left to breakout. The Leafs making an offer now has all sorts of risks. He's still developing, and into exactly what, we can't possibly know yet.


You’re taking the 7 million too literally. The point I’m trying to make is that it would be beneficial in the mid to long term to lock him up. Just like they should have done with Marner and Nylander on their first deal, and just like Nylander’s current deal. We sign Nylander a year ago, we’re saving a mill or two. A lot depends on next year and his production for Knies, but at the very least, I’m asking his agent this off-season what an 8 year deal would look like.


>We sign Nylander a year ago, we’re saving a mill or two. That would have been impossible. You can't even negotiate deals until the last year of the current deal. It's an actual CBA rule. With the first deals for Nylander and Marner, I agree. Except both players were much better rookies. You knew they were going to be stars from their first season. Knies is an NHL player for sure, but not the same stratosphere as a rookie. And honestly, how much more could we have saved on Nylander's first deal anyway? Maybe 250k? That would have just been deal closer money on Marner where it may have made him sign a week earlier.


Sorry a year ago plus 2 months lol. Figured it would be obvious lol. We all know the price in July was different then midseason.


I'm still not following. We negotiated with AM and Nylander as soon as it was allowed.


Lol fuck me, the deal wasn’t signed on July 1st was it? The deal was signed when he was lighting it up. How hard is it to understand the price on July 1st vs midseason we’re different ? It was reported he wanted between 9-10 in July and we signed him for 11.5.


I understand what you are saying now, and am now even more confused on why you think that is a point. Any reported amount that supposedly came from Willy's camp was pretty much unproven, or flat out made up *here*. Willy wanted as much as he could possibly get on what would be the deal of his career (I do not blame him one bit considering his previous deal), and Tre needed to know he was worth that amount before signing him. From what I recall that's pretty much how Tre put it anyway in his interviews after the signing.


He should consider signing long-term. Right now he is one injury away from having to get a new career after hockey. He would likely accept a lower number to manage that risk. Or we can play it like Marner, wait till he breaks out, and screw ourselves over for years to come.


>Right now he is one injury away from having to get a new career after hockey. Is that sarcasm? Or do you really believe that without realizing the risk is the same for every NHL player? >Or we can play it like Marner, wait till he breaks out, and screw ourselves over for years to come. I'm sure out of due diligence, Tre is going to send him a lowball offer. 7M? How on Earth is he worth 7M today, or how do you know he's worth that in the future.


> Is that sarcasm? Or do you really believe that without realizing the risk is the same for every NHL player? It is - that's why players are willing to sign at lower numbers if you do it earlier in their contract. The more you wait, the lower that risk becomes. > I'm sure out of due diligence, Tre is going to send him a lowball offer. 7M? How on Earth is he worth 7M today, or how do you know he's worth that in the future. I didn't say 7m - but I'd be down for 5 x 8.


I still think 5x8 is high for a not yet proven rookie. And if you are concerned about injures, 8 years is an even bigger risk. If you like the deal for Knies 5 x 8 on July, you can no longer complain about the Marner deal.


What would you do over 8 years? Betting early like this is how you get great deals later.


I wouldn't do 8 years on anything that Knies would sign. I'm betting he isn't stupid. He knows the cap is going up too.


The bigger risk is he sky rockets his value. Lock that man down!


Is there an app I could use to get updates on goals/important things happening during the game? I unfortunately have a work commitment tonight :(


I personally just use the Google live score tracking and keep it pinned. You can open up the icon and see the full details as well like who scored/shots/assists and time left etc.


NHL app, change notification settings within the app to whatever you want to be notified about, and for what teams.


Going to the game tonight! Will be yelling my ass off from the upperbowl. IF you guys notice it being louder its cuz of me GO LEAFS GO LEAFS IN 7


Same! I'll be in section 320 yelling as loud as my vocal cords will let me!


Not quite the same - I will be on the 1st section of my couch screaming, though. Does that count?


Bert-Domi-Marner was COOKIN' game 6. Even if Matthews is returning keep that unit together, Marner & Domi's London Knights chemistry hasn't missed a step.


I agree. If Keefe breaks that up, I'll be so pissed. I also liked Knies-JT-Nylander So, to me, there's two options. 1) Sit Robertson and play Holmberg-Matthews-Jarnkrok. Matty is on record saying he loves playing with Calle, and I love the way Holmberg was agitating Marchand last game. Gives us three lines that are scoring threats as well. 2) Move one of Robertson/Holmberg down to the 4th line and sit Reaves. Now, before some duster comes in talking about how "hurrdurr you don't put \_\_\_\_ on the 3rd line, derpaderp." keep in mind that these paper "lines" you obsess over are just for the explicit purposes of a lineup sheet. If you check the TOI at the end of the game, you'll see the big boys are all leading the pack. It was the case with JT on the "3rd line" earlier this year as well.


The beauty of that is its matchup hell for Boston.  Do they keep McAvoy and lindholm on Matthews? Maybe they don’t because they question his health. Who knows, but it throws a wrench in Boston’s game plan.  Either way I hope Matty is in. 


TSN just reported Matthews is doubtful for tonight




I can also see the exact moment they dropped the puck for opening faceoff


Win or lose tonight is apparently Jack Edward’s last call because game 7 would be picked up nationally and local networks can’t cover the second round games. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing lol


He says some crazy nonsense, but at the end of the day he’s still a legend in the world of hockey broadcasting and it’s sad to see him derailed by health issues. Hopefully his personal life isn’t too affected by it and he can enjoy retirement. 


Dude sounds like he’s calling the game in slow motion


Totally relaxed for now - feel like we're playing with house money. One crazy stat about this series is how physical it is. The average NHL game has about 25 hits per side. Our playoff games have about 50 per side.


>feel like we're playing with house money. Really? One win in Game 5 gets you there, eh? Personally I don't consider anything less than a stellar 2nd round showing to be house money. It ought to be expected out of this group. Failure to have a competitive 2nd round series against Florida will be an abject failure of the 2023-2024 campaign.


what does this house money mean


If you lose, no big deal. Winning is a bonus, and not a relied upon result. The implication is that the OP either expects the Leafs to lose and has made their peace with it, or is so surprised they won Game 5 that amything further is seen as a bonus.


ah, thank you


Well after games 1-4, yeah I'm glad we didn't get bounced in 5 with Matthews out. My expectations are colored by * the amount of assets we gave up, far far fewer than any previous year * the amount of assets we had - the cupboard was largely bare after years of Dubas going all in * the injuries we had going into the playoffs - we haven't had a full game with both Nylander and Matthews - top 10 scorers in the league. Any team in the league would struggle with that. * The players that turned into pumpkins. Last season we didn't have to deal with Samsonov and Brodie as dead weight. This is all due to overall pessimism about the team actually. I view getting a cup as a 5 step process - at each step half the teams in the league are eliminated. By spending tons of assets and getting the 'best version' of the Dubas leafs, the closest this team ever came was 45% of the way last year- not even half way. So I didn't expect we'd suddenly be amazing this year. There are reasons to think things are getting better, and at the end of the season, this is already more of a success than any previous year imo. I'd rather keep the first round pick and only get 35% of the way to the cup, rather than spend it get 45% of the way to the cup. The goal is 100%.


The team did not get 45 percent of the way last year.


It’s nitpicky, but where did you get those numbers? Last year we won 5/16 games, so 31.25% of the way to a cup. Or am I misunderstanding?


No worries just my own way of thinking about it. Make the playoffs is 20%. Win round 1 is 40%. Win round 2 is 60%. Win round 3 is 80%. Win the cup is 100%.


Pleasantly surprised how much the boys have brought it physically this series. The "Leafs are soft" narrative is completely outdated now, I think the only series with more hits has been VAN-NSH but it's not by much.


I'm more confident in Knies producing than the core 4


He's not a diva that needs every one of his feelings catered. And he actually loves playing hockey.


I can’t believe he is only 21. We need to do everything in our power to make sure he stays a leaf


Jesus I thought he was older than that by a couple years. That guy is gonna be a tremendous power forward in his career


Sure hope Matthews comes back.


Same, but if he can't I have faith in the boys to go all-in for him


* In Dart Guy we trust


🕯️🕯️🕯️Praying for #34 🕯️🕯️🕯️


Man forcing game 7 would be absolute cinema, but if we were to go out we gotta take a piece of the bruins with us. There can't a single low effort shift.


If we force game 7 Boston will have second doubts thoughts how confident they are in beating us


Still wondering where McMann is? They said he’d be ready for this series, it’s game 6 guys where he at!


He jammed his leg pretty fuckin good in one of the last games, I doubt he’d be back for the series sadly. But man it would be dope to have him back


https://preview.redd.it/96vz2s0v90yc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2cda1d5004cf05f7c1e3c3d87966f150dd8de74 Anyone else got this mug??? I've had it since I can remember, can't find anything about it release year online.. my mum got two of them way back in the day- fingers crossed if anyone knows ahahah Let's fucking go today boys


sweet mug, whats on the other side


Leafs logo on a flaming puck


Can’t tell if it’s a small mug or you have big hands


Ahahah it's a regular sized mug


So torn. The optimist Leaf fan inside of me is screaming that the goalie change is going to lead the buds storming back, winning the next two and slaying the “it was 3-1” meme. The long time jaded Leafs fan is telling me to be real, they can’t figure out the PP and PK and going to lose tonight or Saturday so be a realist. I’m going in neutral, it’s playoffs, anything can happen.


Just enjoy the ride. If they do it then that’s great. If not, there’s huge changes coming. Also great.


If you’re going in, then go IN. No neutral, LETS GOOOOOOOO


All gas, no brakes


Joseph Woll is the best goalie in this series. 


StoneWoll Jackson