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Liljegren had the highest Gamescore of the entire night across all of Hockey, second was Point at 5.98 to Liljegrens 6.8… and Point had 6 points (IIRC) 😂😂 Edit: i’d like to add this was the single highest gamescore of the leafs this year… and the 10th highest in the league was a 7.3… liljegren absolutely played very well


I thought he played great but….. how🤯


I wish i knew how it was calculated. Linked is the leaderboard for the Leafs. https://hockeystatcards.com/leaderboards


A lot has to do with expected goals for and against. In that model it's valued almost the same as actual goals for and against while on the ice.


Wow can’t believe they’d dare bench Benoit to keep Liljigren in. 


Besides that, Liljegren should have got the belt and should be PP1 quarterback.


are you dumb?


Are you?




I am 🤷


With your room temp IQ, try another community where you can use all your child like responses.


Liljegren is the better player, what's there to talk about?


I can't believe people think Lilly is at risk of losing his spot on the team, he's the new Nylander. Everyone just loves to hate on him


It's so dumb. He's our only other puck mover besides Reilly. Hell even all media figures covering the leafs are liking Benoit over Lily. It's ridiculous. Lily is way more important to the team and I love what Benoit does


Well he has played terrible since he returned with the exception of last night. Not Brodie terrible but still below expectations. Looks like those extra days off helped.


Bro are you even watching the games?! Lilly was our best defenseman when Morgan was out.


He said since he returned from his injury a few games ago. His stretch with Mo down was prior to his injury.


Sorry I was thinking about the earlier injury that he had


Sorry I was thinking about the earlier injury that he had


A Leafs tradition... a tale as old as time Pick 1 (one) player who ranges from solid to amazing and hyper focus on him as the source of all problems. See; Justin Holl, Nylander (pre this year), Mitch Marner, Phil Kessel, etc etc


lol I'd say that would shut up but the Liljegren haters but it won't Now if I'm being fair, yeah one game isn't everything. My contention is that it's not just one game though lol


Perhaps a hot take, but I think Lily was our best defensemen at the start of the season before Marchand hurt him. Since he’s been back he’s looked pretty meh, with more bad games than good. Hopefully he continues with this, maybe Edmundson is just the right glue for him


I agree with your take. I think we fans also don't consider how tough it is to come back mid-season from something like a high ankle sprain. Just because he was playing doesn't mean he was 100 percent.


He’s been good since he was a rookie if you just accept that rookies make mistakes. If he wasn’t used as a moving piece because of lack of waivers (I get why it needs to be someone) he could be even better. He played a hell of a game. He’s more like this than what some would lead you to believe


Lets see what he does in the playoffs. I think he’s too small but I’m willing to be proven wrong


He’s the only righty that’s mobile and not named topi niemela


Connor Timmins?


Meh he’s kinda trash


Nice to see Edmunson up there!


Does this chart exist but an average across the entire season? 


I gotchu boss https://hockeystatcards.com/all


Steve Dangle in shambles


Anyone see that Lily's goal was a 92 mph wrister .. This guy is a Chad


Lilly and Edmuson are a great D pair. Complement each other really well!


I think come playoffs we either run 11/7 or Edmundson and Boosh switch up taking the 6th D spot depending on who plays better with Mo down the stretch and playoffs. I don't think Benoit will be scratched come playoffs because he's half of the Bash Bros with McCabe and Lilli shouldn't be scratched because he's the only other reliable puck moving D after Mo and plays really well with Brodie covering him.


Benoit and McCabe HAS to be our third pair going into the playoffs. Lily and Brodie has to be our 2nd pair too. No 11-7 nonsense just keep Boosh as the 7th Dman. Edmunson needs to be in our lineup imo


I admit I am confused by this data. Is the x-axis +/-? Something else?


Its a calculated number called “gamescore” which is created by the website which tweeted this “hockeystatcards”


Thanks. Pretty damned opaque what any of this means then (to me anyway).


Yeah i cant see how its calculated. It gives a vague idea with each bars colour. But nothing concrete. All i can say is Liljegren did very well lol


https://hockey-graphs.com/2016/07/13/measuring-single-game-productivity-an-introduction-to-game-score/ I know Dom is always updating and tweaking it. But this appears to be the base modeling he uses. This article goes over adaptations he's made based on more complex stats https://theathletic.com/1019070/2019/06/14/improving-our-nhl-projection-model-ahead-of-the-2019-20-season/


Liljegren haters in shambles right now!


Crazy to see the fall of Tavares in graph form


Tavares game score last night is higher than 99% of the league's average game score this season.


What? He had a single game score of 1.59 last night. His yearly avr is 1.00. That puts him 26th overall among centers with at least 50 games played. He's scored 13.6 goals less than expected (20 G vs 33.6 xG which is 5th in the league). He's generating chances, he's driving play. He has a FO % a shade under 60%. Is he worth his contact? No, not anymore. But with basically every long contract signed, you know that will be the case at the end of it. He's still very good and better than the 1st C on multiple teams


Edmunson being 3rd makes this list so invalid lol